X is for Secrecy, Danger, and The End.

I now how people love to see all the pictures from space and hear all the stories of the wonders that James Webb has discovered.  DAILY we see reports that James Webb is completely shattering everything we know about our Universe. Makes for great press.  People eat it up.  BUT IT IS SOLID BULLSHIT.  All … Click Here to Read More

One Way or ANOTHER…They’re Gonna Getcha…

they’ll Getcha…getcha, getcha, getcha, getcha… One way or another they’re gonna KILL YA. So ask yourself, what is in the tube?  on the swab?  in the needle? For sometime now, it has been clear that the Elite have an agenda to bring down all the nations by the use of three issues: Climate Change/Global Warming … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED: 8/15/23 Just as the Word says, the birth pangs are coming faster and increasing in intensity, time is speeding up and we are seeing signs in the Sun, Moon and Stars. The END is closer everyday.  The signs are everywhere.  Whether the disasters we are warning from GOD or acts of the man … Click Here to Read More


Updates Added 8/25/23; MORE UPDATES ADDED 3/25/23  8 PM I don’t really like to mess with these stories because I know that it is just distraction.  However, sometimes they must be brought to light.  It is sad to know that just like Jon Bonet, and John Kennedy, the truth of this story will NEVER be … Click Here to Read More


Every since the birth of “Modern Science” the whole world has been the playground for Mad Scientists who have been using the Earth and all of us in it as their SUBJECTS for EXPERIMENTATION.  They have no conscience and feel no compassion for the rest of us. These maniacs are driven to push forward.  The … Click Here to Read More


Most of the World does not really believe in Spirits or understand the Spiritual Realm much to their peril.  Demons and Fallen Angels, evil spirits are all around us.  There has been a huge increase in their activity in the last 30 years.  There have been portals opened, through Satanic rituals, through science and technology, … Click Here to Read More


I can promise you one thing I know for sure, battles are won through prayer and praise!!  There is nothing more exhilarating than being a part of PUBLIC PRAISE AND WORSHIP!!  I have had my share of opportunities to experience that very thing and I can tell you I have never felt closer to GOD … Click Here to Read More

Allah’s Creation or YaHovah’s?

There is clear evidence that the ruling elite have taken it upon themselves to promote the Muslim/Islamic Religion.  Through the propaganda and the use of forced migration the world seems to be falling into Muslim hands. This is a disservice not only to all the other people on earth but to the Muslims as well.  … Click Here to Read More

DIGITAL ID and CBDC the Cashless Society is Coming to your Neighborhood

Sorry folks,  I though I had already posted this.  Life has been crazy here.  I know it must be crazy for all of you as well. Things are really heating up.  They are determined to meet their deadline.  Get ready for all HELL to break loose. The one exciting thing in all of this is … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE Added 8/16/23 I am certain that most people have thought we were out of our minds talking about AI becoming GOD and people worshiping AI in an AI Church.  Well, once you view all that is in this post, you will be having nightmares.  AI is indeed becoming that powerful.  Of course we know … Click Here to Read More


When is Obama not in the News?  For an X-President he sure refuses to relinquish the limelight.  In my personal opinion he is the MOST EVIL Politician America has ever seen… and that is saying a LOT.  We have had no shortage of evil politicians, heads of state, congressmen and women, Presidents, Vice Presidents, Secretary … Click Here to Read More


zero (n.) “figure which stands for naught in the Arabic notation,” also “the absence of all quantity considered as quantity,” c. 1600, from French zéro or directly from Italian zero, from Medieval Latin zephirum, from Arabic sifr “cipher,” translation of Sanskrit sunya-m “empty place, desert, naught” (see cipher (n.)).A brief history of the invention of “zero” can be found here. Meaning “worthless person” is recorded from 1813. … Click Here to Read More

A Light in the DESERT? Or Just a Mirage?

There has been an orchestrated power shift.  We are seeing the rise of the New Rome, the New Caliphate, the Muslim AntiChrist and the Mark of the Beast. The ruling elite are using “RELIGION” as a means to garner support from the masses.  There has been a compound erected in Saudi Arabia designed to bring … Click Here to Read More


Whether it is happening organically or through technology.  Whether it is an Act of GOD,  a natural cycle or Created by Mad Scientist for the Global Elite… the effect is still the same.   Sweltering Heat is dangerous to human beings.  We need to be as prepared as we can and as cautious and aware as … Click Here to Read More


RESTORED 11/20/23 Whether you like children or not, whether you have children or not, our children are our most precious treasure.  They hold the future. What we do or do not do for our children will be the measurement by which our society will be judged.  As parents, we are answerable to God for each … Click Here to Read More