Photo Credit:  Photo adapted – Obscene body part removed.

Restored 2/19/22

Belgium,[A] officially the Kingdom of Belgium, is a country in Western Europe. It is bordered by the Netherlands to the north, Germany to the east, Luxembourg to the southeast, France to the southwest, and the North Sea to the northwest. It covers an area of 30,689 km2 (11,849 sq mi) and has a population of more than 11.5 million, making it the 22nd most densely populated country in the world and the 6th most densely populated country in Europe, with a density of 376 per square kilometre (970/sq mi). The capital and largest city is Brussels; other major cities are AntwerpGhentCharleroi and Liège.

Luxemburg is divided.  Half belongs to Belgium and Half is Independent:

July 21, 1831, Leopold ascended the throne, promising to support the liberal constitution, which gave the greater part of the governing power to a parliament elected by property owners. Some days later, the Dutch army invaded Belgium. The Belgians, who had no regular army, were defeated, but the London Conference agreed to intervention by the French army, which forced the Dutch to withdraw. The conference then decided to divide the provinces of Limburg and Luxembourg, assigning part to Belgium and part to the NetherlandsWilliam I refused to accept this settlement. The Belgians, therefore, continued to occupy Dutch Limburg and Luxembourg until William finally relented in 1838. The eastern half of Luxembourg became the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, while the western half became a Belgian province. In 1839 the Dutch government officially recognized Belgium in its borders of 1838.

Historically, Belgium is part of an area known as the Low Countries, a somewhat larger region than the current Benelux group of states that also included parts of northern France and western Germany. Its modern name is derived from the Latin word Belgium, used in Julius Caesar‘s “Gallic War“, to describe the region in the period around 55 BCE.[12] From the end of the Middle Ages until the 17th century, the area of Belgium was a prosperous and cosmopolitan center of commerce and culture. Between the 16th and early 19th centuries, Belgium served as the battleground between many European powers, earning the moniker the “Battlefield of Europe”,[13] a reputation strengthened by both world wars. The country emerged in 1830 following the Belgian Revolution when it seceded from the Netherlands.

Belgium  c. 1600, “Low Germany and the Netherlands,” from the Latin name of the territory occupied by the Belgæ, a Celtic or Celto-Germanic tribe that in Roman times occupied the area below the mouth of the Rhine, including modern Belgium and much of northeastern France. Adopted 1830 as the name of a new nation formed from the southern part of the former United Kingdom of the Netherlands. Source: Latin Word Belgium/Etymology Online

Belgium is one of the six founding countries of the European Union and its capital, Brussels, hosts the official seats of the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Council, as well as one of two seats of the European Parliament (the other being Strasbourg). Belgium is also a founding member of the EurozoneNATOOECD, and WTO, and a part of the trilateral Benelux Union and the Schengen Area. Brussels hosts several of the EU’s official seats as well as the headquarters of many major international organizations such as NATO.[B]

The Vacant Seat Number 666 in the European Parliament
If you are not already aware of the symbolism related to the creation of the European Union, please visit the site by clicking the link above.  It has very clear and highly documented information and photos.  There is so much more than I can post here. 

Flag of Europe.svg Inner Six From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Inner Six, or simply “the Six“, were the six founding member states of the European Communities. They were in contrast to the outer seven who formed the European Free Trade Association rather than engage in supranational European integration. Five of the Outer Seven later joined the European Communities.
The Inner Six alongside the Outer Seven from 1960 to 1972

  Inner Six
  Outer Seven
Inner Six Outer Seven
Modern “inner” groups

Today, there are still some groups within the European Union integrating faster than others, for example the eurozone and Schengen Area (see: Opt-outs in the European Union). The Treaty of Lisbon includes provisions for a group of countries to integrate without the inclusions of others if they do not wish to join in as, following the rejection of the European Constitution, some leaders wished to create an inner, more highly integrated Federal Europe within a slower-moving EU.

The Inner Six are today among the most integrated members of the EU.

Participant Schengen AFSJ CFR Euro EEA ESM EFC SRM Euro+ CSDP Prüm Patent Divorce Symbols
Belgium Belgium x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
France France x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Germany Germany x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Italy Italy x x x x x x x x x x o x x x
Luxembourg Luxembourg x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
Netherlands Netherlands x x x x x x x x x x x x o o
Participant Schengen AFSJ CFR Euro EEA ESM EFC SRM Euro+ CSDP Prüm Patent Divorce Symbols
Photo Credit

The globus cruciger
(Latin for “cross-bearing orb”), also known as “the orb and cross”, is an orb (Latin: globus) surmounted (Latin: gerere, to wear) by a cross (Latin: crux). It has been a Christiansymbol of authority since the Middle Ages, used on coins, in iconography, and with a sceptre as royal regalia.  Sits on top of the Crown of the Pope to symbolize his absolute authroity as the Vicar of Christ.
The cross represents Christ’s dominion over the orb of the world, literally held in the hand of an earthly ruler. In the iconography of Western art, when Christ himself holds the globe, he is called Salvator Mundi (Latin for “Saviour of the World”).

Maltese Cross at the top sits on a ball/sphere with one vertical and one horizontal line dividing it.  The sphere is Divided top from bottom, with the top being divided in two.  

Crowns are often used as symbols of religious status or veneration, by divinities (or their representation such as a statue) or by their representatives, e.g. the Black Crown of the Karmapa Lama, sometimes used a model for wider use by devotees.

Top Crown

Red is associated with the heat of energy, passion and love. We “see red” when we’re angry and it’s also the color of blood, power and danger, making it a powerful symbol.

The PUFF of the Crown which covers the head, is RED.

Symbolism of the Number 5 

    • Number of the harmony and the balance. It is also the number of the divine grace.
    • The number 5 is a characteristic of the man. F
    • Considerated as the mediator between God and the universe, the five is regarded as a symbol of the universe.
    • Symbol of the will’s divine.
    • Symbol of the incarnated conscience – 4, Matter, + 1, Spirit.
    • Symbolize the force and the limits of the man in his control on the Universe

5 gold ribs of pearls  (Five of the Outer Seven later joined the European Communities.)


The Lower 42-Letter Name is comprised of the 42 initials of the Ana B’koach prayer and is arranged in a 6 x 7 matrix, which according to the Ramchal, matches the innermost gate of the Holy Temple (6 x 7 cubits) to the Holy of Holies.

The Crown Contains 42 Pearls as follows:

Six Pearls up the Middle  (The Inner Six? Members of the EU)

10 is the symbol of perfection or completeness.
10 on first rim to the right  (Belgiums 10 Provices w/ 10 KINGS)
(8 Represents Infinity)
8 on the outside rim
10 on the first rim to the left  (10 Provinces)
8 on the outside rim  (8 Represents Infinity)

Five Fluer-de-lis one at the base of each group of pearls (The Five of the Outer Seven who later joined the European Communities?)  It is the sign of Semiramis and the False Trinity.

The fleur-de-lis as an amulet said to represent the phallus. As the lily, of which the fleur-de-lis is the conventional sign, is the same as the lotus a symbol of Isis, and the sacred flower of the ancients, typifying the combination of the principles of the earth’s fecundationand therefore of fertility. It is this attribute of Isis which the lotus specially symbolised.  The lotus, ancient emblem of the sun and fecundity.

In 1993, the ‘Single Market’ is completed with the four freedoms:

    • Movement of goods
    • Movement of services
    • Movement of people
    • Movement of money

4 bulbs gold bulb between each Fluer-de-lis (The four crowns?)

Three (3) is the first sacred number, the first perfect number (Westcott, p. 41). Three represents the Pagan Trinity.” (Westcott, p. 37). It is represented geo-metrically in the triangle, and spiritually as the Third Eye Of Hinduism. Occultists will multiply and add three to other sacred numbers to create new numbers. However, they also group threes in two’s and threes, because they believe in the principle of “intensification”, i.e., that greater power is achieved when a sacred number is grouped. In the case of three, greater intensification is achieved when it is shown as 33, or 333. 333 + 333 equals 666. Occultists have used 333 as the hidden symbol by which they present the more offensive number 666. When the details of an event are so arranged as to contain certain sacred occult numbers or numeric combinations, this is literally an occult signature on the event. Mathematically, 666 can be created when three pairs of threes are added. Thus, (3+3) + (3+3) + (3+3) = 666. Now, eliminate the parentheses and the plus sign, and you have 33 space, 33 space, 33, representing the number 666.

3 blue diamonds alternating with two blue circles at the base of the crown

Number 2 – The Uniting Intelligence – Subconsciousness.  Represents duality. Alteration; diversity; conflict; dependence. Two is a static condition. It is rooted, seen as balance (two sides); stability; reflection. Two are the opposite poles. Represents the dual nature of the human being. It is desire, since all that is manifest in duality is in pairs of opposites. As One represents a point, two represents a length. The Binary is the first number to recede from Unity, it also symbolizes sin which deviates from the first good and denotes the transitory and the corruptible.Two represents two-fold strength–that is symbolized by two of anything, usually in history, by animals in pairs.  Duplication, reflection, copying, transcription, reproduction, memory, mystery, concealment, illusion. 

two blue rings or circles between the blue diamonds at the base of the crown

I believe the two chains that create the circle represent the Victory Crown, because it is made of 2 chains one larger and 1 smaller, I believe it represents the INNER CIRCLE and the Outer Circle.  The Illumined and the Barbarians.  The Elite and the profane.  The HAVES and the HAVE NOTS.  

