RESTORED 08/26/2021; RESTORED 3/12/22
We who oppose Bill Gates are not fanatical, religious, crazy, fearful, idiots! We are earnest truth seekers who diligently sift through the bullshit propaganda propagated on the public by the media and political forces. When the people HEAR the real truth, they recognize it and they are outraged.
Poor Bill, he is feeling persecuted because people on social media are attacking him. The media are spending a amazing amount of time on damage control trying to overcome the damage to Bill Gates IMAGE. His IMAGE is just that. It is a hologram. It is his projected image of who how he wants to be seen by the public while he is busy doing all that he can to destroy their world and build the one he desires.
The evidence of the truth of what Bill Gates is doing is abundant and daming, yet I am shocked when I read people commenting about what a giving and brilliant man he is.
True enough that he is just a puppet, just like all the major players in the New World Order Agenda. True enough that we cannot stop them all, but we can educate ourselves. We can make informed decisions about where we place our trust, where we lend our support. We are responsible for what we do with our resources. We will have to answer one day. But, besides that, RIGHT NOW, every choice we make affects our lives today and our children’s lives in the future. If there is a future for them.
SO I URGE YOU, DO NOT LISTEN TO THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. It is ALL PROPAGANDA. Find your data and information through alternative resources. There are people dedicated to truth. They answer to a higher call. But, don’t put your faith and trust in ANYONE but GOD. Stay diligent and be wise. Research EVERYTHING. Do not trust what you see, hear, taste, smell or touch. In this world that is built on lies and holographic images, you cannot trust your senses. Listen to the voice of GOD. Be lead by the HOLY SPIRIT.
I strongly suggest you watch the following videos and listen carefully to the information revealed. Follow up with your own research and verify what you hear. Don’t be lazy. Be accountable.
May 17, 2020
Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World
May 8, 2020
In January of 2010, Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion pledge to usher in a decade of vaccines. But far from an unalloyed good, the truth is that this attempt to reorient the global health economy was part of a much bigger agenda. An agenda that would ultimately lead to greater profits for big pharma companies, greater control for the Gates Foundation over the field of global health, and greater power for Bill Gates to shape the course of the future for billions of people around the planet.
A critical look at Bill Gates plan the plan to vaccinate the world
A recent series of videos by the Corbett Report offer a critical look at the role of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in global health generally and in our response to covid-19 more specifically.
The report suggests that our rush to develop a vaccine for the entire world population isn’t necessarily in the interests of the people, but really about establishing a global population control grid through the rolling out of biometric ‘passports’ which prove people have been vaccinated.
Ultimately the normalisation of vaccines and vaccine passports will benefit big pharma companies, bit tech companies, Bill Gates himself and governments, and make populations easier to keep under surveillance and to control: once they have all our biometric data, it’s easy to link this to government records, and access to finance, for example.
This analysis is broadly in line with a modern day Dependency Theory/ Marxist perspective on global health which is critical of the role of biomedical intervention in dealing with global health problems.
The post below summarises a two hour long video by the Corbett Report, which is available here with the full transcript and links.
How Bill Gates Monopolised Global Health
In the late 1990s and early 2000s Bill Gates established something of a miraculous monopoly with his plagiarised, bloated and virus ridden software: Microsoft Windows, and he was rightly despised for that.
However, in 2021, Bill Gates is now presented to us as a generous philanthropist, one of the richest and most generous men in the world using his wealth for the great good of humanity, through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Bill Gates has somehow managed to transform his image from that of evil software monopolist into Global Health Guru, spearheading Global Health Initiatives which have helped to save millions of lives over the last decade.
However the Corbett Report suggests we should not be taken in by this reworking Bill Gate’s Image – it is a similar re-invention to that of J.D. Rockefeller – who used to be despised as the head of the wealthiest oil corporation in America but in later life used his wealth to establish charitable foundations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and re-invent himself as a kindly old man in the process.
