Unbelievable! Apparently, they have had for some time now, a hand held suction device for performing abortions. With the ban on surgical abortions they are calling the manual abortion a mensural period restoration, in order to avoid prosecution. They are hoping to introduce it as a regular medical service so that it will be covered by health insurance and any physician could perform it. Of course that would be a big boon for the abortion industry as the cost would be covered and once it is a regular medical treatment they can force doctors to perform them. Just like they can force you to take the vaccine.
Even more concerning is that they are pushing for women to perform this particular abortion option on themselves at home!
These women are determined to continue to have abortions as their choice for birth control. If they cannot obtain abortions easily and affordably in medical facilities they will get the job done one way or another at home.
Though anyone who understands the TRUTH, knows that abortion/KILLING INFANTS IN THE WOMB is wrong, it is evil and it makes the mother a victim as well as the infant.
I am sad to say this will NEVER change, at least not until the Lord returns. Why? Because humanity is bound by sin and has been since the fall. From the beginning Satan and his minions knew all they had to do was to get humans focused on SELF. Easily done, because we are all born with a selfish nature. The Fallen Angels taught every kind of evil to humans including how to kill the baby in the womb.
The Fallen Angels and Abortion (Molech) – pt 5 After his expulsion by GOD, Cain moved to the land of “Nod”, which means “exile” or “wandering”. Eventually, Cain became a builder of cities and applied his knowledge in farming (Gen 4:2) to set up agriculture, through the use of slaves or laborers. Without the application of agricultural science, great cities and civilizations would not have been sustainable. Cain is also credited as the author of measurements and weights. Unto this day, the descendants of Cain are still the masters over many forms of slavery, trade, banking and usury. For the love of money is the root of all evil (1 Timothy 6:10). Follow the money trail to find the perpetrators.
The fallen angels taught their flesh wives hidden, or forbidden, knowledge, including pharmakeia (pharmacia), meaning drugs to induce hallucinations and false spiritual highs, for use in occult rituals to communicate with satan and his lieutenants. They also taught mankind how to perform abortions.
The Fallen Angels and Abortion (Five simple words) – pt 6
Enoch warned of the days when abortion would be widespread. The word “miscarriage” is “abort” in a different translation. Children will be mangled and cast away through medical abortions.
spacer Book of Jasher, Chapter 219 For in those days the sons of men began to trespass against God, and to transgress the commandments which 20 And some of the sons of men caused their wives to drink a draught that would render them barren, in order that they might retain their figures and whereby their beautiful appearance might not fade. 21 And when the sons of men caused some of their wives to drink, Zillah drank with them. 22 And the child-bearing women appeared abominable in the sight of their husbands as widows, whilst their husbands lived, for to the barren ones only they were attached. |
Every pagan religion since NIMROD has offered humans a system in which they can feel spiritual, have a type of religion, that has nothing to do with the Creator. A religion that frees them from the Commandments of God, and allows them to indulge their lusts and desires without condemnation.
Evil in the Last Days 1This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away. |
The NEW AGE RELIGION tells them that GOD is LOVE. They are loved no matter what they do. There is no sin, there is no evil,, there is no right or wrong. Just follow your heart. So, in their minds they are not doing anything wrong. In their minds it is the Bible Believers that are wrong. They see us as forcing our will on them and ruining their lives.
These people are lost. I regret to say, by their own CHOICE. They reject the plan of God and prefer the short term freedom to wallow in their sin. Pray for them. Keep speaking the truth. Share the Good News with them. We don’t know who might be saved.
Babies can now be aborted at home with a hand-held sucking tool.
The Activists Fighting to Legalize DIY Abortions
Historically, many women who ended their pregnancies did so at home. In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, early abortion was legal under common law, according to Leslie Reagan’s When Abortion Was a Crime, a landmark survey of the history of abortion law published in 1997. Until the “quickening,” which refers to the moment at which a woman can feel the fetus moving in her—about four months into a pregnancy—the procedure was not seen as criminal, and indeed was widely accepted. Many women at the time didn’t see termination before this point as “abortion,” as we understand it now; instead, they conceptualized it as “restoring one’s menses,” or simply making a missing menstrual period return.
“Restoring the menses was a domestic practice,” Reagan writes. “Savin, derived from juniper bushes, was the most popular abortifacient and easily acquired since junipers grew wild throughout the country. Other herbs used as abortifacients included pennyroyal, tansy, ergot, and seneca snakeroot. Slave women used cottonroot. Many of these useful plants could be found in the woods or cultivated in gardens, and women could refer to home medical guides for recipes for ‘bringing on the menses.'”
