Do You Believe in Magick? Part 26 – Worship of Aliens

WORSHIP OF ALIENS   Growing up in the 60’s was a wonderful experience. Such a simpler time. I was truly blessed to be born in the USA at that time. There was a hidden danger though, we did not detect. The wave of eastern philosophy and western theosophy were making tremendous efforts to warp our … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 25 – ALIEN AGENDA

     Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 8/31/2018; Updated 10/14/20    Certainly, we are all aware that there are plenty of things flying around up there that we cannot identify. The only thing we don’t know is what is real and what could be a hoax? Are they fallen angels manifested as space ships? Are they … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 24 – YOU Shall Become GODS

Originally Posted 1/30/86; Updated 3/4/19; 2020-05-27; Restored: 8/15/22 The following clip presents a quote from Richard Seed, Physical Human Cloning Researcher: “We are going to become GODs, period” “We are going to become Gods period. If you don’t like it, get off. But, if you are going to interfere with me becoming God, we’re gonna … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 23 – NEW AGE – The Magical Mystery Tour

Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 12/16/18; RESTORED 2/24/22  The Magical Mystery Tour Peace, Love, Joy, Happiness, Brotherhood Promises, promises, promises. ALL empty. There can never be peace on earth until the Prince of Peace brings it. Man’s heart is wicked and evil. And mankind has an adversary that is working diligently to deceive and destroy all … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 22 – SECRET SOCIETIES

RESTORED: 09/07/2021; RESTORED 2/26/22 Tags:  Secret Societies Mind Control,  Rituals, Magic, Alchemy, Rosicrucians,  Masons,  Illuminati, Demonic DNA, GIANTS,  Fallen Angel Bloodline, SERPENT Bloodline, Egypt, Babylon, Druids, Hidden Knowledge, Ruling Elite, Alien Technology, Astronomy, Astrology, Mathematics, John Todd, Witchcraft, Jesuits, Vatican, New World Order, Bilderberg, Science, Craft Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 12/22/2018 Secrets. What is the … Click Here to Read More


Updated and Restored: 4/8/22;  RESTORED 10/12/23 Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 3/25/19; 2020-05-27; 8/7/21 Tags:  CERN, ALICE, ATLAS, PORTALS, Demonic Entities, Antimatter, World Destruction, Human Sacrifice, Shiva, Kahli Strange Stuff Happens Around CERN EERIE Video Captures STRANGE Event In Skies Over Large Hadron Collider Posted on January 7, 2016 by Sean There’s been much debate over the … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 20 – CERN EXPERIMENTS continued

CERN EXPERIMENTS continued Updated: 2/5/19 ICARUS The ICARUS program concerns the usage of Liquid Argon (LAr) detector for studies of neutrinos from CNGS beam.    Follow the fantastic voyage of the ICARUS neutrino detector June 6, 2017 Into the heart of ICARUS LHCb   The LHCb experiment will shed light on why we live in a … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 19 – CERN EXPERIMENTS

CERN EXPERIMENTS What kind of Magick are they working in Switzerland? Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 12/15/18 Experiments (information taken from the CERN website; videos and photos found online) A range of experiments at CERN investigate physics from cosmic rays to supersymmetry LHC experiments Seven experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) use detectors to analyse the myriad of … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 18 – CERN continued

Continued               Originally Posted 1/30/16 RESTORED 10/11/23 These next excerpts were taken from the DAILY CROW website The 10 Things Everyone Must Know About CERN TAGS: Dimensions, Time Travel, New Age, Demonic Portals,  Restored: 08/06/2021 For those of us who concern ourselves with things outside the menu of mainstream news CERN … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 17 – CERN

TAGS: KILLING GOD, TOTAL DESTRUCTION,  TOTAL MASTERY, Khali, SHIVA, CERN, DEMONIC FORCES, TIME TRAVEL, LHC Location, PORTALS IMPORTANT UPDATES AND RESTORATION 8/6/21 Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 1/28/19; Restored 5/27/20; Restored 8/6/2021 CERN Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire European Organization for Nuclear Research CERN – DEMONIC PORTAL, LARGE HADRON COLLIDER OR DIMENSIONAL STARGATE ?  The following article … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 16 – Science is MAGICK/WITCHCRAFT

Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 8/2018 “(Magick’s) fundamental conception is identical with that of modern science; underlying the whole system is a faith…”  Aleister Crowley Magick From Thelemapedia Belief in various magical practices has waxed and waned in European and Western history, under pressure from either organized monotheistic religions or from skepticism about the reality of magic, … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 15 – Satanism/Luciferianism/Devil Worship

Satanism/Luciferianism/Devil Worship SATAN/LUCIFER/THE DEVIL All THE SAME SPIRITUAL FORCE Originally Posted : 1/30/16; updated 2/2/19; video added 3/29/19    Restored and Updated: 8/21/21; Restored and Updated 3/19/22; Fully Restored 6/17/23   THE NEW HAIL SATAN MOVIE TRAILER JUST CONFIRMS EVERYTHING THAT I HAVE SAID ABOUT SATANISTS…. A Call For An Uprising Published on Mar 28, 2019 … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe in Magick? Part 14 – Witchcraft

By Any Other Name Is Still Witchcraft Originally posted 1/30/16; updated 8/2018; Restored 8/17/22 Magick – From Thelemapedia A further revival of interest in magic was heralded by the repeal, in England, of the last Witchcraft Act in 1951 EV. This was the cue for Gerald Gardner, now recognized as the founder of Wicca, to publish his first non-fiction book Witchcraft Today, … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 13 – Pantheism

  PANTHEISM Posted 1/30/16; Updated 6/2018; Updated 8/10/21     Question: “What is pantheism?” Answer: Pantheism is the view that God is everything and everyone and that everyone and everything is God. Pantheism is similar to polytheism (the belief in many gods), but goes beyond polytheism to teach that everything is God. A tree is God, … Click Here to Read More

Do You Believe In Magick? Part 12 – Gnosticism

  Originally Posted 1/30/16; Updated 12/17/18; Updated 3/31/19; RESTORED 6/17/23 Gnosticism is a personal religious experience, based on Gnosis, the knowledge of transcendence (a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience) arrived at by way of interior, intuitive means. Its world view is stated in myth rather than in … Click Here to Read More