Bill Gate’s Image as a modern day Saint is achieved by buying good publicity – the Foundation has spent tens of billions of dollars Media partnerships such as
- Our World in Data
- The Global Development section of The Guardian and
- BBC Global Development news.
- Among other sources
And funding these media outlets which report on Global Health means it is less likely that Gates is going to be criticised.
NB – crucial point here: while the the Gates Foundation has funding several global health initiatives over the last decade with billions of dollars in contributions, Bill Gates also controls another for-profit institution – the Bill Bill and Melinda Gates Trust with $46.8 Billion on its books, which tends to profit from the initiatives the foundation funds, AND Bill Gates as got richer over the past decade – in fact his wealth has doubled from around $50 billion to over $100 billion!
The Gates Foundation has funded every major global health initiative of the last two decades and is major player in global health and the response to Covid-19.
Just some of its donations over the last decade include:
- Huge amounts to set up Gavi – the Global Vaccine Alliance
- The Gates Foundation is the second largest donor to the the World Health Organisation after the United States.
- It has pledged $250 to the Covid-19 Response
- It funded the work of two research groups which were crucial to convincing governments around the world to go into Lockdown- The Imperial College Research Team (funded by 80 from B and G) and the Institute for health Metrics and Evaluation ($200 million received).
The response the Covid-19 has largely been driven by institutions funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the narrative of the importance of ‘developing a ‘Good Vaccine’ in order to get back to normal stems from institutions funded by the Foundation.
Ultimately we should be critical of the fact that our response to the largest pandemic of our times is being driven by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation which isn’t a philanthropic institution, it is driven by the interests of the Gates Family, which seem to involve making Bill Gates richer, and which can change on a whim.
As is explored in part two, the agenda of the Foundation for the last decade has been to ‘develop markets’ for vaccines, benefitting pharmaceutical companies.
Bill Gates Plan to Vaccinate the World
In January 2010 Bill and Melinda Gates announced a $10 billion commitment to launch a ‘Decade of Vaccines’ which would save ‘eight million lives’, in line with one of its core funding areas, that of ‘vaccine development and surveillance’
This led to the development of the following:
- A global vaccine action plan adminsitered by the Gate’s Funded World Health Organisation
- The foundation of Gavi – the vaccine alliance with the aim of establishing ‘healthy markets for vaccines’
However, the Corbett Report’s view on this is that the main beneficiaries would be the Big Pharma companies who stood to profit from so many vaccines and greater power and control for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation over the global health agenda.
The entire Covid-19 agenda has been shaped by a narrative coming from institutions funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation – that we cannot get back to normal until a ‘good vaccine’ is developed, and this will take at least 18 months.
HOWEVER, the Corbett Report suggests that we should be wary of this message – thinking back to two recent other Pandemics – SARS and MERS – we did not develop a vaccine against them, many pro-vaccine scientists are skeptical about the possibility of being able to develop a truly effective vaccine, and an final problem is that vaccines may just make Coronavirus tougher – through ‘disease enhancement’.
What we are doing is rushing through an experimental vaccine, not testing it thoroughly before administering it to literally billions of people, and it is those people who bare the risk, not the Pharma companies who are being given legal immunity if anything backfires.
The report lists a few examples of where the Gates Foundation has worked with governments to establish vaccine programmes – for Polio and Meningitis – and there is some evidence that these vaccines actually led to hundreds of thousands of people developing chronic conditions because of being given the vaccines.
We are then reminded that the primary aim of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is to work with governments to establish vaccine programmes which in turn opens up vaccine markets for the large Pharmaceutical Companies they work with – all of this also benefits the Bill and Melinda Gates Trust and Bill Gates own personal wealth too!
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid
Bill Gate’s PR hacks consistently depict him as a superhero, using his ‘superpower’ of being very rich to help ‘save the planet’.