Today, however, abortion outside of an institutional, medical setting is unthinkable to most people. But Adams says there are myriad reasons why a person might choose to have a self-induced abortion: In addition to financial and geographical limitations, an individual might simply be too intimidated to walk into a clinic, especially if a barrage of anti-abortion activists stands in their way. Also, she says, people who historically have not had a positive experience dealing with formal medical care—those who identify as LGBTQ or gender-nonconforming, for example—may feel uncomfortable having such an intimate experience in that setting.
“Abortion is a very common experience,” Adams says. Because of the sheer number of people who will have an abortion in their lifetime, and considering how diverse that group will be, “it’s really irrational to expect that there’s a one-size-fits-all model to abortion care that’s going to work for everyone.“
Those who oppose the use of misoprostol at home argue that the one-size-fits-all model exists to protect women’s health. According to the World Health Organization, taking misoprostol alone is not as effective as its use in combination with mifepristone. “The effectiveness of misoprostol alone is lower, the time to complete abortion is prolonged, and the abortion process is more painful and associated with higher rates of gastrointestinal side-effects than when misoprostol is combined with mifepristone,” a report noted. But because of its wide availability and affordable cost, “its broader use has been reported to contribute to a decrease in complications from unsafe abortion.”
People have been taking care of themselves for thousands of years, she says. “The right of people to end their own pregnancies in their own ways—it’s a fundamental human right. [People] shouldn’t be stigmatized for their decisions to do this.”
‘A gamechanger’: this simple device could help fight the war on abortion rights in the US
Only a tiny fraction of primary care physicians provide abortion care. Dr Joan Fleischman believes that training them in a simple and easy abortion method might be the best way to offset the war on access
by Poppy Noor
Sarah Blesener/The Guardian
Tuesday, April 18, 2023
Joan Fleischman has always had people flying in from across the world to her private abortion practice in Manhattan. In the two decades her clinic has been open, she has seen clients from places such as Ireland, the Bahamas and Mexico, who couldn’t get abortions in their home countries. In the past year, that has changed. Since the US federal right to abortion was overturned in June last year, she is now more likely to see patients flying in from her own country.
Often they are from Texas, sometimes Ohio, or Florida. Some with links to the city, others with none.
After years of providing abortion care, Fleischman, 60, still finds these trips shocking. “Usually, if somebody needs unusual medical care, they are willing to fly around the world for it – like for advanced neurosurgery or something. It’s always struck me as incredible that people are flying to me for the most simple procedure.”
There’s a reason people fly to see Fleischman. She provides abortions through manual uterine aspiration – using a small, hand-held device to remove pregnancy tissue. The device is gentle enough that the tissue often comes out almost completely intact. ( I am sorry, I find it disgusting that she refers to the tiny infant human as TISSUE!) It is a quick and discreet procedure where a patient might be in and out of the door in less than an hour.
Fleischman is a co-founder of the MYA Network, a network of primary care clinics and clinicians in 16 states. They believe the tool could be radical in the hands of more primary care clinicians – clinicians they are amping up to train.

Manual aspiration is not new: it is used by many big abortion clinics across the US. But those are notoriously overstretched. In 2020, before Roe v Wade was overturned, 38% of reproductive-age women lived in counties with no abortion provider at all.
Especially given the threat to mifepristone, the MYA Network believes primary-care clinicians, who are vastly more common than abortion providers, are well placed to help.
But while more than 73% of primary-care doctors believe abortion care to be within their scope of practice, a tiny fraction – less than 10% – of primary-care doctors actually provide it.
The network is planning to unveil an online curriculum and in-person trainings for the procedure, which many of the clinicians and institutions in the network have already been doing in their own states.
“The number of clinicians who could be trained would be limitless,” says Michele Gomez, a co-founder of the MYA Network of clinicians.
“There are so many clinicians out there who want to do something to help but just don’t know how, and this information and support could be a gamechanger.”
As a young woman, Fleischman often felt compromised. She frequently traveled overseas as a teenager to do basic aid work with a volunteer group, and would feel fear and humiliation from the unwanted sexual attention she would receive. That was the beginning of her understanding, as she describes it, of the constant vulnerability women walk around with.
By 18, Fleischman had had her first abortion – an experience she describes as routine, mundane even. The pregnancy came as she started her first year at the University of Chicago, and was the least of her concerns. “It was a no-brainer. I was like, ‘Pregnant? Nope, I’m going to be a doctor.’ So I went to Planned Parenthood and took care of it,” says Fleischman.
