**** MOST of the VIDEOS and Documents that were available when this news first hit have been CENSORED!!! Even those who are very computer savvy and had found ways to get around the censors have been blocked, deleted and removed. People have gone to jail, been threatened, assaulted, tortured and/or KILLED for letting the information out. ****
I know that most people don’t want to hear this, and the rest don’t want to believe it. Personally, I wish it were not true. It is very hard to accept that our own Government and the elite’s we so love to idolize have declared WAR on us. So SAD but So TRUE. They have not even tried to hide it. The truth has been out there all along. They come right out and declare it. They publish it in documents. Heck, they have written it in stone! They count on your cognitive dissidence to keep you from accepting it. People like to hide their eyes from what they don’t want to see.
Now I don’t know if this current Virus Release is their final depopulation attack. It could just be another experimental test of their system and our reactions. Or, this could be the time that they wipe out 90% or more of the people on earth. We won’t know until it is over. BUT, I do know for a fact that that is their plan. Hopefully when you are through with this article you will know it too.
I also know for a fact, THAT GOD IS IN CONTROL, and the enemy can do NOTHING unless GOD allows it. SO, put your trust in HIM. He is not only your Creator, Provider, Savior, Guide, Protector and your STRENGTH, HE IS ALSO YOUR HEALER!! Do not look to any government or politicians. DO NOT put your faith in the Medical Industry. Or the pharmaceutical Industry. Put your FAITH IN GOD!
If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of the Lord thy God, and wilt do that which is right in his sight, and wilt give ear to his commandments, and keep all his statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians:for I am the Lord that healeth thee.Exodus 15:26
In this first item Mr. Jeffries really lays it out for you. If you haven’t read my articles entitled “The Beginning of the End”, you ought to take a look at them after you finish this article. You will see the connections immediately.
Hal Turner has so much more in his article on the website. Very informative and helpful. Please visit the site and check it out. Support Hal anyway you can. We need to stand with those who are sharing TRUTH.
The “novel Coronavirus” outbreak affecting China and many other countries right now, has been determined to be a military BIO-WEAPON, which was being worked on at the Wuhan Virology Laboratory by China’s People’s Liberation Army, Nanjiang Command. Somehow, it got out. The world is now facing a massive wipe-out of humanity as a result.
The proof that this virus is a genetically-modified Bat-SARS-Like Virus, manipulated by the Chinese Army, appears below. The evidence is irrefutable.
Two separate components of genetic sequencing from HIV-1, the virus which causes AIDS, were added to Bat-SARS-Like coronavirus in the laboratory, thereby allowing it to infect human lungs via the ACES2 receptors in our lungs, and to disrupt the human body ability to fight it off, by reducing human leukocytes.
Make no mistake: this disease is, in fact, a MILITARY biological weapon. The disease sequence from the original Bat coronavirus was uploaded to the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the US National Library of Medicine, in the year 2018 by China’s Institute of Military Medicine, Nanjing Command. The image below from the National Center for Biotechnology Information proves the upload (Click image to enlarge):
That Bat-SARS-Like coronavirus was issued Reference ID: AVP 70833.1 by the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. Library of Medicine.
The present outbreak of “novel Coronavirus” was uploaded to that same National Center for Biotechnology Information in January of this year by the Shanghai Public Heath Clinical Center and was issued Reference ID: QHD3418.1. Here is proof of THAT upload (Click image to enlarge):
Using the test facilities known as BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) from the U.S. National Library of Medicine researchers have determined that the “virus envelope” of those two separate diseases, are 100% identical! Here is the BLAST Test result (Click image to enlarge):
There is no way in nature that the Bat coronavirus could fortuitously acquire the two HIV genetic sequences, without causing a mutation of the Virus Envelope. The ONLY way the virus envelope could obtain the HIV genetics and still remain 100% identical to the 2018 sample, is if the HIV genes were added in a laboratory.
So what the human race is now facing, is an accidentally-released military bio-weapon. The original Bat-SARS-Like Coronavirus was identified by China’s People’s Liberation Army, through the Institute of Military Medicine, Nanjiang Command in the year 2018. They uploaded the virus sequence and they were the sole entity in possession of the virus.
Here we are, two years later, and the virus they had has been changed in a way that cannot occur in nature without mutating the virus envelope protein.
This isn’t rocket science; this is as plain as day. China conducted genetic manipulation of their Bat-SARS-like virus and created a new virus capable of infecting humans. That new virus was apparently accidentally-released and is the “novel coronavirus” the world is now battling.
I am sorry to have to report, many of us are very likely to LOSE this battle.
MarfoogleNews.com Check out the entire video and all of the related posts. Check out all of MARFOOGE NEWS. BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY TODAY CHECK OUT THIS INFORMATION THAT IS SO RELEVANT TO WHAT IS HAPPENING:
EXTREMELY AWESOME RESEARCH ON THE CORONA. Please listen starting at minute Minute 1:35.13
High above Mars and Saturn is the semicircle of stars that make up Corona Borealis, the Northern Crown. It is here that a remarkable star may be preparing to brighten dramatically to justify its reputation as the Blaze Star.
One way to find Corona is first to locate the Plough high in the W as the twilight dims, then extend a curving line along its handle to the conspicuous star Arcturus in Bootes. Corona lies some 20° above and left of Arcturus. Said to represent the crown of Ariadne in Greek mythology, it is also a beggar’s bowl in Arab tradition and the den of the Great Bear for some native Americans.
18.6K10:19 To Watch This Video On BitCHUTE Click the Title Link Below:
The British Monarchy is behind the vaccines and this virus!We have taken what we feel is the most important point of our recent ongoing expose titled “ROYALS ARE WITH THE NAZIS CORONA MEANS CROWN” on the European Monarchs and their Hundred plus year plan to bring us back into the dark ages with their UN AGENDA 21 POST INDUSTRIALISATION PLAN TO KILL 90% OF US, and condensed it into this easy to follow 10 minute expose revealing what we feel is the most important revelation of this series: the Americans for Innovation patent office Watchdog group which has discovered this 100 year old plot of the Aristocracy of Europe to murder us all and bring Western Civilization back to the DARK AGES, when they were trying to discover what has gone wrong with the US PATENT OFFICE. They have named names and traced the plot back to the 2nd BOERS WAR, Its all here, in this 10 minute expose.
𝗗𝗜𝗦𝗖𝗟𝗔𝗜𝗠𝗘𝗥𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸𝘴, 𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴, 𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘧𝘴 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘪𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘰 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘯𝘦𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘭𝘺 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘭𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸𝘴, 𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴, 𝘰𝘳 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘦𝘧𝘴 𝘰𝘧 STRANGENEWS 𝘰𝘳 𝘉𝘐𝘛𝘊𝘏𝘜𝘛𝘌 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘭 𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘴. 𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘦𝘧𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘴 𝘱𝘶𝘵 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘷𝘪𝘦𝘸𝘦𝘳𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘷𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘷𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘰𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘢𝘪𝘯 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘶𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘯𝘧𝘰𝘳𝘮𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘪𝘵’𝘴 𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘭𝘸𝘢𝘺𝘴 𝘶𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘤𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵, and do your own research. This video may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available to our viewers under the provisions of “fair use” in an effort to advance a better understanding of political, economic and social issues. The material on this channel is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in viewing it for research and educational purposes. If you wish to use copyrighted material for purposes other than “fair use” you must request permission from the copyright owner.7 months ago
The People’s Republic of China is collapsing into CHAOS and VIOLENCE one month into its outbreak of CoronaVirus, as starving, sick, citizens begin clashing with police to get out of Quarantine to get food.
Videos are emerging of large groups of Chinese, smashing police officers, police cars, and anything in their way, as they try to exit their Quarantined cities, to get food.
Many of the 56 Million people in 19 Quarantined cities have not eaten in days because there is no food remaining in the cities.
Delivery trucks are prohibited from entering these contaminated cities, for fear of spreading the Coronavirus to outlying areas. People are literally FIGHTING each other to get food:
Most of the truth about what was happening China was leaked out by very brave citizens on social media and internet websites. There was video as well as still photos. There were also first hand witnesses who gave testimonies of what they saw and heard. YOU WILL NEVER SEE THE TRUTH ABOUT THIS OUTBREAK AGAIN! The media has CENSORED all of it.
The Photos taken from videos that were posted on youtube or twitter by brace Chinese people have been CENSORED/REMOVED I am leaving up the information that was included with the photos. You should be able to get an idea of what the scene was like in Wuhan in the early days of the outbreak.
The Following represent videos that were posted on social media by people in China which were deleted by the Chinese Censors:
People are trying virtually anything they can to ESCAPE the quarantine, to get food:
Some of these barriers were erected by government while others were erected by people in small towns and villages to keep the infected OUT.S
In the meantime, people throughout China are still simply DROPPING DEAD in their tracks:
In Shopping Malls:acer
On the public streets:PACE
All over the public street:spacer
In other places, people are engaging in fist fights to get their hands of Filter Masks:
People in some areas are attacking others for merely COMING IN to their neighborhood; WARNING: People hit in head with PIPES:P
Those who are not dropping dead, are literally fighting each other for food:
Meanwhile, the lines to just get IN to a hospital are . . . . unimaginable:spacer
OUTSIDE CHINA, people are also dropping dead from this virus.A
In Mexico, this poor man waited far too long, until the disease became Hemorrhagic; THIS is how this disease ends (GRAPHIC):
Things inside China are getting so bad, Police are now BOARDING-UP People inside their apartments to KEEP THEM IN! spacer
And MORE people Nailed-in to their own homes:
China is only about 30 Days into this outbreak, and their entire country and society are already collapsing. What you see above OVER THERE, is just 30 days away from OVER HERE.
Are you preparing?
