Pirates are bloodthirsty thieves, brutal rapists, and vicious murderers, concerned only with indulging their every whim and amassing as much wealth as possible, forever living at the expense of others.
Over the past 10 years, there have been a great efforts to promote the romanticized version of Pirates and Mermaids. In a world where so many people are losing their incomes and families are struggling to survive, it is easy for folks to turn to uncoventional means of support. Some are even desperate enough to turn to criminal activity. The Pirate seems like a hero in the movies and desperate people latch onto that Robin Hoodlike image. The lure of easy money has never been more alluring.
I have been doing my best to help uncover the spiritual aspects Pirates/Mermaids. They both not only existed in the past, but are very much a part of our world today. TRUTH is coming out. Eyes are being opened. God has been revealing more and more to those of us who are earnestly seeking TRUTH. Everything has a set time. He reveals to us what we need, when we need it. As much as we have already learned about Pirates and Mermaids, there is much more to learn.
Today Piracy is rapidly expanding along with all the dangerous and horrible affects and practices that accompany it. But, this is not just about thieving and robbery, it is not just about oppression and terrorism, it is not just about violence and perversion. THIS is a WAR BETWEEN the people of the Bible and the People of the Koran. The people of Yahweh/Yahovah/Yahuah the GOD of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, and the people of ALLAH and Mohammed the seed of Ishmael.
As usual, I do not expect you to take my world for it. My “opinion” does not matter. The articles and videos that are included in this post should present enough information for you to form your own opinion. I pray that God will reveal the TRUTH to you.
IF you have not seen my series on Pirates and Mermaids, I suggest you check it out.
Are You Having A Mari-time? Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6
Corsair – Wikipedia
“government-sanctioned freebooter of the seas,” 1540s, from French corsaire (15c.), from Provençal cursar, Italian corsaro, from Medieval Latin cursarius “pirate,” from Latin cursus “course, a running,” from currere “to run” (from PIE root *kers- “to run”). The sense of the Medieval Latin verb evolved from “course” to “journey” to “expedition” to an expedition specifically for plunder. As “a privateering pirate ship” from 1630s.
The name in the languages of the Mediterranean for a privateer; chiefly applied to the cruisers of Barbary, to whose attacks the ships and coasts of the Christian countries were incessantly exposed. In English often treated as identical with pirate, though the Saracen and Turkish corsairs were authorized and recognized by their own government as part of its settled policy towards Christianity. [OED]
CORSICA – What a CRAZY Place!
Nell is fascinated by ancient history, archaeology, and ancestry. Where do we come from? And what makes us who we are today?
No, you couldn’t make it up. The biggest wipeout of history hidden by the UK, USA, and Europe is out there for people to read if only they knew of its existence.
In fact, it runs rather like an Indiana Jones movie. The only difference? This story makes Indiana Jones look as interesting as watching paint dry.
We are talking about white slavery.
Not the Romans back in the dark ages. And no, not the Vikings either.
Between 1580 -1840 approximately. Recent history. Overlapping the black history of slavery. The same time in fact!
This is the Barbary Coast Arab White Slave Trade.
Not on a pick and choose whim where a woman is taken by a hunky Arab, or a white man joins the Arabs to fight the evil Jinn.
No, this is real, and it hits you straight between the eyes.
Towns, burnt to the ground. Slaves in their thousands taken from the ships and towns from England, mainly Cornwall, and Ireland. A few from Wales and Scotland. (Also from the USA) In fact, for five years the Barbary coast Arabs from Morocco set up camp on Lundy Island in the Bristol channel, and stayed there, taking as many slaves as possible.
But that’s not all. There were hundreds of thousands taken from Europe too.
And guess what? Yes, North America too.
White Slaves

So, how did this happen and why don’t we know about it?
They were tortured, starved, beaten, and sold to the highest bidder, and their governments totally ignored them.
The book contains the first-hand account of a young boy, Thomas Pellow who is captured at the age of 11. He was trapped there for 23 years and wrote his account when he eventually escaped.
Historians tell us that there are no accounts from this time, so it’s not worth the telling.
In fact, the majority of European people could read and write back then and many have left accounts after they or one of their families managed to escape.
In the case of Thomas Pellow, he was sold to one of the evilest egotistical madmen of his time.
His name was Sultan Moulay Ishmael.

Sultan Moulay Ishmael ran Meknes one of the largest cities in all of Morocco. For over 70 years he kept hundreds of thousands of white slaves to help build more and more of the city.
And he didn’t hold back with his punishments. It was said that if he was wearing yellow, every single slave or even a palace member would be terrified as it showed he was ready to slaughter without thought.
A slave who dropped something on the floor was instantly dispatched by cutting off his head, sometimes being chopped to pieces.
Slaves were kept in a dungeon in their own filth being systematically taken out and beaten, mainly on their feet until their legs were broken.
And this was just for fun.
The woman prisoners were raped and tortured, to try and make them turn to Islam. Many died as Christians.
The British government sent dozens of envoys to visit the Sultan and hand over gold, silver, horses, and so on in exchange for the slaves.
But the sultan would take the gifts and refuse to release the slaves. Many white slaves turned to Islam to save their lives.
But there was one problem with this.
The European governments refused to buy back anyone who had turned Muslim.
Portuguese, Dutch, French, English, and Irish. Thousands all working together in huge slave pits, burnt by lime that was used to make the building walls, tortured, blinded, and beaten.
But that’s not all.
The Black Guard

The Black Guard
The sickest part of this story is even worse. For at least 2,000 years, the Arabs have taken hundreds of thousands of black slaves from their countries in Africa, mainly from Guinea, and all across the continent.
And they have bred them like cattle. When a child reaches the age of 3, it is taken from its mother and trained to be a guard.
By the time these guards are in their early teens, they are the most terrifying force in all of Morocco. In fact, the sultan was so terrified of them, he wouldn’t allow them to be older in case they turned on him.
They were called the Black Guard.
And they were put in charge of keeping the white slaves down. They were worse than the Arabs with their torture of the white slaves. They particularly hated the French slaves, and systematically tortured them, keeping them awake then beating them if they fell asleep while working.
But they weren’t immune to the evils of the sultan. One black slave was carrying an umbrella over the head of the sultan when the sultan turned to him and chopped him down for letting the sun get on his face.
Then there was Thomas Pellow.
Irish Slaves from West Cork
Irish Slaves West Cork taken by Muslim Arab Barbary coast.
One of the most horrific acts of the Barbary coast Arabs was centred on the coastal village of Baltimore West Cork in Ireland.
At 2 am on the 20th of June 1631 over 200 Arabs attacked with muskets, iron bars and burning sticks. Waiting for a signal, they rushed into the cottages and pulled the sleeping families out of their beds.
There were 20 men, 33 women, and 54 children. They were dragged onto the ships and taken back to Algiers, another huge slave post in North Africa.
When they arrived they were taken to slave pens before being paraded naked and chained in front of prospective buyers.
Men were taken for forced labor, women were raped and used as concubines. The children made to convert to Islam and brainwashed ready to become part of the new guard within the Ottoman army.
Thomas Pellow

