UPDATED 11/17/23 All runes at the crime scene have been identified within this post. I can only go by what has been revealed. There may have been more at the actual scene. THIS was definitely a Norse Styled Ritual. AND it took some intense planning and execution. They probably worked through the late night after the searchers had gone home.
Some of you may be familiar with the murder of the two young girls in 2017, in Delphi, Indiana. For years nothing has developed and most of us presumed nothing would ever be resolved related to these tragic deaths.
Not the case. The story is fresh in the news again. I personally doubt very highly that it will ever be resolved.
From the beginning of the coverage on this case at the time of the murders, I have always had the feeling that there was a conspiracy to cover up the truth and protect the perpetrator(s). It reminds me of the Sandy Hook event. Where the entire area is allegedly known for their occult practices.
Though there were a couple of suspects in the town who greatly resembled the man in the photograph and in fact one of them owned the property close to the bridge, the cops just could not seem to figure it out.
Meanwhile, the guy who owned the property has died. They new suspect they have in custody was identified on the bridge the day the girls were killed.
Here is a shot of the Bridge Guy taken from a video of a documentary where the family’s were interviewed. It contained a still shot of the Bridge Guy. It looks to me like he either had on a face mask that covered the lower half of his jaw and most of his nose… or he had his turtle neck sweater pulled up over his face.
On a day that is said to have been unseasonably warm, he sure is wearing a lot of clothing. It is quite apparent that he was covering his identity. He was not on the bridge to site see, nor was he just passing through. He was there with a nefarious purpose in mind.
Again, not a random act of violence. This person had targeted these two girls. He knew they would be there.
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VIDEO LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LIzbat_ktM
Update Added 11/17/23
There are some very intriguing revelations in this video. I do not agree with the creator when he states that Richard Allen was railroaded. I am convinced he played a major role. But this guy discovered some things that the public should know.
Update 11/13/23
Update 11/12/23
The more that I investigate this crime the more I am convinced that they are covering up from beginning to end. There have been so many documents filled out incorrectly, buried/misfiled, statements from witnesses have been misquoted and/or changed, vital information has been kept from the public, crucial evidence has been dismissed (Runes, Posing of the boides). From all the symbolism and numerology, along with the staging of the crime scene we should all recognize that these murders were ritualistic and carefully planned. I believe that Ron Logan and Richard and Allen were certainly involved.
The killers were obviously very familiar with the lay of the land. They had access to cover if/when needed and access to a place to change clothes, clean up, store their vehicles, and access to any props required and/or tools. Ron Logans property is fenced and surveilled so anyone planning to pull of that type of ritual would have to have no concern about being caught on the property.
Richard Allen had the ability to observe the kids who attended the school as he was less than half a mile from it. He was also a neighbor of the Patty family (Libby’s home).
It would take at least two people, I would thing to accomplish all they did. That is how I see it, and I am entitled to my opinion.
Update 11/12/23
UPDATE 11/11/23
The more I look into this heinous crime and listen to all the parties connected, the more I recognize that this was a very powerful ritual, carried out by a very POWERFUL, OCCULT ORGANIZATION that has very strong ties with the police and the other much higher political powers. We will NEVER get the truth. Just more of the same stuff that is going on globally. Human beings have come to have no value. The foxes are running the hen house and the world has gone mad. Just another indication that we are living in the End of the End TIMES.
Just based on the names of all the parties and places in this case you can clearly see that there are demonic forces at work. You can’t make this stuff up.
Pray for the children all over the world. They have no one to protect them but GOD!
Attorneys for Delphi murder suspect Richard Allen … – Fox 59
The search warrant, signed by Carroll County Judge Benjamin Diener, who later recused himself from the case, authorized police to “diligently search for any and all information and/or evidence of the crime of Murder in violation of I.C.Sep 14, 2023
Diener – Wikipedia
In the US, Dieners are also referred to as “mortuary assistants” or “autopsy technicians”. The word is derived from the German word Leichendiener, which literally means corpse servant (“Diener” means servant.).spacer
Judge in Delphi murder case faces deadline to produce …
Judge Fran Gull
Fran – Baby Name Meaning, Origin and Popularity
. Meaning:From France; Free. Short and sweet Fran began as a nickname for Frances, Francesca, and Francisco, meaning “from France” or “free one.” This elegantly concise appellation is gender-neutral, offering versatility in all of life’s conquests. Jul 13, 2023
Intermediate+ Word of the Day: gull
It can be traced back to the Old Celtic root voilenno-, and is related to the Welsh gwylan, the Cornish guilan and the Breton goelann (all meaning ‘gull’). Gull, the verb meaning ‘to cheat, mislead or dupe’ someone, is completely unrelated to the bird. May 28, 2021
UPDATED 11/11/23
UPDATED 11/10/23
Wow… I totally missed the connection with Valentine’s Day. Keep in mind that we have no idea when the girls were actually murdered/sacrificed. They may very well have been hidden, say in Rick’s barn, until the 14th. Perhaps at midnight? Or just after sundown, if one recons the day as beginning at sundown. That would place it on the traditional day of Lupercalia/Valentin’s Day.
was …
- 44th day of the year. There were then 321 days left in 2017.
- 7th Monday of 2017.
- on the 7th week of 2017 (using US standard week number calculation).
- 55th day of Winter. There were 35 days left till Spring.
Lupercalia: Meaning, Pagan Rituals, Valentine’s Day
Lupercalia | Description, Meaning, Traditions, Date, & Facts
The origins of the festival are obscure, although the likely derivation of its name from lupus (Latin: “wolf”) has variously suggested connection with an ancient deity who protected herds from wolves and with the legendary she-wolf who nursed Romulus and Remus.3 days ago
In folklore, a werewolf, or occasionally lycanthrope is an individual who can shape-shift into a wolf, either purposely or after being placed under a curse or affliction, with the transformations occurring on the night of a full moon. Wikipedia
The berserkers were described as “Odin’s men.”
The meaning of the name Odin is roughly “stirrer to fury”. This is an old word, od (or wod, depending upon place and time), and “fury” or “rage” are only translations. They have certain implications to us modern folk that the ancient heathens may not have shared. Od means not just fury in the sense that we use it, but it also seems to mean possession, as by a spirit or god. Thus the fury of the berserkergang is no mere display of bad temper, or uncontrollable rage, but it is something transcendant, something holy. It is an ecstatic state.
Possession is an unusual state of mind wherein unity is attained with a god or spirit, where the boundary of the ego that separates the self from the god or spirit is erased. In essence, the one possessed “becomes” the god or spirit in question.This practice is found in many different religions, from the obscure to the commonplace. The practitioners of Vodoun engage in it when they become “ridden” by the loa.
So it would seem that the berserkergang began with fury as we modern people understand that term. The berserk would use various physical techniques to get himself into an adrenaline high, and would then apply further techniques of religious and/or sympathetic ritual and become possessed, entering into an ecstatic state, and becoming a wolf, or a bear, or even maybe Odin himself.