However, the idea of the billionaire philanthropist helping the world is merely that, an idea, a fiction.
The Bill and Melinda Gate’s Foundation take over of public health and the mass vaccine programmes instigated through the bodies they have funded are really about gaining control of the global population.
In 2009 there was a secret billionaires meeting in New York attended by some of the richest people in the world such as….
This was about how to pool their wealth to reduce population growth, which ties into the vaccination programme because if you improve people’s health and thus standard of living (especially the child survival rate) they have fewer children.
By 2014 they were championing birth control implants – wireless tech that can be turned on and off with a remote control. The Gates Foundation granted $20 million to MicroCHIPS biotechnology to develop them.
Gates has long been introduced in reducing the size of the global population through birth control, but with vaccines he aims to take this a step further, by controlling the population itself.
In 2017 Gavi first floated the idea of providing every child with a digital biometric identity, or developing a ‘secure digital identification system which could store a child’s medical history.
One example of this is an Indian company called Khushi Baby who have designed a necklace to be worn by infants which contains a unique identification number with a communication chip – this can be scanned using a mobile phone enable health workers even in remote areas to update a child’s digital health record.
Robert Langer and colleagues at MIT have taken this a step further – they have been developing a new vaccine delivery method using dissolvable microneedles (delivered by a plaster like patch rather than a classic injecting needle) that create particle patterns in the skin which can be read using modified smartphones – quantum dot tags which act like a bar-code tattoo.
And lo and behold we now have a discourse surrounding the Covid-19 vaccination programme, led by Bill Gates, stating that we will need some kind of biometric digital ID system which shows who has been tested/ vaccinated/ recovered in order to ‘get back to normal’.
This is already underway, for example Onfido is a tech startup specialising in AI-based biometric ID verification which is in talks with the British government to provided the kind of digital certification which Gates has been talking about.
Oh, and Onfido has received $50 million in seed-money from Microsoft.
NB – Gates has already been involved with a biometric identity scheme in India – a decade ago one billion people had their biometric details recorded (fingerprints and iris scans), headed by Nandan Nilekani, a long time friend of Gates and partner in the Gates Foundation.
There have been similar schemes on a global scale, such as the World Bank’s 2014 ID4D Initiative, presented as means to help the world’s poor access finance, but really being about control and for the benefit of large corporations.
The Corbett Report in fact suggests that the global biometric control grid is really about financial exclusion – when people have a biometric ID, established because of ‘vaccines’ it is relatively easy to link this to access to finance – no vaccine, no doing what the government says, then no money!
‘The vaccination drive ties into the biometric identity drive which ties into the cashless society drive. ‘
Bill Gates is not at all concerned about people’s privacy, he is interested in controlling us, he is better off depicted as a super villain.
Meet Bill Gates
This final part investigates the motives and ideology of the man who is so central to shaping our post coronavirus world.
Firstly, he is not a genius – he got his break with a software company because of his mother’s connections with the CEO (he was from a wealthy background) and his Graphical Interface (Windows) idea was ripped off.
Secondly, he is primarily concerned with profit rather than saving lives – the poorest of the world would be best served by secure food supplies and clean water, not costly vaccines, but there is no profit in the former, hence why the Gates Foundation focuses on vaccines, for profit.
if you take a look back at Bill Gate’s involvement with Microsoft in the late 70s what he basically did was to change a culture of largely open source software development and establish software code as a property right, making it illegal for anyone else to modify the software Microsoft developed, even though he had ripped that off from someone else.
So his ‘genius’ lies in manipulating the legal system to establish property rights for his own benefit. He is a very selfish profit-motivated individual.
The video also suggests that Bill Gates might be motivated by A Eugenicist ideology – like the Nazis were. He has links to Jeffry Epstein who, like him, believes the wealth elites are superior and that we should use population control to seed the global population with the DNA of the wealthy in order to ‘improve it’.