You have until THIS WEEKEND to get ready, because after that, there’s no telling how fast things will go bad HERE, in America.
You NEED to have emergency food to feed everyone in your house for 6-8 weeks if Quarantined. You need Emergency water supply in case the water get contaminated. 1 gallon per person, per day for a couple weeks. You need FILTER MASKS, EYE GOGGLES and Rubber gloves to wear if you go out.
Chinese authorities have been locking people inside their own homes to stop the spread of coronavirus (Picture: @kenwong)
Chinese authorities have been accused of leaving people to ‘starve and die’ after shocking videos emerged of police barricading families into their homes to stop the spread of coronavirus.
Footage sent to Metro.co.uk shows masked men nailing huge metal bars over the doors and windows of people feared to be infected with the deadly disease.
In one, a woman can be heard screaming and pleading as uniformed officers lock her inside.
A sign outside her sealed off door reads: ‘This family came back from Wuhan. Stay away, no contact’.
The video is believed to have emerged from Nantong, in the JiangSu province, but censorship laws make its origin difficult to trace.
Chinese human rights activist Fengsuo Zhou told Metro.co.uk he had seen videos of this nature in at least four different locations across the country.
He said lock-downs were being ordered by central government to cover up criticism they were too slow to act against the coronavirus crisis.
He told this news site: ‘People are feeling desperate and angry. The Chinese government is more focused on censorship than public welfare because they know their credibility is challenged
‘They have covered up the crucial information too long. Doctors were censured by police for talking about the pandemic one month ago.’
Chinese authorities are barricading people in their own homes if they are suspected of having coronavirus (Picture:kenwong/Metrograb)
In one video, a woman can be heard screaming as authorities nail a metal bar to her door (Picture: kenwong/ Metrograb)
The lock-downs are being authorised by the Chinese government(Picture: Kenwong/METROGRAB)
A sign telling people to stay away (Picture: kenwong/Metrograb)
Coronavirus has killed almost 300 people and spread to over 17 countries since emerging in Wuhan in December 2019.
The city and around 20 other neighbouring states in the Hubei province have been on lock-down for over a week, isolating some 50 million people in a sweeping control measure to stop the infection spreading.
Images show usually bustling streets completely deserted, with people only allowed to leave their homes to buy food and face masks.
But some are being denied even that basic right if they are thought to have been struck down with the pneumonia-like flu.
An India-based human rights activist, who wanted to be known only as Tarun, said people have begun digging up roads leading to Wuhan and Hubei to stop people leaving their homes.
He accused the government of leaving people to ‘starve and die’ and likened the lock-downs to ‘cold blooded murder’.
Just rec'd a video from someone in Beijing. She says people in #Wuhan r locking down the infected people within their homes, so that they can't escape out in the open, in a bid to stop the spread of #coronarvirues . The infected families r being left to starve & die. Horrific pic.twitter.com/shsIV9ICcP
People across China are being barricaded in their homes if they are thought to have coronavirus
People are bing sealed in with metal bars and chains
The Chinese government have been accused of lacking humanity in their response to the epidemic
There are fears people under quarantine will die of starvation after they were banned completely from leaving their homes
He told Metro.co.uk: ‘My friend says that the public as well as authorities are locking down infected people within their homes, so that they can’t come out in the open, as the public doesn’t wants such people to come in their contact.
‘It’s also being said that public has dug up roads leading to Wuhan/Hubei, so that people of these places can’t enter other areas, due to the fear of being infected.’
He said he had friends across China who were in panic mode as things go from ‘bad to worse’.
However, they are unable to voice their struggle to the rest of the world because social media is so heavily regulated.
The Chinese government has tried to silence information regarding the epidemic in a bid to down play it.
A police officer stands at a roadblock at a bridge crossing the Yangtze River to Hubei province (Picture: Retuers)
Police stand at a checkpoint at the Jiujiang Yangtze River Bridge that crosses from Hubei province in Jiujiang, Jiangxi province to make sure no one leaves Picture: Reuters)
Dozens of people have been arrested for ‘rumour-mongering’, online discussions have been censored and journalists have been banned from reporting on it.
Among the detainees was a doctor who warned friends about the mystery illness on a private WeChat group. He is now in critical condition with Coronavirus, according to the Human Rights Watch.
The NGO said people under quarantine are being denied access to life-saving medicine, public health advice and other necessities that amount to a breach of human rights.
The organisation said: ‘Authorities in places outside of Hubei province should prohibit discrimination and harassment against people from Hubei and ensure their equal access to housing and medical care.
‘Violating the rights of tens of millions of people in the effort to address the coronavirus outbreak will be counterproductive. Transparency and engaging civil society will be the far better approach.’
1of7Dr. Sara Cody, director of the Santa Clara County Public Health Department, hosts a press conference regarding a confirmed infection of coronavirus in Santa Clara County, on Friday, January 31, 2020, in San Jose, Calif.Photo: Josie Lepe / Special to The Chronicle / SFC
2of7From left, Simon Wu and Michelle Du talk about the tests they had to go through while flying through China. The two said they didn’t have any at San Francisco Airport’s international terminal on January 30, 2020 in San Francisco, Calif. Airlines are cancelling some flights to China because of concerns over the coronavirus.Photo: Brian Feulner / Special to The Chronicle
3of7Passengers exit customs at San Francisco Airport’s international terminal on Thursday January 30, 2020 in San Francisco, Calif. Airlines are cancelling some flights to China because of concerns over the coronavirus.Photo: Brian Feulner / Special to The Chronicle
A Santa Clara County resident has been diagnosed with the new coronavirus, the first case of the mysterious respiratory illness in the Bay Area, and the seventh case in the United States, public health officials said Friday.
The patient is an adult man who had recently returned from Wuhan, China, the epicenter of the epidemic. Public health officials said he likely was infected there or in Shanghai, where he had also traveled. The man arrived in the Bay Area, at Mineta San Jose International Airport, on Jan. 24 and isolated himself at home from that day on.
Test results confirming he was positive for the virus came back from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday.
“Since we are a large county and many of our residents travel frequently for business and personal reasons, we’re not surprised to be announcing the first case in the Bay Area and Northern California. Actually we’ve been preparing for this possibility for weeks,” said Dr. Sara Cody, the Santa Clara County health officer. “Please know that we do not have evidence to suggest that novel coronavirus is circulating in the Bay Area or Santa Clara County or anywhere in Northern California.
“Although we do understand that this confirmed case may raise concerns, this one case does not change the risk to the general public,” she added. “Our assessment is that the public at large is still at low risk.”
Doubts have been raised about the official death toll, however, with claims Chinese authorities have been cremating bodies in secret.
Chinese-language news outlet Initium interviewed people working at local cremation centres in Wuhan, who said bodies were being sent directly from hospitals without being properly identified and added to the official record.
… seriousness of the spread in #China, but also the lack of facilities that can handle the rising number of patients.
William Yang
Also, one thing that #China is hiding is the number of death caused by the virus. Credible Chinese media outlet @initiumnews interviewed people working at local cremation centers, confirming that many dead bodies were sent directly from the hospitals to the cremation centers…
“So there are reasons to remain sceptical about what China has been sharing with the world because while they have been more transparent about certain things related to the virus, they continue to be sketchy and unreliable in other aspects,” said DW News East Asia correspondent William Yang.
Over the past few days, the mainstream press has vigorously pushed back against a theory about the origins of the coronavirus that has now infected as many as 70,000+ people in Wuhan alone (depending on whom you believe). The theory is that China obtained the coronavirus via a Canadian research program, and started molding it into a bioweapon at the Institute of Virology in Wuhan. Politifact pointed the finger at Zero Hedge, in particular, though the story was widely shared across independent-leaning media.
The theory is that the virus, which was developed by infectious disease experts may have originated in the Wuhan-based lab of Dr. Peng Zhou, China’s preeminent researcher of bat immune systems, specifically in how their immune systems adapt to the presence of viruses like coronavirus and other destructive viruses. Somehow, the virus escaped from the lab, and the Hunan fish market where the virus supposedly originated is merely a ruse.
Now, a respected epidemiologist who recently caught flack for claiming in a twitter threat that the virus appeared to be much more contagious than initially believed is pointing out irregularities in the virus’s genome that suggests it might have been genetically engineered for the purposes of a weapon, and not just any weapon but the deadliest one of all.
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — A study released in a respected scientific journal last week calculated that the number of Wuhan virus infections has already surpassed 300,000 and that the number of cases will “double every 6.4 days.”
A scientific modeling study carried out by the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and published on The Lancet website last week suggests the Chinese government has underestimated the epidemic tenfold. The study estimates that the number of cases is much higher given the 2.68 spread rate per case, the doubling of total infections every 6.4 days, and known travel patterns in China and worldwide.
The study stated that by Jan. 25, there were probably already 75,815 people infected with the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) in Wuhan. This number for January far exceeds the 28,000 cases claimed by the government on Feb. 6.
Given that the report estimated over 75,000 cases on Jan. 25, that it has been 12 days, and that infections double every 6.4 days, the number of cases in Wuhan alone would now be around 300,000.
The study then predicts that if there is “no reduction in transmissibility,” infections should peak by April of this year. The report then said that there would be a one to two week lag for the rest of China’s cities.
The researchers wrote that if transmissibility was reduced by 25 percent, both the growth rate and magnitude of local epidemics would be reduced. If transmissibility could be reduced by 50 percent, the spread of the virus would be slowed substantially, but it would also peak much later in the year.
The authors concluded that the massive quarantine effort in Wuhan will have a negligible effect on the forward trajectories of the epidemic in other cities because these have already been “seeded” with dozens of infections. The report then stated that “local epidemics are probably already growing exponentially in multiple major Chinese cities” and that given the large numbers of travelers from those cities to destinations across the globe, other countries are at risk of experiencing Wuhan virus epidemics in the first half of this year.
