RESTORED: 10/6/2022
I doubt that many of you have seen any of the articles about the Chinese Police showing up in US cities. Some claim they are only impersonators…but there is evidence to the contrary. Regardless if they are real or just representatives… the message is clear. The
Chinese and other Asian people living in the USA are very intimidated. I believe that the intent is to show their presence. A precursor to what is coming.
If you think I am crazy, think again. If you are able.
While Americans are all mesmerized by the dog and pony shows being paraded before them, our world is being totally restructured. Most of what is happening in our world politically today began with the World Wars out of which was birthed the UNITED NATIONS formed as the ruling body to enforce the vision of the ELITE to rule the world with an IRON fist.
I believe that all the major governments have been working together all along. Russia, China, the US, the UK. Everything that played out on the world stage has been by design. I believe that China was given cover to develop a stronghold of Authoritarianism that would emerge to rule in the end.
You need to pay attention to the real important issues and quit focusing on the BS that is drowning you. YOUR WORLD is about to CRASH IN ON YOU! Do not be caught unaware.
China is fast becoming THE WORLD POWER right before your eyes. Can you see it??
If you have not viewed my series entitled The Beginning of the End, you might want to check it out. It is an eight part series and it starts here:
The Beginning of the End – Part 1 – Ours is But to Do or Die
Here is an update on the Chinese Police on our Soil!
Update 11/25/19
Just received another message from a person in Jacksonville, Florida
Chinese State Security
Here in Jacksonville, Fl our sheriff’s dept has 2 chinese nationals serving on their force. They were recruited directly from their Ministry of the Interior force after being brought over to assist in a human trafficking op being run out at the port.
Update 11/24/19
Just received this message from a person in Vancouver, Canada:
I live in a working class area of Vancouver. Vancouver is as you know 80% Asian and there is a Chinese Cultural ?? Centre blocks away. A few weeks ago I noticed groups of 2 Chinese Women dressed .not in police uniforms, but more casual military garb, looking very official, and wandering around the neighbourhood, chatting observing. With their hands behind their back they strode in a very authoritarian manner. I was shocked as they looked like they were the police.
In Vancouver it’s easy to tell that probably 10 to 15% of the “immigrants” are Chinese military. You can tell from the way they talk and dress, and every day we see group s of 5 to 8 Chinese men being toured thru parts of the city and shown what’s what. It’s only a matter of time before they bring down the hammer here
God’s speed, keep up the great work
California Probes Chinese Communist Police Impersonators
Asian man arrested driving car with People’s Armed Police markings; second vehicle sought

Police in California are investigating at least two cases of people posing as Chinese police driving cars with markings of the Communist Party of China’s People’s Armed Police (PAP).
California Highway Patrol spokesman Florentino Olivera said an Asian man was arrested Sept. 10 after reports he was impersonating a PAP officer while driving a black Audi A4 with PAP markings and a Chinese national symbol.
Photos of the car were posted on the CHP Facebook page with notice that police responded to several complaints regarding a male Asian driver impersonating a PAP officer.
“The driver was arrested and charged with impersonating a peace officer and for forging/possessing a fraudulent public seal,” the notice said.
Police are looking for a second white vehicle also reported to bear PAP markings in the same area of Irvine, Calif. The town’s population is 42 percent Asian American, and many residents are Chinese American.
Prosecutors expect to charge the suspect as if he had impersonated a U.S. police officer. Olivera said the man’s name was withheld at the request of investigators.
“We think there is a bigger case here,” Olivera said in an interview.
No details of the motive for the activities of the person arrested Sept. 10 were provided. Investigators are still looking into whether the impersonators are linked to the Chinese government.
The arrest in southern California comes amid reports of other Chinese police impersonators in Australia, northern California, and Washington state.
Intelligence experts say the activities appear related to covert Chinese government efforts to intimidate overseas Chinese people regarded by Beijing as dissidents or opponents of the Communist Party.
“The circumstances of this case suggest this may be a violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act,” said Nicholas Eftimiades, a former Defense Intelligence Agency counterintelligence official.
“There are many examples of China’s Communist Party employing the government or party apparatus to intimidate and coerce ethnic Chinese abroad, whether or not they are Chinese citizens.”
China’s security and intelligence services have in the past conducted covert intelligence operations in the United States.
