Ask yourself these question… WHO ELECTED, APPOINTED or even asked the Ruling Elite to make all our decisions for us??? They believe that they have a divine right, but they are deceived!! Why do the masses just accept this as fate?? Who is Klaus Schwab?? Where did he come from and where does he get off thinking that he is some kind of GOD?
If you don’t know the answers to those questions…stay through to the end of this post.

When my daughter was young she said to me “Mom, you should write a book.” I laughed and said “I have often considered it, but who wants to hear what I have to say? I am nobody. And even if they did listen to me, they would NEVER BELIEVE ME.” When God first started showing me all these truths, this stuff was not known. You could not find any information on any of it anywhere. When I first learned of the books of Enoch and Esdras, you would be hard pressed to find them. I found them in a library where they were kept behind closed doors and chained to a huge heavy desk.

Yes, God was beginning to show other people the truth at the same time, because of the times we were living in. But, they too were having trouble finding anyone to listen to them much less believe them.

I am so thankful for this webpage and the opportunity to share the TRUTHS GOD REVEALS.  I am so thankful for all the other courageous people who are daily lifting up the Word of GOD and sharing what they KNOW of HIM!  I still find that people do not listen or believe.  That is why I started some time back, to use articles and videos created by other people with much more impressive credentials, experience and education that I have, who present their evidence online.  I thought that then people would be more inclined to believe.  Not so.  I have learned that ONLY THOSE LEAD BY GOD will ever see and hear.  Those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.   Anyone can be lead by GOD…all you have to do is seek HIM with all of your heart.

Today, PRAISE GOD, people are waking up! They are HEARING and BELIEVING. They are even searching out the WORD and seeking the FACE of GOD! Hallelujah!!

Time is running out. Please, do your due diligence and get informed about what is happening in the world and why. You cannot defeat an enemy you do not know.

The Kingdom of God suffers violence, and the VIOLENT taketh it by force.  Matthew 11:12


WEF – Open Your Eyes