Wow… this is bigger than any of us simple folks could have ever imagined. IT appears that the elite have reached Nirvana. They have actualized all of Nikola Teslas works as well as the dream of the Nazi’s (who actually run our government programs). Unbelievable, I know. True, nonetheless.
There is a reason why governments all over the world have been furiously striving to uncover all archeological sites, why we have fought ridiculous wars with nations like Iran, Afghanistan, and Syria. There is a reason why they are recreating all these ancient structures and protecting these ancient sites. There is a reason why names of ancient deities are used to name just about everything in science, medicine, technology, and business. There is a reason why you cannot talk of the Bible or Jesus Christ in our schools, but they spend most of the year studying Roman and Greek Mythology.
The Elite are driven by spiritual forces. Forces even they do not understand.
Those spiritual forces are bringing this world to an ultimate climax. They believe that they have perfected their plan to MASTER THE HUMAN RACE. They are about to lower the boom. If you think your world has been changed beyond recognition already… hold onto your hats. IT is about to get crazy.
You had better know GOD! IF you do not, now is the time to get on your knees!
I know most of you are going to just bypass this article, dismissing it as the ravings of a madwoman… YOUR MISTAKE WILL COST YOU!
This is a true story and we are living it right now. I truly hope you can hear my words. If you would like to provide support for my work, I will use the funds wisely. Here are my links:…… May GOD forgive those that are partisipating in this genocide. Daniel
Influenza patients at a military hospital in Switzerland, December 1918. During the 1918 influenza pandemic, one in three humans were infected and between 17 million and 100 million people perished around the world.RDB/Ullstein Bild via Getty Images
Late in the spring of 1918 the Spanish wire service Agencia Fabra sent cables of an unusual nature to Reuter’s news service headquarters in London. “A strange form of disease of epidemic character has appeared in Madrid,” it said. “The epidemic is of a mild nature, no deaths having been reported.” The illness began with a cough, then headache and backache, fatigue, high fever, racing heart, loss of appetite and labored breathing. It usually lasted about three days. Cases had cropped up over the spring and summer in other countries, too, from Norway to India, China to Costa Rica. But in Spain, suddenly 8 million people were down with the bug. And as the summer of 1918 turned to fall, the epidemic lost its mildness: people started to die.
The influenza commonly called “Spanish flu” killed more people than the guns of World War I. Estimates put the worldwide death toll at 21,642,274. Some one billion people were affected by the disease — half of the total human population. It came at a time when 19 nations were at war and the disruption, stress, and privation of war certainly aided the flu’s transmission. It killed people on every continent except Antarctica, with the most lives lost in Asiaand the highest percentage of population killed in India. From August 1918, when cases of the flu started looking abnormally high, until the following July when they returned to about normal, 20 million Americans became sick and more than 500,000 died. In October, 1918, the flu reached its peak, killing about 195,000 Americans. About 57,000 American soldiers died from influenza while the U.S. was at war; about 53,500 died in battle.
There wasn’t much doctors could do. In the course of the epidemic nearly every known therapy was tried — quinine tablets, bleeding, castor oil, digitalis, morphine, enemas, aspirin, tobacco, hot baths, cold baths, iron tonics, and expectorants of pine tar. Little was known about the virus, except that it was contagious. After deaths from the disease began in earnest, many local governing bodies closed down theaters, churches, and other public gatherings. Ordinances made it illegal to spit, cough, or sneeze in public — with threat of $500 fines in New York City.When people went out they wore gauze masks over their nose and mouth, often soaked in camphor or other medicinal substances.
After months of terrorizing people around the world, the “Spanish lady” (called “The Naples Soldier” in Spain, and a variety of other names around the world) seemed to withdraw. It had been the most dire epidemic since the Middle Ages, the third worst in recorded history. For all its destruction, it did not get much press at the time. War and then peace monopolized the front pages. And still little is known about the origin or nature of the killer virus.Many believe the modern “swine flu” virus is a descendant of the deadly 1918 flu. Some theorize that its stronger ancestor ganged up with a bacteria to wreak havoc on the human population. In recent years, vaccinations against various strains of influenza have been introduced. (Haven’t made a difference)
20 August 1920: E.W. Scripps‘s WWJ in Detroit received its commercial broadcasting license and started broadcasting. It has carried a regular schedule of programming to the present. Broadcasting was not yet supported by advertising. The stations owned by manufacturers and department stores were established to sell radios and those owned by newspapers to sell papers and express the opinions of the owners.
31 August 1920: The first known radio news program was broadcast by station 8MK, the unlicensed predecessor of WWJ (AM) in Detroit, Michigan.
October 1920: Westinghouse in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania became the first US commercial broadcasting station to be licensed when it was granted call letters KDKA. (Their engineer Frank Conrad had been broadcasting from his own station since 1916.)
1921: In Australia, Charles Maclurcan of 2CM commenced broadcasting Sunday night classical music concerts on the long wave band (214 kHz.), using seven watts. 2CM was issued with the first broadcasting licence in Australia (Licence No.1, signed by Prime Minister William Morris (Billy) Hughes,) in December 1922. However, many current historian recognise 2SB as the first official broadcaster in Australia, in 1923.
1922: Regular wireless broadcasts for entertainment began in the UK from the Marconi Research Centre at Writtle near Chelmsford, England. Early radios ran the entire power of the transmitter through a carbon microphone.
23 November 1923: 2SB was the first Australian station to be officially recognised.
23 May 1925 : First broadcast in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Mid 1920s:
Amplifyingvacuum tubes revolutionized radio receivers and transmitters; Westinghouse engineers improved them. (Before that, the most common type of receiver was the crystal set, although some early radios used some type of amplification through electric current or battery.)
Fessenden and Lee de Forest pioneered the invention of amplitude-modulated radio (AM radio), so more than one station can send signals (as opposed to spark-gap radio, where one transmitter covers the entire bandwidth of spectra). Westinghouse bought DeForest‘s and Armstrong‘s patent.
1920s: Radio was first used to transmit pictures visible as television.
In a climate of international conflict and turmoil, a disease begins to spread across the globe. It hits the United States on the way to becoming a worldwide pandemic. While most infected survive, the fatality rate is well above that of an ordinary flu. Eventually, one in three humans on earth is infected. At least 17 million people, and maybe as many as 100 million, perish.
This is not a prediction — it’s a description of how the influenza pandemic of 1918-’19 (which came to be erroneously known as the “Spanish flu”; more on that below) became one of the deadliest, if not the deadliest, disease outbreak in modern history.
Comparisons to the 1918 outbreak have been rife since the novel coronavirus outbreak began in January. We recently marked the centennial of the 1918 pandemic, and fear of a repeat pervades discussions of the current outbreak.
But even granting that we are early in the history of the coronavirus outbreak, there are important differences between our current predicament and the Spanish flu. The underlying diseases are different, and from what we know at this point, the case fatality rate of the coronavirus is lower, by some estimates, than that of the Spanish flu. We also enjoy a much more robust public health infrastructure in 2019; in 1918, as Laura Spinney documents in her pandemic history Pale Rider, medical experts still hadn’t agreed that the flu is caused by a virus.
Other differences, like the advent of widespread passenger air travel and much deeper global supply chains, put us at greater pandemic risk now than in 1918.
But many experts caution that we should avoid comparisons to the Spanish flu. As flu expert Jeremy Brown writes in the Atlantic, “What’s most striking about these comparisons … is not the similarities between the two episodes, but the distance that medicine has traveled in the intervening century.”
Spinney concurs. “The Spanish flu is one of the worst, if not the worst, pandemic humanity ever went through, and it’s really anomalous in the history of flu pandemics,” she explains. “We’ve had 15 flu pandemics in the last 500 years, and the last five since the 1890s have been properly measured in a scientific way. None [but the Spanish flu] has killed more than 3 million people maximum.”
The “Asian flu” of 1957 and the “Hong Kong flu” of 1968, for instance, were both met with more modern tools of disease surveillance and had death tolls in the range of 500,000 to 2 million: big numbers, for sure, but hardly 1918 levels.
The CDC recommends several measures to help prevent the spread of Covid-19:
As Spinney notes in Pale Rider, it can be difficult to pin down the exact origins of the 1918 influenza outbreak.
One theory has it starting on American soil, in Kansas, where it migrated from birds to humans. Albert Gitchell, an Army private and mess cook based in Fort Riley, Kansas, is sometimes identified as the first victim, reporting his symptoms on March 4, 1918. Unfortunately for the world, US soldiers at Fort Riley were at that point preparing for deployment to the Western Front of World War I.
A month later, Spinney writes, “the flu was epidemic in the American Midwest,on the cities of the eastern seaboard from which the soldiers embarked, and in the French ports where they disembarked.”
There are other theories, however. Spinney told me in a phone call that one theory tries to explain the unusual virulence of the 1918 flu by positing that it developed first in Europe’s trenches. Normally viruses decline in their deadliness over time because they need living hosts to keep spreading. That didn’t happen with the 1918 flu— perhaps, Spinney says, “because the virus might have got started in the trenches filled with young men who weren’t very mobile. They were stuck in the trenches like sardines for days, weeks, months. There was no evolutionary pressure for it to moderate its virulence.”