The operations, code-named Foxhunt by the FBI, targeted dissidents and regime opponents.
A report made public in April by the National Defense University said the PAP may be used by China’s government to protect Chinese civilians and assets abroad.
The PAP is China’s political police and security force. The Chinese Communist Party uses it for political control in addition to its nationwide police functions.
The PAP, which the National Defense University report calls China’s “other army,” has at its disposal large numbers of troops and military forces, including tanks and armored vehicles. It was once under dual civilian and military control but recently was placed directly under the command of the Chinese military as part of a power consolidation bid by Chinese president Xi Jinping.
The PAP is known to use black Audis. The markings on the black car in Irvine read “Special Police” and are similar to SWAT special units that employ even more brutal methods than regular PAP officers. Regular PAP officers usually drive white cars.
Recent images show PAP officers, wearing uniforms with the same Chinese characters for Special Police, herding blindfolded and shackled minority Uighurs into trains.
For overseas Chinese, police cars marked as Special Police would be similar to cars adorned with Nazi SS insignia.
According to KTLA television, which first reported the Irvine arrest, an incident involving Chinese police impersonation took place in northern California earlier last summer.
In that case, an Asian driver of a car with Chinese markings was arrested after attempting to pull over an off-duty police officer.
Reports from Australia in August revealed two cases of Chinese police car impersonators in the cities of Perth and Adelaide.
The Adelaide case involved a white BMW with PAP markings.
Those cases coincided with Chinese government efforts to stem international support for pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong, and the same month saw a clash in Adelaide between pro-China protesters and supporters of the Hong Kong protesters.
The Australian Broadcasting Company quoted an Australian member of parliament, Tammy Franks, as saying the law needed to be tightened to outlaw impersonating foreign police.
“It appears that our laws anticipate perhaps somebody impersonating an Australian police car but certainly not a Chinese cop car on the streets of Adelaide,” she told ABC.
Franks said the police car was “potentially intimidating and threatening, particularly ex-pats from China or people from Hong Kong and Taiwan.”
Another explanation for the unusual Chinese police activities is that they may be criminal.
The FBI in Washington state issued a public notice in December warning that people posing as Chinese police were attempting to fleece Chinese students and residents.
The notice said email and text message scams were targeting Chinese nationals on student visas at universities as well as Chinese in the United States on work visas.
The scams netted at least $100,000 each from five people who were told they were under investigation by Chinese authorities for money laundering or other crimes and that they were supposed to send money to Chinese investigators.
The victims were told they could either resolve the crimes by returning to China and going to prison or transferring money to accounts that would be used to analyze proof of their innocence.
A Seattle FBI spokeswoman said the scams were limited to online contacts and did not involve the use of fraudulent Chinese police cars.
Why did China remain isolated?
The notion that China is isolated from the world comes from the period from 1950 until 1972. That was when China was isolated and strictly sanctioned by the West and its allies.
Doesn’t anyone wonder how China went from supposedly being a totally backward and antiquated society to the WORLD LEADER in such a short time?? Is anyone paying attention at all to what is happening with the United Nations? Can no one see that the world is being forced into TOTALITARIANISM?? Do you not see that the world leaders DO NOT CARE what happens to the masses?? People are being tortured and slaughtered around the world and NOBODY SEES??
US Gives China EminentDomain Over US Property Beyond High Treason
A. True Ott, PhD, ND
- “Let’s connect some dots today, boys and girls to learn about the HIGHEST POSSIBLE TREASON that has happened in this country.
- Dot #1 China begins its covert war on the FREE American republic in the 1950’s by taking over much of the PHARMACEUTICAL DRUG manufacturing for American and British Big Pharma. This is an outgrowth of the Rothschild’s OPIUM RING PROCESSING by the British West Indies company during the 1800’s, and is brokered by the “City of London” and Washington D.C.
- Dot #2 Arch-illuminist and satanist Henry Kissinger “normalizes” trade relations with China during the Nixon years.
