We should already be aware that we are walking in the End Times.  The primary indicator is the State of Israel.  The fact that it exists, is a clear sign that the LORD is bringing His plan to it’s fulfillment.  I have covered this in many previous posts.  TODAY, there are so many other signs that confirm that things are ramping up and we are close to the RETURN of our LORD.

Things are escalating and time is running out.  Below are some of my earlier posts on this topic.  This post will present some you may not already know about.  Hopefully you will be convinced that we are nearing the return of our Lord with every tick of the clock.  Share this information with your friends and family.  PRAY that everyone who can be saved will be saved.  KEEP LOOKING UP!!  FOR YOUR REDEMPTION DRAWETH NIGH!!









at that time shall Michael stand up



Can We Know We Are In The Endtimes?


For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.

For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.

But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.

Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.

Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.

For they that sleep sleep in the night; and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.

But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ,

10 Who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him.

11 Wherefore comfort yourselves together, and edify one another, even as also ye do.

12 And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you;

13 And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be at peace among yourselves.

14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.

15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.

16 Rejoice evermore.

17 Pray without ceasing.

18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

19 Quench not the Spirit.

20 Despise not prophesyings.

21 Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.

22 Abstain from all appearance of evil.

23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

24 Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it.

25 Brethren, pray for us.

26 Greet all the brethren with an holy kiss.

27 I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read unto all the holy brethren.

28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. Amen.


No, the term of the President of the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) is one year, and the term of the UN Secretary-General is five years. The presidency of the UNGA rotates annually between five geographic groups. The presidency of the UN Security Council rotates monthly among its ten nonpermanent members. 

New UN Secretary-General may be elected for 7 years for first time — UN General Assembly

11 Apr 2016, 14:13

The office term of the United Nations current Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon, expires on December 31

Mogens Lykketoft AP Photo/Richard Drew

Mogens Lykketoft

© AP Photo/Richard Drew

UNITED NATIONS, April 11. /TASS/. The next UN Secretary-General can be elected for 7 years instead of 5 years for the first time and not be eligible for reelection. President of the UN General Assembly Mogens Lykketoft has told TASS that such an opportunity is currently discussed by the UN member-countries during the secret consultations.

“This discussion was already going on during the revitalization discussion in the last session,” he said. “According to him, “some countries want a single not renewable term of seven years.” Lykketoft noted that “there is no provision in the charter about the term, there only an indication that he should be appointed by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Security Council.

The General Assembly president recalled that in the past the Security Council while representing a candidate to be endorsed by the General Assembly also recommended a certain term for him. However, “in principle the General Assembly could take a different decision. There are no Charter regulations on this,” Lykketoft said.

He added that during the closed-door talks countries were able to agree on making the process of electing the secretary-general more transparent and organizing the informal hearings with the candidates’ participation, which will begin later this week.

According to him, to date, the UN member-countries were unable to agree on three other key issues. “One – should there be a definite timeline or a last point of time for presenting candidates. The other one is there is no decision on the single term as many counties have asked for,” he said. “It is still discussed and it could be decided upon as late as when the name or the names are presented (by the Security Council). The last question is should you ask the Security Council to bring forward more than one name that’s also a pending discussion in the revitalization group in the General Assembly,” Lykketoft said.

Ban Ki-moon’s term expires on December 31. He has been in office since January 1, 2007. To date, there are eight candidates for the next UN chief: UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova (Bulgaria), UN Development Program Administrator Helen Clark (New Zealand), Montenegro’s Foreign Minister Igor Luksic, former President of Slovenia Danilo Turk, Portugal’s former Prime Minister Antonio Guterres, former Foreign Minister Srgjan Kerim of Macedonia, Natalia Gherman, former Moldova’s Foreign Minister, and former Foreign Minister of Croatia Vesna Pusic. On April 12-14 they will take part in the public hearings, the first in the history of the UN.

For information on the action taken by the Fifth Committee on the item, please see the relevant Report of the Fifth Committee (A/77/654) and/or consult the Fifth Committee website.

This agenda item will be considered at the seventy-eighth session (2023).


Philémon Yang
President of the United Nations General Assembly

Yunji Yang

Philémon Yunji Yang is a Cameroonian politician who served as Prime Minister of Cameroon from 2009 to 2019, having previous held various ministerial and diplomatic roles. He is the longest-serving Prime Minister in Cameroonian history. Wikipedia

Born: 1947 (age 77 years), Bui, Cameroon
Office: President of the United Nations General Assembly since 9/10/ 2024
Previous office: Prime Minister of Cameroon (2009–2019)
Nationality: Cameroonian


The number 47 is often associated with occult energies, mysticism, psychic abilities, creativity, intuition, memory, and carries a strong spiritual connotation in various esoteric traditions, although interpretations can vary depending on the system being studied. 
Why 47 might hold this meaning:
  • Numerology:
    In numerology, 47 is derived by adding the digits of 4 and 7 together (4+7=11), which is then further reduced to 2 (1+1). In esoteric symbolism, the number two represents duality. The deeper meaning of this is a reflection of the Self because two is derived from one plus one. At the deepest level of esoteric meaning, the two represents the conscious mind and the subconscious mind; the light and dark side of your character – that which is known and that which is unknown.
  • Symbolic associations:
    • Number 4Represents stability, foundation, structure, and the material world.
    • Number 7: Linked to spirituality, introspection, inner wisdom, psychic abilities, and intuition.
    • Combined meaning: When combined, 47 can be interpreted as a bridge between the material and spiritual realms, signifying the potential to access higher knowledge through intuition and inner guidance.
  • Mystical traditions:
    Some esoteric schools associate 47 with powerful spiritual energies, particularly related to the concept of the “inner teacher” or the ability to tap into higher consciousness.


