We serve an AWESOME and MARVELOUS CREATOR. His mercy and grace toward us is unfathomable. I know that whenever someone comes to see with spiritual eyes, the TRUTH of God’s Word and HIS great love for us, they can’t help but fall in love with HIM. It is my hearts desire to serve to help others find their way to the awesome light of HIS love.
The story of JONAH is a HUGE Message of Love from God’s heart to YOURS! It is a demonstration of HIS mercy and Grace and the manifestation of all that he wants to be for us, in CHRIST/MESSIAH. GOD HIMSELF saw the plight we found ourselves in, because of the DECEPTION of the DEVIL/DECEIVER/ADVERSAY/SATAN/THE DRAGON. Because sin cannot live in his presence we were lost and doomed to live under the authority and control of the FALLEN. The penalty for sin is death, the shedding of blood. God had a plan, for which I am forever grateful. God’s only begotten son, took on flesh and blood, and paid the price for all, forever. Hallelujah! Now, the only way to GOD is through the Blood, and the only way for humans to be condemned is to refuse the gift of salvation. The only thing that separates us from eternal life with GOD is us!
That is HUGE!! Amazing!! I pray that everyone has the blinders removed from their eyes and the ears unstopped so the deception of the enemy can no longer keep them from recognizing the MESSIAH/CHRIST. I pray that everyone who CAN BE SAVED will be SAVED!
So the story of JONAH is the story of GOD’s mercy, grace, and redemption. We are living in the last of the last days. Anytime now, the Son of GOD will be returning to collect all who belong to Him. Are you ready? Do you know Him?
God has messages for you in the skies above us right now. All over the world, people are seeing signs and wonders. Many are seeing Jesus/Yahushua manifested in their presence. God is revealing himself in many ways to many people. WHY? Because he does not want anyone to perish. God knows that humans need signs and wonders.
John 4:48
So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.”
But, He warns us to beware. The Devil also knows humanity’s weakness. He performs false signs and false wonders to deceive event the elect. God’s word should be our plumb line and sufficient evidence of His existence. We should trust in the HOLY SPIRIT to lead us and guide us and to reveal all truth to us. And we should let the peace of God in our hearts, be the witness that God is with us and we are on the right track.
At this time, GOD is telling us to look to the heavens and recognize his handiwork. The heavens and GOD’s zodiac not the corruption the devil presents, but GOD’s Heavenly Astrology, declare his plan from beginning to end. God uses the Sun, Moon and Stars to speak to us of what is coming.
As we get closer to the end…we need to be watching and listening for His word for us.
13 And the evening and the morning were the third day.
14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
there are at least 100 scripture references to the signs God placed in the heavens for our benefit.
God Warned us:
Deuteronomy 4:19
19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them
There are at least 100 scriptures that speak of God’s signs in the sky. The following link presents a list of them:
Signs In The Sky
Here is a list some of my related posts
JONAH – God’s Message to this DYING WORLD!
The Outlandish Story of Jonah and Nineveh – Fact or Fiction?
I am so thankful that the Lord led me to this next article. She uses the software that displays what is visible in the skies it may be Stellarium or it may be another similar software. Those are available for anyone who can afford to buy them and can figure out how to use them. It takes a special mind to utilize the tool to recognize the constellations. It takes a special gift from God to understand them and the messages they convey. Ms Dickinson has spent a great deal of time putting this video together. I pray that you will take the time to watch it and review it and study it. God is speaking to YOU! I pray that you will be blessed as I was watching it.spacer
1.54K subscribers
Discover the manifestation of the sign of Jonah that Jesus prophesied would be given to a wicked and adulterous generation. You will see how the sign perfectly correlates to the biblical account of Jonah including the important warning time message that Jonah received when he was spit out of the mouth of the big fish. Only God can orchestrate such sign and He is doing so to lead our steps until the end. Please visit our website for the full presentation about this sign in this link: https://orionist.whitecloudfarm.org/?… Share with others this picture to give the warning: https://www.whitecloudfarm.org/images… Visit our website to learn more about the sign of the Son of man: https://www.whitecloudfarm.org/home-e…
“Swallowed” by a Whale. Turns out he was NOT swallowed. I still found the story interesting, but I did not save it. That is not until I saw the above video. Then I realized that God had indeed led me to this video. Because thought the man was not swallowed, the Whale had save the man from a very dangerous SHARK. Though the man did not understand what the Whale was doing and fought against the Whale thinking he was in danger from the Whale. When the man let go and let the Whale lead him, he was lead to safety. I believe this was meant as a sign for all of us. That God is desiring to save us from the evil that lurks but also from ourselves. If we will quit fighting against GOD, and allow him to move in our lives, we will find ourselves redeemed and rescued. Save from the clutches of workers of iniquity/the forces of darkness/the DECEPTION of the Devil and even from our own bad choices, wrong decisions, outright rebellion and disobedience. LET GO, and LET GOD!!
