WOW, what time it is!! On the one hand, so much evil, so many dangers, so much violence and destruction. At the same time, so much TRUTH being revealed on a daily basis!! Deception being exposed. People waking up and standing up!!
If you are paying attention at all, you have to recognize that all the things that the MAINSTREAM MEDIA, the GOVERNMENT and the RULING ELITE have called CONSPIRACY THEORIES, NOW ARE EXPOSED and SHOWN TO BE THE TRUTH!
How anyone can believe these maniacs anymore is beyond my understanding.
IT should be very clear by now that those who have been ruling over us and controlling our lives are working for the dark side.
It is time to return to TRUTH!! TO REALITY!! TO GOD!!!
Do You Believe in Magick? Part 11 – Out of Body Experiences
Do You Believe in Magick? Part 23 – NEW AGE – The Magical Mystery Tour
Lucid Dreaming
It’s About TIME – Part 5 -Time Travel is Possible. The Mandela Effect is Real. The earth is FLAT. The DEVIL is a LIAR!
It’s About TIME – Part 3 – Breaking The Time Barrier

Project MKUltra[a][b] was an illegal human experimentation program designed and undertaken by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and intended to develop procedures and identify drugs that could be used during interrogations to weaken people and force confessions through brainwashing and psychological torture.[1][2] MKUltra used numerous methods to manipulate its subjects’ mental states and brain functions, such as the covert administration of high doses of psychoactive drugs (especially LSD) and other chemicals without the subjects’ consent, electroshocks,[3] hypnosis,[4][5] sensory deprivation, isolation, verbal and sexual abuse, and other forms of torture.[6][7]
MKUltra was preceded by Project Artichoke.[8][9] It was organized through the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence and coordinated with the United States Army Biological Warfare Laboratories.[10] The program engaged in illegal activities,[11][12][13] including the use of U.S. and Canadian citizens as unwitting test subjects.[11]: 74 [14][15][16] MKUltra’s scope was broad, with activities carried out under the guise of research at more than 80 institutions aside from the military,[17] including colleges and universities, hospitals, prisons, and pharmaceutical companies.[18] The CIA operated using front organizations, although some top officials at these institutions were aware of the CIA’s involvement.[11]
MKUltra was revealed to the public in 1975 by the Church Committee of the United States Congress and Gerald Ford‘s United States President’s Commission on CIA activities within the United States (the Rockefeller Commission). Investigative efforts were hampered by CIA Director Richard Helms‘s order that all MKUltra files be destroyed in 1973; the Church Committee and Rockefeller Commission investigations relied on the sworn testimony of direct participants and on the small number of documents that survived Helms’s order.[19] In 1977, a Freedom of Information Act request uncovered a cache of 20,000 documents relating to MKUltra, which led to Senate hearings.[11][20] Some surviving information about MKUltra was declassified in 2001.
Origin of the project
During the early 1940s, Nazi scientists working in the death camps of Auschwitz and Dachau conducted interrogation experiments on human subjects. Substances such as barbiturates, morphine derivatives, and hallucinogens such as mescaline were employed in experiments conducted on Jews and Soviet prisoners of war which aimed to develop a truth serum which would, in the words of one laboratory assistant to Dachau scientist Kurt Plötner, “eliminate the will of the person examined”.[21] American historian Stephen Kinzer argues that the CIA project was a “continuation” of these earlier Nazi experiments, citing the numerous German scientists who were hired to work for the U.S. as part of Operation Paperclip.[22]
American interest in drug-related interrogation experiments began in 1943, when the Office of Strategic Services began developing a “truth drug” that would produce “uninhibited truthfulness” in an interrogated person.[23][24] In 1947, the United States Navy initiated Project CHATTER, an interrogation program which saw the first testing of lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD-25) on human subjects.[25][26]
In 1950, the Central Intelligence Agency under the direction of general Walter Bedell Smith initiated a series of interrogation projects involving human subjects, beginning with the launch of Project Bluebird, officially renamed Project Artichoke on August 20, 1951.[27] Directed and overseen by brigadier general Paul F. Gaynor, the objective of Artichoke was to determine whether an individual could be made to involuntarily perform an act of attempted assassination.[28] Morphine, mescaline and LSD were all administered on unknowing CIA agents in an attempt to produce amnesia in the subjects. In addition, Project Artichoke aimed to employ certain viruses such as dengue fever as potential incapacitating agents.[29]
Aims and leadership
The project was headed by Sidney Gottlieb but began on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953.[30][31] Its aim was to develop mind-controlling drugs for use against the Soviet bloc in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques on U.S. prisoners of war during the Korean War.[32] The CIA wanted to use similar methods on their own captives, and was interested in manipulating foreign leaders with such techniques,[33] devising several schemes to drug Fidel Castro. It often conducted experiments without the subjects’ knowledge or consent.[34] In some cases, academic researchers were funded through grants from CIA front organizations but were unaware that the CIA was using their work for these purposes.
The project attempted to produce a perfect truth drug for interrogating suspected Soviet spies during the Cold War and to explore other possibilities of mind control. Subproject 54 was the Navy’s top-secret “Perfect Concussion” program, which was supposed to use sub-aural frequency blasts to erase memory; the program was never carried out.[35]
Most MKUltra records were destroyed in 1973 by order of CIA director Richard Helms, so it has been difficult for investigators to gain a complete understanding of the more than 150 funded research subprojects sponsored by MKUltra and related CIA programs.[36]
The project began during a period of what English journalist Rupert Cornwell described as “paranoia” at the CIA, when the U.S. had lost its nuclear monopoly and fear of communism was at its height.[37] CIA counter-intelligence chief James Jesus Angleton believed that a mole had penetrated the organization at the highest levels.[37] The agency poured millions of dollars into studies examining ways to influence and control the mind and enhance its ability to extract information from resistant subjects during interrogation.[38][39] Some historians assert that one goal of MKUltra and related CIA projects was to create a Manchurian Candidate-style subject.[40] American historian Alfred W. McCoy has claimed that the CIA attempted to focus media attention on these sorts of “ridiculous” programs so that the public would not look at the research’s primary goal, which was effective methods of interrogation.[38]
The 1976 Church Committee report found that, in the MKDELTA program, “Drugs were used primarily as an aid to interrogations, but MKULTRA/MKDELTA materials were also used for harassment, discrediting or disabling purposes.”[41][42][43]
Other related projects
In 1964, MKSEARCH was the name given to the continuation of the MKULTRA program. The MKSEARCH program was divided into two projects dubbed MKOFTEN and MKCHICKWIT. Funding for MKSEARCH commenced in 1965, and ended in 1971.[44] The project was a joint project between the U.S. Army Chemical Corps and the CIA’s Office of Research and Development to find new offensive-use agents, with a focus on incapacitating agents. Its purpose was to develop, test, and evaluate capabilities in the covert use of biological, chemical, and radioactive material systems and techniques of producing predictable human behavioral and/or physiological changes in support of highly sensitive operational requirements.[44]
By March 1971 over 26,000 potential agents had been acquired for future screening.[45] The CIA was interested in bird migration patterns for chemical and biological warfare (CBW) research; subproject 139 designated “Bird Disease Studies” at Penn State.[46] MKOFTEN was to deal with testing and toxicological transmissivity and behavioral effects of drugs in animals and, ultimately, humans.[44] MKCHICKWIT was concerned with acquiring information on new drug developments in Europe and Asia, and with acquiring samples.[44]
Experiments on Americans
CIA documents suggest that they investigated “chemical, biological, and radiological” methods of mind control as part of MKUltra.[47] They spent an estimated $10 million or more, roughly $87.5 million adjusted for inflation.[48]
Here’s a List of the Most Horrifying U.S. Government Experiments
If you have not viewed the following related posts, check them out.
The BEGINNING OF THE END – Part 7 – Mind Control Programming
The BEGINNING OF THE END – Part 8 – The Unbelievable and Inconceivable
The BEGINNING OF THE END – Part 3 – Mind Blowing Experiments
ADDITION TO The BEGINNING OF THE END – Part 3a – More Mind Blowing Experiments
The CIA Recruited ‘Mind Readers’ to Spy on the Soviets in the 1970s

During the tense period of the Cold War, the U.S. government sought to deploy a potent new weapon against the Soviet Union: mind-reading.
In a highly classified project conducted first in a California research lab in the 1970s, and later at an Army base in Maryland, the CIA, Army and Defense Intelligence Agency recruited men and women claiming to have powers of extrasensory perception (ESP) to help uncover military and domestic intelligence secrets.
In 2017, the CIA declassified some 12 million pages of records revealing previously unknown details about the program, which would eventually become known as Project Star Gate. By the time the program was shut down in 1995, psychics known as “remote viewers” had taken part in a wide array of operations, from locating hostages kidnapped by Islamic terrorist groups to tracing the paths of fugitive criminals within the United States.

HISTORY Vault: Great Spy Stories of the 20th Century
Delves into celebrated espionage cases of the 20th Century involving spies, moles, dead drops, disguises, gadgets, and more.
The roots of Project Star Gate go back to 1972, when a classified report made waves within the U.S. military and intelligence communities by claiming that the Soviet Union was pouring money into research involving ESP and psychokinesis—the ability to move objects with the mind—for espionage purposes. In response, the CIA began funding its own top-secret research, headquartered at the Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, California.