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Richard |
Allen (surname)Allen is a Celtic surname, originating in Ireland, and common in Scotland, Wales and England. It is a variation of the surname MacAllen and may be derived from two separate sources: Ailin, in Irish and Scottish Gaelic, means both “little rock” and “harmony”, or it may also be derived from the Celtic Aluinn, which means “handsome”. Variant spellings include Alan, Allan, etc. The noble family of this surname, from which a branch went to Portugal, is descended of one Alanus de Buckenhall. |
Allen |
So, the name Richard Allen means strong ruler/little rock. Precisely the kind of name you would want to work on a very important and occult/secret/hidden mission for the BROTHERHOOD/ELITE
![]() Is the man who owns the property where the girls’ bodies were found A search warrant was filed three days later, March 17, and an FBI agent wrote, “I believe there is probable cause to believe that RONALD LOGAN has committed the crime of murder and evidence of that can be found on RONALD LOGAN’S property. Authorities served a search warrant at the Logan Property Logan was arrested March 11, picked up on an arrest warrant for a probation violation At least 15 tips came in after that, claiming that the unidentified man was Ron Logan Source The FBI said Logan lied to investigators about what he was doing on the day the girls disappeared. According to the warrant, Logan said that he had an alibi– he was driven to a Lafayette aquariam store on February 13, around the time the girls vanished. But agents wrote that “these statements were found to be factually false and intentionally designed to deceive (law enforcement officers).” Source Logan asked his cousin to lie and tell police he drove Logan to an aquarium store in Lafayette on the afternoon of Feb. 13, 2017. He asked a cousin to tell that false story before the bodies were discovered, the warrant says, according to WISH-TV Source According to Fox59, Logan “asked the family member to say they’d returned home between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.” but a receipt showed he checked out at 5:21 p.m., about 30 minutes from his home. Source “Based on investigators experience it is reasonable to believe that the creation of an alibi prior to the discovery of a crime indicates culpability or knowledge of the crime.” an FBI agent stated in the warrant that Logan’s voice “is not inconsistent with that of the person in the video,” the WISH-TV article states. The full video has never been released to the public. The warrant says it is 43 seconds long. Fox59 also obtained the search warrant and wrote that it says an FBI agent believed Logan’s physical build “appeared to be consistent with that of the man seen on the video.” Source Women told authorities that Logan had “been violent with them in the past,” and they believed he was the suspect. Source. He possessed handguns and knives, the station reported. Source Logan died Jan. 24, 2022, stated to be secondary to a battle with COVID-19 Omicron Source How convenient |
LISTEN: Police release audio of Delphi, Ind. murder suspect
ronald | Etymology, origin and meaning of the name …Online Etymology Dictionary
Oct 10, 2017 — RONALD Meaning: “Having the Gods’ Power,” from rögn “gods,” literally “decreeing powers” (plural of regin “decree”) +…
Ronald – Boy’s name meaning, origin, and popularityRonald name meaning and origin The Scottish form of the Old Norse name Ragnvaldr. This comes from the Germanic name Reginold, from ragin, meaning “advice” or “decision” and wald, meaning “ruler”. |
Logan – Baby Name Meaning, Origin and Popularity – The BumpMeaning:Hollow. Gender-neutral Logan is a Scottish place name and surname that offers fresh cinematic appeal and inspiration. Logan is originally of Gaelic and Scottish descent, from the word “lag,” meaning “hollow.” Despite its vacant etymology, Logan is replete with cultural significance. |
hollow | Etymology, origin and meaning of hollow by etymonlinehollow (adj.) c. 1200, adjective developed from Old English holh (n.) “hollow place, hole,” from Proto-Germanic *hul-, from PIE root *kel- (1) “to cover, conceal, save.” The figurative sense of “insincere” is attested from 1520s. Related: Hollowly .Oct 13, 2017 |
So, Logan’s name means He is the brains behind the operation; operating under the Power of the Gods, to cover and conceal/PROTECT the mission. |
Someone did a great job of blending the photos. One of the Bridge Guy and the other of Ron Logan walking his dog. All they was over lay them so that you can see that the bodies are identical.
Cops received 15 tips that claimed the killer was Ron Logan, who died in 2020
In the photo on the right Ron was walking the investigators through his property, fully aware he was going to be photographed. Wearing looser jeans you can still determine his narrower thighs within them. He obviously has no trouble making his way through the terrain. On the left photographed walking his dog. His obvious go to jacket is the same jacket the Bridgeman was wearing.
New video and audio from Delphi Murders
MY TAKE: I believe at least two people were involved in this heinous crime. There may have been more, but the more people that KNOW the more opportunity there is for discovery. I believe that Logan’s property is somehow to their group hallowed ground and was selected for this important ritual. I believe that either one of these two men could have been the man on the bridge. But, both are involved. I believe the girls were selected. Allen lived right by the high school and had opportunity to familiarize himself with the victims. The girls were broadcasting on the internet. Not hard at all for the perpetrators to gather the information about where they were. This was not a crime of convenience or a crime of passion, or of domination, or even thrill seeking. This was a very deliberate ritual, well thought our and arranged by the ELITE/BROTHERHOOD for a very specific purpose/designed outcome. Remember, that when possessed by any demon but especially when Odin’s Men are demonically empowered they become strong men, the ultimate warrior. No matter their age. If executing a ritual these men, either one or both could have super human strength, endurance, fury and exuberance. Remember the names of the girls. Perfect for sacrificial offerings to ODIN/God.
Girl’s name Libby?
Girl’s name Abby
UPDATED 11/9/23
Am I the only one who finds this offensive? Just as I have already stated, they seem to be exploiting the deaths of these girls in order to generate the funding and support they have been unable to generate for all their efforts.
Abby and Libby Memorial Park
A Permanent Legacy of Life for Staging Performing Arts and Celebrations |
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Abby and Libby Memorial Park Amphitheater, June 15 Patronicity Campaign
This video takes you walking through the surrounding are to the across the low point on the creek and to the cemetery.
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This video really shows you the condition of the Bridge when the girls were walking it.
5,604 views Jun 1, 2022On February 14, 2017, the bodies of Abigail Williams and Liberty German were discovered near the Monon High Bridge Trail, which is part of the Delphi Historic Trails in Delphi, Indiana, United States, after the young girls had disappeared from the same trail the previous day. The murders have received significant media coverage because a video and audio recording of an individual believed to be the girls’ killer were found on German’s smartphone. Despite thousands of tips that have been sent to the police and the circulation of the recordings of the suspect, no arrest in the case has been made.
This video shows you a more likely path and demonstrates how clear the area really is and how close they were private homes.
end of updates
Girl’s name Abby – Meaning, Origin & Popularity 2023
This is the Monon High Bridge near Delphi, where the girls were last seen in Februrary.
spacer Indiana Landmark
Note there is a high river bank on the left side, but, if you look at the satellite image, a long trestle over a flood plain on the right side.
Watch on TikTok
Possible suspect in Delphi murders on police radar since the killings
Just days after police released the photo of “bridge man” in the investigations of the killings of teenagers Libby German and Abby Williams, at least 15 tipsters said the man was Ron Logan, according to an affidavit for a search warrant.
The man pictured in the video killed Libby and Abby on Logan’s property along Deer Creek and east of the Monon High Bridge.
Affidavit gives new updates on Dephi murders
The March 17, 2017, affidavit sheds lights on the crime scene.
The bodies had been staged and the killing would likely have caused the killer to get blood on himself. The killer also took a piece of clothing from the girls, according to the affidavit, which described this as a souvenir of the killings. The killer also might have photos of the crimes.
Libby and Abby did not appear to struggle or fight with their killer, according to the affidavit.

The investigation into Ron Logan
Two of Logan’s former girlfriends told police that Logan was violent and threatened to kill them, according to the affidavit.
Logan, who was 77 when the girls were killed, did not have any trouble walking or getting up and down the hills along Deer Creek, according to the affidavit, which also noted that Logan has a similar build as the man in the picture.
The Murder Sheet podcast published the affidavit filed by a FBI agent asking for a warrant to search. The Journal & Courier confirmed with law enforcement that the affidavit is authentic.
The affidavit indicates that Logan, who died in January 2020, lied to investigators.
Police investigation expands: Delphi murder investigation expands to Yellow or Yubo social media profile
It also indicated that Logan asked his cousin the morning of Feb. 14, 2017, to tell police — if asked — that he picked up Logan at his house between 2 and 2:30 p.m. Feb. 13, 2017, and drove to an aquarium store in Lafayette.
“Based on investigators experience it is reasonable to believe that the creation of an alibi prior to the discovery of a crime indicates culpability or knowledge of the crime,” the affidavit states.
The affidavit also noted that Logan’s voice could be the man on the audio recording released by police in which the killer orders the girls to “go down the hill.”
