ARE YOU FEELING IT?? You betcha! EVERYONE IS IN SHOCK! How could our WORLD be turned upside down SO QUICKLY?? Almost overnight, we the world we find ourselves in is a foreign, unhappy and uncomfortable place. We are being dehumanized, robbed of our basic rights, and treated like criminals. Our livelihoods have been ripped from us, our sense of security and the sanctity of our homes have been squelched. Fear is creeping in to the hearts and minds of even the most confident among us.
EVERYTHING in our lives has been effected by a supposed virus that we cannot even see. We have no real clear evidence/proof that it even exists. We have been lied to at every turn and there is no way to have any faith in ANYTHING we are being told. What is worse, we seem to have no recourse. Anyone who questions or protests runs the risk of ridicule, physical attack, arrest or threats to their life.
Even scarier is the fact that this is a GLOBAL phenomenon. How convenient is that for the Globalists?
ManyFish presents some very amazing evidence, symbolism and numerology connected to this “Pandemic” from a Christian Spiritual perspective. Clearly there is enough evidence for anyone using critical thinking to question the narrative we have been handed. I am convinced that this “pandemic” is just a portion of the evil agendas they are implementing at this time. Wake up!
Apr 6, 2020
The following video clearly presents the GLOBAL aspect of this “Pandemic” and how it is being used WORLDWIDE to abuse human rights, and even to abuse human beings around the world. This “pandemic” is demoralizing, dehumanizing and destroying lives and nations across the EARTH!
If you are still living under the delusion that you have “Constitutional Rights”, this video should clear that up for you!
The video clearly lays out the way this “Pandemic” was presented as one of the options in the following document:
2010 Document Scenarios for the Future of Technology and Internal Development.