Psychic Uri Geller led ESP investigations.
Late that year, the research team at SRI invited Uri Geller, an ex-Israeli paratrooper who had become internationally famous for his psychic powers, to Menlo Park for testing. Though Geller was best known for his alleged ability to bend metal cutlery with his mind, the CIA was much more interested in another of his professed skills: the ability to read other people’s minds, and even control their minds with his own.
As Annie Jacobsen writes in her book Phenomena: The Secret History of the U.S. Government’s Investigations into Extrasensory Perception and Psychokinesis, the declassified documents show that CIA analysts wanted to probe Geller’s abilities in the area of “mind projection” and its possible use for national security purposes.
According to Jacobsen, Geller played a key role in setting into motion the U.S. government’s investigation into ESP and psychokinesis. In the winter of 1975, she writes, Geller even took part in a series of classified psychokinesis tests at a lab in Livermore, California, where scientists were developing advanced nuclear warheads, laser systems and other emerging weapons technologies.

The CIA shut down its work with ESP in the late 1970s, and the program moved to the U.S. Army’s Fort Meade in Maryland, where it was funded by the Defense Intelligence Agency. Over the better part of the next two decades, Congress continued to approve funds for the remote viewing program.
“It seems to me a hell of a cheap radar system,” Rep. Charlie Rose of North Carolina told fellow members of the House Select Committee on Intelligence during a meeting about psychic research in 1979. “And if the Russians have it and we don’t, we’re in serious trouble.”
Psychics helped with top-secret programs.
Army veteran Joseph McMoneagle stood out among the remote viewers who worked with the government’s top-secret program. As he later told the Washington Post, McMoneagle was involved in some 450 missions between 1978 to 1984, including helping the Army locate hostages in Iran and pointing CIA agents to the shortwave radio concealed in the pocket calculator of a suspected KGB agent captured in South Africa.
Another remote viewer, Angela Dellafiora Ford, was asked in 1989 to help track down a former customs agent who had gone on the run, she recounted recently on the CBS News program 48 Hours. She was able to pinpoint the man’s location as “Lowell, Wyoming,” even as U.S. Customs was apprehending him 100 miles west of a Wyoming town called Lovell.
Publicly, the Pentagon continued to deny it was spending money on any kind of psychic research, even as reports leaked out in the 1980s of the details of the government’s experiments. Finally, in 1995, the CIA released a report conducted by the independent American Institutes for Research, which acknowledged the U.S. government’s long-rumored work with remote viewing for military and intelligence purposes.
The report also declared Star Gate as a failure, arguing that “it remains unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated.” Though the analysts acknowledged that some trials had been successful and that “something beyond odd statistical hiccups is taking place,” they concluded that any information remote viewing had provided had been too “vague and ambiguous” and did not produce “actionable intelligence.”
‘Spidey sense’ was investigated among Marines.
The shutdown of the program that year did not mark the end of the government’s interest in psychic phenomena. In 2014, Jacobsen writes, the Office of Naval Research launched a four-year program (costing some $3.85 million) to explore the use of premonition or intuition—what is popularly known as a “sixth sense” or even a “Spidey sense,” in honor of the web-throwing superhero—among sailors and Marines. And Dr. Edwin May, the former Star Gate research head, has continued to argue on behalf of ESP as a legitimate tool for military and domestic intelligence long after the program was shut down. In 2015, May told Newsweek that his most recent ESP study, funded by the non-profit Bial Foundation, “is probably the best experiment in the history of the field.”
Whatever its use for espionage purposes, belief in the powers of ESP has a long-running history of support among ordinary Americans: According to a 2005 Gallup poll, 73 percent of Americans at the time believed in some kind of paranormal phenomena, with 41 percent of those polled saying they believe in ESP specifically.

Strategic Analysis:
A Monthly Journal of the IDSA
Clairvoyant Remote Viewing: The US Sponsored Psychic Spying
M. Srinivasan * , Former Associate Director, BARC
’Remote Viewing,’ popularly known as Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) is the ability of human being to perceive information and imagery of remote geographical targets. Advanced practitioners of the Indian Yoga system were well acquainted with ‘Divya Drishti.’
This paper deals with experiments conducted in USA in which certain individuals were trained to acquire such ‘Remote Viewing’ capabilities for collecting military intelligence.
During the Cold War years, the USA and Soviet Union are known to have been spying on each other using the services of psychic ‘remote viewers’, with the specific objective of gathering intelligence information of military significance. In simple terms ‘remote viewing’ is ‘the ability of human participants to acquire information about spatially (and temporally) remote geographical targets otherwise inaccessible by any known sensory means’.
There were two complementary components to the US Remote Viewing programme:
(a) A research programme on ‘Anomalous Cognition (AC)’ directed initially by physicists Hal Putoff and Russell Targ at the laboratories of Stanford Research International (SRI) at Menlo Park, California which was shifted in 1988 to Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), under the direction of Edwin May. The findings of their early studies have been reported in prestigious scientific journals during the 1970s. 1-3
(b) Mission-oriented operational assignments overseen by various intelligence agencies of the US Government, code-named Project STARGATE.
Information regarding this top-secret programme was partly declassified by the CIA in July 1995 following the thaw in the Cold War. Since then, several research articles 4 and many books 5-10 have been published by some of the persons who were closely associated with this programme. These authors have however expressed regret that they had not been permitted to reveal much of the ‘sensitive’ details of the programme. The present brief account is based on the published sources of information.
Background to Remote Viewing Faculty
The faculty of Remote Viewing is popularly also known as Extra Sensory Perception (or ESP for short), a term coined by the pioneering parapsychology researcher J.B. Rhine in 1934. Students of Indian Yogic lore are however well acquainted with it. Aphorism 3.26 of Patanjali’s classic work Yoga Sutras (400 B.C.) describes the first of the ashta-siddhis (or psychic powers) that a serious practitioner of Yoga can acquire as ‘obtaining knowledge of the small, the hidden or distant by directing the light of superphysical faculty’. Russell Targ, has commented that the techniques used by the US viewers for ‘looking into the distance and the future’ are ‘strikingly similar to the detailed instructions given in the Yoga Sutra!’
Most ancient civilisations appear to have been acquainted with the knowledge of this particular faculty of the human mind. In both Indian and Chinese scriptures there are instances of the clairvoyant skills of people being used as a tool for obtaining relevant military information in the battle-ground.
It is learnt that the US Government authorities started paying serious attention to investigating the possible applicability of ‘remote viewing’ techniques for military purposes only when a book titled Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, authored by Sheila Ostrander and Lynn Schroeder, was published in 1970 11 . This book appears to have jolted the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) into action, triggering what one journalist has dubbed as the ‘Race for Inner Space’! Hal Puthoff, the founder and first Director of the SRI Studies has given a graphic account of how it all began in his recollections of the programme. 6
Laboratory Investigations of Remote Viewing
Systematic scientific investigation of telepathy and ESP had been carried out 12 in the US by J.B. Rhine and his associates during the 1930s and the 1940s at Dukes University, using a set of five ‘Zener Cards’ containing symbols such as square, circle, star, plus sign, and a wavy pattern. One of these cards selected at random would be kept open in one room and a ‘transmitting agent’ would focus his mental attention and concentration on the same. A ‘receiver’ or ‘viewer’ sitting in an adjacent room would try to guess which card is open. The success rate in such ‘card guessing’ tests would be recorded. If the experimental hit rate was statistically more significant than the ‘chance expectation’ rate of one in five (or 20 per cent) it would be interpreted as evidence of a telepathic or ESP mode of information transfer.
Unfortunately, to obtain statistically significant results the experiment had to be repeated thousands of times and this led to ‘decline effects’ due to boredom (or tiredness) on the part of the remote viewer. To overcome this problem, parapsychology researchers at SRI started using a set of pictures taken from the National Geographic magazine instead of the zener cards. A ‘rank order’ method of quantifying the success rate was developed for this.
The focus of research then shifted to assessing the success rate in ‘test bed’ or field trials where a remote viewer was asked to sense and describe a natural scene or a military site where an ‘agent’ or ‘beacon’ was located. Both the ‘transmitting agent’ at the site and the ‘viewer’ or ‘receiver’ sitting in the lab would be asked to fill out an identical 30 point questionnaire with a yes (’1’) or no (’0’) marking. This method of assessment was first developed by Princeton University researchers in their Engineering Anomalies Research Programme 13 while investigating ‘Precognitive Remote Perception’. Using advanced mathematical methods developed in the field of artificial intelligence and pattern recognition, the degree of success of the remote viewer was quantified.
In the next stage of research simulating military spying missions, the presence of the transmitting ‘agent’ at the target site was dispensed with and the remote viewer was encouraged to view relevant military targets within the US, given only the latitude and longitude of the target site. A brief summary of the outcome of the research on ‘anomalous cognition’ sponsored by the US Government is available in Edwin May’s website <>. Dr. May was the Director of this research at SAIC when the programme was officially terminated in 1995.
Examples of Some “Test Bed” Trials
In the course of their investigations the SRI researchers identified at least six ‘star performers’ with an extraordinary inborn remote viewing talent. While the names of some of them have been revealed, others are only identified by a code number. Those revealed are briefly mentioned below:
(a) Remote Viewing of a High Technology Site (May 7, 1987)
Viewer: Receiver # R-372 (Now known to be Joe McMoneagle)
Primary Target Site: Electron Accelerator at The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL).