And today Gates wants to set up a web to control:
- our public health services
- our identities
- our finances
- our bodies
It is likely that this desire for control comes from the same desire for domination and superiority that motivated him on the way up the corporate ladder in the first place.
Relevance to A-level sociology
This is mostly relevant to the option in Global Development, but it also has relevance to the Media option- it’s worth mentioning that the mainstream media would dismiss most of the above as a ‘conspiracy theory’, but you’ll have to make your own judgement call about that!
May 25, 2020
Here is the video posted by Bill Gates on his website. Social Media is a wonderful tool for these evil people like Bill, and Pope Francis, and Barack Obama to connect with the public and present a positive image. Because of the conditioning by society and programing by the education system and the media, young people today are the least likely to have any cognitive thinking or analytical skills and certainly the least likely to have strong moral codes. They are also the biggest users of social media, and the target audience. We need to pray for our children and grandchildren. They are lost in the woods without a compass.
I’m counting on you
The following articles are examples of how the mainstream media is trying to convince you that Bill Gates is just a misunderstood, good guy who cares… (BULLSHIT!)
Microsoft’s Bill Gates targeted by social media mobs after coronavirus response, WHO comments
Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is being targeted and harassed on social media in the wake of his comments criticizing the federal response to the coronavirus pandemic and the U.S. decision to withdraw funds from the World Health Organization. (We should shut down the WHO along with the UNITED NATIONS and a ALL of its offshoots.)
On a recent Instagram post thanking health care workers, the billionnaire philanthropist was subjected to hundreds of thousands of comments calling him a partisan and linking him to a wide range of bizarre conspiracy theories. (Poor Baby, he has been treated so MEAN! The dirty baby killer. They are only theories if they are not proved. Otherwise they are legitimate CONSPIRACIES!)
Gates is no stranger to online trolls, but the attacks against him have intensified recently. (Praise God! People are waking up!) The Gates Foundation is the second-largest financial backer of the WHO (It is the WHO, that will control the world through medical tyranny) after the United States. The organization has also committed about $250 million for research and testing related to COVID-19. (Not Bill Gates, he isn’t losing any money. It is a foundation, protected and prospering.)
Facebook, which owns Instagram, already prohibits harassment and coordinated inauthentic activity. (They call anything that is not inline with the mainstream agenda, harrassment! They harrasss and delete ANYONE who speaks the TRUTH.)
“We’re looking at this behavior carefully to determine whether it violates our policies. People on our services are allowed to speak freely, (I don’t know where they learned their idea of free speech. Maybe from the Nazis? or Communist China?) and do so in an organized way, but we remove accounts that are fake or designed to mislead. We also remove comments that violate our Community Guidelines, such as hate speech (that term is open to interpretation and subjective) or death threats,”a Facebook spokesperson told Fox News via email.
At this early stage, it does not appear that the harassment against Gates is being made by inauthentic or fake accounts, according to a company source familiar with the matter.
The Wall Street Journal reports that Gates’ post from April 5 drew an additional 45,000 comments in the 24-hour period after he critiqued America’s defunding of the WHO. His Twitter account was mentioned more than 270,000 times in that same 24-hour period, according to the newspaper. (WoooHooo! Hallelujah! I am glad to hear that! Way to go America! Speak UP!)
Mark Suzman, CEO of the Gates Foundation, provided Fox News with the following statement via email:
“We’re concerned about the conspiracy theories being spread online and the damage they could cause (damage they could cause to their Health Tyranny Agenda that is what they fear!) to public health. At a time like this, when the world is facing an unprecedented health and economic crisis, it’s distressing that there are people spreading misinformation when we should all be looking for ways to collaborate and save lives. Right now, one of the best things we can do to stop the spread of COVID-19 is spread the facts.” (I got an idea… WHAT DO YOU SAY WE GET TO THE TRUTH??? Or is that TOO RADICAL for BILL?)