To get Chris Martenson’s report on pandemic preparation, go to https://www.peakprosperity.com/corona… UPDATE 3 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLu2D… Pretty much the entire country of China is in lockdown at this moment. Unbelievable. Along with restricting travel within and across its borders, the Chinese government has begun heavily censoring the data its sharing with the world. Chris calls into question the few statistics they’re currently reporting, suspecting the situation is devolving into something much worse than admitted to.cer
To get Chris Martenson’s report on pandemic preparation, go to https://www.peakprosperity.com/corona… UPDATE 2 HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLu2D… Well, this is a report I really hoped never to write. But we all need to get our head on straight around this fast-spreading viral outbreak. A pandemic is #3 on my personal “oh shit” list (a prolonged grid-down event is #2, and a global world war with nukes is, by far, #1) Once a pandemic spreads to my neck of the woods, I’m not going to be doing anything in the company of strangers. No shopping, no going to restaurants, and especially no traveling in closed up metal tubes with recirculated air (i.e. planes and trains). I won’t be alone in those behaviors. How many airline pilots, train conductors, trash collectors, and medical personnel have to call in “sick” to disrupt the entire system? Not that many. So why is this Wuhan New Coronavirus (officially “2019-ncov”) a substantially more dangerous threat than the standard flu?
In this first item Mr. Jeffries really lays it out for you. If you haven’t read my articles entitled “The Beginning of the End”, you ought to take a look at them after you finish this article. You will see the connections immediately.
The real enemy then, is humanity itself. – The Club of Rome
Perhaps the most frightening aspect about those who have misruled us for a very, very long time is their enthusiasm for eugenics. Eugenics is typically considered to be a responsible philosophy, and is associated with the innocuous sounding idea of “population control.” The powerful forces that have supported it for decades, however, seem to have a darker purpose in mind. Over a century ago, Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes upheld the odious sterilization laws that were passed in 16 American states between 1907 and 1917, for the alleged purpose of eliminating mental retardation. Holmes declared, in his opinion, that “Three generations of imbeciles are enough.” (The Bell Curve by Richard J. Herrnstein & Charles Murray, p. 5). Much longer ago than that, the noted “open-minded” intellectual Voltaire, espoused the view that “the lower classes should be guided, not educated.” (Ibid, p. 145).
The most brutal, cold-blooded sentiments, however, come from left-wing heroine Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood. Ms. Sanger stated, in a letter to associate Clarence Gamble dated October 19, 1939, “We do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.” (The End of Racism by Dinesh D’Souza, p. 118). There are photos in existence of Sanger addressing Ku Klux Klan rallies. Sanger also stated, in her American Baby Code, “The most merciful thing that a family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”Sanger was the lover of fellow eugenicist writer H.G. Wells. She received funding from the Rockefellers and other wealthy patrons. Considering that Planned Parenthood is practically worshiped by women’s advocacy groups, one wonders if they are aware of these monstrously offensive comments.
In August, 1988, Prince Philip, husband of England’s Queen Elizabeth, made the following ghastly statement: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”This was obviously a serious fantasy of Philip’s, as he had mentioned it earlier, in the foreword to the 1986 book If I Were an Animal, where he declared, “I must confess that I am tempted to ask for reincarnation as a particularly deadly virus.” Philip stated his opinion that, “…some animals have to be killed in the interest of maintaining the health and vitality of the species as a whole…” Given his other comments, one can easily surmise what species of “animals” he had in mind.
President Nixon issued a 57 page “Special Message on Population” to the U.S. Congress in May 1969, in which he stressed the familiar themes of population “control,” especially in the “developing nations.” Nixon also pledged U.S. cooperation with United Nations efforts in “responding to world population growth.” The President specifically expressed his appreciation to “…the recent report of the Panel of the United Nations Association, chaired by John D. Rockefeller III.” Nixon closed by proposing the establishment of a Commission on Population Growth and the American Future. Then Congressman George H.W. Bush was heavily involved with this issue, declaring in a July 21, 1969 speech from the House floor, “…the fantastic rate of population growth …continues with no letup in sight. If this growth rate is not checked-in this next decade-we face a danger that is as defenseless as nuclear war.”The United States government began to address this subject in earnest with National Security Study Memorandum 200, on December 10, 1974. The study reported that it was alarmed by “the rapid reduction in death rates, unmatched by corresponding birth rate reductions.” Of particular concern was the fact that the population in “poor” countries was growing much faster than it was in “rich” countries. This memo, like Nixon’s message, focused most of its attention on the birth rate side of the equation, stressing the promotion of birth controland education in lesser developed countries.
This idea of “population control” is a persistent theme for the rich and powerful. Former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev once said, “Cut the population by 90 percent and there aren’t enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage.”Famed explorer Jacques Cousteau told UNESCO in 1991: “In order to save the planet it would be necessary to kill 350,000 people per day.”Well respected leftist Bertrand Russell was shockingly outspoken about this subject. In The Impact of Science on Society, written in 1953, he stated, “I do not pretend that birth control is the only way in which population can be kept from increasing… War… has hitherto been disappointing in this respect, but perhaps bacteriological war may prove more effective.If a Black Death could be spread throughout the world once in every generation survivors could procreate freely without making the world too full… The state of affairs might be somewhat unpleasant, but what of that?” Russell, like Margaret Sanger, is a “leftist” hero, and happened to be one of the first public figures to question the lone assassin theory in the JFK assassination.
The goal here is obvious; to kill large numbers of human beings.Henry Kissinger admitted, in 1978, “U.S. policy toward the third world should be one of depopulation.” Aldous Huxley spoke glowingly of “death control,” and his brother Julian Huxley, stated, “…it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable.” Theodore Roosevelt wished that “the wrong people could be prevented entirely from breeding….The emphasis should be laid on getting desirable people to breed.” Media mogul Ted Turner once said, “A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent decline from present levels, would be ideal.”This echoed the conclusion reached by the Presidential Council on Sustainable Development, at the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1996; that the earth’s population should not exceed five hundred million people, or a decrease of some 93 percent!The eighteenth century President of the Royal Society of Science, Sir Thomas Malthus, actually advocated for a return of the black plague!The United Nations, Global Biodiversity Assessment echoed this familiar refrain; declaring that “a reasonable estimate” would be a world population of a billion people, while “the more frugal European standard of living” might permit two or three billion.
At an earlier United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in 1992, also held in Rio de Janeiro, the notoriousAgenda 21 action plan was formulated. The plan called for implementation at international, national, regional and local levels. The concept of “sustainable development,” or the integration of economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve less consumption and the preservation of biodiversity, lies at the heart of Agenda 21. More than 178 nations signed on to Agenda 21 at the Earth Summit in 1992, including President George H.W. Bush for the United States. In the words of the planners of Agenda 21, it “…will require a profound reorientation of all humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced.”
All of this should sound familiar by now; simply more demands for austerity measures and “sacrifice,” and more eugenics philosophy. Have we ever heard any politicians over the past hundred years speak of blessings to be bestowed upon the people, or of “good times” creating beneficial results for average citizens? Americans haven’t had a politician focus on those issues, since the legendary populist Huey Long. Long, who was predictably assassinated in 1935, left numerous speeches that are still available in the Congressional Record, in which he accused the administration of Franklin D. Roosevelt of plotting to kill him.
Back in 1977, future Obama science advisor John P. Holdgren and population “bomb” scaremonger Paul Ehrlich (who once notably said, “Giving society cheap, abundant energy would be the equivalent of giving an idiot child a machine gun”) broached the subject of adding sterilants to the water supply, forced abortions and an Orwellian “Planetary Regime” to run everything, in the textbook Ecoscience. Planned Parenthood’s Vice President, Frederick Jaffe, would echo these sentiments, in a 1969 memo to the Population Council, one of many Rockefeller funded groups. The memo also suggested encouraging homosexuality as another way of decreasing the population.Microsoft plutocrat Bill Gates made the following controversial remarks, before the TED2010 conference, “First we got population. The world today has 6.8 billion people. That’s headed up to about 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.”We can only ponder what kind of “vaccines” and “health care” would reduce the number of human beings so dramatically. In April, 2012, the mainstream media in India (but not the U.S., of course) reported some devastating effects from Gates’ beloved vaccines; there were apparently 47,500 new cases of paralysis in India following an increase in the administration of the oral polio vaccine there.
Eugenics was praised by renowned economist John Maynard Keynes. Beloved Christian author C.S. Lewis once wrote, “If we cut up beasts…it is only logical to cut up imbeciles, criminals, enemies or capitalists for the same reason.”In a slightly different vein, but still indicative of a poisonous, immoral mindset, Harry Truman was quoted in The New York Times, June 24, 1941, as saying “If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way we let them kill as many as possible.”
We find this same theme in the writings of H.G. Wells, who was also a big promoter of world government. Like so many other renowned figures, he was concerned about getting the “better” stock to breed more, and stopping the “bad” stock from breeding. Another prominent nineteenth century figure, inventor Alexander Graham Bell, became the first director of the Eugenics Record Office. Charles Darwin’s evolutionary credo of “survival of the fittest” seemed to influence many of our leaders, and his own writings indicate he was receptive to basic eugenics theory. Darwin described how the maimed and the poor receive aid, and “our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of everyone to the last moment,” with the clear inference that this was not a good thing. While he was not as directly appalled by such civilized gestures as Margaret Sanger, who was outraged by the very concept of charity, the message was the same. Darwin’s cousin, Francis Galton, is given credit for inventing the term eugenics. Galton actively promoted the interbreeding of those with “good” stock, and even suggested that there be economic incentives to do so. At its heart, of course, eugenics is nothing more than socially applied Darwinism; the promotion of the “fittest.” Even Barrack Obama was moved to use the disparaging term “Social Darwinism” against the Republicans for their overly draconian social and economic proposals.