17.8K subscribers
#stories #inspiration #story #reallife #amazing_truth It would be so much easier if we could read animals’ minds. This whale suddenly swallowed a diver. Then, five minutes later, everyone was extremely shocked by something that will blow your minds.

The Next Jubilee Year
Aug 15, 2023 — Based on this computation, the probable timing for the 70th jubilee begins on Yom Kippur 2024 up to Rosh Hashana 2025.
5.54K subscribers

The name Jonah: Summary
The name Jonah in the Bible
In MATTHEW 12:40, Jesus compares his three day stay in the grave with Jonah’s famous three-day stay in the great fish (Jonah in Greek is Ιωνας, Ionas).
38Then some of the scribes and Pharisees answered him, saying, “Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you.” 39But he answered them, “An evil and adulterous generation seeks for a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. 41The men of Nineveh will rise up at the judgment with this generation and condemn it, for they repented at the preaching of Jonah, and behold, something greater than Jonah is here. Matthew 12:38–41 (ESV).
Another connection between Jonah and Jesus occurs when the Pharisees state that ‘no prophet arises out of Galilee‘ (JOHN 7:52). They were wrong because 2 Kings 14:25 states that Jonah was from Gath-hepher, which is a town in Galilee, in between the Sea of Galilee and Mount Carmel on the Mediterranean coast.
Altogether, this Old Testament hero (JONAH) is mentioned 13 times in the New Testament; SEE FULL NEW TESTAMENT CONCORDANCE. That ought to confirm to you that GOD takes the story of Jonah very seriously, of course JESUS himself confirmed that JONAH did indeed spend three days and nights inside the Whale’s belly. Just as JESUS CHRIST, spent three days and three nights in the BELLY OF THE EARTH. The WORD of GOD says that JONAH is a sign for us.
Etymology of the name Jonah
There’s something deeply peculiar about the name Jonah. Pretty much all sources derive it of the root יון, and render the name Dove. Jones’ Dictionary of Old Testament Proper Names, however, makes a striking observation (or perhaps even an error). Jones suggests that the Hebrew word for dove comes from the verb ינה (yana), meaning to oppress, vex, do wrong. Taking the name Jonah from this verb, it would interestedly mean Vexer, Wrongdoer. Traditionally however, the name Jonah is understood to come from the root יון and particularly the word יונה (yona), meaning dove:
Assumed root יון (ywn) yields the noun יון (yawen), meaning mire or swampy, boggy ground. Mire’s signature failure to provide secure footing is often used proverbially. Note that in the Bible dry land often signifies factual and consensual certainty, whereas water (seas and rivers) denote liquidity, growth and potential. This is why in the Bible the great cultures are always associated with their respective great rivers.
From the same or identical second root יון (ywn) comes noun יונה (yona), meaning dove. In the Bible the dove serves both as a symbol of weakness or indecisiveness, and of vast abundance (as well as being the bodily form of the Holy Spirit). Apparently, in antiquity doves were everywhere. They were recognized to show no resolute dedication to an ecological niche (like, say, the eagle), and to flutter about in uncertain circles, much unlike the straight paths of, say, ravens. Ravens are associated with hearing and doves with sight. The Greek word for dove is περιστερα (peristera), of which element περι (peri) indeed describes both a broad circle and ubiquity.
