Before anyone gets offended, understand that this is reality. There are JEWS who HATE ALL NON JEWS! There are also others who are not guilty of the heinous behavior, philosophy, or ritualistic practices of these Pagans.
The Jews depicted below are of the Synagogue of Satan. They are the Pharisees that Jesus/Yahushua confronted while He was on the earth. They are the ones who condemned Him and had Him crucified.
The Chabad/Lubavitch sect is not even accepted by many Jews. However, they are a very influential group with members all over the world. Their most prominent leader who died not too long ago was very radical. He was believed by his followers to be the Messiah.
He had much influence with world leaders. So much so that all the Presidents of the United States since Jimmy Carter, signed a Proclamation honoring the Rebbe on his birthday.
Successive American administrations recognized the extraordinary role of the Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, in providing moral (and religious) direction for Jews and non-Jews worldwide, and sought his sage counsel on issues of global and local import. The Rebbe, in turn, would often emphasize the unique role the United States plays in the world—in general, and particularly the extraordinary influence of the office of the American president.
On the occasion of the historic inauguration of President Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States, we share a brief sampling of some exchanges between the Rebbe and Presidents Carter and Reagan.
[Some of the personal exchanges, both oral (via emissary intermediaries) and written, have yet to be uncovered and we ask you, dear readers, to please submit to us any additional information you may have.]
Shortly after President Jimmy Carter’s inauguration in 1977 he honored the Rebbe by declaring 1977 to be the “Year of Education.” At the conclusion of that year the United States of America celebrated the first Education Day U.S.A. on the Rebbe’s birthday, according to the date on the Jewish calendar.
A joint resolution, signed by the Congress and the President, stated:
…the Congress recognizes a need for the Nation to set aside on the calendar a day devoted to the importance of education to the lives of its citizens and to the general well-being of the Nation; and the Lubavitch Movement, which conducts educational activities at more than sixty centers in twenty-eight States as well as around the world, is especially committed to the advancement of education and has proposed the establishment of an “Education Day, U.S.A.”; and world Jewry marked in 1977 the seventy-fifth birthday of the revered and renowned Jewish leader, the head of the worldwide Lubavitch Movement., Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson…
The President then requested in a separate proclamation that:
…all Americans observe that day in such a matter as reflects their commitment to education and their recognition of its importance to the welfare of this Nation…
After the Rebbe suffered a massive heart attack in 1977 on the eve of the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, the President sent a telegram to the Rebbe:
I was sorry to learn of your illness. I hope that you will be strengthened knowing that the thoughts and prayers of your many followers and admirers, both here and abroad, are with you.
The Rebbe responded:
I thank you, dear Mr. President, for your kind telegram in connection with my recent illness. Your warm expression of concern for my health is deeply appreciated.
…With prayerful wishes for your continued good health and for success in carrying out in the fullest measure the enormous responsibilities which Divine Providence has bestowed on you…
During a chasidic gathering on April 18, 1978, the same day proclaimed as Education Day USA, the Rebbe delivered an address about its significance. Some freely translated excerpts:
…Education, in general, should not be limited to the acquisition of knowledge and preparation for a career, or, in common parlance, “to make a better living.” And we must think in terms of a “better living” not only for the individual, but also for the society as a whole. The educational system must, therefore, pay more attention, indeed the main attention, to the building of character, with emphasis on moral and ethical values. (Need one be reminded of what happened in our lifetime in a country that ranked among the foremost in science, technology, philosophy, etc.?)
Education must put greater emphasis on the promotion of fundamental human rights and obligations of justice and morality, which are the basis of any human society, if it is to be truly human and not turn into a jungle. The United States of America has a long-standing policy of foreign aid to developing countries, through direct grants and through U.N. agencies. Economic aid to foreign countries includes also cultural aid for the promotion and support of cultural programs, etc.
It is generally recognized, at any rate among the free and democratic nations, that each nation is a member of the Family of nations, and all must live together in “the world” which is like one organism. When any part of an organism ails, it affects the whole body; strengthening any part of the body strengthens the whole.