I’d always had a favorable opinion of George Bernard Shaw, until I found some of his quotes regarding this topic. In On the Rocks, Shaw spoke out in favor of extermination. In a 1910 lecture to the Eugenics Education Society, Shaw said, “A great many people would have to be put out of existence simply because it wastes other people’s time to look after them.” In Prefaces, we find even more chilling thoughts from Shaw, “If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent way.” This demented line of thinking has continued unabated for several decades, resulting in recent quotes like this one, from John Davis, editor of Earth First Journal; “I suspect that eradicating small pox was wrong. It played an important part in balancing ecosystems.” His Earth First colleague Christopher Manes went him one better, boldly stating, “The extinction of the human species may not only be inevitable but a good thing.”
England’s University College Emeritus Professor John Guillebaud, avid supporter of the UK group “Population Matters,” made headlines (at least on conspiracy web sites) in April, 2012. The good Professor was seen in a video standing before a screen that depicted examples of what he termed“natural” population control, such as a machine gun, a hospital bed and a knife dripping with blood.In June of 2010, another distinguished Professor, Cambridge’s Nicholas Boyle, cautioned that only a “global governance run by an enlightened elite” could save mankind from an impending doomsday type of cataclysmic event. Such allusions to “doomsday” scenarios are another favorite obsession of those who misrule us; witness all the movies with this central theme in recent years, and the widespread publicity for the ludicrous “prediction” from the Mayans that the world will end on December 21, 2012.
In April, 2012, the mainstream media widely disseminated the results of a study by MIT and the Club of Rome. The team of scientists predicted a dire immediate future for the world; because of humans’ “incessant need to consume resources like oil, food and fresh water,” they foresee an economic collapse and global devastation like none in recorded history. In response to this, Smithsonian magazine solemnly informed us, “…the world is on track for disaster.” If you look at the charts from the study, freely available online, it seems like they are expecting hundreds of millions of people to die. Talk show host Alex Jones thinks the figures show something like a 90 percent reduction in the earth’s population. Remember, the people who belong to the Club of Rome come from the upper echelons of the business and government worlds; they aren’t video gamers smoking pot and dreaming up creative scenarios.
In May, 2009, The London Times reported that some of the “richest people in the world met in New York to discuss their favorite causes.” The group included Bill Gates, David Rockefeller, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros and Michael Bloomberg. They evidently came to a consensus that they should spend their money on efforts to reduce the world’s population. As the Times informed us, “The meeting took place at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Prize winning biochemist, and president of Rockefeller University,” and that Gates had organized the gathering. In February of 2009, Gates had unveiled a diabolical project to reduce the world’s population by one billion, which would eliminate one out of every nine persons on the planet.
This kind of stuff has always been on Gates’ mind; in a 2003 interview with former LBJ aide turned journalist Bill Moyers, Gates said, “Well if you improve health, aren’t you just dooming people to deal with such a lack of resources where they won’t be educated or they won’t have enough food?You know, sort of a Malthusian view of what would take place.” Clearly, Gates was quite familiar with Thomas Malthus, who was one of the first notables to speculate about the necessity of all those “useless eaters” taking up valuable resources. Gates also grew up in an environment conducive to this line of thought, as his father was once head of Planned Parenthood. And you probably thought Gates was just responsible for running a monopoly that creates inferior, overpriced products and despises the concept of open source or freeware. Gates’ delusion on this subject was best expressed in his comment that open source meant “nobody can ever improve the software.” Of course, in reality, open source does exactly the opposite, making it eminently possible for users to improve the software.
The stark, terrifying nature of the eugenicist mindset was probably best expressed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, in a November 17, 2008 speech to Chatham House, which is the British version of the Council on Foreign Relations. “In early times,” Brzezinski declared, “it was easier to control a million people, literally it was easier to control a million people than physically to kill a million people. Today, it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people. It is easier to kill than to control…” Again, what innocent explanation is there for this recurrent theme? Why do our leaders continually talk about eliminating large numbers of human beings?
I have not posted the entire document here. The author includes information on assisted suicide and abortion up to and beyond birth. It is available by clicking the link: Source
Author G.K. Chesterton understood this issue better than most. In his Eugenics and Other Evils: An Argument Against the Scientifically Organized State, Chesterton wrote: “The thing that really is trying to tyrannize through government is Science…And the creed that really is levying tithes and capturing schools, the creed that really is enforced by fine and imprisonment, the creed that really is proclaimed not in sermons but in statues, and spread not by pilgrims but by policemen—that creed is the great but disputed system of thought which began with Evolution and has ended in Eugenics.Materialism is really our established Church; for the government will really help it to persecute its heretics…I am not frightened of the word ‘persecution’…It is a term of legal fact. If it means the imposition by the police of a widely disputed theory, incapable of final proof—then our priests are not now persecuting, but our doctors are.”
Exactly what kind of leaders do we have? What responsible adults speak so continuously about eradicating huge numbers of people?The concept of gradualism is quite apparent here; there’s a logical progression from nursing homes to abortion to “pulling the plug” to euthanasia to full fledged eugenics. Noble sounding concerns for “population control” are inexorably tied to barbaric notions of sterilizing humans and “reducing” population by “any means necessary.” There is a strong desire among many of these supposedly “liberal” minds to encourage the “proper” people to breed, and to put an end to “undesirable” genes procreating. Darwinian philosophy can evolve (pun intended) into dire, science fiction scenarios where the aged, infirmed and disabled are eliminated because they are “useless.” Much of the public has been dumbed down enough to accept such murderous concepts as compassionate. A good portion of the environmental movement is linked to eugenics thought, whereby the decent ideals of preserving natural resources and keeping the air and water clean become melded to a general globalist agenda of “carbon taxes” and decreased population.When a career establishment hack like Al Gore is considered the leader of a movement, you can be certain it’s not a good one.
This video will bring you some helpful information. It ought to make it clear that this current viral release is real. There are people dying. There are cases spreading across the earth. There is a lot of information being withheld from the people. It is a real threat.
The outbreak of a mysterious virus that originated in China and has been reported in at least five other countries, including the U.S., is definitely a tragedy and could be on its way to becoming an epidemic. While medical experts and the media track its spread and debate whether eating snakes or bat soup from a certain market in Wuhan is the origin point of the coronavirus causing the deadly pneumonia-like illness, very few have noticed that the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory studying the virus is the same lab that experts warned in 2017 could accidentally release a similar deadly virus into the public arena like the SARS virus escaped from high-level containment facilities multiple times.Is it a coincidence that ground zero for the coronavirus is the same lab designated as the only place in the world that can find a cure— and Wuhan is now cut off from the rest of the world?
“But worries surround the Chinese lab, too. The SARS virus has escaped from high-level containment facilities in Beijing multiple times, notes Richard Ebright, a molecular biologist at Rutgers University in Piscataway, New Jersey. Tim Trevan, founder of CHROME Biosafety and Biosecurity Consulting in Damascus, Maryland, says that an open culture is important to keeping BSL-4 labs safe, and he questions how easy this will be in China, where society emphasizes hierarchy. “Diversity of viewpoint, flat structures where everyone feels free to speak up and openness of information are important,” he says.”
In 2017, an article in the journal Nature both heralded the opening of the Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory and warned of the tremendous risks involved in placing it in such a highly populated area on the Chinese mainland. The facility is a Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) – the highest level of biocontainment – designed for working with agents that could easily be aerosol-transmitted and cause severe to fatal disease in humans for which there are no available vaccines or treatments. The lab filters its air and treats it water and waste before they leave and employees must change clothes and shower before and after work. BSL-4 labs have been used to store and research the Marburg virus, Ebola virus, Lassa virus, Hendra virus, Nipah virus, Variola virus and smallpox virus. And now it’s the home of the coronavirus.Or was it the cause?
“While initial reports were limited, government officials announced Thursday that a task force of Chinese researchers has identified the microbe causing the outbreak. The culprit, they say, is a virus never seen before in humans; a newly discovered member of the coronavirus family, other branches of which cause the common cold, SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome), and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome). Reports from state media last week indicated that the Chinese-led research team already has copies of the virus growing in cell lines. Under pressure from the global public health community to release more details, the consortium published a draft genome of the novel coronavirus over the weekend, encouraging researchers around the world to analyze and share the data.”
Wired reported that the coronavirus was identified by the lab just two weeks after the first victims appeared. Copies were quickly grown and the genome was released to other researchers. How could that have been accomplished so quickly?Did they already know about it? We may not find answers to those and other questions any time soon.
“In closing off Wuhan, a city of more than 11 million people, China deployed on Thursday morning a centuries-old public health tactic to prevent the spread of infectious disease — this time, a mysterious respiratory infection caused by a coronavirus. Experts said the stunning scale of the shutdown, isolating a major urban transit hub larger than New York City, was without precedent.”
The New York Times and other media sites report that China has effectively shut down travel in and out of Wuhan and four other nearby cities – locking many more millions in an already contaminated area. News reports from inside Wuhan are also restricted, so horrifying images of people falling ill in the streets cannot be verified. Needless to say, that caused another concern in a country known for it.
No escape?
“James G. Hodge Jr., director of the Center for Public Health Law and Policy at Arizona State University, said the shutdown would almost certainly lead to human rights violations and would be patently unconstitutional in the United States. “It could very easily backfire,” he said, adding that the restrictions could prevent healthy people from fleeing the city, perhaps exposing them to greater risk of infection. “In general, this is risky business.””