Thomas Pellow
The most famous of the white slaves from Cornwall England was a young man named Thomas Pellow. Taken at an early age, he describes each stage of his captivity from being taken, meeting the sultan, seeing the horrors, turning to Islam, and meeting the renegades who have a modicum of freedom. Being made to marry a woman of the sultans choice, and then fighting for the sultan on pain of death if he refuses.
Three times he attempted to escape, and only after 25 years he finally managed it.
Many years later, after nearly 400 years of white slavery across Europe, from 1400 onwards, until approximately 1830, the British sent out ships to destroy the Barbary coast Arab stronghold.
And this resulted in the freedom of the white slaves.
But even today, black slavery still lives on in the Arab countries. (Sadly so does white slavery)
Barbary Pirates
Jul 11, 2013
Dangerous Waters: Modern Piracy and Terror on the High Seas…
New Epithet for Islamic Terrorist: “Somali Pirate”
A crucial distinction made in Islamic theology is that between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam. What do these terms mean and how does it influence and affect Muslim nations and extremists? These are important questions to ask and understand given the turbulent world we live in today.
What Do Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam Mean?
To put it simply, Dar al-Harb is understood as “territory of war or chaos.” This is the name for the regions where Islam does not dominate and where divine will is not observed. It is, therefore, where continuing strife is the norm.
By contrast, Dar al-Islam is a “territory of peace.” This is the name for those territories where Islam does dominate and where submission to God is observed. It is where peace and tranquility reign. (one must keep in mind that the god the Muslims serve and obey is not the Creator GOD of the Bible. They follow Mohammed and live by their Koran. Read it some time.)
The Political and Religious Complications
The distinction is not quite as simple as it may appear at first. For one thing, the division is regarded as legal rather than theological. Dar al-Harb is not separated from Dar al-Islam by things like the popularity of Islam or divine grace. Rather, it is separated by the nature of the governments which have control over a territory.
A Muslim-majority nation not ruled by Islamic law is still Dar al-Harb. A Muslim-minority nation ruled by Islamic law could qualify as being part of Dar al-Islam.
Wherever Muslims are in charge and enforce Islamic law, there is also Dar al-Islam. It doesn’t matter so much what people believe or have faith in, what matters is how people behave. Islam is a religion focused more upon proper conduct (orthopraxy) than on proper beliefs and faith (orthodoxy).
Islam is also a religion that has never had an ideological or theoretical place for a separation between the political and the religious spheres. In orthodox Islam, the two are fundamentally and necessarily linked. That’s why this division between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam is defined by political control rather than religious popularity.
What is Meant by “Territory of War”?
The nature of Dar al-Harb, which literally means “territory of war,” needs to be explained in a bit more detail. For one thing, its identification as a region of war is based on the premise that strife and conflict are necessary consequences of people failing to follow God’s will. In theory, at least, when everyone is consistent in their adherence to the rules set down by God, then peace and harmony will result. (Again, based on their god and the rules of god according to the Koran and Mohammed.)
More importantly, perhaps, is the fact that “war” is also descriptive of the relationship between Dar al-Harb and Dar al-Islam. Muslims are expected to bring God’s word and will to all of humanity and do so by force if absolutely necessary. Further, attempts by the regions in Dar al-Harb to resist or fight back must be met with a similar amount of force. (Do you understand? The Muslims live to bring their dominion to the entire world…it is coming to your house…their intention is to bring the whole world into submission BY FORCE!)
While the general condition of conflict between the two may stem from the Islamic mission to convert, specific instances of warfare are believed to be due to the immoral and disordered nature of Dar al-Harb regions. (Everyone who is not Muslim in the problem. In their minds.)
The governments that control Dar al-Harb are technically not legitimate powers because they do not derive their authority from God. (in the eyes of Muslims, THE ONLY LIGITIMATE GOVERNMENT IS THE ISLAMIC GOVERNMENT) No matter what the actual political system is in any individual case, it is regarded as fundamentally and necessarily invalid. However, that doesn’t mean that Islamic governments cannot enter into temporary peace treaties with them in order to facilitate things like commerce or even to protect Dar al-Islam from attack by other Dar al-Harb nations. (but they feel no compulsion to honor any such treaties. They are only a ruse to assist them in affecting their final goal.)
This, at least, represents the basic theological position of Islam when it comes to the relations between Islamic lands in Dar al-Islam and the infidels in Dar al-Harb. Fortunately, not all Muslims actually act upon such premises in their normal relations with non-Muslims – otherwise, the world would probably be in a much worse state than it is.
At the same time, these theories and ideas themselves have never actually been repudiated and dismissed as relics of the past. They remain just as authoritative and forceful as ever, even when they aren’t being acted upon.
Modern Implications in Muslim Nations
This is, in fact, one of the most serious problems facing Islam and its ability to coexist peacefully with other cultures and religions. There continues to be too much “dead weight,” ideas, and doctrines which really aren’t so different from how other religions also acted in the past. Yet, other religions have by and large repudiated and abandoned these.
Islam, however, hasn’t done that yet. This creates serious dangers not only for non-Muslims but also for Muslims themselves.
These dangers are a product of Islamic extremists who take those old ideas and doctrines much more literally and seriously than the average Muslim. For them, modern secular governments in the Middle East are not sufficiently Islamic to be considered a part of Dar al-Islam (remember, it doesn’t matter what most people believe, but rather the existence of Islam as the guiding force of government and law). Therefore, it is incumbent upon them to use force in order to remove the infidels from power and restore Islamic governance to the population.
This attitude is exacerbated by the belief that if any territory that was once a part of Dar al-Islam comes under the control of Dar al-Harb, then that represents an attack on Islam. It is, therefore, the obligation of all Muslims to fight in order to retrieve the lost land.
This idea motivates the fanaticism not only in the opposition to secular Arab governments but also the very existence of the state of Israel. For extremists, Israel is an intrusion of Dar al-Harb upon territory that properly belongs to Dar al-Islam. As such, nothing short of restoring Islamic rule to the land is acceptable.
The Consequences
Yes, people will die – including even Muslims, children, and various noncombatants. But the reality is that Muslim ethics is an ethics of duty, not consequences. Ethical behavior is that which is in accordance with God’s rules and which obeys God’s will. Unethical behavior is that which ignores or disobeys God. (Their god Allah, not the God of the Bible.)
Terrible consequences may be unfortunate, but they cannot serve as a criterion for evaluating the behavior itself. Only when the behavior is explicitly condemned by God must a Muslim refrain from doing it. Of course, even then, clever re-interpretation can often provide extremists with a way to get what they want out of the text of the Qur’an.
The spreading threat..
06-November-2005 | Ron Pickrell
Posted on 11/6/2005, 5:51:07 PM by pickrell
Dateline: CNN News Manufacturing Division.
Item # 1 New Epithet for Islamic Terrorist: “Somali Pirate” By Debbie Schlussel Congratulations to the media! They’ve just developed a new way to avoid saying “Islamic terrorist.” You’ve, no doubt, heard the news story of Islamic terrorists from Somalia trying to hijack a cruise line, off the coast of Africa, this weekend. The men were armed with assorted weapons, including guns and grenade launchers. But the media called them “Somali pirates.” Guess what religion virtually all Somalis are? Hint: It begins with an “I,” ends with an “M,” and has “SLA” in the middle.……. Item # 2 Australians after a possible terrorist attack off Africa’s coast, Foreign Minister Alexander Downer said today. The passengers on the US-owned Seabourn Spirit were woken by machinegun fire and a rocket-propelled grenade crashing into the vessel at dawn on Saturday about 160km off the coast of the lawless nation of Somalia. The luxury cruise ship is about to dock in the Seychelles, but Mr Downer said that could be delayed while officials disarm the unexploded ordnance…… Item # 3 Perhaps this photo from Bali might give the CIA a hint that Islamo fascists are present, when these IED making folks use their “extra” explosives to FISH ! Bali’s Ruthless Fishermen Powered by CDNN – CYBER DIVER News Network by HEATHER BRYAN www.cdnn.info/article/ bali/bali.html Dynamite fishing in Indonesia Indonesia is home to some of the most precious coral reefs in the world but the coral is under attack from local fishermen in search of an easy catch. They use cyanide and explosives to net fish and are killing off the coral in the process. In north-west Bali, environmentalists and marine police, park rangers and local people have set up marine patrols to try to stop the devastation. Coral damage Indonesia’s recent economic difficulties have increased the number of villagers and fishermen using the banned methods, which are a quick and easy way of getting food and money. The fishermen use cyanide to stun the fish. It makes them slower and easier to catch. Cyanide does not kill the coral outright but bleaches it, making it weak and vulnerable. Much more hazardous is blast fishing which kills the coral immediately. It happens under the cover of night when the boom, boom of the bombs can be heard from the shore. The explosions kill the fish, which are collected and sold to the restaurant and market trade. The coral is destroyed. Fishermen have been known to get violent when cornered and the marine police are armed. One police officer, Ahmad Colleag, recently came under attack from a group of angry fishermen. “When we tried to arrest them, the fishermen threw their bombs at us,” he said. “It was very dangerous.” WHO CARES ABOUT THE FIRKIN REEFS? THESE GUYS THROW BOMBS AT PEOPLE! |
Pirates, They still exist.
However today’s sea pirates usually are equipped with high tech gadgets, with high-speed boats, cellular phones and more modern assault weapons. The picture left shows a typical modern sea pirate.
Are pirates still a thing?
In addition, What are modern day pirates?
Modern pirates typically target cargo vessels but they have also been known to attack private yachts and cruise ships, robing the personal belongings of crew members and passengers rather than targeting a ship’s cargo. … It’s not as common for pirates to attack cruise ships.
Furthermore, Do pirates still exist 2021?
Piracy might be pervasive, but it remains geographically restricted. Nearly half of these pirate attacks and attempted attacks in 2021, including the one on the MV Mozart, occurred in and around the Gulf of Guinea.
There has always been a correlation between poverty, the vicious cycle of violence and anarchy, and the same reasons make Somalia water as one of the most badly affected maritime piracy areas. … Finding the Root Cause. The inhabitants of Somalia are mostly Sunni Muslims.
After years of focus on the Gulf of Aden near Somalia, piracy’s new hotspot has switched to the Gulf of Guinea on Africa’s west coast. In 2020, the area saw the highest-ever number of kidnapped crew, with 130 taken in 22 separate incidents. Overall, 2020 saw 195 recorded piracy attacks, up from 162 the previous year.
Gates of Vienna: A 19th-Century Jihad on American Shipping