Over Easter weekend, arsonists set more than twenty 5G cellular towers in the United Kingdom on fire—forming a pattern of bunny-eared infernos that points to one of the many conspiracy theories surrounding the spread of the novel coronavirus. The basic idea is that 5G, a new generation of wireless communication, is responsible for the coronavirus crisis, and the idea has spread rapidly. According to some surveys, it is now the most widely disseminated pandemic-related conspiracy theory in the U.K., and has spread in Europe (there have been cell-tower attacks in the Netherlands and Belgium) and in the United States (where the actor Woody Harrelson posted about it on Instagram, albeit with a note saying that he hadn’t “fully vetted it”). The theory is false: the illness covid-19 is caused by the novel coronavirus sars-CoV-2, which is highly contagious. But the first question when confronting the theory is how people could even believe that 5G could be responsible. The answer provides the framework for something of a general taxonomy of conspiracy theories, each of which is disorienting and distinct but in related ways.There are, it turns out, many 5G coronavirus theories, and no simple hierarchy of plausibility. Some adherents have adopted the notion that the 5G frequency spectrum somehow transmits and spreads the virus, as if in a wireless miasma. This variety of theory doesn’t posit any rational connection between the cause and the supposed effect; it seems to rely solely on the perception that both are new and frightening. (This is how they see the general public, as stupid, simple minded idiots, cowering in fear and making up boogey men. They think they can get us under control by having some celebrities tell us everything is going to be ok. WELL, I don’t know anyone who is coweringing over COVID 19. We are angry and fed up with the lies being fed to us by the media, the so called Scientific Community, and our elected officials whose salary we pay and who are supposed to looking out for our interest. Earnest research uncovers much evidence for the alternative theories than the BS we are fed. THERE IS NO TRUST in GOVERNMENT or SCIENCE ANYMORE!) It is scoffed at by those who prefer to believe that there is no such thing as sars-CoV-2, and that the story of the virus’s emergence was cooked up to hide the disastrous health effects of 5G itself. Here, bad faith and coördinated lying on a mass scale are assumed to be simpler explanations than those offered by virology. (They think that people are too stupid to put together the facts. The days of Doctors and Scientists being seen as gods are coming to an end! We may not have all the facts yet, but we have seen enough to know we can’t believe what we are told!)
Both these ideas are looked down on by conspiracy theorists whose medical knowledge, such as it is, tends to be garnered from online venues, and who have decided that 5G destroys the immune system and has thus transmuted a harmless coronavirus into something deadly. (This group bears a family resemblance to anti-vaxxers, and includes some people whose suspicions about the health effects of 5G predate the current crisis.) (this is very true! VACCINES have become dangerous, and 5G is dangerous! Anyone who investigates will learn those facts pretty quickly!) These theorists display as “proof” side-by-side maps showing the density of covid-19 cases and of 5G towers. But, as the A.P. noted, all the maps show is that places with more people have more of both. However, even arguing about maps misses the basic point that there is no scientific basis for the idea that waves from towers could harm the immune system. (The writer of this article obviously has not done their homework, has not studied sound waves, light waves, electromagnetic waves and WIFI) In any event, these theorists would be viewed as amateurs (Should we rather listen to amateurs like Bill Gates who is not a doctor or an immunologist or a virologist, not even a college graduate!) by those who argue not only that powerful people are deploying 5G towers to spread the virus but that the proof of this scheme is to be found on the United Kingdom’s new twenty-pound note, which began circulating in February. Social-media videos point out that a metallic element on the note includes the image of a tower, which, when you tilt it, seems to be emitting rays—5G, of course—and that a design above the tower resembles the circle-with-spines shape of the sars-CoV-2 virus. In fact, the images depict a lighthouse in the seaside town of Margate and a stylized view of the rotunda of the Tate Gallery, in