How much about the coronavirus is the Chinese government really hiding? Until outside experts are allowed to study it, the fact that the quarantined city of Wuhan is both the place of its origin and the location of the only lab in China for studying the most deadly of viruses remains highly suspicious.
Hmmm… how appropriate…they are laying the blame on the SNAKE… The snake represents the most evil creature ever created!
This video is a preamble to my next video which will be uploaded later this evening. After watching this video you will soon see how corrupt a world we are living when they are literally pre-planning these events in ‘plain’ or more like ‘plane’ sight. On October 18th, 2019 15 members of the New World Order sat at a New York City Hotel for 3.5 hours and discussed the pending Coronavirus pandemic. I believe that this latest worldwide virus scare has been manufactured in a bio-lab and will slowly be released upon mankind in the coming month’s. This is only MY OPINION, just like GRETA say’s the WORLD WILL END in 10 to 12 YEARS is HER OPINION. By the way, I don’t think the World will be ending in 2030. Hopefully we will have cleansed Satan off Planet Earth in the next ten years. In the meantime they have been selling us this Coronavirus for a few weeks now and even predicted it happening back in late October 2019. The only difference is the NWO talking heads gathered in New York that predicted the Coronavirus would start with a ‘Pig’, now they are telling us that it started in a Snake. I don’t talk in this video (my voice is shot as I may have the Coronavirus), but in Part Two coming up I breakdown how the Gates Foundation is totally behind the Coronavirus and future vaccinations that will come as a result of this man made virus. See you then. #Snakes#Planes#Coronavirus
Our Globalist masters are creating the environment that is most suitable for their man-made viruses and bacteria to grow and prosper. They are forcing us into Mega-Cities, forcing illegal immigration by the millions, creating “climate change” via geo-engineering and weather manipulation, burning down and bulldozing our forests, polluting and diverting our water supplies, and blocking the sun while creating fake suns and fake moons with God knows what kind of artificial light.
So, the Corona Virus strain all started years ago with the PIG!! The foulest of flesh in God’s Word not fit for human consumption. Yet, the globalists promote the eating of Pork like nobody’s business. “Everything tastes better with Bacon” has been the meme for years now. They put it in EVERYTHING! They put it in us!!! Yes, through injections, transplants and ingested medications. Every manner possible to pollute our flesh.
The current outbreak has been laid at the feet of the snake meat sold in a Chinese Market. The Snake and the PIG!
Well, what do you know? Guess who has their business based in Seattle? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
They don’t call it ‘The Seattle Space Needle’ for nothing. As I was posting this video Breaking News came in that my home city of Toronto, Canada just confirmed that we have our first case of Coronaviris from a male that was on a flight in from Wuhan, China. I discuss Toronto, the Coronavirus and SARS in this video as I knew they were coming back for us.. On October 18th, 2018 15 members of the New World Order sat at a New York City Hotel for 3.5 hours and discussed the pending Coronavirus pandemic. I believe that this latest worldwide virus scare has been manufactured in a bio-lab and will slowly be released upon mankind in the coming month’s. I first heard about this Coronavirus the first thing that I looked for was a vaccine that would be ready to hand out for anyone who get’s the virus. What I found was that there is a patent for the virus (meaning it is man made and could be used as a bio-weapon) and I found that vaccine cure’s were being investigated and researcged by pharmaceutical companies. I also discovered two glaring links that connects the Gates Foundation to a pharmaceutical company (American based Novavax) that is in it’s third stage of trial research for a vaccination for an infant version of the Coronavirus and I also link the Gates Foundation to a recent meeting in New York City (October 18th, 2019) where a Global viral pandemic was discussed using the Coronavirus as the driving force behind the pandemic. This meeting was less then two month’s before they announced the first victim of the Coronavirus in Wuhan, China. You really can’t make this stuff up. #SpaceNeedle#GatesFoundation#InfantVaccine Related video: Event 201 Pandemic Exercise: Highlights Reel centerforhealthsecurity https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AoLw-… Related channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/biosecur… Related links:
Gee, do you wonder like I wonder how Bill knew the Chinese Corona virus was coming???
BILL Gates “predicted” a super-virus pandemic breaking out in China that could kill 33 million people around the world in the first six months.
The Microsoft tycoon warned the world was at risk from super-pathogens spreading quickly across our planet — and that we should prepare for this as we would for war.
Bill Gates warned a conference hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society that a pandemic was likely soon. Credit: Getty – Contributor
A pandemic was simulated that showed how quick a disease could spread SimulationVideo available on The Sun website blob:https://www.thesun.co.uk/481524ec-47b2-4844-ad35-024c27342602
The pretend disease broke out in China
Speaking at a conference hosted by the Massachusetts Medical Society, Gates said he was an optimist but there was one area the world was not “making much progress”.
He said: “And that’s pandemic preparedness.
“In the case of biological threats, that sense of urgency is lacking.
“The world needs to prepare for pandemics in the same serious way it prepares for war.”
During the conference the billionaire philanthropist unveiled an exhaustive study by the Institute for Disease Modelling which laid bare just how quickly a new disease could spread.
A time lapse video explained how a potential outbreak in China could then rapidly spread across the planet, eventually killing 33 million people.
Now one year on, after emerging in the Chinese city of Wuhan, the world is faced with the all too real deadly coronavirus.
It has continued its relentless global march, with the number of nations affected almost doubling overnight.
Confirmed cases have skyrocketed to more than 800 in China alone, officials said.
Vietnam, Singapore, Saudi Arabia and Hong Kong all now have confirmed cases — alongside the US, China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and Thailand.
But the World Health Organisation last night refused to declare a global public health emergency, saying it was “too early”.
However, officials admitted the committee was split almost 50-50.
Four major Chinese cities are in lockdown with 20 million people in quarantine, with evidence of human to human transmission.
Officials have restricted travel in virus epicentre Wuhan, which is home to 11 million, as well as neighbouring Huanggang, Ezhou and Lichuan.
Preliminary research suggested the coronavirus was passed on to humans from snakes at Wuhan’s seafood market.
Michael Ryan, head of WHO’s emergencies programme, said almost three-quarters of confirmed cases were in people aged over 40,with four in ten having underlying health conditions.
Experts have warned it may prove as deadly as the Spanish flu, which claimed 50 million lives.
There are fears that it could accelerate further with millions travelling Chinese New Year celebrations tomorrow.
Health warnings have been posted around the UK’s airports Credit: Simon Jones – The Sun
There was a police presence outside the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow, where it is understood at least one person is being treated in isolation Credit: SWNS:South West News Service
Coronavirus chaos in Chinese hospital ‘as vid shows CORPSES blocking corridors’
Video available on The Sun website blob:https://www.thesun.co.uk/52faa3bf-0acc-46be-9f15-2a81f82d4bf8
It apprently has hit Canada now. This next article has multiple videos. You have to visit the website to see them.
WATCH: The province is reassuring Ontarians that precautions are being taken and the risk of an outbreak of coronavirus is low. This comes after the announcement of a confirmed “presumptive” case of the illness at Sunnybrook Hospital. Albert Delitala reports.
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Ontario health officials have announced that a “presumptive” case of a new coronavirus has been discovered in Toronto, which, if confirmed, would mark the first instance of the illness in Canada.In an evening press conference at Queen’s Park, officials said they were made aware of the case Saturday afternoon.A man in his 50s tested positive for the new virus but secondary testing at Canada’s National Microbiology Laboratory will take place to confirm the case.
Coronavirus outbreak: ‘presumptive case’ of virus confirmed in Toronto
Coronavirus outbreak: ‘presumptive case’ of virus confirmed in Toronto
Coronavirus outbreak: health officials provide details on presumptive case in Toronto
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Coronavirus outbreak: health officials provide details on presumptive case in Toronto
The man recently travelled to Wuhan, China, which is believed to be the epicentre of the outbreak. The newly identified form of the virus has sickened more than 1,320 people and killed at least 41 in China, according to the World Health Organization.
The man is being treated at Toronto’s Sunnybrook Hospital and his condition is stable, officials said.
Unpacking the potentially deadly coronavirus and possible protections
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Unpacking the potentially deadly coronavirus and possible protections
“The patient was detected and immediately put in isolation,” said Ontario Health Minister Christine Elliott.
“Lab tests were conducted and at the earliest signs of a presumptive positive case, Toronto Public Health launched extensive case and contact management to prevent and control further spread of the infection.”
Coronavirus outbreak: Ontario health official says Toronto man believed to be first ‘presumptive’confirmed case in Canada
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Coronavirus outbreak: Ontario health official says Toronto man believed to be first ‘presumptive’confirmed case in Canada
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Coronavirus outbreak: Toronto health official says contact with others low in ‘presumptive’ case
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Coronavirus outbreak: Ontario health minister calls on people to come forward if symptomatic
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Coronavirus outbreak: Toronto hospital details response when presumptive case arrived
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Toronto health official details how they’ve responded to ‘presumptive’ coronavirus case
She added that a new website has been set up to provide information about the the illness and the government’s response.
Health officials emphasized that proper procedures were followed and federal, provincial and municipal agencies are working together to prevent the spread of the illness.
Ontario’s Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr. David Williams said the risk to the public is low.
Symptoms include fever, cough and difficulty breathing, as well as pneumonia, kidney failure or death in severe cases.
“Many people will have a very mild form of this disease,” said Peter Donnelly, president of Public Health Ontario.
“Many people in China probably don’t even know they’ve had it, haven’t sought medical care, or if they have sought medical care, have recovered quite quickly. This is fairly typical of a viral disease.”
Coronavirus outbreak: What we know so far
Video available on the Global Agenda website
Watch this video on the site. In the video Dr. Michael Gardam, states that so far the Mortality rate of this Corona Virus is only 1%. He also says it doesn’t seem to be very contagious and could be just a normal virus, containable in the next month or so. Underplaying so people are caught unaware, or could this just be a test?