Curiously similar to the word for dove, the verb ינה (yana) means to do someone wrong or to oppress or vex someone. Perhaps the two have nothing to do with each other but where the great leaps are most celebrated, it’s the little irritations in life that provoke the most massive progress. Or in other words: for every one brilliantly engineered iPhone there are hundreds of staples, paperclips and rubber bands that tie much more of life together.
The noun יין (yayan) is of unclear pedigree but is obviously similar to the previous. It means wine; either simply fermented grape juice or mankind’s culture at large, seeing that in the Bible humanity’s cultural world is often depicted as a vineyard: many separate grapes make much liquid wine, and many separate minds make much liquid culture.
Jonah meaning
For a meaning of the name Jonah, all the consulted sources go with Dove, but it also means Vexer.
A Dove. The dove is the most common symbol of the Holy Spirit. In the Old Testament, it was a dove that signaled the end of the flood (Gen 8:8-12). When Jesus was baptized, the heavens were opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in the form of a dove (Mt 3:16; Mk 1:10; Lk 3:22; Jn 1:32).
I included the following article to demonstrate that throughout antiquity, the story of Jonah is the bible is not the only reference to mythical characters surviving a period of time inside the belly of a whale. Nor is Jonah the only person that was claimed to be SWALLOWED by a whale.
Now I would think that with all the bible references to JONAH and confirmation of his plight by JESUS CHRIST/Yahushua HA MASCHIAH himself should be enough to prove the truth of the story of Jonah. But people are inclined to believe the liars who dispute God’s Word.

The Wondrous World of Whales: Self-Awareness, Empathy, and Communication
(Art by yanadhyana on DeviantArt)
Whales possess brain structures analogous to our own, including the development of spindle cells, which are linked to crucial functions such as self-awareness, empathy, and communication. As a result, these majestic creatures can recognize one another, develop deep bonds, and identify themselves and their companions.
In addition, their incredible journeys to their breeding grounds involve the courting and mating of partners and the nurturing of their offspring through milk production. Whales exhibit remarkable ingenuity by creating and utilizing tools, engaging in play and exploration, and even engaging in forms of education and cooperation.
In moments of grief and loss, they have been known to mourn the passing of their fellow whales. And when their minds wander into the realm of sleep, they are believed to dream just as we do. Indeed, whales are creatures of profound intelligence and emotional depth, worthy of our admiration and respect.

Whale Symbolism in Mythology
Once considered a fish, the whale has been a central figure in many ancient stories worldwide. The theme of death and rebirth associated with this majestic creature can be found in diverse cultures ranging from Japan and Vietnam to Polynesia and Finland, a testament to its enduring power as a symbol of initiation and transformation.
(Image from Pixabay)
In mythology, whales are revered as the spirits of the deep, embodying the mysteries of the unconscious, the night, the womb, and the Underworld. Our ancestors once referred to these majestic creatures as dragons, sea monsters, and gigantic fish, projections that reveal our primal fears of becoming lost in the vastness of the universe.
Even the cosmos bears witness to the awe-inspiring nature of these creatures, as the constellation Cetus, or the Whale, takes shape in the depths of the spatial abyss. Its form, a reflection of the fluid and graceful movements of these giants of the sea, serves as a constant reminder of the majesty and power that whales hold over our imaginations.
The Night Sea Journey Myth and the Whale
The Night Sea Journey tells the tale of a solar hero who becomes confined within the belly of a whale. This event serves as a metaphorical representation of the hero’s journey toward inner transformation.
In his insightful depiction of this myth, Carl Jung proposes the powerful ritual of katabasis, a Greek term signifying a gradual descent. This descent takes the form of a journey to the Underworld, where the hero searches for renewal, rebirth, and regeneration.

Whale Symbolism in the Bible: Jonah and the Whale
(Image from Picryl)
The Bible holds the mighty and majestic whale in high regard, with one of its most legendary accounts centered around this remarkable creature.
The Book of Jonah tells the story of a divine commandment that requires the prophet to journey to the city of Nineveh and warn its people of the sinful path they tread, with dire consequences if they refuse to repent. Jonah struggles with the notion of human redemption. He ultimately disobeys the directive, embarking on a defiant voyage to sea with his crew.
