UPDATE: 10/12/2021;11:26:50 PM – Affects will continue through Wednesday
Ok folks, HEADS UP! This could be the BLACKOUT they have been threatening. It may be nothing at all. BUT, BE READY, BE ALERT! I personally believe this is manufactured, and I hope that you will agree with me once you finish reviewing this post. However, whether it is naturally occurring or manufactured by the Mad Scientists the affect is the same for us. SO, again, HEADS UP!
TAGS: CME, EMP, Northern Lights, Norway, Alaska, HARRP, Scientists, Simulation, Space Weather, Aurora, Power Outage, 3 Days, October, GeoMagnetic Storm, WARNING, ALERT, Solar Flare, Solar Winds, Magnetic Waves, Power Grid, New York, WIRELESS, ASTROPHYSICS, NORTHERN LIGHTS, HAARP LUXEMBOURG, EFFECT RADIO, TRANSMITTERS, UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, FAIRBANKS RESEARCH, RADIO WAVES, RADIO
OK, they try to make it sound like CME’s have always been happening and that they often cause AURORA’s. Well, I did a search to find out when Aurora’s caused by CME from Solar Flares were first noted. I FOUND it. 1989. I tried to find any other instances of AURORA’s caused by solar flares. I found one in 1972.
Eyewitness Reports of the Great Auroral Storm of 1859 – NASA
A Super Solar Flare | Science Mission Directorate – NASA
A 1977 blackout changed New York City forever. What happens when one strikes all of planet Earth?
Getty Images / Getty Images
Exactly 40 years ago, America’s most dramatic blackout ever hit New York City, and the city went nuts. On July 13, 1977, as Brooklyn’s poorest residents took to the streets to direct traffic, store owners set their own shopfronts on fire to optimize their insurance payouts after looting. That blackout, caused by damage to a couple of transmission lines at a nearby nuclear plant, lasted two days and caused unprecedented chaos.
It’s possible that the same could happen now — but on a global scale.
A blackout this intense could happen if our planet careens into the path of a massive solar storm. These happen all the time on a geologic scale, but one hasn’t yet occurred in the electrical era. As a species, we’re woefully unprepared for the moment when it does.
The last massive solar storm was on September 1, 1859, missing the era of global electrification by just a couple of decades. During the storm, the sun spit out a stream of plasma, white light, and electrons — a mere sliver of its total mass and energy — but that alone was strong enough to completely overwhelm Earth’s magnetic fields when it crashed into them just hours later. Even just eight minutes after the storm, an English 33-year-old amateur astronomer named Richard Carrington was trying to project sunspots onto a plate of glass when, as he later wrote, he thought “a ray of light had penetrated a hole in the screen attached to the object-glass … for the brilliancy was fully equal to that of direct sunlight.”
Terrestrial effects and aurora (there are great details about all of the effects of the solar storms of 1972, on the wikipedia page)
On August 4, an aurora shone so luminously that shadows were cast on the southern coast of the United Kingdom[1] and shortly later as far south as Bilbao, Spain at magnetic latitude 46°.[38] Extending to August 5, intense geomagnetic storming continued with bright red (a relatively rare color associated with extreme events) and fast-moving aurora visible at midday from dark regions of the Southern Hemisphere.[39]
An aurora that lit up the sky over the … – Live Science
THIS A THEORY PUT FORTH BY A RETIRED COMPUTER PROGRAMER AND INDEPENENT WEATHER RESEARCHER. She thinks it makes sense that a solar flare may have caused the sinking and subsequent communication problems. She gives no other evidence to back that theory up. No other known electromagentic incidences at that time. No one else having power outage or communication problems. No recorded Solar Flair
UPDATE: 10/12/2021;11:26:50 PM
A coronal mass ejection struck the earth’s magnetic field early this morning. The strike triggered a G2-class geomagnetic storm – which is only now subsiding. Source:Watchman
Let me preface this by saying that you can buy into this BS if you need too. Me, I am not buying it. I have shown you in this post that the Scientists have been working for years to create Auroras and they finally PERFECTED their technique. I suggest to you that they could not wait to create an opportunity to perform their magic and WOW you with their creations! AND THE WORLD JUST BUYS THE WHOLE THING. UNBELIEVEABLE!
