We have put our faith and trust in leadership. Leadership of our nations and the world. We thought that the people we elected were actually making the decisions and taking action. We were so wrong. The people who make the decisions regarding our lives, our resources, our future, are not elected. They have no real mandate to rule but, they believe that they do by virtue of who they are and what they possess. They are the Royals, the wealthy businessmen and women, the bankers, the entertainers, the scientists, the scholars, the wizards, and the religious leaders. THE ELITE. They make decisions over our lives on a regular basis and run the world from behind a curtain of secrecy. Many of you are aware of the Bilderberg yearly meeting. There has been a lot of information about it and publicity surrounding it. BUT, how many of you know about DAVOS? I know that I was not aware of it. This group is just as important to your future, maybe to a greater extent than Bilderberg. I have done some research on it and want to share with you what I have learned so far. I just love the title of this first, very brief article. Everything you need to know about DAVOS… How arrogant. These people are making decisions and setting policies, forming alliances and plotting out changes that will affect our lives most dramatically and all we need to know (according to them) fits in a few paragraphs describing their annual meeting. If we know about them at all.
Swedish environmental activist Greta Thunberg takes part in a panel discussion during the World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, January 25, 2019. REUTERS/Arnd Wiegmann
What is Davos?
Davos is the informal name of the annual four-day conference held by The World Economic Forum in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland. The non-profit organization’s(let me tell you something, BEWARE OF NON PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS and NON GOVERMENT ORGANIZATIONS)aim is to “engage the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas,” according to its website.
Each year, business leaders and heads of stategive lectures and speak on panels about topics ranging from gender equality and venture capital to mental health and climate change. The real magic happens behind closed doors, however: The rich and powerfuluse the event as a chance to network and hash out their differences out of the public eye. North and South Korean officials held their first ever ministerial-level meetings at Davos in 1989, while Greece and Macedonia settled their nearly three-decade-long conflict over Macedonia’s name at the event in 2018, according to the BBC.
The World Economic Forum (WEF), based in Cologny-Geneva, Switzerland, is an NGO, founded in 1971. So, we see that this folks have been meeting year for 49 years. Shaping our world to suit themselves. That means that next year, 2021 will be their 50th Anniversary.
The World Economic Forum is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.
The Forum engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
It was established in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation and is headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland. It is independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests. The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual integrity is at the heart of everything it does.
Our activities are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is accountable to all parts of society. The institution carefully blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations, from both the public and private sectors, international organizations and academic institutions.
We believe that progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of life who have the drive and the influence to make positive change.
WORLD leaders have descended upon on the Swiss town of Davos for the World Economic Forum. But where is it and what happens at the global political get together? (If you have been following my articles you are aware that the Netherlands/Switzerland is the CENTER of all the World Government and World Domination by the Royals.)
The World Economic Forum holds its annual meeting during the month of January, in Davos-Cloisters – commonly known as Davos.
WEF’s mission statement says it is “committed to improving the state of the world by engaging business, political, academic, and other leaders of society to shape global, regional, and industry agendas”.
Where is Davos?
The Alpine town, home to one of the Switzerland’s biggest ski resorts, is also the highest “town” in Europe sitting at 1,560 m. (Now that is very significant. THE HIGHEST town in EUROPE. High Places are VERY important to the OCCULT and demon worship.)
Popular with tourists, it is located on the river Landwasser (water is very important to the OCCULT and provides power for the magic, and from the name of this river it appears that they are proclaiming rulership over land and sea.) in the Rhaetian Alps, part of the largest and most eastern canton (Swiss member states) of Graubünden.
Switzerland’s capital Bernlies about 114 miles west. (114 = 6 in Numerology) (BERN is very important, I have posted a series on BERN. If you have not viewed it, check it out.)
Davos plays host to global and political elites every year at the World Economic Forum (WEF).
What happens as world leaders meet at the World Economic Forum?
Attending the WEF comes with a hefty £22,000 price tag(28,819.89USD just to attend) and the project has been labelled in the past by critics as being nothing more than a “vanity project”.
EXPRESS / Davos map: Davos lies 114 miles east of Bern, the capital of Switzerland
This year’s programme is focused around the theme, Creating a Shared Future in a Fractured World.
International co-operation of “crucial shared interests” such as international security, the environment and the global economy have been named as the priority. (all areas they are manipulating in order to gain the support of the masses.)
Professor Klaus Schwab, founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, said: “Our world has become fractured by increasing competition between nations and deep divides within societies.
“Klaus Martin Schwab is a German engineer and economist, best known as the founder and executive chairman of the World Economic Forum, in 1971 as a not-for-profit foundation, and went on to build it into the foremost international institutions for public-private cooperation. Schwab studied at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, University of Fribourg and Harvard University; degrees include doctorates in Mechanical Engineering and Economics (summa cum laude). Schwab was professor of business policy at the University of Geneva from 1972 to 2002. In 1998, he and his wife Hilde created the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, which supports social innovation around the world.In 2004 Professor Schwab founded the Forum of Young Global Leaders (targeted at leaders between 30 and 40). In 2011 he created the Global Shapers Community(focusing on potential leaders between 20 and 30). He is the recipient of numerous awards and holds honorary professorships and doctorates from universities around the world, and the recipient of a number of international honours for initiatives undertaken in the spiritof entrepreneurship in the global public interest and for peace and reconciliation efforts in several regions of the world.” Source: World Government SummitThis man has done a great deal to forward the GLOBALIST agenda. Creating multiple organizations aimed at undermining and over-riding national governments to promote BUSINESS interests around the world.
“Yet the sheer scale of the challenges our world faces makes concerted, collaborative and integrated action more essential than ever.
“Our Annual Meeting aims to overcome these fault lines by reasserting shared interests among nations and securing multistakeholder commitmentto renewing social contracts through inclusive growth.”
The private sector will be represented as well as leaders from civil society groups – such as NGOs, faith groups and labour organisations – will be in attendance.
Commentary: Income gap peaking; crash, revolution dead ahead
SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif. (MarketWatch) — Davos. Swiss Alps. Annual meeting of the notorious World Economic Forum.Invitation-only club for the Super Rich and friends since 1971. Feel-good mantra: “Committed to improving the state of the world.”
But they’re failing. In 40 years the Haves got richer. Have-nots got shafted. Something’s terribly wrong. When it comes to global economics, Davos is a disaster.
So, people have been warning about this group for a while, at least since 2011. Why doesn’t anybody see that these “World Organizations” are absolutely worthless. They only protect and promote the RICH elite and Big Business. They are raping the rest of the world. The sooner we recognize them for the Treacherous,Traitorous, Self-serving Scoundrels they are, the better off we will be. We need to shut them all down and lock them up.pacer
A general view shows the Swiss mountain resort of Davos. The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum takes place under heavy security measures beginning Wednesday in the Alpine resort, and will be attended by top politicians, monetary policymakers and senior business executives. REUTERS
Why? Inside Davos is a secret society, a Conspiracy of the Super Rich, more than half the 2,500 attending the event. They’ve got trillions. And it’s not enough.Right now, many are cruising to Davos at 50,000 feet, enjoying caviar, foie gras, filet mignon and Dom Perignon in the comfort of their tax-exemptGulfstream 5 jets.
For them a Davos invitation is not just a status symbol, not just proof of their power. An invitation confirms the illusion that their Conspiracy of the Super Rich is the main engine driving global economic progress the past 40 years … so they think they deserve all the wealth they’ve accumulated, including their $60 million jets.
Now step into a parallel reality: You’re flying coach to Davos. Can’t sleep. Watch an iPad movie. Old favorite: “On Her Majesty’s Secret Service.” James Bond is also flying to the Blofeld Institute high in the Alps. Blofeld, publicly known for cutting-edge research. But behind-the-scenes, a diabolical plot is hatching.
At night, after a formal dinner, Bond discovers Blofeld is secretly brainwashing 10 beautiful ladies, Angels of Death, to deliver a deadly toxin across the world on his command, a biological WMD. His strategy: Hold the world hostage, demanding more fame, fortune and absolute power.
Yes folks, at some deep level the Davos Conspiracy of the Super Rich parallels Blofeld’s attempt to take over the world. Both symbols of a dying capitalism.
But unfortunately, in today’s real-world scenario we have no James Bond heroics. This time, the inbound fleet of Gulfstreams may well be flown by armed Secret Service pilots with a detail of CIA guards, all funded by Congress to protect their donors in the Conspiracy.
Seat-belt sign turns off. You relax. We shift from Gulfstream metaphors to the real-world facts. Ask yourself: Why is the Davos Conspiracy of the Super Rich (with its high-toned mission to “collaborate in a proactive, integrated and systematic manner to address global challenges”) actually creating a global economy that’s deteriorating at high speed, where war, disease, population and poverty are accelerating at alarming rates, where the planet’s commodity-resources are rapidly disappearing?
Why? Because Davos really is a disaster. Their economics is a disaster, capitalism a disaster. The Davos’ world view is a disaster. But unfortunately, the Super Rich cannot see this reality cruising at 50,000 feet. They can’t even see the risks once at Davos.
Yes, Davos does have a thick-slick report about 28 global risks (warning: it only takes three happening simultaneously to trigger a global shutdown). But the real motives of the Super Rich are personal wealth, political power, glory. They care little for the masses. They are myopic narcissists, like Blofeld’s Angels of Death, trained solely to laser in on profit opportunities, marginalizing risks. Sadly, they will never see the next big catastrophe in time, will not act till it’s too late.
The facts on economic progress since Davos launched in 1971 are undisputed: In the new American Interest Journal, Francis Fukuyama, author of “The End of History” and one of the leading minds behind President Reagan’s foreign policy wrote: “It is well established that income inequality has increased substantially in the United States over the past three decades, and that gains from the prolonged period of economic growth that ended in 2007–08 have gone disproportionately to the upper end of the richest layer of society.”
Yes, Super Rich billionaires grabbed the bulk of economic prosperity since Davos was launched. Fukuyama says “a study by Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez shows that between 1978 and 2007, the share of U.S. income accruing to the top one percent of American families jumped from 9% to 23.5 % of the total. These data point clearly to the stagnation of working-class incomes in the United States:Real incomes for male workers peaked sometime back in the 1970s and have not recovered since.”
The last time the inequality gap was this huge was just before the 1929 Crash and the Great Depression.
Trickle-up capitalism: Rich get richer, the masses get shafted
What about the Have-nots? The 99% in our working economy? Capitalism is shafting them: 40 years of economic gains trickling up. The top 1% got richer. Real incomes for the Have-nots, the bottom 99%, have declined.
“For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.” Matthew 25:29
Since Davos was launched four decades ago, the Super Rich only come to share with other Super Rich. They share little with the rest of the world. Their motives are selfish. They come to Davos to share clever legal, political, tax and financial tricks that will protect and increase their personal wealth and power,with token caring for the masses.
The results are clear: For the Super Rich, Davos (is) a money-maker.For the world economy, Davos is a disaster.
Worse, Fukuyama warns of a toxic connection between the political and economic goals of the Super Rich: “The growing disparity in outcomes has coincided with a period of conservative hegemony in American politics. Conservative ideas clearly had to do with the rise in inequality. The economic model favored by Ronald Reagan was intended to open the doors to greater competition and entrepreneurship.”
But Reaganomics failed. While “pro-market advocates have repeatedly told us that growth nearly always trickles down over time to all or nearly all class cohorts …as the years went by, those outsized gains at the top of the income distribution pyramid failed to trickle down in any substantial way.”
In short, the Reaganomics brand of capitalism failed miserably. And ironically it’s making a rapid comeback. Why? Because the Davos Conspiracy of the Super Rich is obsessed with wealth, power and globalism.