As the group is caught in a ferocious storm, Jonah perceives it as a manifestation of God’s wrath. So, in a desperate attempt to appease the wrath of the divine, the sailors threw Jonah overboard, where he was swallowed whole by a giant “fish.”
For three long days and nights, Jonah found himself confined within the belly of the whale, an experience that brought him to the brink of despair. But amid this darkness, Jonah courageously embraced his duty and delivered the prophecy. He emerged from the whale’s belly, reborn and transformed.
Jonah portrayed the whale’s insides as sheol, meaning “the pit,” the place of darkness where the dead go. The whale’s cavernous jaws, in turn, symbolize the gates of hell. In contrast, the belly of the whale serves as a womb, birthing Jonah anew into a life of purpose and meaning. Thus, the story of Jonah and the whale serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of confronting our deepest fears and emerging reborn into a new life.
Whale Symbolism in Islam
Within the Islamic faith, there is a profound belief that the majestic whale is a critical cornerstone to the very foundation of the Universe. With unparalleled size and strength, the whale provides an awe-inspiring base upon which a mighty bull stands, holding up a massive green rock of remarkable significance. Perched atop this hallowed stone rests an angel, tasked with supporting the earth. Such is the delicate balance of the natural world that, should the whale begin to tremble, the planet’s equilibrium would be thrown perilously off-balance, leading to the tumultuous upheaval of earthquakes.
Whale Symbolism in Inuit Traditions
In the Tikigaq (Tikigagmiut) Inuit culture, the whale is more than just a creature of the sea; it is a cunning trickster. According to a well-known myth, the belly of the whale held a magnificent abode furnished with elegance and splendor, where a beautiful woman lived. This area, created by the reassembled whalebones, was believed to be a place of birth and death and a site of immense danger and initiation.
On rare occasions, the mysterious woman would extend her gracious hospitality to mariners, most likely to offer comfort and solace to the seafarers of this powerful whaling culture, who regularly faced the perils of the ocean.
Whale Symbolism in Indigenous Pacific Northwest Coast Traditions
With graceful movements and deep reverence, the Kwakwaka’wakw (Kwakiutl) shaman donned a magnificent work of art upon his head and back – an exquisite whale mask meticulously crafted to come alive with each swaying step as an integral part of the ceremonial winter dances.
Whale Symbolism in Indigenous Australian Cultures: Gyian the Whale
In the lore of Australia, a tale of great significance speaks of a majestic whale known as Gyian. Long before the world as we know it came to be, the creator Baiyami dwelled amongst the shimmering stars of the Milky Way. He fashioned the plants and animals that now thrive on our earth with his divine power.
Among his many masterpieces, Baiyami’s heart was captivated by the gentle spirit of Gyian, the magnificent whale. Filled with affection, Baiyami vowed to create a world of perfect harmony where Gyian could dwell and flourish. And so, he brought Gyian and Bunder, the noble kangaroo, into this new world and declared it as Gyian’s dreaming place.

Whale Symbolism in Māori Traditions: The Whale Rider
(Image from Unsplash)
The tale commences with the half-brothers Kahutia-te-rangi and Ruatapu. Ruatapu, who already harbored resentment towards Kahutia-te-rangi due to his higher status, planned to take revenge when their father, Uenuku, scolded him for using Kahutia-te-rangi’s comb without permission.
Ruatapu built a canoe and invited Kahutia-te-rangi and other high-ranking sons of Uenuku into it, pretending to take them on a sea voyage. However, unknown to the young men, Ruatapu had made a hole in the canoe’s bottom, which he temporarily clogged with his heel. Once far away from the shore, he removed his heel, causing the canoe to sink.
After that, Ruatapu drowned every young man except for Kahutia-te-rangi, who recited an incantation that summoned the Southern humpback whales, known as “paikea” in Maori, to help him reach the shore. The whales came to his aid, carrying Kahutia-te-rangi to safety and making him the only survivor of the tragedy. In honor of the whales that saved his life, Kahutia-te-rangi assumed the name Paikea.