  • According to R. Allendy, this number represents “the evolution, 7, continuing in the eternal mechanism of the world, 40, by a personal effort and a fight – 4+7 = 11; 1+1 = 2”.
  • Forty seven is considered as being the number of the Law.

47 (the evil number)

47 is all around us. It flows in our veins and courses through our bodies. 47 is considered by many, including those of the Roman Catholic faith, to be the root of all evil, the spawn of original sin. It has been confirmed by sources in the Vatican that the serpent which tempted eve to take the fruit from the forbidden tree had a pattern of 47 diamonds along its abnormal length.  Seriously?  And just how did they prove that?

The number 47 instils violence in all who encounter it. In Mark 14: 47 an unfortunate servant of the high priests of Judaism who come to arrest Jesus after his betrayal, an event leading to his crucifixion, has his ear cut from his head by the sword of a disciple of Jesus (generally accepted to be Simon-Peter, at the time 47 years old and prone to aggression even under the calming influence of Jesus’ divinity).

The AK-47 (derived from the Russian Автомат Калашникова образца 1947 года) is a gas-operated assault rifle used in the Cold-war and often thought of by many as the most dangerous firearm in existence due to its availability and relative cheap design. In reflection of its evil nature most advanced cultures have placed comprehensive laws banning the use of the weapon and any variants of it. The AK-47 is a favourite weapon for instilling terror and pain in entire nations and is now most commonly used by the أنت الآن خان terrorist organisation (loosely translated as “now you’re fucked”).

there is also another clue to the 47 mystery. In the game hitman, the name of the included hitman is called “agent 47” coincidence?? I think not.

ancient Incan ruins of the Sun Temple in Peru, temple was built as a central location between two other temples located in the mountains. The Sun Temple was perfectly placed to see the Winter Solstice as it hit the first temple at 47 degrees and the Summer Solstice where it hit the third temple at 47 degrees. Coincidence? I think not.   SOURCE

Number 77 – In religion

In the Islamic tradition, “77” figures prominently. Muhammad is reported to have explained, “Faith has sixty-odd, or seventy-odd branches, the highest and best of which is to declare and believe that there is no god but Allah without any equals or highers and anyone worthy of worship, and the lowest of which is to remove something harmful from a road. Shyness, too, is a branch of faith.” While some scholars refrain from clarifying “sixty-odd or seventy-odd”, various numbers have been suggested, 77 being the most common.[8] Some have gone so far as to delineate these branches.[9]

The Gospel of Luke lists 77 generations from Adam to Jesus.[10] In the Gospel of Matthew Peter asks, “How many times shall I forgive my brother?”. Jesus replies, “Seventy-seven times.” However this was not intended as literal quantitative instruction. Additionally, depending on the manuscript used for a given New Testament eclectic[11][circular reference] translation, the result is 77 or 490 (70*7) as it is seen in the King James Version.

In the Book of Genesis, Chapter 4, Lamech says to his wives, “hear my voice … hearken unto my speech; for I have slain a man for wounding me, and a young man for bruising me; If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seventy and sevenfold.[12]

In religious numerology

In certain numerological systems based on the English alphabet, the number 77 is associated with Jesus Christ. CHRIST is C = 3, H = 8, R = 18, I = 9, S = 19, T = 20, which added together equal 77.

‘Liber 77’ is the gematrian name for Liber OZ– a brief but popular publication by Aleister Crowley. The word ‘oz’, which means ‘strength’, is composed of two Hebrew letters– ayin and zayin, which have gematrian values of 70 and 7 respectively, thus adding up to 77.

Properties of the number 77

  • According to R. Allendy, this number joins the part of evolution to the whole evolution – report of the cosmic evolution and the individual evolution.
  • Symbol of sinners who lived before the arrival of the Christ according to Fathers’ of the Church, because this number is the product of 7, the creature evolving, by 11, the transgression.
  • For Saint Augustin, it is the last limit of the sin since this number is the product of 11, number of the sin, by 7, number of the perfection.
  • According to Jacob Boehme, 77 is the total number of the divine revelation thanks to the Word formed. Because starting from only one Verb speaking and a unique vital spirit, it exit 77 languages of which “five belong to the Spirit of God who speaks by his children when and as He wants; but the sixty-twelve others belong to the persons and to the human particularities by which speaking the own intelligence of the man, telling at the same time lies and truths. Also the sixty-twelve languages, that is to say Babel, must pass by the court of God and the pure has to be separated from the impure and to undergo the test of the fire“.


The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers in numerology The 11 is the most intuitive of all numbers. It represents illumination; a channel to the subconscious; insight without rational thought; and sensitivity, nervous energy, shyness, and impracticality. It is a dreamer.

The Master number 11 has all the aspects of the 2, but is considerably enhanced and charged with charisma, leadership, and inspiration. It is a number with inborn duality, which creates dynamism, inner conflict, and other catalysts with its mere presence.   Source



There are so many End Times signs that have been occurring increasingly over the past few decades, as GOD provides us with warnings to encourage us to turn from our wicked ways and be saved.   I don’t have time or space to go into all of them.  Frank DiMora Ministry has been documenting them for years.  He works hard to keep his information updated and available.  Check out his site below:

End Times Research Ministry   Frank DiMora

Your Source for Real Time Bible Prophecy
The following link is for his Book: Last Chronicles of Planet Earth

and here is the information on his website:


Through the recent decades we have seen waters of every type, in multiple nations and locations turning red as blood.  Scientists tell us that the can explain this away, but their explanations don’t really make sense and sometimes are even laughable.  But, no one is laughing at the increasing numbers of these type of events.  This is clearly meant as a warning from GOD.    You can find many examples through a youtube search for WATERS TURNED TO BLOOD.