Cue Supplied: Name and Social Security Number of an Intelligence Officer (’target person’) unknown to the remote viewer or others stationed at SRI Labs.
Assignment: Describe the target person’s movements and the ambience of his surroundings at eight-hour intervals during a span of 24 hours.
Target Person’s Actual Movements: Besides moving in the LLNL site, the target person also visited the windmill farm just outside the LLNL premises at 4 P.M.
Results: “Fuzzy Set Analysis” of the various descriptions provided by the receiver showed that the overall accuracy of the remote viewing was 77 per cent and overall reliability 78 per cent. The reliability of the description of the windmill farm was 100 per cent (accuracy is defined as the ‘percentage of target elements described correctly by the viewer’ and reliability as ‘percentage of receivers response that is correct’.)
(b) Swimming Pool Complex at Rinconada Park, Palo Alto (1974)
This viewing was carried out by Pat Price who was described by Russell Targ as one of their ‘psychic treasures’. The target was selected randomly from out of a ‘target pool’ of sites, unknown to Pat Price and Russell Targ who were stationed inside a ‘Faraday Cage’ in the Radio Physics Building of SRI International Labs. Hal Puthoff and an associate Bart drove off to the target site, which was five miles away. After the alloted time of 30 minutes, Pat Price was asked to view and describe the target site.
Pat said he saw ‘a circular pool of water about a hundred feet in diameter’ (it was actually 110 ft); he also saw ‘a rectangular pool 60 ft by 80 ft’ (it was actually 75’ by 100’); he went on to describe a concrete block house which was also at the site. He drew a diagram of the complex. Pat said that the site seemed to be a water purification plant and drew two water storage tanks and some rotating machinery such as pumps etc.
After completing the drawing and description, all of them drove to the site to assess the accuracy of Pat’s viewing. Everything was remarkably accurate except for the two water tanks and the water purification plant, which were absent.
Pat Price’s inclusion of the non-existent tanks remained a puzzle for 21 years. However, the mystery was unexpectedly solved in March 1995 when, as part of the ‘centennial celebrations’ of the city of Palo Alto, a commemorative volume was published. This brochure carried a picture of the Rinconada Park site taken in 1913 on the occasion of the inauguration of the city’s new water works showing two water tanks exactly at the location indicated by Pat Price in his 1974 viewing!
This amazing example brings out one of the remarkable features of remote viewing, namely the ability of consciousness to access the past. In RV literature it is referred to as ‘retro cognition’ while in ancient Indian texts it is described as accessing the ‘akashic records’!
(c) Discovery of Rings around Planet Jupiter
Ingo Swann6 the famous psychic who was in fact responsible for getting Hal Puthoff and his colleagues at SRI Labs interested in ‘investigating the boundary between the animate and inanimate’ in 1972, suggested carrying out an experiment to remote-view the planet Jupiter before the upcoming NASA Pioneer-10 flyby. Much to the “chagrin of Ingo Swann and the SRI researchers, he found a ring around Jupiter and wondered if perhaps he had remote-viewed the planet Saturn by mistake”. But when the Pioneer-10 flyby did take place it confirmed the existence of rings around Jupiter.
(Interestingly, a Pune based medical doctor by the name of Dr. P.V.Vartak has contacted this writer and sent newspaper clippings describing his astral visits to the Moon, Mars and Jupiter.)
Examples of Operational Assignments
The following are brief summaries of some very interesting operational assignments as reported in the declassified remote viewing literature.
(a) Radio Listening Post: Urals (1974)
A ‘receiver’ volunteered to ‘scan’ the Soviet Union for a radio listening post and claimed to have found one located at Latitude 65-degrees, 0-minutes, 57-seconds (North) and Longitude 59-degrees, 59-minutes, 59-seconds (East) (note the astonishing precision in pinpointing the geographical coordinates!). The receiver then described the detailed geographical features of the surroundings of the site as follows:
“Elevation, 6200 ft. Scrubby brush, tundra-type ground hummocks, rocky outcroppings, mountains with fairly steep slopes. Facing north for about 60 miles, ground slopes to marshland. A mountain chain runs off to the right, about 35-degrees east of north. Facing south, mountains run fairly north and south. Facing west, mountains drop down to foothills for 60 miles or so: some rivers running roughly north. Facing east, mountains are rather abrupt, dropping to rolling hills and to flat land. Area site underground, reinforced concrete, doorways of steel of the roll-up type. Unusually high ratio of women to men, at least at night. I see some helipads, concrete. Light rail tracks run from pads to another set of rails that parallel the doors into the mountain. 30 miles north (5-degrees west of north) of the site is a radar installation with one large (165 ft) dish and 10 small fast-track dishes.”
The above report was verified by personnel in the sponsor organisation as being substantially correct.
(b) Nuclear Research Centre at Semipalatinsk, in the former Soviet Union (July 1974)
This was CIA’s very first operational viewing assignment. The viewer was Pat Price. Pat was asked to describe what was located at a suspected underground nuclear testing site in the former Soviet Union known by the code name PNUTS. CIA indicated that it was of great interest to them. They had in their possession a spy satellite photograph of the site.
The viewer was given only the geographical coordinates of the site in degrees, minutes and seconds (This type of viewing has been referred to as ‘Coordinate Remote Viewing’). Pat was also told that the site was an R&D test facility. The government’s representative decided that if the viewer described either the known multi-story crane or odd structures resembling oil well derricks, then they would continue.
Pat’s description of this remote site in his own words was, “I am lying on my back on the roof of a two or three storeyed brick building. It’s a sunny day. The sun feels good. There’s this most amazing thing. There is a giagantic crane moving back and forth over my head . . . As I drift up in the air and look down, it seems to be riding on a track with one rail on each side of the building. I’ve never seen anything like that”. This viewing assignment continued for a couple weeks during which he drew pictures of the gigantic gantry crane and many other items at the site such as “a cluster of compressed gas cylinders” which were also visible in the satellite pictures. The gantry crane was moving on eight large wheels, two on each of the four legs. This unique feature was confirmed by the satellite photos. (The remarkable similarity of his drawing of the crane and the satellite photo can be seen in Ed May’s website <>).
In later sessions, Pat described the activities in the interior of the building on top of which he was lying earlier. He explained that “people were assembling a giant 60 ft diameter metal sphere using thick metal ‘gores’ like sections of an orange peel, but the workmen were having trouble welding it all together as the pieces were warping; they were therefore looking for a lower temperature welding material”.
SRI researchers were later told that the site was the super-secret Soviet atomic bomb laboratory at Semipalatisk. They also learnt three years later from a news item published in Aviation Week magazine that “the sphere which was about 58 feet in diameter was intended to capture and store energy from nuclear driven explosives or pulse power generators”. (Russell Targ has commented that ‘the accuracy of Price’s drawing is the sort of thing that I as a physicist would never have believed, if I had not seen it for myself.)
(c) A Spectacular Example of Precognitive Remote Viewing
(Carried out by Joe McMoneagle in September 1979)
Mission: Spy satellite photographs had shown suspicious heavy construction activity around a building located 100 meters from a large body of water, somewhere in northern Russia. The National Security Council (NSC) wanted to know what was going on there.
Assignment: Joe was given only the geographical coordinates (latitude and longitude) and asked to describe the site.
When Joe said it was a “cold location, near a body of water with large buildings and smoke stacks etc”, NSC was satisfied that he was probably at the right site. They then showed him the satellite photograph in their possession and asked him to find out what was going on inside the building. Joe said, “The interior is very large and noisy; active working area, full of scaffolding, girders and blue flashes probably arc welding.” He took a break and continued in another session, ”Probably a huge submarine under construction (Draws a sketch with dimensions, etc). A long flat deck; strangely angled missile tubes, about 18 to 20 in number. A new type of mechanism to drive the submarine (nuclear powered?); a double hull.”
At this point the NSC representatives figured that Joe must be wrong because if what he said was true, it would be the world’s biggest submarine! No US intelligence agency had ever heard of it. The US did not possess a submarine this large. Besides, who would build a submarine in a building so far from water? How would they launch it? But since Joe had acquired the reputation of being very accurate, NSC asked him to ‘view the future’ and find out when it would be launched!
Joe ‘scanned the future month by month’ and said the Russians would blast a channel to connect the building with the body of water and launch the submarine in four months.
Confirmation : In January 1980, exactly as predicted by Joe, spy satellite pictures confirmed the launching of the world’s biggest submarine after construction of an artificlal channel connecting the building to the water. It had 20 missile tubes, a large flat deck etc exactly as described by Joe!
(This example brings out spectacularly the ‘non local nature of consciousness’ not only in space but also in time, even into the future!)
(d) Location of hostage being held in Lebanon (February 1988)
The US Defense Intelligence Agency asked where Marine Col.William Higgins was being held as hostage in Lebanon. A viewer said Higgins was in a specific building in a specific South Lebanon village. A released hostage later confirmed that Higgins had probably been in that building at that time.
(c)Another example of Precognitive Remote Viewing (1989)
Pentagon asked a viewer about possible Libyan response to U.S. criticism of chemical weapons work at Rabta.
The viewer’s response: A ship named ‘Patua’ or ‘Potua’ would arrive in Tripoli to transport chemicals to an eastern Libyan port.