London, both places associated with the artist J. M. W. Turner, whose portrait is on the new bill. But even the theorists’ basic message is unclear: Is the idea that the notes are a call to action, to rouse a doomsday cult that has somehow infiltrated the Bank of England? Perhaps, in the end, many of those sharing the videos are doing nothing more than looking for omens. (The Bank of England… you need to research the roots of the bank of england…wake up!)None of this is harmless: if people believe that they are being deceived—or even targeted—by public-health authorities, why would they follow their directives? (EXACTLY!! Praise GOD, maybe we can wake them up in time to change things!) Why, to note another widely prevalent family of coronavirus conspiracy theories, would they allow their children to eventually receive a covid-19 vaccine if they believe that the pandemic was engineered by, say, Bill Gates, in an effort to depopulate an overcrowded planet and, while he’s at it, to inject people with free-will-subduing microdots? (EXACTLY! Hopefully they WILL NOT) One version of this theory has been promoted in a YouTube video, posted by the Law of Liberty Baptist Church, which now has almost two million views, and another is featured in social-media posts by Diamond and Silk, who are fixtures at Trump rallies, but other variations have popped up around the world. (Needless to say, this is absurd. Gates has pledged a quarter of a billion dollars to the effort to develop a covid-19 vaccine; as thanks, he has been subject to death threats.) (If you are stupid enough to believe that Bill Gates is GIVING MONEY AWAY out of the GOODNESS OF HIS HEART, than you don’t even listen to Bill Gates himself.) But the corollary is that when politicians and public-health authorities forfeit trust, they cause real harm by creating a space that conspiracy theorists rush to fill. In that sense, not all the blame can be placed on the most credulous members of the public. The human imagination abhors a vacuum. And, in dysfunctional political cultures, much like the present one, there is a conspiratorialist feedback loop: the less you trust, the more you search for alternative authorities, and the more susceptible you are to untrustworthy figures who maintain their position by attacking what is true. (Wow this writer is so deceived. Have you thought that maybe, people are starting to think for themselves. They are not looking for “AUTHORITIES” to tell them what to think and do. People are starting to research, find the real truth, and take responsibility for their choices.)
People are especially vulnerable to unfounded theories regarding the coronavirus, for several reasons. One is that the economic effect of closures has been devastating, and has left people desperate for alternatives—perhaps it is all being exaggerated, and it would be fine to go back to work? And why aren’t more powerful, better-situated people doing more to help them—is someone benefitting from their distress? Another reason is that so much about covid-19 remains unclear. As more has become known, advice from government authorities (regarding masks, for example) has shifted; sometimes it lurches around in a single White House briefing. (Alongside the conspiracy theories, there is a realm of speculative quackery, with unproven assertions that various medicines or chemicals—or bright light, ultraviolet rays, or injected disinfectants, treatments that Trump mooted this week—can fend off or cure coronavirus.) Conspiracy theories should, in that context, be taken seriously as a symptom of underlying, often structural problems with the pandemic response.
To take another example, China has not been a model of openness with regard to the early spread of the virus. There are still questions about how sars-CoV-2 initially took hold, such as precisely how and where it jumped from an animal, presumably a bat, to a human, and what other species might have served as intermediaries in the chain of transmission. Chinese officials also gave misleading accounts of the initial outbreak in Wuhan, and these reports served to underplay how common human-to-human transmission was. But those real failures have been exploited by President Trump, who regularly mentions them as a way to distract from his own failings. The United States is not alone in this regard: anger at China is rising in India (where the country’s Muslim minority has also been scapegoated for the virus’s spread). But it is fair to say that the center of super-spreaders in what has been an epidemic of attacks on Asian-Americans has been Washington.