Pimco’s CEO Mohamed El-Erian warns of revolutions dead ahead
The Bond movie ends. You lean back, relax, open the new Atlantic magazine you bought at the airport before boarding. The lead-in of Chrystia Freeland’s brilliant essay, “The Rise of the New Global Elite” grabs you, evokes more images of a vast conspiracy taking over the world: “F. Scott Fitzgerald was right when he declared the rich different from you and me. But today’s super-rich are also different from yesterday’s: more hard-working and meritocratic, but less connected to the nations that granted them opportunity — and the countrymen they are leaving ever further behind.”
Reading on, you become convinced there really is a Conspiracy of the Super Rich headed for Davos in U.S. Gulfstreams. But it’s not what you thought. There’s no secret organization commanded by a diabolical Blofeld clone plotting to disperse Angels of Death armed with biological WMDs to destroy the world.
Sure, the Super Rich are plotting. But they’re doing it right out in the open. To control everything. To concentrate more money, more power for the top 1%. They have all the money and lobbyists necessary to buy enough politicians to make all their corrupt, unethical behavior appear legal and constitutional.
The clincher comes near the end of Freeland’s essay when she focuses on Pimco CEO Mohamed El-Erian, author of a powerful best seller, “When Markets Collide,” a guy who manages over a trillion of investments worldwide.
Freeland summarizes: “The real threat facing the super-elite, at home and abroad, isn’t modestly higher taxes, but rather the possibility that inchoate public rage could cohere into a more concrete populist agenda — that, for instance, middle-class Americans could conclude that the world economy isn’t working for them and decide that protectionism or truly punitive taxation is preferable.”
Or a revolution.
Revolutions work because diplomacy, peaceful negotiations don’t
El-Erian is a “model member of the super-elite. But he is also a man whose father grew up in rural Egypt, and he has studied nations where the gaps between the rich and the poor have had violent resolutions.” Sudden, violent revolutions.
El-Erian is clear: “For successful people to say the challenges faced by the lower end of the income distribution aren’t relevant to them is shortsighted … this will lead to increasingly inward-looking social and political conditions … we risk ending up with very insular policies that will not do well in a global world.” We become even more vulnerable to external enemies.
Freeland’s summary: “The lesson of history is that, in the long run, super-elites have two ways to survive: by suppressing dissent or by sharing their wealth.”
Unfortunately, there is a third, more violent solution, as El-Erian hints. But few in the Davos Conspiracy of the Super Rich get the hint. They have a blind spot, minimizing risk — which, ironically, triggers catastrophes when we least expect them, as in 2008.
Capitalism is in a death spiral, obvious from the recent resurgence of self-destructive Reaganomics in America. It will not survive. History tells us suppressing dissent will eventually fail. And sharing the wealth rarely comes through diplomacy and peaceful negotiations, only after violent costly revolutions that overthrow existing “systems,” like the Davos
Lake Davos – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Lake Davos (German: Davosersee) is a small natural lake at Davos, Switzerland. Its surface area is 0.59 km² and the maximum depth is 54 m. Fed by sources of the Rhine, Flüelabach and Totalpbach, among other mountain creeks, the lake is used as a hydropower reservoir; its water no longer flows to the river Landwasser but is channeled into the river Landquart at Klosters.
If you do, take a peek at the World Economic Forum website.
The following video may be the most important thing you spend time on this weekend. Is it scary? Yes! It should scare the stuffing out of you. But the time to play ostrich is over.It’s time for all of us to take our stand. It’s time for all of us to choose how we’re going to fight back.
My red line happened with a mask mandate. I will not, nor have I, donned the mask of servitude. My only master is God – the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and they don’t require a mask. Still not sure? Visit or re-visit the short 3:30 video “The Truth Behind the Mask.”
In only 87 days, the evil “movers and shakers” (aka Godless monsters) will try to steal this election from Donald J. Trump. If they succeed, I can promise you that your world will never be the same.
Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before he explores what’s really going on with the global pandemic.
To understand what’s really happening here, he takes us to Davos, Switzerland—to the World Economic Forum—where the movers and shakers of the world have been meeting on a regular basis, especially since January 2020, to discuss the “opportunity” for a ‘global reset’ at the Davos 2021 Summit.
Using multiple video clips, Michael shows how everyone from Soros, to Gates, to Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are only too eager to admit exactly what The Great Reset is all about.
Using the Trojan Horse of a very serious Coronavirus, these globalists plan to create a global reset of everything from the world economy, to population control, commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder” and “re-imagine” every aspect of life as we know it.
This is the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony impeachment and all the other deep state attempts to cripple Trump’s efforts to ‘make America great again.”
Why? Because no country—especially not the U.S.—can opt out of The Great Reset.
If they get their New Normal, nothing will be the same ever again. Nothing, that is, unless Donald Trump wins in November.
The folks at Davos want a new world order, and the only thing standing in their way at the moment is the US. (Truly the only thing standing in their way is GOD!)
If you have not listened to Trump’s speech at Davos in full, it may be time to do so.
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China, Russia and the West need to manage change together to tackle common challenges. / Image: REUTERS/Jo Yong-Hak
The spread of COVID-19 demands global cooperation among governments, international organizations and the business community. This multistakeholder cooperation is at the centre of the World Economic Forum’s mission as the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.
In this context, the new COVID Action Platform will focus on three priorities:
Galvanize the global business community for collective action
Protect people’s livelihoods and facilitate business continuity
Mobilize cooperation and business support for the COVID-19 response
Davos – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The name DAVOS means BEHIND. Appropriate place and name for THOSE WHO ARE BEHIND THE NEW WORLD ORDER.
Davos plays host to the World Economic Forum (WEF), an annual meeting of global political and business elites (often referred to simply as “Davos”), and has one of Switzerland’s biggest ski resorts. At the end of every year it serves as the site of the annual Spengler Cupice-hockey tournament, hosted by the HC Davos local hockey team.
The arms are identical to those of the Zehngerichtenbund (translation:Ten Courts Association; and isn’t that fascinating. The TEN CROWNS, TEN RULERS, Ten Divisions of the New World Order?), one of the three local assemblies that later formed the canton of Graubünden. Davos was the main city in this territory and used the same arms as the whole territory.
A demonymis any name derived from a place that helps describe people who live there. Californians are people who live in California. Frenchmen live in France. And so on. But what about the demonyms that are seemingly random? (Now how do you suppose they chose to use the word demonym? Perhaps for the demons that ruled over the area where the demonym lived? Personally, I have never heard that term before.)
How the heck did people from the Netherlands become the Dutch, for example?
Where Dutch came from
Before we dig into this demonym, there are three terms we need to define: Holland, the Netherlands, and Dutch. The Old English cousin to Dutch, thiod or theod, simply meant “people or nation.” (This also helps explain why Germany is called Deutschland in German.) (Well, another interesting world theod, from the same root as we get theology. Theology would be the both the study of and the actual religious beliefs and theories themselves. The religions built around the gods/demons they served. Because those demons had dominion over the area, due to the fall of man and the fall of the angels.)
the study of the nature of God and religious belief.
religious beliefs and theory when systematically developed.
plural noun: theologies
Over time, English-speaking people used the word Dutch to describe people from both the Netherlands and Germany, and now just the Netherlands today. (At that point in time, in the early 1500s, the Netherlands and parts of Germany, along with Belgium and Luxembourg, were all part of the Holy Roman Empire.) Specifically the phrase High Dutch referred to people from the mountainous area of what is now southern Germany. Low Dutch referred to people from the flatlands in what is now the Netherlands.
Within the Holy Roman Empire, the word Netherlands was used to describe people from the low-lying (nether) region (land). The term was so widely used that when they became a formal, separate country in 1815, they became the Kingdom of the Netherlands. The word Holland literally meant “wood-land” in Old English and originally referred to people from the northern region of the Netherlands. Over time, Holland, among English speakers, came to apply to the entire country, though it only refers to two provinces—the coastal North and South Holland—in the Netherlands today. Got all that? Dictionary.com
German deutsch is from Old High German diutisg and Low German theodisc,meaning “of the people,” which comes from an Indo-European root, teuta-, meaning “tribe” or “clan.” This became tuath “people” in Old Irish and theod“people, nation in Old English.” Source: Linguafileslivejournal.com
theologia, from Greek theologia “an account of the gods,” from theologos “one discoursing on the gods,” from theos “god” (from PIE root *dhes-, forming words for religious concepts) + –logos “treating of” (see -logy). Meaning “a particular system of theology” is from 1660s. Source: Reddit.com
Davos – Town in Switzerland – wikipedia
Davos is a town in the Swiss Alps, within the canton of Graubünden (Grisons). It’s a popular ski resort with a conference center that hosts the annual World Economic Forum. Downhill and cross-country ski areas include Jakobshorn, Pischa, Rinerhorn and Parsenn. Summer activities include swimming and sailing on Lake Davos, hiking and mountain biking. The Glacier Express, a scenic train ride, connects Davos to the Matterhorn.
Its German name, Graubünden, translates as the “Grey Leagues”, referring to the canton’s origin in three local alliances, the League of God’s House, the Grey League, and the League of the Ten Jurisdictions. Grisons is the only officially trilingual(anything to do with trilateral commission? I wonder) canton and the only one where the Romansh language has official status.
“The Trilateral Commission is a non-governmental, policy-oriented forum that brings together leaders in their individual capacity from the worlds of business, government, academia, press and media, as well as civil society. The Commission offers a global platform for open dialogue, reaching out to those with different views and engaging with decision makers from around the world with the aim of finding solutions to the great geopolitical, economic and social challenges of our time. Its members share a firm belief in the values of rule of law, democratic government, human rights, freedom of speech and free enterprise that underpin human progress. Members are also committed to supporting a rules-based international system, closer cooperation across borders and respect for the diversity of approaches to policy issues.
The Trilateral Commission was formed in 1973 (shortly after the World Economic Forum began meeting.) by private citizens of Japan, Europe (European Union countries), and North America (United States and Canada) to foster closer cooperation among these core industrialized areas of the world with shared leadership responsibilities in the wider international system. Originally established for three years, our work has been renewed for successive triennia (three-year periods), most recently for a triennium to be completed in 2015.”
Canton of Grisons – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The canton of (the) Grisons, or canton of Graubünden,[a] is the largest and easternmost canton of Switzerland. It has international borders with Italy, Austria, and Liechtenstein. Its German name, Graubünden, translates as the “Grey Leagues”, referring to the canton’s origin in three local alliances, the League of God’s House, the Grey League, and the League of the Ten Jurisdictions. Grisons is the only officially trilingual canton and the only one where the Romansh language has official status. Swiss German, Italian, and Romansh are all native to the canton.
DESIGN: Divided, split above: in the first field split by black and silver; celebrated in the second field with angles of gold and blue; in the third field in silver upright black red-tongued and red gender ornate ibex.
(ibex – [ ahy-beks ] – noun,plurali·bex·es,ib·i·ces[ib–uh-seez, ahy-buh-], –especially collectively – i·bex. any of several wild goats of the genus Capra, inhabiting mountainous regions of Eurasia and North Africa, having long, recurved (adjective – curved upward, as the bill of a bird)horns. Source: Dictionary.com)
Capra– Capra is a genus of mammals, the goats or wild goats, composed of up to 9 species, including the wild goat, the markhor, and several species known as ibex. The domestic goat is a domesticated subspecies of the wild goat. Wild goats are animals of mountain habitats. They are very agile and hardy, able to climb on bare rock and survive on sparse vegetation. They can be distinguished from the genus Ovis, which includes sheep, by the presence of scent glands close to the feet, in the groin, and in front of the eyes, and the absence of other facial glands, and by the presence of a beard in the males, and of hairless calluses on the knees of the forelegs. (Numerology – Chaldean Numerology – The numerical value of CAPRA in Chaldean Numerology is: 6; Pythagorean Numerology – The numerical value of CAPRA in Pythagorean Numerology is: 3)
Etymology: Capra(noun)
a genus of ruminants, including the common goat Source: Definitions.com
Old English cir(i)ce, cyr(i)ce, related to Dutch kerk and German Kirche, based on medieval Greek kurikon, from Greek kuriakon (dōma) ‘Lord’s (house)’, from kurios ‘master or lord’. Compare with kirk. Source
Graubünden, (German), French Grisons, Italian Grigioni, Romansh Grishun, largest and most easterly canton of Switzerland; it has an area of 2,743 square miles (7,105 square km), of which two-thirds is classed as productive (forests covering one-fifth of the total). The entire canton is mountainous, containing peaks and glaciers of the Tödi (11,857 feet [3,614 metres]), Bernina (13,284 feet), Adula, Albula, Silvretta, and Rhätikon ranges in the Central Alps. These ranges are penetrated by a system of level valleys, of which the inner ones are the highest in central Europe. The principal valleys, running southwest to northeast, are those of the Upper Rhine.
