Well, what can I say.  As much as they protest that TRUTHERS are making to much of their intentions…they remained true to them and proved us right.

More of the same imagery and magick with a little bit of a twist to keep it interesting.  These sickos aren’t fooling anyone with EYES TO SEE and EARS TO HEAR.

The Olympics are all about transhumanism, about dualism, about FALLEN ANGELS and trapped humanity.

Maybe folks who have been blind up to now will catch one and turn away from this wickedness and seek GOD before it is too late.




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I may not agree with everything from the content producers I share. Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content in the videos / link. FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided. nbc sports


608 Subscribers
187 Views – 2 weeks ago

oh dear, cant even imagine what this symbolizes – but the worldly jabbed are probably looking forward to it

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Apollo has been recognized as a god of archery, music and dance, truth and prophecy, healing and diseases, the Sun and light, poetry, and more. One of the most important and complex of the Greek gods, he is the son of Zeus and Leto, and the twin brother of Artemis, goddess of the hunt.

From the ancient to the modern Olympic Games

Lyrical song was also represented at the closing ceremony by Benjamin Bernheim. The Franco-Swiss tenor sang the Hymn to Apollo, a little-known ancient song, accompanied on the piano by Alain Roche, who played his instrument “weightlessly”, suspended above the stage in a costume made of VHS tapes.



I LOVED the dangling piano 🎹 #closingceremony #olympics #olympics2024 #piano #hangingpiano #danielbarenboim #paris

♬ original sound – jen su

L’Hymne à Apollon is doubly relevant in this context: the work is an ancient Greek song dating from the time of the first ancient Olympic Games, and after being rediscovered in Delphi in 1893 by archaeologists from the École française d’Athènes, it was performed the following year in Paris in a new harmonisation by Gabriel Fauré during the congress that consecrated the creation of the modern Olympic Games. Source

1,253 Subscribers
247 Views – 4 days ago
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In todays video Linol Anderson decodes the Occult ritual that was performed at the Paris Olympics closing ceremony. Does this ritual give us a glimpse into a dystopian post apocalyptic world that they have planned for us ? Was this a ritual to show the return and rise of the Antichrist who is known as Apollo? This video will answer those questions and more! This video is a MUST WATCH!!! Buy me a coffee Join me on Patreon for exclusive content you don’t get anywhere else! SUBSCRIBE TO SURVIVE (click notification bell) Link to video on humans being turned into the grays REPTILIAN SECRET LEAKED: SINISTER PLOT FOR NEW ENGINEERED HUMAN RACE REVEALED 2024


In Our Skies this AUGUST   EarthSky

The 2024 Summer Olympics, officially the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad and branded as Paris 2024, were an international multi-sport event that occurred from 26 July to 11 August 2024 in France, with the opening ceremony having taken place on 26 July.

August 13 to 16 evenings: Moon points way to the Milky Way center

On these evenings, you can see the waxing gibbous moon located (more or less) in the direction to the center of our Milky Way galaxy. This is an exceedingly rich part of the sky. There are many fine stars and faint fuzzies here. Here’s a 1-minute video preview of the moon visiting AntaresScorpius the Scorpion and the Teapot.

By the evenings of August 15 and 16, 2024, the moon is crossing in front of the Teapot pattern, a beloved asterism in Sagittarius the Archer. Notice the point marking the direction to the center of the Milky Way galaxy near the Teapot, on the chart below. You can stand outside – projecting your thoughts outward to the center of our great galactic home – until after midnight. Don’t do it, you will be entering into sympathetic magic with these wicked creatures!!

The Paris 2024 Paralympic Games will be held from 28 August to 8 September with around 4400 athletes competing in 22 sports.

August 20 evening: Moon close to Saturn

On the evening of August 20, 2024, the waning gibbous moon will lie next to Saturn. The moon will occult – pass in front of – Saturn for observers from Latin America and the Caribbean, Africa and Europe at 3 UTC on August 21, 2024. They’ll rise around 9 p.m. local time and set after sunrise.

Closing Ceremony: Nike, the Goddess of Victory

Paris 2024 Olympics › paris-2024 › live-updates

Nike, the Goddess of Victory who appears on every Olympic medal, appears as an entity in the middle of the stage.

In the stands, LED bracelets handed out to spectators produce images of athletes painted on pottery, then doves of peace, and finally, the Olympic Rings.


We know that the symbolism and the locations of the events in the Opening of the Paris Olympics was all about the Virgin.  Joan of Arc, the Virgin Mary/Notre Dam.  

The only goddess I see in the clips from the Closing Ceremony is NIKE.  Was Nike a VIRGIN?