Northern Lights shimmer farther south than usual tonight as geomagnetic storm hits Earth
The Northern Lights are driven primarily by solar winds — particles emitted from the sun that flow out through space and tear through Earth’s magnetosphere, creating a colorful light show.
Space weather
The effect of geomagnetic storms can be felt for a number of days, according to the Met Office.

Auroras spread across northern Europe, Iceland, Canada, and multiple northern-tier US states. Here from Alaska:
In Fort McMurray, the auroras were so bright, people were able to photograph them using nothing more than a cell phone.
And as you can see in the video below, the display was dynamic, producing many curtains and pillars.
Across the border in Washington, James Davenport used an actual camera to capture this amazing show over Seattle, adding: “This was my FIRST TIME seeing the aurora borealis… wow.”
He explains in the video description: “Of course, after 2 wonderful hours, right as I was freezing cold and starting to pack up, somebody yelled “look at THAT!” and it was on again! I was stunned at how vivid and dynamic the lights were, moving 10-20deg in a matter of seconds across the sky, with some faint red and green visible to the eye.”
This is how the solar wind around Earth reacted when the CME shock passed by:

Abruptly, the solar wind speed increased by 120 km/s. At the same time, the plasma density tripled, and the temperature increased almost 10-fold.

These are signs of a classic direct hit by a CME.
The storm’s G2-category apex may be over now, but lesser G1-class storms are likely for the rest of Oct. 12th. High-latitude sky watchers should remain alert for auroras.
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UPDATE: 10/12/21; 4:24:44 PM
I just found out about the Draconid Meteor Shower Last night. Interesting timing. All this stuff coming together at once and we have burst of light falling to earth from the constellation named for the DRAGON. Mind you, those bursts of light or falling stars are entities. You can be sure of that, and they are not friendly. Dark entities. DEMONIC if you will.
Draconid meteor shower lights up the night sky
Stargazers in some parts of the UK were treated to a display of meteors on Sunday.
The weather threatened to put a dampener on the annual Draconid meteor shower, but the clouds parted for some, offering a glimpse of the spectacular display.
One particularly dazzling meteor shot through the sky over Howick rocks in Northumberland as a fisherman looked on.
Named after the constellation of Draco the dragon, the shower occurs every year and is one of two meteor showers to light up the skies in October.
The shower comes from the debris of comet 21 P/ Giacobini-Zinner and occurs in the Northern Hemisphere.
It can be seen without binoculars or a telescope.
Read More
Cloud, rain and fog threaten views of Draconid meteor shower
NOW, I was looking up the Draco Meteor Shower before I found the article above and I found this pic from 2018. A quick perusal of the constellations in the grouping revealed a very interesting item… CORONA Borealis. I have not really done a deep analysis of the grouping, but it does not take a genius to connect CORONA with the current events and DRACO. It is no wonder they removed that particular item from their photo above.

I grabbed this little tidbit from SOURCE: SPACE.com
Even at their peak — which, this year, occurs just after nightfall on Friday evening — the Draconids are usually modest, generating just a few meteors per hour. Because this year’s Draconid meteor shower occurs so close to the new moon, in the absence of bright moonlight more meteors may be visible in the night sky.
The shower, which is typically active from Oct. 6 to Oct. 10 every year, occasionally puts on an incredible display. In 1933, for example, skywatchers in Europe saw up to 500 Draconids per minute, according to Space.com skywatching columnist Joe Rao. And observers throughout the Western United States saw thousands of Draconids per hour at the shower’s peak in 1946, he added.