The valleys were originally sett ed by the Raeti (Rhaeti), a people probably Celtic in origin. Most of the modern canton formed the southern part of Raetia, a province set up by the Romans in 15 BCE. Designated a county by the emperor Charlemagne about 806 CE, the region was largely ruled from the episcopal see of Chur (Coire), the bishop of which had become a prince of the Holy Roman Empire in 1170.
The Gotteshausbund(“League of the House of God”), founded in 1367 to stem the bishop’s rising power, was followed in 1395 by the Oberbund, or Grauerbund (“Gray League”) of the upper Rhine valley. The use of the word gray (German grau, French gris, Romansh grisch) in this context derived from the homespun gray cloth worn by the men and gave rise to the name of the Grisons, or Graubünden (“Gray Leagues”), for the whole canton. A third Raetian league, called the Zehngerichtenbund (“League of the Ten Jurisdictions” or “Courts”), was founded in 1436 by the inhabitants of 10 bailiwicks of the former countship of Toggenburg, whose dynasty had become extinct (seeToggenburg Succession). The Zehngerichtenbund allied with the Gotteshausbund in 1450 and with the Oberbund in 1471.
The passing of the Toggenburg possessions to the elder Habsburgs in 1496 led the Oberbund and Gotteshausbund to ally with the Swiss Confederation. The Swiss victories at Calven Gorge and Dornach in the ensuing war compelled the Habsburgs to recognize the practical independence of the Swiss and their allies. In 1526 the last traces of the temporal jurisdiction of the bishops of Chur were abolished. After a brief inclusion in the Helvetic Republic, the Graubünden, or Grisons, entered the Swiss Confederation (Switzerland) in 1803. The cantonal constitution dates from 1892.
Forests and mountain pastures are used in the summer to graze goats and sheep. Wine is produced below Chur, the capital, and corn (maize) and chestnuts are grown in the Mesolcina and Poschiavo valleys. Tourism is important in the canton’s valleys, spas, and resorts, notably at Davos, St. Moritz, Pontresina, and Arosa. There are some light industries around Chur. About one-half of the population, mainly around Chur, speaks German; about one-sixth, in the southern valleys, speaks Italian; and about one-third, in the Bündner Oberland and the Vorderrhein and Engadin valleys, speaks Romansh and Ladin, survivals of an ancient Romance language. The population has a small Roman Catholic majority. Pop. (2007 est.) 187,920.
Landquart, Switzerland – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Landquart is a river of Switzerland in the canton of Grisons and a right tributary of the Alpine Rhine. It is formed by the confluence of the two mountainstreams, Vereinabach and Verstanclabach, both originating from glaciers in theSilvretta Alps. It flows northwesterly through the village of Klosters, the largest and uppermost village in the Prättigau valley. It empties into the Alpine Rhine in the town of Landquart. Length: 38 km (24 mi), drainage basin: 618 km2 (239 sq mi).
Mastrils village in Landquart
Coat of arms Diagonally divided by white with a black soaring ibex with a red tongue and red gender, carrying a torch with a red-yellow flame, and black with a white key
SFOS number 3955 Localities Igis, Mastrils, Landquart Landquart is a municipality in the Landquart Region in the Swisscanton of Graubünden. It was formed when the municipalities of Igis and Mastrils merged on 1 January 2012 into the new municipality of Landquart.[3] The municipality “Landquart” draws its name from a locality in the former municipality of Igis.
If you have never seen any video coverage of the Grand Opening of the Gotthard Tunnel, you owe it to yourself to at least see some of it. You will likely be very astounded. Anyway, it is totally a Satanic Ritual. Throughout the performance there is a GOATMAN prancing around the stage behaving very lewdly with female humans. There is so much more going on, you just have to see it to believe it. I bring it up because that ritual took place in Switzerland, in the Alps, in the General area of this meeting. Take a look at the Goat and compare it with the ones on all the Coat of Arms above.
The Entire ritual is about 6 hours long. There is a great deal of sexual innuendo and fertility references. There is also a great deal of death symbolism as well as mind control portrayal. Watch it and see for yourself. Here is a link to a short version.Gotthard Tunnel Grand Opening Ceremony
They obviously Worship the Goat/Pan and then there is also a Goddess. Isis/Semiramis. Shown here with the wings stretched out above him.
“Celtic women enjoyed broad rights and status, some becoming military commanders, others queens.”Source
The Goddess in a regal stance. And the Goddess embracing the GOAT.
The GOAT literally being worshiped. IF you watch the video you will see what I mean.
Here, the GOAT is having sex with a female human.
Here is a woman with GOAT Horns.
Now you may tell yourself that this was just a one time weird production for the Opening. BUT, I could show you that this bizarre kind of stuff goes on there all the time. I heard an interview on TV, (I tried to find it to post here but had no luck) the woman they were interviewing said she did not understand why people were making such a fuss about the opening ceremony. She said that the stuff they were seeing was just the way of life in Scandinavia.
This entire area is deeply saturated with demonic/satanic influences. Seeing that they are the primary driving force behind the UNITED NATIONS and really all things GLOBAL, we need to recognize this and remove ourselves from ANYTHING with which they are connected. Their influence is also present in the United Kingdom. How funny… I just realized that is in the name UNITED KINGDOM. It is the KINGDOM of the AntiCHRIST, UNITY without GOD. The CELTS/GAULS/GOTHS were great migrants and their presence spread to England, Scotland, Whales, Ireland, Spain and France and farther east into parts of Germany,
In the morning and a sundown the top of the Matterhorn glows orange/gold. It reflects the Sun.
I found 7 different names for the Matterhorn and more clues as to who these people worship.
1Matterhorn – which is the popular name among the local population, is an Alpine mountain. The name is German – Matte “meadow, pastureland” (here referring to the grassy valley stretching out beneath the Gorner Gorge. It is that part of the valley where the village of Zermatt – “zur Matt”, or “on the meadow” is located today.)+ Horn. So called for its horn-like shape (cut by glaciers in the Ice Ages). The slopes are steep and treacherous; the Matte is for the meadows at its base.
2 (the) Horn – Many affectionately refer to it just as the Horn
3Mons Silvius – The Roman called it by the Latin name Mons Silvius, which might be based on a personal name. (This connects them with Royalty and lineage. There is a similar theme in Switzerland regarding lineage. ) Mons meaning (= Monsignore)Mgr + Silvius
Silvius (mythology) – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In Roman mythology, Silvius, or Sylvius, (Latin: Silvǐus; Greek: Σιλούιος; said to have reigned 1139-1110 BC),[1] or Silvius Postumus,[2][3] was either the son of Aeneas and Lavinia or the son of Ascanius. He succeeded Ascanius as King of Alba Longa.[4] According to the former tradition, upon the death of Aeneas, Lavinia is said to have hidden in a forest from the fear that Ascanius would harm the child. He was named after his place of birth, Silva being the Latin word for forest or wood. According to Dionysius of Halicarnassus, a dispute arose on who should succeed Ascanius, either Silvius (the brother of Ascanius) or Iulus (the son of Ascanius).[5] The dispute was decided in favor of Silvius by the people who believed that it was his right as the grandson of Latinus. Julus was awarded the priesthood. All the kings of Alba following Silvius bore the name as their cognomen. His son, Aeneas Silvius, was also king of Alba Longa, and his other son, Brutus, was the first king of Britain.
4AugstalbergThe German name for this peak, Augstal being the German name of Aosta Valley (from Augusta Praetoria Salassorum, modern Aosta). augsta –meaning in English:high +berg: mountain
5 Gran Bècca (Big Mountain) The Matterhorn is also named Gran Bècca (Big Mountain) by the Valdôtains[14]
6 Horu It is called Horu by the local Walliser German[15] speaking people.This connects the Mountain and the these German people of the Netherlands with the Egyptian god HORUS.
“Having defeated Set and restored order to the cosmos, Horus was known as Horu-Sema-Tawy, Uniter of the Two Lands, The Horus. Horus reinstated his parent’s policies, revitalized the land, and ruled shrewdly. This is why Egypt‘s kings from the First Dynastic Period onwards, linked themselves with Horus and adopted upon their coronation a “Horus Name” for their rule.” Source: Horace the Egyptian God of War and the Sky
7 “Monte Cervino” Locals on the Italian side of the nearby border refer to it as “Monte Cervino”. The following article will give us some evidence as to the origin/meaning of this name.
Cervin from a vantage point near Gornergrat, 4 Dec. 2011
I came across an interesting explanation for the name of Switzerland’s most famous mountain, ‘Cervin’ in French, ‘Cervino’ in Italian and ‘Matterhorn’ in German, yesterday in a book which is mostly a study on the toponyms (place names) of Switzerland.
According to the author, Jean-François Kister – in On megaliths, legends and gods (1998) –, who quotes the etymological derivations of other authors (including the famous 19th century Celtist Henri d’Arbois de Jubainville (1827-1910) and Georges Richard Wipf, a toponymist), ‘Cervin’ is derived from the Celtic word ‘carvos’ (deer), itself derived from the Celtic root ‘car’ (horn).
However, this was not an ‘eureka’ moment for me as the connection is so obvious (I studied Latin for a number of years (‘cervus’), I also know some Italian (‘cervo’) and, in fact, I had made the association myself). Far more interesting is Mr Jean-François Kister’s association (on pages 69 and 70) of the mountain with a Celtic deity, Cernunnos, often depicted sporting a pair of antlers (supposed to symbolise fertility, aggressiveness, power, according to him), as is the case on this parietal (rock painting dating back to prehistoric times) representation at val Camonica in northern Italy.
We know that the Celts and their forefathers inhabited some of the valleys in the area, so this hypothesis is really plausible. In fact, I am a strong believer in the idea that there must be some truth in names. Yet it also warrants further research. So many interesting things to find out about, so little time.
Right now however, I am more interested in the fact that the Celts had a strong connection with water, unlike us (see my other blog).
Link: ‘Deadly mountain’ (a post I wrote on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the first ascent of ‘Cervin’)
MATTERHORN: a mountain of the Alps, straddling the main watershed and border between Switzerland and Italy. It is a large, near-symmetric pyramidal peak in the extended Monte Rosa area of the Pennine Alps, whose summit is 4,478 metres (14,692 ft) high, making it one of the highest summits in the Alps and Europe.[note 3] The four steep faces, rising above the surrounding glaciers, face the four compass points and are split by the Hörnli, Furggen, Leone/Lion, and Zmutt ridges. The mountain overlooks the Swiss town of Zermatt, in the canton of Valais, to the north-east and the Italian town of Breuil-Cervinia in the Aosta Valley to the south. Just east of the Matterhorn is Theodul Pass, the main passage between the two valleys on its north and south sides, and a trade route since the Roman Era.
It was considered unconquerable. There were tales of evil spirits and mountain demons. Nevertheless, some brave souls tried to climb it. All were doomed to fail. On 14 July 1865, the spell was broken. British mountaineer Edward Whymper conquered the Matterhorn. The first ascent was accomplished. But as so often, success and misfortune went hand in hand: during the descent from the peak, a rope parted and four members of Whymper’s seven-man rope party fell to their deaths. Source
The north face was not climbed until 1931 and is among the three biggest north faces of the Alps, known as “The Trilogy”. The west face, which is the highest of the Matterhorn’s four faces, was completely climbed only in 1962. It is estimated that over 500 alpinists have died on the Matterhorn, making it one of the deadliest peaks in the world.[6][unreliable source?]