The record of this Nation’s foreign aid is unexcelled in the annals of history, which is as it should be for a Nation so generously blessed by the Al-mighty. One would wish, however, for more affirmative action in the area of cultural, particularly educational, programs.
Economic aid given to a developing country is meant to be used most efficiently and productively. While the conditions attached to such aid must necessarily be limited and circumspect, there are certain conditions which are considered prerequisites. To cite a recent example, President Carter has taken a courageous stand on Human Rights, dismissing the notion that it is an “internal matter,” and he has made it also a condition of Foreign Aid. It is to the President’s credit that he has not only raised this issue, but has succeeded in arousing the world’s “interest” in behalf of this cause. “Unofficially,” however, there is a great deal more that the U.S. government can do to make foreign aid even more productive.
This Nation, with a healthy intuition, indeed, conviction, recognized that its economic system must not be based on crass materialism. Nothing expresses this idea more eloquently and forcefully than the motto on the American Dollar—”In G‑d We Trust.”
In giving out billions of dollars in foreign aid, many discreet ways can be found to have the beneficiaries take a look and ponder on this inscription, with a view to encouraging them to recognize the importance of Trust in G‑d, of appropriate education, with particular emphasis on moral values and genera, humanitarian principles, as mentioned above. Carrying this train of thought further brings us also to the question of military aid.
Ideally, education should lead to a world state where “Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation, neither shall they train for war” (Isaiah 2:4). Until such an ideal state is reached, there will be a need—in the Nation’s own interest—to provide friendly, democratic nations with military aid for self defense, but not to provide military aid to nations that will use it to start war It would surely be in the best interests of those countries themselves, as well as of the United States and the world at large, if, instead, goodwill and benevolence towards them were expressed in terms of economic and cultural aid, to help them raise a new generation free from hatred and violence and bent on channeling their youthful energies and ambitions towards all that is good, good for them and for their countries, and the common good of humanity both materially and spiritually.
In light of all that has been said above, it is most gratifying indeed that President Carter, Vice-President Mondale, and the eminent members of the United States Congress. G‑d bless each and ail of them, have thoughtfully and graciously initiated and associated themselves with the Proclamation of “Education Day, U.S.A.” It augurs well for the vital cause of education in the United States. It will, we hope and pray, also have a beneficial impact on education in all countries which look up to the United States of America for leadership and inspiration in all vital matters that transcend national boundaries, and conduce to a better human society and a better world.
The Rebbe’s call for an emphasis on education was published in major newspapers by American Friends of Lubavitch. On September 18, 1978, President Carter wrote to the Rebbe after receiving a copy of the ad:
I read with great interest the full page ad […] portions of your response to the resolution passed by Congress designating April 18, “Education Day – U.S.A.” I admire the thoughts which you expressed—and am grateful for your support and prayers.
The Rebbe responded on the eve of the Jewish New Year:
Our personal interest in the cause of Education, coupled with the influence of your exalted position, goes a long way in promoting the vital importance of Education…
On February 7, 1979, on the anniversary of the passing of his predecessor, Rabbi Joseph Isaac Schneersohn, of righteous memory, the Rebbe gave a public address. Here are some excerpts:
Since last year, when the U.S. Congress passed the J. H. Res. 770, authorizing and requesting the President to proclaim 18th of April, 1978 (11 Nissan, 5738) as “Education Day, U.S.A.,” we have witnessed a growing awareness of the importance of Education as one of the highest priorities of the nation. No where has this awareness been more evident than in Congress and, especially, in the Executive Branch of the government.
President Carter, in his State of the Union message at the beginning of this year, 1979, gave forceful expression to the urgent need of education reform. He has proposed an imaginative and sweeping program of restructuring the Federal stand on education through the creation of a Cabinet-level Department of Education, at the same time requesting Congress to approve a significant increase in federal aid to education. That he has done this at a time when cutting federal expenditure—even in this vital area—would have been more popular in certain sectors, bespeaks his courage and conviction that upgrading the educational system is “the noblest task of government,” and in the nation’s most vital interests.