So why did the sky part to allow only ONE “Draconid” to appear in the photos above?? Who ever heard of a Meteor shower with only only one meteor??? By the way those photos in the article above were the ONLY photos of the Draco Meteor Shower for October 2021 that I could find.
Started streaming 5 hours ago; 10/11/21; 7:20 PM
Warning solar storm hitting Earth today could disrupt power grids and satellites
An enormous solar flare is expected to hit Earth on Monday, authorities have warned, potentially affecting power grids but also meaning the northern Lights could be visible in northern England.
The flare – officially known as a coronal mass ejection (CME) – was observed on Saturday on the side of the sun directly facing our planet and comes as we enter a period of increased solar activity.
An alert was published by the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) which warned the geomagnetic storm could cause “weak power grid fluctuations” and satellite “orientation irregularities” which could increase drag on craft in low Earth orbit.
The NOAA says a geomagnetic storm is a major disturbance of Earth’s magnetosphere that occurs when there is heightened activity caused by solar winds in the space environment surrounding Earth.
They can impact satellites and disrupt global communications, as well as enhance the Northern Lights.
The Met Office said: “Aurora is possible through [the] 11th across much of Scotland, although cloud amounts are increasing, meaning sightings are unlikely.
They added: “There is a slight chance of aurora reaching the far north of England and Northern Ireland tonight, but cloud breaks and therefore sightings are more likely in Northern Ireland.”
The NOAA said their model says they expect it to hit Earth around midday US time (early evening UK time) and last until Tuesday.
The Earth is currently in the early stages of a period of increased solar activity.
Astronomers detected a large cluster of sunspots on the sun last year, which usually indicates a higher chance of solar flares and magnetic activity.
The Northern Lights appeared at the top of Scotland a few weeks ago, with people in Orkney, Moray and the Isle of Lewis taking pictures of the phenomenon.
3-Day Forecast
Issued: 2021 Oct 11 1230 UTC
Prepared by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA, Space Weather Prediction Center and processed by SpaceWeatherLive.com
A. NOAA Geomagnetic Activity Observation and Forecast
The greatest observed 3 hr Kp over the past 24 hours was 4 (below NOAA Scale levels).
The greatest expected 3 hr Kp for Oct 11-Oct 13 2021 is 6 (NOAA scale G2).
NOAA Kp index breakdown
Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13
00-03UT 3 4 2
03-06UT 3 5 (G1) 3
06-09UT 3 4 2
09-12UT 2 3 2
12-15UT 3 3 2
15-18UT 5 (G1) 3 2
18-21UT 6 (G2) 2 2
21-00UT 5 (G1) 2 2
G2 (Moderate) geomagnetic storms are likely on 11 Oct, with G1 (Minor) storm conditions likely on 11-12 Oct, due to the anticipated arrival of a CME from 09 Oct.
B. NOAA Solar Radiation Activity Observation and Forecast
Solar radiation, as observed by NOAA GOES-16 over the past 24 hours, was below S-scale storm level thresholds.
Solar Radiation Storm Forecast for Oct 11-Oct 13 2021
Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13
S1 or greater 5% 5% 5%
No S1 (Minor) or greater solar radiation storms are expected. No significant active region activity favorable for radiation storm production is forecast.
C. NOAA Radio Blackout Activity and Forecast
No radio blackouts were observed over the past 24 hours.
Radio Blackout Forecast for Oct 11-Oct 13 2021
Oct 11 Oct 12 Oct 13
R1-R2 10% 10% 10%
R3 or greater 1% 1% 1%
There exists a slight chance for R1-R2 (Minor-Moderate) radio blackouts on 11-13 Oct due to the flare potential from Region 2882.
Geomagnetic storm WARNING: Solar flare may directly hit Earth today, can disrupt power grids
A massive solar flare was observed from the side of the sun that directly faces Earth on October 9 and is due to hit Earth today.
File Photo
US agency National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a geomagnetic storm alert with a solar flare due to directly hit Earth today on October 11, 2021.