Each year, numerous mountaineers try to climb the Matterhorn from the Hörnli Hut via the northeast Hörnli ridge, the most popular route to the summit. Many trekkers also undertake the 10-day-long circuit around the mountain. The Matterhorn has been part of the Swiss Federal Inventory of Natural Monuments since 1983. spacer
July 14, 2015 – To celebrate today’s 150th anniversary of the Matterhorn’s first ascent, we present 10 fun facts about Europe’s most famous summit.
1. At 4,478 meters (14,692 feet), the Matterhorn is only Western Europe’s 12th-highest peak, but it is taller than Mt. Whitney, the highest summit in the Lower 48 of the U.S., by about 187 feet.
2. The Matterhorn straddles two countries, Switzerland and Italy, and has three common names. The German name Matterhorn derives from the words for “meadow” and “peak.” The Italian name (Cervino) and French (Cervin) likely originated with the Latin word for forest, silva, though some believe it comes from the Italian and French words for “deer.” (or stag: il cervo – deer, stag, venison, red deer, buck, hart)
3. The first ascent on July 14, 1865, from the Swiss side of the mountain, ended a race that lasted nearly a decade and came down to the wire, with rivals on the Italian side poised only 1,250 feet below the top when Edward Whymper and Michel Croz first reached the summit. In order to ensure his rivals knew they were beaten, Whymper rather unsportingly shouted at the Italian team from the top and hurled rocks to make a clatter. “The Italians turned and fled,” Whymper wrote in his famed book Scrambles Amongst the Alps.
4. The glorious victory was marred when, during the descent, four of the seven climbers in the summit party fell to their deaths (leaving 3).The remaining three, including Whymper, likely would have fallen as well if the rope linking the men had not broken.
In Zermatt, there are many memorials to remember the first ascent and the tragic accident:
Matterhorn Museum: the (torn) original rope from the first ascent is one of many exhibits
commemorative stone for Peter Taugwalder senior, Peter Taugwalder junior and Michel-Auguste Croz in the mountaineers’ cemetery.
Hotel Monte Rosa: commemorative plaque and guided tours
documentary film “Whymper’s Route up the Matterhorn” in the Vernissage Cinema.
guided tours of the village.
5. The second route up the Matterhorn, the Lion Ridge from Italy, was completed just three days after the first, on July 17, 1865.
6. Since the first ascent, more than 500people have died while climbing or descending the Matterhorn—an average of three to four per year.
7. About 3,000 people summit the Matterhorn annually. However, starting this year, by reducing the size of the hut at the base of the most popular route, the Hörnli Ridge, and eliminating camping outside the hut, Swiss officials hope to slash the number of climbers by as much as one-third and reduce crowding on the mountain. About 80 percent of Matterhorn climbers are either guides or clients. (well, sure, let’s put some more people out of work.)
8. Both a railway and a cable car to the summit of the Matterhorn have been proposed. The latter, a tramway from the Italian town of Breuil-Cervinia, was proposed in 1950 but scuttled after tens of thousands of people protested to the Italian government.
9. Emil Cardinaux’s striking poster of the Matterhorn (shown above), designed as a card in 1903 and printed as a tourism poster for Zermatt in 1908, is considered the first modern travel poster and a landmark of 20th-century design. (This most famous of those early travel posters of the famous peak, which he created in1908, fetched nearly$10,000 at auction. Source)
10. The mountain is closed to all climbing today (July 14, 2015), out of respect for those who have died on the peak.
In Zermatt, there are many memorials to remember the first ascent and the tragic accident:
Matterhorn Museum: the (torn) original rope from the first ascent is one of many exhibits
commemorative stone for Peter Taugwalder senior, Peter Taugwalder junior and Michel-Auguste Croz in the mountaineers’ cemetery.
Hotel Monte Rosa: commemorative plaque and guided tours
documentary film “Whymper’s Route up the Matterhorn” in the Vernissage Cinema.
I know these times of day are the go-to for most places to photograph, but this is even more important to follow for the Matterhorn. During the day, strong storms are known to roll in and sit on top of the mountain, and the flat light of the day can really take away from the details and characteristics of the Matterhorn, which are what really make it so great.
I recommend shooting the Matterhorn in the morning for the alpenglow, details, and depth to the mountain that you can’t see clearly during any other time of the day. Experiencing alpenglow creep it’s way down and light up the Matterhorn’s dramatic peak with an orange-red glow is something you will never forget. The warm first colors of light mixed with the cool shades of blue and gray from the morning offer a truly beautiful contrast, and are breathtaking to photograph. And the details in the morning are simply stunning, because the sun strikes directly on the mountainand shows lines and ridges that are great to zoom in tight on.
The Matterhorn and Switzerland are closely related to each other. His pyramidal summit makes the climbing very difficult, is probably the most photographed mountain in the world. In front of it, the Klein Matterhorn you’ll make by a cable car.
Climbing The Matterhorn Mountain in Switzerland
Even today, the ascent is a hard mission, reserved for experienced climbers, well equipped and accompanied by a competent guide. From the Klein (Matterhorn Paradise), which is separated by the collar and the Theodul glacier, one has a wonderful view of the most photographed mountain in the world. A cable car from Zermatt to the Klein Matterhorn. Its upper station, located 3820 meters above sea level, the highest cable car station in the world.
The towering peak that straddles Switzerland and Italy is full of secrets
The Matterhorn is perhaps the most recognizable of the peaks that make up the Alps, and has a height of 14,692 feet. (Daniel DeSlover/ZUMA Press/Corbis )
Out of all of the mountains that make up the Alps, the Matterhorn is probably the best known. Meaning “peak in the meadows” in German, the nearly 15,000-foot-tall mountain straddles the Swiss-Italian border and has long been a bucket list destination for climbers. Taller peaks like Mount Everest and K2 may overshadow it in terms of height, but the Matterhorn’s seemingly eternal pop-culture presencemakes it easily recognizable to people around the world.
The first ascent to the summit ended in tragedy
At the top of the mountain sits a metal cross. (Dominic Steinmann/epa/Corbis )
On July 14, 1865, a seven-member team of climbers made the first ascent to the top of the Matterhorn using ropes woven out of manila hemp, but only three lived to tell about it. As the group descended using the Hörnligrat route (the mountain’s shoulder), one of the climbers slipped pulling three others down with him. As the climbers above anchored themselvs to absorb the shock on the lifeline, the rope snapped between the fourth and fifth man, and Michel Croz, Rev. Charles Hudson, Douglas Hadow and Lord Francis Douglas fell to their deaths. Douglas’ body was never found.
Over the years, an estimated 500 people have died attempting to climb the Matterhorn, and a metal cross at the peak commemorates those who lost their lives on the mountain.The Matterhorn Museum Zermatlantis, located in the resort town of Zermatt below the peak, currently has an exhibit focused on that fateful first ascent. Visitors can see the section of broken ropedisplayed behind glass on a velvet pillow.
Each face of the peak points toward one of the cardinal directions
The pyramid-shape mountain was formed after two landmasses crashed into each other millions of years ago, forcing the ground upward. (Jean-Christophe Bott/epa/Corbis )
The Matterhorn formed millions of years ago when several land masses slammed into one another, forcing the ground upward. Geologists have determined that the hard gneiss rock on top of the mountain came from the African continental plate as it smashed into the Laurasian, or European plate. Hence, the mountain could technically be considered African.
The resulting pyramid-shaped peak has four distinct sides that align with the cardinal directions: north, south, east and west. The north side faces Zermatt Valley and the east overlooks Gornergrat Ridge, both in Switzerland, while the south face points toward the Italian town of Brueil-Cervinia and the western side overlooks the Swiss-Italian border.
There’s an igloo village at the mountain’s base
Guests at the Igloo Village in Zermatt can spend the night inside an igloo. (Jean-Christophe Bott/epa/Corbis )
Carved out of snow and ice, Iglu-Dorfin the town of Zermatt at the base of the Matterhorn is home to the world’s largest snow igloo, with an interior diameter of 42feet and a height of 34 feet. The igloo resort includes more than a half-dozen (6) individual igloos or hotel rooms interconnected by a series of tunnels, as well as a bar and restaurant.
The peak almost got its own railroad
The Matterhorn Gotthard Bahn train is a great way to get close to the mountain without actually having to climb it. (Yutaka Imamura/AFLO/Aflo/Corbis )
In the late 19th century, rumors of a proposed construction project that would bring train access to Matterhorn’s summit swirled throughout Switzerland. The idea never gained much traction, but at the time, pioneer Heinz Schild was so certain that the project would come to fruition that he even wrote a book about it. What Schild didn’t expect was the outcry from local citizens who petitioned against the project, arguing “the peaks of the Alpine mountains are the ideological property of the entire Swiss population and hence are not for sale” to developers.
Gotthard railway – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Longitudinal profile of Gotthardbahn incl. branchlines[2]
The Gotthard railway (German: Gotthardbahn; Italian: Ferrovia del Gottardo) is the Swiss trans-alpine railway line from northern Switzerland to the canton of Ticino. The line forms a major part of an important international railway link between northern and southern Europe, especially on the Rotterdam-Basel-Genoa corridor. The Gotthard Railway Company (German: Gotthardbahn-Gesellschaft) was the former private railway company which financed the construction of, and originally operated, that line.
Construction of the line started in 1872, with some lowland sections opening by 1874. The full line opened in 1882, following completion of the Gotthard Tunnel. The line was incorporated into the Swiss Federal Railways in 1909, and electrified in 1922.
The approaches to the existing tunnel continue to restrict speed and capacity on this important international route, and in 1992 it was decided to build a new lower level route on the Gotthard axis as part of the NRLA project. This route involves the construction of the new Gotthard Base Tunnel and Ceneri Base Tunnel. The Gotthard Base Tunnel has been completed and was integrated with the existing route in 2016, while the Ceneri Base Tunnel is expected to open in 2020. wikipedia
Today, a train called Gornergrat Bahn, the world’s first open-air cog railway, runs between Zermatt and Gornergrat. Alas, it doesn’t reach the summit.
For one night, the mountain glowed red
In 2015, a team of climbers carried red lights up the side of the mountain in recognition of the first ascent that took place 150 years earlier. (Robert Boesch/Mammut )
In 2015, 150 years after the first ascent up the mountain, a team of Mammut-sponsored guides retraced the steps of the first climbers by placing hundreds of glowing red lights along the mountain’s ridge.The result was a temporary light installation meant to recognize the mountaineers who made that original ascent and the lives lost during that incredible journey.
It’s towering silhouette imposes a daunting shadow over the Zermatt valley on any sunny day. Free standing and almost perfectly triangular it is by far the most impressive mountain. And definitely the most noticeable. It is exactly these reasons that most people assume the Matterhorn is the highest mountain in Switzerland…..but this is far from the truth: The Matterhorn is NOT the highest mountain in Switzerland (by a far cry)
The highest mountain in Switzerland
The Matterhorn measures 4478m of pure triangular beauty. It is part of the 128 unique alp peaks that raise over 4000 meters above sea level.
Number one, the highest Swiss mountain, is the Dufourspitze with an altitude of 4634m. It is actually a mountain neighbour of the Matterhorn as you can see its peak from most spots in the Zermatt and Matterhorn region.
Dufourspitze (left) and Matterhorn in the distance (right) in one shot
Impressive enough the entire top 10 of highest mountains in Switzerland are all located within the reach of the Matterhorn. Experienced alpinists can reach each of the top 10 summits using Zermatt as their ‘basecamp’.