2 Sets of Chains encircle the Lion and encase the three smaller crowns:

Number 25
Represent the Universal Word of God, according to Abellio.|
According to saint Augustin, the number 25 represents the Law.
Represent the multiplication of creatures which overlap on the double world of the spirit and the matter, according to R. Allendy: “it is the life graduating on all plans and evolving by the opposite polarity game”.

25 large rectangles make up the outside chain

Number 22
Represents the movement, the infinity.
Symbol of the manifestation of the being in its diversity and its history.
Represent the creation, which is the manifestation of the 21, according to R. Allendy. It is amongst other things the significance of the “principle of differentiation,
Symbolizes the end of a cycle, and for the man, the end of the obligatory reincarnations on the earth.

22 small rectangles make up the inside chain

Six (6) is the second sacred number, representing the number of the soul of man (Westcott, p. 66). This shows the omnipotent power of God, as this belief parallels Revelation 13:18, where God assigns 666 to man and to the beast. Six is also believed to be “all-sufficient”. This parallels    More HERE

6 Fluer-de-lis  shown in between the chains (the sign of Semiramis, Nimrod and the TAMMUZ the false Trinity.

3 Crowns  (Representing 3 Provinces; 3 Communities; 3 Branches of Government)

Same number of pearls though they look gray or lavender

Everything else is the same except the ball the Maltese Cross sits on is blue on the three (lower/smaller) crowns, instead of gold like the top crown.

And there is a red puff in the center of each of the smaller crowns.

THE CROSSING POLES/BARS within the Circle made of the Chains is the symbol of the Cross Hairs the sign of the Devil: see the story below

On the ends of the crossing Bars behind the lion


Hand sign   I have learned what this hand represents: The Schwurhand. More on that below. (Most likely based on the THE MANO PANTEA)

Lion or possibly a dragon,

Left Leafy Bell, Right Leafy Bell  (These are very likely snowdrops, known for their “mind altering” properties.)

White stands for purity and may refer to their bloodline, with the tips of the white ribbon being squared off or closed and gold with stands for ROYALTY

White ribbon having squared off gold tips laced through the upper part of the emblem

Red Ribbon at the bottom, Wider with split ends contains the MOTTO

Under the Middle of the three crowns hangs another Maltese Cross as follows:

The ring is gold four finger-shaped objects two end ones connected to the top two gold pearls

Under the finger-shapes is an oval the looks to be divided in two and connected to the same two pearls

There are 8 gold pearls one at each tip of the white cross which has a red center with red brim

The Red Center is encircled by a Laurel Wreath.

(My thoughts on this Cross:  the red center is the bloodline, the crown of laurel around it signifies their Right to Reign, the white banners coming out represent everything flowing from that center to the North, South, East and West.  Held up by those they appoint which care represented by the gold circles holding each point.)


  1. The Inner Six, or simply “the Six”, were the six founding member states of the European Communities.
  2. The federal government, based in Brussels.
  3. The three language communities:
  4. The three regions and 10 Provinces
  5. The provincial government consists of three main branches: the Provincial Council, which is the elected body, the Deputation or Provincial College, which is the executive body, and the Governor, who is appointed by the regional government (i.e. the Flemish or Walloon Government).
  6. In 1990, East Germany joined the EU. And in 1997, EU leaders agree to start the process of membership negotiations with 10 countries of central and eastern Europe: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia. The Weiss building was inaugurated in 1999. The unfinished aspect of the tower to me seems more consistent with the unfinished Tower of Babel, especially given that the EU poster almost exactly replicates Bruegel’s Tower of Babel, right down to its purpose in united “voice”.

This might seem like tabloid fare but I post this as a sign of the times. Strange things are happening all over.

Excerpts are from this article: Boy, age 4, has mark of the DEVIL on his chest. (See also The Sun Newspaper Faces Calls To Pull Bizarre ‘Devil Boy’ Front Page Story)

“THE parents of a boy aged four were horrified when a “mark of the Devil” appeared on his chest. Sharon Lewis and Robby Jones spotted the cross-hair imprint as they got son Samuel ready for bed. The sinister sign is proving a devil to explain. The imprint has baffled his parents, teachers and even the family’s GP. Shocked Sharon, 37, of Market Drayton, Shrops, said yesterday: “It’s a nightmare. Some people have said it’s the Symbol of Mammonthe sign of the Devil’s first born — which has been very upsetting. “Just looking at it made me shake thinking something unnatural had visited my boy. “Something or someone made the sign on him but we just can’t explain how.””
You see this kind of thing on scary sci-fi films. It isn’t supposed to happen to families like us. “Now we sleep with the landing light on and Samuel often comes into bed with me and Robby. “I know it sounds crazy but I have found myself listening out for bumps in the night.” The marking stayed on the right of Samuel’s chest for three weeks before finally fading on June 16. Robby, 34, a plumber, said: “You can still make out a faint silvery outline of where it was.” The symbol features in the 2005 Keanu Reeves film Constantine. A priest carves it into his hand after a nightmare.”
Symbol for Mammon, ‘the son of Satan’ MAMMON is said to be one of the Seven Princes of Hell and used the cross-hair symbol as his calling card. He is associated with the deadly sin of greed. The symbol appears in Egyptian tomb paintings and carvings dating back to 1500BC and cave paintings in Italy apparently depicting visits by beings from outer space. Some amateur researchers say it is a branding from an alien abduction.”

I find it interesting that there is, about 3 miles from the town where this happened there is a neolithic monument called The Devil’s Ring and Finger. Is that related? I have no idea.

Schwurhand – From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elisabeth Kopp’s oath of office after her election at the Swiss Federal Council in 1984, Switzerland.
The Schwurhand (German pronunciation: [ˈʃvuːɐ̯hant]) is a heraldic charge depicting the hand gesture that is used in Germanic Europe and neighboring countries, when swearing an oath in court, in office or in swearing-in. The right hand is raised, with the index finger and middle finger extended upwards; the last two digits are curled downwards against the palm. The thumb is shown slightly curled or raised.

Traditional use

The use of the gesture dates back many centuries. Recruits of the Pontifical Swiss Guard at the Vatican City use the sign when swearing their oath of allegiance to the Pope, in a ceremony performed on 6 May every year since the Sack of Rome in 1527. The use of the three digits is said to symbolise the three persons of the Holy Trinity.[1]

In Switzerland

Depictions of the Rütli Oath or Rütlischwur, the legendary founding oath of the Old Swiss Confederacy in the 14th century, show the participants using this gesture.[2] The people elected at the Swiss Federal Assembly and at the Swiss Federal Council traditionally use the Schwurhand for their oath of office (and say ‘I swear’).

Heraldic use:

Finnish conscripts and women serving voluntary military service swearing their military oath in 2005

Polish recruits are sworn in

Swiss Guard recruit being sworn in

German Reichswehr soldiers swear the Hitler oath in 1934

THE hand in the attitude of sacerdotal benediction, having the two first fingers and thumb extended, was an amulet against the evil eye long before the Christian era. Fig. 136 is from the Naples

FIG. 136.
FIG. 136.460 has nothing whatever to say about this position, henceforward called that of the Mano Pantea. As a gesture by the common people it is not used at all, but is evidently left for the priests alone, 461 being specially the attitude of our Lord in the act of benediction, as shown by the Ravenna mosaic (Fig. 107p. 248).Museum (about eight inches high), No. 5505/1737, from Pompeii. Being mounted on a stand, its purpose is evidently the same as the plain open hand (Fig. 104).FIG. 140.
Click to enlarge

FIG. 140.

As a modern amulet to be worn, the writer has  never seen a simple hand thus posed, but always with other attributes placed upon it. Thus combined it is one of the most remarkable of all the composite charms known against the evil eye, whether of ancient or modern times. The original from which Figs. 147, 148 are taken is now in Berlin.

Nodens (NudensNodons) is a Celtic deity associated with healing, the sea, hunting and dogs. He was worshipped in ancient Britain, most notably in a temple complex at Lydney Park in Gloucestershire, and possibly also in Gaul. He is equated with the Roman gods MarsNeptune and Silvanus, and his name is cognate with that of the Irish mythological figure Nuada and the Welsh Nudd
Temple at Lydney Park – situated on a steep bluff overlooking the  River Severn near the point at which the Severn Bore begins. Its position within an earlier Iron Age hill fort must also be relevant.[5]


The name Nodens probably derives from a Celtic stem *noudont- or *noudent-, which J. R. R. Tolkien suggested was related to a Germanic root *neut- meaning “acquire, have the use of”, earlier to catch, entrap (as a hunter) (cf. Proto-Germanic *neut-e- “to make use of, to enjoy”, *naut-a- “benefit, profit; possession; livestock, cattle”). Making the connection with Nuada and Lludd’s hand, he detected “an echo of the ancient fame of the magic hand of Nodens the Catcher“.[3] Similarly, Julius Pokorny derives the name from a Proto-Indo-European root *neu-d- meaning “acquire, utilise, go fishing”.[4] Ranko Matasović has proposed that the name of this deity may come from Proto-Celtic *snoudo-, meaning “mist, clouds”. According to his proposal, the transition from *snoudo- to Nodons happened because the particle sN was changed to N in P-Celtic languages, such as Gaulish and Brittonic. Furthermore, Nodons’ name – which is in the nominative case – appears in inscriptions as Nodontī due to a change to the dative case. However, sN- was not reduced in Old Irish, in which the cognate is attested as Núada ~ Núadat, not *Snúada, which evidence weakens Matasović’s derivation.