It wasn’t until she started providing abortions that she even thought about the experience again.
Fleischman was in her 30s, living in New York and already trained as a family practice doctor, when she saw an advertisement offering to teach doctors how to do surgical abortions.
“I realized that after all these years in training, I’d never got to even see an abortion. I had saved lives, helped people at the height of the Aids crisis. I had delivered babies. These are things a family doctor does,” she says. “I was like, ‘Why? That’s ridiculous.’ That’s where the passion started.”
Fleischman took up more training, learning to perform abortions at a Planned Parenthood, in 1995.
Planned Parenthood – as Fleischman pointed out herself – is the place where people “go to get it done”. It is a vital lifeline for many people, providing hundreds of thousands of abortions every year, many to low-income and uninsured clients.

Fleischman recalls her Planned Parenthood training: “Women went station to station. They got their blood drawn, and then they sat in a little waiting room with other people. They got their ultrasound; they sat in another little waiting room, always with paper gowns on. They had been fasting for the whole night before. They saw a counsellor. Then they were in a bigger waiting room. And then they got called by name, to come in for their procedure. The surgeon went from room to room to room, doing 50 to 60 abortions a day.”
She wanted to personalize the experience. For patients to be able to come in with their partners, to be talked through their options and their concerns, fully. “I just felt so disconnected. It seemed to me that the doctor was really a technician emptying uteruses,” she continues.
“I was like, ‘I want to create a different model. I want people to have a different experience going through this’.”
As the US is learning, ethical quandaries always arise when abortion is banned: what to do for the woman who turns up septic after a failed self-managed abortion? How to deal with life-threatening pregnancies that require intervention but also require an abortion? What about cases of rape, incest or pregnant children?
Essentially: how much pain is the state willing to impose on people when it restricts reproductive freedom?
“Menstrual regulation”, as it came to be known – using the same manual aspiration technique that Fleischman now uses – became a sort of legal loophole, allowing safe abortions for early pregnancies.
By 1974, menstrual regulation was legal and by 1979, Bangladesh started providing the procedure through its national family planning program.
Now, one might walk through a busy street in Bangladesh and find a sign advertising menstrual regulation in a country where, at least officially, abortion is only allowed in life-threatening situations. A woman simply comes in and explains she has missed her period. She doesn’t take a pregnancy test before the procedure, and nobody asks her to. As long as she sees the clinician before 12 weeks, they will “restore her period” for her.

It also gives doctors discretion without explicitly violating the law.
“They say: ‘I know if I don’t provide this care, this woman is going to go off and do something that is unsafe, and she’ll be back to my facility ill, needing emergency care, so therefore, I am saving her life by providing this procedure,’” Powell explains.
Fleischman, who worked in Bangladesh in her youth, and her colleagues in the MYA Network are adamant they are only proposing manual aspiration be used legally in the US – for abortion care where it is legal, and miscarriage management where it is not. But its use in ordinary medical settings could still provide a radical opportunity in the US, she says, by expanding the number of clinicians who can easily perform the procedure up until 12 weeks.
Others have touted this idea, in a slightly different way: anyone can learn to use a manual aspiration device, and manage their own abortions, some activists argue. All they need to learn to do is to insert a cannula, which is like a large straw, through the natural opening of the cervix, and then attach the aspiration device. The device is like a syringe, which creates a vacuum. Once the pressure is released, the contents of the uterus are gently removed. The self-management option has other advantages – like cutting out the middle man in a climate where doctors are increasingly scared to provide abortion care, and equipping people with self-knowledge when the future of access to abortion is unclear.
Fleischman understands the necessity of self-managed abortion, especially in places where the procedure is illegal. But she believes that after receiving care, people should always be able to follow up with a clinician who knows their case if anything goes wrong, or even if it doesn’t. It dismays her that people are living in a climate in the US where they might not have that option; where people might be too scared to look for help; and where they may suffer with complications alone in the rare instances when something does go wrong.
In states where abortion is legal, manual aspiration provides the opportunity to treat abortion like mainstream medicine, rather than something that’s siloed into abortion clinics, which are visible, small in number and under constant threat.
The case brought by anti-abortion groups against the FDA’s approval of mifepristone – which is one of two abortion drugs used in more than half of all abortions in the US – will almost certainly be decided by the supreme court. The uncertainly over its future, Fleischman argues, could make the expanded use of manual aspiration critical to preserving abortion and miscarriage care.