Now that we have the basic understanding of who is meeting at World Economic Forum, where they are meeting, the significance of the area where they are meeting, and who they worship; let’s get back to the meeting itself. There is so much more to uncover.
Photo Credit:GETTY IMAGES / Image captionSecurity is tight at the Alpine event
Someof the world’s top business people and politicians – plus a smattering of celebrities – will gather in Davos, Switzerland, for the World Economic Forum (WEF) this week.
US President Donald Trump, teen climate activist Greta Thunberg and Uber boss Dara Khosrowshahi are among the guests.
Greta Thunberg: To view information on Greta please visit my article:
Dara Khosrowshahi (Persian: دارا خُسروشاہی, Persian pronunciation: [dɑː’ɾɑː xosɾo’ʃɑːhiː]; born May 28, 1969) is an Iranian-American businessman and the chief executive officer of Uber. Khosrowshahi was previously CEO of Expedia Group, a company that owns several travel fare aggregators. He is also a member of the board of directors of BET.com, and Hotels.com,[citation needed] and previously served on the board of The New York Times Company[2]. Khosrowshahi is on the list of “Prominent Iranian-Americans” published by the Embassy of the United States, Tehran. Khosrowshahi was born in 1969 in Iran into a wealthy family and grew up in a mansion on the family compound.[4][5] He is the youngest of the 3 children of Lili and Asghar (Gary) Khosrowshahi.[4][6] His family founded the Alborz Investment Company, a diversified conglomerate involved in pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food, distribution, packaging, trading, and services. His uncle, Hassan Khosrowshahi, also fled Iran due to the Iranian Revolution and is now a billionaire.[8] His cousin Amir co-founded Nervana Systems, which was acquired by Intel in 2016 for $408 million. He is also related to Darian Shirazi, the founder of Radius and the first intern hired by Facebook.[7]
But what is the jet-set event for and is it elitist?
What is the World Economic Forum?
Launched in 1971, WEF aims to “improve the state of the world”. (according to them)
Held every year in the Alpine ski resort of Davos, the conference puts leaders from business in the same room as key players from politics, charity and academia.
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES /Image captionTony Blair and U2 singer Bono talking at WEF in 2005
Many use the opportunity to hold private meetings on things like investment in their countries, and as a chance to do business deals.
WEF typically attracts around 3,000 people, about a third (1/3) of them from business. To go you have to be invited – in which case the event is free – or a member of WEF, which can cost £480,000.
World leaders, key figures from the UN and EU and the heads of major firms like Coca-Cola, Goldman Sachs and IBM attend.
Regular guests include billionaire financier George Soros, former UK prime minister Tony Blair,Facebook boss Mark Zuckerbergand U2 singer Bono. (three of these things belong together, three of these things are kinda the same…but one of these things just doesn’t belong here… Why is Bona a regular guest?)
However, new data from the World Economic Forum indicates that only 239 people from the UK will be attending this year – the lowest UK attendance since 2010 – after Boris Johnson banned ministers from attending the event.
Does Davos have critics?
Image copyrightFABRICE COFFRINI / Image caption There were protests outside WEF when US President George W Bush visited in 2007
Until the financial crash of 2007-08, attending Davos was considered a must for the great and good.
But critics have suggested it is a symbol of the “global elite”, some of whom are to blame for that crisis.
Last year Time magazine editor-at-large, Anand Giridharadas, described Davos as “a family reunion for the people who broke the modern world”.
Even among attendees, not everyone has the same level of access. Coloured badges determine who gets to rub shoulders with whom.
The most high-profile guests get a white badge with a hologram on it, giving them access to everywhere. At the other end of the scale a “hotel” badge means you can’t get into the conference centre at all.
Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES /Image captionFor most of the year Davos is a ski resort
It is also male-dominated, with the term “Davos Man” becoming a nickname for the type of wealthy, elite male who typically goes. Last year 22% of all Davos participants were women, up from 17% 2015.
The conference’s swanky location, the private helicopters flying in and out and the array of lavish parties can add to claims the event is exclusive.
But WEF argues it is simply interested in bringing leaders together for the greater good. (Ya, the greater good of the elite. They are the only ones who benefit.)
And Martin Wolf, the Financial Times’ chief economics commentator, says: “Elites are always a bit out of touch – that’s their nature – but it is impossible to have a world without them. It is also vital that these people meet regularly and find out what each other is thinking.” (says who? They believe they need to meet to stay informed, but the think the public has NO RIGHT to be informed.)
What has Davos achieved?
Many companies use the event to make key pledges on issues like sustainability, or to improve diversity.
The conference has also notched up some real achievements.
In 1988, meetings between prime ministers Turgut Özal of Turkey and Andreas Papandreou of Greece brought relations between the countries back from the brink of war.
And in 2000, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) used it to launch programmes to immunise millions of children against disease.
Donald Trump could be the main attraction, having skipped the event last year. He is due to give a speech on Tuesday, the day his impeachment trial begins in the US Senate.
Meanwhile, Greta Thunberg is due to deliver another combative message on climate change – after trekking her way up the Alps to Davos rather than using public transport.
Image copyrightFABRICE COFFRINIImage captionGreta Thunberg will attend again this year
Other big names will be Sanna Marin, prime minister of Finland, who at 34 is the world’s youngest serving premier.
And Bollywood star Deepika Padukone will be in town talking about her battle with depression.
Switzerland: Davos-Klosters to host World Economic Forum January 21-24
TIMEFRAME expected from 1/18/2020, 12:00 AM until 1/24/2020, 11:59 PM (Europe/Zurich).COUNTRY/REGION Davos
News Alerts
The 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) will be held in Davos-Klosters from January 21-24; heightened security measures, crowded conditions, and associated protests expected
Davos-Klosters will host the 50th annual World Economic Forum (WEF) from Tuesday, January 21, through Friday, January 24. Thousands of politicians and business leaders from around the world are expected to attend the events. Crowded conditions and an increased demand for accommodations and transportation services are anticipated in the city during the forum. Increased security measures, including an additional police presence, checkpoints, and road closures, are also expected around all venue sites. Demonstrations have also been held during previous forums and similar protests are possible.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) takes place in Davos every January. The forum draws international economists, politicians, and media representatives to discuss solutions to global issuessuch as international trade restrictions, conflicts, poverty, and the environment.
To create a framework for the international governance of cryptocurrencies, the World Economic Forum (WEF) has reportedly formed a worldwide consortium.The Global Consortium for Digital Currency Governancewill be geared toward the development of transparent, interoperable and inclusive approaches to policy to regulate the crypto industry and facilitate work between the public and private worlds in emerging and developed economies, Cointelegaph reported.
The consortium will bring together traditional financial institutions, worldwide enterprises, government representatives, academics, technical experts, global organizations, members of WEF’s communities and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The inspiration behind the creation of the organization, the WEF reportedly said, is the realization that well-designed worldwide governance is crucial to having cryptocurrency realize its promise of facilitating financial inclusion by bringing un- and underbanked populations access to financial offerings. (Yes, by all means lets bring them all in submission to the BANKING SYSTEM of the TEMPLARS)
The WEF notes per the outlet that it will home in on developing trust and encouraging groundbreaking thinking on regulatory policiesthat can bolster private as well as public actors in the worldwide cryptocurrencyindustry. “Creating an inclusive, integrated global digital currency system requires dialogue across stakeholders ranging from finance ministers to open source developers,” Neha Narula, director of the Digital Currency Initiative at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), said in the report.
As previously reported, the range of topics under discussion at the World Economic Forum in Davos this week have been diverse, ranging from trade accords to climate change as well as Big Tech and digital taxes. Sovereign debt and high-tech initiatives, with the inclusion of artificial intelligence (AI), have been more recent topics.
Sovereign debt is a central government’s debt. It is debt issued by the national government in a foreign currency in order to finance the issuing country’s growth and development. Source: Investopedia
In an interview on the second day of the World Economic Forum, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon warned that sovereign debt presents a risk, saying it is among the “only” areas where financial bubbles have formed. The total of U.S. public debt outstanding has topped $23 trillion, by way of example, and, per a report, debt held by the public stands at $17 trillion.
The annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland is about to start — here’s what you should know ahead of the meeting.
The annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland is about to start. As usual, the forum will gather the world’s political and business elite, and will last from Jan. 21 to 24. Here’s everything there is to know ahead of time on how this meeting will be vital for the crypto and blockchain industry.
WEF is modernizing its agenda
This year’s theme is “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World,” which could be seen as the WEF’s response to criticism surrounding the annual gatherings in the Alps. Over the past few years, Davos has become a symbol of the widening gap between rich and poor: It is generally attended by extremely wealthy people whose GDP might overshadow entire countries (this year, the forum will feature at least 119 billionaires, Bloomberg noted), while the $43 hot dogs sold at a conference hotspot have become somewhat of a meme.
Now, it has come to the point where some players don’t even want to be associated with the forum: For instance, when Starbucks’ CEO, Howard Schultz, announced he was running for United States president (he has since decided against the idea), some people were shouting “Go back to Davos” at his rallies — even though he has allegedly never attended the forum.
Still, the WEF’s annual gatherings have historically served as a platform for international conversation and negotiation — focused on preventing conflicts (well, we have certainly seen how effective they are at doing that. lol), among other things. The forum was originally launched in 1971 by German economist Klaus Schwabas the European Management Forum, and its initial goal was to help European businesses develop(well not much has changed, that is what they are still doing today, focusing on the BUSINESS DEVELPMENT OF THE ROYALS) by placing them in the same room with influential actors from the government. It was reorganized as an international event in 2015.
Thus, the WEF’s Davos 2020 meeting is set to discuss sustainable development: namely, how to ensure a healthy future (and tackle mental health issuesin particular); how to deal with climate changeand rising pollution rates; how to achieve global collaboration among all 193 nations; and how to ensure that the technological revolution doesn’t create unfair conditions on the market and escalate international conflicts.
High-profile guests will include Gretha Thunberg and Donald Trump, with the crypto world also in attendance
Among the expected guests is climate change activist Gretha Thunberg, who has been named Time Magazine’s Person of the Year for 2019. She will be present at the “Averting a Climate Apocalypsis” panel, discussing how businesses and governments can collaborate to tackle global emissions of carbon dioxide. (This is an absolute joke.)
The forum will also be visited by U.S. President Donald Trump, who has previously mocked Thunberg on Twitter. Trump was also scheduled to attend the 2019 Davos gathering but skipped due to the government shutdown. Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkeland European Central Bank President Christine Lagardeare also among listed speakers.
As for those from the crypto industry, the CEO of crypto payments firm Circle, Jeremy Allaire, will participate in the session titled “Shaping the Future of Financial and Monetary Systems.” Explaining his WEF mission to Coindesk, Allaire mentioned that he will promote the concept of stablecoins.
Further, Calibra CEODavid Marcus, who was one of the key players for the industry in 2019, will be one of the public speakers at a panel devoted to “Creating a Credible and Trusted Digital Currency.” The session will cover how a digital currency might entail financial inclusion (one of the Libra’s key stated aims) and what role central banks might play in this process.
Marcus will be joined by Sheila Warren, head of blockchain at the WEF, and Bitcoin (BTC) critic and general manager at the Bank for International SettlementsAgustin Carstens, who has previously advised against the issuance of central bank digital currencies. Finally, Neha Narula, director of the Digital Currency Initiative at the MIT Media Lab, who has argued for increased regulations within the crypto space, will also attend the session.
Other expected guests (albeit not speakers) from the crypto space include the Winklevoss brothers of the Gemini exchange and J. Christopher Giancarlo, former chairman and “crypto dad” of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, who is now advocating the idea of a blockchain-based U.S. dollar with a new think tank called the Digital Dollar Foundation.
WEF Davos 2020 vs. 2019: Digital currencies vs. blockchain
In 2019, there was a sizable amount of crypto bashing at the Davos WEF. For instance, PayPal CEO Dan Schulman criticized Bitcoin for its limited retail appealwhile Huw van Steenis, who is the senior adviser to Bank of EnglandGovernor Mark Carney, went as far as to say that he is not worried about cryptocurrencies because they are “slower” than their mainstream counterparts.