Verification: A ship named ‘Batato’ in fact arrived in Tripoli and loaded undetermined cargo, which was transported to an eastern Libyan port.
Implications and Conclusions:
The intelligence community in the US clearly seems to value RV data whenever it is available, as a very useful additional input, complementing information gathered through various other means and methods. For example, in the present war against terrorism there is every reason to speculate that the agencies involved in tracking down Osama Bin Laden must have sought the help of some of their reputed ‘remote viewers’ for whatever value it may be.
However, the more important implication of the findings of RV research to humanity as a whole perhaps is that it serves to validate the age-old concept of many Eastern wisdom-traditions that have always emphasised the non-local nature of human ‘consciousness’. Thus it serves to provide some degree of scientific validity to various forms of spiritual and distant healing practices as emphasised by Russell Targ himself in his 1997 book titled Miracles of Mind. 9
Another very important aspect emerging from RV research is the question of precognition and its implications. It again seems to give a measure of ‘scientific credence’ to various stunning but anecdotal stories of premonitions and remarkably successful ‘predictions’ such as that of Edgar Casey. Princeton University’s PEAR group and others have discussed these implications in depth. 13 Precognition touches on some very fundamental philosophical questions regarding free will and causality.
In view of the importance and implications of the subject of Remote Viewing to our understanding of Consciousness and considering that Remote Viewing had already been discussed in considerable depth in our ancient scriptures, it is high time that the subject be taken up for systematic evaluation at some reputed academic institution(s) in India. In particular, it would be of great interest to verify if appropriate yogic/meditation/or other training practices can help to train subjects in developing Remote Viewing skills as claimed by some yoga scholars in India. 15
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Do You Believe in Magick? Part 7 – Easternization of the USA
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Do You Believe in Magick? Part 11 – Out of Body Experiences
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The CIA’s Psychic Spies Revealed!
Thanks to Blinkist for sponsoring our investigation of Stargate! Go to to start your free 7-day trial and get 25% off a Premium membership The Stargate Project was the CIA’s top-secret spy program that investigated psychic abilities, particularly one known as Remote Viewing, the power to psychically observe things across immense distances. What evidence is there that remote viewing is truly possible, and why was the Stargate Project shut down for good? The CIA’s psychic spies bent the laws of the universe… but they had no idea what a mind-melting trip they were in for. The CIA’s Psychic Spies Revealed! PART 2
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• Nikola Tesla: The Man, Myth, and Cons…
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Thanks to Endel for sponsoring our investigation of Stargate! The first 100 to download Endel at… will get a free week of audio experiences! The Stargate Project was a top-secret CIA spy program that investigated Remote Viewing, the psychic ability to observe people, places, and things across space and time using the “third eye”. This episode will cover the evolution of Project Stargate and the actual military missions carried out by a specialized unit remote viewers. Finally, we will explore Stargate’s demise and uncover the strange truth as to why the Project was shut down. The CIA’s Psychic Spies Revealed! PART 1
• The CIA’s Psychic Spies Revealed!

#Logos #RemoteViewing #Christianity In this stream I discuss the history of remote viewing in the C.I.A. Gateway project and the US Army Stargate project. Topics discussed include the Monroe Institute, Hemi-sync, binaural beats, UFOs, and more. Make sure to check it out and let me know what you think. God bless
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Proof of life after death? ‘Spirit’ caught on camera on home CCTV system
EXTRAORDINARY footage of a “ball of energy” captured on a home CCTV system has gone viral online.
The orb as it was captured in a still from the video.
Some viewers believe the glowing orb could be a spirit of a dead human being or even the initial manifestation of a ghost.
But others have even tried linking the capture to aliens and UFOs.
68 subscribers
EXTRAORDINARY footage of a “ball of energy” captured on a home CCTV system has gone viral online. The strange video, which shows an object that appears to display intelligent movement, has sparked a debate about what it could be. The clip, that has been viewed thousands of times, was filmed on the front drive of a home in Peru, South America, on August 5. Some viewers believe the glowing orb could be a spirit of a dead human being or even the initial manifestation of a ghost. But other viewers were less impressed and did not think it was a paranormal sighting. Daniel Silva posted on YouTube: “It’s a drone, or swamp gas or the planet Venus!” Swamp gas is a common names for biogas which forms in wetlands, and is made up of methane with hydrogen sulfide and carbon dioxide as minor compositions. Other sceptics say that these orbs, caught on camera before are just insects or dust that are reflecting against the camera.
EVENT: Jan 16th – Tomorrow Talks: How out-of-body experiences shape our understanding of consciousness
The research around out-of-body experiences (OBE’s) is a growing inquiry that challenges many scientific assumptions around the material world and our understanding of consciousness beyond the physical brain.
Join Dr. David Acunzo, Dr. Marina Weiler, and Pat Belisle, researchers and facilitators at UVA’s Division of Perceptual Studies, for a comprehensive exploration of what out-of-body experiences entail, and how they can change a person’s life.
Using the latest insights from neuroscience and psychotherapy, this workshop will delve into OBE’s conceptual essence and the current state of scientific insights surrounding them. The workshop will also actively engage the audience by introducing exercises designed to facilitate the induction of OBEs.
Location: Common House, 206 W. Market St., Charlottesville, VA 22902
Date: January 16th, 2024
Time: 6:30pm (EST)
Link: Tomorrow Talks
Using Virtual Reality to Explore the Neuroscience of Out-of-Body Experiences
When I was young, I remember first hearing the phrase “out-of-body experience” in reference to the Shirley Maclaine TV series “Out on a Limb.” At the time, I remember thinking of it as a mystical, mysterious state. Now, researchers know these experiences can happen through meditation, sensory deprivation, or when hearing death, but little is still understood about what happens when a person sees themselves and their environment from outside their own body. In a new study, cognitive neuroscientists used a novel virtual reality protocol to study what happens in the brain during these types of experiences.
“Out-of-body experiences are subjective experiences reflecting a complex perceptual distortion of the body image, due to a functional disturbance of the multisensory processing of body and self,” says Charlotte Martial of the University of Liège in Belgium, lead author of the study published in the Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. Because of the varied contexts in which these experiences can occur, it’s critical to have a baseline understanding of the underlying science, she says.
Using virtual reality to simulate the conditions of an out-of-body experience in the lab, Martial and colleagues measured electrical activity in the brains of their subjects. Their EEG analysis showed a power shift that included a prominent role of delta activity, adding to other work showing this shift during particular conscious states.
I spoke to Martial about these findings, how she got started, and future work in this area.
CNS: How did you become personally interested in this research area?
Martial: To be honest, it was a pure coincidence. Indeed, I wanted to do neuroscience research on consciousness and I had the chance to meet the director of the Coma Science Group who was searching for someone working on the phenomenon of near-death experiences; this is one of the most common conditions in which individuals can experience an out-of-body experience. We obtained a grant which permitted us to set up different experiments on the topic. I’m now more than happy about this coincidence!
CNS: What were you most excited to find? Were any findings surprising?
Martial: We were very excited to observe the neural correlates associated with the subjective impression to leave the body. However, the experience was so tricky that not all participants had a subjective experience that we can compare to out-of-body experience. Indeed, most of the participants reported the feeling of floating in the air and of feeling high up in the virtual room at a strong intensity, but a relatively weak to moderate feeling of being out of their body.
Thanks to the analyses of my colleague Pablo Nùñez, we found that these subjective experiences were associated with a specific EEG signature, which was manifested notably in an increased relative power in the delta and a decreased relative power in the alpha band. These results are interesting, notably because they support a growing body of evidence revealing a prominent role of slow wave activity such as delta during particular conscious states, as for example the psychedelic literature has shown.
CNS: What was it like working with virtual reality?
Martial: We used virtual reality to try to induce a self distortion comparable to out-of-body experience because as researchers, we can’t be there when people experience a spontaneous out-of-body experience. It was very challenging, as it was new to us to work with such a technique. Thankfully, we were very well supported by our colleagues from the University of Barcelona who were experts in virtual reality technology. Just setting up the head-mounted-display on top of the EEG cap was quite complicated, but we were able to succeed.
CNS: What do you most want people to understand about this work and why it’s important?
Martial: Although some improvements can be made in our methodology, this study provides a proof-of-concept for studying the phenomenon of out-of-body experiences in laboratory settings. This is important because this type of subjective experience can be lived by anybody, and may sometimes be confusing, leading to subsequent consequences on a person’s life and the way they see themselves. Better understanding this phenomenon from a scientific perspective is essential.
CNS: What’s next for this line of work? And how best can these findings be applied to future studies?
Marital: I would like to continue in this direction, by using some other methods to induce out-of-body experience or near-death-like experience in laboratory settings, to better understand these fascinating phenomena. I’m actively trying to find financial support to use psilocybin in laboratory settings, because we have shown that this substance can induce a phenomenology very similar to near-death experience.
-Lisa M.P. Munoz
Psilocybin (magic mushrooms): What it is, effects and risks
Psilocybin is a hallucinogenic chemical in certain mushrooms known as magic mushrooms. Eating mushrooms that contain psilocybin can have a variety of effects, ranging from euphoria to hallucinations.
Some people use psilocybin as a recreational drug. It can provide feelings of euphoria and sensory distortion that are common to hallucinogenic drugs, such as LSD.