Total Brussels City 30,689 km2 (11,849 sq mi) 11,431,406
Flag Arms Province Capital Governor Area[4] Population
(1 January 2019)[5]
Postal codes[6]
Flemish Region
Flag of Antwerp.svg Antwerp (province) Antwerp Antwerp Cathy Berx Since 2008 2,876 km2 (1,110 sq mi) 1,857,986 2000–2999
Flag of Oost-Vlaanderen.svg East Flanders East Flanders Ghent Jan Briers Since 2013 3,007 km2 (1,161 sq mi) 1,515,064 9000–9999
Flag of Flemish Brabant.svg Flemish Brabant Flemish Brabant Leuven Lodewijk De Witte Since 1995 2,118 km2 (818 sq mi) 1,146,175 1500–1999, 3000–3499
Flag of Limburg (Belgium).svg Limburg (Belgium) Limburg Hasselt Herman Reynders Since 2009 2,427 km2 (937 sq mi) 874,048 3500–3999
Flag of West Flanders.svg West Flanders West Flanders Bruges Carl Decaluwé Since 2012 3,197 km2 (1,234 sq mi) 1,195,796 8000–8999
Walloon Region
Flag of Hainaut.svg Hainaut (province) Hainaut Mons Tommy Leclercq Since 2013 3,813 km2 (1,472 sq mi) 1,344,241 7000–7999 (West),
6000-6999 (East,
shared with Luxembourg)
Flag of the Province of Liège.svg Liège (province) Liège Liège Hervé Jamar Since 2015 3,857 km2 (1,489 sq mi) 1,106,992 4000–4999
Official flag of the Province of Luxembourg.svg Luxembourg (Belgium) Luxembourg Arlon Olivier Schmitz Since 2016 4,459 km2 (1,722 sq mi) 284,638 6000–6999
(shared with Eastern Hainaut)
Flag province namur.svg Namur (province) Namur Namur Denis Mathen Since 2007 3,675 km2 (1,419 sq mi) 494,325 5000–5999
Drapeau Province BE Brabant Wallon.svg Walloon Brabant Walloon Brabant Wavre Gilles Mahieu Since 2015 1,097 km2 (424 sq mi) 403,599 1300–1499
Brussels Capital Region
Flag of the Brussels-Capital Region.svg Brussels Capital Region Brussels City Rudi Vervoort Since 2013 162.4 km2 (62.7 sq mi) 1,208,542

The people who possessed this land historically were primarily  CELTIC/DRUIDIC/GERMANIC 


The Druids. (6.13 ff)

In the course of his account of the Gallic (i.e continental) tribes, Caesar has a good deal to say about the Druids, and early on in the passage he mentions that ‘it is thought that their Rule of life was first found in Britain, and then taken across to Gaul; nowadays, those who wish to enquire into it more closely travel there in orde to find out more about it.’

With regard to the Bardic tradition of the Druids Caesar says ‘Once there they are said to have to learn by heart a great deal of poetry; indeed many stay on in training for twenty years. They consider it wrong to commit all these things to writing, though in other matters, indeed both in public and private documents they use the Greek alphabet. Presumably they do this for two reasons; first, because they do not want the details of their training to become common knowledge; and secondly, because they feel that once these details were written down those undegoing training would be less inclined to develop their memory. (Most people find that once they rely on the written word they pay less attention to learning by heart.)’ He probably has a point!

Druidic beliefs and Teachings

Their most important doctrine is that souls do not perish, but transmigrate aftr death from one body to another. They consider fostering this belief to be the best way to encourage bravery in battle, since any fear they have of death can thus be overcome. In addition to this, the subjects they discuss and teach to their students are Astronomy, Geography and Natut]ral Science, as well as a good deal about the superior powers of the immortal gods. After a passage about the ‘Knights’ – presumably warriors on horeseback, he returns to the Druids.

Human Sacrifice

All the Gauls are keen on religious observances; because of this those who contract more serious illnesses, as well as those involved in hazardous undertakings, either make or promise to make human sacrifices, and use the Druids to perform these on their behalf. The reason for this is that they believe in ‘a life for a life’;otherwise the gods cannot be placated. Their public sacrifices are always of this type. Sometimes they use images of enormous size; they weave them from sticks, fill them with living men, and set fire to them. (The Burning Man/Wickerman)Once they are fully alight the men die. They think that those caught theiving or robbing or committing other crimes are particularly pleasing as sacrifices to the gods; but if they are short of such people, innocent men will servr equally well.

Their Gods

They worship principally the God Mercury. They have many statues of him and consider him to be the inventor of all skills, their protector on the street and on long journeys, and the most powerful god when it comes to making money, or buying and selling. (This is why the Belgians are so keen on Unions and Organizations to encourage trade)Next to him in importance are Apollo, Mars, Jupiter and Minerva. The people believe much the same about these Gods as other nations; Apollo cures diseases, Minerva is the author of arts and crafts, Jupiter is the King of the Gods, and Mars is the God of war. Once the Celts have decided to go to war they dedicate most of their spoils to Mars; if they survive, they sacrifice any captured animals, and make a collection of everything else. In many towns one can see great piles of these things in the holy places, and on rare occasions when one breaks his oath and is rash enough to either hide his spoils in his house or to remove what has been placed in the pile, the law is that he should be tortured to death.

Miscellaneous customs and beliefs

The Gauls assert that they are all descended from Dis:‘ (another name for Pluto, the God of the Underworld). ‘They claim that this is part of the Druidic tradition. This is why they recon time by counting not days but nights; birthdays and the beginnings of months and years they regard as being the night and the following day. As far as customs go they differ from other people in that they do not allow their children to associate with them openly until they are old enough for military service; it is considered disgraceful for a son to accompany his father in public whilst still a child.’

Marriage and the family

‘Husbands match their wives’ dowry with money of their own. A joint account is kept of this money, and the profits saved; whichever outlives the other inherits the shares of both, along with the profits built up over the years. Husbands have the power of life and death over both children and wives. After the death of one of the more distinguished, his relatives assemble, and if there is anything suspicious about his death, they question his wife under torture as one would a slave,and if their suspicions prove justified they put them to death, burning them at the stake after every kind of torture. (so, this explains why we suddenly have made torture legal)By the standards of the Gauls their funerals are sumptuous and magnificent. Everything that the dead man held dear while alive is thrown onto the flames, even animals; and until recently slaves and dependants who were thought to be favourites were burnt all together at the nd of the proper funeral ceremonies.

BELGIUM – from Wikipedia

Belgium is one of the six founding countries of the European Union and hosts the official seats of the European Commission, the Council of the European Union, and the European Council, as well as a seat of the European Parliament in the country’s capital, Brussels. Belgium is also a founding member of the EurozoneNATOOECD, and WTO, and a part of the trilateral Benelux Union and the Schengen Area. Brussels hosts several of the EU’s official seats as well as the headquarters of many major international organizations such as NATO.[B]


Royals from Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Monaco, and elsewhere gathered at the 2010 wedding of Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.

This Interactive Family Tree Shows How Europe’s Monarchs Are Related

Lady in red! Queen Mathilde is joined by husband King Philippe and their four children as they attend a church service to celebrate Belgian National Day in Brussels

 Queen Mathilde, 46, and King Philippe of Belgium, 59 (pictured) attended a church service in Brussels to mark Belgian National Day

  • King Philippe, 59 and Queen Mathilde, 46, are celebrating Belgian National Day
  • They both wore their Sunday bests for a church service in Brussels this morning  
  • Children Elizabeth, 17, Gabriel, 15, Emmanuel, 13 and Eléonore, 11, also attended

New royal photo released to mark special anniversary


Isn’t this this lovely?


The Belgian royal family have released a beautiful photograph to mark the 60th wedding anniversary of King Albert and Queen Paola, which fell earlier in July. The sweet shot shows the happy couple posing with the likes of Queen Mathilde, King Philippe and plenty more of their other beloved children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren – what a gorgeous snap! It’s thought to have been taken at the Royal Palace of Brussels.

Belgian Royal Palace

Leurs Majestés le Roi Albert et la Reine Paola ont réuni, à l’occasion de leurs noces de diamant, leurs enfants, leurs petits-enfants et leurs arrières petits-enfants.
View image on Twitter

The caption on social media read: “Their Majesties King Albert and Queen Paola have gathered, on the occasion of their diamond wedding (anniversary), with their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. #BelgianRoyalPalace #MonarchieBE.”


