The World has gone mad. How on earth has the USA come to the place where the people are so ready and willing to give up their rights? They are so blind they can’t even see that they are surrendering to oppression. We cannot allow government to become so powerful that they can FORCE people to go against their own convictions. People are you so frightened that you will not survive that you are willing to live in slavery??
For me, personally, give me liberty or give me death. I do not want anyone to have so much power they can come into my home and hold me down while they force their technology/pharmacea on me. My everlasting soul is mine and I should be free to surrender it only to the one I choose. These people are stealing souls. The technology in their potions change you. Take away your will, take away your humanity and cause you to be unredeemable.
I grew up in an America where people walked free. Everyone had the freedom to say and do whatever they chose. No one forced people to submit to anything. Sure people said and did things with which you might disagree. But, I stand for their right to do so, as long as they live within the confines of the law.
Today, we have madmen writing laws. Our government has gone way beyond corruption. We have allowed our nation to be undermined by the wealthy elite who run our world illegally. They control the puppets in Washington.
If we do not wake up soon and take back control of our own lives we will be doomed.
The diseases that plague our world are created by these madmen. They have you fooled. They are playing god with your soul. They have stolen your peace and filled you with fear, in order to manipulate you into submission.
The desire to see 90% of you die, and the remainder to live forever in servitude. You will seek death, and it will not be found.
They have been telling you for years now that they see CHINA as the model government. What you see happening in China is what will be globally the norm very soon. There horrific, outlandish, dictatorial tactics is what the elite have in store for you. They are very close to closing the jaws of their prison planet. If you can’t see it…ask God to show you what is happening. Only he can open the eyes and ears of those that Satan has blinded.
If you believe that people should be forced to submit to testing and vaccines, take a look below at what that looks like. Are you sure you want the government to have that kind of power? Today, you agree with them, but what happens when you don’t agree and they force you to do whatever they please? Once you allow them to have that much power, they will become drunk with power and you will be at their mercy. What will you do when they FORCE you to become integrated into their AI Brain? No longer having a body or a soul, just your brain tied into their machine forever? We must all stand together alright, against dictatorship and for HUMAN RIGHTS!!! If anyone can be forced, everyone can.
Only 1% of the Vaccine Deaths are being reported. They estimate that up to 900,000 people likely have been killed by this VACCINE!! Countless people have been injured and turned into prisoners in their own bodies!
Quarantine Camps are popping up EVERYWHERE!! Globally they are calling for MANDATORY Vaccinations!

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Vaxx deaths and injuries are now skyrocketing into the millions as Bill Gates has disappeared from sight now that his Eugenics program has gone into full swing and seems to be succeeding. It’s incredible just how naive and stupid these Libtard Covidiot Sheeple are to listen to and believe the Globalist DEMONrat Politicians and the Fake Mainstream Media News Covid-19 PLANdemic/SCAMdemic narratives while friends and family around them begin to drop and if they aren’t dropping like flies right now, they will be come the first flu or cold outbreak. Without an immune system killed off by the Depopulation Jab, there are going to be mass burials unlike we have seen before. Neighbors will soon begin to disappear and that very well could be a good thing for most of the non-vaxxed Truthers.

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Video taken from mRNA Death Toll. – The situation in China is really bad.
3 months, 3 weeks ago

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Video taken from True Life. – This is how Corona is dealt with in communist China. At first I thought it was comedy but this is real.
1 year, 9 months ago

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Shocking footage inside Coronavirus Outbreak in China COVID-19
Wuhan Virus, China Corona Virus 2019-nCoV NCVIP nCoV#WuhanVirus #coronavirus #wuhan #corona #virus #china #NCVIP #nCoV
2 years, 7 months ago

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Video taken from mRNA Death Toll.
3 months, 2 weeks ago

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Not a person even testing positive for Covid (spare me I know there is no Covid and not test) but a SINGLE CONTACT TRACE. In other words someone they say had covid who knew someone 20 times removed. Can you imagine being locked down in an Ikea store for weeks or a month. No food. Who knows it they would even feed people.
1 month ago

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In China…maybe this happens a lot? I suppose Rockefeller was happy. He says that is when the bankers make the most money…when blood is running in the streets. So if his blood was running in the street that would be a win – win right? I would go for that.
1 year, 1 month ago

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the protests in China as Shanghai commits to never ending “indefinite” lockdowns in the face of a so-called “surge” in cases which are actually perfectly correlated with the massive vaccine rollout. As the autoimmune disorders ramp up following mass poisoning of the masses, China again locks down indefinitely. This is an obvious glimpse into the near future in the United States, Canada and throughout Europe and Australia. If we want a glimpse at our future, we’ve got it. Meanwhile, China is pushing the same anti-US establishment view that many independent medias have been “Shanghaied” into. No pun intended…The Chinese government is saying that people shouldn’t rush to condemn Russia for acts in Ukraine. We all know that Ukraine’s government may be the one killing people and they’re blaming it on Russia. We also know Russia is pushing a very anti-establishment view of the US which at face value sounds good. Their pull away from the US dollar also sounds good. But let’s get real. They’re run by China and Israel. This is the great reset power shift. This is the incremental move towards a global SDR currency basket system largely run by China and the end of the American empire. It means technocracy, transhumanism, cashless systems run by tyrants. If you aren’t prepared for what’s coming via the order out of chaos, you better prepare now.
5 months, 2 weeks ago

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Video taken from Martin Rutter. – China: In the Chinese city of Jinan, Shandong Province, citizens are publicly forced to kneel in the street while their health code is scanned. The citizens are starving more and more and are being harassed more and more! Everyone kneels on the ground there! They are not even allowed to stand!
5 months, 2 weeks ago

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Quarantine officer walked into a bathhouse in Busan and told everyone they could not leave COVID-19
—-Wuhan Virus, China Corona Virus 2019-nCoV NCVIP nCoV#WuhanVirus #coronavirus #wuhan #corona #virus #china #NCVIP #nCoV
2 years, 6 months ago
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Unbelievable & disgusting- in China now also chickens are tested for Corona!
Video taken from Martin Rutter.
5 months ago
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In China They Even CovidTest Trucks. Holy Crap.