One theory posits that the 1918 flu that became a pandemic started in the trenches in Europe during World War I. Bettmann Archives/Getty Images
Whether it began in the trenches or ended up there after the arrival of American troops, the virus spread quickly to German soldiers and to neutral Spain.News of the flu was censored in most countries with war censorship regimes, leading authorities in Spain to erroneously think that it was alone in enduring such a brutal outbreak — hence the name “Spanish flu.” Russian POWs returning from Germany spread the disease to the newly created Soviet Union, and by May and June, various countries in Africa, as well as India, China, and Japan, all had outbreaks.
This is sometimes called the “first wave” of the flu, because while it had significant effects (particularly on World War I, where it weakened troops on both sides), it was not the debilitating crisis that we now remember as the Spanish flu.
The second wave, Spinney writes, began in August 1918 almost simultaneously in ports in Freetown, Sierra Leone; Brest, France; and Boston, Massachusetts. British imperial ships spread it around the country’s African holdings, and from South Africa it spread to the rest of the continent. In a matter of months, the flu was slowing down combat in Europe, spreading back to India, China, and Japan, and circulating through mass public celebrations of the war’s armistice on November 11.
Basically the only place not affected was Australia, but a “third wave” of the flu in late 1918 eventually hit there, too.
The second wave of the flu, in particular, had more brutal effects than typical influenza, not least because it was likelier than the ordinary flu to be joined by bacterial pneumonia. This, subsequent research has suggested, caused most of the deaths in the 1918 flu outbreak.
When all was said and done, the flu had killed between 17 million and 100 million. That’s a wide range. While today countries keep detailed records of testing and diagnosis for new outbreaks (as they’ve been doing during the coronavirus crisis), there was no such record-keeping capacity in the late 1910s.As such, research has to rely on estimates comparing actual mortality to a “baseline” level of mortality that would have occurred without the flu. Accurate actual death rates are hard enough to cobble together, given the unreliability of death records from the period, but estimating counterfactual deaths without the flu is harder still.
It’s hard to say when, exactly, the pandemic outbreak receded. The third wave, beginning in the winter of 1918-’19, subsided by that summer, and the virus likely lurked around for years, not causing pandemics because most survivors had been exposed and developed antibodies. The long-term health and economic costs were substantial. Economist Douglas Almond has estimated that people exposed in utero to the flu in 1918-’19 received less education, earned lower incomes, and were likelier to have disabilities than people who missed the pandemic in the womb.
Similarities and differences between the 1918 outbreak and now
The Spanish flu is frightening because it demonstrates that in a reasonably modern society, a pandemic killing tens of millions of people is very plausible. But that “reasonably modern” society was still much more primitive when it came to medicine and public health than the world of today.
Here are a few facts about public health in the year 1918:
We did not know that influenza is caused by a virus, and in fact the scientist Richard Pfeiffer had convinced most of the medical community that it was caused by bacteria; it wasn’t until 1933 that researchers proved conclusively that the flu is a viral infection.
Antibiotics capable of treating flu-related pneumonia infections (which are typically caused by bacteria) were 10 years from being discovered.
Antiviral drugs were many decades from being developed; the first came out in 1963.
There was no World Health Organization, and efforts to surveil and track the outbreak of new diseases were incredibly rudimentary.
Most countries in Europe were under war censorship regimes that limited the spread of accurate, lifesaving information about the flu outbreak.
For all the advances we’ve made since, what’s striking is how some of the measures authorities instituted at the time look very much like the ones we’re seeing with the coronavirus outbreak. Spinney told me, “They had the kind of social distancing measures that we’re still using today: isolation, quarantine, masks, hand-washing, staggering rush hour so you don’t have massive crowds in the metro and the streets.Those are techniques that are very ancient.People have always understood you have to keep the healthy and the sick separate.”
A man sprays the top of a bus with an anti-flu concoction in London on March 2, 1920, following the flu pandemic that killed millions around the world. Hulton Archive/Getty Images
We must also weigh the massive strides in public health made since 1918 against the advent of global supply chains and passenger air travel. “We have a global population that is four times the size, and at least in the industrialized world, the populations are much older with respect to 1918, and old age weakens immune systems,” Spinney continues. All of that makes us more vulnerable, not less, to a pandemic like this. While antivirals are useful against coronavirus, we do not have a vaccine and will not for at least 18 months, somewhat limiting the public health value of our scientific advances over the last 100 years.
One way we can compare the two outbreaks is by looking at case fatality rates: the share of infections that lead to death. This is always difficult to estimate because there are likely more infections than have been identified by medical authorities. According to Johns Hopkins researchers, as of this writing there have been 111,363 cases of Covid-19 and 3,892 deaths, for a case fatality rate of about 3.5 percent.
But you should take that number with a grain of salt. Countries’ testing protocols vary widely and many, including the US, have only tested a few thousand people while others, like South Korea, have tested hundreds of thousands. That means the denominator for the case fatality rate — the total number of infections — is uncertain, and might be undercounted due to lack of testing. In South Korea, the case fatality rate is currently 0.7 percent, suggesting that better testing might yield more accurate, lower rates.At the same time, as Julia Belluz explains, accurately measured fatality rates are also going to vary significantly from country to country due to differences in health system capacity, low- and middle-income people’s access to health care, etc.
The case fatality rate of the Spanish flu is often cited as 2.5 percent, but this is likely a dramatic underestimate, as science writer Ferris Jabr has written.
The most frequently cited death statistics for the Spanish flu come from Niall Johnson and Juergen Mueller’s 2002 study, which estimated the death toll at 50 million and warned that this might be as much as a 100 percent underestimate, implying a total toll of 100 million. A more recent 2018 paper by Pete Spreeuwenberg, Madelon Kroneman, and John Paget gets a much lower estimate of 17.4 million. If the frequently cited estimate of 500 million infections globally is correct, then the latter death toll implies a case fatality rate of 3.5 percent, but using a higher death toll of 50 million, the fatality rate rises to 10 percent. (so basically they don’t know anything about either of these “viruses” and they really can’t do anything better now than they could in 1918!)
This is a huge range of uncertainty. Given how imprecise our counts of total global infections for both the Spanish flu and coronavirus are and how imprecise our estimates for the former’s death toll are, it is hard to say anything definitive about how they stack up against each other in terms of case fatality.
The diseases also differed in whom they infected. The Spanish flu, unusually for an influenza, was less lethal for older people, perhaps because a similar 1830s flu outbreak granted older people still alive in 1918 some limited immunity. The coronavirus, by contrast, has had its most devastating impact in China on older people. (again, they don’t know anything and can’t do anything.)
Both Covid-19 and the Spanish flu have already had massive effects outside of their immediate health consequences. The Spanish flu, many World War I historians agree, sped up the end of the war by weakening the ability of each side to field armies; it may even have affected the outcome, though the evidence there is weaker.
Covid-19’s economic effects might outstrip the Spanish flu’s, even if the health effects turn out to be milder, due to the economy’s move toward in-person services, hospitality, and globalized supply chains, all of which are vulnerable to an outbreak like this. Indeed, one effect in 1918 that is not likely to be repeated is an increase in wages in some countries due to a shortage of workers.
It’s natural to want to compare the two outbreaks, and it can be responsible to do so if the comparison is done with care and nuance. But it’s important to keep in mind just how severe the Spanish flu outbreak was, and that while Covid-19 could get much worse, it would have to infect several thousand times as many people as it has to date to match the Spanish flu’s reach. The Covid-19 situation may only get that bad if we fail to adequately adopt measures like social distancing, aggressive testing, and quarantining, and let it get that bad. (We have already implemented more social distancing than the number of cases should mandate, testing seems to be a waste of time and money because they are not accurate and often give false readings and because when a persons tests positive for having the virus present in their system, if they die, even at age 70 they are said to have died after being tested positive for coronavirus and so they are included in the death toll, even if they die of natural causes or some other issue.)
Editor’s Note: Frank Report neither endorses nor rejects the opinions expressed in this article, namely that there is a connection between 5G and the coronavirus pandemic. Since we do not really know how the coronavirus got started [unless we accept China’s word for it that it was started by the US Army] it seems reasonable to hear the author out on this topic. He is not promoting anything dangerous such as that people should not practice social distancing, but rather is discussing the possibility of a health danger that may be at the root of other health dangers, namely 5G.
By Fred
I said on Frank Report that I was keeping an eye on a 5G testbed in Harlem, long before anyone said “coronavirus”,and now I see that this tent city is intended to handle the possible overflow from that 5G testbed.
A genuine synchronicity right here on FR.
First: there is now evidence from around the USA that this story of vans coming in to “sanitize” schools under lockdown, while really installing 5G and biometrics, seems indeed to be the case. Click the link below to view the video:
You’ll see videos of these vans and hear a phone call to a school, where the moment a question about 5G is asked, the school secretary hangs up the phone. Several of the trucks indicate that they provide sanitary services and are equipped with ladders; then there is a van belonging to a company specializing in installing security and identification systems.