Psilocybin is a Schedule I substance, meaning that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) believes it has a high potential for abuse and serves no legitimate medical purpose.
Although current research does not consider psilocybin addictive, users may experience disturbing hallucinations, anxiety, and panic after taking the drug.
This article explains how psilocybin works, including the potential effects and risks.
Fast facts on psilocybin
- Psilocybin can have both positive and negative physical and psychological effects.
- Psilocybin is not naturally addictive.
- The drug can trigger psychotic episodes.
- Individuals with a family history of psychosis face an increased risk of an adverse psychiatric reaction to psilocybin.

Psilocybin is a hallucinogen that people can ingest through certain types of mushrooms.
How it works
Psilocybin works by activatingTrusted Source serotonin receptors, most often in the prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain affects mood, cognition, and perception. Hallucinogens also work in other regions of the brain that regulate arousal and panic responses.
Psilocybin does not always cause active visual or auditory hallucinations. Instead, it distorts how some people who use the drug perceive objects and people already in their environment.
The quantity of the drug a person consumes, their past experiences, and their expectations of how the experience will take shape can all impact the effects of psilocybin.
According to the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA), the hallucinogenic effects of psilocybin usually occur within 30 minutes after a person ingests it and last 4–6 hours.
In some individuals, changes in sensory perception and thought patterns can last for several days.
The potency of a magic mushroom depends on:
- species
- origin
- growing conditions
- harvest period
- whether a person eats them fresh or dried
The EMCDDA suggests the amount of psilocybin in dried mushrooms is about 10 times higher than that of their fresh counterparts.
Mushrooms containing psilocybin are small and usually brown or tan. In the wild, people may mistake mushrooms containing psilocybin for any number of other mushrooms that are poisonous.
People usually consume psilocybin as a brewed tea or prepare it with a food item to mask its bitter taste. Manufacturers also crush dried mushrooms into a powder and prepare them in capsule form.
Some people who consume these mushrooms cover them with chocolate.
Extent of use
According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, 7.4 million Americans ages 12 and older used hallucinogens, including psilocybin, in 2021. Of this number, adults ages 18–25 were the most frequent users.
Psilocybin has been used in various cultures and locations across the world, potentially as far back as 8,000 years ago, according to a 2022 reviewTrusted Source.
In modern times, psilocybin use may be recreational at dance clubs or by people seeking a transcendent spiritual experience.
In medical settings, psilocybin may show promise in helping to treat or manage the following conditions:
- addiction
- depression
- end-stage cancer mood disorders
However, the review authors highlight that research is ongoing.
Street names for magic mushrooms
People may also refer to magic mushrooms as:
The effects of psilocybin are generally similar to those of LSD. They include altered perception of time and space and intense changes in mood and feeling.
Other possible effects of psilocybin include:
What impacts effects?
The effects of psilocybin vary between people, based onTrusted Source the user’s mental state, personality, and immediate environment.
If the user has a mental health condition or feels anxious about using the hallucinogen, they face a higher risk of having a bad experience.
Psychological distress is a potential adverse event after recreational use of psilocybin. This distress can take the form of extreme anxiety or short-term psychosis.
Psilocybin as a treatment for depression
Researchers have investigated whether psychological specialists can use psilocybin and similar hallucinogens to treat depression.
One study examined the ability of psilocybin to reduce depression symptoms without dulling emotions. Results indicated that psilocybin may be successful in treating depression with psychological support.
Psilocybin and other psychedelic drugs may helpTrusted Source people with depression by encouraging connections between neurons in the brain.
However, more research is necessary for experts to understand exactly how this mechanism works and if there is a way to achieve it without hallucinogenic side effects.
Some people who take psilocybin may experience persistent, distressing alterations to how they see the world. These may take the form of a visual flashback, a traumatic recall of an intensely upsetting experience.
According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, people can continue to experience flashbacks anywhere from weeks to years after using the hallucinogen. This is a condition called hallucinogen-persisting perception disorder and is rare.
Some individuals who use psilocybin may also experience fear, agitation, confusion, delirium, psychosis, and syndromes that resemble schizophrenia.
Finally, though the risk is small, some psilocybin users risk accidental poisoning from eating a poisonous mushroom by mistake.
Symptoms of mushroom poisoning may include muscle spasms, confusion, and delirium. A person should visit an emergency room immediately if these symptoms occur.
Because hallucinogenic and other poisonous mushrooms are common in most living environments, people should regularly remove all mushrooms from areas where children are routinely present to prevent accidental consumption.
MostTrusted Source accidental mushroom ingestion results in minor gastrointestinal illness, with only the most severe instances requiring medical attention.
Current research suggests psilocybin is not addictive, and no physical symptoms occur after stopping use. However, further research is necessary.
After several days of psilocybin use, individuals might experienceTrusted Source psychological withdrawal and have difficulty adjusting to reality.
Regular use may also cause an individual to become tolerant to the effects of psilocybin, and cross-tolerance occurs with other drugs, including LSD and mescaline.
People who use these drugs should wait at least several days between doses to experience the full effect.
Q: How likely is it that I will have a bad trip taking magic mushrooms?
A: A “bad trip” can include feelings of despair, confusion, paranoia, anxiety, and panic. These feelings can persist for hours to days.
To avoid this, first, you will not have a bad trip or any trip at all if you choose not to ingest the mushrooms. If the mushrooms have a higher, stronger dose than expected, this can increase your chances of having a negative experience.
For someone going through a personal crisis or using mushrooms in an unsafe, unsupportive environment, the chances of a “bad trip” increase.
There are no guarantees with mushrooms since they are an unprocessed plant product, and bad trips can and do happen. If someone has ingested mushrooms and is experiencing panic, anxiety, or is in any danger of harming themselves or others, seek medical assistance immediately.
Debra Rose Wilson, Ph.D., MSN, RN, IBCLC, AHN-BC, CHTAnswers represent the opinions of our medical experts. All content is strictly informational and should not be considered medical advice.
Scientists have found part of the brain that triggers out-of-body experiences
Scientists have pinpointed a special part of the brain that, when stimulated, appears to produce out-of-body experiences. (Story aired on All Things Considered on July 3, 2023.)
Certain drugs can produce an out-of-body experience, so can a pulse of electricity if it’s sent to the right place in the brain. NPR’s Jon Hamilton reports on an area of the brain that seems to keep us attached to our physical selves most of the time.
JON HAMILTON, BYLINE: A few years ago, Dr. Josef Parvizi got a visit from a patient with epilepsy. The man told Parvizi about some very strange symptoms.
JOSEF PARVIZI: My sense of self is changing, almost like I am a third observer to conversations that are happening in my mind that I’m not part of. Plus, I just feel like I’m floating in space.
HAMILTON: Parvizi, a neurology professor at Stanford, was intrigued. He figured the man’s seizures must be affecting an area of the brain called the PMC.
PARVIZI: It’s hidden in-between the two hemispheres in the back.
HAMILTON: The PMC helps create what’s known as our narrative self, a sort of internal autobiography that helps us define who we are. So Parvizi figured the PMC was also responsible for our physical self, which tells us that our body and thoughts belong to us, not someone else.
PARVIZI: As you are sitting in your chair, you have an understanding that it is you looking at me, your point of view in space and in your environment.
HAMILTON: That sense of being anchored in your body disappears when you have an out-of-body experience, like the man with epilepsy. Parvizi and a team were able to recreate the man’s symptoms by electrically stimulating the PMC. Then they tried the approach on other volunteers. And Parvizi says it became clear that a person’s physical self was tied to one particular spot in that special part of the brain.
PARVIZI: What we discovered is that towards the front, there is this sausage-looking piece of brain called the anterior precuneus.
HAMILTON: Parvizi’s team stimulated the area in eight patients.
PARVIZI: And, lo and behold, everybody has changes in their sense of what we call the physical self.
HAMILTON: The results appear in the journal Neuron, and Parvizi says they suggest that the anterior precuneus is critical to understanding that something is happening to me, not another person.
PARVIZI: We think this could be a way for the brain to tag every experience in the environment as mine.
HAMILTON: Christophe Lopez says that makes sense. He’s a researcher at the National Center for Scientific Research in France. Lopez thinks that our physical self comes in part from the inner ear, which senses motion and the body’s position in space. He says the anterior precuneus appears to act as a hub for signals coming from the inner ear.
CHRISTOPHE LOPEZ: When they stimulate these anterior precuneus, you can evoke that the body or the self is floating in the room, like the body is rising, or the body is falling like freefall.
HAMILTON: As a result, the inner ear may be saying the body is moving while the eyes say it is stationary. Lopez says that’s confusing for the brain.
LOPEZ: Sometimes the best solution, which is found by the brain, is to think that you’re somewhere else out of the body.
HAMILTON: It’s not just electrical stimulation that can confuse the brain, so can the mind-bending anesthetic ketamine. Patrick Purdon, a researcher at Harvard, has been studying the drug’s effects on the brain. He says it acts a lot like brain stimulation when it comes to the anterior precuneus. Purdon says that means it might be possible to use electrical pulses in place of anesthetic drugs like ketamine.
PATRICK PURDON: You could get the specific brain areas that you want without having to cause a brain-wide and system-wide effect that might carry with it a lot of side effects.