Yes, according to myth, the Greek goddess of victory, Nike, had no consort or children. She was the daughter of Styx and Pallas, and the sister of Zelos (rivalry), Kratos (strength), and Bia (force). Nike and her siblings were close friends with Zeus, and according to myth, Styx brought her children to Zeus when he was gathering allies to fight the Titans. 

Nike was also worshipped in Rome as Victoria, where she was considered the protecting goddess of the Senate. Her statue in the Curia Julia was the cause of the final battle between Christianity and paganism in the late 4th century.

For more on Saturn check out the following post:



August 25 and 26 mornings: Moon close to Jupiter, Mars and Pleiades

On the morning of August 25, 2024, the 3rd quarter moon – on its way to visit the planets  Jupiter  and Mars – will pass the Pleiades star cluster. Then on the morning of August 26, the moon will lie close to Jupiter and Mars. They’ll rise several hours before dawn. Check out the color contrast between the fiery red star Aldebaran and reddish Mars.

Around August 28 mornings: See 6 Planets across the sky

Chart showing a green arcing line along a wide horizon showing the planets Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune, Saturn and the moon with labels.
On late August mornings, all the planets but Venus appear in the morning sky. Jupiter, Mars and Saturn will be easy. Can you challenge yourself to spot the rest? Chart via EarthSky.

August 29 and 30 mornings: Moon and twin stars

On the mornings of August 29 and 30, 2024, in the east shortly before sunrise, the waning crescent moon will hang near the twin stars of GeminiPollux and Castor. The bright star Procyon of Canis Minor the lesser dog is also nearby. Can you see earthshine glowing on the moon? That’s light reflected off the Earth. How cool is that?

August 31 morning: Moon, Castor, Pollux and Beehive

And the moon will be close to the faint Beehive star cluster.   Everyone by now should now the Significance of the Beehive to the Elite.  

See more on the Twins at the following post:

Distribution of the Vaccines led by Tiberius SOFTWARE

Star chart showing a thin crescent moon near a yellow circle with 2 dots above with star labels.
Chart via EarthSky.
Jupiter and Mars,  will have a close conjunction on August 14, 2024.Jupiter spends the month in the constellation Taurus the Bull. It’s shining at -2.0 magnitude. The waning crescent moon will hang near Jupiter on August 27. Jupiter will be brightest in December this year.Mars will shine at 0.7 magnitude by month’s end, and its disk will grow to 6.3 arcminutes by the end of the month. The waning crescent moon will be near Mars on the mornings of August 27 and 28, 2024. Mars will lie in the constellation Taurus the Bull. It’ll rise about two hours before sunrise on August 1 and around over three hours before sunrise by the end of the month.Also, the shimmering Pleiades star cluster is near the two planets. Plus, the bright orangish star joining the scene is Aldebaran. It’s the brightest star in the constellation Taurus the Bull.SOURCE

September 2 – New Moon

The new Moon occurs at 9:56 p.m. EDT. New Moons are excellent times for stargazing! Learn why.

Tonight, you have a great opportunity to view three faint constellations. Look almost directly overhead around 9 p.m. local daylight time to see: Vulpecula, the Little Fox; Sagitta, the Arrow; and Delphinis, the dolphin.

  1. Vulpecula, the Little Fox, is in the Milky Way south of Albireo, the head of Cygnus, the Swan. It is said to have been invented by a Polish astronomer from stars uncommitted to any other groups. There are no named stars in it.
  2. South of Albireo, about halfway toward Altair in the Eagle, we can see at least four stars of Sagitta, the Arrow. Although it has been described as “ancient and insignificant,” this arrow appears in several cultural stories told for centuries. Ancient Greek tradition holds that Apollo killed the Cyclops with it. While the Romans believed it Cupid’s arrow.
  3. To the east of Sagitta, we find Delphinus, the Dolphin. Four stars form a diamond, and still fainter ones trail south as a tail. The gentle arch of this configuration suggests that the creature is swimming.   Dolphin: Greece’s national animal, associated with the god Delphinus, and symbolizing hope, compassion, and helping others

September 4 – Mercury   The messenger.

Mercury stands 18 degrees west of the Sun. This is the minimum value for a greatest elongation, yet the apparition is favorable for mid-northern observers because the ecliptic is nearly perpendicular to the horizon.

This speedy little planet continues to brighten rapidly, going from magnitude -0.1 now to -1.2 by the 15th, but by then it’s quickly sinking back down

September 5 – Crescent Moon and Venus    The LOVE goddess.