You’ll also see various reports saying that the same kind of thing has been seen in schools around the USA from California to Florida. Also see this page for a very interesting compendium of links:
So the schools are apparently being weaponized. I’ve also seen reports from Seattle, for example, that entire malls are being closed down and fitted with 5G.People should keep their eyes open and report what they see, these eyewitness accounts are absolutely vital. Take care and take pictures if possible.
I’m not going to give lots of references here. But Donald Trump recently gave a speech in which he predicted waves of suicides, resulting from depression and hopelessness from the economic situation.
“So you’re going to have tremendous suicides … and people are going to be dying all over the place from drug addiction,” Trump said.
Especially when the kids eventually go back to school: with this mass rollout of 5G, you are indeed going to see “tremendous” waves of suicides. I’ve warned about this over and again. Apart from impaired immunity, teen suicide is the biggest issue Mr. Barrie Trower warns about wherever towers go up.
What Trump’s statement now tells me, for 100% certain, is that President Donald J. Trump is completely deliberately perpetrating open genocide on the American people with the accelerated rollout of 5G.
5G will be Trump’s 9/11.
I started this discussion on 5G way back with a comparison with the game of “chicken”, in which duelists race their cars towards a cliff edge. The last one to throw themselves out of the car is the winner, unless of course they go over the cliff.
I said: China has gone over the cliff, with this coronavirus epidemic, it’s a straight consequence of the rollout of 5G. It’s time to fling yourself out of the car, America.
If anyone wants to argue, here is proof that Wuhan was the very first testbed in the whole of China for full “edge cloud” 5G along a motorway for autonomous driving:
Chinese state-owned telecommunication company China Mobile is building a 5G smart highway project in Wuhan in Hubei province.
The first 5G smart highway project in the countryis currently under construction. Once it is complete, the telecommunications company plans to introduce 5G services on the highway, starting with ‘smart toll stations’ that could replace the present equipment and human operators.
China Mobile intends to collect real-time traffic information, make AI-assisted forecasts using the data, which will support driverless cars.
The carrier has currently installed 31 5G base stations in Wuhan under this project and expects to add another 2,000 units this year with an investment of $148.3m.
Currently, location planning is underway for toll station testing under the highway project. The telecom company has also applied for autonomous driving test permits. If it receives the permits, autonomous cars will be able to share the highway with human-operated vehicles.
The 5G smart highway project is being integrated with Cloud computing,internet of things (IoT), big data, and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as other internet technologies.
China Mobile Group Hubei Company general manager Fan Bingheng told China that the use of 5G in smart transportation will bring great changes to the revolution of the transportation industry.
Although China Mobile is not the world’s telecom carrier to venture into this segment, it may be the first to provide commercial and coordinated transportation services on highways based on the progress made by competitors in other countries such as South Korea.
South Korean telecom companies SK Telecom, KT, and LG U+ have all operated limited 5G tests of autonomous vehicles. Samsung has even set up a city to test cars.
China Mobile is constructing a 5G smart highway for self-driving cars and traffic management. Credit: GlebKozenko on Unsplash.
Chinese state-owned telecommunication company China Mobile is building a 5G smart highway project in Wuhan in Hubei province.
The first 5G smart highway project in the country is currently under construction. Once it is complete, the telecommunications company plans to introduce 5G services on the highway, starting with ‘smart toll stations’ that could replace the present equipment and human operators.
China Mobile intends to collect real-time traffic information, make AI-assisted forecasts using the data, which will support driverless cars.
The carrier has currently installed 31 5G base stations in Wuhan under this project and expects to add another 2,000 units this year with an investment of $148.3m.
Currently, location planning is underway for toll station testing under the highway project. The telecom company has also applied for autonomous driving test permits. If it receives the permits, autonomous cars will be able to share the highway with human-operated vehicles.
“The carrier has currently installed 31 5G base stations in Wuhan under this project and expects to add another 2,000 units this year with an investment of $148.3m.”
The 5G smart highway project is being integrated with Cloud computing, internet of things (IoT), big data, and artificial intelligence (AI), as well as other internet technologies.
China Mobile Group Hubei Company general manager Fan Bingheng told China that the use of 5G in smart transportation will bring great changes to the revolution of the transportation industry.
Although China Mobile is not the world’s telecom carrier to venture into this segment, it may be the first to provide commercial and coordinated transportation services on highways based on the progress made by competitors in other countries such as South Korea.
South Korean telecom companies SK Telecom, KT, and LG U+ have all operated limited 5G tests of autonomous vehicles. Samsung has even set up a city to test cars.
This report, dated February 2019, states unambiguously: “Chinese state-owned telecommunication company China Mobile is building a 5G smart highway project in Wuhan in Hubei province.
“The first 5G smart highway project in the country is currently under construction. Once it is complete, the telecommunications company plans to introduce 5G services on the highway, starting with ‘smart toll stations’ that could replace the present equipment and human operators.”
You’ll see here that the biggest single spike in Wuhan’s coronavirus cases occurred in the exact week that they switched this highway system on: Click the link for details
Weeks following the 5G network testing and launching, people in Wuhan began getting sick. At the moment, with 10,000 recently installed 5G antennas plastering its city, Wuhan is one of the most 5G-electro-polluted cities on the planet. Isn’t that a coincidence? Wuhan just happens to be the most 5G advanced city, and the most infected city worldwide, following the months that 5G is rolled out.
According to Chinese Government and WHO statistics, the first reported cases of coronavirus began trickling in early November into December, meanwhile in the following months, more users began using 5G technology, with increased radiation exposure. We are told that China officially launched 5G networks on November 1:
“All the three state-backed telecom operators, China Mobile, China Telecom and China Unicom, unveiled their 5G plans on Thursday, (Oct 31) one day ahead of the official launch of 5G services in the country, with the cheapest package priced as low as $18 per month.” (ZDNet)
Italy, Spain, France, and Germany all leading in Europe’s 5G networks, with the the highest rates of COVID-19 in the EU … China sees a spike in cases right after it tests and launches one of the largest 5G bases in the world …Wuhan cases spike the day it launches a 5G Expressway Project for monitoring traffic …US sees a spike in coronavirus cases after T-Mobile launches its nationwide 5G network, with outbreaks occurring precisely in 5G hotspots … Hokkaido, Japan experiences the greatest pandemic outbreak in the country, after testing the world’s first 5G car connection test, while deploying 5G in roadway tunnels … the planned Event 201 coronavirus pandemic scenario before the outbreak hits Wuhan … the flaws of testing for COVID-19 and its relation to the common flu.
So: the first 5G motorway testbed in China coincides with the epicentre of the Chinese epidemic; and the first 5G “inside the building” testbed in the USA coincides with the epicentre of the American epidemic.
And if the term “edge cloud” means little to you, remember that Turin — epicentre of the disastrous Italian epidemic — was the first “edge cloud” 5G city in the whole of Europe.
Some edge.
I spent the other evening touring the suburb of Kirkland, Seattle, on Google Maps. I was trying to spot the building where the company Pivotal Commware did their 5G “inside the building” test in this largely residential area. I was going on the picture in Pivotal’s PR release:
Pivotal Commware, the Kirkland, Wash.-based startup backed by Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates, says it’s demonstrated its solution to a wireless annoyance: getting 5G reception inside a building.
The roof on the building outside is very distinctive, with at least seven triangular gables over what appear to be residential apartments. I found it comparatively easy to scan the buildings from above, looking for this feature.
After a couple of hours, I felt that I knew the landscape around the Pivotal Commware HQ fairly well, looking with a radio planner’s eye, and I was certain that this building was not in the area. My best find for the night was a restaurant called La CoronaMexican.
So I did a search just for the photograph, and quickly found that it was actually a stock image used on several building material suppliers’ websites in the U.K.:
You can see that Pivotal just added the image of their 5G Echo product to this stock picture.
Pivotal Commware and their PR agency, Global Results Communications are invested in persuading pregnant women that 5G presents no health threat.:
So I repeat to Pivotal Commware and their PR agency, Global Results Communications: in the interests of public health worldwide, come clean, and tell us exactly where you conducted your 5G “inside the building” trials. Your dead silence indicates to me that your testbed was indeed a few blocks northwards of your HQ, in the vicinity of the two health centres that were the epicentre of the early U.S. coronavirus outbreak.
Prove me wrong.
Since then, New York has become Ground Zero once again in its history. Does anyone remember me mentioning a major 5G testbed in Harlem,and how I was keeping an eye for problems in the area? Well: this Harlem 5G trial is being implemented by Columbia University, and the south boundary of this testbed is Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus:
The COSMOS testbed will cover one square mile in West Harlem, with City College to the north, Columbia University’s Morningside Heights campus to the south, the Hudson River to the west, and Apollo Theater to the east.
Taking a look at the map, this is right next to Mount Sinai Morningside Hospital, on the other side of Central Park to the main Mount Sinai site, for which I can find no patient numbers. Here’s a report from March 20:
“At Mount Sinai Health System’s Morningside hospital in New York City, the number of coronavirus patients at the 500-bed facility doubled in two days this week, to 20 patients needing hospitalization, another 18 who were being observed for potential infection and more than 50 being tested in the emergency room in one day…
“Morningside typically runs at more than 80% occupancy but is now repurposing beds normally used for elective surgery patients to create wards for treating coronavirus cases, setting up a tent outside its emergency room to expand capacity, and ramping up staffing by reassigning personnel and asking retired physicians to help pick up non-emergency care.”