Whale Symbolism in Hawaiian Culture
In the eyes of Hawaiians, the whale embodies Kanaloa, the God of the ocean, in the form of an animal. These majestic creatures are regarded as guardians and deeply connected to the divine and spiritual realm. Hawaiians consider the body of a whale to be sacred. If one happens to wash ashore, they show great reverence to the ground upon which it lies. Alii, chiefs, and Kahuna, spiritual leaders, are appointed to protect and honor the site where the whale rests.
Whale Symbolism in Vietnamese Culture
Vietnamese culture honors the whale as a revered guardian and protector of fishermen. Known as Cá Ông or Lord Fish, the whale is considered a divine creature in Vietnam. The Vietnamese celebrate the whale by building temples dedicated to it and holding intricate funerals for any whales that wash up on shore. In addition, the whale’s bones are respectfully placed in a temple as a symbol of the whale’s significance to Vietnamese culture.
Whale Symbolism in Ancient Greek Mythology
The Sea Creature: Aspidochelone
In Greece, a sea creature is known as aspidochelone, or in Latin, “asp-turtle,” which is believed to be a massive whale with beaches on its hide, resembling those found on the shore. The creature often raises its back above the sea waves, creating an illusion that it is an island. Unsuspecting sailors may mistake it for a sandy beach and beach their ship alongside it, only to discover their grave mistake. Once they disembark and set up camp, the monster submerges into the water, taking the ships and its crew down into the depths of the sea.

Cetus and Andromeda
(Image from Pixabay)
In Greek mythology, Poseidon, the sea god, was linked to a whale or sea monster known as Cetus. The tale tells of Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia, and her daughter, Andromeda, whose beauty Cassiopeia bragged was superior to that of Poseidon’s sea nymphs, the Nereids.
Poseidon, furious at this boastfulness, dispatched Cetus to attack Ethiopia. Fearful of the monster, Cassiopeia resolved to offer Andromeda as a sacrifice, chaining her to a rock near the ocean. But before Cetus could harm her, Perseus arrived, wielding Medusa’s head, turning Cetus to stone. Distraught at the loss of his sea creature, Poseidon cast the petrified Cetus into the sky, where it became a constellation.
Whale Symbolism in Norse Mythology
The Vikings had their version of the whale myth, featuring Lyngbakr, a creature disguised as an island that lured sailors to their doom. Despite their fear of these beasts, the ancient Scandinavians still hunted them for sustenance.
In one tale from the Heimskringla sagas, King Harald of Denmark sends his warlock to Iceland for reconnaissance. The warlock shapeshifts into a whale to make the journey. Still, no matter where he travels along the coast, he is thwarted by Icelandic guardian spirits. Ultimately, the king is forced to abandon his plan to attack Iceland.
The spiritual significance of whales emanates from myths and folklore that depict them as swallowing humans wholly. This has led to the whale symbolizing completion, entombment, and the body. Additionally, whales represent the connection between the divine and ordinary worlds, as whales surface from the sea and descend to its depths, embodying the inner world and the unconscious.
Art by Art by yanadhyana on DeviantArt⠀
References used:
Martin, K., & Ronnberg, A. (2010). The book of symbols: Reflections on archetypal images.
Wilkinson, P. (2014). Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings. Metro Books.
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➤We are waiting for the soon rapture of the church through Jesus Christ. Hop on board! ➤Join the God A Minute voice and text fellowship app: / discord
I noticed on the map above that there were three places on the map where the eclipse lines crossed forming an X, making XXX.
Jan 23, 2010#1
‘XXX’ Explained – Olympics, Porn and The Proof
Posted by Rik at 21:48For background reading please see my previous posts:1) London Olympics 2012 : Zion (The New Jerusalem)2) London Olympics 2012 : The Logo’s Creator3) London Olympics 2012 : Zion : Street Plan4) Beijing Olympics 2008 : Zion & The Fifth World5) The Olympic Torch Relay & The Religion Of The NWOToday a new realisation hit me, with regard to the significance and true meaning behind the sequence of letters ‘XXX’.As most will be aware, ‘XXX’ permeates our lives in a multitude of ways:* The London 2012 Olympic Games (XXX Olympiad)
* Pornography
* Kisses on a letter, e-mail or greetings card
* ‘Britain’s Got Talent’ or ‘America’s Got Talent’ TV Show (for the few who still watch TV!)