This evening, approximately 30 minutes after sunset, look west to see a waxing crescent Moon and Venus (to the right, low on the horizon).

You may spot Venus low on the western horizon after sunset over the course of this month.

September 8 – Scope It Out with Saturn    Nike

Best opportunity to see Saturn through a telescope. Saturn reaches opposition tonight and shines at magnitude +0.6 for most of the month. Tonight is a great night to break out your telescope!  Look for Saturn low in the east-southeast after sunset. By midnight, the bright planet will be fairly high in the southern sky.


Satanic Holidays July – September  aligning with the Olympics

Jul 20-26 Abduction, ceremonial preparation and holding of sacrificial victims for Grand Climax Da Meur oral, anal, vaginal human sacrifice female (child or adult)
Jul 25 St James Day Gathering of Herbs
Jul 27   Grand CLIMAX (5weeks, 1 day after summer soltice Da Meur oral, anal, vaginal
human sacrifice
female (child or adult)
Aug 1 Lammas Day
(Sabbat Festival)
blood animal and/or human sacrifice any age (male or female)
Aug 1 Feast of Sun God, Lug, Greeks identified Lugus with the sun god Apollo. Harvest seasons begin Fire sacrifice
Aug 3 Satanic Revels sexual oral, anal, vaginal 7-17 (female)
Aug 21 Festival of – an invocation of the goddess Hecate to protect the harvest.
Aug 23 Vulcanalia aka Hephaestus– Roman Festival  to Appease and supplicate  Vulcan God of  Destructive Fire.  Vulcan ‘s main Festival FIRE sacrifices
Aug 24 St. Bartholomew’s Day
(Great Sabbat and Fire festival)
large herb gathering
Aug 25 -Sep 2 Burning Man  marking its 38th year of celebration.  ANYTHING GOES/Do as thou Wilt FIRE
Sex, Drugs, Pagan idolatry.  Sacrificial Offerings
Sep 5- Sep 7 Marriage to the Beast (Satan) sexual sacrifice, dismemberment infant – 21 (female)
Sep 7 Feast of the Beast marriage of virgins to Satan (sacrifice) blood Blood Sacrifice/ human

Greek Holidays in August

August 15th: The day of the Panagia (Virgin Mary)
This is the second biggest religious holiday after Easter and on the island of Tinos this day is celebrated like on no other. Pilgrims by the thousands come here to crawl on their knees up the steps to the church that holds the holy Icon. But this day is also celebrated in almost every town and village in Greece especially those with a church dedicated to the Panagia (Virgin Mary). That means on the days leading up to it every boat is full and in the islands every hotel is full so keep this in mind if you are traveling these dates. But in general booking a hotel on any island in August is difficult if you don’t do it in advance.

  • Agiassosin Lesbos, the second most Holy place in Greece, the pilgrims begin arriving weeks before the 15th and by the 10th of the month the town is alive with ceremony, both religious and social, live music etc. It’s quite a party.
  • Petra in Lesbossimilar to Agiassos but not as big.
  • Stipsi in Lesbos celebbrates for 9 consecutive days after the 15th. always a good combination.
  • Anywhere you go there will be a celebration at one church or another with dancing, food and services. Usually they go on until dawn. The best ones are held in the Monasteries like Profit Elias.


After centuries of subjugation under the Ottomans; only 6 years after Waterloo (1815) when European relations were at their worse and everyone was broke; a decision was made. A huge allied fleet from Britain, France and Russia was established. Army groups from the above alongside revolutionaries from Italy, Serbia and Romania were collected. You even had Haitian and American diplomats arriving on site.
Together they and the Greeks decided that a sovereign nation of peoples had the right to decide their destiny and future.

CORONA BOREALIS AUG 2024 – The Greek Connection

2024 Olympics – Paris – WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW

COCK ‘N BULL Paris Olympics

The Greek national flag has a 200-year history; it was initially conceived during the Greek War of Independence declared against the Ottoman Empire on 1821. Although it has had some variations over the years, it has consistently featured a white cross against a blue background. Its current form was established in 1978.

Today, the Greek national flag features five equal horizontal stripes of blue (top and bottom) alternating with white, while the upper hoist-side corner bears a white cross in a blue canton. It is used both as a land and a sea flag, and also as the war and civil ensign. It is often referred to as i galanolefki “the (light) blue-and-white”, similarly to other flags dubbed, i.e., “the tricolour”. Although the current design of the national flag is 200 years old, it has been in continuous use as the sole national flag since 1978; it was originally used only as the sea flag, while the official flag a Greece had a simpler arrangement.