So Mount Sinai Morningside has already set up its own overflow tent. And now this tent city in Central Park is apparently being constructed to take the overflow from Mount Sinai. That Harlem testbed I was checking out, is now at home in Ground Zero.
Wherever you look …
Check it out: Taiwan has an amazingly low infection rate, 339 cases and five deaths so far. They have not yet rolled out 5G; it’s planned for July of this year. A stark difference between the two Chinas.
This is an interesting review of Dr. Arthur Firstenberg’s book “The Invisible Rainbow”:
I’m noting that the “Spanish flu” first appeared at the Naval Radio School in Cambridge, Mass., with 400 initial cases. Along with mass vaccinations of sailors, this episode was the first time that people were exposed en masse to powerful radio waves at close quarters.
Firstenberg also tracks many other cases of flu epidemics that coincided with wireless rollouts. I have tracked two such epidemics myself.
A couple of other really interesting points from this book: the first case of “colony collapse disorder” in bees occurred on the Isle of Wight in the English Channel in 1904. This coincided with Marconi powering up four transatlantic transmitters on the island.When they brought other colonies of bees to the Isle of Wight,they also died out. No one thought of looking at Marconi’s transmitters as a possible cause.
In 1901, when Marconi only had two transmitters there, Queen Victoria herself suffered an unexpected series of strokes while on that very island and died, to the great shock of the British nation.
Firstenberg also blames Sigmund Freud for completely missing the whole phenomenon of wireless-induced neurological problems, and blaming all the pathology of the age on the “subconscious” and its urges. Thus Freud’s fashionable, but unobservant theories allowed the electrification of society to proceed absolutely unchecked.
Talking about influenzas, this is Lt. Col. Tom Bearden, a top Pentagon wargamer in his day, writing in 1991 about the general effects of electrosmog: “Long-range detrimental effects from this smog are occurring now, such as extremely slow jamming of our immune systems, leading to a rise in arthritic diseases, immuno-suppressive opportunistic infections, etc. Also, such diseases as influenzaswill slowly seem to become harsher and harsher.Indeed, new strains will appear, and they will be much harsher and more resistant to medical treatment.”
GRAVITOBIOLOGY by Lt. Col. T.E. Bearden (retd.), 1991
Copyright The Unsuspected Deadly Nature of Internal EM Pollution
Along with all the lingering flus that Dr. Arthur Firstenberg tracked with the rollout of early cell phone networks, here then is another long-range prediction of ever-harsher and novel strains of influenza coinciding with rising EMR levels in the environment. This is so well known to those who know, we can only watch and wonder how long it can all be covered up among the general public. The storm of mainstream media reports debunking the “5G coronavirus link” tells me that the situation is getting genuinely hot.
I may as well tackle a particular issue here. A video by a Dr. Thomas Cowan linked the coronavirus epidemic with 5G, and quoted Rudolf Steiner’s comment on the 1918 Spanish flu, saying that viruses were not the cause, viruses were a product of the cell detoxifying itself. This video went viral, if you’ll excuse the pun, and has called down the wrath of the fact checkers.
I know any mention of Steiner is going to start people frothing at the mouth, but before you get going, please watch this video:
The first half is a YouTuber called Dana Ashlie warning about 5G, this is a very influential video, and she quite cleverly conceals her sources here, she’s extremely well informed. More on her below. However, there is a 2009 radio interview with one Aarjonus Vonderplanitz, a most entertaining and interesting speaker, famous for his efforts in promoting raw foods in the USA. I can’t hear any hint that he has the slightest connection with Steiner. Yet he gives an absolutely resolute and quite plausible argument that there is no such thing as a “bad virus”, that viruses are simply solvents and cleansing agents exuded by cells that are fighting illness and imbalance within themselves.
He argues extremely persuasively that viruses are NOT ALIVE in any sense of the word — the idea of viruses “surviving” on surfaces is just absurd. Aarjonus may be another nut case for you, but this guy knows a thing or two. If you would rather read his theories than listen, see here:
I am reluctant to mention the harm that vaccines producebecausemost everyone is adamantly brainwashed that vaccines produce immunity. However, I would be negligent to ignore how vaccines actually affect health.
Allopathic medicine is based on the “germ theory”, that microbes and viruses, cause disease. Medical science bases the use of vaccines on the theory that the body forms antibodies to “fight” natural viruses. They believe that these antibodies live on after the virus is contained, thereby creating immunity.
First we must consider the facts known to evaluate medicine’s viral theory. Science has proved that virus are not alive, that they are predominantly protein but that they contain organic DNA. Science has proved that virus increase only in the presence of live cells, and that they cause certain cells, and/or parts of cells to dissolve. What is believed and taken as fact but not proved, is that viruses are nondiscriminatingly destructive “things” that self-replicate. That is like saying that laundry soap, because it is found in homes inhabited by humans, self-replicates. Those assumption and conclusion are shallow and ludicrous. Medical science operates from fear, and it attacks the body. All medical procedures for treating disease are written by pharmaceutical-related individuals and groups. That is a severe conflict of interest. Self-produced health or medication-dependent profit, which do you think that they want?
A rational and logical conclusion would be that virus are solvents (cleansers) manufactured by individual cells to dissolve degenerative tissue (disease) caused by accumulated waste and industrial toxins, including medicines. Virus contain DNA because cells have used substances within themselves to synthesize virus; DNA is a part of that. When the cleansing and healing processes cease, cells stop producing large amounts of virus.
Normally, healthier bodies symbiotically utilize bacteria and parasites to cleanse themselves of cellular degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are the bodies preferred janitors. Bacteria and parasites consume the degenerative tissue and organic waste and reduce it to a tiny fraction of the original mass eaten. They can consume 100 times their weight and reduce it to 1-percent excretion. When eating a healthy raw diet, our bodies easily secrete and/or excrete the 1-percent excretions from bacteria and parasites.
However, when bodies become too toxic with industrial toxins, including medicines, the bacteria and parasites are poisoned to death.Under such toxic conditions, the only cleansing method that the body can utilize is virus. So, cells synthesize viruses. I reiterate, viruses are solvents that dissolve degenerative tissue and organic waste. They are beneficial in preventing disease; they do not cause disease. The symptoms that accompany viral, bacterial or parasitical detoxifications are a necessary process but can be mitigated with the consumption of plenty of raw eggs and raw dairy fats.
The key is: We should trust, nurture and understand the body and Nature, not fear them.Inoculating people to prevent viral infections is ridiculous and dangerous. After many years of experimentation, Louis Pasteur realized that the idea of vaccination was doomed. He confessed on his deathbed to his assistants that a poor (toxic) environment within the body createsdisease. Microbes do not cause disease.
Regarding the immediate trauma that vaccines cause in many people, the eminent scientist and physician, Dr. William F. Koch, M.D., Ph.D. said:The injection of any serum, vaccine or even penicillin has shown a very marked increase in the incidence of polio – at least 400%. Statistics are so conclusive no one can deny it.
The long term effects of vaccines are just as harmful.Vaccines are made of disease, mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and other poisonous chemicals. Pharmaceutical houses manufacture diseases in animal tissue. The diseases are sterilized to make vaccines. Sterilization alters the RNA, DNA, structure and actions of diseases and viruses. When a sterilized disease or virus enters the body, the body tries to analyze it and create antibodies to regulate the disease or virus. The body cannot find the logical reason for the unnatural disease or virus. Nor can it find the key to the time that the bacteria or virus will be active. Therefore the body creates mutant antibodies that do not go dormant for up to decades. These mutant antibodies remain active long after the disease or virus becomes inactive. The mutant antibodies eat sub-particles from the inside of amino acids (proteins) in the blood.1 That renders proteins unstable.The amount of proteins damaged and lost to mutant antibodies depends on the number of vaccines. Because amino acids are the primary building blocks of cells, the consequence is cellular malnutrition. In all animals, the malnutrition causes gradual genetic mutations, resulting in weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities.
The life span of mutant antibodies varies, from at least 1 year (penicillin) up to 50 years (polio).2 Each vaccine multiples the number of mutant antibodies, which increases cellular malnutrition and results in greater weaknesses, diseases, malfunctions and deformities. Table 1 shows the reported incidents of polio in the year 1958, before the compulsory polio vaccine law, and the year 1959, when the law was adopted. Only four states and one city kept records. The statistics show that the polio vaccine actually created the disease that it was purported to have prevented.
Table 1: Number of Polio Cases Reported in 5 areas, Before and After Polio Vaccine became Compulsory
Los Angeles, CA 89 190 213%
North Carolina 78 313 401%
Ohio* 17 52 306%
Tennessee 119 386 324%
*Ohio had an escape clause and many people declined inoculation. Therefore there were fewer incidents of Polio. Eighty-two percent of all of the people who had polio in 1959 (listed above) had been vaccinated with one or more polio vaccines.Twenty percent had at least three polio vaccinations. Polio vaccines create polio.