At the same time, blockchain was largely praised. Even JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon — who famously said that he doesn’t “really give a s—” about Bitcoin in the past — admitted that the technology is “real.” It makes sense, given that he unveiled the controversial JPM Coina few months later.
Currently, the validity of blockchain is obvious enough to the public — the technology even applies to the WEF’s current theme of climate change. According to the accounting giant KPMG, blockchain (combined with the Internet of Things) will be used to manage climate change in 2020. (ya they will use it to control the money. They can enforce anything they want when they have total control of the money, the water, and the food.) This notion will be discussed at the upcoming WEF Davos event, according to KMPG’s U.S. blockchain lead, Arun Ghosh.
Considering that digital currencies akin to stablecoins — either issued by private firms like with Libra or government-backed CBDCs — will likely be the most discussed crypto-related topics at the upcoming forum. It seems fair to assume that they might become the next hot topic among mainstream actors — and a CBDC-focused alternative to an industry association like the Global Blockchain Business Council could be assembled as a result, ultimately helping central banks around the world to reach a consensus on digital currencies.
So, they are getting ready for the totalitarian monetary control of all people. You will not be able to buy or sell, or rent, or work or travel or breathe, unless you play their game their way. THE ANTICHRIST SYSTEM IS HERE!
Final Statement read by Card. Turkson at the end of the press conference held by the Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities at the World Economic Forum in Davos
PICTURES by: Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
The Interfaith Alliance for Safer Communities organized on Wednesday, January 22, in Davos a press conference to talk about safety and quality of life of communities that are being eroded by climate emergency and other growing risks, and the role of religions and faiths in helping vulnerable populations.
Infact, religious leaders and communities of faith have an important role to play in order to create safer communities where all can thrive. But, it is today still evident that – while over 80% of the global population identifies with a religious group – multi-stakeholder approaches to solve these problems often exclude important voices of faith.
Card. Peter K.A. Turkson, Prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, took part in these event along with other religious leaders like: the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomeos; Pinchas Goldschmidt, Chief Rabbi and President of the Conference of European Rabbis; Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh, Chairman of the Nishkam Group of Charitable Organisations.
At the end of the meeting, Card. Turkson read a final statement shot in the video above.
There we have another critical element of the ANTICHRIST SYSTEM, the ONE WORLD RELIGION. The UNITY of Souls without GOD.
What is Davos? What is the World Economic Forum? When did it all begin and why do thousands of leaders continue to congregate in a slippery Alpine town every January? As the World Economic Forum turns 50, find out in our historical guide to its Annual Meeting in Davos, and the organization itself.
In the early 1970s, the Cold War split the world while the Vietnam war split America, an oil crisis was looming, and a German economics professor had a bright idea.
The idea was unconventional at the time, but it has since taken hold. It was Professor Klaus Schwab’s “stakeholder theory”, meaning a company should serve all its stakeholders, not just its shareholders: employees, suppliers, and the community it is part of. The vision for this socially responsible “stakeholder capitalism” became the guiding principle of the World Economic Forum.
Prof. Schwab, an engineer and economist, founded the Forum in 1971. He chose Davos as the home for the annual meeting for the escape from the everyday that the mountains represent in Swiss and German culture, most famously captured in the novel The Magic Mountain. ‘The spirit of Davos’ is an attitude of openness and cooperation that sets the tone for the annual meeting to this day.
Over the last fifty years, Davos has reflected the key events of world history, from the fall of the Berlin Wall to the rise of economic globalization and runaway climate change. It has helped avert a war between Greece and Turkey, built economic bridges around the world, hosted a handshake that sealed the end of apartheid, launched an alliance that has vaccinated 700 million children, and given a platform to leading environmentalists.
While working towards the Forum’s mission statement of improving the state of the world, Davos has also weathered criticism along the way: as a gathering of distant elites, or a futile talking shop. But its aim is to gather all those who have a stake in our common future: the leaders of global corporations are invited, but so too are academics, activists, youth and civil society leaders. And to dismiss “talk” is, in Professor Schwab’s words, to discount the lifeblood of democracy.
In 1970, Schwab left the Swiss industrial group Escher Wyss to organize a two-week conference in the Swiss Alps. The first “European Management Forum” was held in Davos, Switzerland in February 1971. Some 450 participants from 31 countries – managers from various companies in Europe, as well as members of the European Commission, and leading academics from U.S. universities – gathered in the Alpine valley to discuss better management techniques.
Schwab’s first collaborator in this project was Hilde Stoll, and they married shortly after. They remain each other’s trusted partner to this day. Recognizing the need for a broader “social consciousness” in doing business, Hilde has since set up her own organization, the Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship, honouring and gathering social entrepreneurs from all over the world.
What was the decisive factor in setting up this foundation?
In Davos, we have decision-makers from politics, business and academia in one place. In my opinion, however, there was a lack of people from the grassroots. We looked for social entrepreneurs all over the world, built a team and defined a price. And importantly, the prize does not consist of money, but of a diploma, and the winner is invited above all to regional and national meetings of the Forum. The highlight for the winner is the invitation to the annual meeting in Davos. …the problems of the whole world are dealt with in the forum. Hilde Stoll Source: AZ
Hilde and Klaus Schwab on their wedding day in 1971
1973 – A prescient warning on the environment
Two developments distinguished the third Davos meeting. First, Aurelio Peccei, the Italian industrialist, delivered a speech on his book “The Limits to Growth”, which had caused a sensation by calling into question the sustainability of global economic growth. The author outlined the choices that society had to make to reconcile economic development and environmental constraints.
Second, participants took the initiative to draft a code of ethics based on Schwab’s stakeholder concept. From its beginning, the Forum set out the principle that it should neither act as an advocacy group nor express any opinions on behalf of its members or participants. The “Davos Manifesto” was a rare exception to this policy, and it has been updated for our 50th year.
1976 – Bridging the Arab World and the West
In 1976 the Forum launched a programme with the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), offering a platform for emerging economies to present investment projects to Davos participants. Among the 26 nations taking advantage of this initiative were Bolivia, Iran, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, the Philippines and Thailand.
The meeting also reinforced the participation of civil society by inviting prominent speakers such as Ralph Nader, the American consumer rights activist and environmentalist.
After the 1973 Arab-Israeli War and the ensuing oil embargo, the West’s relations with Arab countries had become tense. In October, the Forum organized the first Arab-European Business Cooperation Symposium in Montreux, Switzerland, together with leading Arab and European institutions.
The first Arab-European Business Cooperation Symposium, held in Montreux
1979 – Opening the door to China
Schwab followed Deng Xiaoping’s early economic reforms with great interest and in 1979, a delegation from the People’s Republic of China participated in the Davos Symposium for the first time. Later that year, Schwab paid his first visit to China at the invitation of the Chairman of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and led a Forum delegation of 20 European CEOs visiting China.
It was the beginning of a longstanding relationship between the Forum and China. It led to the creation of a yearly “China Business Summit”, and – as of 2007 – an annual “Summer Davos” in China. Officially the Annual Meeting of the New Champions, it hosts the movers and shakers in global innovation and science, and is regularly attended by the Chinese Premier.
Members of the European business delegation in China
1987 – The beginning of the end of the Cold War
To reflect its global membership and the fact that economic policy was at the forefront of its activities, the European Management Forum changed its name to the World Economic Forum.
West Germany’s Foreign Minister, Hans-Dietrich Genscher, made a strong appeal for the West to change its approach and reach out to the Soviet Union. Some historians now regard his speech as a critical marker of the end of the Cold War, and the Soviet Union seeking closer ties to the West.
Hans-Dietrich Genscher and Klaus Schwab in 1987
At that time, the USSR was seeking to implement major economic and political reforms – perestroika (restructuring) and glasnost (openness) – under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev. “The West has no reason to fear cooperation,” Genscher told participants. “Our motto must be: Let us take Gorbachev seriously. Let us take him at his word! If there is an opportunity today to reach a turning point after 40 years of confrontation in West-East relations, it would be a mistake of historical dimensions if the West would miss this opportunity just because it cannot overcome the general mindset which, with regard to the Soviet Union, always assumes a worst-case scenario.”
Genscher’s appearance coincided with the presence of the first official delegation to Davos from the Soviet Union, which was led by Ivan Ivanov, First Deputy President of the State Foreign Economic Commission, who explained the implications of the new reforms.
1988 – Averting war between Greece and Turkey
The tense relationship between Greece and Turkey almost escalated into war in 1988– but personal meetings at Davos between Prime Minister Turgut Özal of Turkey and Andreas Papandreou, Prime Minister of Greece, built enough trust to stave off conflict. After their first encounter in Davos in 1986, the two leaders returned to Davos after many preparatory visits from Schwab to Athens and Ankara. At Davos 1988, they negotiated and signed the Davos Declaration aimed at normalizing relations. War would have been unavoidable had he not met Papandreou in Davos two years before, Özal told Schwab later. Because of that encounter, he was certain that he could trust his counterpart.
Prime Minister Turgut Özal of Turkey, right, among delegates at Davos 1988
The human and economic toll of HIV/AIDS occupied an important place in the discussions at Davos. So did the environment. Carl Sagan, the celebrated American astrophysicist, highlighted the risks to the environment and life systems from some of the very technological developments that have been the basis for our prosperity and progress.
1990 – German reunification and a new Europe
In October 1989, the Berlin Wall – the divide between East and West and stark symbol of the Cold War – was pulled down. On 3 October 1990, Germany was reunified.
Spurred by discussions at Davos, an informal group of East and West German parliamentarians and business leaders joined forces to call for a monetary stabilization programme for the German Democratic Republic. This initiative became a pillar for the economic reunification of West and East Germany.
At the Annual Meeting, a session on the “New Europe” also took place, bringing together the heads of Western and Eastern European countries for the first time.
And in a final historic meeting that year in Davos, Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew, who would step down as his country’s leader in November, sat down with Vo Van Kiet, First Vice-Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, who would become prime minister the following year. Two years after this encounter, Vietnam signed the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Treaty of Amity and Cooperation, a move that led the country to become a member of ASEAN in 1995.
PAY ATTENTION! RESEARCH. You will find that these individuals, organizations and Government and Non-Government agencies are working to spread Socialism/Communism and make slaves out of the masses.
1992 – Mandela and the end of apartheid
Nelson Mandela, anti-apartheid leader and head of the African National Congress (ANC), who had been released from prison two years earlier, made a joint appearance – the first outside South Africa – with President F. W. de Klerk and Chief Minister of KwaZulu, Mangosuthu Buthelezi. The meeting of the three key players in South Africa’s transformation process showed that, despite differences, they shared a commitment to move the country forward towards democracy. The handshake between Mandela and de Klerk symbolised the end of apartheid.
Nelson Mandela and F. W. de Klerk make history at Davos
To make this joint appearance happen, Klaus Schwab had travelled to South Africa several times to set with each leader the conditions for their participation in a Davos session.
The ANC had stood for the nationalization of banks, mines and strategic industries, but during his discussions with other leaders at Davos, Mandela reconsidered. “They changed my views altogether,” he recounted to journalist Anthony Sampson, who wrote Mandela: The Authorized Biography. “I came home to say: ‘Chaps, we have to choose. We either keep nationalization and get no investment, or we modify our own attitude and get investment.’”
1998 – The birth of the G20
At Davos, reforming the global financial system in the wake of the financial crisis then affecting emerging markets, particularly Asia, was key. Participants emphasized the need to include major developing countries into the process. One idea was to set up a body to include 20 countries – half developed economies and the other developing ones. Just such a meeting of what became known as the G20 was held in Bonn, Germany, later in 1998.Participation was restricted to finance ministers and its scope limited to global finance.