HAMILTON: Purdon says stimulating the precuneus might even reproduce ketamine’s powerful antidepressant effect, though that’s never been tried.
Jon Hamilton, NPR News.
For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.
The Spiritual Was More Substantial Than the Material for the Ancients
New Testament’s use of the words πνεῦμα (spirit), ψυχή (soul), and σάρξ (flesh), as well as to the theologies of resurrection that attach to them.
In the broader system of ideas in which his picture of things subsisted, “soul”—ψυχή or anima—was chiefly the life-principle proper to the realm of generation and decay, the “psychical” or “animal” substance that endows sublunary organisms with the power of self-movement and growth, though only for a short time. And the bodily life produced by this “animating” principle was understood as strictly limited to the aerial and terrestrial sphere. It could exist nowhere else, and most certainly not in the heavenly places. It was too frail, too ephemeral, too much bound to mutability and transience.
“Spirit,” by contrast—πνεῦμα or spiritus—was something quite different, a kind of life not bound to death or to the irrational faculties of brute nature, inherently indestructible and incorruptible, and not confined to any single cosmic sphere. It could survive anywhere, and could move with complete liberty among all the spiritual realms, as well as in the material world here below. Spirit was something subtler but also stronger, more vital, more glorious than the worldly elements of a coarse corruptible body compounded of earthly soul and material flesh. Thus too the word “spirits” was common parlance in late antiquity for all those rational personal agencies and entities who populated the cosmos but who were not bound to vegetal or animal bodies, and so were immune to death: lesser celestial gods, daemons, angels, nefilim, devils, or what have you (what one called the various classes of spirits was a matter of religious vocabulary, not necessarily the basic conceptual shape of their natures). These beings enjoyed a life not limited by the conditions of the lower elements (the στοιχεῖα) or of any of the intrinsically dissoluble combinations thereof.
Even so, none of these beings was typically considered to be incorporeal in the full sense, at least in the way we would use that word today. The common belief of most educated persons of the time was that, if any reality was bodiless in the absolute sense, it could be only God or the highest divine principle. Everything else, even spirits, had some kind of body, because all of them were irreducibly local realities. The bodies of spirits may have been at once both more invincible and more mercurial than those with an animal constitution, but they were also, if in a peculiarly exalted sense, still physical. Many thought them to be composed from, say, the aether or the “quintessence” above, the “spiritual” substance that constitutes the celestial regions beyond the moon. Many also identified that substance with the πνεῦμα—the “wind” or “breath”—that stirs all things, a universal quickening force subtler even than the air it moves. It was generally believed, moreover, that many of these ethereal or spiritual beings were not only embodied, but visible. The stars overhead were thought to be divine or angelic intelligences (as we see reflected in James 1:17 and 2 Peter 2:10-11). And it was a conviction common to a good many pagans and Jews alike that the ultimate destiny of great or especially righteous souls was to be elevated into the heavens to shine as stars (as we see in Daniel 12:3 and Wisdom 3:7, and as may be hinted at in 1 Corinthians 15:30-41). In the Jewish and Christian belief of the age, in fact, there really appears to have been nothing similar to the fully incorporeal angels of later scholastic tradition—certainly nothing like the angels of Thomism, for example, who are pure form devoid of prime matter and therefore each its own unique species.
In fact, it was a central tenet of the most influential angelology of the age, derived as it was from the Noachic books of the intertestamental period, that angels had actually sired children—the monstrous nefilim—on human women. It is even arguable that no school of pagan thought, early or late, perhaps not even Platonism, really had a perfectly clear concept of any substance without extension. Neither “spirit” nor “soul” was anything quite like a Cartesian “mental substance.” Each, no less than “flesh and blood,” was thought of as a kind of element. “Spirit,” for instance, in certain antique schools of natural philosophy and medicine, could be defined as that subtle influence or ichor that pervades the veins and passages of a living body and, among other things, endows it with sense perception—by filling, for instance, the nerves or porous passages between eye and brain. For many persons, in fact, this vital influence was literally “physically” continuous with the “wind” that fills the world and the “breath” that swells our chests. This is almost unimaginable for us, of course.
When today, for instance, we try to make sense of John 3:8, we are frustrated by the absence in English of any word adequate to all the meanings present in the original’s use of πνεῦμα. The Greek reads: τὸ πνεῦμα ὅπου θέλει πνεῖ καὶ τὴν φωνὴν αὐτοῦ ἀκούεις, ἀλλ’ οὐκ οἶδας πόθεν ἔρχεται καὶ ποῦ ὑπάγει· οὕτως ἐστὶν πᾶς ὁ γεγεννημένος ἐκ τοῦ πνεύματος. My attempt at a rendering in my translation, whose inadequacy I sheepishly acknowledge in my footnote thereto, is this: “The spirit respires where it will, and you hear its sound but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes; such is everyone born of the Spirit.” I could, however, in each instance have written not “spirit” for πνεῦμα, but “wind” or “breath”; instead of “respires” for πνεῖ, I could have written “blows.” Perhaps, then, this: “The wind blows where it will . . . such is everyone born from the wind.” Or, perhaps, “The breath breathes where it will . . . such is everyone born from the breath.” Happily, no translators have yet visited anything like that on us. But, still, all the various possible meanings would have been audibly present in the text for its author and for those who heard it read aloud in the earliest Christian communities. Even if we are aware of this, however, we are still likely to read the verse as a kind of play on words—at most, an illustrative simile. And, needless to say, our fully formed theological concept of the Holy Spirit disposes us, on grounds of piety alone, to see it as such. But it probably should not really be taken as wordplay at all.
If we could hear the language of πνεῦμα with late antique ears, our sense of the text’s meaning would not be that of two utterly distinct concepts—one “physical” and one “mystical”—only metaphorically entangled with one another by dint of a verbal equivocity; rather, we would almost surely hear only a single concept expressed univocally through a single word, a concept in which the physical and the mystical would remain undifferentiated. To be born of spirit (or Spirit), to be born of the wind of life, to be born of the divine and cosmic breath vivifying and uniting all things—it would all make perfectly simple, straightforward, “physical” sense to us. Whatever the case, though, this much is certain: it was widely believed in late antiquity that, in human beings, flesh and soul and spirit were all present in some degree; “spirit” was merely the element that was imperishable by nature and constitution.
Save our Souls: Can a Photograph Steal What is No Longer There?
- Soul (noun) – 1. The spiritual or immaterial part of a human being or animal, regarded as immortal. 2. A person’s moral or emotional nature or sense of identity.
Currently, we live in a camera culture. What used to be a big box perched atop a hefty tripod is now a pinhole in the back of our cellphone, or perched in a waterproof case atop our ski helmets. Cameras are everywhere capturing nearly every moment of our lives.
By Crease Mansbridge
It wasn’t always so. We used to think cameras could steal our souls. Cultures around the globe used to avoid being photographed. Native war leader Crazy Horse would not allow anyone to take his picture, not even at his own funeral. Ancient Egyptian and Greek cultures believed our reflections were an outward projection of our souls staring back at us. The superstition about breaking a mirror and suffering seven years of bad luck derives from this – if your reflection is broken, a piece of your soul is lost.
Many Central American churches forbid photography within their walls. The tradition stems from Mayans beliefs that when we pray to saints or ancestors our souls would travel to them. A camera may prevent those parts of our souls from returning back. All these cultures saw the soul as something worth protecting and cherishing. All were cautious of where it could become lost or trapped.
Times have changed.
But if any of those old beliefs are true, are we now truly all soulless? Perhaps it’s a different problem now – we send “selfies” to each other on our phones and ensure to capture all the most exciting recreational moments of our day via helmet cam. We witness the most important moments of our human lives – the birth of a child, the wedding of two friends, a Beastie Boys concert – through the 3”x2” LCD screens of our phones or point-and-shoots. Then we upload all these cherished moments and ideas (and pictures of our lunch) to the Internet in attempts to convince the rest of the world we have value, we exist. Big Brother is not watching, he is us. Cameras don’t steal our souls, we give them away freely.
But what about those photos that leave us speechless, breathless, or bring tears to our eyes? What of those simple pictures holding worlds of emotion? The essence of photography is documenting the feeling in a single moment, freeze-framing the symbiotic interaction of two or more things.
Maybe a picture can steal a soul, and maybe too many pictures can give your soul away but a great photograph, a true piece of art, can actually capture the soul of any moment shared between friends, nature, light, and life. Great photos, and the soul held within them, can live forever.
Related Searches: what culture believes pictures steal your soul, cameras steal your soul
THERE IS NO FOREVER OUTSIDE OF CHRIST. Capturing your image or even your personality on film, does not give you eternal life. ETERNAL LIFE is only available through the CREATOR on HIS TERMS. If you do not come to GOD through the blood of Jesus Christ… YOUR spirit will be judged unworthy to be in the presence of GOD. You will suffer the punishment in HELL. If your spirit lives forever, it will be in torment. If it perishes in the fire… you are gone forever.
1 In the sixth year, in the sixth month on the fifth day, while I was sitting in my house and the elders of Judah were sitting before me, the hand of the Sovereign Lord came on me there. 2 I looked, and I saw a figure like that of a man. From what appeared to be his waist down he was like fire, and from there up his appearance was as bright as glowing metal. 3 He stretched out what looked like a hand and took me by the hair of my head. The Spirit lifted me up between earth and heaven and in visions of God he took me to Jerusalem, to the entrance of the north gate of the inner court, where the idol that provokes to jealousy stood. 4 And there before me was the glory of the God of Israel, as in the vision I had seen in the plain.
