Super Bowl 56

RESTORED  11/9/23  If you watched the Super Bowl half time and felt that it appeared to be totally innocuous, WRONG!!!  This Halftime, like all the rest is chuck full of symbolism and messaging.   Messages for the mindless masses and messages for the controlling elite. First of all, let me ask you to consider this: WHY … Click Here to Read More

Magic Sword of the Elite

More and more information, more and more revelation, more and more understanding is being poured out on God’s people everyday.  Things are happening very fast and we need this information.  We are walking in the GREAT DECEPTION.  Only those who harken to the voice of God will avoid falling under the spell of the Fallen.   … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 12/17/23 I have been working on this launch for a few days now.  I have had it in my mind to get to for a while but the Volcano kept me busy.  There is so much going here guys.  I am telling you, anyone who thinks they can just slide through life these days … Click Here to Read More

You Won’t Believe This

Dear Friends and Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It is a moment of rejoicing for the people of La Palma, who have been suffering so greatly over the past few months.  The Volcanos reign of terror seems to have come to a halt.  The can rest a little easier.  But, PLEASE, continue to PRAY for … Click Here to Read More

In this Season, A Message for YOU

At this time of year, when the world is reminded that God’s son came and dwelt among us, I would like to offer up some words of encouragement.  This world is getting more and more chaotic, frightening and bewildering everyday.  It is nearly impossible to find truth.  It is impossible to know what is the … Click Here to Read More


  UPDATE: 12/24/2021;9:11:19 PM –  Thank you for all your prayers and encouragement!!  HOOORAY!  It turns out that NOTHING IS GOING TO CHANGE!!   PRAISE GOD!  This site will remain intact and I will continue to post as always!   GOD IS SO GOOD!!     Dear Readers, Friends and Brothers and Sisters in Christ, GOD IS IN … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 12/7/23 Sentient World Simulation (SWS). THE ULTIMATE VOODO WITCHCRAFT!!!  If you do not think science and technology is WITCHCRAFT….I dare you to look at EVERYTHING in the Post below from Before It’s News.   God’s servants have been warning you for many years now.  God has even used people who don’t know him but  are … Click Here to Read More


CONTINUING COVERAGE OF THE LA PALMA EVENT UPDATE: 01/12/2022; 8:46:34 AM La Palma Volcano Eruption 2021: New Dangers Emerge as Eruption Stops TomoNews US Dec 30, 2021 LA PALMA, CANARY ISLANDS — The La Palma eruption was declared over on Christmas Day, but reactivation can’t be ruled out and other major issues are now coming … Click Here to Read More

ONE NIGHT ONLY – Tsunami Concert

God never lets me miss anything that is important! I have a terrible fault.  I get too focused.  When I am researching or creating something… I am so intensely focused I often forget to eat or sleep.   Yet, God always make sure that I stay up on what is going on and He leads me … Click Here to Read More

La Palma Gateway to the ASTRO WORLD

RESTORED: 4/26/23 Astro=STARS.   The bible says that GOD created all the Stars of the Heavens and named them.  He assigned them each a task and a place.  Some stars remained in one place and some he called wandering stars /planets.  But even the “Wandering plantes had boundaries set by GOD.  These Stars were actually also … Click Here to Read More

Waves, Rays and Energy Beams what are they really Up To?

If all the craziness around you is starting to sound too much like Star Trek it is not by mistake.  The ruling elite have been working their plan for hundreds, no thousands of years.  In their mind, it does not matter if it is fulfilled in their lifetime, they are focused on the end result.  … Click Here to Read More

Science – The MagicK that will DESTROY Mankind

I apologize for the length of this post.   The subject matter is vital to our immediate situation.  I hope you can find the time to look over the entire post and digest it.   These next four posts that I have been working on are all interrelated and all significantly related to what is happening in … Click Here to Read More


Hosea 4: 6 (KJV) My people perish from a lack of knowledge.  FOLKS, please do your due diligence.  DO NOT BELIEVE ANYTHING THE “OFFICIALS/AUTHORITIES so called leaders of this world tell you!  THEY LIE!!!  IF they LIE about ANYTHING, then you cannot TRUST THEM about ANYTHING!!!  Like I told my young son… when I know … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE: 12/08/2021 With everything that is happening around us, it is my prayer that people finally recognize truth and turn back to GOD.  If there ever was a time for repentance it is NOW!!  Who knows maybe if enough of us truly turn from our wicked ways and bombard heaven with prayer and fasting, GOD … Click Here to Read More