As per NOAA’s Space Weather Prediction Centre (SWPC), the resultant geomagnetic storm will disrupt power grids in higher latitude regions where the exposure will be more.
A solar flare is what scientists call a coronal mass ejection (CME). A CME was observed from the side of the sun that directly faces Earth on Saturday, October 9, 2021.
The massive solar flare directly in Earth’s direction is due to hit the atmosphere today, with warnings of electricity grid fluctuations as well as the visibility of auroras up till New York.
The solar flare hitting Earth directly may impact satellites in the low-Earth orbit, required ground control to redirect their orientations.
NOAA Space Weather @NWSSWPC
The types of EMP pulse
Scientists from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have classified EMPs into 3 categories.
- The first is called an E1. An E1 is the quickest pulse of all EMPs. It is very brief, lasting a mere microsecond. But it is extremely intense. This is the pulse from a nuclear blast or other EMP weapons.
- An E2 is a bit slower than an E1. A bolt of lightning has the characteristics of an E2. Because of this, E2 are typically the easiest to protect against. But a nuclear blast or EMP weapon has the characteristics of both an E1 and an E2 pulse. As a result, much of the protection that equipment has against an E2 might have been damaged from the initial E1 pulse in the event of a nuclear or weaponized EMP.
- The third type of pulse is an E3. This is the slowest of the pulses and could last minutes, hours, or even days. This is the type of pulse found in intense CMEs from our Sun. Our Sun is NOT known to produce E1 or E2 type pulses. (Nuclear blasts and EMP weapons will typically have all three types of pulses.)
There Are Three Things That We Know Cause EMPs: A Bolt Of Lightning, A Nuclear Explosion, And Solar Storms. Part I
Electromagnetic pulse
EMPs by high altitude detonation or CMEs are caused by the release of charged particles within the Earth’s ionosphere. The ionosphere is the shell of electrons and electrically charged particles surrounding Earth. This “shell” is found from about 30 miles to 500 miles above the Earth. The size of the ionosphere can fluctuate some based on varying factors I won’t get into here.
Anyway, a huge downward surge in particles in the ionosphere would create massive electrical currents which could “short out” all sorts of electrical power grids, transformers, and other equipment dependent on electricity.
The types of EMP pulse
Scientists from the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) have classified EMPs into 3 categories.
- The first is called an E1. An E1 is the quickest pulse of all EMPs. It is very brief, lasting a mere microsecond. But it is extremely intense. This is the pulse from a nuclear blast or other EMP weapons.
- An E2 is a bit slower than an E1. A bolt of lightning has the characteristics of an E2. Because of this, E2 are typically the easiest to protect against. But a nuclear blast or EMP weapon has the characteristics of both an E1 and an E2 pulse. As a result, much of the protection that equipment has against an E2 might have been damaged from the initial E1 pulse in the event of a nuclear or weaponized EMP.
- The third type of pulse is an E3. This is the slowest of the pulses and could last minutes, hours, or even days. This is the type of pulse found in intense CMEs from our Sun. Our Sun is NOT known to produce E1 or E2 type pulses. (Nuclear blasts and EMP weapons will typically have all three types of pulses.)
The Sun releases CMEs quite often. (Depending upon the Sun’s cycle, it could release up to 3 a day, or as few as one every 5 days. But these may or may not be strong enough to have dire consequences for Earthlings.) Most are usually pointing off in a direction that does not affect Earth.
We already know that scientists all over the world are able to create EMF/EMP weapons capable of taking out our power grid. No surprise.
We also know that scientists have been bombarding our ionosphere and atmosphere with electromagnetic waves, radio waves and heat. They are able to send waves up and pull them back down. There is not much they can’t do these days. Michio Kaku even brags that Scientists now are able to control everything on earth, including creating lightning, and clouds, and earthquakes and volcanos. There is a lot they are not telling us. But, if you continue through to the end of this post you will learn some of their secrets.
Oct 11, 2021