- Dot #3 Eventual LDS (Mormon) Church President Gordon B. Hinckley, via the church-owned Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii, establishes a “hard currency” pipeline with Bejing, exchanging bank “trade credits” for CIA/BRITISH MI6 DRUG SERVICES RENDERED into hard GOLD AND SILVER while hiding behind the cloak of “World Religion”. This is facilitated via the LDS-Church built and controlled “Shenzhen Special Economic Zone” adjacent to Hong Kong. When Hinckley is made LDS President, his first “official” visit as “World Prophet” is to China, where the Chinese Communist leaders give him a hero’s welcome and a confetti parade. (See attached paper — “Pensees of a Puzzled Pilgrim” pp 5-6 and Desert News, June 1, 1996 article: “President Hinckley Visits China”).
- Dot #4 Arkansas natives Bill Clinton and Sam Walton massively increase contracts with China’s factories over 2,000%. This results in a tremendous imbalance of trade with China. Thanks to the Mormon “Special Economic Zone” — China’s communist leaders begin amassing incredible “real” wealth in gold and silver.
- Dot #5 China purchases TRILLIONS of dollars worth of U.S. Treasury Bills and Bonds, paying for it with gold and silver provided by the Shenzhen Economic Zone exchanges. Much of the U.S. “national debt” is purchased from the private “Federal Reserve” banks in this manner.
- Dot #6 Dr. Jeff Taubenberger of the U.S. Institute of Pathology in Ft. Dedrick MD, (The world headquarters for biologic weapons development) successfully maps the genome of the 1918 killer “flu” virus responsible for the 1918 “pandemic” that killed millions.
- The worst killer virus ever to plague mankind is now ready to be used as a covert “weapon” disguised as a natural “influenza” mutations.
Dot #6 July, 2005: The Illuminati-conrolled United Nations announces that the world is long over-due for an “influenza pandemic”. The H5N1 “Avian Flu” is wrongfully demonized as a COVER.
Dot #7 December 2005: The Chinese Defense Minister, Chi Haotiaon delivers a speech to the Chinese military leaders outlining the inevitable “expansion” of China into Canada, the U.S., and Australia — He justifies this because of Chinese racial “superiority” and thus “emminent domain”. To accomplish this, American would first have to be “Cleansed” by means of a powerful “biological weapon” — causing 150 -200 MILLION AMERICAN DEATHS!!! The plan would be enacted AFTER the symbolic OLYMPIC GAMES beginning at the sacred day of 8-08-08 are concluded. China begins buying oil and gas futures, spiking the worldwide prices to historic levels.
Dot #8 March 13, 2008: A secret meeting is conducted for the U.S. House and Senate. Agents of the Club of Rome give a preview of upcoming events to elected officials who first swear an oath of secrecy. The traitors are briefed that the economy will begin its collapse in October, 2008 — and will TOTALLY collapse in mid 2009. As events unfold in 2009-2010, Congress was told of the real possibily of massive civil unrest and even Civil War being waged. Detention camps constructed to imprison civil ‘agitators’. See for the complete meeting agenda.
Dot #9 In September, 2008 — as soon as the Olympics are concluded, China stops buying oil and gas futures while dumping U.S. Treasury bills and bonds. Gasoline prices plummet, while the U.S. mortgage loan money becomes tightly constricted. The Club of Rome’s agenda is being implemented perfectly.
Dot #10 In October, just as explained in March, the economy indeed begins its collapse with mortgage banks going bankrupt as the Chinese dump their U.S. Securities. This causes a world-wide “rush to liquidity” as money supplies DRASTICALLY tighten.
Dot #11 Billions of worthless U.S. Government “bailout” debit entries are given to bolster failing U.S. Banks. These are “worthless” because China now controls most of the U.S. “REAL” wealth in the form of gold and silver. China refuses to continue investing credit loans to the U.S. Treasury.
Dot #12 Barack Hussein Obama is elected, promising “Change you can believe in.” After taking office in January, Obama sends Hillary Clinton on a critical mission to China and helps write H.R. 45 — a complete grab of America’s guns ala Adolph Hitler. State leaders who understand what Clinton and Obama agenda with China is about, are seeking legal “Sovereignty” to prevent the loss of property to a foreign power.
Dot #13 China agrees to continue investing in U.S. Treasury Bills only after securing the right of “eminent domain” to physically repossess foreclosed American PRIVATE PROPERTY. This move is the equivalent of an unconditional surrender following a bloody war.