Vaccines have other immediate side effects. There is temporary or permanent paralysis (Guillain-Barre) associated with any type of vaccine, including flu shots. Almost everyone receiving a vaccine of any sort suffers some of the following side effects: blindness, brain damage, convulsions, death, dizziness, other serious diseases, fever, headaches, hepatitis, impotence, irritability, muscular pain and soreness, nausea, skin eruptions and disease, sore throat, stiffness and vomiting.
Former Secretary of War, Henry L. Stimsom, reported that at a military boot camp in only a six-month period, there were 63 deaths and 25,585 cases of hepatitis “as a direct result of the yellow fever vaccine.”
Yet, doctors and pharmaceutical houses say vaccines are miraculous – choosing to ignore the harmful effects. Is it because vaccines generate several billions of dollars a year? Isn’t it frightening that our children are the main target? I experimented with vaccines in animals (rats, cats, and rabbits) and found that the mutations compounded with each succeeding inoculated generation.In the second generation, with all three types of animals, mutations started as slight deformations of an ear, or eye, or jowl; or a shortened limb; or scoliosis. Glandular malfunctions were prominent. In some animals, temperaments became unruly.In the sixth and seventh generations’ mutations were severe: loss of glands, organs, limbs, features, motor and neural functions; brutal suicidal and homicidal tendencies; and impotence resulting in extinction.
In my experience, of all the pharmaceuticals that are accepted as miracles, vaccines are the most dangerous because the side effects are most often subtle, or attributed to another problem, or ignored. These side effects become obvious after the third and fourth generations.That is when the mutations start to become exaggerated and pitiful. With humans this will probably be apparent by the year 2015. There are many books on the dangers of vaccines. Read them.
I don’t have time go further with this now, but once again, my instinct says that Rudolf Steiner is absolutely correct and knows exactly what he’s talking about. He says elsewhere that this belief in germs and viruses is just like the belief in ghosts of ages past: there’s actually some reality to what people are saying, there are germs, there are ghosts; but the overall truth is very different to people’s superstitions in each case.
Wisdom from Rudolh Steiner
Waldorf Schools are based on the teachings of Rudolph Steiner.
Listen to this statement from Steiner, and contrast what he’s saying with the way Italian victims are dying right now, completely separated from their families and from even the most basic human contact:
“Germs flourish most intensively when we take nothing but materialistic thoughts into sleep with us. There is no better way to encourage them to flourish than to enter sleep with only materialistic ideas …
“The only other method that is just as good is to live in the center of an epidemic or endemic illness and to think of nothing but the sickness all around, filled only with a fear of getting sick. That would be equally effective. If fear of the illness is the only thing created in such a place and one goes to sleep at night with that thought, it produces afterimages, Imaginations impregnated with fear. That is a good method of cultivating and nurturing germs.
“If this fear can be reduced even a little by, for example, active love and, while tending the sick, forgetting for a time that one might also be infected, the conditions are less favorable for the germs.”
In other words: all the fear and paranoia is actually fueling the epidemic, we truly have a vicious circle here. Materialism: people are desperate because they’ve lost their jobs and they fall asleep wracked with money worries; and fear: they are also full of dread of catching some dark disease, or passing it on to others. We have the perfect psychic storm for an epidemic.Steiner says these epidemics always originate in the astral plane, that of feelings, sensations and emotions, and we can see this reality at play here.
This Dr. Thomas Cowan (I’ve never heard of him before) also quotes Steiner saying that artificial electromagnetism in the environment makes it far, far more difficult simply to be human. Which includes showing active love while tending the ill.
I am self-isolating with the greatest of enthusiasm, it suits me just fine — you leave me alone, and I’ll leave you alone. Make no mistake, I’m not rushing out to embrace anyone who’s ill.
But have you ever seen such a wave of fear and panic run over the whole planet, since the eras of world war? Coinciding with a massive microwave irradiation of the population, long shown in studies to be associated with depression, mood swings, concentration lapses, inner agitation, “rages” and suicidal ideation.
You take a look at the maps overlaying 5G rollouts with the coronavirus epidemic across the world. The correlations are truly astonishing. People tell me that Iran doesn’t have 5G yet. When — seriously, when — are you all going to understand that there is absolutely no distinction between military and civilian networks? What do YOU know of Iranian military telecoms infrastructure? Why is Huawei’s CFO being detained for breaking sanctions with Iran? What happened to the whistleblower allegations that MTN was supplying Iran with military equipment?
Just one comment about Dana Ashlie, who has been much derided by the “fact checkers” for her assertion that 60 GHz 5G will affect oxygen uptake in the lungs and blood. She references a scientific paper produced by the industry itself, “Fixed Wireless Communications at 60 GHz Unique Oxygen Absorption Properties,” which describes exactly why this part of the spectrum is specifically being made freely available for mini 5G towers servicing small cells.
The frequency of 60 GHz is a “sweet spot” for engineers precisely BECAUSE this radiation is so strongly absorbed by oxygen, so that the signal does not propagate far and therefore frequencies can be reused in the next geographical “cell”. The paper shows a diagram with a clear “Frequency Reuse Range” at 60 GHz:
Now — as Dana Ashlie actually points out — the 5G in Wuhan is not yet (as far as we know) on 60 GHz, it’s in the 3.5 GHz range,which is widely being used for the initial 5G rollout, not least because it penetrates walls and can piggy-back on the existing cell phone tower network.
But ultimately, 60 GHz is where they’re going, by their own account, so that they can have dense networks of mini-towers, specifically because the radiation is so strongly absorbed by oxygen that the frequencies can be reused nearby. And not a single thought is given to health or environmental impacts, because we’re below FCC thermal limits. This is OXYGEN, yes? Saturation radiated at its resonant frequency at close range by millions of towers. Can anyone possibly imagine that there WON’T be problems?
Can you see how utterly insane it is, to leave this kind of implementation in the hands of engineers?The same people who designate the skin as a “limb”, designate the ears as “extremities”, and designate the head as “not part of the body”, so that all of these anatomical zones can be radiated more strongly?
There’s a story that’s worth telling here, one of the few times that the stealth war came to public attention. During the 1980s, something like 30 British scientists and engineers working in the field of electromagnetic warfare (many employed by the company Marconi) either “committed suicide” in the most bizarre ways imaginable, or died otherwise extremely strange deaths, to the point where questions were asked of Margaret Thatcher in Parliament:
To many, it might sound like the ultimate plot-line of the equally ultimate conspiracy-thriller: dozens of scientists and technicians – all working on highly-classified programs, and all linked to one, particular company – dead under highly controversial and unusual circumstances.v It’s a controversy that ran from the early 1980s to 1991 and remains unresolved to this very day. And it all revolves around the top secret work of a company called Marconi Electronic Systems, but which, today, exists as a part of BAE Systems Electronics Limited.Its work includes the development of futuristic weaponry and spy-satellite technology.It was in March 1982 that Professor Keith Bowden, whose computer expertise made him a valuable employee of Marconi, lost his life in a car accident. His vehicle left a three-lane highway at high speed and slammed into a railway line. Death was instantaneous. In March 1985, Roger Hill, a draughtsman with Marconi, died of a shotgun blast. His death was deemed a suicide. Just months later, the body of Jonathan Wash, an employee of a department within British Telecom that had extensive links to Marconi, was found on the sidewalk of an Ivory Coast, West Africa hotel.Wash fatally fell, or was pushed, from the balcony of his room. That Wash had told friends and family he believed someone was watching and following him, and that he suspected his life was in danger, added to the suspicions that his death was not due to accident or suicide.As 1985 became 1986, the death toll increased dramatically. On August 4, 1986, a highly-regarded young man, named Vimal Bhagvangi Dajibhai, jumped from England’s Clifton Suspension Bridge into the deep waters below. He did not survive the fall. Dajibhai held a secret clearance with Marconi Underwater Systems,a subsidiary of the main company.Only around eight weeks later, one of the most grisly of all the Marconi scientist deaths occurred. The victim was a computer-programmer, Arshad Sharif. Such was the terrible and bizarre nature of Sharif’s death, it even made the news thousands of miles away, in the United States. The Los Angeles Times reported that Sharif “…died in macabre circumstances…when he apparently tied one end of a rope around a tree and the other around his neck, then got into his car and stepped on the accelerator. An inquest ruled suicide.”The coroner in the Sharif case, Donald Hawkins, commented wryly on the fact that Marconi was experiencing an extraordinary number of odd deaths: “As James Bond would say – this is beyond coincidence.”As the months progressed, so did the deaths. The case of Dr. John Brittan was particularly disturbing, since he had two run-ins with death, the second of which he did not survive. During Christmas 1986, Brittan ended up in a ditch after his car violently, and inexplicably, lurched across the road. He was lucky to survive.The Grim Reaper was not happy that Brittan had escaped his icy clutches, however. Less than two weeks into January 1987 (and immediately after Brittan returned to the U.K. from the States, where he had been on official, secret business) Brittan’s body was found in his garage. He was an unfortunate victim of the effects of deadly carbon-monoxide.Also dead in January 1987 was Richard Pugh, a computer expert who had done