The President’s proposal is a very real and practical step in the Nation’s bicentennial history to give new direction and dimension to its educational system. I hope and pray that his conviction and concern will be shared by the vast majority of Americans of all walks of life.
The Rebbe wrote to the President following the talk. The Rebbe’s letter is dated February 9, 1979:
Indeed, the U.S. government, and you Mr. President personally, are in a unique position of influence among the nations of the world, particularly those benefiting from U.S. economic, cultural and other forms of aid, to encourage them to follow your example and to share your “conviction that the noblest task of government is education”—to quote your statement (2/28/78)—a conviction which has been translated into bold, comprehensive action. I am confident that the response will be positive, and I venture to say that it would have a favorable feedback impact on those in this country who, for one reason or another, are not, as yet, enthusiastic about Congress legislation on the submitted project.
Read The Rebbe and President Carter
When President Ronald Reagan entered office in 1981, he continued the tradition. On April 4, 1982, Reagan’s first Education Day USA proclamation read:
…Amid the distractions and concerns of our daily existence, it is appropriate that Americans pause to reflect upon the ancient ethical principles and moral values which are the foundation of our character as a nation.
We seek, and steadfastly pursue, the benefits of education. But education must be more than factual enlightenment—it must enrich the character as well as the mind.
One shining example for people of all faiths of what education ought to be is that provided by the Lubavitch movement, headed by Rabbi Menachem Schneerson, a worldwide spiritual leader who will celebrate his 80th birthday on April 4, 1982. The Lubavitcher Rebbe‘s work stands as a reminder that knowledge is an unworthy goal unless it is accompanied by moral and spiritual wisdom and understanding. He has provided a vivid example of the eternal validity of the Seven Noahide Laws, a moral code for all of us regardless of religious faith. May he go from strength to strength.
On that same day the President wrote to the Rebbe:
You have so much of which to be proud. Since your first moments in the United States in 1941, you have shared your personal gift of universal understanding to the benefit of all. Time and again, your love and spiritual guidance have brought hope and inspiration to those confronted with despair. In bringing solace and comfort to the human spirit, you have helped to strengthen the foundation of faith which is mankind’s most vital asset. Your life’s work has been a response to that special calling few are privileged to hear.
The Rebbe responded on April 18, 1982:
By focusing attention on “the ancient ethical principles and moral values which are the foundation of our character as a nation,” and on the time-honored truth that “education must be more than factual enlightenment—it must enrich the character as well as the mind,” while reaffirming the eternal validity of the G‑d-given Seven Noahide Laws (with all their ramifications) for people of all faiths—you have expressed most forcefully the real spirit of the American nation.
More than ever before the civilized world of today will look up to the United States of America for guidance as behooves the world’s foremost Super Power—not merely in the ordinary sense of this term but even more importantly, as a moral and spiritual Super Power, whose real strength must ultimately derive from an unalterable commitment to the universal moral code of the Ten Commandments. Indeed, it is this commitment to the same Divine truths and values that, more than anything else, unites all Americans in the true sense of E Pluribus Unum.
On May 17, 1987 the Rebbe responded to that year’s resolution:
…It is particularly gratifying that you use this occasion to bring to the attention of the Nation and of the International community the need of upgrading education in terms of moral values, without which no true education can be considered complete.
Consistent with your often declared position, that “no true education can leave out the moral and spiritual dimensions of human life and human striving,” you, Mr. President, once again remind parents and teachers, in the opening paragraph of your Proclamation, that their sacred trust to children must include “wisdom, love, decency, moral courage and compassion, as part of everyone’s education.” Indeed, where these values are lacking, education is – to use a classical phrase – “like a body without a soul.”
With the summer recess approaching, one cannot help wondering how many juveniles could be encouraged to use their free time productively, rather than getting into mischief—if they were mindful of – to quote your words – a Supreme Being and a Law higher than man’s…
On August 25, 1987 the President responded:
I was very pleased to receive your message and to have the benefit of your reflections on the important role moral and spiritual values must play in the realm of education. The renewed attention being paid to these questions, not only in debates among public policy makers, but in academic and intellectual circles as well, is encouraging. I believe this trend is virtually certain to continue as the American people look for ways to apply the lessons of tradition to the problems facing our educational system and so many other areas of our national life.