Coronavirus outbreak: What we know so far
Dr. Barbara Yaffe, the province’s associate chief medical officer, noted that the virus is not easily transmitted between individuals.
Elliott said officials are working to identify everyone with whom the victim was in contact with. He is believed to have had very little external contact, and household members have been put into self-isolation, officials said.
“Ontarians can rest assured that the province’s integrated health-care system today is far more prepared to respond to any potential health risks than in the past,”Elliott said.
“We will continue to diligently monitor this issue to ensure Ontario remains prepared to identify, contain, and treat any additional cases of this virus.”
How airports are screening for the coronavirus
Video available on the Global Agenda website
How airports are screening for the coronavirus
Williams said the patient arrived in Toronto on Jan. 22 after flying from Wuhan with a connection in Guangzhou, China.
He took private transportation home from the airport and did not wear a mask.
Williams said the patient fell ill the next day and had a family member call 911, at which point they told officials about his symptoms.
“While we now have one presumptive confirmed case, our health officials are clear that the risk to residents continues to remain low,” he said in part.
“Toronto Public Health is continuing to work closely with provincial and federal health colleagues to actively monitor the situation and respond as appropriate.”
It comes from a large family of coronaviruses, some causing nothing worse than a common cold.
But in late 2002, a coronavirus named severe acute respiratory syndrome erupted in southern China, causing a severe pneumonia that rapidly spread to other countries. SARS infected more than 8,000 people and killed 774, including 44 Canadians. Toronto was hard hit in that outbreak.
In 2012, another coronavirus dubbed Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) began sickening people in Saudi Arabia. MERS is still prevalent, causing small numbers of infections each year. The WHO has counted nearly 2,500 cases in the Middle East and beyond, and more than 850 deaths.
A background on the coronavirus and its symptoms
Video available on the Global Agenda website
A background on the coronavirus and its symptoms
SARS and MERS came from animals, and this newest virus almost certainly did, too.The first people infected visited or worked at a seafood market in Wuhan, which has gone into isolation since the outbreak.
Travel is being restricted for more than 50 million people in China as officials look to stymie the spread of the virus.
In Canada, new procedures are in place at international airports in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver to help identify those who may be affected.
Canada Border Services Agency said those who have visited Wuhan will be subject to additional screening and passengers experiencing flu-like symptoms will be referred to a Public Health Agency of Canada quarantine officer. Others will receive information packages.
Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu echoed other officials in saying that the risk of a Canadian outbreak remains low. Anyone with flu-like symptoms who has recently travelled to affected areas of China is encouraged to contact their doctor, she said in a statement.
Outside China, 23 cases of the illness have been confirmed as of Saturday, according to the WHO. Twenty-one of those individuals had visited Wuhan.
In addition to the Canadian case, on Saturday Australia and Malaysia reported their first cases — four each — and Japan its third.
France confirmed three cases Friday, the first in Europe, and the U.S. identified its second, a woman in Chicago who had returned from China.
On Thursday, the WHO declined to declare the new coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern, saying that would be premature.
— With files from the Canadian Press
This next video is about an earlier outbreak, but there is a lot of good information to glean from it none-the-less. This short video ties these outbreaks with the desire of the Globalists to force mandatory vaccinations. Outbreak in School District 51, in Colorado the New Capital of the New World Order in the USA.
More really great information from Richie. If you have not been convinced by now… perhaps this will get you there… Very good information on the depopulation efforts of our own Government, using chem-trailing, and climate control. Great Pictures of our Chemical Skies. Also how chem-trails are affecting the trees (deforestation) as well as every other living thing, including us.
In this short video Richie points out the disparity between the number of people in China and the number of people who had been stricken when they are sounding alarms. Out of the Billions of People in China, 473 people got sick and 17 people are dead and the World Health Organization is questioning whether this is an International Emergency??? Scare tactics?
If you are still under the illusion that the your person health information is being protected for you or that the WHO organization is established to ensure that everyone gets good health coverage….WAKE UP!! I work in the Health Information Industry and I promise you it has nothing to do with YOUR HEALTH or YOUR PRIVACY!! IT is all about getting every bit of information about YOU your private life into the hands of the GLOBALISTS and using it to manipulate and control you and make money in the process. YOU doubt… watch this next video and read the article.
Hospitals are massive containers of patient data, and now they have struck deals with Amazon, Microsoft and Google to cash in on $3 trillion dollar market. …
We all have either heard the stories or experienced it ourselves. Someone stays overnight in a hospital and when they review thier bill on checkout, they see things like a $45 charge for two Tylenol. Funny thing is, when my oldest brother was born back in the 1950’s, my mom’s entire bill for the labor, delivery and a two-day stay was only $50, for all of it. Somewhere between then and now hospitals and hospital care have become a huge racket, and now, hospitals want even more.
“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” 3 John 1:2 (KJB)
We live not only in the the age of technology, we also live in the age of data which is functionally the world’s largest currency.He who controls the data in the 21st century controls everything, and hospitals have woken up to the fact that there is no better, no more sensitive and no more valuable data that your medical records, and have decided to pimp that data out to the highest bidder. In this case, it’s the all-consuming tech giants that have become the new robber barons.
As technology advances, our humanity it would seem is regressing, with people being reduced to points of data for the sole purpose of being financially weaponized for profit. That really doesn’t seem like progress to me, do it to you? Ever see the movie Soylent Green? You should.
Hospitals Give Tech Giants Access to Detailed Medical Records
FROM THE WSJ: The breadth of access wasn’t always spelled out by hospitals and tech giants when the deals were struck. The scope of data sharing in these and other recently reported agreements reveals a powerful new role that hospitals play—as brokers to technology companies racing into the $3 trillion health-care sector. Rapid digitization of health records and privacy laws enabling companies to swap patient data have positioned hospitals as a primary arbiter of how such sensitive data is shared.
Hospitals can share patient data as long as they follow federal privacy laws, which contain limited consumer protections, she said. “The data belongs to whoever has it.”
Microsoft and Providence, a hospital system with data for about 20 million patient visits a year, are developing cancer algorithms by using doctor’s notes in patient medical records. The notes haven’t been stripped of personally identifiable information, according to Providence, which is based in Renton, Wash.
An agreement between IBM and Brigham and Women’s Hospital to jointly develop artificial intelligenceallows the Boston-based hospital to share personally identifiable data for specific requests, people involved in the agreement said. So far the hospital hasn’t shared data on that basis and has no current plans to do so, according to hospital and IBM officials.
Microsoft executive Peter Lee in July described how his company would use Providence patient data without identifying information for algorithm development. In a December statement, he said patients’ personal health data remains in Providence’s control and declined to comment further. B.J. Moore, Providence’s chief information officer, said executives involved in the agreement at first planned to use data without information identifying patients; later they found they couldn’t remove it all from doctors’ notes. “It was not intended to mislead,” he said.
There is no indication of wrongdoing in the deals. Officials at the companies and hospitals say they have safeguards to protect patients. Hospitals control data, with privacy training and close tracking of tech employees with access, they said. Health data can’t be combined independently with other data by tech companies.
But recent revelations that Alphabet Inc.’s Google is able to tap personally identifiable medical data about patients, reported by The Wall Street Journal, has raised concerns among lawmakers, patients and doctors about privacy. READ MORE
Google accesses patient data via deal with US hospital system
Google has potentially gained access to data of millions of patients in the United States, thanks to an agreement with Ascension, the country’s second-largest hospital system. The tech giant will store and analyse the data, with a view to improving efficiency for patients, but some hospital staff have raised concerns over the arrangement. Also today, why more than a thousand borrowers are suing their French bank over mortgages issued in Swiss francs.
Update on the Coronavirus in Wuhan. Deputy Director of WHO states the virus is mutating.
MORE INFO https://blazingpress.com/li-bin-deput… World Health Organization in EMERGENCY MEETING NOW about Coronavirus Text code word TRUMPET to 555888 for instant Text message notifications when we go LIVE Support the stream & get connected here: https://trumpetnews.live/ Donate directly via paypal:
First Case of Corona Virus in USA and quarantine of an entire city in China. Military presence in the airports. More details in the links.
Testing our the defense provided by our buildings? What kind of chemicals are they unleashing on the unwitting public? Why don’t they have to tell us what they are exposing us to? Who authorized them to release this stuff on a city?
Jan 22, 2020 — The Chinese city of Wuhan is going under quarantine to contain the new and deadly coronavirus. As Ramy Inocencio reports, health officials …
The United Statesbiological weapons program officially began in spring 1943 on orders from U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. Research continued following World War II as the U.S. built up a large stockpile of biological agents and weapons. Over the course of its 27-year history, the program weaponized and stockpiled the following seven bio-agents (and pursued basic research on many more):
Throughout its history, the U.S. bioweapons program was secret. It became controversial when it was later revealed that laboratory and field testing (some of the latter using simulants on non-consenting individuals) had been common. The official policy of the United States was first to deter the use of bio-weapons against U.S. forces and secondarily to retaliate if deterrence failed. There exists no evidence that the U.S. ever used biological agents against an enemy in the field (see below for alleged uses).
In 1969, President Richard Nixon ended all offensive (i.e., non-defensive) aspects of the U.S. bio-weapons program. In 1975 the U.S. ratified both the 1925 Geneva Protocol and the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention (BWC)—international treaties outlawing biological warfare. Recent U.S. biodefense programs, however, have raised concerns that the U.S. may be pursuing research that is outlawed by the BWC.