This also gives the Chinese military the LEGAL RIGHT to use biological weaponry to “Clean up America all at once”. It gives them the legal right to use deadly force in removing trespassing Americans from occupying Chinese real estate.- Connect these 13 evil dots, and this is what you get:
- BEIJING, China — Sources at the United States Embassy in Beijing China have just CONFIRMED that the United States of America has tendered to China a written agreement which grants to the People’s Republic of China, an option to exercise Eminent Domain within the USA, as collateral for China’s continued purchase of US Treasury Notes and existing US Currency reserves.
- The written agreement was brought to Beijing by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and was formalized and agreed-to during her recent trip to China.
- This means that in the event the US Government defaults on its financial obligations to China, the Communist Government of China would be permitted to physically take — inside the USA — land, buildings, factories, perhaps even entire cities – to satisfy the financial obligations of the US government.
- Put simply, the feds have now actually mortgaged the physical land and property of all citizens and businesses in the United States. They have given to a foreign power, their Constitutional power to “take” all of our property, as actual collateral for continued Chinese funding of US deficit spending and the continued carrying of US national debt.
- This is an unimaginable betrayal of every man, woman and child in the USA. An outrage worthy of violent overthrow.
- ————– UPDATE 1:40 pm EST
- Eminent Domain is the power of government to TAKE private property for public use without the consent of the property owner. Under our Constitution, the government can only “take” when providing “just compensation” for what they’ve taken.
- Who decides what constitutes “just compensation?” The government!
- Homeowners who felt the government was not paying them enough for property in past “takings” have filed lawsuits. In absolutely every such case, the value placed upon the property by the government was upheld by the courts.
- Our federal government has now granted to China, this power to “take”our homes and businesses in the event the US Gov’t defaults on its debts. Let’s play this out as a worst case scenario. . . .
- The US Gov’t goes belly-up and China comes in and says, “they owed us $2 Trillion in Treasury Notes and another $2 Trillion in actual cash money which is now worthless. We are taking the entire state of Hawaii and the entire state of California in lieu of this bad debt. “
- With the stroke of a Chinese chop stick, Hawaii and California — all the land and buildings in those states — are now owned by China.
- The “taking” would be a “valid public use” because it was “taken” in payment of the public debt!!!!
- China could then turn around and declare the value of all that land to be worth. . . . . I dunno, ten cents on a dollar?
- For your $200,000 house, you get a Chinese check for $20,000.
- Needless to say, the property owners would go ballistic and demand “just compensation” for what was taken. Who gets to decide what is “just?” China! Don’t think you got a fair price for what they took? No problem, sue China.
- You’ll lose.
- People who live in those states and own their land outright, might be able to negotiate with China to “rent” back their own property, as long as the property owner continued to pay all his taxes; but the land and buildings would belong to China.
- This is what our own Government has just done to us and it is the single most vile act of betrayal in the history of human existence.
- ————- SECOND UPDATE 3:48 PM
- In early February nine U.S. States began the process of re- asserting their Sovereignty pursuant to the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the US Constitution; declaring null and void any actions by Congress that violated the Constitution.
- The states took action to make certain the feds couldn’t give away cities or the states themselves!
- This situation is going to get VERY ugly, VERY fast as one sovereign power (the feds) try to literally give away the land of other sovereign powers, (the states). This is the type of thing that starts Civil War.
- Our present federal government makes the treachery and betrayal of Benedict Arnold look like child’s play.”
- China Speaks (pdf) READ THIS PDF
“Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China for U.S. Debts.”
by Bernadine Smith
This is written in response to criticisms regarding the article on eminent domain being circulated, entitled: “Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China for U.S. Debts.” Whether it is based on information gained or not, the circumstances tie into facts that need to be taken into consideration, and it most likely characterizes reality. In the least it could be a warning of circumstances which need to be taken into consideration. The thoughts it evokes is something dreadful, but these possibilities have to be dealt with! Let’s examine the similarity to the facts:
Things have changed ever since the socialists took over the oval office! Take for instance, our policy of eminent domain. The traditional policy in this country used to be that public officials working in government could take control of land held by a private person, and exercise “eminent domain” over such property, provided such action met with certain justified constitutional requirements and public approval. At least, that was the way it started out — an essential safety benefit and protection of the public. Then in 2005 the Kelo Decision came before the Supreme Court. The Court’s decision was that land could be taken from one private owner and given to another private owner, simply on the basis that the new owner would generate more tax revenue. That unbelievable and unfortunate court decision damaged the original intent of the Bill of Rights affecting man’s sovereignty, his sovereign right to own land, and his right to receive due process.