The crew and their vessel were captured by Barbary pirates and held for ransom, and this would not be the last attack on U.S. shipping. The capture of the Betsy and the Dauphin would be the beginning of a conflict between the newly independent nation of the United States of America and the Muslim pirates of North Africa. The conflict with the Barbary pirates from the nations of Morocco, Tunis, Tripoli, and Algiers, (All Muslim/Islamic Nations) would last from 1786 to 1815.
It took a combined U.S. fleet to defeat them in the Tripolitan war, from 1801 to 1805. The end result of this first war with the pirates was that the Americans were forced to pay tribute just to make sure they could maintain peace and free trade in the Mediterranean. Tribute and negotiations did not stop the piracy, and in time the truce failed, resulting in a decisive American victory in the Algerine War of 1815.1
From the time of their first assault on our shipping, the U.S. government did not understand the corsairs’ unprovoked attacks. These attacks on American shipping came as a shock to our founding fathers, but they were part of a greater jihad in the Mediterranean by Muslim pirates. According to Dr. Andrew Bostom, “Jefferson and Adams, in their subsequent report to the Continental Congress, recorded the Tripolitan Ambassador’s justification:
… that it was founded on the Laws of their Prophet, that it was written in their Koran, that all nations who should not have their authority were sinners, that it was their right and duty to make war upon them wherever they could be found, and to make slaves of all they could take as Prisoners, and that every Musselman who should be slain in Battle was sure to go to Paradise.”
The Muslim pirates had justified their attacks on Christians for centuries as an important element of Jihad. It was referred to as al-jihad-fil-babr or holy war at sea and it was a community of seamen or ta’ifa, it was an integral part of a holy war against the Christian infidel. This form of piracy provided the pirates with their greatest military heroes. 2
There were two concepts involved, Dar al Islam or “house of peace” and Dar al-harb or “house of war”. The Americans were not paying tribute to the Barbary Pirates, so this placed them under the house of war and allowed them to become prey to piracy. Until they signed a treaty and tribute was exacted from them, they would remain victims of jihad. Once they were captured, the ship and its cargo were seized and the men were often sold into slavery.
In this jihad all captives were prisoners of war and were subject to slavery but the outcome for prisoners of war was: death, ransom, exchange, taxation, release, and enslavement. In the Barbary states slavery was usually the choice. “Islamic law, piously laid down: (slavery is) a humiliation and a servitude caused by previous unbelief and having as its purpose to discourage unbelief. From such opinions the Barbary pirates were able to legitimize outright slave raids.3
The British government encouraged this form of piracy, and during the Revolution, American colonial shipping in the Mediterranean was no longer no longer protected by the British Navy. In fact, the British allowed this assault on American shipping to keep them out of the Mediterranean so as to reduce competition in trade. Prior to this the British provided passes honored by the Barbary pirates simply because they feared the British navy, the most powerful navy in the world at the time.