The biowarfare theory has not been entertained just on the fringes. Earlier this week, Robert O’Brien, the U.S. national-security adviser, was asked about it. “Well, look, I hope it wasn’t done on purpose,” he said. “That’s not something that, that we’re propagating. But I think the point that the President’s making is that there’s a burden on China to allow folks to come in and investigate what actually happened. Did it come from a wet market? Did it come from a lab?” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo echoed those sentiments in remarks on Wednesday, when he complained that China hadn’t given other countries full access to the Wuhan lab. Both their remarks illustrate how distrust can be used, or manipulated, as a bridge between valid questions and wild answers. It’s a dangerous game at a dangerous time. (THESE ARE PERILOUS TIMES, and we ALL need to take responsibility. WE all need to do our best to dig for the truth and stand up for what is right. Our children are depending on us. Anyone who has never come to grips with the TRUTH that there is an underlying conspiracy for WORLD DOMINATION, finds all of this hard to grasp. It is sad, but TRUE! EVIL is in the WORLD and waxing worse and worse. And BILL GATES is one of their top dogs.)
The Gates Foundation has emerged as a leader in the coronavirus response.
Posted on 01/24/2019 by EraOfLight —
The absolute worst medical decision a parent of a newborn child can make is to allow doctors and nurses to severely compromise the immune system of their infant by injecting him or her with known neurotoxins, foreign proteins, and carcinogens like mercury, formaldehyde, monkey kidney cells, pig viruses, and genetically modified cells from human abortions. That’s why billionaire Bill Gates, the infamous and insidious population control freak and Microsoft mogul, refused to vaccinate his own children when they were growing up, even while he promotes toxic jabs all over the world, especially in third world countries.
It’s true. Gates’ former private doctor from Seattle back in the 1990s said, “I don’t know if he had them vaccinated as adults, but I can tell you he point blank refused to vaccinate them as children.” We know this because the quote was taken from Gates’ doctor during a side note conversation at a medical symposium, which caused a small uproar among the attending physicians, who blasphemed Gates’ doctor for breaking rank with doctor-patient confidentiality (even though it’s a “gray area” because he was speaking to other doctors privately). Still, it was too late – the cat got out of the bag, and now the world knows the ultimate hypocrisy of the elite who radically and religiously push vaccines as the “holy grail” of medicine, all while they keep the same poisons out of their own children’s blood and muscle tissue, knowing good and well the high risk of side effects and adverse events far outweighs any possible benefits.
Bill Gates’ three children, Jennifer, Phoebe, and Rory, NEVER got vaccines and are now healthy young adults
Born between 1996 and 2002, the Gates children never got mercury and formaldehyde shot into their muscle tissue as a form of “immunity,” even though their father is the most dogmatic campaigner and shill for the vaccine industry. Wait, you thought he just made his fortune off computer software? Think again. There’s huge profit in chemical medicine and population control schemes, and insidious Bill rides that cash cow every day.
According to TruthWiki, “Gates is widely criticized for being anti-competitive and for being a pro-vaccine zealot. He engages in many ‘philanthropic endeavors,’ such as donating large amounts of money to various scientific research programs through the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Gates has even gone so far as to fund technologies that are designed for mass sterilization in order to address what he refers to as the world’s population problem.”
Herd theory has always been a big hoax, and the world’s elite know it. Most vaccinated children are the actual risk to each other, because they often shed the viruses they were just injected with during the first few weeks after their toxic jabs. According to one study, the richest families in California (that are often white) do NOT vaccinate their children.
In fact, more than 16,000 kindergarten-aged children in California do not get any vaccines because their white, elitist parents opt them out using religious, personal belief, and doctor-authored exemptions. Get it? The elite know there’s something inherently wrong with immunizations, but they just don’t talk about it, and the MSM news certainly never covers it.
The richest Americans don’t want to risk their children getting autism from experimental vaccines, including Polio, Malaria, MMR, and the CDC’s “highly recommended” annual flu shot
According to Bill Gates’ former doctor, who was quoted behind closed doors at a medical seminar, Gates said his children didn’t need vaccines, but isn’t the whole world educated otherwise? Doesn’t the CDC inform us all that babies are born with weak, compromised immune systems and must have 50 vaccines before age 7, or they’ll most likely die from infectious diseases? Isn’t that the narrative?