I appreciate your contributions to these welcome developments and all that the Lubavitch movement has done to foster the inculcation of high moral and ethical standards.
In 1994, Schneerson was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Medal for his “outstanding and lasting contributions toward improvements in world education, morality, and acts of charity.” Schneerson’s resting place attracts both Jews and non-Jews for prayer.
To learn more about CHABAD and Rabbi Schneerson please view the following post:
The Presidents starting with Reagan, did much more then send a warm greeting to Rabbi Schneerson for his Birthday. Check out the following post for more information. spacer
Biden signs presidential order honoring Lubavitcher Rebbe
Declaring the birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe as National Education Day is a practice done by US Presidents since the administration of President Carter.
This day will be held in honor of the leader of the Chabad movement the Lubavitcher Rebbe‘s birthday, as Sunday marked 121 years to his birth in Nikolaev in today’s Ukraine.
Honoring the Rebbe’s outreach and teaching
In his statement, President Biden wrote: “On Education and Sharing Day, we honor the memory of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who devoted his life to outreach and teaching – building bridges, challenging us to grow, and championing tolerance and learning.
“From Brooklyn, he turned pain into purpose and built a global movement devoted to education, fellowship, and healing. My administration has stood firm in defending the core values that the Rebbe championed and that we all share as Americans — the idea that everyone is created equal and must be treated with dignity and respect throughout their lives,” he added.
“I call on all government officials, educators, volunteers and all residents of the United States to observe this day with appropriate programs, ceremonies and activities,” Biden concluded.
“We honor the memory of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, who devoted his life to outreach and teaching – building bridges, challenging us to grow, and championing tolerance and learning.”
US President Joe Biden
Declaring the birthday of the Lubavitcher Rebbe as National Education Day is a practice done by US Presidents since the administration of President Carter.
The date of the day changes every day in the USA since it is oriented according to the Hebrew date of the birthday which is the 11th of the Hebrew month Nisan.
“The fact that for 45 years in a row, US presidents have considered it appropriate to honor the Rebbe’s birthday as ‘National Education Day’ teaches about the scope of the Rebbe’s influence in the entire world,” explained Rabbi David Nachshon, chairman of Chabad movement in Israel. “This is a day that illustrates the greatness of the Rebbe, the King and Messiah, for whose coming with complete redemption we hope every day. It is no wonder that so many see him, a man that the presidents of the United States see as a model for leadership, as the one who will redeem the people of Israel very soon.”
Rabbi Nachshon added: “At the same time of celebrations in thousands of Chabad houses around the world, on this day, it is customary for many to give the rabbi a spiritual ‘gift’, and to fulfill a mitzvah or a good deed as he requested, thereby symbolizing the redemption of Israel.”
Chabad treats Schneerson’s birthday as a holiday every year, using it as a springboard for outreach and for a political movement to bring a moment of silent reflection to American schools. President Joe Biden issued a proclamation honoring the birthday in 2022 as well.
Born in Ukraine in 1902, Schneerson lived there for much of his early life, then in Berlin and then in France after Adolf Hitler came to power in 1933 before escaping to the United States in 1941. After his father-in-law, the sixth Chabad rebbe, died in 1950, he became the sect’s leader and, over time, one of the most influential figures in contemporary Judaism.
Philissa Cramer/JTA contributed to this story.
This is absolutely sick!! This type of behavior has no place in a Synagogue OR ANY OTHER PLACE. How dare they behave that way in a house that is meant for the worship of YAH?
When you see these tunnels, none of their explanations can possibly be true. They are lying and covering up hideous and vile behavior and practices.
Repost from January 10, 2024. | Vincent James(Red Elephant) | What the Media Refuses to Tell You About the Secret Jewish Tunnels Discovered in NYC (Video)
—My Tidbit: —There is a lot of obfuscation going on, but I opine these ‘Jews’ are still carrying on their Satanic Babylonian rituals. This is the reason why they were kicked out of many nations. Then, they flip the script around and claim to be the victims. These deceivers fail to understand that ‘TRUTH’ conquers all. The ‘TRUTH’ will prevail. Mankind is waking up to the true adversary of all mankind. Mankind best wake up, a lot faster before these psychos and their ilk bring a full-blown WW3 upon us.