The assault on our merchant fleet continued until the U.S. realized that paying tribute alone would not end this conflict. It was a combined U.S fleet that crushed the pirates in 1815 and not only ended their piracy on our shipping, but allowed free trade in the Mediterranean Sea. Courage to stand up to them was the only thing the pirates respected.
By the same token, determined force is the only thing the modern day Somalia pirates will respect. Islam only respects strength, and unless we crush the modern day pirates off the coast of Somalia, the piracy will never end.
It took a unified act of war to end the Barbary piracy, and nothing short of the same actions will end today’s
piracy. As Teddy Roosevelt once said, when it comes to these Islamic pirates, “Speak softly, but carry a big stick.”
Turks Glorify Ottoman Pirates: A Debate
Were Barbary corsairs “rapists and terrorists” or were they just doing what everyone else did?
Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. The following exchange between him and a Turk was first published by the Middle East Forum. An explanatory note from that institution follows:
Middle East Forum Judith Friedman Rosen Fellow Raymond Ibrahim‘s recent article about the Turkish television series Barbaros: Sword of the Mediterranean drew a heated response from Ahmet N. Taspinar. It appears below, followed by Mr. Ibrahim’s rebuttal.
Taspinar (A Muslim in defense of Pirates) Response to Ibrahim
The article by Mr. Ibrahim, calling the four Barbarossa brothers terrorists and rapists came to my mailbox recently. I see it as just another underhanded attempt to blame Turks and Muslims for things that happened 500 years ago, at a time when piracy, murder and plunder were very much on the agenda of many respectable Christian sailors and soldiers as well.
It was the age of conquests that provided economic prosperity to the strong, at the expense of weaker and more prosperous people. The collective conscience that rules our global relations and our compassion today was not in effect at that time. To the victor belonged the spoils, and victors came from both religions.
The Barbarossa brothers were the sons of an Ottoman commander in the army that invaded the island of Lesbos and a local Greek girl who married the commander. They all had red beards, hence the title Barbarossa. Their names were Ishak (Isaac), Oruc, Hizir, and Ilyas (Elias). Oruc led his two younger brothers into piracy, an accepted, if not totally legitimate, venture in Homer’s “wine-dark sea,” the Aegean. They concentrated on hitting Christian ships, much as the Christian pirates were hitting Muslim ships.
The brothers built a fleet that contained some Christian Greeks; it was the way to earn a living for the people of the Aegean in those days. The place I grew up on the Asian side of Istanbul was named Kalamis, a Greek name, with a Greek Orthodox church that still stands today. It had been built by a Greek crew member of the Barbarossa pirates; he probably built it in repentance for his sins against his fellow Christians.
The Barbarossa brothers grew in influence and power and invaded North Africa to set up their independent state. Oruc and Ilyas were killed in a battle with the Spanish, but Hizir survived to become even more powerful, and set sail with dozens of ships to Constantinople to present his fleet and his domain to Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, who led the most powerful empire of the day. Suleiman took the gift and made Hizir the Grand Admiral of the Ottoman fleet, which ruled the eastern Mediterranean for 250 years.
Plunder was the way to make a living in those days, but rape and terrorism are undeserved allegations that Mr. Ibrahim must have decided to employ to add some color to his article.
Ahmet N. Taspinar
Istanbul, Turkey and Oakland, CA
Ibrahim Response to Taspinar
In his response to my recent article, Ahmet N. Taspinar sets up and attempts to knock down a straw horse that I never rode in on. My article was critical about the fact that modern day Turks—up to their president—tend to celebrate Muslim “heroes” from the past whose claim to fame revolved around their jihadist (read: unprovoked terrorist) attacks on non-Muslims, infidels.
Instead, Taspinar proceeds as if my argument is about condemning the Muslim heroes of history themselves, in this case the Barbarossa brothers, notorious pirates who terrorized the European coastline. In so doing, not only does he ignore my actual point—that modern day Turks are making heroes of these pirates—but, worse, he fails to knock down his own straw horse.
Taspinar claims that piracy was “an accepted, if not totally legitimate, venture in Homer’s wine dark sea, the Aegean. They concentrated on hitting christian ships, much as the christian pirates were hitting moslem ships.” Indeed, “piracy, murder and plunder was very much on the agenda of many respectable christian sailors and soldiers as well.”
So it was a tit for tat, one that apparently everyone participated in. Yet Taspinar fails to mention what the conflict was about: Turks and their Muslim allies trying to do what Muslims had done since the dawn of Islam—plunder, conquer, and eventually expand into non-Muslim territory, in this case, the Balkans by land, and the European coastlands by sea; and the Christians were trying to defend themselves, including by fighting fire with fire.
In other words, the entire phenomenon of Christian corsairs targeting Muslims—an occupation primarily if not exclusively limited to the Knights of Saint John (Hospitallers) stationed in Malta—was retaliatory. As historian Robert C. Davis explains in his Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters, slaving around the Mediterranean was “a prevalently Muslim phenomenon.”
Consider the numbers alone. According to Piracy and Law in the Ottoman Mediterranean, by Joshua M. White, “Over the course of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, at least thirty-five thousand to forty thousand [Muslim] slaves passed through Malta.” Compare this with Davis’s statistics during roughly the same timeframe: “between 1530 and 1780 there were almost certainly a million and quite possibly as many as a million and a quarter white European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast.”
Based on these numbers—which do not include those many millions of slaves sent directly to Ottoman territory or enslaved by the Tatars— approximately 30 Christians were enslaved for every one Muslim enslaved. Not quite the tit for tat that Taspinar would suggest. Clearly the Christians were not as adept at piracy as their Islamic counterparts.
“Plunder was the way to make a living in those days,” Taspinar continues in his determined attempt to normalize and universalize piracy, before adding, “but rape and terrorism are undeserved allegations that Mr. Ibrahim must have decided to employ to add some color to his article.” Alas, I don’t know how else succinctly to characterize centuries of Muslims raiding and torching Christian coastlands, sadistically mutilating and massacring the males, as the Barbarossa brothers were notorious for, before absconding with their women and children, but as “rape and terrorism.”
Back, however, to the point of my original article, which was not to criticize the Muslim pirates as doing something historically unprecedented, but their modern day Turkish fans for celebrating their exploits. This, Taspinar seems to deny, writing, “The collective conscience that rules our global relations and our compassion today was not in effect at that time.”
To this I respond (or rather reiterate): If Turks are now ruled by a “collective conscience” rooted in “our global relations and our compassion today,” why are they still celebrating terrorists, slavers, and rapists—all men who justified their sordid activities in the name of religion?
Iran creates elite band of pirates to rule the seas
ELITE units from Iran are training mercenaries as modern-day privateers to carry out naval attacks. The Quds Force naval unit has already trained and equipped hundreds of Yemeni and Iraqi mercenaries to carry out attacks while solidifying a covert arms-smuggling network, a new report reveals.
South Korean-flagged tanker in the Gulf is ‘escorted’ to port by Iranian forces last year (Image: ISLAMIC REVOLUTIONARY GUARD CORPS / HANDOUT)
Now, intelligence gleaned by the opposition-group National Council of Resistance of Iran reveals that Tehran has been steadily attempting to make up for that loss of capability for its operations in Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Palestine, Lebanon and several African countries.
The efforts to engage foreign mercenaries in Yemen have intensified since the election of so-called “Butcher of Tehran” Ebraham Raisi as Iran’s president, in parallel with an increase in UAV and missile attacks.,
The new Quds Naval force is based at the Khamenei Academy of Naval Sciences and Technology in Ziba Kenar on the Caspian coast, which is overseen by Second Admiral Abdolreza Dabestani
But it is Brig Gen Hassan Ali Zamani Pajooh who oversees the unit’s main aim – to provide commando training to foreign mercenaries, which is conducted through comprehensive six-month residential courses..
That commando training is being supplemented by additional, maritime courses on Qeshm and Farah Islands in the Gulf – provided by the same IRGC Aba Abdullah naval commando brigade responsible for attacks on British oil tankers.
Qassem Soleimani was killed in a drone strike (Image: Getty)
In January 2020, more than 200 Yemeni mercenaries were trained in commando tactics, naval science and technology.
A similar sized contingent of Iraqis began their training in July of that year, according to the report.
After the completion of their training, the Iraqis were sent to al-Faw peninsula and Basrah to form a “naval unit” under the command of the Quds Force.
And evidence shows that the new Quds naval force’s remit goes beyond just training.
Using asymmetric warfare tactics established by the IRGC, the unit has established new smuggling networks which are already providing weapons and equipment “to expand conflicts into the Arabian Sea, Bab al-Mandab, and the Red Sea”.
This has already equipped Yemen’s Houthi rebels with speedboats, missiles, mines, and other weapons, says the report.
Khamenei Navy Academy commando school (Image: Handout)
One of the methods of transferring weapons to Yemen is to use third countries, such as Somalia. Others include using small boats and using drug-smuggling methods such as oversized six-foot fenders in which arms caches are hidden.
The fenders are then anchored under the water at set locations, and kitten with GPS trackers so they can be retrieved by other vessels.
Some of these weapons are being intercepted.