Well, first off, we know that the elite do not like to waste anything if it can be used to their advantage financial or otherwise. The fact that they had STOCKPILED all those weaponized germs/chemicals should tell you that they are using them. Not only that they continue to manufacture/create more and newer bioweapons. I find it very interesting that right around the time that they were building this STOCKPILE is when we started seeing so many deformed babies, diseases that crossed the animal human bloodline, bacteria showing up on our food, new diseases and new mutations of old diseases which had been around for centuries, etc.
The United States government performed experiments related to biological warfare on consenting and non-consenting military personnel and occasionally civilians, especially during the Cold War. President Richard Nixon decided to officially end the U.S. biologicalweapons program in 1969, but tests continued past this date because they were considered defensive in nature.
US BiologicalWeapon Testing: lt;p|>The ||United States| |biologicalweapons| program| officially began in spring 1943on order… World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled.
U.S. Admits Bio-Weapons Tests. October 8, 2002 / 10:52 PM / AP. The United States secretly tested chemical and biologicalweapons on American soil during the 1960s, newly declassified Pentagon …
The tests were part of Project 112, a military program in the 1960s and 1970s to test chemical and biologicalweapons and defenses against them. Parts of the testing program done on Navy ships …
On the website, Prisoners of Eternity, it said, “P risoners-of-War were also used to test the effectiveness of weapons often tied to a post with explosives attached and blown up, burned alive with flame-throwers, or repeatedly stabbed with germ infected bayonets.” The image shows how the Japanese used the Chinese prisoners as test subjects for weapons testing
Source – voltairenet.org “…MacLeod also writes, “During the same period, studies, studies of dissemination— ‘delivery systems’ — of biologicalweapons are known to have formed part of the research portfolio of both the CIA and the Chemical Corps…An article in Scientific Research by William E. Small “alleged that the Smithsonian Institution [a partner in the Army’s bird …
However, part of your prepper plan should most certainly not include testing biologicalweapons for the sake of making sure your prepper equipment functions properly. Unfortunately, this is exactly what the Department of Homeland Security is planning to do in Newkirk, Oklahoma.
What’s going to happen is that gasses are going to be released at levels not dangerous to humans. If you work in an industry that requires SCBA, you will go through testing to make sure your gas mask doesn’t leak, etc by using trace chemicals of the ones that can kill you in seconds at levels…
The Department of Homeland Security has announced plans to simulate the effects of biologicalweapons on buildings in Oklahoma. Feb 15, 12:42 PM EST … the building at the Material Test Facility …
They said the data from the testing would help them assess the impact of biologicalweapons. Kentucky National Guard/Flickr Many Newkirk residents were on edge about their homes, businesses and schools being so close to the Chilocco Indian School.
I haven’t had much time to really dig in and research the numbers and history of Epidemics and Pandemics but from what I have seen so far, these appear to have been completely created and controlled by the medical community and the Globalists. Often calling these outbreaks epidemics or pandemics just is not justified. The numbers of patients actually infected and/or the mortality rates are just not that impressive. Mind you, it is serious when anyone dies or suffers but, truly that is part of life. None of what we are seeing is really out of the range of normal, except when deliberately perpetrated on the masses diabolically as a means of population control.
Perhaps everyone needs to reconsider where diseases have originated. How much is natural and how much has been created by humans?
As medicine advances, there are fewer infectious disease outbreaks, or epidemics. An epidemic is when an infectious disease spreads within a community or area during a specific time period. Learn about the biggest outbreaks to spread across the United States, and where we are now.
1633-1634: Smallpox from European settlers
Smallpox came to North America in the 1600s. People had symptoms of high fever, chills, severe back pain, and rashes. Starting from the Northeast, smallpox wiped out entire Native American tribes. Over 70 percent of the Native American population dropped. In 1721, 844 of the 5,889 Bostonians who had smallpox died from it.
End: In 1770, Edward Jenner developed a vaccine from cow pox. It helps the body become immune to smallpox without causing the disease.
Now: After a large vaccination initiative in 1972, smallpox is gone from the United States. In fact, vaccines are no longer necessary.
1793: Yellow fever from the Caribbean
Philadelphia was once the nation’s capital and its busiest port. One humid summer, refugees leaving a yellow fever epidemic in the Caribbean Islands sailed in, carrying the virus with them. Yellow fever causes yellowing of the skin, fever, and bloody vomiting. Five thousand people died, and 17,000 fled the city.
So, was this epidemic limited to Philadelphia??
End: The vaccine was developed and then licensed in 1953. One vaccine is enough for life. It’s mostly recommended for those 9 months and older, especially if you live or travel to high-risk areas. You can find these specific countries at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website.
Now: Mosquitoes are key to how this disease spreads, especially in countries like Central and South America and Africa. Eliminating them has been successful in controlling yellow fever. While yellow fever has no cure, someone who does recover from the illness becomes immune for the rest of their life.
1832-1866: Cholera in three waves
The United States had three serious waves of cholera, an infection of the intestine, between 1832 and 1866. The pandemic began in India, and swiftly spread across the globe through trade routes. New York City was usually the first city to feel the impact. An estimated two to six Americans died per day during the outbreak.
End: It’s unclear what ended the pandemics, but it may have been the change in climate or quarantines. The last documented outbreak in the United States was in 1911. Immediate cholera treatment is crucial, as it can cause death. Treatment includes antibiotics, zinc supplementation, and rehydration.
Now: Cholera still causes nearly 130,000 deaths a year worldwide, according to the CDCTrusted Source. Modern sewage and water treatment have helped eradicated cholera in some countries, but the virus is still present elsewhere.
You can get a vaccine for cholera if you’re planning to travel to areas that are high-risk. The best way to prevent cholera is to wash hands regularly with soap and water, and avoid drinking contaminated water.
1858: Scarlet fever also came in waves
Scarlet fever is a bacterial infection that can occur after strep throat. Like cholera, scarlet fever epidemics came in waves. During the 1858 epidemic, 95 percent of people who caught the virus were children.
No reported deaths from Scarlet Fever?? 95 percent of the cases were children, but no numbers of how many were reported???
End: Older studies argue that scarlet fever declined due to improved nutrition, but research shows that improvements in public health were more likely the cause.
Now: There is no vaccine to prevent strep throat or scarlet fever. It’s important for those with strep throat symptoms to seek treatment as quickly as possible. Your doctor will typically treat scarlet fever with antibiotics.
1906-1907: “Typhoid Mary”
One of the biggest typhoid fever epidemics of all time broke out between 1906 and 1907 in New York. Mary Mallon, often referred to as “Typhoid Mary,” spread the virus to about 122 New Yorkers during her time as a cook on an estate and in a hospital unit. About five of those 122 New Yorkers passed away from the virus. Annually, 10,771 people passed away from typhoid fever.
So this epidemic was limited to NEW YORK? Probably due to immigration again.
Medical testing showed that Mallon was a healthy carrier for typhoid fever. Typhoid fever causes sickness and red spots to form on the chest and abdomen.
End: A vaccine was developed in 1911, and an antibiotic treatment for typhoid fever became available in 1948.
Now: Today typhoid fever is rare. But it can spread through direct contact with infected people, as well as consumption of contaminated food or water.
1918: “Spanish flu”
This mutating influenza virus actually doesn’t come from Spain. It circulates the globe annually, but seriously affected the United States in 1918. The flu would return later in 1957 as the “Asian flu” and cause nearly 70,000 deaths before a vaccine became available.
End: After the end of World War I, cases of the flu slowly declined. None of the suggestions provided at the time, from wearing masks to drinking coal oil, were effective cures. Today’s treatments include bed rest, fluids, and antiviral medications.
Now: Influenza strains mutate every year, making last year’s vaccinations less effective. It’s important to get your yearly vaccination to decrease your risk for the flu.
1921-1925: Diphtheria epidemic
Diphtheria peaked in 1921, with 206,000 cases. Diphtheria causes swelling of the mucous membranes, including in your throat, that can obstruct breathing and swallowing. Sometimes a bacterial toxin can enter the bloodstream and cause fatal heart and nerve damage.
End: By the mid-1920s, researchers licensed a vaccine against the bacterial disease. Infection rates plummeted in the United States.
Now: Today more than 80 percent of children in the United States are vaccinated. Those who contract the disease are treated with antibiotics.
1916-1955: The peak of polio
Polio is a viral disease that affects the nervous system, causing paralysis. It spreads through direct contact with people who have the infection. The first major polio epidemic in the United States occurred in 1916 and reached its peak in 1952. Of the 57,628 reported cases, there were 3,145 deaths.
End: Three years later, Dr. Jonas Salk developed a vaccine. By 1962, the average number of cases dropped to 910. The CDCTrusted Source reports that the United States has been polio-free since 1979.
Now: Getting vaccinated is very important before traveling. There’s no cure for polio. Treatment involves increasing comfort levels and preventing complications.
1981-1991: Second measles outbreak
Measles is a virus that causes a fever, runny nose, cough, red eyes, and sore throat, and later a rash that spreads over the whole body. It’s a very contagious disease and can spread through the air. In the early 20th century, most cases involved children, due to inadequate vaccination coverage.
Measles has never been known as a “deadly” disease. When I was growing up, measles was just considered a regular and inevitable part of childhood. WE all got it at some point and we all SURVIVED quite easily. They are uncomfortable but not painful or life threatening. JUST LIKE CHICKEN POX.
End: Doctors began to recommend a second vaccine for everyone. Since then, each year has had fewer than 1,000 cases.
Now: The United States experienced another outbreak of measles in 2014 and 2015. The CDC reportsTrusted Source that this outbreak was identical to the measles outbreak in the Philippines in 2014. Be sure to get all the vaccinations your doctor recommends.