—Side Note:————— The Jesuit order(Crypto-Jews) was established on September 27, 1540. Guy Fawkes (13 April 1570 – 31 January 1606), also known as Guido Fawkes was a member of a group of provincial English Catholics involved in the failed Gunpowder Plot of 1605. He was an agent of the Jesuits.The Chabad-Lubavitch was founded in 1775 and the Illuminati was founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt(Jesuit Crypto-Jew).I gather the ‘Illuminati’ came into being after the meetings of the ‘Unholy Trinity’ of Adam Weishaupt, Jacob Frank, and Mayer Amschel Rothschild. The lodges of Masonry were infiltrated and Judaized. Almost 13 years after the creation of ‘The Illuminati’ the French Revolution(1789) occurred.Gary Bell talk-show host of ‘View from Space’ claimed the Illuminati used Sacred Numerology, Sacred Geometry, and Astrology to plan and execute their events. (Notice: The French Revolution occurred ’13’ years after the founding of the Illuminati)
—————— ▸ “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.” ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
▸ “Control your mind or it will be controlled for you.” -Napoleon Hill
▸ “I am the TRUTH, the WAY, and Life.” – Jesus Christ
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Thank you.”
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“Ce n’est pas tous les jours que l’on peut voir la vidéo d’un juif hassidique rampant hors d’une grille de trottoir de Brooklyn, tel un rat échappant à un exterminateur, et nous devrions donc tous savourer ce moment en essayant de comprendre le pourquoi et le comment de ce spectacle saisissant…”
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Human Trafficking EXPOSED? Secret Tunnels Discovered At Chabad-Lubavitch Global Headquarters
January 14th, 2024.
NYC Secret Tunnel Synagogue Linked To Child Sexual Abuse For 30 Years
The New York City Jewish Chabad secret tunnel temple has been linked to child sexual abuse for at least 30 years, which it refused to report to proper authorities.
The Jewish Chabad movement, which dug tunnels in New York City which were revealed to be holding a small soiled mattress and a high chair, has a dark history of pedophilia within its executive branch.
In 1991, one of the Chabad movement’s most prominent members, Hirschel Pekkar, who created the famous Chabad Menorah, admitted to “doing things that shouldn’t be done” to a 5-year-old girl, after she accused him of child sexual abuse.
Despite the admission, Pekkar faced no legal action and no further scrutiny. The situation was kept within the Chabad movement, with a rabbinical court ordering Pekkar to be treated by an “expert counselor.”

Video footage from New York City shows a small stained mattress being pulled from the illegal tunnel that was discovered beneath a Crown Heights, Brooklyn synagogue, where photographs show that, among other things, multiple stained mattresses were located in the underground lair.
What’s more, is that a high chair is seen in a photograph of the tunnel system, which was sealed off by NYC authorities and reportedly filled with concrete, burying and destroying any potential evidence related to additional crimes possibly committed underground.
A riot broke out and a dozen men were arrested at the New York City synagogue that serves as the headquarters of the Orthodox Jewish Chabad movement when Jewish students tried to stop the NYPD and a team of construction workers from sealing off the illegal tunnel system dug beneath the building, reportedly to connect the synagogue to the site of a Jewish men’s ritual bath.
The mystery of New York’s synagogue tunnels
Ancient religious zealotries underpin our seemingly modern world
The week’s strangest story, in a 2024 already off to a weird start, must surely be the Brooklyn Hasidic Tunnel. This secret, illegal tunnel was discovered under the headquarters of the Chabad-Lubavitch Hasidic Jewish community at 770 Eastern Parkway, Brooklyn, NY. It’s not confirmed when it was dug, or why, though some reports suggest it leads to a currently unused men’s mikveh.