In December last year, the US Justice Department announced the successful forfeiture of two large caches of the Iranian arms, including 171 surface-to-air missiles and eight anti-tank missiles, destined for Houthi militants in Yemen. Also seized were 1,400 AK-47 assault rifles and 226,600 rounds of ammunition.
These and further sierras of thousands of rocket launchers, machine guns, sniper rifles are all believed to have originated from the Iranian port of Jask.
Speaking last night Shahin Gobadi, a press Spokesman of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran, said: “Since Raisi became president, missile and drone attacks have accelerated along with efforts to acquire nuclear weapons, and the regime has intensified maritime terrorist acts through foreign mercenaries.
“The Quds naval force unit, which trains and equips Iranian proxies, is a real threat both to regional stability and International shipping.
“Yet, instead of holding the Iranian regime accountable for its actions, Western countries have granted it concessions, a trend that has emboldened Tehran in its nefarious conduct in the region.
“Regardless of what Supreme Leader Khamenei might do with negotiations over its nuclear programme, Tehran must be held accountable for its proxy war in the region, its terrorism, its development of ballistic missiles, and its egregious violations of human rights.”
Modern Day Pirate Tales: Paying Somalis to stop piracy?
SUNDAY, MARCH 29, 2009
ISIS Sex Slave Market is Modern Repeat of Barbary Pirate …
By Patrick Henningsen ——Bio and Archives—November 5, 2014
‘DISTRIBUTION DAY’: ISIS Pirate spoils, “Today is (slave) distribution day, and God willing, each will have his share”.
Without a doubt, this situation is way beyond dire for many young girls. The Mail also reported:
“Last month, a young Yazidi woman forced into sex slavery by the Islamic State claimed militants raped her 30 times in just a few hours. The unidentified woman is understood to have been kept as a prisoner of the jihadists somewhere in western Iraq having been captured by ISIS during the Sinjar Massacre in early August. A group raising awareness of ISIS’ persecution of women in the vast swathes of the Middle East under its control said the woman had contacted Kurdish peshmerga fighters by telephone to plead for the brothel to be bombed to put the women held as sex slaves out of their misery.¬†She allegedly told the fighters she had been raped so frequently that she could no longer use the toilet, adding the ordeal has been so harrowing that she plans to commit suicide even if freed.”
Can US and UK bombs save any of these young women?
The situation is beyond repair, and will likely get worse over the coming year. It’s still important to note that this situation has a ‘Made in America’ tag on it. Despite assurances from Barack Obama, David Cameron and others—that US airstrikes will somehow ‘degrade and destroy’ ISIS/ISIL, a military solution is doomed to fail—again. With its main allies in the region being Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait being the main financial sponsors of ISIS, and just like Mujahideen decades before—with CIA finger prints all over the organization—can Washington DC really do anything meaningful to stop the ISIS cancer in Iraq?
Is Daesh/ ISIL a modern Raiding Pirate state?
I would argue that Daesh is analogous to the pirate enclaves of the early modern period. Al-Raqqa, Palmyra, Mosul, Falluja and Ramadi function for it as desert ports, as Tortuga and Port Royal did for pirates in the Caribbean and St. Mary’s on Madagascar did for pirates in the Indian Ocean. It is easy to be misled by the organization’s language of “state.” It is a militia of some 25,000 fighters who conduct raids. They don’t actually do much governing of the places they dominate, and mainly extract resources from them. Tribal raiding states in it for the loot have been common in Middle Eastern history, as with Nadir Shah in the eighteenth century. Looting one city pays for the raid that lets you loot the next. They even make the people who want to emigrate and escape their rule pay a sort of exit ransom.
Pirates liked island strongholds, as Louis Sicking has argued. He says that they used them to shelter their ships from storms, to take on food and water, as dwelling-places, especially in winter, as points from which to intercept cargo ships, as places to store and hide their looted treasure, and as places to keep hostages for ransom.
If we think of the armored vehicles, humvees and other conveyances Daesh captured from the Iraqi army at Mosul as analogous to pirate ships, and of the towns they have taken over as island settlements, we can see that Daesh functions as desert pirates. They captured oil refineries and smuggle gasoline and kerosene (black gold) to Turkey. They take hostages for ransom and store them in their desert ports until they receive payment. With regard to foreign hostages, if they aren’t paid, as is typically the case with US hostages, they execute them very publicly so as to increase the likelihood of payment for the next hostages. They actively seek hostages as a means of money-making. They also capture young women and engage in human trafficking and forms of sex slavery, just as the pirates used to. And, they loot conquered populations, just as the pirates did.
Pirates primarily preyed on the shipping trade, but as an organized naval force they could be enlisted in para-military actions on occasion, as with Pierre Lafitte’s participation on the American side against the British in 1814 as part of the War of 1812. Barataria Bay in Louisiana was Lafitte’s al-Raqqa. It had a population of as many as 1,000 marauders. Since the US population is about 80 times greater today than then, this is like a population of 80,000 in today’s US. That is roughly the pre-Daesh population of al-Raqqa in Syria, the organization’s current capital. Barataria Bay was deployed as a base to attack British vessels coming from Jamaica with the intent of overwhelming New Orleans. It is not so different for Daesh to use its desert ports as bases from which to attack sovereign states like Syria, Iraq and France.
Top 15 Modern Day Pirates – YurTopic
Modern pirates continue to be feared by governments all over the world. Many of the pirates today were originally militia members or soldiers that were not able to find any other job. The pirates in Malacca were believed to have come from a region that had been torn apart by a three decade battle between an Islamic separatist group and the Indonesian military.
Unfortunately, as long as the seas and oceans of the world remain vast, there will always be pirates who seek the opportunity to plunder that which is not rightfully theirs. And fighting pirates in the long term will take much more than swashbuckling. If you’re planning on taking a journey to any of the aforementioned places, please be aware that the seas are a dangerous place � and a modern day pirate ship may be lurking just over the horizon.
If we pay attention to what the Islamic State itself says, its strategic goals are fairly clear. It has promised that it will send 500,000 jihad fighters across the Mediterranean, specifically to Italy. And it has created a Twitter hashtag, #We_Are_Coming_O_Rome.
In other words, the new Caliphate intends to accomplish what previous Caliphs never managed to achieve: the conquest of Rome.
Let’s pull all these bits and pieces together on a map so we can see them more clearly:
The portion of North Africa in which the Islamic State is converging is roughly equivalent to the eastern half of the Barbary Coast — that is, the eastern Islamic Maghreb which for centuries preyed upon European shipping and terrorized European travelers.
The Barbary Pirates — who were finally dealt with on “the shores of Tripoli” in the early 19th century by the U.S. Marines — were the last gasp of the nautical raiders who had ravaged the Mediterranean coastal areas in the name of Islam for more than a thousand years. In their heyday, Arab corsairs would launch razzias, or raids, against Cyprus, Greece, Dalmatia, Italy, Malta, Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica, France, and Spain. Before the Ottoman conquest of Anatolia they raided the coast of Asia Minor. They pillaged, burned, raped and destroyed wherever they went. Hundreds of thousands of Christian women and children were carried off to be sold as slaves in the bazaars of Araby.
At the beginning of the 19th century the hosts of Mohammed had become too weak to mount any extensive campaigns against the infidel countries on the northern shores of the Mediterranean. They were reduced to attacking shipping, taking cargoes as booty and crews and passengers as slaves. By the middle of the century the Barbary Coast had been pacified and colonized by the European powers, bringing to an end more than a millennium of Islamic predation.
Now it seems the jihad warriors of the Islamic State are poised to resume where their predecessors left off two hundred years ago. Yet the planned invasion will not take the form of traditional razzias, nor will it be a conventional military campaign.
Back when ISIS was confined to eastern Syria and western Iraq, news commentators on both sides of the Atlantic pooh-poohed the idea that it might soon break out of the sandbox and pose a wider threat. In those days — which seem part of the distant past, — the Islamic State was bragging about its achievements and promising to reconquer al-Andalus for the Caliphate.
“Ridiculous!” snorted the talking heads on CNN. “That’s 2,500 miles from where they are now! It will take decades for them to get there!”
they’ve made it to Sirte, which is more than 1,300 miles from Raqqa. Do you still want to take bets on “decades”?
ISIS doesn’t annex territory the way, say, Alexander the Great did. The mujahideen of the Caliphate don’t raise armies, acquire weapons and provisions, and then set off to conquer their neighbors.
Their armies are already in place, wherever Muslims reside. After all, as Turkish President Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan famously said: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers.” (Listen UP America, this is how the Muslim take over everywhere they go. They just gradually move in and become part of the surroundings, setting up their infrastructure and gaining the sympathies and acceptance of the people around them, when everything is ready they strike.)
The Islamic State forms like ice on a pond. One part of the pond doesn’t freeze first, and then “conquer” the rest. When the temperature drops below freezing, all parts of the pond freeze at more or less the same time.
The temperature in the Maghreb has dropped below 0°C. Syria and Iraq are already iced over. Libya is freezing fast.
How cold is it in Tunis? Algiers? Marrakesh?
How about Cordoba? How about Dearborn, MI? Jersey City, NJ? Houston, TX or Dallas?