work for Marconiand whose death the Ministry of Defense dismissed with the following words: “We have heard about him but he had nothing to do with us.”Then there is the extremely weird saga of Avtar Singh-Gida. An employee of the British Ministry of Defense, who worked on a number of Marconi programs, he vanished from his home in Loughborough, England right around the same time that Dr. John Brittan died. His family feared the worst. Fortunately, Singh-Gida did not turn up dead. Quite the opposite, in fact: he was found, in Paris, fifteen weeks later. He had no memory of where he had been, or what he had done in that period.The deaths of Brittan, Dajibhai, and Sharif – coupled with the odd case of Singh-Gida -prompted a Member of Parliament, John Cartwright, to state authoritatively that the deaths “stretch the possibility of mere coincidence too far.” Cartwright’s words proved to be eerily prophetic.On February 22, 1987, Peter Peapell, a lecturer at the Royal College of Military Science, who had been consulted by Marconi on various projects, was yet another figure whose death was due to carbon-monoxide poisoning in his own garage– in the English county of Oxfordshire.In the same month, David Skeels, a Marconi engineer, was found dead under identical circumstances. Victor Moore was attached to Marconi Space and Defense Systems atthe time of his February 1987 death, reportedly of a drug overdose. At the time, he was said to be under investigation by MI5, the British equivalent of the FBI.One month later, in March 1987, one David Sands killed himself under truly horrific circumstances. He was in the employ of what was called Elliott Automation Space and Advanced Military Systems Ltd – which just happened to have a working relationship with Marconi at the time. Sands, whose family and colleagues said he was exhibiting no signs of stress or strain, loaded his car with containers of gasoline and drove – at “high voltage,” as the police worded it – into an empty restaurant. A fiery death was inevitable.In April 1987, there was yet another death of an employee of the Royal College of Military Science: Stuart Gooding, whose car slammed head-on into a truck on the island of Cyprus.Colleagues of Gooding expressed doubt at the accidental death verdict. On the very same day as Gooding died, David Greenhalgh died after falling (or being pushed) off a railway bridge at Maidenhead, Berkshire. Greenhalgh just happened to be working on the same program as David Sands.Just seven days after Greenhalgh and Gooding died, and only a short distance away, a woman named Shani Warren took her last breaths. Warren worked for Micro Scope, a company taken over by Marconi just weeks later. Despite being found in just a foot and a half of water, and with a gag in her mouth, her feet bound, and her hands tied behind her back, the official verdict was – wholly outrageously – suicide.May 3, 1987, was the date on which Michael Baker was killed – in a car accident in Dorset, England. He worked on classified programs for Plessey. Twelve years later, Plessy became a part of British Aerospace when the latter combined with Marconi. Ten months after, Trevor Knight, who worked for Marconi Space and Defense Systems in Stanmore, Middlesex, England, died – as had so many others – from carbon-monoxide poisoning in his garage. There were other unexplained deaths in 1988: midway through the year, Brigadier Peter Ferry (a business-development manager with Marconi) and Plessey’s Alistair Beckham both killed themselves via electrocution. And, finally, there was the mysterious 1991 death of Malcolm Puddy. He had told his bosses at Marconi he had stumbled on something amazing. What that was, no-one knows. Within twenty-four hours Puddy was dead. His body was hauled out of a canal near his home.
Were all of the Marconi deaths the results of nothing stranger than suicide, accident, and ill health? In my view, no. I don’t pretend to have the answers, but I have a deep sense that there is much more to this story than we will ever likely know. Unless someone out there, reading this, can fill in the blanks… (this kind of thing is happening repeatedly in here in our country at this time. Multiple doctors, DNA analysts, immunologists, clinicians, lab technicians, astronomers, archeologists, news reporters, top secret agents, whistle blowers, and legal witnesses are being murdered and no one seems to care.)
I have the hard copy of a 1991 book called “Open Verdict” by Tony Collins, the title comes from the number of inquests in this saga that recorded open verdicts, i.e., the coroner could not reach a conclusion as to what had happened. The book goes into great detail about the dense interconnections between civilian and military networks, especially with regard to the death of Jonathan Wash, a British Telecom engineer who fell to his death from a hotel room in Abidjan, Ivory Coast.
Wash had worked on a BT project called System X, which Collins reveals was tightly integrated with military networks; it seems Wash knew too much, and grew completely paranoid in his last days, convinced that his life was in danger.
You think you can look at a map of commercial 5G rollouts, and tell me what’s going on? You’re not even seeing the hundredth part of it. There are vast military networks being deployed all over the Earth, hovering far above it, buried way below it, which they will never acknowledge.
And I am 100% certain that this is what is happening in Iran: a very shaky regime is propping itself up with massive surveillance of the population, aided and abetted by the Chinese since 2009. And again, I will bet everything I own that the Iranians have got extensive 5G-type surveillance networks live, up and running, ready to lock the population down. And it is this radiation that is primarily making them so ill. Remember, I’ve even tracked special installations of MTN LTE towers in the middle of the holy city of Qom, epicentre of the Iranian outbreak.
Wherever you look, you find a connection.
So here’s a very definite prediction, for an imminent major spike in illnesses in the U.S. and all kinds of funny health happenings, people fainting, birds falling from the sky, etc. A spike like that one in Wuhan when they activated the 5G motorway.
On April 8, 2020, the US military along with SpaceX will be holding a major “live fire” exercise, including shooting down drones and cruise missiles:
This will use the Starlink swarm of satellites. So we can see that Starlink is basically a military network.
Incidentally, Elon Musk has just been given an FCC licence for a million ground-based antennas in America for uplinks to these satellites; so the radiation just compounds and compounds without limit.
Take a look at that Air Force Times article and see how much testing they’ve been doing — massive radiation exercises.But they’ll be setting the dial to eleven and a half on April 8, and all systems will be firing at once. This will be predominantly across Arizona, New Mexico and Florida.Something weird will happen during or shortly after this radiation storm, even if they manage to cover it up for a while. Just you watch.
Coronavirus in Arizona: Cases exceed 3,000, with 89 known deaths
Apr 9, 2020 … Arizona cases of COVID-19 are now at 3018, with 89 known deaths, … Arizona coronavirus update: 3,018 confirmed cases, 89 known deaths as of Thursday … but may reopen for COVID-19 cases in Phoenix, Ariz. on April 9, 2020. … nine in Cibola County and two in Socorro County in New Mexico; and 10 …
Coronavirus: Virus infections surpass 1,000 in New Mexico, deaths …
Apr 10, 2020 … Coronavirus: Virus infections surpass 1,000 in New Mexico, deaths climb … San Juan and McKinely counties along the state lines with Arizona and Colorado. … Update 10:30 p.m. EDT April 10: As the number of worldwide cases approaches 1.7 million, the … WFTV Channel 9 (@WFTV) April 10, 2020 …
Apr 9, 2020 … Retiree-Rich Palm Beach County Leads Florida In COVID-19 Deaths … The number of known coronavirus infections in New York state alone … The claims, for the week ending April 4, flooded in as confirmed coronavirus cases … at the the U.S.-Mexico border, after a ProPublica story revealed how the …
Now: there’s great significance in this term “live fire exercise”. There was a recent press conference with President Trump and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, with the latter saying that China needed to come clean and give the world all the information it had. This is not about retribution, he said — this is a “live exercise” and we need access to all the information the Chinese Communist Party has.
At this point, Trump leans in and says what some people have interpreted as — “You should have let us know”,i.e., implying that Pompeo is the one who started this “live exercise” and he should have told the President. However, if you watch the body language and read Trump’s lips, he’s clearly saying: “THEY shoulda let us know”, i.e., the Chinese should have told us. In other words, this is a Chinese “live exercise”.
Exercise in what? Do you really have to ask?
This is the full 5G super-surveillance state they are deploying in a “live fire” exercise, and it comes with a cost, in the form of massive waves of illness sweeping across populations. Donald Trump is bravely declaring that America must brace itself for a wave of fatalities, including mass suicides. This is just the price his military overlords have told him is necessary, for the United States to achieve 5G supremacy.
And this spectrum supremacy HAS to be achieved at literally any cost. So under the cover of the coronavirus scare, you are watching 5G being rolled out almost overnight across the nation. And when it’s all switched on, those who must die to Keep America Great, must just die quietly, including committing suicide quietly and neatly.
I really hoped and indeed prayed that Donald Trump could be awoken to the dangers of his generals and their stealth warfare plans on the civilian population. Instead, we’re going to have 42,000 Elon Musk satellites overhead, your Space Force on parade, safely out of the range of any social vandals who might want to start destroying the 5G towers they find.
The QAnons are convinced that some day soon, Hillary Clinton will swing at the end of a rope at Gitmo. I’m now convinced that the whole QAnon phenomenon is just a blind to distract “patriots” while the military-industrial complex rolls out 5G.
Why am I here?
The Nxivm cult went right to the very top of Mexican politics, right to the top of U.S. politics, with Nancy Salzman and the Bronfman sisters on the Clinton Global Initiative pay-to-play bandwagon.
Frank Report has done more to bust the villains and put them behind bars than all of Q’s promises put together. In a post on March 28, Q talks about overcoming “Those who cull you.” This is very, very cynical in light of Trump’s fast-tracking of 5G. So much for the Great Awakening. So much for draining the swamp: the FCC has never been more captured.