Rabbi Motti Seligson, a spokesperson for Chabad, called the tunnel a rogue act by “extremists”. Defenders, on the other hand, argued that the synagogue had long been overcrowded, and the tunnel simply represented the community’s young men taking the initiative on expansion. In any case, on Tuesday, footage was published online of a riot at the Chabad synagogue, as police officers closed off the building and a cement truck arrived to seal the tunnel. 12 have since been arrested. The scenes spread rapidly online, producing an efflorescence of memes: some surreal, many virulently antisemitic, and others linking to existing conspiracy theories.
The mysterious and self-contained nature of orthodox Jewish communities has long made them a target for such fabrications — a tendency stretching all the way back to medieval blood libels, such as the 1475 case of Simon of Trent. The Brooklyn tunnel slotted neatly into such lore: footage of objects including what appeared to be a bloodstained mattress being removed from the tunnels encouraged a frenzy of speculation. Some even linked it back to existing rumours such as the debunked tale of malnourished children rescued from tunnels under Central Park by the US Military in 2020.
The building at 770 Eastern Parkway is the centre of a global network of “Chabad Houses”, founded by and linked to the charismatic rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, who — until his death in 1994 — viewed himself as the leader of world Jewry. During his life many followers believed him to be the Messiah, and AP reports that some still think so, or even believe Schneerson is still living.
And both this apocalyptic turn among Chabad followers, and the speculation prompted by its discovery, together underline what I’ve described as the real and already well-established re-enchantment of the world. That is, the bleeding back into everyday life of the uncanny, occult, and mysterious, through the cracks in our supposedly rationalistic and mechanistic modern life.
The strangeness of the Brooklyn Chabad story, that is, rests not in the fuel it provides to an existing memeplex of often antisemitic conspiracies. Rather, it’s in how the report abruptly lifted the lid on a community — in one of the most modern, high-tech cities on the planet —for whom the rationalistic, pluralistic values that officially sustain that civilisation seem to have been largely irrelevant, in comparison to their self-contained, profoundly religious outlook.
After all, the Chabad community, (possibly undead) Messiah and all, flourished at the heart of Brooklyn. This fact only came to seem remarkable when some of its young men got a bit too headstrong about expanding. And the conspiratorial internet response to these revelations has been in its own way just as self-contained and religious. This all invites the question: how much of the rest of supposedly rational modernity now exists only as a veneer overlaying a competing upswelling of religious zealotries, both ancient or modern? Even leaving aside the internet rumour-mill, that on its own is a perspective-altering prospect.
compilation of 3 important videos i preserved from jewtube years ago, thanks to the real creator of it for the material. -The Talmudization of the Gentile World – The Noahide Laws (the JWO part1)- The Talmudization of the Gentile World – Chabad Lubavitch (the JWO part2)- The Talmudization of the Gentile World – The Sanhedrin (the JWO part3)
–> pls check the links i provide below too for more great infos about the topics :
American Aerospace executive Dr Carol Rosin worked in the 1970s with Dr Wernher von Braun, the German rocket scientist I mentioned earlier was employed by NASA after the second world war.
She said that he told her when he knew he was dying of cancer that there was a plan to introduce a series of fake enemies to justify the weaponisation of space).
They would be, in order: the soviet union; terrorists; Third world country ‘crazies’ ; countries of concern’ in current parlance; asteroids; and the last one would be a threat of an alien invasion. Von Braun told her not to believe any of this when it happened because it would be a lie and a hoax.
Soviet union terrorists UKRAINE by any chance?
Video – Overview:
Crucifixion of Jesus Christ – Israel TVWho led Ukraine to the EU?Lecture by R. Bulochnik “The Nations/Peoples of the World and their Future”.R. Avigdor Eskin: Who are the Chabat Lubavitch?R. Michael Laitman on the SuperpowersAgitation against the National Hero of UkraineAbout the Russian Character and PutinNuclear WarThe Horsemen of the Apocalypse and Examples of Using the Number of the BeastWho is the Eighth King? (Apocalypse)The number 120 and April 18, 2022Thantocracy (Reign of Death)The Interpretation of the Sculpture on the Cover of the VideoFarewell – Summary – Important Notes