Belgium for Children


The flag

Symbols - the flagAfter Belgium became an independent country in 1830, it was necessary to choose a flag for the new country. Our national flag has three colours: black, yellow and red. These are the colours of the heraldry of the Duke of Brabant: a yellow lion, with red claws and a red tongue on a black background. Today, the colours are represented in three vertical stripes.

The Belgian flag flies above the Royal Palace of Brussels and the Castle of Laeken when the King is in Belgium. If the King is travelling to carry out official duties and therefore not in the country, the flag is removed from the mast for the duration of the trip.

A flag is flown at half-mast. Placing the flag at half-mast is a sign of mourning, a period of sadness and respect: it means that the King, the Queen, a former King or a former old Queen has died. The Government can also declare a national mourning (in the event of a major disaster, for example). In this case, the flag is also flown at half-mast.

The heraldry

Symbols - the heraldry

This is the logo of Belgium, a kind of signature in the form of an image (as you find on cars, clothing or biscuits). For example, it features on the letters sent by the King or the Queen. It features the coat of arms (a kind of crest, that is to say the distinguishing mark, the emblem) of the nine Belgian provinces in 1830.

The motto: “l’union fait la force”, which translates as “unity makes strength

The motto of Belgium was chosen after the 1830 revolution and independence of the country. Here again, reference is made to the 9 Provinces that had become united within a single country. In Dutch, we say: “Eendracht maakt macht”. And in German (spoken by some Belgians) “Einigkeit macht stark”.

The crown

Symbols - a tiaraIn fact, it is not a symbol: the King of the Belgians does not wear a crown. Nor do the Queens, but they do wear a tiara on special occasions.

Astrid, the fourth Queen of the Belgians, received a splendid tiara decorated with 9 diamonds as a gift from the people when she arrived from her country, Sweden, in 1926. The gemstones represented the nine Belgian provinces at the time.

Monarchy: the Head of State is a King (Belgium’s highest ranking figure, who represents the Belgians) or a Queen (the wife of a reigning King is also called a Queen, but in this case she is not Head of State) . In some countries the Head of State is a President.

According to our Constitution, the King is “King of the Belgians” and not “of Belgium”. The King is proud of his citizens and of his country. He encourages people who have accomplished great things in all areas: sports, science, arts, economics, etc. The King can award distinctions (medals) or titles of nobility. Belgium is one of the few countries where the King ennobles people. He chooses them with the help of experts (a consultative committee). The title of “Knight”, “Baron”, “Viscount” or “Count” does not give any new rights but are above all a special honour. The only two Belgian astronauts to have carried out missions in space, Dirk Frimout and Frank De Winne, have become Viscounts for example. 

National Day

Our National Holiday is held on the date on which the first King of the Belgians, Leopold I, took the constitutional oath, the 21st of July 1831. To mark the National Holiday, the King, the Queen and the Royal Family attend a military and civilian parade (civilians are the firefighters or the Red Cross for example), in front of the Royal Palace. Personalities are also invited, as well as all citizens. A party is held in the Parc de Bruxelles and the day ends with a big fireworks display. The 21st of July is one of the times when citizens, regardless of origin, age or profession, can assert their pride in being Belgians by coming together to celebrate.

King’s Day

Since 1866, we celebrate King’s Day on the 15th of November. (The Nones of November was the 5th, and the Ides the 13th) This date was chosen because this is the day of Saint Leopold and of Saint Albert. Since then, although not all Kings are no longer called Leopold or Albert, this date has been kept.

The Brabançonne

This is the national anthem of Belgium, the song that represents us. The Brabançonne exists in French, Dutch and German, the three official languages of our country. It was sung for the first time in 1830, during the Belgian revolution. Four versions were then written before arriving at the Brabançonne as we know it today. Singing the Belgian national anthem is a way of showing your loyalty to Belgium. Before a game, the Red Devils, the national football team, sing the Brabançonne together.

In 1860, Belgium’s then-prime minister, Charles Rogier, edited out lyrics which condemned the Dutch Prince of Orange (Austrian Netherlands), and added his own fourth verse. The country then formally adopted the song as its national anthem.

Brabançonne – Belgium’s National Anthem English translation:

O beloved Belgium, sacred land of our fathers, /
Our heart and soul are dedicated to you. /
Our strength and the blood of our veins we offer, /
Be our goal, in work and battle. /
Prosper, O country, in unbreakable unity, /
Always be yourself and free. /
Trust in the word that, undaunted, you can speak: /
For King, for Freedom and for Law. /
For King, for Freedom and for Law.

Etymology and Origins

  1. Belgium

    From the Belgæ, the name given by Cæsar to the warlike people who overran this portion of Gaul.


Your Dictionary

Play Bel·gic

  1. of Belgium
  2. of the Netherlands
  3. of the Belgae


Origin of Belgic

Classical Latin Belgicus from Belgae


  1. Of or relating to Belgium or the Belgians.
  2. Of or relating to the Belgae.
  1. Of or pertaining to the Belgae, German tribe who anciently possessed the country between the Rhine, the Seine, and the ocean.

Origin Latin Belgicus, from Belgae the Belgians.


  • Julius Caesar, after a severe struggle with – the Nervii and their confederates, was successful in bringing the Belgic tribes into Their subjection to Rome.
  • At first success attended Civilis and the Romans were driven out of the greater part of the Belgic province.
  • Holmes (Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul, 1899), who comes to the conclusion that “when the Reman delegates told Caesar that the Belgae were descended from the Germans, they probably only meant that the ancestors of the Belgic conquerors had formerly dwelt in Germany, and this is equally true of the ancestors of the Gauls who gave their name to the Celtae; but, on the other hand, it is quite possible that in the veins of some of the Belgae flowed the blood of genuine German forefathers.”
  • Ridgeway (Early Age of Greece, 1901) considers that the Belgic tribes were Cimbri, “who had moved directly across the Rhine into north-eastern Gaul.”
  • The situation became more complex after the 19th of April, when France declared war against Austria and prepared to invade the Austrian or Belgic Netherlends.

OK,  SO let’s break down the world and find the roots.   Remember “THE ROOT IS ALL THAT MATTERS, EVERYTHING ELSE IS A LIE”







also is Latin form “Belus”, meaning heaven-and-earth god of the Babylonian religion, from Akkadian “Belu”, literally “lord, owner, master,” Cognate with the Hebrew ba’al (see BAAL).

Etymology of -GIE – GIA -GIUM

Wikitionary   Etymology  

From Latin Belgia.


Middle English  – Pronoun – gie

    1. (chiefly Northern dialectal) Alternative form of ye

Romansch Etymology

From Latin sic.  Adverb – gie

    1. (Sursilvan) yes (used to indicate agreement with a positive statement)

Scots – Alternative forms – geve, gewe, gif, gyf, gefe

Etymology – From Middle English given, geven, gifen, from Old Norse gefa.   given 

Verb – gie (third-person singular present gies, present participle giein, past gied, past participle gied or gien)

    1. To give. quotations   AS IN :  Gie us a brak. 1824, Sir Walter Scott, Wandering Willie’s Tale (in Redgauntlet)

Maltese – Etymology – Cognate with Arabic جَاءَ‎‎ (jāʾa)

Verb – ġie (imperfect jiġi)

    1. he came

Southern Sámi (Åarjelsaemien gïele)

Southern Sámi is a variety of Western Sámi spoken in parts of Norway and Sweden


Pronoun – gie

    1. (interrogative) who  – (relative) who, that, which


GIA  meaning  EARTH


Origin and meaning of name Gae Irish Noun : gae m (genitive singular gae, nominative plural gaethe) (archaic or dialectal) Alternative form of ga (“spear, dart; ray”)
Pronunciation : IPA(key): /ɡeː/ Scots Etymology : From Middle English gon, goon, from Old English gān (“to go”), from Proto-Germanic *gāną (“to go”), from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰeh₁- (“to leave”). Cognate with English go, West Frisian gean, Low German gahn, Dutch gaan, German gehen, Swedish and Danish gå, Norwegian gå. Etymology (Verb) :
gae to go Etymology (Verb) : gae simple past tense of gie

More details here :


Gaia (n.)

Earth as a goddess, from Greek Gaia, spouse of Uranus, mother of the Titans, personification of gaia “earth” (as opposed to heaven), “land” (as opposed to sea), “a land, country, soil;” it is a collateral form of  (Dorian ga) “earth,” which is of unknown origin and perhaps from a pre-Indo-European language of Greece. The Roman equivalent goddess of the earth was Tellus (see tellurian), sometimes used in English poetically or rhetorically for “Earth personified” or “the Earth as a planet.”


word-forming element meaning “earth, the Earth,” ultimately from Greek geo-, combining form of Attic and Ionic  “the earth, land, a land or country” (see Gaia).

hypogean (adj.)

“living below the ground,” 1803, from Greek hypogeios “underground,” from hypo “under” (see hypo-) +  “earth” (see Gaia). Opposed to epigean.Pangaea 

“supercontinent of the late Paleozoic era,” 1924, from Greek pan- “all” (see pan-) + gaia “earth” (see Gaia). First attested in German, 1920, in Alfred Wegener’s “Die Entstehung der Kontinente und Ozeane” (but according to OED the word is not found in 1914 first edition).geomancy (n.)