John was on the Island of Patmos. Then was John’s spirit leaving his body in Revelation 17:
1 One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. 2 With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.” 3 Then the angel carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness. There I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that was covered with blasphemous names and had seven heads and ten horns.
A 3rd example was pointed out by Nigel’s comment:
2 Corinthians 12:1 I will go on to visions and revelations from the Lord. 2 I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. 3 And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— 4 was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell.
According to Paul, some kind of out-of-body experience is possible without causing death.
Silver cord
The silver cord in metaphysical studies and literature, also known as the sutratma or life thread of the antahkarana, refers to a life-giving linkage from the higher self (atma) down to the physical body. It also refers to an extended synthesis of this thread and a second (the consciousness thread, passing from the soul to the physical body) that connects the physical body to the etheric body, onwards to the astral body and finally to the mental body.[1][unreliable source?]
In other research, it is described as a strong, silver-colored, elastic cord which joins a person’s physical body to its astral body (a manifestation of the physical body that is less distinct).[2][unreliable source?]
Astral projection
During astral projection and out-of-body experiences, some[citation needed] claim they can (at will or otherwise) see a silver cord linking their astral form to their physical body. This cord mainly appears to a beginning projector as an assurance they will not become lost.[citation needed]
Others asserted, though, that the cases of silver cord observations during out-of-body experiences and astral projections are rare;[2][unreliable source?] rather, no astral body is observed and the projector sees himself or herself as a “disembodied awareness or a point of view” in most cases.[3]
Passing through a tunnel is compared to the birth canal, and the silver cord resembling the umbilical cord – these are a few observations during out-of-body experiences that are sometimes likened to childbirth. “Birth theories” hypothesized that people who were delivered by Caesarean section do not have tunnel experiences during astral projections. On the contrary, one study showed that there is no discrepancy between the experiences observed by people who are born through Caesarean section and those born naturally during their OBE or astral projection.[3]
The attachment point of the cord to the astral body differs, not only between projectors, but also from projection to projection. These points correspond to major chakra positions. According to the observations of Robert Bruce, there is not a single point of connection to the denser body, but rather a locally converging collection of strands leading out of all the major chakras, and some minor ones (Astral Dynamics, p398).
The silver cord is mentioned by mystics, especially in contexts of dying and of near-death experiences.[citation needed] It is said that the cord must remain connected to the astral and the physical bodies during the projection because if it breaks, the projector will die. If a person gets older or if their death is near, the astral body slowly separates itself from the physical body and the silver cord breaks, making a complete and irreversible separation of the two bodies. In this situation, the idea of death and dying is interpreted as a “permanent astral projection” that cannot be undone.[2][unreliable source?]
Origin of the term
The term is derived from Ecclesiastes 12:6-7 in the Jewish Bible or Christian Old Testament.
As translated from the original Hebrew in The Complete Tanakh:[4]
- “Before the silver cord snaps, and the golden fountain is shattered, and the pitcher breaks at the fountain, and the wheel falls shattered into the pit. And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God, Who gave it.“
As rendered in the Authorised Version:
- “Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.”
Or from the New International Version:
- “Remember him—before the silver cord is severed, or the golden bowl is broken; before the pitcher is shattered at the spring, or the wheel broken at the well, and the dust returns to the ground it came from, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.“
These verses, Ecclesiastes 12:6-7, are variously translated, and there is a lack of consensus among Bible commentators as to its meaning. Matthew Henry‘s commentary, for example, states that the silver cord refers simply to the “spinal marrow.”[5]
Posted by u/sajberhippien
6 years ago
Hi! In modern fantasy, especially games, a frequent occurence is the stealing or imprisonment of souls; for example, the night hags in Dungeons and Dragons use soul bags to steal the souls of evil humans in their sleep.
I’m trying to find what mythological roots these games and others draw upon, but my knowledge of mythology is very spotty and my google-fu is weak.
Searching I find creatures consuming souls, or spirits possessing other’s bodies, but I’m more interested in the deliberate stealing or imprisonment of souls, especially when done by a human (or monsters/spirits appearing as human, e.g. vampires).
I guess the closest thing I’ve found is the “jinn bound in a talisman” stories, which are relevant but quite distinct from the stealing of souls from humans as the jinn isn’t human and that there’s no real distinction between the soul/spirit of the jinn and it’s body.
So I thought I’d ask you for directions on where to look!

level 1
·6 yr. ago·edited 6 yr. agoKhangai arrow
There’s definitely stuff like this in folklore, but the idea of a human sorcerer stealing the soul of another human and keeping it is relatively rare. Still a good example is “The Peasant and the Waterman” from the Grimms’ collection in which a water-spirit kept the souls of the drowned imprisoned in jars. The Grimms theorized that this might have stemmed from the Norse belief that the sea-goddess Ran jealously guarded the souls of drowned sailors, but that was largely speculation.
There’s also a long standing tradition that the soul can leave the body naturally. It was believed in a number of European traditions that the soul could leave the body during sleep, often taking on an animal form. Sorcerers could use this ability to send their spirit-self out to spy or cause harm, but regular people could send their soul out in this fashion unwittingly, and then get into trouble if something happened to the wandering spirit. For a significant example of this being done intentionally, look no further than the Russian legendary wizard Koschei the Deathless, who took his soul out of his own body and hid it in an iron needle, which he hid in an egg, which he hid in a duck, which he hid in a hare, which he locked in a chest and buried under a tree on an island at the ends of the earth. With his soul magically protected, Koschei could not die and would recover from any harm done to his body. To kill him a hero had to find his hidden soul, bring it back, and smash it against Koschei’s forehead.
The theft of the soul also underpins a great deal of shamanism. In shamanistic traditions disease is often attributed to demons stealing the soul of the afflicted person. This necessitates the shaman going into a trance and sending forth his own soul into the spirit world to battle the demon and rescue his patient’s soul and bring it home. If he failed the patient would slowly die from prolonged separation from their soul. This sort of “soul-death” seems to be a common motif in folklore all over the world. Figures like Koschei, who can survive without their soul, are rare.
This is probably why stories of the theft of a living person’s soul are unusual, because while it was thought the soul could leave the body for a short time most spiritual beliefs the world over are under-girded by the idea that if the soul was prevented from returning it would ultimately prove fatal.

level 2
Thanks a lot, both the Grimm tale and the part about shamanism sound very relevant.
And yeah, souls/spirits willingly leaving their bodies seems to be standard fare in almost every part of the world at some point in time at least.

level 1
Perhaps you could use this info.

level 1
the night hag legend is found all over the world and is one of the explanations for sleep paralysis.
in fact, the word “nightmare” is derived from a Scandinavian myth of the Mare. the mare was a cursed woman who would come and sit on a villagers’ chest and cause them to experience bad dreams.
as far as the dnd aspect is concerned, the “soul bag” and dragging your soul to hell were just things added by the dnd authors to make the monster more interesting and to give the players and interesting quest to save the soul of the princess (or whatever).
that being said, there are myths from all over the world used to describe sleep paralysis and most of them describe something sitting on the victims’ chest… there’s a great article about it on wikipedia (look up “night hag”).

level 2
in fact, the word “nightmare” is derived from a Scandinavian myth of the Mare. the mare was a cursed woman who would come and sit on a villagers’ chest and cause them to experience bad dreams.
Well, yeah, I know that; I’ve had plenty of mare-dreams or mare-rides as we call them here in Sweden But they don’t really deal with souls, they’re more like just mean bastards that fuck up people’s sleep because well, they’re mean bastards.
It’s the soul stealing I’m interested in specifically, not so much the mare.

level 3
Read the wiki article about night hags. The article is interesting because it mentions many different cultures and their versions of night hags.
Interesting note: almost all of the names from each different culture concerning hags is translated as some form of “pressing” or “pressure” which is why they are associated with sleep paralysis. The soul stealing seems to be purely a creation of the authors of the various dungeons and dragons monster manuals.
There is one mention of soul stealing in the wiki article, but it was extremely vague. In the article, they mention the Egyptian version of the hag as a ghost queen trying to steal souls, but there are no references of any kind and unfortunately all of my searches about this Egyptian-soul-stealing-queen came up with zero...
I want to make something very clear. There is a lot of information included in this post. Just because it is included here does not mean that I condone or approve of the beliefs or practices. The articles are shared so that you can see what others believe and how throughout history our own beliefs and perceptions have been shaped and formed by society.
I am a believer in the WORD of GOD who is alive and well. Jesus/Yahushua is the WORD. He is the WAY, THE TRUTH and the LIGHT. He is the GATE and He is the LIFE. He is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD. He is the ONLY ONE who can save and deliver. GOD has everything that you need, and JESUS/Yahushua is the ONLY way to get to GOD.
No witchdoctor, shaman, guru, priest, pastor, god or goddess, nor any other entity can bring you peace, love, acceptance, understanding, deliverance, provision, protection. BECAUSE ALL OTHERS ARE SERVING SATAN. YOU CANNOT BE FREE FROM THE DEVIL BY THE DEVIL!!