* In the cinema (xXx with Vin Diesel)
* A certain someone’s birthday in 2012Imagine for a moment, that when you’ve been showing respect, releasing emotion and energy to any of the above ‘XXX’ sequences, you have been feeding the biggest occult agenda known to man. An agenda which will bring about the spiritual ascen’sion’ of the world under a ‘false messiah’ known as the ‘Son Of God’.Now imagine for a moment, it’s all true…
The ‘X’ Olympics
It is my belief that the 2012 London Olympic Games (XXX Olympiad) are going to witness a pre-planned ‘alien visitation’ alongside the anointment of an ‘end times’ messiah.
Our focus here is the letter ‘X’, so let’s take a look at two previous Olympic games:
XX Olympiad – The Munich Summer Olympics of 1972
To quote an earlier article of mine:
The 1972 Munich Olympics were host to the first ‘official’ global terrorist attack, in which 11 Israelis were killed by Black September (the 9th month – 9/11), a group with ties to Yasser Arafat’s Fatah organization. The Olympics were host to 121 countries:
1234321 = 11:11 x 11:11
121 countries = 11:11
11 fatalities
The emblem of the games was a blue solar logo (the “Bright Sun”). I will be covering the significance of the colour blue shortly.
X Olympiad – The Los Angeles (The Angels) Summer Olympics of 1932
The 1932 Summer Olympics, officially known as the Games of the X Olympiad, were celebrated in 1932 in Los Angeles, California, United States. No other cities made a bid to host these Olympics. Held during the worldwide Great Depression, many nations and athletes were unable to pay for the trip to Los Angeles. Fewer than half the number of participants from the 1928 Summer Olympics in Amsterdam competed in 1932.
The Games of the X Olympiad were also the first to use the victory podium (that’s right, a pyramid):
What does all of this mean?
As you can see, the X and XX Olympiads both witnessed remarkable world events, unrivalled by any other Olympic Games.
The 1932 games were held in the midst of the worldwide ‘Great Depression’, whilst the 1972 games gave a stage for the world’s first dose of ‘global terror’.
Does it seem so unrealistic, that the XXX Olympiad may have a surprise in store?
XXX – Unveiled
The letter X is more significant than you think.
First of all, you need to understand that the characters of the English alphabet are more than just letters. They are symbols with meaning, sometimes multiple meanings – much like the Egyptian hieroglyphs. They are talismans.
X is the 24th letter of the English alphabet. 2+4/2+4/2+4 = 666. XXX can be seen to represent the number of the beast.
The letter X originated from a letter in the Greek alphabet known as ‘Chi’:
‘Chi’ is the 22nd letter of the Greek alphabet – that’s 11:11 for any of you who’ve been following.
The Spirit Of X or ‘Chi’
‘Chi’ or ‘X’ were the origins of the Chinese word ‘Qi’ meaning ‘life force’ or ‘energy flow’. ‘Chi’ was also the origins of the Japanese word ‘Ki’, as in ‘Reiki’. ‘Chi’ also features in ‘Tai Chi’.
As you can see, the letter X or ‘Chi’ is very much about ‘spirit’.
X – The Mother Goddess, Isis
“In Plato’s Timaeus, it is explained that the two bands which form the soul of the world cross each other like the letter Χ.“
Plato, an ancient Greek esoteric philosopher (important to remember, considering who we’re dealing with) associates the letter X with the ‘soul of the world’. ‘Soul of the world’ in Latin becomes ‘Anima mundi’. Both of these terms are identified with ‘Gaia’.
Gaia can be defined as:
“A complex entity involving the Earth’s biosphere, atmosphere, oceans, and soil; the totality constituting a feedback or cybernetic system which seeks an optimal physical and chemical environment for life on this planet.”