Cellphone records indicate that Logan’s phone on the afternoon of Feb. 13, 2017, was in the area of the Moon High Bridge and near the banks of the creek where the girls’ bodies were found. But the girls were killed about 1,400 feet from Logan’s home, and the bridge is about 1/3 of a mile from the crime scene.
From scene of the crime:Delphi crime scene property owner remains in jail
What Ron Logan said in 2017
The Journal & Courier interviewed Logan on Feb. 15, 2017 — two days after the killings.
“To have anyone murdered on your property … I don’t know what my feelings are right now. It caught me by surprise,” Logan said, recalling how the two days after the killings were filled with people — first the police, then the reporters — asking him questions upon questions.
“I haven’t really had a chance to let it soak in,” Logan said after a brief pause to think about the day’s events. “I know the families.”
Initial interview of suspect: ‘This is a double homicide investigation’
“My kids grew up in this area,” Logan said in 2017. “He went back there with his schoolmates. They went back there fishing and playing in the creek. Grace of God, it didn’t happen to them.”
He paused for a second, then said, “It is a different time.”
Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby responds
The Journal & Courier spoke with Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby asking about whether the affidavit and search warrants were sealed.
Leazenby said he believed they were, but Logan received copies of the warrant, and Logan was known to share those documents with others, including the media.
Investigators have been tightlipped about the details of the crime, the crime scene and suspects, so Leazenby didn’t want to see this information in the media.
“This is part of what needed to be reserved for the courtroom,” Leazenby said of protecting the information from the case.
“Time will be the judge,” he said when asked if the investigation might be hindered. “It might not be detrimental to the investigation.”
As for Logan, police did search his house, property, digital devices and out buildings on March 17, 2017. It was the second search.
There is no indication of what police found during the searches.
Police arrested Logan on March 16, 2017, on allegations he violated his probation from a 2014 drunk driving case. They also charged him with being a habitual traffic violator for driving his truck to the landfill the morning of Feb. 13, 2017.
Logan pleaded guilty to both the charges and the violation of his probation, and he was ordered to serve two years in prison, according to online court records.
He was released in January 2018 after his prison sentence was modified to in-home detention, according to court records.
Police have not charged Logan — or any other person — with killing Libby or Abby, and the case remains under investigation.
Tips may be emailed to abbyandlibbytip@cacoshrf.com or by phone at (765) 822-3535.
Reach Ron Wilkins at rwilkins@jconline.com. Follow on Twitter: @RonWilkins2.
Heathens Of Indiana

Abigail “Abby” Williams and Liberty “Libby” German
The name “Delphi” has Greek origins from the word “Delphus,” which means hollow, or womb. Most notably, though, the name has strong affiliations with the Delphic Oracle, the most important oracle in ancient Greece
The origins of the Oracle at Delphi hark back to 1400 B.C.; it was first under the control of the earth mother Gaia, until it was either seized by or given to Apollo. Apollo then appointed Pythia as the Oracle of Delphi, and that’s where our Delphi comes into play. Fittingly, the name Pythia shares its roots with “python” — they both derive from the Greek word pythein, “to rot,” which specifically refers “the sickly sweet smell of the decomposition of the body of the monstrous Python after he was slain by Apollo.” Source
Python, sometimes written Pytho, presided at the Delphic oracle, which existed in the cult center for its mother, Gaia, “Earth”, Pytho being the place name that was substituted for the earlier Krisa.[1] Greeks considered the site to be the center of the Earth, represented by a stone, the omphalos or navel, which Python guarded.
Python became the chthonic enemy of the later Olympian deity Apollo, who slew it and took over Python’s former home and oracle. These were the most famous and revered in the ancient Greek and Roman worlds.[2] Like many monsters, Python was known as Gaia’s son and prophesied as Gaia’s son. Therefore, Apollo had to eliminate this opponent before establishing his temple in Delphi.[3] Source
The Origin and Meaning of How Indiana Got Its Name
Back in 1768, the Six Nations of the Iroquois Confederacy made a boundary treaty with the English to settle an old debt. That boundary treaty included 5,000 miles lying south of the Ohio River and east of the Great Kanawha. The land was accepted as a complete payment of the debt and was now in need of a name. Following previous Old World examples of naming states and countries, the new owners decided to call it the land of the Indians, or Indiana. Naming land after the people from whom it was received was common, with similar examples being Georgia, Virginia, Louisiana, and Carolina.
The State’s motto is “The Crossroads of America”. Source

Discover the Origin and Meaning of “Indiana Hoosier”
Indiana is known as the “Hoosier State”, with its residents referred to as “Hoosiers”. While there are many suggested origins for the nickname, one theory generally stands out as being the most logical. Backed by the Indiana Historical Bureau and the Indiana Historical Society, the theory suggests that the term “Hoosier” originated from the uplands south region of the US as a common way to describe a backwoodsman, a rough-appearing countryman, or a simple country bumpkin. That uplands south region included Virginia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee.

Anyone who says that they can prove that these girls were not sacrificed in a ritual is an idiot. I saw a video of a guy who said he researched Odinism for a couple of days and he can prove there is nothing in this case that is connected with Odinism.
First of all, there are no written records of the rituals of the NORSE people and how they were/are conducted or what was necessary to the rituals. People have been studying the Norse history and mythology for more years than can be counted and still have no definitive answers, because they kept their secrets well protected.
There are as many ritual practices as there are practitioners. Each ritual is performed according the what that practitioner is looking conjure or accomplish through the aid of the spirits. It is affected by the particular spirits they communicate with and what they ask of them.
It is a prove fact that the NORSE people sacrificed humans and studying the bodies and the entrails of their victims for the purpose of divination.
The crime scene in the Delphi Case is loaded with Norse symbolism. I am convinced at this point that the actual ritual was not only planned and prepared in advance, but that it also took some time to perform. Which is why the searchers did not find Libby and Abby until the next day.
I am also convinced that the people involved with this ritual were/are very highly connected and respected members of a brotherhood. They knew the risks and the importance of their mission. In their minds, misguided as they were/are, they were performing a heroic act. That is my opinion. They were performing the ritual for the purpose of contacting the gods/spirits for the purpose of divination certainly. What else they were looking for is anyone’s guess. They most likely had a mission to call in spirits for a global purpose, likely part of the implementation of the New World Order.
BELOW you will find what I was able to uncover, regarding the RUNES employed and their possible meanings and purposes.
Here is a link to the leaked information on the Crime Scene:
Leaked Information on the Crime
Part I – The Crime Scene
When members of a search party found the girls in the late morning of February 14, 2017, Abby and Libby had been missing for approximately 22 hours. The scene was ghoulish.
Libby was found at the base of a tree with four tree branches of varying sizes intentionally placed in a very specific and arranged pattern on her naked body. Libby was positioned flat on her back, with her left arm stretched above her head touching the base of the large tree. Libby’s right hand was covered in blood. Libby’s left hand was covered in blood. Blood spots and blood drippings were seen all over Libby’s body, from head to toe. Libby’s right arm was placed along the side of her body. One large tree branch had been placed on her left shoulder. This branch was so long that it extended above Libby’s head several feet and below her legs for several feet as well. Two smaller branches formed a “V” where her legs joined her body (near her genitalia) with both sides of the “V” extending upward toward Libby’s head, with one branch extending to the left of Libby’s head and the other to the right of Libby’s head. The last of the four branches extended across Libby’s body on a line from her right shoulder to her left shoulder. This fourth tree branch also connected with the other three branches and was placed under both branches that formed the “V”. Libby’s sliced neck was partially covered by this fourth branch. There appeared to be no blood sprayed or dripped onto the leaves or the tree near Libby’s head and sliced neck; it appeared likely that Libby had been killed at a nearby tree and then dragged to her final resting place where she was then positioned before having the tree limbs placed on her in a very specific pattern.