I recall that while Bill Clinton was president he had some plan going with the Chinese government to start about 8 new Chinese communities in 8 different U.S. states.The idea at that time was to bring in communist Chinese, and their families, into 8 different states to set up new communities. There was opposition, and as far as I know, the idea is not active, as far as I know. As I recall, most of the 8 communities, but not all, were designated to be scattered in states comprising the lower half of the U.S. If that idea ever becomes revived, it will have big help from the Kelo Decision and a lot of condemnation proceedings will be practiced to provide adequate space for these Chinese communities.
Would China be satisfied to get the power of eminent domain as collateral for the new huge loan Sec. of State Hillary Clinton just managed to negotiate? Hillary was over there. Two public officialswere on television a few nights ago, and one of them described Hillary “on her bended knee, begging China to give us another loan“. China had been unwilling to take on any more of our debts. The only backing we have for our money is the words “full faith and credit”. If we collapse because of the poor management and continual over-spending and inflation of this country’s money, where is China’s security for their loan? What collateral did she come up with? There has to be some worthwhile collateral for these massive loans being expended to us from a shrewd country, especially on top of what we already owe them. Is it possible that the federal government has already had to put up land as collateral for previous debts? What else do we have to put up as collateral? We have no gold. The federal government holds 50% of the nation’s land, which could be listed as collateral. We need to ask “WHAT IS the collateral if we should be unable to pay this debt? The Chinese read the paper and watch TV. They understand our stock market. The situation begs the question: “How much of our physical assets has been used as collateral?” In the least, we should be knowing exactly what the collateral is! If our money is destroyed by more inflation, or if we go bankrupt, surely the Chinese government is not expecting to recoup their money in payments of “interest due figures”, or wallpaper money. We realize that much of our land has already been consigned, turned over to the United Nations: Rivers, national parks, wetlands, Biosphere reserves, Heritages such as Yellowstone National Park, Grand Canyon, Independence Hall, etc., and dozens of other national treasures. Do we have enough other federal land and sites left to cover for all we are borrowing and spending hand over fist? Or will these huge loans also depend upon our privately owned land?
If you wonder whether it would be possible for privately owned land to be collateralized, remember back a few years ago when the National Association of Realtors’ president (Julio S. Laguarta at the time, and pictured in the article) warned in his speech to the International Real Estate Federation in Toronto, Canada that “Failure to change an official United Nations policy that explicitly opposes the right of private property ownership will ultimately result in the destruction of our industry.” Mr. Laguarta then criticized the United Nation’s position on “no private ownership of land” as he warned of and quoted the U.N.’s position as follows:
“Land, because of its unique nature and the crucial role it plays in human settlements, cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Social justice, urban renewal, and development, the provision of decent dwellings and health conditions for people can only be achieved if land is used in the interests of society as a whole.“
Persons running the upcoming administrations under the “CHANGE” POLICY may be forced to honor the no private ownership of land policy! Our government as a member of the U.N. has already had to adopt such a policy, even though we are not told about it. This land policy has never been known to have been rescinded. If there is not enough federal land left to pay off the Federal Reserve, plus all those countries to whom we are now indebted, and especially the gigantic debt we owe China, our ruling socialist elite may try to pay off the debt by including our land (formerly privately owned) to satisfy the investors! The money was borrowed in the name of the people of the United States and the money borrowed will have to come from the assets of the people. It is called a “crash!”
These issues may seem to many people that they cannot happen, but the debt is there and it is real. We are going to be responsible for it in one way or another. We need to understand more of the provisions in these loans, and the consequences. Too few people have no idea that we are not on the gold standard. FDR took us off the gold standard many many years ago when he called all the gold in to pay other debts. THERE IS NO GOLD behind our greenbacks! If we go bankrupt, a different ball game with different rules will be played, especially now that the socialists have taken over our country, and have acquired such world power. China needs land. They are looking to gain it.
Please take time to go over these attachments of which there are a number. Wayne Hage’s article is one of the best and is a must read. Plenty of “sources” listed in there. I have added check marks on a few of the important facts on some of the papers.