There has never been an official explanation regarding the choice of either the colours or the design; according to Greek lore, the blue and white are a reference to the colour of the sea and the spume of the waves, while the horizontal lines are nine echoing the number of syllables in the phrase “Eleftheria I Thanatos” (“Freedom or Death”), the motto of Greece, adopted by the Filiki Eteria (possibly inspired by the quotation “Give me liberty, or give me death!” attributed to American politician and orator Patrick Henry) or the number of letters in Eleftheria. However, this widespread theory has never been confirmed by an official source.



During the governorate of Ioannis Kapodistrias (1827–1831), a new seal based on the phoenix, the symbol of rebirth, was created. The words “Hellenic State”, accompanied with the date “1821” (the year the Greek War of Independence began) in Greek numerals, surrounded it.

This seal gave Greece’s first currency, the Phoenix, its name. The phoenix was also used as a symbol by later Greek non-monarchical governments, including the Second Hellenic Republic (1924–1935) and the junta-proclaimed republic of 1973–1974.

chat room 

Phoenix and ANGELE perform at the Olympics

Phoenix’s Olympics Plan Was Thwarted by Bees

Phoenix was asked to contribute to the Olympic celebrations with a relatively short lead time. The band was initially going to perform during the Opening Ceremony, but a buzzing issue involving some insects at the world’s most famous art museum grounded the idea, allowing them the opportunity to have a more defining presence on the final night. The significance of the moment isn’t lost on Mars. “We stayed in the empty stadium for a long time when the ceremony ended, and then it was hard to fall asleep,” he reflects. “We always considered ourselves to be outsiders and not a part of the Establishment.”
They thought of putting us on the rooftop of the Louvre for a performance. We recorded our last album, Alpha Zulu, in the Louvre. But there were bees on the roof. People were concerned about the bees. There were a lot of hives to harvest honey. These are the things you don’t know about Paris. There are certain places that contain a whole ecosystem of bees.

The Paris 2024 Olympics closing ceremony took place on Sunday (August 11), and it featured a number of performances by high-profile artists, beginning with France’s own Phoenix,Air, and Kavinsky. In addition to playing their own hits, like “Lisztomania” and “1901,” Phoenix invited Air to play “Playground Love” and Kavinsky to perform “Nightcall” with help from them and Belgian pop star Angèle. Phoenix also brought out VannDa for their song “Funky Squaredance” and Vampire Weekend’s Ezra Koenig for their recent collaborative single “Tonight.” See photos of their set, during which Olympians climbed onstage to dance along, inside Stade de France below.

To signify the handover from Paris to 2028 host Los Angeles, H.E.R. performed the American national anthem at Stade de France while also playing guitar with a backing band. The camera then cut to Tom Cruise doing various stunts inside the stadium and, in pre-recorded segments, en route to the United States to bring the Olympics to Los Angeles (to the dismay of French anti-cult groups).


From there, Red Hot Chili Peppers played “Can’t Stop” on a Los Angeles beach in front of a crowd, with singer Anthony Kiedis running around the stage with his shirt pulled over his head. Billie Eilish then sang “Birds of a Feather” next while standing atop a lifeguard box, joined by her brother, Finneas, and other musicians.

Snoop Dogg emerged from behind a massive sphinx-like sand sculpture next to rap “Drop It Like It’s Hot” and “The Next Episode,” the latter of which he was joined by Dr. Dre to perform. Snoop Dogg had a consistent presence throughout this year’s Olympics, too, from helping carry the torch ahead of the Paris 2024 opening ceremony to providing commentary at the Equestrian events.

Other performances during the Olympics closing ceremony included pianist Alain Roche, who played piano while hanging suspended mid-air, and Yseult’s show-ending rendition of “Comme d’habitude,” the French song that Frank Sinatra famously adapted into “My Way.”

Afterward, Phoenix shared the following statement about their experience: “We are infinitely happy to have had the chance to celebrate with all the athletes and the entire world at the Closing of the Olympic Games in our beloved city of Paris. It was a wonderful moment to have been invited to take the stage with our friends from France and around the world, honoring the French spirit and remaining true to our motto: Liberté, Égalité, Phoenix!(LIBEERY AND EQUALITY PHOENIX!)We are thrilled to both pass the baton to the Paralympics athletes and to Los Angeles for the forthcoming 2028 games.”

I am sorry, I do not understand why people are nuts about that man.  HE IS A DOG!  A criminal, and an evil being.  Why to people idolize and worship him?  For the same reason they worship Beyonce… because they are hypnotized sheep!!!