“art of divination by means of signs derived from the earth,” late 14c., from Old French géomancie, from Medieval Latin geomantia, from late Greek *geomanteia, from geo-, combining form of  “earth” (see Gaia) + manteia “divination” (see -mancy). Related: Geomanticgeomantical.geodesy (n.)

1560s, “the art of land surveying,” from Modern Latin geodaesia, from Greek geodaisia “division of the earth;” ultimately from  “earth” (see Gaia) + stem of daiein “to divide,” from PIE *dai-, extended form of root *da- “to divide.” In modern use it refers to mathematical calculations derived from measuring large portions of the earth’s surface. In this sense, in reference to structures, from 1936.geometry (n.)

early 14c., also gemetriegemetry, from Old French geometrie (12c., Modern French géométrie), from Latin geometria, from Greek geometria “measurement of earth or land; geometry,” from combining form of  “earth, land” (see Gaia) + -metria “a measuring of” (see -metry). Old English used eorðcræft “earth-craft” as a loan-translation of Latin geometria.Demeter 

in Greek religion, the Olympian goddess of agriculture and useful vegetation, protectress of the social order and of marriage, mother of Persephone, from Greek Dēmētēr; the second element generally given as māter (see mother (n.1)); the first element possibly from da, Doric form of Greek  “earth” (see Gaia), but Liddell & Scott find this “improbable” and Beekes writes, “there is no indication that [da] means ‘earth’, although it has also been assumed in the name of Poseidon.” The Latin masc. proper name Demetrius means “son of Demeter.”George 

masc. personal name, from French Georges, Late Latin Georgius, from Greek Georgos “husbandman, farmer,” properly an adjective, “tilling the ground,” from  “earth” (see Gaia) + -ergos “that works,” from ergon “work” (from PIE root *werg- “to do”).The name introduced in England by the Crusaders (a vision of St. George played a key role in the First Crusade), but not common until after the Hanoverian succession (18c.). St. George began to be recognized as patron of England in time of Edward III, perhaps because of his association with the Order of the Garter (see garter). His feast day is April 23. The legend of his combat with the dragon is first found in “Legenda Aurea” (13c.). The exclamation by (St.) George! is recorded from 1590s.

The cult of George reached its apogee in the later Middle Ages: by then not only England, but Venice, Genoa, Portugal, and Catalonia regarded him as their patron: for all he was the personification of the ideals of Christian chivalry. [“The Oxford Dictionary of Saints”]


fem. proper name, from Greek daphne “laurel, bay tree;” in mythology the name of a nymph, daughter of the river Peneus, metamorphosed into a laurel by Gaia to save her from being ravished as she was pursued by Apollo. The word probably is related to Latin laurus (see laurel).

ocean (n.)

c. 1300, occean, “the vast body of water on the surface of the globe,” from Old French occean “ocean” (12c., Modern French océan), from Latin oceanus, from Greek ōkeanos, the great river or sea surrounding the disk of the Earth (as opposed to the Mediterranean), a word of unknown origin; Beekes suggests it is Pre-Greek. Personified as Oceanus, son of Uranus and Gaia and husband of Tethys.In early times, when the only known land masses were Eurasia and Africa, the ocean was an endless river that flowed around them. Until c. 1650, commonly ocean sea, translating Latin mare oceanum. Application to individual bodies of water began 14c. (occean Atlantyke, 1387); five of them are usually reckoned, but this is arbitrary. The English word also occasionally was applied to smaller subdivisions, such as German Ocean “North Sea.”giant (n.)

c. 1300, “fabulous man-like creature of enormous size,” from Old French geant, earlier jaiant “giant, ogre” (12c.), from Vulgar Latin *gagantem (nominative gagas), from Latin gigas “a giant,” from Greek Gigas (usually in plural, Gigantes), one of a race of divine but savage and monstrous beings (personifying destructive natural forces), sons of Gaia and Uranus, eventually destroyed by the gods. The word is of unknown origin, probably from a pre-Greek language. Derivation from gegenes “earth-born” is considered untenable.

In þat tyme wer here non hauntes Of no men bot of geauntes. [Wace’s Chronicle, c. 1330]

It replaced Old English enteoten, also gigant (from Latin). The Greek word was used in Septuagint to refer to men of great size and strength, hence the expanded use in modern languages; in English of very tall and unusually large persons from 1550s; of persons who have any quality in extraordinary degree from 1530s. As a class of stars, from 1912. As an adjective from early 15c. Giant-killer is from 1726.

titan (n.)

early 15c., from Latin titan, from Greek titan, “a member of a mythological race of giants” (originally six sons and six daughters of Gaia and Uranus) who were overthrown by Zeus and the other gods. The war was a popular theme for Greek artists and writers. The name is perhaps from titō “sun, day,” which probably is a loan-word from a language of Asia Minor. The sense of “person or thing of enormous size or ability” is by 1828.Titan was given as a name to planet Saturn’s largest satellite in 1831 (Greek Kronos, equivalent of Roman Saturn, was leader of the titans). It was discovered 1655 by Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens, who named it Saturni Luna “moon of Saturn,” but others soon were found and thereafter they generally were known by number only. But as new ones were being found orbiting between the known moons, the numbering kept changing. William Herschel proposed giving the multiplying moons of Saturn and Jupiter suitable proper names out of mythology, a proposal readily accepted by the other astronomers. Related: Titanesstitanian.


first planet discovered that was not known in ancient times, named for the god of Heaven, husband of Gaia, the Earth, from Latin Uranus, from Greek Ouranos literally “heaven, the sky;” in Greek cosmology, the god who personifies the heavens, father of the titans.

The planet was discovered and identified as such in 1781 by Sir William Herschel (it had been observed before, but mistaken for a star; in 1690 John Flamsteed cataloged it as 34 Tauri); Herschel proposed calling it Georgium Sidus, literally “George’s Star,” in honour of his patron, King George III of England.

I cannot but wish to take this opportunity of expressing my sense of gratitude, by giving the name of Georgium Sidus … to a star which (with respect to us) first began to shine under His auspicious reign. [Sir William Herschel, 1783]

The planet was known in English in 1780s as the Georgian Planet; French astronomers began calling Herschel, and ultimately German astronomer Johann Bode proposed Uranus as in conformity with other planet names. However, the name didn’t come into common usage until c. 1850.


Baby Names and Meanings

Finding the etymology of the suffix GIUM was impossible.  So I found a way to circumvent my problem and hit paydirt!    I used the Name Rhegium to find the answer.

Etymology of Rhegium

The origins of the name Rhegium is in question, as two of our ancient sources contradict each other on this issue. According to Aeschylus, the name Rhegium derives from the Greek word meaning “to rend, split, break,” however, Strabo claims that the term derives from the Latin word ‘royal’ (regium).[5]   SOURCE: The Trustworthy Encylopedia

Etymology of the name Rhegium

Royal Place   – From the Latin noun rex, king
Place Of The Breach, Ruin Etymology  – From the Greek noun ρηγμα (rhegma), a breach or ruin.
The Latin name Rhegium is most probably a variant spelling of the more common word regium, which derives from regius, meaning royal or of a king (rex). An obviously related word is regio, which implies a line, and thus a border and thus a region or territory. By the time Paul arrived in Italy this city was called Royal Place, but apparently its Greek name was still in use.  

The verb ρηγνυμι (rhegnumi) means to have an outburst due to internal pressure and thus an eruption of some sort, usually resulting in loss and ruin. (As in CHAOS?) The noun ρηγμα (rhegma) describes a rending, breach or ruin. SOURCE: Abarim Productions
I believe both of these meanings can apply.   I believe that Belgium means the place of the KING/ROYALTY and the PLACE OF RUIN/DESTRUCTION/FINAL CHAOS!   Because it is the place of BAAL/LUCIFER/SATAN/THE RED DEVIL!


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The Belgae were a large confederation of tribes living in northern Gaul, between the English Channel and the west bank of the Rhine, from at least the third century BC. They were discussed in depth by Julius Caesar in his account of his wars in Gaul. Some peoples in Britain were also called Belgae and O’Rahilly equated them with the Fir Bolg in Ireland. The Belgae gave their name to the Roman province of Gallia Belgica and, very much later, to the modern country of Belgium.


Bruges offers Chocolate on every corner, and arguably the best beer in the world. Crusader built Basilica of the Blest houses Drops of Christ’s Blood Covered with Gold Knights and Ladys as well as Maltese Crosses. 

(The Name of the Bell Tower -Belfort Belfry  and the word that describes a Bell Tower are derived from the same root  Bel as BAAL as Belgium).  Belfort Belfry Bell Tower and Carillon concert.  BRUGE  is surrounded by a fortified mote.   28 Windmills once now only 4 survive.   Flemish 12th century Hospice – Sint-Janshospitaal

Situated south of Markt, standing at 83m tall, Belfry is the finest bell tower in Bruges.