In subsequent years, Schwab, among others, proposed elevating the G20 meeting to a summit. This finally happened in 2008when the US hosted a G20 summit in Washington DC to address the impact of the global economic crisis. In September 2009, world leaders meeting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, announced that the G20 would replace the G8 as the main forum for coordinating global economic policy.
Masoumeh Ebtekar, Vice-President of Iran, was among delegates in 1998
1999 – Kofi Annan and the Global Compact
In the run-up to the Annual Meeting, which had as its theme “Responsible Globality”,United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and Klaus Schwab discussed how to rally participants to support a global effort to highlight the social responsibility of business.This was the genesis of the UN Global Compact, a set of ten ethical principles that almost 10,000 companies have signed up to.
AP Archive
2000 – Bill Clinton and the launch of GAVI
The 30th Annual Meeting at the turn of the millennium was special for many reasons. Chief among them was the high-calibre participation of political and business leaders. For the first time, a sitting American president, Bill Clinton, came to Davos.
Bill Clinton and Klaus Schwab
At the Annual Meeting 2000, the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) was born. Among the early supporters of GAVI was Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who has been a regular Davos participant since 1996. By 2018, GAVI had reached over 700 million children, preventing more than 10 million deaths. Other Davos health launches that followed on its heels included the Global Fund to Fight Aids, TB and Malaria (2002) and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (2017). (And these are the very entities that brought us to this Plandemic. Along with all the Universities and Military laboratories where they created, develop and produce these germs/diseases/bioweapons that they release on the unsuspecting public.)
2002 – ‘Davos’ moves to New York after 9/11
The World Economic Forum held its Annual Meeting in New York – the only time in its history it has taken place outside of Davos – to show solidarity with the United States and the people of the city after the 9/11 terror attacks.
The World Economic Forum flag flies at the meeting venue
2005 – The launch of the Gender Gap Report
The Forum launched its milestone study Woman’s Empowerment: Measuring the Global Gender Gap. This landmark effort to assess gender equality led to the Global Gender Gap Report, which the Forum introduced in 2006 and has become one of the most closely analysed annual benchmarking exercises after the Global Competitiveness Report. As we all tracking the gap, the Forum runs an increasing number of taskforces in various countries which work with governments and businesses to speed up progress towards parity.
So they are also behind the break down of the family. The feminist agenda and the feminization of our males has been a major contributor to the destruction of life as we knew it.
Joe Biden, then Democratic Senator from Delaware; Carly Fiorina, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, HP
2007 – A looming crisis
As 2007 progressed, worries mounted about the global financial system, particularly the US economy and real estate market. The Forum’s Global Risk Report that year warned that a blow-up in asset prices was one of the major risks confronting the world. Meanwhile, the tech revolution that would ultimately underpin the Fourth Industrial Revolution was well underway.
Mark Zuckerberg among tech leaders in 2007
2012 – Bringing in young leaders
The arrival at Davos of Global Shapers– exceptional emerging leaders in their 20s – underscored the importance of addressing youth concerns. (Yes, we need to be good stewards of the earth and keep it as God made it. We were made to husband the earth, that is to nurture it as a farmer does his field. We should leave a good future for our children, certainly. But, children should not be made to think that they can make demands of adults. That is against God’s plan for the family and it feeds the selfish nature of ALL CHILDREN. Children are to respect their elders.)
In its regional meetings, the Forum visited new places and expanded its coverage. The East Asia meeting was held in Bangkok for the first time, while the World Economic Forum on Africa took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. The first World Economic Forum on the Middle East, North Africa and Eurasia convened in Istanbul. In November, the World Economic Forum on India was held in India’s National Capital Region, Gurgaon. At the Summit on the Global Agenda in Dubai in November, the Forum hosted the inaugural Meeting of Leaders of Regional Organizations, a platform to strengthen global governance through cooperation among regional organizations.
So they are expanding their numbers as well as the number of meetings they hold, worldwide. We have NO CLUE what happens at those meetings.
It is treasonous for government officials, politicians, public officials, businessmen, organizations, corporations or private groups or individuals to make contracts, agreements, covenants, arrangements or policies with members of other nation(s) that affect the nation of which they are a citizen. Who gave them the right? That, sadly is what happens in a global economy. BOUNDARIES are compromised. This is a very dangerous thing. BOUNDARIES are vital! On every level. Spiritually, personally, physically, nationally…on every level. Without established, secure boundaries…anything goes, and chaos ensues. Of course, CHAOS is exactly what the elite want!
2016 – Mastering the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Technology has brought humankind to an inflection point. At a time when billions of ordinary people carry a supercomputer in their pocket, Schwab coined the term Fourth Industrial Revolution to describe the far-reaching impact of the digital age. It was the theme of Davos 2016and the topic of his book, an unprecedented transformation of businesses and societies that raises profound ethical questions.
To help governments and businesses keep up, the World Economic Forum launched the Centre for the fourth industrial revolution network.Working with over 100 businesses and governments around the world, the network is focus on co-designing agile policies for emerging technologies that maximize their benefits, while minimizing their risks for all of society. In just two years, the network helped develop the world’s first agile air space regulation that supports drones and commercial aircraft,launched government procurement guidelines for artificial intelligence solutions and developed an agile personal data policy.There are over 45projects in development across four Forum-led Centres and around 10 Affiliate Centres. (agile, most folks probably pass right by that word, but that word was selected very carefully. It means that they are rushing to introduce increasing forward and progressive technology at such breakneck speed that the world cannot keep up. This enables them to bypass our critical thinking, evaluation and regulation of their technology. By the time we figure out what exactly is happening…it will be too late. At least that is their design.)
agile [ aj–uhl, -ahyl ] adjective
quick and well-coordinated in movement; lithe:an agile leap.
active; lively:an agile person.
marked by an ability to think quickly; mentally acute or aware:She’s 95 and still very agile.
noting or relating to a philosophy of product development and production intended to create and distribute batches of working products in a short period of time with subsequent batches planned in a cyclical schedule of improvement, production, and distribution:agile software programming;agile manufacturing;agile teams.
Agile development –or ag·ile de·vel·op·ment
[ aj–uhl duh–vel–uhp-muhnt, aj-ahyl ] nounDigital Technology. a philosophy of modular software development that delivers multiple successive versions of a working product that is improved after each iteration and evolves based on empirical evaluation of previous versions.
2018 – ‘A real panel, not a manel’
The Co-Chairs of the 2018 meeting were all exceptional leaders in their own right: Sharan Burrow, General-Secretary of the International Trade Union Confederation (Brussels, Belgium); is the world’s largest trade union federation. It was formed on 1 November 2006, out of the merger of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) and the World Confederation of Labour (WCL). The International Workingmen’s Association (IWA), often called the First International (1864–1876), was an international organisation which aimed at uniting a variety of different left-wingsocialist, communist[1] and anarchist groups and trade unions that were based on the working class and class struggle. It was founded in 1864. ITUC Global Rights Index, ranks nations on 97 metrics pertaining to workers’ rights, such as freedom from violent conditions and the right to strike and unionise.[5]According to the 2020 update of the Index, there has been a significant increase in violations of workers’ rights around the world. (Again, no sign that these organizations have managed to resolve anything. Certainly they have failed to protect human rights and security.) Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland ); Well, I hardly think I need to go into details on CERN here. If you are not aware of the insanity of this project, there are plenty of articles and videos on line and on my webpage. These people are scary! Isabelle Kocher, Chief Executive Officer of ENGIE Group (La Défense, Courbevoie, France),multinational electric utilitycompany, which operates in the fields of energy transition, electricity generationand distribution, natural gas, nuclear, renewable energyand petroleum; its purpose statement which is “to act to accelerate the transition towards a carbon-neutral economy, through reduced energy consumption and more environmentally-friendly solutions”.[2];In response to the urgency of climate change, our ambition is to become the world leader in the zero carbon transition “as a service” for our customers, in particular global companies and local authorities. We rely on our key activities (renewable energy, gas, services) to offer competitive turnkey solutions.
Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the IMF; The International MonetaryCoat of Arms
Fund (IMF) is an international organization, headquartered in Washington, D.C., consisting of 189 countries working to foster global monetary cooperation, secure financial stability, facilitate international trade, promote high employment and sustainable economic growth, and reduce poverty around the world while periodically depending on the World Bank for its resources.[1]
Chetna Sinha, the Founder and President of Mann Deshi Mahila Bank and Mann Deshi Foundation in India Since the mid-1990s, Mann Deshi Foundation and Mann Deshi Bank have been addressing the non-financial and financial needs of women in Maharashtra. With MasterCard’s support, Mann Deshi will provide 1,500 rural women with the support they need to translate their business ideas into start-up enterprises. Mann Deshi’s support includes enterprise development and financial literacy training, access to markets and access to financial products and services. Women participants gain access to local mentors, participate in exposure visits and engage in networking opportunities. Mann Deshi Foundation runs a Women’s Bank and an NGO that works closely with women micro-entrepreneurs, as well as small and marginal farmers. It runs a dozen Business Schools for Rural Women, the first Chambers of Commerce for Rural Micro Entrepreneurs, a Community Radio, a Water Conservation programme and a Sports programme. To date, its programmes have supported over 400,000 women and it has built 10 check dams that have impacted over 50,000 people; and
Together, they also made up the first all-female panel of Davos Co-Chairs, sending a powerful message as the shockwaves of the #metoo movement continued to spread.
The year was notable for its level of political participation: heads of state includedGerman chancellor Angela Merkel (Hitler’s Daughter), new US President Donald Trump, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, French President Emmanuel Macron and then UK Prime Minister Theresa May.
On the geopolitical front, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras of Greece met his Macedonian counterpart, Zoran Zaev, and agreed to rename a highway ‘Friendship’ as part of amicable progress on a long-running naming dispute in the region.
2019 – Nature’s emergency
Youth climate activist Greta Thunberg, the revered British broadcaster Sir David Attenborough and primatologist Jane Goodall made sure the urgency of our environmental crisis was on the agenda at Davos 2019.
Beyond Davos, the World Economic Forum’s Climate Initiative supports the scaling and acceleration of global climate action through public and private-sector collaboration. This includes the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders, a global network of business leaders dedicated to making the transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient economy, and Mission Possible, which aims to make industries including shipping and aviation net-zero for CO2 emissions by 2050.
2019 was also the first year that a refugee took on the role of Co-Chair: Mohammed Hassan Mohamud fled conflict in Somalia and has spent 20 years in a refugee camp in Kenya, galvanising action to end such injustice.
2020 – Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World
The 50th Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum in Davos will push once again for “stakeholder capitalism”, and its priorities in the current era: it will assist governments and international institutions in tracking progress towards the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals, and facilitate discussions on technology and trade governance.
Meeting the SDGs will be at the heart of Davos 2020
“People are revolting against the economic ‘elites’ they believe have betrayed them, and our efforts to keep global warming limited to 1.5°C are falling dangerously short,” said Schwab. “With the world at such critical crossroads, this year we must develop a ‘Davos Manifesto 2020’to reimagine the purpose and scorecards for companies and governments. It is what the World Economic Forum was founded for 50 years ago, and it is what we want to contribute to for the next 50 years.”
Remember that this material is presented by those who support what these people are doing, not just at this forum but at monthly and yearly meetings all around the world. They tell you what they want you to know. What is really behind the meetings and what else they are doing is kept occulted, hidden from the people most effected by their activities.
They want you to believe that they are working for the good of the masses, to protect the environment and provide equal opportunity for all. Just think about this, actions speak louder than words. Look at their lifestyle. Do they behave like they care about the people?? They amasse all the wealth for themselves, they parade around in only the finest of everything, flying about in their expensive jets, exploring the oceans in their private submarines, throwing luscious extravegant parties on their fancy yachts, vacationing in 5 star resorts, and living in outrageous mansions on more land than is owned by some towns/cities, some on their own islands. They use our children for their entertainment, consume their blood for youth serum, send our best young men off to die in horrible wars, use the defenseless as guinea pigs in their sick experiments. And they want us to believe they care about the people and the earth?? For real.