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105 Views – 2 days ago
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Mirrored – Fair Use (share) – 💉 “WE WILL NOT COMPLY” ☠️ Dr Taylor Marshall Aug 12, 2024 Related Links: Kamala Harris/Walz — We Have to Stay Woke (Satanic)– Goal: Our Children! By Normalizing Pedophilia Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: ‘Viruses Do NOT Exist’ A REPLAY OF COVID COMING SOONER THAN YOU THINK ….. AND THEY’VE GOT THE DEADLY SHOT ALL READY TO GO ‘YOU WILL OWN NOTHING & BE HAPPY’ – SATANIC OLYMPIC OPENING CEREMONY – MOCKING CHRISTIANITY TRAFFICKING TUNNELS UNDER CENTRAL PARK, NYC – 2020 Japan Launches COVID mRNA Vaccine Taskforce To Investigate ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ The Deep State is Real – “absolute scumbags … scumbag f*ckwads” [compilation – Marcum] Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: Vaccine Designed To Cause Lucrative Health Problems We Could Monetize NEVER FORGET THE LIES AND THE CRIMINALS FROM THE 2020 PLANDEMIC AND NOW LIVE WITH THE TRUTH IN 2024 Catholic Nun Is Dialed In: [Biden/Francis – installed murdering psychopathic globalists – Marcum] Heretic Pope Francis and the Illuminati Freemason Globalist Depopulation Agenda -V4.pdf 2024-06-25: Flash Situation Update – Ukraine’s Evil Secret That The World Needs To Know [warning] MYSTERY BABYLON’S Human Trafficking, Child Pornography, LGBT & ABORTION, PHARMAKEIA Laptop From Hell links.pdf Stop Feeding the Demons! – Loosh, Smocking, Adrenochrome, Clones, Sleep Paralysis and Mandela Effect Not So Secret D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases) testimony of evil intentions [compilation] Putin’s Adrenochrome Taskforce Intercept Israeli Ship Trafficking Hundreds of Kids Gene Decode – On Antarctica (2019) – [intel level 1 through 10] Video Compilation – Marcum Freemason/Hollywood Code Broken Compilation – Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 (MyCatholicRedPill) Philippines Demand ‘mRNA Genocide’ Investigation Following Millions of Vax Deaths Kamala Harris’ Pizzagate Crimes Exposed As Her Dad Reveals Shameful History Rise of the Satanic AI, Super Soldiers and the Coming Chaos
14.2K Subscribers
1684 Views – 5 days ago
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Warning! Satanic Mass Ritual Magic Ahead! Note: And how many Children worldwide are seing the Olympics? The Pedophile Satanic Elite have to show us (the Masses) what they want… Escecially all the children, so they ‘think’ all this is ‘Normal’… Why? So they achieve what they want… There are names for it, it is: Problem-Reaction-Solution: – Predictive Programming – Social Engineering – Subliminal Messages Predictive Programming (MKultra) Social Engineering Subliminal Messages: Mass Formation (Psychosis): Mass Hypnosis: Mass Psychosis: Trauma Based Mind Control 101: Cognitive Dissonance: MrE: What is Trauma- and Torture Based Mind Control 101 MK-Ultra Programming ? Source: PowerPoint: Lesser Magic: Non-ritual or manipulative magic, sometimes called “LESSER MAGIC” consists of the wile and guile obtained through various devices and contrived situations, which when utilized, can create ‘change, in accordance with one’s will’. ” “The Satanic Bible” Anton LaVey ( 1969) Satanic Witchcraft Spells Sorcery: Satanic Symbolism: “Signs and Symbols Rule the World, Not Words Nor Laws!” – Confucius (551-479 BCE) “When the Human Race Learns to Read the Language of Symbolism, a Great Veil Will Fall From the Eyes of Men!” – Satanic Pedophile Manly P. Hall (1901-1990) ‘The Secret Teachings of All Ages’ Shaking My Head Productions 32460 subscribers

1,337 Subscribers
148 Views – 4 days ago
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Video – Satanic Olympics Closing Ceremony Channel – RISE / R$E Website – You won’t BELIEVE this mega-ritual that took place at the Closing Ceremony of the Olympics 2024 in Paris. The Satanic Ritual showed the arrival of the Antichrist, descending from the sky to a destroyed world. He then calls up the armies of the underworld to rebuild a New Age. There are also some interesting parallels to Revelation 9:1-12.spacer
5,871 Subscribers
229 Views – 2 days ago
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Olympics Ends With Satanic Closing Ceremony, Then THIS Happens.. 🔸 GΟDRULES LΙNK ΡAGE –