Here’s more on Bill Gates’ opinion on vaccines, as shared by his own physician from the seminar: “They were beautiful kids, truly wise and lively, and he stated they would be fine as they were; they didn’t need any shots.”
Now, Bill Gates and his corrupt Foundation push experimental, untested malaria vaccines on innocent Africans in Kenya, Ghana, and Malawi. Critics are screaming that it’s all part of a depopulation scheme, and some vaccines, including the tetanus jab, have been found to contain chemicals that sterilize young girls – chemicals that have nothing at all to do with vaccine functionality.
Bill Gates’ “mission” to protect third world populations from disease via mass vaccination is contrary to his own personal actions with his own children, and auspiciously crosses lines with his deep financial collaboration with health agencies and vaccine manufacturers.
Tune in to for more updates on how there is a plague of corruption surrounding vaccine safety, and exactly why the world’s elite know better than to have their children jabbed with experimental, untested, deadly neurotoxins and genetically modified bacteria strains.
OCTOPUS – Paul G. Allen – Bill Gates – The NWO Octopus has its Tentacles in EVERYTHING!
OCTOPUS YACHT @ SUPERYACHT FAN While researching for another article this little blurb happen to catch my eye: Reports have been coming out in the mainstream news today that Bill Gates, the often wrongly assumed owner of 126 m Lurssen yacht OCTOPUS, is set to become the world’s first trillionaire within the next 25 years … Click Here to Read More
Photo Credit THE FACE OF EVIL? BILL GATES AND VACCINES on BITCHUTE Bill Gates has his hand in so many different aspects of the depopulation plans of the New World Order he is like an Octopus! His reach is everywhere. The more directions you look, the more you find BILL GATES. Money is POWER and … Click Here to Read More
It is imperative that you learn the truth about BILL GATES. HE IS NOT A PHILANTHROPIST. He is NOT DONATING ANYTHING. He is a Self SERVING MEGALOMANIAC CAPITALIST who is ONLY interested in MONEY and NUMBERS! He is a GLOBALIST WHO IS COMMITTED TO EUGENICS AND POPULATION CONTROL. PLEASE, don’t be fooled by the media … Click Here to Read More
WOW, they are escalating things so fast everyone’s head is spinning. This virus is the ENDGAME, I am convinced, whether this is the final “Pandemic” or not. I have been telling people for years that HEALTHCARE is the vehicle they will use to CONTROL the Population. When I started working in the field of Health … Click Here to Read More
update 4/17/20 – BILL GATES – COVID 19 – ID2020 – GLOBALIZATION
The mainstream media and their Elite Controllers would have you believe that BILL and MELINDA GATES are just the best thing since sliced bread. They want you to consider the Gates to be grand philanthropists moved by the plight of poor and hungry children around the world. Do you buy it?? I DON”T! I have … Click Here to Read More
Photo Credit: Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse Wow… this is bigger than any of us simple folks could have ever imagined. IT appears that the elite have reached Nirvana. They have actualized all of Nikola Teslas works as well as the dream of the Nazi’s (who actually run our government programs). Unbelievable, I know. True, … Click Here to Read More
Wow, we knew this day was coming simply because GOD said it would. But, I doubt that anyone ever thought that it would come like this. For many years the entire scenario seemed to far fetched to be possible. How could anyone one entity have the power to control EVERYTHING! What kind of mark could … Click Here to Read More
ARE YOU FEELING IT?? You betcha! EVERYONE IS IN SHOCK! How could our WORLD be turned upside down SO QUICKLY?? Almost overnight, we the world we find ourselves in is a foreign, unhappy and uncomfortable place. We are being dehumanized, robbed of our basic rights, and treated like criminals. Our livelihoods have been ripped from … Click Here to Read More
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