These are BUSINESSMEN who care only for the success of their business. PROFITS! That is it. These are Royals and the wealthy, who believe that they are of a different breed than the lower classes. That they are entitled by their bloodline or by their demonstrated gifts and abilities to rule over you an me, and to appropriate whatever they wish for their amusement. These are wacko “scientists” driven to push the boundaries until something stops them. These are engineers who just want to see their plans come to fruition without concern for any consequences. These are pagans, serving the demonic spirits that rule them, in exchange for the luxury and riches of this world.
Virtus Solis Dec 19, 2017
SHARE SAVE Scary! People wake up! This Shit is not cool!
2021 is THE YEAR! Everything is in place and they are ready to see the fruition of thousands of years of laboring. The goal is in their sights and they are unwavering. They believe they have already won. It’s all over but the crying.
“The Great Reset” will be the theme of a unique twin summit in January 2021, convened by the World Economic Forum.
“The Great Reset” is a commitment to jointly and urgently build the foundations of our economic and social system for a more fair, sustainable and resilient future.
It requires a new social contract centred on human dignity, social justice and where societal progress does not fall behind economic development.
The global health crisis has laid bare longstanding ruptures in our economies and societies, and created a social crisis that urgently requires decent, meaningful jobs.
The twin summit will be both in-person and virtual, connecting key global governmental and business leaders in Davos with a global multistakeholder network in 400 cities around the world for a forward-oriented dialogue driven by the younger generation.
The announcement of the Great Reset is made by HRH The Prince of Wales and Klaus Schwab during a virtual meeting today at 14:30 Central European Summer Time and can be followed here
Geneva, Switzerland, 3 June 2020 – “The Great Reset” will be the theme of a unique twin summit to be convened by the World Economic Forum in January 2021. The 51st World Economic Forum Annual Meeting will bring together global leaders from government, business and civil society, and stakeholders from around the world in a unique configuration that includes both in-person and virtual dialogues.
“We only have one planet and we know that climate change could be the next global disaster with even more dramatic consequences for humankind. We have to decarbonize the economy in the short window still remaining and bring our thinking and behaviour once more into harmony with nature,” said Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum.
What a joke. Are these Billionaires going to stop making an selling materials and goods that are totally non-biodegradeable? Foam products, plastics, throw away diapers, aluminum cans? Are they going to SHUT DOWN ALL NUCLEAR production? Are they going to close all their factories and quit dumping chemicals into our water? Are they going quite producing weapons? Are they going to see that everyone has a piece of property sufficient to grow their own food? Are they going to destroy all the GMO seeds and replenish the supply of natural seed? Are they going to quit pumping chemicals into our atmosphere? Are they going STOP 5G and work to restore our environment to its natural state?
“In order to secure our future and to prosper, we need to evolve our economic model and put people and planet at the heart of global value creation. (This is hogwash. They don’t want people living in harmony with the environment, they want people to become obsolete in deference to machines.) If there is one critical lesson to learn from this crisis, it is that we need to put nature at the heart of how we operate. We simply can’t waste more time,” said HRH The Prince of Wales.
“The Great Reset is a welcome recognition that this human tragedy must be a wake-up call. We must build more equal, inclusive and sustainable economies and societies that are more resilient in the face of pandemics, climate change and the many other global changes we face,” said António Guterres, Secretary-General, United Nations, New York.
“A Great Reset is necessary to build a new social contract that honours the dignity of every human being,” added Schwab “The global health crisis has laid bare the unsustainability of our old system in terms of social cohesion, the lack of equal opportunities and inclusiveness. Nor can we turn our backs on the evils of racism and discrimination. We need to build into this new social contract our intergenerational responsibility to ensure that we live up to the expectations of young people.”
These people don’t believe in the sanctity of life, that every single human being has rights given by their creator. They do not believe in a creator. To them you are no better than a toad or a tree frog, or a robot. They do not see humans as being anything special. Unless of course you are one of the elite. We must live up to the expectations of young people?? What is that? That is what they have been drilling into our children, that they are smarter than their parents. That old people are useless destroyers of their future. HOGWASH!
“COVID-19 has accelerated our transition into the age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. We have to make sure that the new technologies in the digital, biological and physical world remain human-centred and serve society as a whole, providing everyone with fair access,” he said. Is that right? How equal are they willing to make themselves? Are they ready to give up their riches and live like the poor lower class? Or are they willing to give up their riches to bring up the lifestyle of ALL people? Hard to believe as they continue to fill up their vaults even as most of the world has lost all income due to the PLANDEMIC.
“This global pandemic has also demonstrated again how interconnected we are. We have to restore a functioning system of smart global cooperation structured to address the challenges of the next 50 years. (Over the last 100 years, the Elite have been given the opportunity to meet together and help make this world better… There is no evidence that they have accomplished anything except to increase their own consumption of the world’s resources, and fill their pockets. Enough of their talk. We the people want the power back.) The Great Reset will require us to integrate all stakeholders of global society into a community of common interest, purpose and action,” said Schwab. “We need a change of mindset, moving from short-term to long-term thinking, moving from shareholder capitalism to stakeholder responsibility. Environmental, social and good governance have to be a measured part of corporate and governmental accountability,” he added. (Yes, we can see that they are concerned as they meet at their luxury resort and keep everyone who is not considered elite at a controlled distance, including many of the actual attendees of their meeting.)
This innovative summit will be a very different Annual Meeting, reflecting the spirit of the Great Reset.It will provide a unique opportunity at the beginning of 2021 to bring together the key global government and business leaders in Davos, yet framed within a global multistakeholder summit driven by the younger generation to ensure that the Great Reset dialogue pushes beyond the boundaries of traditional thinking and is truly forward-oriented.
To do so, the World Economic Forum will draw on thousands of young people in more than 400 cities around the world (the Global Shapers Community) who will be interconnected with a powerful virtual hub network to interact with the leaders in Davos. Each of those hubs will have an open house policy to integrate all interested citizens into this dialogue, making the Annual Meeting open to everyone. In addition, global media and social media networks will mobilize millions of people, enabling them to share their input while alsoproviding them with access to the Annual Meeting discussions in Davos. (Right, so, now that they already have sealed the deal, they want to tell you that they welcome you to their meeting…lol…first of all, I doubt very highly that it would be possible for everyone that is interested/concerned would be able to connect. Secondly, that only opens up an online call…not the entire forum which provides the best possible security and privacy for the real meetings. Thirdly, do they really expect us to believe that we will be privvy to ALL the discussions, meetings, negotiations, dealing that goes on at the 2021 Forum? Seriously? Who do they think they are kidding? Fourthly, though I am all for the younger generation, but, we have clearly seen it demonstrated that the public education system has dumbed down our children for the last 50 years. They have been brainwashed out of all faith in God and the Holy Word, they have no concept of what has happened in our history because the education system has been totally corrupted and propagandized. The people who are 50 and over, are truly much better qualified even if just by virtue that they have lived the truth of the past and have had more opportunity and time to experience and study life. Kids are by nature self serving and Technology has driven that weakness to a fever pitch. Most young people today have lived their lives glued to the Television and/or their computers/cellphones. I for one would not want to live in a world where adult must “live up to the expectations of the young”.)
The announcement of the Great Reset was made by HRH The Prince of Wales and Professor Schwab during a virtual meeting, followed by statements by UN Secretary-General António Guterres and IMF Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva.
Their statements were supported by voices from all stakeholder groups of global society, including Victoria Alonsoperez, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Chipsafer, Uruguay, and a Young Global Leader; Caroline Anstey, President and Chief Executive Officer, Pact, USA; Ajay S. Banga, Chief Executive Officer, Mastercard, USA; Sharan Burrow, General Secretary, International Trade Union Confederation(ITUC), Brussels; Ma Jun, Chairman, Green Finance Committee, China Society for Finance and Banking, and a Member of the Monetary Policy Committee of the People’s Bank of China; Bernard Looney, Chief Executive Officer, bp, United Kingdom; Juliana Rotich, Venture Partner, Atlantica Ventures,Kenya; Bradford L. Smith, President, Microsoft, USA; and Nick Stern, Chair, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, United Kingdom.
In the run-up to the Annual Meeting, the Forum will host a virtual series, The Great Reset Dialogues. These dialogues are a joint initiative of the World Economic Forum and HRH The Prince of Wales. Contributions to the Great Reset will also be invited through UpLink, the World Economic Forum’s digital platform to crowdsource innovations for the Sustainable Development Goals.
The map below shows the location of Hubs of the World Economic Global Shapers Community: More than 420 Hubs and 11,000 Global Shapers and alumni.
Notes to editors
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The World Economic Forum meetings—more commonly known as “Davos,” for the ski resort town in Switzerland where it’s held—are known for being an elite gathering of the world’s most powerful, but next year’s iteration of the annual event will have a virtual component that the WEF says can connect anyone to the talks at Davos.
Next year’s World Economic Forum annual meeting will include a “twin summit” online./ AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
Next year’s Davos gathering will be more inclusive through what the WEF calls “twin summits,” with the traditional in-person gathering at a Swiss ski resort to be supplemented by a virtual online convention.
The WEF will set up a virtual network of 420 hubs scattered throughout the world specifically to engage young people, according to a Wednesday statement.
Those hubs will have an open house policy, according to the WEF, and will allow anyone who is interested to access the annual meeting to share their input, although it wasn’t immediately clear which talks will be made publicand if any will remain closed.
In the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic, protests around the world in response to George Floyd’s death in police custody in Minneapolis and climate change concerns, next year’s theme will be “The Great Reset,” and examine how capitalism can help fix society’s inequalities, the WEF added.
From the statement issued Wednesday, next year’s meeting appears to be heavily focused once again on the dangers of climate change—in January, teen activist Greta Thunberg made an appearance at Davos and gave a speech.
The WEF also named the global health crisis created by the Covid-19 virus and “the evils of racism and discrimination,” as issues to be addressed.
“The global health crisis has laid bare the unsustainability of our old system in terms of social cohesion, the lack of equal opportunities and inclusiveness,” said WEF founder and chairman Klaus Schwab in a statement Wednesday. “The world must act jointly and swiftly to revamp all aspects of our societies and economies, from education to social contracts and working conditions.Every country, from the United States to China, must participate, and every industry, from oil and gas to tech, must be transformed. In short, we need a ‘Great Reset’ of capitalism.”
The WEF brings together thousands of the world’s most powerful people, like billionaires, celebrities, economists and world leaders, to discuss global issues over roughly a week (I love how they lead people to believe that they are only doing this once a year. They are meeting all the time all over the world. Sure, different individuals but money people with an agenda.) each January. According to The Telegraph, 119 billionaires attended the talks at Davos this year. The meeting has been held for more than 50 years.
From the Editor’s Desk, Michael Matt takes a look at some good news regarding the Covid recovery rate before exploring what’s really going on with the global pandemic. To understand this, he takes us to Switzerland—to the World Economic Forum—where the movers and shakers of the world have been meeting on a regular basis, especially since January 2020, to plan ‘The Great Reset’ at the Davos 2021 Summit in January. Using multiple video clips, Michael shows how everyone from Soros, to Gates, to Schwab, to Al Gore and the Secretary-General of the United Nations are only too eager to admit that Covid offers them a rare opportunity to reset the world economy, population control, global commerce, climate change regulation, education and the UN Sustainable Development Goals in order to “reorder,” “reimagine” and fundamentally transform every aspect of life as we know it. Is this the rest of the story behind the Russia hoax, Ukraine, the phony impeachment and all the other deep state attempts to cripple Trump’s efforts to ‘make America great again”? The folks at Davos want a new world order, and the only thing standing in their way at the moment is US. And if they get their New Normal, nothing will be the same ever again…unless, perhaps, if Donald Trump wins in November.