Some providers may switch to abortions using only the second drug, misoprostol. But misoprostol-only abortions are slightly less effective, and more often require care for incomplete abortions. That could result in straining already stretched abortion clinics, which will probably have more people knocking at their doors for both surgical abortions and follow-up care.
With manual aspiration on the other hand, doctors can be mostly certain that the procedure is complete before the patient leaves the state.

Bennett trains several dozen students a year in manual aspiration, teaching them the procedure as part of their regular medical training, and says students are actively seeking out this instruction in the new, post-Roe environment.
Students “are selecting programmes where abortion care is integrated into their training, even over some that might be more prestigious”, he says.
Clinicians in areas that border states with bans, which have seen big increases in demand for abortion services as a result, are also a target for training, as are “red parts of blue states”, explains Gomez.
Clinicians in states where abortion is legal who want to do something to fight the war on abortion could easily do so by integrating abortion into their practices, Fleischman and her colleagues say.
“It’s done in a couple of minutes,” explains Fleischman.
“When it’s done, you know that it’s done. There’s very few bleeding issues. You walk into an office, and an hour later, it’s resolved. I have people flying in and out from Dubai for this procedure. They schedule the appointment, they come in, and they depart that afternoon,” she continues.
“There’s absolutely no reason this shouldn’t just be part of regular medicine.”
Guide to a Safe Manual Vacuum Aspiration Abortion (MVA)

A manual vacuum aspiration abortion (MVA) or an electric vacuum aspiration abortion (EVA) are types of in-clinic abortions that can be performed up to 14 weeks (MVA) and 15 weeks (EVA) of pregnancy. This page details information about these procedure abortions.
What is a Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA) Abortion?
Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) is a very safe method of abortion for pregnancies in the first trimester, and/or early second trimester all the way up to 14 weeks of gestation [1]. The gestational age limit for MVA often depends on the clinic, as well as the healthcare provider performing the procedure.
MVA is performed by a trained provider in a clinic.
During the procedure the clinician uses instruments, including a silent suction device, to remove the pregnancy from the uterus (to rip the tiny infant from the uterus and suck out of the mother’s body through a tube. Hopefully, gathering all the placenta and baby body parts.) [2]. Most commonly this procedure is performed using local anaesthesia while the woman is awake, and it takes typically between 5 and 10 minutes. The woman is likely to experience cramping during the procedure, and there may be some bleeding on and off for several days or weeks afterwards. (or weeks depending on the individual, and assuming everything went well and all the baby body parts were removed, and there is no secondary infection.)
MVA is Manual Vacuum Aspiration but it might also be known as surgical abortion, aspiration abortion, suction abortion, vacuum aspiration procedure abortion, or in-clinic abortion. [1]
What is an Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA) abortion?
Electric Vacuum Aspiration (EVA) is a safe and very similar method to Manual Vacuum Aspiration (MVA). EVA can be used for pregnancies in the first trimester, and/or early second trimester. EVA is performed by a trained provider in a clinic.
During the procedure, the clinician uses instruments, including an electric vacuum suction to remove the pregnancy from the uterus.
The primary difference between EVA and MVA is that electricity is used to create suction to remove the pregnancy (baby). Because the EVA requires electricity, it may not be available in low-resource settings. Where available, clinicians may use this method of EVA as the gestational age increases after 10-12 weeks because it allows the clinician to perform the procedure more quickly than the MVA, and thus decreases the procedure duration for the woman. Another significant difference is that there is noise associated with the EVA machine because it uses electricity. [2]
What happens during a manual vacuum aspiration abortion procedure?
1/ Medication before a vacuum aspiration abortion
The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends administering antibiotics prior to manual vacuum aspiration and electric vacuum aspiration. This helps to reduce the risk of infection. [1]
However, if antibiotics are unavailable, a vacuum aspiration abortion can still safely be performed. Clinics may also choose to give an oral medication to help with the cramping pain, such as Ibuprofen. [2]
2/ In preparation for the vacuum aspiration abortion

During a clinic visit for a manual vacuum aspiration abortion (MVA) or an electric vacuum aspiration abortion (EVA), there are often steps taken in preparation for the procedure including (but not limited to) [2]:
- Urine pregnancy testing
- Determination of Rh blood type
- Manual pelvic exam and/or ultrasound to estimate the gestational age
- Blood pressure measurement
Some additional tests may be performed based on requirements/laws specific to each geographic location.