I love it when the good guys score a point. Watching relaxing, heartwarming clips like this is therapeutic- Thought I might share the joy
God bless and protect you from these Pre-Adamic beasts. Ever wonder how they survive WITHOUT handouts from whitey? Like this, only this time they messed with the wrong ones!
1 year, 8 months ago
Top 5 African Countries Where Slavery Is Still Rampant

Mauritania, officially the Islamic Republic of Mauritania
Black Mauritanians from the minority ethnic group, referred to as “Moors” or the “Haratin,” account for the largest number of slaves in the North African country.
In Mauritania, slavery has been practiced for thousands of years, particularly by the light-skinned Berbers, commonly referred to as “beydan” (Whites), and the mixed Berber-Arabs — all of whom are the descendants of slave owners locally referred to as “al-beydan.”
Here, slaves and their descendants are considered the full property of their masters. Although this practice was banned in Mauritania in 1981, it is still rampant in some parts of the country.

Slavery in Sudan dates back to medieval times. It has recently had a resurgence during the second Sudanese Civil War that lasted between 1983 and 2005. During the war, human rights campaigners reported a rise in contemporary forms of slavery and accused the Sudanese government of supporting and arming various slave-taking militias in the country.
ISIS: Sex Slaves – YouTube
Jun 14, 2016
by Jack MurphySep 8, 2014
I first learned about ISIS’ human trafficking from my friend and former interpreter Dakheel. He told me how his ten-year-old niece was abducted by ISIS fighters to be used for sexual slavery. Since then, the accounts of outrages perpetrated by ISIS against women and girls as young as nine, has only grown.
A 14-year-old Yezidi girl named Adeba, living in a small village outside of Sinjar, was trafficked by ISIS. With dozens of other girls she was trafficked around North Iraq. At each city they stopped at, some of the girls were given as gifts to ISIS fighters, ostensibly to improve their moral by allowing them to rape little girls. This was after the ISIS commander got first dibs on them to take their virginity. Others who are not given away as gifts are sold at a slave auction in cities like Mosul, the opening bid starting around ten dollars.
Forced marriages are also in order, and one Shia girl named Nada Qasim from Amerli, decided to shoot herself in the head rather than allow herself to be married off to a ISIS fighter. She knew the fate that awaited her. When other Iraqis from Amerli returned, “they found 15 women who had been raped and then hanged from a pipe by cable wire.” Some wealthy Yezidis are also trying to buy back abducted girls, but with limited success. Of the fifteen recovered, three of them killed themselves once they were freed, unable to live with the shame of being raped.
Adeba was one of the lucky ones. When she was trafficked to Rabbia she managed to escape due to the fact that control of the city is sharply contested by the PKK. In a moment of chaos, she fled and made her way to Dohuk. She told Reuters that, “I know I was lucky, God saved me.”er
The ISIS Sex Slave Horror Revealed – YouTube
Women who are captured by Isis and kept as slaves endure more than just sexual violence.
…while the Yazidi women seized by Isis are indeed slaves, bartered and sold in markets to the highest bidder, and while they are the victims of relentless sexual violence, the impact is even more wide-ranging than that.
“It is not only the fact that they are being raped,” says Dr Brown. She has to choose her words carefully so as not to lessen the impact of this brutality while at the same time bringing in the bigger picture. “The women have had all their human rights removed, and the rape is a big part of that. They have been removed from their communities and their communities have effectively been destroyed. Whole ethnic groups are being eradicated.”
In other words, it is genocide – as US Secretary of State John Kerry asserted at a press conference in March, saying in unvarnished terms that Isis “is responsible for genocide against groups in areas under its control including Yazidis, Christians and Shiia Muslims”.
It is a stated aim of Isis to “ethnically cleanse” the region of non-Muslims, and the Yazidi – whose religion is an amalgamation of aspects of Christianity, Zoroastrianism and Islam, thought to have been founded in the 11th Century – are in the group’s sights. And it isn’t the first time they have suffered. Under Ottoman rule in the 18th and 19th centuries, the Yazidi were subjected to no fewer than 72 individual massacres, killing thousands.
Is there a difference between ethnic cleansing and genocide? The Encyclopaedia Britannica suggests there is, in that ethnic cleansing aims to create an ethnically homogenous territory, while genocide goes a step further and achieves that aim by the systematic destruction of a particular group of people.
Yet, even in the face of an ethnic group facing proposed extinction, we still focus on one aspect: the fact the women are becoming sex slaves. Perhaps part of this is due to Isis going out of its way to make a point of publicising their campaign of sexual violence against Yazidi women.
“The terminology reduces the trauma that these women have gone through,” says Dr Katherine E Brown, lecturer in Islamic Studies at the University of Birmingham. “It oversexualises what they are going through.”
With Isis, rape is part of their propaganda campaign in their bid to wipe out the Yazidi. And perhaps there is a method in their brutality above control, subjugation and violence for its own sake; the Yazidi culture dictates that women who form relationships with non-Yazidis automatically take on the religion of their partner. Isis is effectively raping the Yazidis out of existence, one horrific assault at a time.
Dr Brown says, ”The women are enslaved partly as a reward for Isis soldiers, partly as a weapon against non-Muslim groups. With Bosnia it seemed that rape was a byproduct of genocide; for Isis it is something to be publicly celebrated.“
FIRST PHOTOS: Dungeons Islamic State Uses for Sex Slaves
Muslims justified raping the sex slaves “because the action would make her Muslim.”