In 2019, the medical community and the Globalists were desperate to convince people of the necessity of vaccines. I am totally convinced that the Measles outbreak was implemented for that purpose. Even so, I would hardly consider these numbers alarming. They mostly occurred in New York, where they were trying to force the anti-vaxers in the area, particularly the Jewish Community to submit.
Measles Cases in 2019
From January 1 to December 31, 2019, 1,282* individual cases of measles were confirmed in 31 states.
This is the greatest number of cases reported in the U.S. since 1992. More than 73% of the cases were linked to recent outbreaks in New York. Measles is more likely to spread and cause outbreaks in U.S. communities where groups of people are unvaccinated.
The majority of cases were among people who were not vaccinated against measles.
Measles can cause serious complications. From January 1 – December 31, 2019, 128 of the people who got measles were hospitalized, and 61 reported having complications, including pneumonia and encephalitis.
States with Reported Measles
2019 ** (as of December 31, 2019)
The states that have reported cases to CDC were Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, New Mexico, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Tennessee, Virginia, and Washington.
The states that reported outbreaks were California, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New York City, New York State, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington.
All measles cases were caused by measles wild-type D8 or B3.
Number of Measles Cases Reported by Year
2010-2019**(as of December 31, 2019)
*Reporting for 2019 began December 30, 2018. Case count is preliminary and subject to change. **Cases as of December 31, 2019. Case count is preliminary and subject to change. Data are updated monthly.
1993: Contaminated water in Milwaukee
One of Milwaukee’s two water treatment plants became contaminated with cryptosporidium, a parasitic disease that causes dehydration, fever, stomach cramps, and diarrhea. About 403,000 became ill, and more than 100 people died, making it the largest waterborne outbreak in United States history.
End: Most people recovered on their own. Of the people who passed, the majority had compromised immune systems.
Now: Improved water filtrations helped eradicate this disease, but an estimated 748,000 cases of cryptosporidium still occur each year. Cryptosporidium spreads through soil, food, water, or contact with infected feces. Be sure to practice personal hygiene, especially when camping.
Those numbers just don’t jive. 403,000 was at the peak of the “epidemic” how then can they say that 748,000 cases a year occur??
2010, 2014: Whooping cough
Pertussis, known as whooping cough, is highly contagious and one of the most commonly occurring diseases in the United States. These coughing attacks can last for months. Infants too young for vaccination have the highest risk for life-threatening cases. Ten infants died during the first outbreak.
Ten? Seriously??? Epidemic?? Out of 10,000 cases and only 10 infants died???? How is that an Epidemic??
End: A whooping cough outbreak comes every three to five years. The CDC reportsTrusted Source that an increase in the number of cases will likely be the “new normal.”
Wait a minute… If they now have a vaccination why are they saying that increased numbers of cases will be the new norm??
Now: The occurrence of the disease is much less than it was. The CDC recommendsTrusted Source that pregnant women get a vaccination during the third trimester to optimize protection at birth.
OK, so their prediction of increased cases turned out to be wrong… So, now they are “encouraging” PREGNANT WOMEN to get vaccinated. THIS is totally counter productive. The infant in the womb and for months after birth has a built in immune system. Shooting pregnant women up with foreign substances during her pregnancy creates unnecessary risk to both the mother and the baby in the womb.
1980s to present: The leading cause of early death
First documented in 1981, the epidemic we now know as HIV first appeared to be a rare lung infection. Now we know that HIV damages the body’s immune system and compromises its ability to fight off infections. AIDS is the final stage of HIV and the 6th leading cause of death in the United States among people 25 to 44 years old.
HIV may be transmitted sexually or through blood/body fluids from person to person. It can be transmitted from mother to unborn baby if not treated.
Now: While there is no cure for HIV, you can decrease your risk through safety measures like making sure your needles are sterilized and having protected sex. Safety measures can be taken during pregnancy to prevent the disease from being transmitted from an infected mother to child. For emergencies, PEP (post-exposure prophylaxis) is a new antiretroviral medicine that prevents HIV from developing within 72 hours.
Death Toll: 36 million Cause: HIV/AIDS First identified in Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976, HIV/AIDS has truly proven itself as a global pandemic, killing more than 36 million people since 1981. Currently there are between 31 and 35 million people living with HIV, the vast majority of those are in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 5% of the population is infected, roughly 21 million people. As awareness has grown, new treatments have been developed that make HIV far more manageable, and many of those infected go on to lead productive lives. Between 2005 and 2012 the annual global deaths from HIV/AIDS dropped from 2.2 million to 1.6 million.
Death Toll: 1 million Cause: Influenza A category 2 Flu pandemic sometimes referred to as “the Hong Kong Flu,” the 1968 flu pandemic was caused by the H3N2 strain of the Influenza A virus, a genetic offshoot of the H2N2 subtype. From the first reported case on July 13, 1968 in Hong Kong, it took only 17 days before outbreaks of the virus were reported in Singapore and Vietnam, and within three months had spread to The Philippines, India, Australia, Europe, and the United States. While the 1968 pandemic had a comparatively low mortality rate (.5%) it still resulted in the deaths of more than a million people, including 500,000 residents of Hong Kong, approximately 15% of its population at the time.
ASIAN FLU (1956-1958)
Death Toll: 2 million Cause: Influenza Asian Flu was a pandemic outbreak of Influenza A of the H2N2 subtype, that originated in China in 1956and lasted until 1958. In its two-year spree, Asian Flu traveled from the Chinese province of Guizhou to Singapore, Hong Kong, and the United States. Estimates for the death toll of the Asian Flu vary depending on the source, but the World Health Organization places the final tally at approximately 2 million deaths, 69,800 of those in the US alone.
Death Toll: 20 -50 million Cause: Influenza Between 1918 and 1920 a disturbingly deadly outbreak of influenza tore across the globe, infecting over a third of the world’s population and ending the lives of 20 – 50 million people. Of the 500 million people infected in the 1918 pandemic, the mortality rate was estimated at 10% to 20%, with up to 25 million deaths in the first 25 weeks alone. What separated the 1918 flu pandemic from other influenza outbreaks was the victims; where influenza had always previously only killed juveniles and the elderly or already weakened patients, it had begun striking down hardy and completely healthy young adults, while leaving children and those with weaker immune systems still alive.
Death Toll: 800,000+ Cause: Cholera Like its five previous incarnations, the Sixth Cholera Pandemic originated in India where it killed over 800,000, before spreading to the Middle East, North Africa, Eastern Europe and Russia. The Sixth Cholera Pandemic was also the source of the last American outbreak of Cholera (1910–1911). American health authorities, having learned from the past, quickly sought to isolate the infected, and in the end only 11 deaths occurred in the U.S. By 1923 Cholera cases had been cut down dramatically, although it was still a constant in India.
FLU PANDEMIC (1889-1890)
Death Toll: 1 million Cause: Influenza Originally the “Asiatic Flu” or “Russian Flu” as it was called, this strain was thought to be an outbreak of the Influenza A virus subtype H2N2, though recent discoveries have instead found the cause to be the Influenza A virus subtype H3N8. The first cases were observed in May 1889 in three separate and distant locations, Bukhara in Central Asia (Turkestan), Athabasca in northwestern Canada, and Greenland. Rapid population growth of the 19th century, specifically in urban areas, only helped the flu spread, and before long the outbreak had spread across the globe. Though it was the first true epidemic in the era of bacteriology and much was learned from it. In the end, the 1889-1890 Flu Pandemic claimed the lives of over a million individuals.
Death Toll: 1 million Cause: Cholera Generally considered the most deadly of the seven cholera pandemics, the third major outbreak of Cholera in the 19th century lasted from 1852 to 1860. Like the first and second pandemics, the Third Cholera Pandemic originated in India, spreading from the Ganges River Delta before tearing through Asia, Europe, North America and Africa and ending the lives of over a million people. British physician John Snow, while working in a poor area of London, tracked cases of cholera and eventually succeeded in identifying contaminated water as the means of transmission for the disease.Unfortunately the same year as his discovery (1854) went down as the worst year of the pandemic, in which 23,000 people died in Great Britain.
THE BLACK DEATH (1346-1353)
Death Toll: 75 – 200 million Cause: Bubonic Plague From 1346 to 1353 an outbreak of the Plague ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia, with an estimated death toll between 75 and 200 million people. Thought to have originated in Asia, the Plague most likely jumped continents via the fleas living on the rats that so frequently lived aboard merchant ships. Ports being major urban centers at the time, were the perfect breeding ground for the rats and fleas, and thus the insidious bacterium flourished, devastating three continents in its wake.
It appears that these first two plagues may have been God’s way of putting and end to the Rule from Rome and then the Rule from Constantinople. Probably due to arrogance. Each respectively at some point declared themselves to be the Center of the World and that ALL ROADS LEAD to their Center. Both governments serving Pagan Gods and burdening their people with injustice and cruelty.
Death Toll: 25 million Cause: Bubonic Plague Thought to have killed perhaps half the population of Europe, the Plague of Justinian was an outbreak of the bubonic plague that afflicted the Byzantine Empire and Mediterranean port cities, killing up to 25 million people in its year long reign of terror. Generally regarded as the first recorded incident of the Bubonic Plague, the Plague of Justinian left its mark on the world, killing up to a quarter of the population of the Eastern Mediterranean and devastating the city of Constantinople, where at its height it was killing an estimated 5,000 people per day and eventually resulting in the deaths of 40% of the city’s population.
Death Toll: 5 million Cause: Unknown Also known as the Plague of Galen, the Antonine Plague was an ancient pandemic that affected Asia Minor, Egypt, Greece, and Italy and is thought to have been either Smallpox or Measles, though the true cause is still unknown. This unknown disease was brought back to Rome by soldiers returning from Mesopotamia around 165AD;unknowingly, they had spread a disease which would end up killing over 5 million people and decimating the Roman army.