3/ During the manual vacuum aspiration abortion
Step 1. The manual vacuum aspiration abortion (MVA) or the electric vacuum aspiration abortion (EVA) procedures will begin with a pelvic or speculum exam.
Step 2. A local anesthesia is most commonly injected next to the cervix.
Step 3. The clinician will then begin to dilate the cervix with instruments called cervical dilators. These dilators gradually increase in size, and this step is guided by the number of weeks of gestation of the pregnancy.
Step 4. Once the desired dilation is achieved, the clinician will either use a silent, handheld suction device called an Ipas for an MVA, or an electric device for an EVA to perform the aspiration and remove the pregnancy). (baby)
Step 5. After removal of the pregnancy, the provider may choose to do an ultrasound, and then the woman is allowed to rest. [2]

4/ After the manual vacuum aspiration abortion
The manual vacuum aspiration abortion (MVA) or the electric vacuum aspiration abortion (EVA) recovery time is relatively short in the clinic.
- For women who have the procedure with only local anesthetic, the recovery time is typically less than 30 minutes. (this leads a false impression, actually they are considering the time it takes for the patient to be able to get up and walk out of the clinic THAT IS NOT RECOVERY!)
- For women who were given a sedation medicine for the procedure, the recovery time may be a bit longer (30-60 minutes) while the sedation effect diminishes.
Once the in-clinic abortion recovery is completed, the woman is sent home. Some clinics may request that she have an escort or someone with her to get home, but this depends on the clinic. [2]
5/ Post-abortion care after the manual vacuum aspiration abortion
After a safe in-clinic abortion, women are often offered a follow-up visit, and while this is not required, each woman should listen to the recommendation of her healthcare provider.
There is no medically proven amount of time that a woman has to wait to do specific activities including shower/bathing, exercise, sex, or using tampons. Generally, it is advised that at least until the bleeding lightens after the procedure, the woman should avoid introducing objects into the vagina including tampons and menstrual cups, and avoid intense physical activity. Each woman can return to her normal activities as tolerated, and each woman will be different.
Prior to leaving the clinic, women should be offered information about methods of contraception. Most forms of contraception can be started immediately, however, a discussion should take place regarding each woman and her choice of method. Clinics should provide women with contact information, in case they have questions or concerns after the abortion. [2]
To find the appropriate contraceptive methods of your choice, visit www.findmymethod.org
The manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) equipment used during the procedure
Manual vacuum aspiration (MVA) involves the use of a convenient, handheld device called an Ipas. The Ipas is a silent, suction device that is used to aspirate the pregnancy. [2] More information about the Ipas device can be found here.

The electric vacuum aspiration (EVA) equipment used during the procedure
Electric vacuum aspiration (EVA) uses a machine that creates suction, which is connected to a tube that the clinician inserts through the cervix to aspirate the pregnancy. The EVA device often creates a humming/buzzing noise during aspiration.
Most commons side effects of the vacuum aspiration abortions
The most common pain associated with vacuum aspiration abortions is strong cramps experienced by the woman during the procedure. Often this cramping will improve quickly afterwards, but some women may experience cramping on and off for a few days or weeks. This side effect is best managed with NSAID medications such as ibuprofen.
Local anesthesia is often used during vacuum aspiration abortions, and this helps to numb the area around the cervix to ease some of the pain during the procedure. [1]
Most women will experience bleeding and cramping during and after vacuum aspiration abortions, these symptoms will gradually improve in the following days (or weeks) after the procedure.
It is also common to experience many different emotions after an in-clinic abortion, all of which are valid, and if the woman feels like she needs additional help, she should seek counseling care. [1]
Risks of complications of the vacuum aspiration abortions
While vacuum aspiration abortions are very safe, there are still some risks to the procedure which include: heavy bleeding, infection, injury to the uterus and surrounding structures, incomplete abortion.
These risks are very small when the procedure is performed by a trained clinician, but they are important to know when consenting to a procedure.
A routine vacuum aspiration abortion procedure without complications does not lead to future infertility. [1]
After a vacuum aspiration abortion, there are a few signs that women should pay attention to and seek clinical attention in case of [2]:
- Heavy bleeding (completely soaking 2 pads per hour for 2 hours in a row or more)
- Fevers (more than 38C or 100.4F) more than 24 hours after the procedure
- Severe, worsening pelvic pain
- Continued signs of pregnancy (increasing nausea, breast tenderness, etc.)
For more information
Get in touch with our counselors to get more information on the in-clinic abortion such as the MVA or the EVA procedure and receive support on the most appropriate abortion methods depending on your situation. You can also learn more about the other method, an abortion with pills if you are under 13 weeks pregnant.