Halle, built in 1248 and once the main market place of the city, encloses a quaint courtyard. The entrance to the Belfry is through the inner courtyard. It houses a Carillon with 47 bells hanging in the tower. You will be rewarded with a breath taking panoramic view of Bruges if you successfully make the unfettered climb of 366 steps. On the way up, the Treasure Room on the second floor, holds records of civic documents like city’s charter, public funds, city’s seal etc.æ


YouTube  ·  11/25/2019  · by History Class


Belgian Family Brewers is a non-profit association of 21 Belgian family breweries which have been brewing beer in Belgium for at least 50 years non-stop,


Baker’s yeast is the common name for the strains of yeast commonly used in bakingbread and bakery products, serving as a leavening agent which causes the bread to rise (expand and become lighter and softer) by converting the fermentablesugars present in the dough into carbon dioxide and ethanol.  Wikipedia

Yeast, or leaven, is a powerful fungus that can cause a lump of dough to rise into bread, ferment liquids into alcohol, or cause painful infections. Like yeast in dough, a lack of faith can permeate one’s life until it breaks out in open rebellion against God. 

We are living in perilous times. None of us knows what dangers lie ahead for our faith. We may be headed for trials and challenges that we never imagined. Is our faith ready to meet whatever challenges come our way? Or have we let the yeast of unbelief gain a foothold, breaking down our trust in God and spreading resistance to Him throughout our life’

Galatians 5:9; 1 Corinthians 5:6

A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

Matthew 13:33

The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

Then Jesus said unto them, Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
How is it that ye do not understand that I spake it not to you concerning bread, that ye should beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees?
Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but ofthe doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.
And he charged them, saying, Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees, and of the leaveno f Herod.
Later in this series, you will see much more that will convey to you the significance of these matters in relation to the Kingdom of Belgium.
No, it is not unusual for a country to have breweries.  But, take a look at this article.  It contains something I find very interesting

If you really want to broaden your beer horizons, you should definitely try lambic and geuze. Discovering these beers is a fascinating experience. They are the most artisanal beer styles in the world and true lambic and geuze can only be produced in a small region near Brussels.


The difference between lambic and geuze 

Lambic is a wheat beer fermented with wild yeasts. The unfermented base beer (known as wort) is placed out in a coolship. This is a broad and shallow vessel at the topof the brewery. The wort is exposed to the night air and the wild yeasts ferment the brew. This process is only possible between October and May. During the warmer summer months unfavorable organisms could have a negative influence on the brewing process and the flavor of the beer. After fermentation in the coolship, the beer is aged in wooden barrels.

Geuze is a blend of young and old lambic. The young lambic may only be fermented for 6 to 8 months, while the old lambic can be 2 or 3 years old. (Familiar with the scripture about new wine and old wineskins?  The validity of the spiritual lesson is still present.  This is a spiritual act of defiance.)

Brasserie Timmermans

What’s in a name?

When it comes to the etymology of the name of both beers, different stories are told. The name lambic – also lambiek or lambik – could go back to the end of the eighteenth century. At the time ‘alambic’ was a type of distilling equipment and many distilleries also brewed beer or ‘bière d’alambique’. Beer Hunter Michael Jackson thinks there might be a link with the Latin verb ‘lambere’ (to sip). But maybe, lambic is just derived from the name of the town Lembeek, located near the Senne river.

The word geuze – gueuze is also correct- has an equally interesting origin. One theory is that it originated from words related to gas or geyser, because of the release of carbon dioxide when opening a bottle. Yet the Gueux (geuzen) were also a liberal political party opposing the Spanish rule.  Jef Van den Steen writes ‘considering that almost every village had a Catholic brewer and a liberal brewer, geuze lambik could mean that the first who came upon the idea to bottle lambik was a liberal: lambik by the geus.’

The most commonly accepted theory however says that the name is derived from the ‘Geuzenstraat’ in Brussels. At the time a lot of Champagne was consumed in Brussels. One brewer, situated in the Geuzenstraat, collected the empty bottles and refilled them with lambic beer, hoping to benefit from the Champagne hype. The new beer was very successful and soon obtained the name ‘beer from the Geuzenstraat’ or geuze.  (interesting, a deceit to prosper)

Brouwerij Lindemans
Eight generations ago, in 1809, the Lindemans family owned a farm in Vlezenbeek near Brussels. They decided to intensify Lambic brewing activities during winter, when less farm work had to be done. 
Due to the growing success of the Lambic, Geuze and Kriek, the brewery became more important and consequently, in 1930, the farm-activities were stopped.

Why only in Brussels?

Lambic and geuze beers can only be produced in one small part of Belgium. In the Senne River Valley, south and west of Brussels, the air contains wild yeasts and bacteria that cannot be found anywhere else on Earth. Some of the yeast strains have been cultured and used elsewhere. Hundreds have tried to make a lambic outside of the Senne Valley, but few have come close.

For the true beer lover there is nothing more exciting than entering the Senne valley.  At the end of the nineteenth century you would find at least 300 lambic makers in the region, but today only twelve remain. During the first weekend of May (Beltaine, Celtic Fire Festival) 2017 you can follow the trail of the beer style during ‘Toer de Geuze’, an event on which many of HORAL members open their doors to the public for tours and tastings. Entrance is free and you do not need a reservation. The breweries and blending houses can be visited by car or bike, or a seat can be reserved on a tour bus.

Belgian Family Brewers

“Crafted By Wind, Brewed Through Generations.” The Lindemans family has crafted lambics of exquisite taste & complexity for seven generations.  Video: Link

Lindemans is the largest independent lambic brewery in Belgium. Since 1822, six (6) generations of the Lindemans family have crafted authentic lambics of exquisite taste and complexity in Vlezenbeek near Brussels. During ‘Toer de Geuze’ you can discover how the brewery produces lambic in their polished copper brewing equipment and then stores it in authentic oak barrels that allow the beer to mature to perfection. You get to enjoy their complex lambic beers and the curious get a chance to be submerged in lambic magic. Hungry? Order something from the food trucks and prepare for a little after dinner dance to the swinging sounds of the cover band. 

Where: Lennikse Baan 1479 1602 Vlezenbeek

When: Saturday the 6th of May from 11 AM until 7 PM and Sunday the 7th of May  from 10 AM until 5 PM.

To try: Oude Gueuze Cuvée René, a blend of 2 to 3 year-old lambic and young lambic of at least one year old. With its golden colour, its sparkle and its complex, well-balanced tart taste with nice dry finish, this is the queenof geuzes.

Timmermans has brewed lambic in Itterbeek for the last 300 years, ever since 1702. A few miles from the centre of Brussels, it was then known as “The Mole Brewery”. Owned by Jan Vandermeulen, it was also a farm, an orchard, a café and a malt-house.

(C) Timmermans

Founded in 1702, Timmermans is the oldest lambic brewery in Belgium. During Toer de Geuze, the brewers will be at work. In the morning, you can discover the authentic mill from 1911 and the steaming open brewing vats. Shortly after midday, the boiling wort will be pumped to the coolship. You can also visit the unique foeder room. The guided tour is accompanied by a delicious glass of lambic and savour some Brussels cuisine classics, including brawn and cream cheese sandwiches.

Where: Kerkstraat 11 1701 Itterbeek

When: Sunday the 7th of May  from 10 AM until 5 PM.

To try: Timmermans Oude Gueuze Lambicus, brewed with lambic that is on average two years old. The old Portuguese casks give the an authentic flavor with hints of vanilla.


copper-symbol.gif (1150 bytes) Copper is ruled by the planet Venus. It is one of the oldest metals and copper metallurgy has flourished in different cultures, including the Middle Eastern, Asian, European, Central & South American and Native American. Copper embodies the nurturing aspect of women and their youthfulness. It is associated with the matters of love & lust and symbolizes characteristics like charisma, feminine beauty, artistic creativity, affection, caring, and balance. It is also considered a healing metal that teaches about living a fulfilling life.
The oak is considered a cosmic storehouse of wisdom embodied within its towering strength trace the name “druid” to duir, the Celtic term for the oak. More interestingly, the actual translation of duir is “door” and lore indicates the spiritually advanced Celts would access the ethereal planes of higher thought (psychic vision or soul-thought) by “opening the oak door.” Oak beams are often used to make doors, but the tree itself is a great portal to the other realms.


Celtic/Druidic mystical, warrior culture and their favoured tree is the Oak.

The Oak tree is considered the most powerful and most sacred of the trees to the Celtic peoples. It holds the true alignment of balance, purpose and strength. The Oak Mother  is androgynous. 

Oak Mother’s Celtic name is Duir. It means door and is derived from the word Druid or Druidess, the Celtic person who has mastered memory, intuition, healing, knowing and magic.


Seventh month of the Celtic Tree calendar, June 10th – July 7th
Seventh consonant of the Ogham alphabet – Duir

Planet: Jupiter and Mars
Element: Water
Symbolism: Sovereignty, rulership, power,
Strength & Endurance, Generosity & Protection, Justice & Nobility, Honesty & Bravery
Stone: Diamond,
Metal: Gold
Birds: Oriole, Wren
Color: Gold
Deity: The Dagda, The Green Man, Janus, Diana, Cybele, Hecate, Pan
Sabbat: Summer Solstice (Litha)
Folk Names: Jove’s Nuts, Juglans


The Big Search to Find Out Where Dogs Come From

An ancient canine skull at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences. Scientists are still debating exactly when and where the ancient human-canine bond originated.