Gaia is the ‘Mother Goddess’, who can be identified as Isis – the mother figure of the Egyptian trinity.
X – The ‘Son Of God’, Horus
“Chi or X is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in the holiday Christmas (Xmas).”
Jesus Christ, the ‘Son Of God’ can be attributed to the sun, much like Horus – the son figure of the Egyptian trinity.
X – The Father
“A person normally has one pair of sex chromosomes in each cell. Females have two X chromosomes, while males have one X and one Y chromosome.”
A father has one X chromosome. The father can be identified with ‘Our father who art in heaven’ or Osiris – the father figure in the Egyptian trinity.
XXX – The Trinity
As you may have realised, this becomes all too easy now. XXX simply means the father, the son and the mother or should we say the (false) trinity!
If you’ve listened to my recent Red Ice Creations Radio interview, you’ll already know that I believe the 2012 Olympic Games are going to witness the implementation of the ‘trinity for a new age’, and here you have it – encoded in the very letters of the games themselves.
To reiterate, X is far more than just a letter…
XXX and the occult
Imagine your body is a biological computer, and that your 5 senses are filters. If you were to remove these filters, you would be bombarded by an all engrossing white light – a whole array of different energies, which you cannot perceive under normal conditions.
When you show emotion to a symbol, an object, a person, your lover – you are generating frequencies of energy which cannot be perceived through your 5 senses.
Now imagine, that an ‘intelligence’ which resides outside of your 5 senses, in another dimension of reality perhaps, is capturing that energy for itself – for its own personal gain.
The occult operates in co-ordinance with this ‘intelligence’.
The letters ‘XXX’ have been empowered as an occult symbol representing the (false) trinity. If you have no awareness of the occult meaning behind ‘XXX’, and you go on to show it emotion, you are feeding this symbol with the energy (from outside of your 5 sense reality) that it desires.
You are feeding the (false) trinity, or even closer – a(false) trinity event, at the 2012 London Olympics.
‘The truth is always hidden in plain sight’.
June 18th, 2021.
Remember : United We Stand – Divided We fall :
Also Remember : Ephesians 6.11 and Phillips Put on the whole armour of God so that you withstand all the devil’s methods of attack. For our fight is not against any physical enemy: it is against organisations and powers that are spiritual. We are up against the unseen power of great wickedness that controls this dark world, and spiritual agents from the very heart of evil. Therefore you must wear the whole armour of God that you may be able to resist evil in its day of power, and that even when you have fought to a standstill you may still stand your ground. Take your stand then with truth as your belt, righteousness your breastplate, the Gospel of Jesus Christ firmly on your feet, salvation as your helmet and in your hand the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Above all be sure you keep faith as your shield, for it can quench every burning missile the enemy hurls at you. Pray at all times with every kind of spiritual prayer, keeping alert and persistent as you pray for all Christ’s men and women.
Jesus Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He died a terrible death for all us, the Ultimate Blood Sacrifice and was resurrected by the Power and the Glory of the Father’s Word. The Holy gospel is true “For God so loved the world that He sent His only begotten Son to be the Savior that whomsoever shall believe in him shall not perish but shall receive the gift of ever lasting life”. Rejoice and believe and be saved. For Jesus paid the price of every sin. Jesus did not come to condemn but Save. His main commands to the people were “Love one another as I have loved you” and “occupy until I return”. By Mercy and Grace alone in Jesus name we are saved, not because of our works, but because of the works of Jesus Christ.
Our Father God loves each and every one of His children, reach out to Him and repent of wrong doings for His mercy knows no end for those that seek in truth in Jesus name. Being Saved does not give u a license to keep sinning for that would be rebellion and the wages of sin are death.
A prayer you may elect to use.
Dear Lord God Almighty, I confess my sins In Jesus Christ name and ask for your forgiveness. Jesus please come into my heart as my Lord and Savior. Take complete control of my life and help me to walk in Your footsteps daily by the power of the Holy Spirit. Thank you Lord God Almighty for saving me and for answering my prayer. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Mark 16:17 – “And these signs will accompany those who believe: In My name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not harm them; they will lay their hands on the sick, and they will be made well