The murderers treated Abby very differently. Abby was found just a few feet away from Libby. Her body was not placed parallel to Libby, but rather at an angle, with Abby’s legs just a few feet from Libby’s legs. However, both of their heads were found a few feet farther apart from each other. Significant differences existed between how Libby’s body was found and how Abby’s body was found. Abby was not found at the base of a tree. Abby was fully clothed. In fact, Abby was dressed in Libby’s sweatshirt and jeans. No blood appeared on Abby’s clothing, meaning that she was likely murdered while naked and then dressed by the murderers after she expired and after the blood had stopped spilling from her neck. Abby’s hands were clean. No blood. Abby’s feet were clean. No blood. Other than blood found around Abby’s neck area where the murderers had inflicted the fatal wound, very little (if any) blood was found anywhere else on Abby’s body or clothing.
The juxtaposition of the spots and streaks of blood found all over Libby’s body with the lack of blood on Abby’s body/undergarments/over garments is stark. The murderers appeared to have gone to great lengths to keep Abby’s body and clothing clean from blood. Abby was found on her back (like Libby). However (unlike Libby) Abby’s elbows were bent with her right and left arms both placed on her chest. Abby’s left hand and arm near the left side of her face, and her right hand and arm near the right side of her face. Also, Abby’s left leg was straight, while her right leg was bent at the knee. The murderers also placed her bent right leg under her left leg. Like Libby, those involved in the murder had placed tree branches in a very specific pattern on top of Abby. The pattern looks very similar to an asterisk consisting of 3 tree branches all joined in the middle. At least one of the tree branches appears to have been cleanly cut by some instrument (like an electric saw) rather than split or broken by hand, indicating that this was a preconceived plan. Above Abby’s head were smaller sticks that had been placed over her hair, crudely mimicking horns or antlers. The amount of blood that would be perhaps expected at the crime scene based upon the location of the injuries of both girls was not visible in the crime scene photos. The Defense has provided the court with twelve crime scene and autopsy photographs, marked as exhibits 5-16, as “confidential.” These photographs support the descriptions provided in the previous paragraphs. In addition to the unusual way the girls were posed, including the stick formations placed on their bodies, another unusual marking was found on a nearby tree. A symbol that looked similar to the letter “F” appeared approximately four feet above the base of the tree. The “F” was red in color and later DNA testing showed that the “F” had been “painted” on the tree using Libby’s blood as the so-called paint. Additional blood spatter was found at the base of that same tree. All the blood at the base of the tree appears to have been Libby’s blood as well. The Defense has also provided the court with Exhibit 17, DNA documentation supporting the fact that Libby’s blood was the source of the “F” painted on the tree. Said exhibit is marked as confidential. The Defense has also provided two photos of this “F” found on the nearby tree (hereinafter called the “F tree”), (Exhibits 18 and 19), marked as confidential. Defense is also providing a photo of the F tree from a wider angle for the Court to have perspective as to where the F tree is located relative to the bodies. That confidential photo has been marked as Exhibit 20. Under Abby’s left lower back, a shoe was found. This shoe is believed to be Libby’s shoe. (Libby’s shoe was a NIKE tennis shoe.) Under the shoe, a cell phone was found. The cell phone was later determined to be Libby’s phone. This information was confirmed by the recent deposition testimony of Liggett, Leazenby and Holeman. According to recent depositions taken of Sheriff Liggett, the famous video of the person that many people call “Bridge Guy” was found on this phone. Additionally, allegedly found between the two girls buried under the leaves and dirt was a single bullet. The Defense has provided two photos of the shoe and cell phone found under Abby’s legs and marked them as Exhibits 21 and 22 and have been filed confidentially.
Also, the Defense has provided three photos of a bullet purportedly found in the ground between Abby and Libby and marked these photos as exhibits 23, 24, and 25. It should be noted that as of the date of this memo, the Defense has no photographs of the bullet allegedly found between the girls after it was removed from the ground. No photo or video, for example, shows the bullet as it was being pulled out of the ground. No photo or video of the bullet immediately after it was pulled from the ground. No video or photograph of all sides of the bullet immediately after it was pulled from the ground. No photographs of the bullet next to a measuring device to show its length. No photos that show what the bullet looked like once it was pulled out of the ground could provide proof that it is the same bullet that ended up in the evidence 32 locker room.20 Shockingly, in his deposition, Sheriff Liggett admitted that he also has not seen any photographs of the purported bullet taken once the bullet was pulled from the ground.21 In other words, the only photos that the Defense has found in the discovery it has received are of the bullet still buried in the ground. At this time, the Defense has no idea if (a) photos of the bullet after it was removed from the ground even exist; or (2) the photos exist but the state has not yet turned those important photographs over to the Defense, or (3) the Defense has missed these photos in the voluminous discovery. Either way, the Defense has asked the prosecutor to please locate these photographs. One man alone completed all these tasks in less than one hour and seventeen minutes?22 (Liggett says one thing publicly but another thing privately to his law enforcement friends).
Source: By Pentagon Pedophile Task Force on September 19, 2023 – USANote: We published a 25-part series entitled ARRESTED SUDDENLY that pertains, in part, to the Delphi Murders and the case against Richard Allen.
Let’s not brush over the fact that Libby’s NIKE shoe was PLACED under Abby’s body. NIKE is the Goddess of VICTORY. Under the shoe was Libby’s phone where they discovered the video. The perpetrators could have easily gotten rid of the phone. Whether they knew the video was on there or not, we don’t know. If I were in there shoes, I would have assumed there was something on the phone that could be incriminating.