Mietje Germonpré, a paleontologist at the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, is one of the many scientists participating in the dog project. She was one of a number of authors on a 2013 paper in Science that identified a skull about 32,000 years old from a Belgian cave in Goyet as an early dog. Dr. Wayne at U.C.L.A. was the senior author on the paper and Olaf Thalmann from the University of Turku in Finland was the first author.

It is typical of Dr. Larson’s dog project that although he disagreed with the findings of the paper, arguing that the evidence just wasn’t there to call the Goyet skull a dog, all of the authors of the paper are working on the larger project with him.

In November in Brussels, holding the priceless fossil, Dr. Germonpré pointed out the wide skull, crowded teeth and short snout of the ancient skull all indicators to her that it was not a wolf.

To me, it’s a dog,” she said. Studies of mitochondrial DNA, passed down from females only, also indicated the skull was not a wolf, according to the 2013 paper.
A wolf on display at the Oxford Museum of Natural History.
A wolf on display at the Oxford Museum of Natural History.Credit…Andrew Testa for The New York Times

Dr. Germonpré said she thinks dogs were domesticated some time before this animal died, and she leans toward the idea that humans intentionally bred them from wolves.

The Best Historic Nicknames Of Belgian Cities  exerpts only

Farciennes: The Vampires


The old castle of Farciennes © catascat/Wiki Commons

This creepy name has an even creepier background story. The castle of Tergnée-Farciennes had its own chapel, which was demolished in the 19th century. During the demolition, the graves of former inhabitants were uncovered – the family of Count Charles Batthyany who lived in the castle during the 16th century.

There was something most unusual about the bodies. They were all impaled in the chest, with such a force the stake went through the bottom of the coffin. No one can say for sure why. The bodies have been lost, along with all the possible answers. Only one clue remains – one of the stakes. To add to the mystery, the stake has the Greek symbol omega and a ‘3’ carved in it.

The legend of the vampires of the castle of Farciennes

Whether in literature, in films or even in television series, such as The Vampire Diaries , we have all trembled when immersing ourselves in the stories of these beings who, to survive, must live at night and draw their strength from drinking fresh human blood.

These terrifying stories mostly take place in remote areas, like Romania or the Carpathians, but not this one. This one takes place close to home…

A hair-raising discovery took place in Farciennes, a small village located in Wallonia, near Charleroi.   (Royal Olympic Charleroi Chatelet Farciennes U23 Men’s Football Team)

In this village, there once stood a magnificent castle worthy of being called “the little Versailles” by King Louis XIV. Today, charming during the day, sinister at night, these are ruins that cover the territory.

But what happened that was so intriguing in this castle?

The origin of the mystery dates back to the 19th century, in 1851 to be exact, when it was decided to demolish the old chapel of the castle and the cemetery that surrounded it. While removing soil, the tool of one of the workers hit a solid surface, a coffin.

The wood of the macabre box gave way under the blows of the shovels and then bones appeared. They noted that it was the burial of two adults and three children… Probably a family.

A first disturbing detail struck them: the position of the deceased’s head was not aligned with the extension of the body.

A second, even more astonishing detail made their blood run cold: planted in what was once the victims’ chest was a large nail, 68 centimeters long and weighing 2 and a half kilos.

Now, we all know that this practice consisted of planting a nail in the hearts of vampires to prevent them from coming back to haunt our nights. This technique was indeed revealed in the vampire stories of the English writer Bram Stoker, the man behind the character of Dracula. However, his stories would not be known until 1897, almost 50 years after the events at the Château de Farciennes.

How can we explain this extremely strange phenomenon?

We later discovered that these coffins belonged to the family of the owner of the castle, Count Charles-Joseph de Batthyani de Farciennes, in the 18th century. This Batthyani de Farciennes family was originally from Central Europe and had as an ancestor a certain Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, who was nicknamed “son of the dragon”, which in Romanian is… Dracula .


Bruges: The Crazies

During the Middle Ages, Holy Roman Emperor Maximiliaan I had been held captive in Bruges for four months. This happened during Bruges’ fight for more autonomy. After the whole ordeal, Maximiliaan understandably did not much like Bruges, taking away the city’s rights to hold fairs.

To appease Maximiliaan, the city held a big party in his honor, and after the festivities, the emperor was asked to allow fairs again and give Bruges the right to collect taxes. The citizens also asked the emperor to allow the city to build a madhouse, to which Maximiliaan answered “Close all the city gates and it is a madhouse.”

This is why the residents of Bruges are called the Brugse zotten, which more or less translates to “the Bruges fools”, or “the Bruges crazies.” It’s also the name of the city’s beer.
Brugse Zot Beer © Wikifalcon/Wiki Commons
Belgian hand-shaped chocolates were made to celebrate the fall of a mythical giant who terrorized merchants. In real life, Belgium became the giant terrorizing the Congo and the chocolates have taken on a new meaning.
Belgium's Black Hand Fetish: How Antwerp Hand-Shaped Chocolates Mock Chopped African Hands
By Tatenda Gwaambuka. –

Legend has it in ancient Belgium’s City of Antwerp, a giant named Druon Antigon once terrorized merchants who crossed the Scheldt River. He demanded toll fees he had not earned and would punish any disobedience by hacking off the right hands of his unfortunate victims.

Like all good stories, a hero – Silvius Brabo, rose above the tyranny and cut off the giant’s hand. To seal the deal, he threw that hand that wrought so much evil into the same river that once was the nerve centre of terrible Antigon’s rule. To this day, the city of Antwerp sells hand-shaped chocolates(Antwerpse Handjes) in celebration of Brabo’s heroics and the consequent death of the giant’s reign of terror.

Reality has it Belgian King – Leopold II  was a man of insatiable greed. He decided the land of the Congolese was going to be his and so it became. It was ironically named  The Congo Free State but the natives were not free. Between 1885 and 1905, 10 million Congolese were murdered at the hands of the Belgian monarch who never set foot in the Congo.

To account for every bullet used, the murdered’s right hands were hacked off and kept for stock-taking. Peter Forbath, a historian says, “The baskets of severed hands, set down at the feet of the European post commanders, became the symbol of the Congo Free State…. The collection of hands became an end in itself. Force Publique soldiers brought them to the stations in place of rubber; they even went out to harvest them instead of rubber… They became a sort of currency.” It was utterly stupid to think simple hands could account for cartridges as soldiers, way ahead of the curve, would make up for shortfalls by cutting hands of living blacks and presenting them to balance the books.

In their myth the Belgians were the noble merchants terrorized by a psychopathic, self-imposed despot but in real life they became the tyrannical giant. Belgium was Druon Antigon after all. What an ironic metaphor! What then do the Antwerpes Handjes represent? Unlike Antigon who fell at the hands of Brabo, Belgium’s King Leopold II’s legacy survived largely untainted. Leopold’s hand was not cut off and thrown into the Congo River. His brutality is rarely ever berated with the same energy as that used against Hitler, for example.

The Antwerpes Handjes chocolates are, therefore, a celebration not of mythical Antigon’s fall but of the real Antigon’s reign of terror. When a giant, hand-hacking despot makes hand-shaped chocolates, it is a celebration of his legacy and regardless of the history, it becomes an insensitive enterprise. The Congolese are not interested in Belgian myths; they would be more interested in their reality being mocked by an insensitive Belgian “delicacy”. The Belgian appetite for chocolate hands whether real, mythical or made of candy is certainly wolfish.

Image Header: Adam Hochschild


Nodens alias Lludd Llaw Ereint   excerpts
Celtic God of Health & Healing

Nodens – later known in Wales as Nudd or Lludd Llaw Ereint (the Silver-Handed) and in Ireland as Nuadu – was the Celtic God of Healing, and the son of Belenos, the Sun God. He had a large shrine at Lydney (Lludd’s Island) in Gloucestershire, where the devoted made offerings of small bronze representations of their diseased limbsAn old story explains his connection with amputees. At one time, Nodens was the leader of the gods, but he was wounded in battle and lost his hand. Gofannon, the divine-smith, made him a new one out of Silver – hence his Welsh epithet – Nodens, the Silver Handed.

I believe this is why the people of Belgium make these chocolate hands, (They may not even be consciously aware of this fact.) they are an offering to Nodens, the reigning spirit over that area.  That is why they committed that heinous crime against the Africans.  (Again, they may not consciously be aware).

Ancient Origins


Painting of Neanderthals by Charles Robert Knight, 1920

Neanderthal Group Cannibalized their Dead and Used Human Bones as Tools

Evidence shows Neanderthals were killing each other and eating the remains about 40,000 years ago in a cave in Belgium, new research shows. They apparently extracted marrow from the bones and used the bones to shape stone tools. There is ample evidence from other sites in Europe of violence toward either living Neanderthals or their post-mortem remains that researchers have said points to cannibalism.

The collection of bones from Goyet caves doubles the number of known Neanderthal remains in Northern Europe, says a press release from the University of Tubingen. The researchers completely sequenced the remains’ mitochondrial DNA, doubling the database for Neanderthals, who went extinct about 30,000 years ago.