Check out the Manual Vacuum Aspiration video Types of Vacuum Aspiration Abortion MVA and EVAspacer
SofTouch-Safe & Simple 2-5 Minute Abortion Method at Early Options NYC – ProChoice
Abortion Industry Promotes Handheld Devices That Suction Little Unborn Babies Into Machines
The abortion industry is trying to recruit new doctors to abort unborn babies in the U.S. by promoting what they claim is a simple, easy “handheld device” called a manual vacuum aspirator (MVA).
Abortionists say they are overwhelmed by patients traveling for abortions from pro-life states, and they need help. But the real problem is not too few abortion providers. It’s that so many resources are being dumped into aborting unborn babies instead of actually helping pregnant mothers and babies in need.
According to Fox News, one pro-abortion group, MYA Network, is promoting what it claims to be a simple solution to the problem: the manual vacuum aspirator. The pro-abortion group currently is working in 16 states to train primary care doctors to abort first-trimester unborn babies using the “small, handheld device.”
The abortion works by inserting a cannula, or plastic tube, in through the pregnant mother’s cervix and then using the MVA to suction the unborn baby out of the womb.
Jonathan Abbamonte of the Population Research Institute described it this way in 2015:
Manual vacuum aspirators are murderous machines used to abort babies between three and fourteen weeks gestation. They are large, unsophisticated syringes operated by hand that work by suctioning the fetus from its mother’s womb. The baby’s delicate body is crushed and sliced as it is aspirated through a long cannula. After the abortion procedure, the baby parts are emptied into a bowl of water or vinegar and inspected to insure that all pieces are there and accounted for. One must wonder how a “doctor” can can justify abortion as he or she inspects baby parts floating in a pool of vinegar.
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In an interview with The Guardian, MYA Network co-founder and abortionist Joan Fleischman, of New York, said she would like to see doctors all across the country learn to use the abortion device.
Fleischman said women are traveling to Manhattan from pro-life states like Texas for elective abortions when doctors nearer to them could be providing “easy and simple” abortions with the MVA.
“Usually if somebody needs unusual medical care, they are willing to fly around the world for it – like for advanced neurosurgery or something. It’s always struck me as incredible that people are flying to me for the most simple procedure,” she told the newspaper.
Soon, the pro-abortion group plans to publish an online curriculum and begin in-person abortion trainings to recruit more doctors to abort unborn babies.
“The number of clinicians who could be trained would be limitless,” MYA Network member Michele Gomez told The Guardian. “There are so many clinicians out there who want to do something to help but just don’t know how, and this information and support could be a gamechanger.”
But the number of doctors willing to abort unborn babies in elective abortions is much smaller than abortion activists claim. According to the report, less than 10 percent of primary care doctors do elective abortions. Most medical professionals recognize that their job is to heal, not kill, their patients, and babies in the womb are valuable second patients who deserve care.
Also notable, abortions are more dangerous for mothers than what the abortion industry often claims. Abortion activists say the MVA abortion method is safe and “gentle,” but the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has never approved the device. However, the agency has received reports of complications due to the abortion device, including uterine perforation and at least one woman’s death.
Pro-abortion groups have a history of encouraging people without medical training to use MVAs to abort unborn babies, too – raising even more safety concerns. In 2019, LifeNews reported about a disturbing series of abortion training workshops using papayas to simulate a pregnant mother’s womb.
During one workshop, New York City abortionist Zoey Thill joked to Vice about perforating women’s uteruses:
The narrow part of the papaya, where the stem would be, is like the cervix, she said. The broader portion of the papaya is like the upper area of the uterus known as the fundus—and it’s that part we would want to avoid puncturing with our tools when, in just a few minutes, we would practice performing an aspiration abortion on our own papayas.
But if we did by accident, that was OK, Thill said. “We’re not going to shame perforators,” she reassured.
A uterine perforation is extremely serious and potentially life-threatening. But Thill treated the serious complication as if it was no big deal.
Thill also mentioned to Vice that some use the MVA to teach people how to do abortions on themselves at home.
She later added, “The more I can minimize the way we think of this as a ‘dangerous’ procedure, the more people will have better abortion experiences.”
But abortions are dangerous for the mother as well as her unborn baby. Women have been seriously injured and died as a result of abortion complications, including a perforated uterus. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 500 women died from abortions in the United States under Roe v. Wade. In 2019, the most recent year for which data is available, four women died as a result of complications from legal induced abortion, according to the CDC.
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