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AKA: Ansur, As, Ancestral God, Mouth
Fehu – Freyr – Also known as: Fe, Feh, Feoh, Frey
Pronunciation: Fey-who -”Wealth’ meaning not just actual money but having love/being happy and good health. Wealth also means the skills and experiences you have as assets Key Words: –Wealth/ Prosperity/-Reward/ Abundance/ Beginnings/ Good Health/ Luck Where is comes from: –The idea of ‘wealth’ or ‘abundance’ goes back to ancient germanic people where owning cattle and the amount of cattle you owned, made the difference between living a comfortable life or one of stavations and misery. -”Fehu is associated with the life giving cosmic fire of Muspellheimr that melted the hostile ice and was thus instrumental in the creation of Midhgarhr, but will be equally so in its destruction at Ragnarok” (see below for website where this came from) –Beginnings: the story goes back to the translation of Cattle. Norse Myth of Audhumla, the cow who was responsible for creating the father of the human race. What it teaches/Interpretations -Reminder to appreciate what is good in your life -To share your good fortune with others, avoid greed/selfishness. Everything is a gift from the universe/ gods/ god/ goddess/ goddesses so sharing is caring. -Representing fulfillment, the idea of reaching for it, no matter the obstacles -Deciding what is profit and gain in all situations Reversed? -Loss of wealth/ prosperity/ self-esteem; -Need to tie up loose ends; -Commit to finishing an abandoned project; -Acknowledge that something has failed and cut your losses; -Greed or wastefulness; -Destruction or discord; -Loss of Control; -Blockage: lack of fertility, spirit Symbolism Magical Uses: -increasing wealth/ -strengthening psychic ability / -attract and improve social relationships/ -fertile harvest/-help in a situation/ crisis Bindings: –Fehu with another rune will increase the power of its companion. That being said, if its in a negative energy, it will increase the destruction of that other rune. Deity Associations: -Frey and Freya/ -Nerthus, Earth Goddess/ – Frigga/ -Niord, God of Wealth Zodiac Associations: -Taurus, earth sign for strength -Aries, Fire sign that represents the beginning of the life cycle Tarot: Tower Written by Eurielle Thurisaz
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NORSE GODS – FREYRFreyr BasicsFreyr is one of the most important and widely worshiped gods of the Norse pantheon. He is widely considered equal to Óðin and Thor, the latter with whom he shares many overlapping domains. This makes sense when you consider the reach of the ancient Norse, and the varying regional belief systems that were later consolidated to create a single (more or less) mythology. “Freyr” – meaning “Lord” – is more a title than a name. We find the name Yngvi associated with Freyr in an Anglo-Saxon rune poem. There are several other connections made, including a mention by Tacitus in Germania, a passage in Beowulf, and in ancestral documents of the Swedish Royal Family (the Ynglings) who are in legend descended from the god Yngvi-Freyr. Claiming descent from divinity was common throughout various pagan cultures… Freyr is attested to in the Poetic Edda, Prose Edda, Tacitus’s late first century work Germania, in Adam of Bremen’s Gesta Hammaburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum in the 11th century, in Skaldic poetry, in the 12th Century Danish Gesta Danorum, in the 14th century Icelandic Ögmundar þáttr dytts, and in the Icelandic sagas. Many archaeological artifacts have been found depicting Freyr, and there are numerous place-names honouring him spanning throughout Norway, the Netherlands, and Sweden, further attesting to his widespread importance. Freyr is described as remarkably handsome and is considered alongside his sister, Freya a deity of love, sexuality and fertility, representing masculine potency in particular. He is one of the Vanir, traded to the Æsir along with his sister and father, Njörðr in the exchange of hostages that cemented peace between the two warring tribes of gods. Freyr is associated with agriculture, and with enjoying the fruits of the harvest. He is the god of all hard work, and the enjoyment that follows. Snorri Sturlson describes Freyr in his Prose Edda: “Freyr is the most renowned of the Æsir; he rules over the rain and the shining of the sun, and therewithal the fruit of the earth; and it is good to call on him for fruitful seasons and peace. He governs also the prosperity of men.” He owns two of the six magical treasures of the gods, made by Dwarf master smiths. The first is Gullinbursti, a sun-like golden boar that serves as his mount, and which can run through the sky and over land. The second is Skíðblaðnir, a ship made of gold that could sail without wind and which folded up to fit in his pocket. Freyr also possessed a magical sword which wielded itself. He gave it to his manservant Skirnir, to hold onto in exchange for braving the harrowing trip to Jötunheimr to propose to Freyr’s future wife, Gerð. Even without his sword, Freyr is a fierce warrior who famously slew the giant Beli with just an antler! Freyr is the penetrating sun, the god of Summer, while Gerð is the frozen earth goddess of Winter. The aggressiveness in the tale as recounted in the Eddas is thought to be a metaphor for the thawing of the Winter frosts and the slow warming of the earth. Freyr is the ruler of Álfheimr, one of the Nine Worlds, the realm of the Alfar. The Alfar eventually became the elves and fairies of later legend, but before that, they were human ancestors – the exalted dead of the pagan peoples. Along with the spirits of the land, they were given tribute and veneration. Many scholars consider the ancestors to have been more important than the gods to the daily lives of the ancients. There are many connections to be made between burial mounds throughout Europe, the elves, ancestor worship, and Freyr. He was worshiped at a huge temple-mound complex at Uppsala in Sweden, and was venerated with pilgrimages made to this site, as well as processions throughout the lands in which he was worshiped. He is recorded to have been worshiped by effeminate men who danced wearing bells. This is reminiscent of modern Morris dancers – who dance with bells, and poke the earth with phallic staves as part of an old courtship ritual to wake up the frozen earth goddess. Dating as far back as the bronze-age, phallic idols identified with Freyr have been found throughout Denmark and Sweden, thrown into bogs, lakes, and rivers. Thoughts on FreyrFreyr was such an important deity that it was common to find his likeness beside Óðin and Thor on altars in the Viking Age. He is a king in his own right, and is considered to be a god of kingship and sovereignty… As a Vanir, Freyr reigns over earthly, bodily concerns, agriculture and husbandry of livestock and of men. The story of his defeat at the hand of Surtr is a metaphor for the decimation of fertile growing things, under the rampaging fires of Ragnarök – mirroring the cyclical death and birth of seasons through the year. Freyr appears as a jolly, warm archetype, and modern heathens describe his energy as comforting, friendly and paternal. He is described as easy-going and he promotes enjoyment, peace and merriment. Many modern pagans associate him with festivity. Freyr is associated with all seasons, and significantly with Spring and Summer, and many pagans consider him to be a god of the sun. He manifests as all fair and enjoyable weather, as well as the gentle rains which help crops grow. Hand-in-hand with abundance comes fertility, and the sexual metaphors never end in his stories – from a sword with a mind of its own to plowing the fields. Indeed, modern Heathens see Freyr as a god of sex, virility and vitality. We think that Freyr has a striking and rather obvious resemblance to other European deities including Priapus (Roman god of the phallus and gardening) and the Irish Dagda (jovial phallic god of plenty and joy). Since both Rome and the Celts strongly interacted with the Germanic tribes, and descend from a common Indo-European origin, we take the stance that there are more connections to be found here than not. Many modern pagans make connections between Freyr and Celtic Cernunnos. Cernunnos is an intriguing deity who we know very little about. He is associated with male animals and wild nature. As the Vanir are the older order of nature gods, this connection seems to make sense. Celtic Dagda is also associated with Cernunnos. ydalir.ca Suggested Signs & SymbolsBoars, pigs, farms, fields, harvest crops. Sickles, scythes, and harvest symbols. Summer. Seeds, pollen and semen. Kings. Swords, antlers, and phallic symbols. Stags, bulls, stallions and virile male animals. Food (especially unprocessed), feasts, festivals, and bawdy humour. Friday. The colours green, brown and gold. Freyfaxi (August 21) and Lammas (August 1-2.). Bells, percussion instruments, Morris dancers. The rune Yngvi. Source Associated NamesFrey, Yngvi, Yngvi-Freyr, Ingui, Ing, Frawjaz, Fricco, Frø, Freo, Ingawz.
Algiz: The 15th Rune
The algiz rune (ᛉ) is one of the most powerful protection runes in Norse mythology. Sometimes written as “Elhaz” or “Elhiz” instead, Its meaning is “elk”, but it also represents protection, defense, and prosperity. The elk was a sacred animal to the Norse people, and its antlers were said to have the power to ward off evil spirits. In runic form, the algiz rune looks like two crossed antlers, which symbolize the strength of the elk. The algiz rune can be used for protection against physical and spiritual danger. It can also be used to promote success, abundance, and good luck.
it was frequently used as a potent protection symbol, painted or carved in stone or wood, particularly near areas regarded as pure and capable of healing, like freshwater springs. In modern times it is frequently presented as a luck or protection charm, either by itself or in conjunction with other Norse protection symbols such as the Vegvisir, or merged into other runes to combine the meaning, in an anachronistic form of “galdrastafir” or Icelandic stave writing. Whilst this merging of old and new nordic customs is fairly modern, to the true believer, there’s no reason to suggest combining runes with stave magic wouldn’t work…! Source
ALGIZ (also called Elhaz) is a powerful rune, because it represents the divine might of the universe. The white elk was a symbol to the Norse of divine blessing and protection to those it graced with sight of itself.
The energy of Algiz is what makes something feel sacred as opposed to mundane. It represents the worlds of Asgard (gods of the Aesir), Ljusalfheim (The Light Elves) and Vanaheim (gods of the Vanir), all connecting and sharing energies with our world, Midgard. Source
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The nauthiz rune is associated with the sound of “ng” and has a meaning of “need”. This rune can represent both physical and spiritual needs. It can be a need for food, shelter, or love. It can also represent a need for knowledge or understanding. This rune is often used as a reminder that all things come at a cost. We must sacrifice something in order to gain what we desire. The nauthiz rune can also remind us to be patient. Good things come to those who wait. Source
The Nauthiz rune is a powerful rune that can be useful and amazing to help us create more powerful energy around us.
The Nauthiz rune means need, repression, and pain. This rune represents the maturation of ideas and intentions or, of birth, expectation, and destiny, which bears fruit as long as you have patience.