Mexican politics: Carlos Slim, one of the world’s richest man, owns a big hunk of the New York Times. The NYT’s propaganda about Russia and 5G is some of the most offensive journalism since the NYT lied to cover up six million Ukrainians being starved to death by Stalin.
The current NYT lies are going to kill far more people than Stalin ever dreamed of. Killed by Bill Clinton’s 1996 Telecoms Act. Killed by Carlos Slim’s industry, while the NYT covers it up. “All the news that’s fit to print”, they say. It’s really “All the lies that fit our agenda.”
I can very happily self-isolate. If they come to forcibly vaccinate me, I’ll offer just to stay very quietly in my house and never leave, I’d be more than happy to do that for a decade, I’ve got a lot of writing to do.
Otherwise, if they come with their needles and try to inject me, they’ll have to hold me down first, and then seriously put me in jail, because I won’t shut up about it. Remember when the “liberals” came up with the slogan: it’s my body, it’s my choice? Such fine words to kill babies. And now they’re trying to foist compulsory vaccinations with digital tattoo certification, per Bill Gates.
The world as we know it will change forever in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, according to Bill Gates who declared that we will soon have “digital certificates” to display our health and vaccination status and can also be used for Identification purposes rendering paper documents obsolete and permitting government to turn on or off an individual’s access to various opportunities..
My body, my choice? Do you think I can try that argument with them? Oh, no, you don’t understand, comrade. It’s all about herd immunity; and you are all part of our herd. So roll up your sleeve and get with the program.
Seriously, I’m not young, but I would take my chances with the coronavirus any day, rather than have a WHO-approved vaccine injected into me. You inoculate yourself your way, I will inoculate myself my way. I am doing everything I can to keep my immune system strong. One thing is showing up in the research: this epidemic is killing older people who have had lots of medication in their lives:
Again, I will bet you everything I own that if they kept HONEST statistics, they could easily prove that it is the most vaccinated people who are the most vulnerable to COVID-19.
Any takers?
A final point. I have edited manuscripts on demographics in Japan and Korea, including papers prepared by the Japanese Cabinet Office and the Korean Joint Chiefs of Staff. Those graphs of the aging society are probably the most terrifying graphics I’ve ever seen. These papers all concluded that the “pay as you go” social security system had failed outright, due mainly to completely unforeseen drops in the fertility rate (a long-known consequence of microwave irradiation that is, of course, never mentioned).
A virus that selectively kills those over 70 is EXACTLY what those graphics demand, especially if you can kill senior citizens with histories of lots of expensive medical treatment. I’m sure that any really honest Japanese or Chinese or Korean (or indeed American) politician will tell you quietly that if such a virus were to become available, NOT to deploy it would be socially irresponsible. These countries are wholly unsustainable with their present demographics.
TABLE OF CONTENTS —————- 0:00–21:02 : Introduction (Meaning of Life) 21:03–46:14 CHAPTER 1: Transhumanism and Life Extension —————————————————————————————— #1 ) THE GENETIC PATHWAY —————————————————————————————— 46:15–58:52 CHAPTER 2 : Biological Aging a. “Programmed Cell Death” Theory of Aging b. “Intercellular Competition” Theory of Aging c. “Antagonistic Pleiotropy” Theory of Aging —————————————————————————————— #2 ) THE CYBERNETIC PATHWAY —————————————————————————————— 58:53–1:12:26 CHAPTER 3 : Cyborgs 1:12:27–1:24:35 CHAPTER 4 : Artiforgs 1:24:36–1:41:10 CHAPTER 5 : Prosthetics 1:41:11–2:00:44 CHAPTER 6 : Bionics —————————————————————————————— #3 ) THE NANOTECH PATHWAY —————————————————————————————— 2:00:45–2:11:15 : CHAPTER 7 : Nanotechnology 2:11:16–2:30:43 : CHAPTER 8 : Microbots 2:30:44– 2:50:43 : CHAPTER 9 : Nanobots 2:50:44–3:10:36 : CHAPTER 10 : Nanomachines 3:10:37–3:27:04 : CHAPTER 11 : Nanoweapons 3:27:05–3:43:32 : CHAPTER 12 : Nanomaterials 3:43:33–4:09:11 : CHAPTER 13 : Graphene Technology —————————————————————————————– SURVIVING TO THE SINGULARITY (slowing down aging) —————————————————————————————– 4:09:12–4:29:24 : CHAPTER 14 : Life-Extensionism a. AMPK pathway b. SIRTUIN pathway c. MTOR pathway d. EPILOGUE Patreon KEYWORDS : Singularity, Technology, Science, Philosophy, Immortality, Futurism, Sci Fi, Eternal Life, Apple, Google, Bezos, Thiel, Radical Life-Extension, Cure, Reverse, Aging, Longevity Gilgamesh, Aubrey de Grey, Disease, Anti-Aging, Kurzweil, 2045, David Sinclair, Joe Rogan, Methuselah, Genes, AMPK, MTOR, Sirtuin Genes, NMN, Nicotinamide Riboside, NAD+, A.I, Caloric Restriction, Intermittent Fasting, Antioxidant, Senolytic, IGF-1, CRISPR, Stem Cell, Young Blood, Parabiosis, Xenotransplantation, Blue Zone, Ketogenic Diet, Testosterone Replacement Therapy, Cryotherapy
Many of the technological advancements we see today can be found in the works and experiments of Nicola Tesla. I won’t say that they were his creations, because I believe they were inspired by the demonic forces with whom he communed. Similar to the Magick teachings of Aleister Crowley, and the space program of Jack Parsons. All these men, by their own admission communicated with “entities” from another world or another dimension.
For some reason, our society has put Nicola Tesla on a pedestal and find his work to be inspiring and worthy of praise. I understand that to most people, modern advancement and technology is wonderful. I hope to change your opinion!!
By Bettyann Holtzmann Kevles Sunday, December 1, 1996
Has the life of Nikola Tesla, the man whose name is honored as a unit of magnetic strength, really been forgotten and his later discoveries deliberately suppressed? Mark J. Seifer, who teaches psychology and graphology at community colleges in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, has spent the last two decades investigating and writing about this strange inventor and suggests that it has. As a member of the International Tesla Society — a group apparently interested in installing Tesla in the pantheon of 20th-century geniuses — Seifer is unabashedly hagiographic. Tesla’s enemies are his enemies; Tesla’s scientific claims are for the most part undisputed.
(The reason the elite covered up Nicola Teslas’ work, is because they wanted to keep them secret as they developed them to use for their own agenda.)
By any measure, Tesla was a very strange man.He lived alone in hotel rooms, took daily “electric baths,” scarcely ate or slept, and avoided touching other people. After emigrating to America in 1884, he quickly established himself as a brilliant “electrician.” This was the world of Edison and Westinghouse — inventors who also worked with electromagnetism and devised remarkable machines, from the phonograph to generators, before the physics of electricity and magnetism were completely understood.
By 1893 Tesla had perfected a system of alternating current (Edison’s direct current could reach only short distances and was inherently wasteful) that was celebrated at the World’s Columbian Exhibition in a 45-foot tower. Westinghouse, whose company sold it, called it the Tesla Polyphase System and used it to illuminate the entire fair. Before the end of the century, Tesla had also invented the fluorescent light bulb and established some of the principles of wireless telegraphy, remote control and radio.
Like his rival Thomas Edison, Tesla courted the popular press, inviting them to witness dramatic examples of electrical pyrotechnics. Unlike Edison, he was a bad businessman. Seifer is good at describing Tesla’s lack of practical, economic and personal judgment and the way his enormous ego invited unscrupulous partners. Much of his work was pirated, and he seldom got royalties on what he had patented. But his plight was not unusual. The Wright brothers spent years fighting patent infringements, as did Alexander Graham Bell.
(This continues to this day. The people in power rarely give credit or royalties to the inventors or creators. They just take what they want and benefit financially.)
Seifer attributes Tesla’s idiosyncrasies to the tragic death of an elder brother when Tesla was very young and to the texture of life in Austro-Hungarian Serbia, where he was born and educated. Tesla’s entry into New York society coincided with a craze for spiritualism, especially the works of the English novelist Edward Bulwer-Lytton, who wrote about “Vril,”a universal energy that turns the universe. This kind of thinking reinforced Tesla’s faith in mystical forces.
Tesla was not alone in connecting electromagnetism with the occult. The best chapter in Seifer’s book describes late 19th-century science fiction and locates Tesla’s projects among other predictions of the future. These include an 1895 novel that predicted picture telephones, air travel to Europe in a day, hidden phonographs with which police could trap criminals, and the colonization of the solar system.
Tesla’s effort in the last decades of his life to create a particle-beam weapons system was also in tune with the times, and it is not surprising that at his death in 1943 during World War II his papers were confiscated by the FBI. This does not mean that Tesla had actually invented such a device or a Star Wars-like defense shield. (oh, no… nothing to see here folks.. lol, he may not have actually built one physically, but he had the vision and the plans written down. Which they used to create the Directed Energy Weapons they have today.)