PHOTOS: The Dungeons Islamic State Uses for Yazidi Sex Slaves, By Mary Chastain, Breitbart, December 15, 2105 (thanks to Claude):
“They took young girls, seven, nine and 10 years old,” like their prophet Muhammad and his favorite wife, the six-year-old Aisha.
You’ll note that Obama never speaks of these victims of unspeakable crimes. He never speaks of the Quranic texts and teachings that grants sex slavery under Islamic law (sharia).
Prosperous are the believers who in their prayers are humble and from idle talk turn away and at almsgiving are active and guard their private parts save from their wives and what their right hands own then being not blameworthy.” (Quran 23:1-6)
Those whom their “right hands own” (Quran 4:3, 4:24, 33:50) are slaves, and inextricable from the concept of Islamic slavery as a whole is the concept of sex slavery, which is rooted in Islam’s devaluation of the lives of non-Muslims. The Quran stipulates that a man may take four wives as well as hold slave girls as sex slaves. These women are captured in wartime and are considered the spoils of war. Islam avoids the appearance of impropriety, declaring that the taking of these sex slaves does not constitute adultery if the women are already married, for their marriages are ended at the moment of their capture. A manual of Islamic law directs: “When a child or a woman is taken captive, they become slaves by the fact of capture, and the woman”s previous marriage is immediately annulled” (Reliance of the Traveller, o9.13).
Officials investigating areas previously controlled by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) have found underground dungeons the terrorist group uses to keep its sex slaves, most of the Yazidi minority religious sect. The whereabouts of the women forced into these dungeons are unknown.
Sky News published video of the horrific conditions:
The covers to the dungeons are the only giveaway they exist. The women lived in the tiny holes–cramped and in complete darkness. Those in the prisons kept diaries on the walls.
No one knows exactly how long ISIS kept the women in the cells or where they fled.The Yazidi women who do escape tell their stories to the world.
“They took young girls, seven, nine and 10 years old,” explained Aveen, 23, to NBC News in early December. ISIS held her for almost a year before she escaped.
The guards held the women and children at a school, separate from the men. At night, those same guards raped the women.
“Some [females] are sold for weapons, or for just $10, or 10 cigarettes,” said activist Khider Domle, who interviewed numerous Yazidis.
In October, a young Yazidi woman, known only as Noor, told CNN that the militants justified raping her because the action would make her Muslim.
“He showed me a letter and said, ‘This shows any captured women will become Muslim if 10 ISIS fighters rape her.’ There was a flag of ISIS and a picture of [ISIS leader] Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi,” she explained.
The terrorist’s 11 friends raped her, as well.
Bushra, 21, spoke about how ISIS brought in their own OB-GYNs to determine if the females were still virgins. She saw “two doctors invasively examine girls to find out if they were already pregnant.” If the testing was positive, they forced the females to have abortions.
Last month, Kurdish forces discovered a mass grave in Sinjar filled with at least 80 Yazidi women too old to be sex slaves for ISIS. Experts believe the women in the graves are “between 40 and 80 years old.” Another mass grave contained bodies of men, women, and children.
In May, Zainab Bangura, the United Nations special representative of the secretary-general on Sexual Violence in Conflict, interviewed numerous Yazidi females whom ISIS kidnapped and forced to be sex slaves. She found what others have previously discovered: rape, slavery, slave markets, and women undergoing surgery to restore their virginity.
“Women and girls are at risk and under assault at every point of their lives,” she explained, adding that the threats lurk behind them “every step of the way … in the midst of active conflict, in areas under control of armed actors, at check-points and border crossings, and in detention facilities.”

Exposing Sex Slavery Is Islamaphoic Apparently

Consider the following similarities between Islam and Judaism:
• Islamic Quran: “And KILL them [non-Muslims] wherever you find them.” – Sura, 2, Verse 191• Jewish Talmud: “It is permitted to take the body and the life of a non-Jew.” – Sepher Ikkarim IIIc, 25• Jewish Talmud: “Every Jew, who spills the blood of the godless (non-Jew), is doing the same as making a sacrifice to God.” – Bammidber Raba, c 21 & Jalkut 772
• Islamic Quran: “O you who believe! DO NOT take CHRISTIANS for friends.” – Sura 5, Verse 51• Jewish Talmud: “The Christians belong to the denying ones of the Torah (Talmud).” – Coschen Hamischpat 425, Hagah 425, 5• Jewish Talmud: “Do not worship false gods [Jesus Christ].” – Avodah Zarah• Jewish Talmud: “Jesus is in hell where he is boiling in hot excrement.” – Gittin 57a• Jewish Talmud: Christians girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from birth. Christian women are regarded as slaves, heathen and whores.” – Abodah Zarah 36b
• Islam’s “Al-Taqiyya”: Deception; the Islamic word for concealing or disguising one’s beliefs and/or strategies for the benefit of Islam and Islamic expansion. Linguistically it means to dodge a threat, politically it means to simulate whatever status you need in order to infiltrate, sow seeds of discord, and win the war against the enemy. The above-mentioned Quranic verses describe who their enemies are.
• Judaism’s “Kol Nidre”: Deception; on the Day of Atonement, Jews walk into their synagogues and the very first prayer they recite three times is the Kol Nidre. In that prayer, Jews enter into an agreement with their god (Remphan “Lucifer” Acts 7:43) that any oath, vow, or pledge that a Jew may make during the next twelve months — any oath, vow or pledge that a Jew may take during the next twelve months shall be null and void. The oath shall not be an oath; the vow shall not be a vow; the pledge shall not be a pledge. They shall have no force and effect, and so forth and so on. The Jewish Talmud teaches: “Don’t forget — whenever you take an oath, vow, and pledge — remember the Kol Nidre prayer that you recited on the Day of Atonement, and that exempts you from fulfilling that”.
3 years, 5 months ago

The ISIS Sex Slave Horror Revealed. (2016)
1 year, 10 months ago

I hope she finds peace.
2 years, 3 months ago
ISIS Sex Slave Market is Modern Repeat of Barbary Pirate Trade
21st Century Wire says…
ISIS – the Middle East’s ladder day privateers, or ‘Sand Pirates‘, have reached another disturbing new low this week…
According to reports (see article below), ‘The Islamic State’ has set fixed prices in order to sell Yazidi and Christian women from Iraq and Syria – who’ve been abducted into slavery by members of the US, Turkey and GCC-backed paramilitary terrorist confab.
According to the UK’s Daily Mail and documents posted at the Iraqinews.com, Iraq and Syrian girls under nine years of age are fetching the highest prices, averaging around $170 USD. Older women between 40 and 50 years old are only $43, and no one can purchase more than three slaves, unless they are foreigners like Turks, Syrians and GCC/Gulf Arabs. But the document also says that the ISIS slavery market has hit a downturn recently.
DISTRIBUTION DAY’: ISIS Pirate spoils, “Today is (slave) distribution day, and God willing, each will have his share”.
‘Without a doubt, this situation is way beyond dire for many young girls. The Mail also reported:
Islamic State has set fixed prices to sell Yazidi and Christian women who have been abducted by members of the militant group, Iraqi media have reported. The barbaric tariffs range from around $40 for older women to $170 for children.
The group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, says they will execute anyone who violates the controls, which have been implemented. $43 is the price for a Yazidi or Christian women who is aged between 40 and 50. For those aged between 20 and 30, the price is $86. The sickening trend continues, with girls falling into the 10 to 20 age group being sold for $129 and children up to the age of nine, commanding the highest prices of $172 or 200,000 dinars.
(…) Nevertheless, according to a recently shared video, it would seem the slave girl trade is still very much alive amongst some Islamic State (IS) fighters. Captured on film, they were laughing and joking about getting their share of the spoils.
“Today is the day of female slaves and we should have our share,” declares a bearded militant, flanked by fellow fighters on a couch. The video, which has not been independently verified, was released by Islamic State last month and has been newly translated by Al Aan TV, a Dubai-based TV station.
“Where is my Yazidi girl?” one man asks repeatedly as others laugh. The video was shot in the Iraqi city of Mosul, an Islamic State stronghold, captured in June, reports Al Aan.
“Whoever wants to sell his slave, whoever wants to give his slave as a present…everyone is free to do what he wants with his share,” says the bearded fighter, eager to obtain a slave girl of his own.
Read More: ‘Won’t even let us kill ourselves’: Ordeal of enslaved Yazidi women
IS has bragged about the enslavement of women and girls from territories they have captured. They see it as the revival of an ancient custom, under which captured women and girls were treated as trophies from the spoils of war.
In an article in its English-language online magazine Dabiq, the group provides what it says is religious justification for the enslavement of defeated “idolators.”