The Nauthiz rune is the metaphor of one who carries an uncomfortable and heavy burden. It also evokes a sense of endurance—although it is known that it is wrong—and gives the strength to accept suffering willingly, making it productive as far as possible, even if the hope that better times will come is very low. Many times, we want to achieve a goal (to be strong, or to find our way in life) and yet have the wrong idea of this goal.
Nauthiz recommends experiencing weakness to learn what it means to be strong, or “getting lost” to find out what the real path is… the rune advises you to clarify your ideas and define your desires.
Nauthiz is pain, the affliction that distinguishes pain that is denied, not permitted, not expressed, not manifested. It is anguish, the bewilderment in front of one’s life to which there is no meaning. Pain is felt by everyone, this is dictated by a survival instinct, but there is a pain that arises internally that tells us what is right and what is wrong for ourselves. By not listening to this voice we betray our own destiny.
Sickness and suffering are an attempt by our spirit to tell us that something in our life is not working, something that we could and should change. Hagalaz is the inevitable force that bursts into life and destroys everything, Nauthiz is human resistance, understandable rebellion against death, destiny, and the gods.
The symbol of this rune contains its deepest meaning: if there is no sacrifice there can be no salvation.
You can escape from pain with denial, repression, displacement, and escape, but we must remember that what we deny possesses us. By avoiding evil, you also avoid good; by avoiding pain, you flee from joy and from everything that we do not want to recognize as ours, both the good and the bad side.
Nauthiz is associated with the unconscious, with the dark side, with shadows and so also with those figures such as ogres, witches, demons, fairies, and adversaries who, if not listened to, knock ever louder on the doors of our soul.
Nauthiz is affliction and thinks only to flee from pain and death, but if I live in mourning, the suffering of loss, the pain will gradually vanish and progressively be reborn to new life. Pain is the price we have to pay to love life more.
This rune is ruled by the goddess Nott, goddess of the night, and the Norn Skuld; like others, it represents destiny, the extreme test, what takes energy from the past, and will bear fruit in the future. After the night, however long, cold, and dark it may be, the day always comes. Source
Norn Skuld is derived from the Old Norse verb skulu, “need/ought to be/shall be”; its meaning is “that which should become, or that needs to occur”. Source
Nott/Vor is the raven-haired goddess of night, sleep, dreams, the underworld, and of course, death Source
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Kenaz – Literally: “Torch” – Esoteric ‘Ken’ or Knowledge
Key Concepts: torch as a symbol of knowledge and intellect, illumination, searching for enlightenment, shedding light on matters, quest for truth, skills and abilities, creativity, art, craftsmanship, cunning, acquisition and application of knowledge, occult female secrets, intuition, enthusiasm in teaching/learning, study, kin-fire, opportunity, playfulness
Psi: observation, clarity of thought, cognitive faculties, humility
Energy: Controlled energy, transformation (pheonix fire), teaching/learning dynamic, illumination
Mundane: art, technique, improvement of skills, school, the stars
Divinations: Artistic or technical ability, craft, transformation, offspring, new information; or disease, decay, breakup, inability, lack of creativity, ignorance, arrogance, elitism, over-conceptualization
Illumination (torchlight) when exploring transpersonal pathways
Creative inspiration, enthusiasm for learning
Exploration of paradigms in the search for truth
Exposing the hidden to gain new knowledge, esp. through study, reflection and new information
Strengthening of abilities in all realms
Female occult secrets
The light within, the observer
My Notes:
Kenaz is the symbolizes the control and harnessing of fire for warmth and illumination. It represents our having harnessed forces and energies greater than ourselves. Where THURISAZ is the creation of tools, the rune meaning of Kenaz speaks to their skillful use. It signifies the mystery of transformation and our power to create as nature does.
Ancestrally, we each must carry our own torch, creating a path of light that flows through the darkness. These torches are never extinguished, and can be used as signposts in the navigation of the ancestral stream, and to acquire the knowledge and tools from our ancestry represented within ANSUZ that are rightfully ours to use in the present lifetime.
The scientific method and art as an exploration of truth exemplifies Kenaz, as do all fearless forays into the darkness of the unknown (represented by PERTHRO) in search of illumination. Also consider that there is inborn and hereditary knowledge, and that one of the cognitive faculties governed by Kenaz is intuition.
Kenaz is like a torchlit library, and the energy is clearly filled with unlimited potential to learn and to map. Sometimes a good deal of digging around is necessary to uncover the knowledge that will help. Do not forget that the map is not the territory, as Kenaz represents the acquisition of knowledge, not the knowledge itself. Not truth, but the search for truth.
In matters of learning, which can be complemented by the protective teaching force of ALGIZ, it is wise to remember that humility is the prime requirement of a good student, and that no one learns more than the teacher. Therefore arrogance, elitism and authoritarianism signify a disconnect with the principles of Kenaz. Information wants to be free! SOURCE
Posted onCategoriesRune M
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The Isa rune is one of the most commonly used runes in Elder Futhark, the oldest form of the Germanic runic alphabet. The name isa comes from the Proto-Germanic word for “ice”. In addition to its literal meaning, isa is also associated with stillness, inaction, and freezing. As such, it is often used as a symbol of winter or as a charm to ward off evil. In some traditions, isa is also seen as a rune of strength and perseverance, able to withstand even the harshest conditions. Whether you see it as a symbol of cold and stillness or as a sign of strength and resilience, the isa rune is sure to add power and meaning to your magical work.
The isa rune is a modern adaptation of an ancient symbol. Its original meaning is unclear, but it is thought to represent the sun or the goddess Ishtar. In modern times, the isa rune is often used as a symbol of strength and power. Source
Isa Rune Meaning
Isa is the rune number 11 of the Viking runic alphabet. His drawing is a vertical stripe, like a crack that cracks on the ice. This rune symbolizes delays, freezing, flight, or standing still. Isa represents circumstances in which the instinct advises you to stop and wait for a more propitious moment.
Runic number: 11
Other names: Is, Iss, Isaz, Icz, Isar, Ice
Element: Ice
Equivalent letter: I
Associate Gods: Verdandi (Norne)
Translation: Ice
Meaning: Freezing. A lack of change, stagnation
Gemstones: Yellow Quartz, White Quartz, Opal
This rune represents the threat of ice, as when it forms a thin covering that can break when stepped upon, causing some fatality.
Like the harsh Viking environment where winter seemed eternal, something is frozen and paralyzed in your life, yet beneath the icy coating the seed awaits to sprout and subsequently blossom.
Deity associated with the rune Isa
Although the rune Isa is associated with Verdandi, the Norna that sustains the present, it does not have a god related to it. However, it possesses an essential element: ice. In Scandinavian mythology, there were two opposing energies that would create life, and they are fire and ice.
For the ancestral Viking culture, before creation, there was only darkness and two worlds: Niflheim, or the world of ice, in the north, and Muspellsheimr, or the world of fire, in the south.
The ice is potentially life, where the seed of the cosmos is found. The vapors of the southern fire caused the melting of the northern veins and with the successive heat, began to flow glaciers, rivers, and seas, giving rise to the world and the beings of it.
Interpretation of the rune Isa in a Divinatory Spread
The meaning of Isaz in the runic Tarot is linked to the place occupied, to the runes that accompany it (if it is not an Odin Spread), and will also depend on the theme you asked about.
What does Isa mean by a rune in the right position?
The rune Isaz, represented by ice, is linked to disloyalty, deceit, falsehood, entrapment, swindling, and devastation, all disasters that come from the cold environment.