“Stealing” The Soul
Many of the Masai tribal people in East Africa believe that to take their picture “steals” their soul. In a sense, taking a photograph of someone does take some part of them — a moment of time, a privacy they once had, some essence of who they are or who they were. Perhaps that is why you should ask permission to take someone’s picture — it’s theirs to give not ours to take.
I thought of this yesterday as I read the article on the photography of Margaret Morley in the News and Observer (“Genuine Mountain Made“). Morley traversed the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee around the turn of the century documenting mountain folk and their way of life. The photos were acquired by the State of North Carolina and are now featured in an exhibit at the North Carolina Museum of History. I plan to see it.
Just the few photos I looked at online were compelling. These were real people who allowed Margaret Morley, an outsider, to come into their lives. Why did they do it? I don’t know without knowing more about Morley, but she must have gained their trust and friendship. The one I include here, particularly in a larger size, can almost make you feel that you could be there, smelling the fire, the old wood, hearing the creak of the rocker, passing time by reflecting on the day. That’s a good photo, one that comes alive through study.
In an image-laden culture, where we are besieged by digital photos (both our own and others), we really cannot imagine the wonder of a photo. Until the 1840s, there were no photos of people. Can we really imagine what it would have been like to have a photograph made of a family member, perhaps a distant relative, and know that that was exactly what they looked like and be able to look at them any time we liked? I doubt it. Imagine if we had a photograph of Jesus? What would that be like? Consider the Jewish people: They had a long tradition of oral history and could hear of the patriarchs and prophets, the Exodus, the Babylonian Captivity, the rebuilding of the temple — but they had no photos. Even before the phographic process was discovered, there was a fascination with the camera obscura, with dark rooms built just so people could witness the magic of the inverted “picture made when light was passed through a small hole.
That we have such images is certainly both provocative and evocative, and I suppose it is good, but I also imagine it has a down side as does any technology. Does it heighten our experience of what is being photographed or diminish it? I don’t know. I do know that with a photo I have one image; with a vivid description in words, I have my own image or images, the product of my imagination. Is either better?
I do plan to see this exhibit — reverently. It’s people’s souls, after all.
Written and fact-checked by The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
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- soul
- indigenous religion
Soul loss, departure of the soul from the body and its failure to return. In many preliterate cultures soul loss is believed to be a primary cause of illness and death.
In some cultures individuals are believed to have one soul that may wander inadvertently when its owner’s guard is relaxed, as when asleep, sneezing, or yawning. Other cultures believe that each person has two or more souls, usually including a “wandering” soul that experiences one’s dreams and a “life” soul that maintains one’s corporeal vitality. The most dangerous instances of soul loss involve malevolent witchcraft and the enticement and capture of a soul in order to cause harm to its owner (see also sorcery).
Those who believe in soul loss hold that an owner can prevent the soul from wandering by means of ritual utterances, such as saying “God bless” when one sneezes, or by a variety of supernatural means, such as the wearing of charms or ingesting of magical substances. However, in cases where the soul’s owner believes he or she has been bewitched, soul retrieval requires complex techniques and the services of a religious specialist. The essence of most cures is the catching of the lost soul by a shaman and its reintroduction into the patient’s body.
What is Soul Theft?
Soul loss can occur quite naturally through sudden fright or situations where one fears they will die. Soul theft is an unnatural cause of soul loss in which one person is responsible for stealing a fragment of another’s soul. Soul theft leaves a person fragmented, as with all soul loss, and often listless and fatigued, losing appetite and strength, feeling restless and inadequate, depressed and helpless, or withdrawn and without motivation. Soul theft is not something of the past in the days of sorcery and superstition. “Today we experience intentional soul theft by skilled individuals or serial criminals as in the past,” explains host and shaman, Christina Pratt, “and unintentional soul theft, by people desperately struggling with their own soul loss, like parents, teachers, healers, and young lovers.” Join us this week and we explore the true nature of soul theft, how to repair it, protect yourself from it, and to make sure you aren’t doing it yourself.spacer
Soul loss is a shamanic term used to describe an imbalance caused by the loss or disassociation of some part of our vital essence (soul part). It is a spiritual illness caused by trauma that can result in emotional or physical disease. In our modern society this trauma and emotional splitting can come in many forms: Emotional or Physical abuse, incest, rape, assault, divorce, separation, loss of; a loved one, home, business or career. Also accidents, illness, surgery, or wartime experiences…these are just some of the examples. PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is often associated with Soul Loss.
During a traumatic event, it is a natural human response to disassociate from our bodies to cope with the pain. We go numb, or withdraw and this protects us temporarily from feeling hurtful feelings. Commonly, when a trauma is more brief, as in a car accident, we may go through a period that feels like shock, but then slowly come back to ourselves as the danger has passed. However, if the trauma is more chronic: like childhood incest or being in an abusive relationship — or physically dangerous: like being assaulted, or in a war zone. This disassociation (or soul loss) becomes more serious and prolonged: We feel apathetic towards life, or chronically fearful, or have relentless depression. Also, we may try to fill the void of this emptiness with addictions such as drugs, alcohol, food, or sex. From a shamanic perspective, prolonged and chronic difficulties indicate that the lost soul part has not been able to return on its own and requires an intervention, for without the wholeness of having all our parts back and intact, we can find functioning in the world difficult and painful.
Soul Stealing
Sometimes we experience soul loss because we have given part of our vital essence (a soul part) to someone else, or allowed them to take it. We may do this because we love someone, or we believe we are helping someone. Conversely, if someone has taken this vital essence, it may happen because they are trying to control us or don’t want to let go of us.
If you are going through a break-up that is not mutual, and despite your strongest convictions you keep getting back together, your ex may have a ‘piece of you’, which gives the feeling of being “corded” to each other — it may feel impossible to break away. However, no one has the right to use your vital essence except you. We all have a right to autonomy and sovereignty in our bodies. Shamanically, this is called ‘soul theft’ and it presents as an unnatural or unhealthy connection to another person that may feel awkward, controlling and uncomfortable to us.
Symptoms of Soul Loss
- Chronic Depression
- Saying, “I have never felt the same since, ‘ blank ‘ happened.”
- Apathy, numbness, lack of vitality or fatigue
- An unhealthy connection to any individual, past partner or family member
- Inability to end a relationship
- Feeling like your ‘soul was stolen’ by an abuser
- A feeling that you are watching your life from the outside
- PTSD nightmares, or “flashbacks” of an old trauma
- Chronic illness or a weak immune system
- Feelings of emptiness which you try to fill with external things — addictions
- Difficulty staying present in your body (disassociation) or having memory gaps
- A propensity towards addictions or destructive behaviors
In extreme cases there can be multiple personality disorders, a complete inability to function, or coma. Soul retrieval is an ancient form of spiritual healing in which the shaman, (through prayer, visioning, and tracking) locates the lost vital essence (or soul parts) of the client, heals them, and merges them back into the client to restore the person’s spiritual wholeness and Sacred Balance.
One of the benefits of a soul retrieval, is that it returns the gifts of strength, resilience and personal power that the lost soul parts embodied. People often report feeling calmer and more at peace than they have felt for years after receiving a soul retrieval.
And when he had called the people unto him with his disciples also, he said unto them, Whosoever will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.
For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel’s, the same shall save it.
For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation; of him also shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
We live in one of the worst eras in history, since we are immersed in World War III, as many writers and scientists have already discussed, which involves every country on a global scale. However, this is not a physical war; rather, it is of a mental, emotional and spiritual nature, and what is at stake is the survival of the original human being. This war is designed to nullify the individual and our freedom to think, feel and act, according to our conscience. In reality, we are dealing with a war aimed at taking over our psyche, to dominate our moral, ethical, and spiritual values, and our souls, above all else. However, scientists, physicians, politicians and writers are alerting the public about the implacable darkness being promoted by the elite who rule over us, sounding the alarm about their killer vaccines, whose ultimate aim is to poison, injure and kill millions of innocent people. The-powers-that-be are trying to rob us of the most precious asset human beings possess, by altering our genetics, and imposing artificial intelligence and robotic transhumanism upon us, which does nothing but turn our body into an empty shell, without individual emotions or thoughts. More incredible still, is the fact that representatives of major religions are actively participating, taking a stance in favour of this gene therapy, which modifies our original DNA, as many scientists are denouncing. Our souls, the ‘God gene’, our genetics – which connect us to a superior power – are all assets that human beings simply cannot lose.
Video by Alcyon Pleiades
Joe Biden has just launched one of the most terrifying executive orders to date. This executive order calls for not only a literal transformation of the human body, but also is eerily similar to something the Book Of Revelation warned about. It will chill you to your very core. All that and more in the report…
First half of the show breaks down the Texas school shooting with Lt. Scott Bennett. James and Scott discuss the likelihood of a real event, a staged event in a drill, or even a false flag with a horrific outcome.
It’s early in the data analysis process, but one revelation stands out: There is an Illuminati numerical psyop going on: Allege shooter Ramos named when numerically added up equals ’66’. But that’s just the start, as Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are connected via 3s and 6s to the birth of Ramos on May 16, 2004.
The second half of the show, author and “channeler” Patricia Cori unveils the Great Awakening that’s occurring with the “Plan-Demonic” being the trigger that is now backfiring on the global shadow government. Cori discusses “The Disclosure” coming and sections of the Book of Revelation that apply to 2022. (Beware…channeling is demonic.)