Can US and UK bombs save any of these young women?
The situation is beyond repair, and will likely get worse over the coming year. It’s still important to note that this situation has a ‘Made in America’ tag on it. Despite assurances from Barack Obama, David Cameron and others – that US airstrikes will somehow ‘degrade and destroy’ ISIS/ISIL, a military solution is doomed to fail – again. With its main allies in the region being Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait being the main financial sponsors of ISIS, and just like Mujahideen decades before – with CIA finger prints all over the organization – can Washington DC really do anything meaningful to stop the ISIS cancer in Iraq?
Even the New York Times have reported the link between western intel agencies, particularly the CIA, and ISIS terrorists, saying that, “The highest levels of Iraqi government (believe) that the C.I.A. is secretly behind the same extremists that it is now attacking.”
‘Sand Pirates’
As 21WIRE pointed out last week, history has repeated itself again. Today’s ISIS/ISIL phenomenon is not that different from another long and painful chapter in the East vs. West clash of cultures and trade – the Barbary Pirates of the 17 and 18th centuries. Writer Patrick Henningsen explains:
“For financial or political reasons, Empires have always used external militarized cells and mercenaries to commit unsavoury acts under a flag different than the monarchy, nation state, or private corporation who was directing them behind the scenes.”
“Ruthless and unconventional “asymmetric” enemies are nothing new to the United States. Historically, the Privateer, or Barbary “Corsair”, was a private person or ship authorized by a government to attack foreign vessels or governments, often covertly. During the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries, Ottoman Corsairs operated along the North African coast, and attacked Colonial American ships for over a century”.
“It’s the time-honored practice of non-state actors (with state sponsors) who are let loose to pillage and plunder. Today’s ISIS pirates are really just the 21st century’s version of the ‘privateers’…”
SLAVERY EMPIRE: A historical map of the Arab and Barbary Slave trade (Source: Wikipedia)
The ‘Barbary slave trade‘ refers to the “white slavery” markets along North Africa’s Barbary Coast between the 17th and 19th centuries, which comprised of Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Libya. Conversely, the Arab slave trade went on for the better part of a millennium – not only confined to the Arab world, but also extending into west Asia, North Africa, Southern Africa, Ethiopia, and Somalia, as well as southern coastal Europe (Spain and Italy) as late as the 19th century. So great were the number of men, women and children who were captured by pirates, that many European coastal towns were forced to shut down, and all but abandoned.
Wikipedia states: “The trade was focused on the slave markets of the Middle East, North Africa and the Horn of Africa. Slaves were of varied race, ethnicity, and religion.”
The trade dates as far back as the 8th and 9th centuries, during the Fatimid Caliphate, the majority of slaves were Europeans (aka Saqaliba), all of whom were kidnapped or bought along Europe’s southern coasts during the Ottoman-European wars. All in all, between 650 – 1900 AD, an estimated 10 to 18 million people from Europe, Asia, and Africa were impressed into slavery by Barbary and Arab slave traders.

In addition, there is also the historical period academics refer to as the Ottoman Pirate Slavery, a lawless period punctuated by a lack of central government and power – a vacuum which was filled by piracy – just as ISIS has filled a vacuum of destabilization in both Iraq and Syria in 2014. According to Wikipedia:
“After a revolt in the mid-17th century reduced the ruling Ottoman Pashas to little more than figureheads in the region, the towns of Tripoli, Algiers, Tunis and others became independent in all but name. Without a large central authority and its laws, the pirates themselves started to gain much influence. Pirate raids for the acquisition of slaves occurred in towns and villages on the African Atlantic seaboard, as well as in Europe. Reports of Barbary raids and kidnappings of those in Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, England, Ireland, Scotland as far north as Iceland exist from between the 16th to the 19th centuries. It is estimated that between 1 million and 1.25 million Europeans were captured by pirates and sold as slaves in Africa during this time period.[3] Famous accounts of Barbary slave raids include a mention in the Diary of Samuel Pepys and a raid on the coastal village of Baltimore, Ireland, during which pirates left with the entire populace of the settlement. Such raids in the Mediterrean were so frequent and devastating that the coastline between Venice to Malaga[4] suffered widespread depopulation, and settlement there was discouraged. In fact, it was said that this was largely because ‘there was no one left to capture any longer’.[5] The power and influence of these pirates during this time was such that nations – including the United States of America paid tribute in order to stave off their attacks“.[6]
“Ohio State University history Professor Robert Davis describes the white slave trade as minimized by most modern historians in his book Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters: White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast and Italy, 1500-1800 (Palgrave Macmillan). Davis estimates that 1 million to 1.25 million White Christian Europeans were enslaved in North Africa from the beginning of the 16th century to the middle of the 18th,[1] and roughly 700 Americans were held captive in this region as slaves between 1785 and 1815.[2] The markets declined after the loss of the Barbary Wars and finally ended in the 1830s when the region was conquered by France.”
Watch as ISIS paedophiles gloat at the prospect of buying a young Christian or Yazidi female slave – for the cost of a used cell phone:
It’s history repeating itself, and still no solution in sight from our western and Arab monarchs – both of whom created and funded this horrid ISIS crisis.
More from RT here…
ISIS introduces ‘price scheme’ for selling enslaved women and girls
‘Virgin. Beautiful. 12 Years Old’: ISIS’ Chilling Ads To Sell Sex Slaves …
ISIS relies on encrypted apps to sell the women and girls, according to an activist is documenting the transactions and asked not to be named for fear of his safety.
The activist showed AP the negotiations for the captives in encrypted conversations as they were occurring in real time.
The postings appear primarily on Telegram and on Facebook and WhatsApp to a lesser degree, he said.
Both Facebook-owned WhatsApp and Telegram use end-to-end encryption to protect users’ privacy. Both have said they consider protecting private conversations and data paramount, and that they themselves cannot access users’ content.
“Telegram is extremely popular in the Middle East, among other regions,” said Telegram spokesman Markus Ra. “This, unfortunately, includes the more marginal elements and the broadest law-abiding masses alike.” He added the company is committed to prevent abuse of the service and that it routinely removes public channels used by ISIS.
In addition to the posting for the 12-year-old in a group with hundreds of members, the AP viewed an ad on WhatsApp for a mother with a 3-year-old and a 7-month old baby, with a price of $3,700. “She wants her owner to sell her,” read the posting, followed by a photo.
Islamic State forcibly circumcises Christian men, sells 700 Vazidi Women
- A beating with a stick or cudgel, especially on the soles of the feet.
- A stick or cudgel.
- A blow or beating with a stick or cudgel, especially on the soles of the feet or on the buttocks; a cudgeling.