The restrictions, setbacks, and impediments alerted by the rune Isa are transient, except if it is accompanied by a test rune like Nauthiz, then it would entail incessant adversities and continuous efforts. Source
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Aurochs were wild, bison-like cattle, later hunted to extinction. Uruz is linked to Audhumla, the primordial bovine of Norse mythology who licked the salty rime from rocks and revealed Buri, the grandfather of the gods. It is a rune of vitality, of physical health and strength, and of manifestation. It is a masculine rune, associated with the warrior spirit and endurance, (the aurochs could survive Nordic winters in the wild,) but also with insensitivity and violence.
Ur (rune)
The Icelandic word for “rain” and the Old English for “aurochs” go back to two different Proto-Germanic words, *ūruz and *ūrą (although possibly from the same root[original research?]). The Norwegian meaning “dross, slag” is more obscure, but may be an Iron Age technical term derived from the word for water (cf. the Kalevala, where iron is compared to milk).
Because of this, it is difficult to reconstruct a Proto-Germanic name for the Elder Futhark rune. It may have been *ūruz “aurochs” (see also Bull worship), or *ūrą “water”. The aurochs is preferred by authors of modern runic divination systems, but both seem possible, compared to the names of the other runes: “water” would be comparable to “hail” and “lake”, and “aurochs” to “horse” or “elk” (although the latter name is itself uncertain). The Gothic alphabet seems to support “aurochs”, though: as the name of the letter 𐌿 u is urus.
Uruz Rune
Uruz is the second rune in the 24-letter Futhark, with the syllable “Ur” referring to the aurochs, a wild bovine animal that is now extinct. The rune character itself depicts the horns of the aurochs and also represents the gateway to the world beyond. The energetic Futhark rune Uruz reveals the almost inexhaustible power that lies in the very essence of every human being.
Uruz stands for bound and fiery energy, it creates the breeding ground for powerful deeds, endurance and virility. Uruz is the mother of shaping and also stands for natural structures and original knowledge, the wisdom of the earth.
Uruz is a sign for the person seeking advice that he should direct all his concentration and strength to his personal development. Looking to the future, Uruz means renewal, growth, and vitality, but also healing.
The runes are considered one of the oldest symbols on earth and were used especially by seers and shamans for divination. To this day, rune-laying or casting is a much-used method of counseling to gain deeper insight into personal life situations. Uruz is the rune of healing, growth and success. The sign strengthens the ability to regenerate, supports spiritual work and promotes the healing process.
Other themes of the Futhark rune are long-term success, inner wealth and outer prosperity. Associated with its element earth, Uruz embodies constancy, pragmatism and structure.
For example, if you want to uncover the true background of interpersonal conflicts or psychological crises, Uruz will provide you with valuable clues.
Uruz Rune Properties
Alphabet: U, V Element: Earth Deity: Ymir, Audhumbla, Jord Symbol: Aurochs, Rain Interpretation: Strength, power, stubbornness, courage, untamed potential and freedom. Stone: Amber, rock crystal, garnet Tree: Birch, Oak |
Flower: Pasque flower, Anemone Medicinal herb: Marsh moss, nasturtium Animal: Ur, Cattle Color: Red orange, dark green Body: All that flows Scent: Saffron, Thyme Tarot: The High Priestess Astrology: Sun in Taurus, Moon in 8th house, Moon, Taurus |
Jord | Norse Mythology
The photo below is of the COURTHOUSE in Carroll County, Delphi, Indiana. I found it very interesting that in front of the courthouse the walkway is in the form of the Algiz ᛉ
- The Soldiers and Sailors Monument, designed by Rudolf Schwarz and Bruno Schmitz and completed in 1888 outside the Carroll County Courthouse in Delphi, Indiana
- Highsmith, Carol M., 1946-, photographer
Created / Published
- 2016-09-15.
- – United States–Indiana–Carroll County–Delphi
- – America
- – Delphi Soldiers and Sailors Monument
- – Rudolf Schwarz
- – Bruno Schmitz
- – Carroll County Courthouse
- – Civil War monuments
- Digital photographs–Color–2010-2020.
- Digital photographs–Color–2010-2020
- – Title, date and keywords based on information provided by the photographer.
- – Atop its tall shaft stands an Union Army color bearer from the American Civil War of the 1860s.
- – Credit line: Photographs in the Carol M. Highsmith Archive, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.
- – Purchase; Carol M. Highsmith Photography, Inc.; 2016; (DLC/PP-2016:103-1).
- – Forms part of the Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
- 1 photograph : digital, tiff file, color.
Call Number/Physical Location
- LC-DIG-highsm- 40720 (ONLINE) [P&P]
Source Collection
- Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Carol M. Highsmith Archive.
- Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division Washington, D.C. 20540 USA http://hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/pp.print
Digital Id
- highsm 40720 //hdl.loc.gov/loc.pnp/highsm.40720
Library of Congress Control Number
- 2016631538
Reproduction Number
- LC-DIG-highsm-40720 (original digital file)
Rights Advisory
- No known restrictions on publication.
Online Format
- image
LCCN Permalink
Additional Metadata Formats
IIIF Presentation Manifest
Delphi, Indiana
Delphi is a city in and the county seat of Carroll County, in the U.S. state of Indiana. Located twenty minutes northeast of Lafayette, it is part of the Lafayette, Indiana Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was 2,893 at the 2010 census. Wikipedia

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The Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Railroad, known affectionately as the MONON, is Indiana’s own. MONON derives from Potawatomi Indian words that sounded to the first settlers like metamonong or monong and seemingly meant “tote”, or “swift running”. In 1882, the railroad started printing “THE MONON ROUTE” on company maps, later naming itself “MONON – The Hoosier Line” on timetables, letterheads, and rolling stock. Most Midwestern railroads built after the 1830’s connected Eastern cities with the newly settled West. North-south lines stood as larger business risks. The MONON opened its 300-miles from Lake Michigan south to the Ohio River in 1853. As more railroads crossed Indiana, the MONON offered passengers and shippers links to the Southern at New Albany; the Baltimore & Ohio at Mitchell; the Milwaukee at Bedford; the Illinois Central at Bloomington; the Pennsylvania at Gosport; the New York Central at Greencastle; the Wabash and the Nickel Plate at Lafayette; the Nickel Plate at Linden; the Erie at Wilders, plus the Chicago & Eastern Illinois, the Chesapeake & Ohio, the Chicago, South Shore & South Bend, the Peoria & Eastern, the Grand Trunk Western, and the Louisville & Nashville at other points. The few north-south railroads, such as the MONON and Illinois Central, provided timely service to Union forces during the Civil War. The MONON carried volunteers to mustering centers free; hurried sick, wounded or discharged men home at half-price. It carried troops, ammunition, food, fuel and medicine on contract. In 1861 alone, the government paid the MONON $9,149 to deliver 9,105 men to war-related destinations. Of 17 Indiana railroads running in 1861-65, only two carried more military personnel. A clue to the MONON’s vital war role: Confederate John Morgan’s raiders from Kentucky in July, 1863, tore out MONON tracks, pulled over water tanks, burned trestles and a depot at Salem, Indiana. In April, 1865, a MONON engine pulled President Abraham Lincoln’s funeral train at 5 mph, per orders, over the 90 miles from Lafayette to Michigan City, one of twenty railroad lines honored to participate in the 20-day, 1,666-mile trail of sadness from Washington, D.C., to Springfield, Illinois. |
A map of the MONON trackage would show it in the form of an “X”, laid out over the state of Indiana. One leg ran from Dearborn Station in Chicago, Illinois to Union Station in Indianapolis, Indiana, the first Union Station in the United States. The second leg ran from Michigan City, Indiana to Louisville, Kentucky. The “X” crosses at its namesake city of Monon, Indiana. The main line, runs from Chicago to Monon to Louisville, while the lines from Monon to Michigan City, and from Monon to Indianapolis, were operated as branch lines. Another branch line ran from Orleans, Indiana, Southwest, stopping at the West Baden Resort Hotel, and terminating on the grounds of the French Lick Springs Hotel, where it connects with the Southern Ry. The MONON served five major Universities in Indiana, Purdue University (West Lafayette), Wabash College (Crawfordsville), DePauw University (Greencastle), Indiana University (Bloomington), and Butler University (Indianapolis). The state’s decision to put Purdue University at Lafayette in 1869 had partly to do with MONON service, there since 1852. So important was the college traffic that the road painted its passenger rolling stock the red and gray of Indiana University, and painted its freight engines black and gold of Purdue University. In 1959, after the Indianapolis to Chicago trains were discontinued, it didn’t make sense to continue with two color schemes, and to economize, the red and gray passenger scheme was slowly converted to black and gold. |
Save the Monon High Bridge
Guest Opinion
The Monon High Bridge is at a crossroads in the history of its existence. The abandoned 1891 railroad trestle over Deer Creek near Delphi needs a sponsor. Despite numerous ideas and plans by individuals and organizations for nearly 25 years, at this juncture there is no local or state group stepping forward to claim as sponsor at least temporary ownership to begin the bridge’s rehabilitation into a pedestrian walkway.