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THE DAILY MAIL –– Four masked suspects in hazmat suits – carrying placards displaying their photos and names – were paraded Tuesday in front of a large crowd in Guangxi region’s Jingxi city.
Photos of the event showed each suspect held by two police officers – wearing face shields, masks and hazmat suits – and surrounded by a circle of police in riot gear, some holding guns.
The public shaming was part of disciplinary measures announced by the local government in August to punish those breaking health rules.
8 months, 3 weeks ago

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For the globalists, this system is the holy grail for setting up a system to track the entire planet under an AI controlled social credit score.
1 year, 4 months ago

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Josh Sigurdson reports on the recent news that Los Angeles is opening up covid testing for animals, including cats, dogs, hamsters, sea lions and more. This comes shortly after viral footage came out showing the Chinese government forcefully swabbing fish and crab with a PCR swab! This unrivaled insanity just seems to be getting more and more crazy! What we see in China eventually happens in the rest of the world and it’s going much faster than previously. From social credit to carbon credits. From food rations to bank runs. From digital IDs to cashless banking and don’t forget AI and brain implants! If we don’t recognize these dangers and prepare for ourselves, we will not make it through what comes next. The Great Reset.
Stay tuned for more from WAM!
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World Alternative Media2022
3 weeks, 5 days ago
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China Is Now COVID Swabbing Through The “Backdoor” In INSANE Invasive Tests MILLIONS Are Getting
Timcast IRL
Tim, Ian, Luke, and Lydia host 3D printing innovator and weapons law aficionado Alex Holladay of @CTRLPew to discuss China’s developing tactics for Covid screening.
Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify, coming soon to all podcast platforms!
1 year, 7 months ago

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Mirrored from —> https://twitter.com/i/status/1377839597237977091
After you have opened your eyes to see the script for this scam-demic, you understand that “chaos” is the way you advance a plan to establish “order” … a NWO!
If Chem trails and population in the air, or the additives in processed food, or radiation in the air, or excessive use of Big Pharma drugs or the vaccines or too much sugar or too much alcohol or over stimulation from fear and stress or the lack of oxygen from trying to breathe with a mask on don’t ruin your health … then breathing in a toxic substance should fulfill the Elite’s dream of a mass genocide.
Actually because of sin, all of creation is dying and groaning to be clothed in a resurrected body. The earth is wearing out like a garment.
1 year, 5 months ago

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Tim, Ian, Luke, and Lydia have on journalist and commentator Drew Holden to analyze the breaking news of China admitting probing US ambassadors in humiliating new Covid test.
Guest: Drew Holden@DrewHolden360
Podcast available on iTunes and Spotify, coming soon to all podcast platforms!
1 year, 6 months ago

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Chinese Communist Defector Says China INTENTIONALLY Released COVID, Warned The US In November 2019. While Democrats have been largely dismissive of lab leak hypothesis it seems more and more data is coming out suggesting COVID was leaked from a lab in Wuhan.
Republicans from the early stages had been asking about the possibility but were dismissed by a corrupt media bent on defaming conservatives.
Make sure to subscribe for more travel, news, opinion, and documentary with Tim Pool everyday.
12 months ago

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Ten years ago they were planning for China to catch a Cold ie Corona Virus ie COVID -19. A plandemic with much greater ongoing complications such as World War III plans.
1 year, 5 months ago

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Owen reads a leaked document exposing the true COVID-19 origin story.
1 year, 2 months ago

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———-DONATE———-Bitcoin: bc1ql8aevagmlwqf0t2nym7tnme9ml5rxu6a7942cxLinkcoin: 0x3936da72142dA1CEeDC54d2AFf6D218599D00544Basic Attention Token: 0x3936da72142dA1CEeDC54d2AFf6D218599D00544———-SOURCES:———-
1 year, 3 months ago

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Excerpt from Steve Hilton’s “The Next Revolution”
1 year, 7 months ago

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Scientist Denis Rancourt returns to discuss his new paper which demonstrates that a pandemic did not occur. Whereas in some countries there was little to no excess mortality, in others like the USA, the 1 million excess deaths can be attributed directly to the government health measures and pandemic-response policies. He sees no evidence for a virulent respiratory disease. The U.S. is decoupling from China with whom it is in an economic war. As a result, there’s going to be huge inflation which will wipe out the savings of ordinary people. He sees “COVID19” as being war measures applied to completely control domestic populations in the shadow of the U.S.-China geopolitical and geoeconomic conflict that will last at least a decade and even risk hot war. A totalitarian system is being put into place to get rid of democracy, and it has the potential to last a really long time. All countries must apply these measures in the context of this global war to ensure stability against unrest among their own populations. He thinks Western elites want an e-currency that will take over the world and gobble up any completing digital currencies, and which also cannot be circumvented. We also discuss resistance and non-compliance.
About Denis RancourtDenis G. Rancourt is a former tenured full professor of physics at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is a researcher for the Ontario Civil Liberties Association and a social theorist. He has published more than 100 articles in leading scientific journals, on physics and environmental science. He is the author of the book Hierarchy and Free Expression in the Fight Against Racism.
*Podcast intro music is from the song “The Queens J
8 months, 1 week ago