Outraged that Tesla never received a Nobel Prize, Seifer lashes out at Albert Einstein, who did. He calls Einstein “the Nobel Prize-winning upstart” and dismisses him as “a theorist, whereas Tesla, as hands-on creator of new technologies, was able to prove out his assumptions in the everyday world.” He writes that “Einstein and his colleagues at Carnegie Institute in Washington, D.C. were using the Tesla coil in their new 1929 experiments in splitting the atom . . .” But Einstein was not part of Carnegie, nor did he, or anyone, split the atom with a Tesla coil in 1929. (well, they may very well have, we can’t trust anything they tell us. Tesla probably knew things we don’t.)
Seifer defends Tesla’s continued refusal to accept the theory of relativity by arguing that “by necessity, there must be some way to transcend the speed of light, or humans for all intents and purposes will be stuck, for all eternity, in the limits of this tiny solar system.”This may be the author’s philosophy, but it is not science. Readers should be warned that much of what Seifer explains in defense of Tesla is equally off-target. (oh how they work hard to protect their lies)
Tesla is not forgotten, as Seifer’s own bibliography indicates, although a balanced biography remains to be written. But it is true, as Seifer notes, that neither he nor Edison, for that matter, is revered as Einstein is. A biographer might well ask why we admire our inventors but choose mathematical dreamers as our secular saints. (boy that is EXACTLY what they do. Scientism worships those who perpetrate their religion and choose their idols/saints accordingly.)
Bettyann Holtzmann Kevles is the author of the forthcoming “Naked To The Bone: Medical Imaging in the Twentieth Century.”
Spirals, Vortex, Mathmatics, Kabala, Ancients, all part of Tesla’s work. All coming from the Fallen Angels. Most Great NAME OF GOD to know it brings eternal life without death, numerical formula for SPIRIT. Nothing created Everything. Kingdom of Emanation, moving in a Spiral
A vortex is most commonly defined as a mass of whirling fluid, gas, or air, especially a whirlpool or whirlwind, in which the flow rotates around an axis line. Math is often defined as the science of numbers, quantities, and shapes and the relationship between them. So, Vortex based mathematics can be described as a new way of understanding numbers, not just as mere quantities, but where each has its own unique quality, archetype, and behavior.… This non-linear holistic view of math was also revered by none other than Nikola Tesla, who famously stated that, “If you knew the magnificence of the three, six and nine, you would have a key to the universe.” Tesla believed that numbers, especially 3,6,9, had extreme importance, and so did the ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who around 500 BC was famously quoted as saying, “All is number”. Alternative forms of advanced mathematics have been found etched on Babylonian clay tablets dating back several millennia. Similar concepts have been popularized in modern times by Marko Rodin, after whom the Rodin Coil was named. A toroid is a surface of revolution with a hole in the middle, like a doughnut, forming a solid body. Some claim further scientific research and use can lead to free energy, space travel, time travel, genetic manipulation, toroidal healing therapy, and even a “spiritual” based technology that may improve conditions for life on the planet. Robert Sepehr is an anthropologist and author
Tesla and the Pyramid of Giza – Mstyslav Chernov/Wikimedia
Nikola Tesla had numerous unusual obsessions.
One of his beliefs was that the Great Pyramids of Egypt were giant transmitters of energy.
He built Tesla Towers according to laws inspired by studying the Pyramids.
Nikola Tesla died somewhat unappreciated but his fame and the myth around him has continued to grow tremendously into our times. He is now perceived as the ultimate mad scientist, the one who essentially invented our times, credited with key ideas leading to smartphones, wi-fi, AC electrical supply system, and more.
Besides ideas that Tesla implemented and patented, he also had many other interests in different fields of research, some quite esoteric. One of the most unusual was his preoccupation with Egyptian pyramids, one of humanity’s most mysterious and magnificent constructions.
Tesla believed they served a higher purpose and was investigating them throughout his life. What did he find so alluring about the pyramids? He wondered if they weren’t giant transmitters of energy – a thought that coincided with his investigation into how to send energy wirelessly.
In 1905, Tesla filed a patent in the U.S. titled “The art of transmitting electrical energy through the natural medium,” outlining designs for a series of generators around the world which would tap the ionosphere for energy collections. He saw planet Earth itself, with its two poles, as a giant electrical generator of limitless energy. His triangle-shaped design became known as Tesla’s electromagnetic pyramid.
Tesla sitting in his Colorado Springs laboratory
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence,” said Tesla.
It wasn’t just the shape of the Egyptian pyramids but their location that created their power, according to Tesla. He built a tower facility known as the Tesla Experimental Station in Colorado Springs and Wardenclyffe Tower or Tesla Tower on the East Coast that sought to take advantage of the Earth’s energy field. The locations were chosen according to the laws of where the Pyramids of Giza were built, related to the relationship between the elliptical orbit of the planet and the equator.The design was intended for wireless transmission of energy.
Were the Great Pyramids essentially ancient Tesla Towers? How the Pyramids were made:
How the Pyramids Were Built (Pyramid Science Part 2!)
Another aspect of Tesla’s thinking reportedly related to numerology. Tesla was, by many accounts, an unusual individual, with obsessive qualities. One such obsession were the numbers “3,6,9”, which he believed were the key to the universe. He would drive around buildings 3 times before going in or stay in hotels with numbers divisible by 3. He made other choices in sets of 3. Some believe Tesla’s obsession with these numbers connected to his preference for pyramidal shapes and the belief that there was some fundamental mathematical law and ratios that are part of a universal math language.As we don’t know precisely how the pyramids were built and why, they are looked at by some as creations that may be either generating energy or be serving as deliberately installed messengers or even code from an ancient civilization.
It’s easy to get into “ancient aliens” type of theories by extending such thinking. If you’re up for such an approach, check out this video:
The Philadelphia Experiment is said to have been carried out by the U.S. Navy to test invisibility and manipulate space-time. Did Nikola Tesla help create the worlds first time machine? Is free energy technology being suppressed?
I believe we are living at the END OF DAYS. Therefore, the Fallen Angels and their leader are working frantically to bring things to a close their way in opposition to the Creator. The ILLUMINED ones who think they are WISE are working frantically to bring about the end in their own way. Their way is the way of the Ancients, the Pagans who knew not the Creator and had rejected His ways. The Illumined/Elite have been studying the ways of the Ancients, while tell you that those people were ignorant and simple, knowing full well that they had technology that was far advanced of our own. And Just where do you think they got it?? From the etities known through out history in Mythology, the gods and goddesses of the ancients who were indeed the Fallen Angels and their seed.
Since the December 2018 edition of The Economist was published, I have received many emails with similar comments:
“Whatever the enigmatic symbols may mean, this cover is easy to decode if you are a proficient Mirror Reader.”
Why? Because all the words in the cryptic image are reversed.
It’s a challenge for some people to decipher, but not all.
For people who practice mirror reading, it’s a simple mental flip.
Can you read what is written below the 2? (answer at bottom)
To check your accuracy, if you have a physical copy of the magazine, you can simply hold it up to a mirror.
But if you are perusing an online version, it’s easy to examine the reversed image with Mirror Read tech.
Explore the Economist’s website using the free MIRROR WEB APP or use the MIRROR BOOKMARK on this website.
Find out what your Web looks like in reverse.
It’s no puzzle: Reverse Reading activates regions of the brain not associated with regular reading, notably areas of the right brain.
Practice makes cortex.
Leonardo da Vinci was a well known mirror writer. His Vitruvian Man is prominent in the drawing – complete with virtual reality goggles?
Answer – Below the 2: “New Horizons of Ultimate Thule”.
This refers to NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft getting close to the mysterious, distant object Ultima Thule on New Year’s Day.
Since the December 2018 edition of The Economist was published, I have received many emails with similar comments:
“Whatever the enigmatic symbols may mean, this cover is easy to decode if you are a proficient Mirror Reader.”
Why? Because all the words in the cryptic image are reversed.
It’s a challenge for some people to decipher, but not all.
For people who practice mirror reading, it’s a simple mental flip.
Can you read what is written below the 2? (answer at bottom)
To check your accuracy, if you have a physical copy of the magazine, you can simply hold it up to a mirror.
But if you are perusing an online version, it’s easy to examine the reversed image with Mirror Read tech.
Explore the Economist’s website using the free MIRROR WEB APP or use the MIRROR BOOKMARK on this website.
Find out what your Web looks like in reverse.
It’s no puzzle: Reverse Reading activates regions of the brain not associated with regular reading, notably areas of the right brain.
Practice makes cortex.
Leonardo da Vinci was a well known mirror writer. His Vitruvian Man is prominent in the drawing – complete with virtual reality goggles?
Answer – Below the 2: “New Horizons of Ultimate Thule”.
This refers to NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft getting close to the mysterious, distant object Ultima Thule on New Year’s Day.
I hope to delve into this magazine cover in much more detail in the next week. Meanwhile, I had already been working on the topic of THULE/Vril. In fact you can find much about it in my SERIES: THE BEGINNING OF THE END.
I was immediately take to this particular symbol on this magazine cover. THE ULTIMATE THULE. SO, they are declaring that in the year 2020 they expect to reach the ULTIMATE THULE. THULE being related to Tesla, Natzi’s, Ancients, Egypt, CELTIC/GAULS, Antartica, SPACE, Mysticism and DIMENSIONS…. I find that very interesting. Just what have the found? Or, what have the built??