The dream, which has solid plans in place, is to make the Monon High Bridge the gem at the end of a trail that is more than a mile in length. The trail is aptly named Monon High Bridge Trail. The trail was started more than ten years ago with the vision of the late Lois Mears, who convinced Dan McCain and the Wabash and Erie Canal Association to take donated Mears brothers property on the abandoned Monon rail line and turn it into a trail. But the Mears did not own the bridge. Today Sherry Mears, Lois’s husband, is perhaps the greatest advocate for including the bridge in the existing trail.
“Let’s get on with it and fix the bridge,” Sherry has exclaimed many times in the past few years.
Acquisition of 3.7 wooded acres in Delphi to serve as a trailhead for the Monon High Bridge Trail. The site includes city utilities and a run-down house, which is to be demolished. The western boundary of the property is a small stream, and the northern boundary adjoins the Monon trail corridor. Acquisition of the property will dramatically improve access to the trail. (First BNT project in Carroll County.)
- Organization: Heartland Heritage Inc.
- County: Carroll
- Contact: Mark Becker, Bicentennial Nature Trust Program Director, 317-234-8494, mbecker@dnr.in.gov
- Type: Bicentennial Nature Trust
- Project Number: IBC-BNT-149
Bicentennial Nature Trust selects county project for protection
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and the Bicentennial Commission announced recently that more than 11,000 acres have been protected through the efforts of the Bicentennial Nature Trust (BNT).
The BNT was launched in 2012 as a project of the Bicentennial Commission. The program works to acquire land for conservation and recreation to serve as a perpetual gift to all Hoosiers in celebration of Indiana’s 200 years of statehood. The statewide effort honors the establishment of the state park system, which was created in 1916 to commemorate Indiana’s centennial.
The BNT has completed 129 land acquisition projects to date for a total of 11,096 acres statewide. The projects enhance public access to recreational trails, public hunting and fishing opportunities, wildlife observation, and conservation of fragile natural habitats. Partners include local park systems, land trusts, trails groups, and landholding divisions of the DNR.
One of the projects is in Carroll County, sponsored by Heartland Heritage Inc. It includes acquisition of 3.7 wooded acres in Delphi to serve as a trailhead for the Monon High Bridge Trail. The site includes city utilities and a run-down house, which is to be demolished. The western boundary of the property is a small stream, and the northern boundary adjoins the Monon trail corridor. This acquisition of the property is expected to improve access to the trail.
The state obligated $20 million for BNT projects, and the Lilly Endowment donated another $10 million. The program requires that money from the fund is matched no less than $1:1 by project sponsors. To date, projects sponsors have matched $1.41 for every BNT dollar.
When did the girls go missing?
On Feb. 13, 2017, Abby and Libby were dropped off by Libby’s older sister, Kelsi German, at 1:49 p.m., near the entrance of the Delphi Historic Trial by the Mears farm, located on the north side of County Road 300 north.
Where were the girls found?
On Feb. 14, 2017, the girls’ bodies were found in the woods, approximately 0.2 miles northeast of the Monon High Bridge in Carroll County, Indiana, on the north side of Deer Creek. Source
Indiana Landmarks Announces Rescue of Monon High Bridge
Repairs scheduled for endangered span built in 1891.
Indiana Landmarks announced today that it has scheduled predevelopment work on Delphi’s Monon High Bridge in preparation for taking ownership of the railroad span from CSX. The railroad requires the work before it will give the 1891 bridge to the nonprofit preservation organization. CSX vacated the span in 1987. Indiana Landmarks included the High Bridge on its annual 10 Most Endangered list in 2016.
“We have to do a land survey and a soil study to verify that there is no environmental contamination before we take title to the bridge,” said Tommy Kleckner, director of Indiana Landmarks’ Western Regional Office. “As soon as we have title, we’ll repair the deteriorated stone and iron pier—one of the bridge’s main supports—that caused us to list it as endangered,” he added.
He reported that Indiana Landmarks will erect a temporary chain-link security fence at the north end of the bridge with gates that will allow access for construction equipment. A sign on the fence will warn against trespassing until the refurbished bridge opens as part of the city’s trail system, a long-time goal of the Wabash & Erie Canal Association, Heartland Heritage, Inc., and Deer Creek Township.
“We began working with our local partners to acquire the Monon High Bridge back in 2012,” notes Indiana Landmarks’ President Marsh Davis. “Last year they appealed to us to acquire the bridge from CSX because no local entity could afford the liability, given the deteriorated condition of the pier. Our board weighed the risk and the importance of the High Bridge and voted to save the bridge. We expect to have the title by the end of June, when we’ll move quickly to rebuild the pier and address the cause of the deterioration,” he added.
The preparatory steps and the repair are expected to cost $121,000. CSX is contributing the bridge and nearly a half-mile of land on the approach. Indiana Landmarks is fronting the money for the repair and hopes to recover most of the project cost through grants.
As soon as the repairs are made, Indiana Landmarks will transfer ownership of the bridge to Deer Creek Township, which has received a grant from the state’s Department of Natural Resources to cover the cost of renovating the bridge for safe use as a trail amenity and improvements to extend the trail to the bridge. The township expects to enter into a lease with Heartland Heritage, Inc., a local nonprofit, to maintain the bridge in its use on the trail.
“While the High Bridge has been a popular destination for generations, including the period when it carried trains, it has never been considered a safe structure for pedestrians. This project will temporarily close off access in order to make it a much safer place for people of all ages to enjoy,” said Carroll County Sheriff Tobe Leazenby. At 63 feet above Deer Creek, it is believed to be Indiana’s second highest bridge after the Tulip Trestle near Bloomfield in Greene County.
How convenient that they closed it down so quickly and have already changed it and will completely refurbish it in a short time. Right when there is a trial going on and the jury and/or investigators or attorneys might need to see first hand what the girls went through and determine if it was credible for one person or more perpetrators were involved.
Carroll County is known for preserving more than 30 historic bridges for vehicular and pedestrian uses. It imported and restored the 1914 Freedom Bridge, discarded by another county, to carry a trail across the new Hoosier Heartland Highway. “More visitors to the area have requested the Delphi Historic Trails map and brochure than any other brochure from the Carroll County Chamber and Tourism Office,” according to Julia Leahy, executive director of the chamber.
“After Indiana Landmarks rebuilds the pier, the township’s work will not only make the High Bridge safe for pedestrians, it will create a breathtaking public overlook in an inspiring natural setting,” says Deer Creek Township board member David McCain.
Halfway Across: The Delphi Murders
Carroll Surname Meaning, History & OriginSelect Surnames
The name comes from the Gaelic word cearbh meaning “slaughter” and possibly described a fierce and warlike warrior.
Delphi’s Monon High Bridge receives state funding
$1.2 million to be used for its restoration and adjacent trails
The Monon High Bridge is believed to be Indiana’s second tallest bridge. Tony Walters | Pharos-Tribune