Today we are looking at JOE BIDEN who is increasingly displaying his incompetence to fulfill his duties as the current President of the USA, let alone serve a second term.

Whenever I see Biden in action, he reminds me of BERNIE in the fabulously funny WEEKEND AT BERNIES movie.

If you have never seen it, you should check it out.  Laughs a minute.  Here is a clip for the benefit of those who have not had the pleasure.



People make fun of him and laugh, because it is the only way to keep from crying or getting angry.  This is NO LAUGHING MATTER.  The issue isn’t really with Biden who may be a willing participant, he is a tragic character.  The issue is with those who have not only placed him in this position for their own gain, but continue to play out this farce at the expense of the citizens of the United States!!

The public should not be surprised.  They had plenty of warning.  Most of the public is not capable of discerning the truth.  But, MANY TRUTHERS have been laboring to reveal it.  Here are some of my efforts, I hope you will check them out.


IF the people of this country do not wake up pretty soon and do something, our entire nation will soon be a thing of the past.  It is already unrecognizable.  

Update: Video Added 6/18/24



Bill O’Reilly: Former OBAMA team pulling the strings behind Biden

By Staff, Glenn Beck

May 21, 2021

Bill O’Reilly and Glenn can’t seem to agree on whether or not President Biden TRULY understands the consequences of the decisions he’s made thus far as president. But they can agree on one thing: Officials loyal to the Obama presidency (like Susan Rice) are pulling a LOT of the Biden White House strings, and while making important policy decisions, it seems clear that they’re NOT concerned with the true welfare of this nation.

This story originally appeared in Glenn Beck
