Suffer the Little Children

Nothing grieves my heart more than that which is being done to children in this modern society.  Children, helpless, defenseless children. GOD puts children in families.  It is a gift that comes with responsibility.  Children come into this world completely dependent on the adults around them.  There is NOTHING they can do for themselves.  They … Click Here to Read More

DAVOS 2024

This year’s DAVOS Summit was full of surprises, for the invitee, for the leaders, for us poor folk who get the info second hand. I am not really sure what the Elite fear most right now.  AI or rebellious masses who refuse to trust the science. You pesky humans!!  Why don’t you behave?  Every time … Click Here to Read More


They have released some documents from the Epstein Files.  The following article came in my email this morning.  It includes a link to the PDF of the Full document.  You can pull it up and read through it.  Most of the testimony given is a joke and a sham.  There is no truth revealed.  The … Click Here to Read More

COP 28 – Charles – 7 years to 2030

KING CHARLES (of the line of CHARLAMAGNE/in the New Caroleon after King Charles the 1st) warns us that we are now only SEVEN YEARS away from 2030. In his speech for the opening of COP28, Charles said some very interesting and disturbing things. Here are a few that I found ringing alarm bells in my … Click Here to Read More


Locked out of your car or locked up in internment camps… more of our rights are being taken away covertly by our own government.  They bury these bill, laws, regulation and rulings inside of unrelated documents that are so long that none of our representatives ever read them.  When we call them on these actions, … Click Here to Read More

IT’s OFFICIAL!! THE USA has turned to BAAL Child Sacrifice

Well, those of us who know GOD have known for a long time that Abortion is Child Sacrifice.  Recently, we saw Abortionists admit that they perform Satanic Rituals at Abortions, and call it a Religious Rite.  But, this my dear friends takes the cake. A leading MAINSTREAM magazine has printed an Article that lays it … Click Here to Read More