Note that “agencies” appears is some of the articles you are receiving. “Agencies” are not responsible to the people! They are outside of and beyond the people’s authority – not beholden to any Constitutional restraint. They are run by internationalists. If collateralizing our debts by using our properties seems unreal, then please consider that our presidents don’t always have our best interest at heart. Ever since Pres. John Kennedy signed the General & Complete Disarmament Law the Congress keeps funding Kennedy’s Public Law 87-297, the law which divests us of our total U.S. national armed forces and transfers them to the United Nations on a permanent basis. We will have no military! The same law also forbids all law-abiding citizens from owning or having access to a firearm of any kind.
When he was president, George W. Bush instituted a military government under the name Homeland Security “Agency”. The H.S.A. has merged the military with the civilian law enforcement systems, something never done in a republic, if it is to remain a republic. This altered concept of operation changes the United States from a republic into a dictatorship. Obama is operating under Presidential Directive Decision 51 (P.D.D. 51) which empowers the president to be a dictator, and supersede the power of the Congress. These are all just facts. What makes anyone think that we don’t have to examine what is happening, especially when government leaders want to eliminate the Constitution and replace it with an already prepared world government constitution. Hopefully, this article “Feds Grant Eminent Domain as Collateral to China for U.S. Debts.” will bring people out of their lethargy.
God bless America!
Mapping China’s Global Governance Ambitions
Democracies Still Have Leverage to Shape Beijing’s Reform Agenda

The current global governance system is rules-based, and it privileges liberal democratic values and standards; Beijing’s alternative vision is a system based on authoritarian governance principles in which state power determines whose interests prevail.
Introduction and summary
Chinese leaders are ramping up their ambitions for the global order. Chinese President Xi Jinping is calling for his nation to “lead the reform of the global governance system,” which is the set of international rules, institutions, and enforcement mechanisms the global community uses to solve common problems.1 As the largest global economy—China has surpassed the United States in purchasing power parity—it is natural for China to seek a stronger voice on global governance issues. However, the problem is that, within China, President Xi is rolling out new systems to strengthen authoritarian control, raising concerns that Beijing seeks to make the international system more authoritarian as well.
Deeper analysis indicates that there is ample reason for concern. China’s stated goals include watering down liberal democratic principles and either replacing or augmenting them with authoritarian ones.
Putting China’s ambitions in context: U.S. retreat provides a strategic opportunity
Chinese analysts view the global governance system as a direct outcome of the distribution of power among nations. According to the Chinese view, powerful nations design global institutions, rules, and norms to reflect and further their own national interests.Since the United States and other Western developed nations designed many of today’s institutions in an era when China was a much weaker power, Beijing assumes that the current system benefits Western nations at China’s expense. Now that China is becoming a rival power center, Beijing expects the global governance system to increasingly reflect Chinese interests.That expectation is a legitimate one, but as this report will illustrate, some of China’s national interests conflict with broader global interests, particularly liberal democratic interests.
Chinese observers view the 2008–2009 global financial crisis as the first major shift in global power from the United States to China. China’s state-directed economy weathered that crisis better than market economies in the United States and Europe, convincing many in Beijing that the Chinese model is superior to the Western one. When the dust settled, the predominant Chinese view was that the United States was declining, China was ascendant, and the global power balance had just passed a major tipping point. In a 2016 article for a leading Chinese foreign policy journal affiliated with the Ministry of State Security, Cui Liru, senior adviser to the China Institutes for Contemporary International Relations, noted the shift in the international power dynamic. He described the post-crisis era as a new world order in which the United States was “no longer able to easily exercise hegemonic authority like it did in the post-Cold War era” and power was more evenly distributed among nations with “different power centers competing and cooperating at different levels according to their own superiority and characteristics.”3 At the time, Chinese leaders were more cautious; they still viewed the world as a unipolar one with the United States at its center, but they saw it shifting toward a new multipolar configuration at an accelerating rate.
After the financial crisis, Chinese leaders began to lean in and play a stronger role on global governance issues—particularly transnational issues such as global climate change—but they were careful to avoid leaning in too far.
Beijing perceived another major power shift in 2016 and 2017 when the United Kingdom voted to exit the European Union (EU) and Donald Trump became the U.S. president. Chinese observers viewed both the Brexit referendum and the Trump administration’s isolationist foreign policy as evidence that the world’s oldest and most powerful democracies were beginning to stumble, creating an opening for China to play a stronger role on global governance issues. President Trump’s first two years in office provided ample evidence to support that conclusion. He pulled the United States out of the Iran deal, the U.N. Human Rights Council, and negotiations for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly, and Regular Migration. Furthermore, Trump announced his intent to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement and the U.N. Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).7 Chinese scholars began to argue that U.S. withdrawal was creating a shortfall in global governance, making it harder to address common challenges and generating rising demand for China to step up and fill the gap. Chen Xiangyang, deputy director of the Institute of World Politics at the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations, described the new dynamic as one in which “US selfishness has caused the world to turn to China to play a greater role,” saying: “US withdrawal has led to greater confidence in and respect for China’s role, enabling China to move closer to the center of the world stage through participating in global governance and expanding its clout and voice in the world.”8
I am convinced that Trump and Johnson, each known as “The Golden Boy” are tools of the Elite placed in office for this time to bring distraction while the real political changes in society are brought to fruition. Check out my artcicles: The Golden Boy; The Other Golden Boy; Both Golden the Boys are in Trouble
In June 2018—immediately following Trump administration withdrawals from the Iran nuclear deal and the U.N. Human Rights Council—President Xi delivered a major foreign policy speech in which he stated that China would “lead the reform of the global governance system.”9 That speech marked Beijing’s first official deviation from the “never claim leadership” principle Deng Xiaoping established in 1989 when laying out the regime’s post-Tiananmen survival strategy.10 The global governance actions China has taken thus far—which are outlined in this report—largely predate Xi’s June 2018 speech. Going forward, the international community should expect China’s ambitions and activities to increase substantially, particularly if the United States continues to disengage from the multilateral arena and provide maximum maneuvering room.
This is a very lengthy and informative report and I strongly recommend you read it in full. It is just too long to post here. It is full of information about which EVERYONE should become informed. It is eyeopening and well worth the time. Read the full article HERE
Chinese president Xi Jinping has vowed for the first time that China should take the lead in shaping the “new world order” and safeguarding international security, one of the latest moves putting him in stark contrast to Donald Trump and the US president’s “America First” policy.
Xi had on numerous occasions called for China to play an important part in building the new world order. But during a Feb. 17 national security seminar in Beijing, he indicated China should “guide” the international community in the effort. A Feb. 20 commentary (link in Chinese) by the Chinese Communist Party’s central party school, which trains officials, noted the distinction. It has since been widely shared by state-controlled media.
News outlets dubbed Xi’s new approach the “Two Guides” (两个引导) policy, with the “two” referring to the new world order and international security. (China has an obsession with silly-sounding numbered policies.)
“The overall trend of world multi-polarization, economic globalization, and democratization of international relations remains unchanged. We should guide the international community to jointly build a more just and reasonable new world order,” Xi was paraphrased by Xinhua (link in Chinese) as saying during last week’s seminar. In another paragraph, the state newswire paraphrased Xi as saying “We should guide the international community to jointly maintain international security.”
Xi’s new proposal has “profound meaning,” as his speech coincided with the annual Munich Security Conference and the G20 finance ministerial meeting, noted the commentary. It added that the Western-dominated world order is near its end as Western countries are showing less willingness and ability to interfere in global affairs—as evidenced by Trump’s isolationist foreign policy.
Xi attended the seminar as head of the National Security Commission, a secretive party organ set up in 2014. Until last week, the body had held just one publicly reported meeting since its establishment. The latest seminar came ahead of the party’s 19th congress, a major leadership reshuffle event slated for this fall.
Since Trump’s election China has emerged as the world’s strongest proponent of globalization. In the past few months, Xi has been busy sending the world messages that are the exact opposite of Trump’s.
As Trump promised to tear up the Trans-Pacific Partnership, Xi touted his alternative Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, including at last November’s APEC summit, right in the US’s backyard.
As Trump threatened to close the borders and back away from global affairs, Xi rebuked Trump—without mentioning his name—in his keynote speech at the 2017 World Economic Forum in January. As Trump pressed to curb immigration, Xi called to make it easier for foreigners to get Chinese green cards.
Xi and Trump appear aligned on one issue: the press. As Trump denounced the media as the “enemy of the American people,” China’s state-controlled media marked the first anniversary (link in Chinese) of Xi’s talk demanding “absolute loyalty” from the press—an idea that Trump, it would seem, could get behind.
July 11, 2014