The bones show cutting and percussion tracks, which the researcher said are clear evidence of slaughter. The bones were used intensively and bear evidence of fragmentation, skinning and extraction of marrow. “This evidence suggests cannibalism among Neanderthals,” Hervé Bocherens, one of the researchers, says in the press release.

Highly fragmented remains of Neanderthals from a cave in Belgium show cutting and smashing.

Highly fragmented remains of Neanderthals from a cave in Belgium show cutting and smashing.
(Photo: Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences)

Researchers said it was impossible to know whether the Neanderthal remains were used exclusively as food or whether they were processed as part of symbolic or ritual actions.

“The numerous remains of horses and reindeer found in Goyet were processed in the same way,” Bocherens is quoted as saying.

Other Neanderthal sites where scientists found evidence of cannibalism include El Sidrón and Zafarraya in Spain and in Moula-Guercy and Les Pradelles in France.

The scientists used radiocarbon dating to place the age of the Goyet bones between 40,500 and 45,500 years.

These Neanderthal remains in what is now Belgium show the first evidence of cannibalism among Neanderthals in Northern Europe, the news release states.

Scholars excavated the third cavern of Goyet nearly 150 years ago. New methods of analysis and investigation, however, have allowed researchers to make new findings. The methods include digital measurement and description of the bones, study of the original deposition conditions, isotopic and genetic analysis.

The researchers said Neanderthals in Europe were closely related but differed significantly in their behaviors.

“The large differences in the behavior of these people on the one hand and their low genetic diversity on the other hand, give us a lot of questions about the social life and exchanges between different groups of the late Neanderthals,” Bocerhens said.

At other sites, Neanderthals buried their dead. Also, the use of the Neanderthal bones to shape other tools, known as knapping, is unknown at other sites. At other sites it’s apparent that Neanderthals had more tools of different kinds.

This study follows another study , from April 2015, that determined “Neanderthals from the French region of Poitou-Charentes cut, beat and fractured the bones of their recently deceased companions, as revealed by the fossil remains of two adults and a child found at the Marillac site. These manipulations have been observed at other Neanderthal sites, but scientists still do not know whether they did this for food or ceremony. Scientists have discovered a large quantity of bone remains of these hominids.”

Homo sapiens have also been known to cannibalize each other. Here is a forensic recreation of a Neanderthal head. ( Cicero Moraes/CC BY SA 3.0 )

The Marillac site dates back about 57,000 years—or at least 12,000 years earlier than Goyet. Given this long range of time that Neanderthals were apparent cannibals, claims in other articles that the Neanderthals likely cannibalized themselves into extinction seem sensational.

A map depicting the range of the extinct Homo neanderthalensis

A map depicting the range of the extinct Homo neanderthalensis Wikimedia Commons /Ryulong)

Anthropologist Erik Trinkhaus, commenting in 2006 on Neanderthal remains from about 43,000 years ago in Spain that were skinned, defleshed and dismembered, said:

‘I think it’s just these people were hungry. They had periods of seasonal starvation, and on occasion, when they are really starving and members of their social group are already dead, they consumed their remains. It’s what I call survival cannibalism.’

Tübingen University professors Hervé Bocherens and Johannes Krause, along with Cosimo Posth and Christoph Wißingm, did the research.

Featured image: Painting of Neanderthals by Charles Robert Knight, 1920 ( Wikimedia Commons )



Discover Belgium: The Carnival of Binche

By Stéphanie Borrell-Verdu, USAG Benelux Public AffairsFebruary 8, 2018


CHIÈVRES, Belgium — You have probably already heard about the Carnival of Binche, one of the most famous Belgian celebrations. Each year, it draws thousands of tourists from all over the world to the Walloon city of Binche. The festival happens three days before Ash Wednesday. This year, it will occur from Feb. 11 to 13.  (2022 Carnival of Binche will begin on Sunday, February 27)

This unique carnival, which includes stunning costumes and folkloric traditions such as the throwing of oranges, is more than a festival and party to the people of Binche. It was recognized by the UNESCO as a Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity in 2003.

Even though Carnival of Binche’s exact origins are uncertain, the first written record of the celebration dates back to the 14th century. Things changed very little since that time, proving that one of the main aspects of this Carnival is the tradition.

More than a thousand inhabitants of Binche dress up as one of the four characters involved in the festival: The Peasants, the Harlequins, the Pierrots and the Gilles. The central figures are the Gilles, who wear a spectacular costume decorated with red, black and yellow symbols of lions, crowns and stars. They also don a white-filly collar, a white head covering, and have yellow bells attached to their costumes. They wear wooden clogs and will, during different stages of the street party, wear a mask and a magnificent feathered hat. Every male from Binche can become a Gille regardless of his age but needs to keep in mind that it is a lifelong commitment. As for females, they can become one of the three other characters involved in the process, and the Gilles’ wives also play a major role in the Carnival.

On Sunday, the 13 societies take part in the Carnival parade in the streets of Binche at 3 p.m. They are accompanied by drums and brass instruments as they show off their impressive costumes that they have secretly been working on for months, if not years. This explosion of colors and sounds will amaze you, and it is just the beginning.

On Monday, a confetti battle between local children in the town square starts at 10 a.m. After that battle, the colorfully costumed children perform a dance at 4 p.m. and fireworks close out the joyful day at 7 p.m.

The three-day festival reaches its climax on Shrove Tuesday. The day starts at dawn, with one of the most important parts of the festival: the dressing of the Gilles, during which each Gille puts on his straw-stuffed costume with the help of family members. In the meantime, the leader of each “society” goes from one house to another to collect members of his groups. According to the tradition, Gilles have to drink a glass of champagne at each stop. A drummer accompanies each society during the whole process, and all the characters shuffle-dance through the streets to the drumbeat.

Once every society finishes, the Gilles parade on the streets with a bunch of willow twigs that they shake to ward off evil spirits. During this process, they wear sinister-looking porcelain masks with a Napoleon III-like moustache and green glasses. Then, each society enters the town hall and is honored as the mayor gives them medals. At 3 p.m., the famous procession of the oranges starts, during which the Gilles remove their masks and put on their ostrich-feathered hats that can be up to 35.4 inches (90 centimeters) and 6.6 pounds (3 kilograms).

During the procession of the oranges, all four characters parade one more time on the street, but this time they are throwing or passing oranges. Stay alert if you do not want to be hit by one. Nevertheless, it is important to know that catching or being hit by an orange brings good luck, and that refusing one, or sending it back, is considered as a grave insult. At 8 p.m., the last “rondeau,” in which the Gilles dance in a huge circle, is performed on the Grand Place. The day and the festival officially end with fireworks starting around 9 p.m., but not entirely, as they are followed by a huge party in the town square late into the night.

It is better to arrive early to find a place to park your car, but extra trains will run to and from Binche during the Carnival. It is also important to know that hotels in and around Binche are usually full during the festivities, so it is better to book far in advance. Finally, keep in mind that there could be some changes to the schedule due to weather conditions, because the Gilles feathered hats are too precious to be ruined by Belgian weather!

The Carnival of Binche is a must-see for anyone who loves colorful and culturally rich events. It is an explosion of colors and sounds that adults and children will enjoy. For more information about the event, visit

Carnival de Binche


The Carnival of Binche is a living and exceptional heritage, a popular, human and social event. It has been recognized as a “Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” by UNESCO in 2003.

This folkloric event, coming from a long oral tradition, is a real rite that gives the participants the feeling to be unique. For the inhabitants, and according to the famous quote, “there is no place like Binche in the world”.

During a few months, the inhabitants and the City prepared their Carnival, in a real communion, and it is obviously the most important moment in the life of the City of Binche. The next Carnival will happen on the 11th, 12th ans 13th Februari 2018 with as highlight the journey of more than 1000 Gilles on Shrove Tuesday. This preparation process requires a lot of coordination for a lot of people : the association for the defense of Folklore, the association for the defense of the Shrove Monday, the committees of the Carnival societies, the Nonprofit Organization Carnival of Binche, de City of Binche, the Police, the assistance services,…
Through this website you will find all the historical, folkloric, and practical information linked to the Carnival of Binche. You will also discover the photo galleries and the videos of the Carnival festivities and its preparations.

Binche owns one of the oldest shrove customs and the most characterized of Wallonie.

Its fame goes beyond our borders and keeps fascinating a public from around the world.
Its reputation is justified because of the originality and authenticity of Binche customs which are still the same since the traditional shrove days and the strong commitment from the family and carnival societies beginning of fall.

The origins of the Carnival of Binche are still unclear. Historians and folkloric experts which have been studying the carnival for a half century remains restrained when it comes to the question since the lack of elements mentioning ‘Gille” before the XVIII century and the poor quality of the material proofs. If it was not enough legends states a mystical or historical character which have help to obscure the reality for far more fantastic or more romantic origins. One thing is sure is that the origins of Carnival of Binche stay mysterious… (Christel Deliège).

The legend with the most success is the one of the Gille descendant from the Incas made up by a journalist by Adolphe Delmée in the XIX century. Those Incas would have appeared un costume during festivities organized by Marie from Hungary in 1549 to welcome her brother, Charles Quint and his nephew Philippe II. The inhabitants must have appreciated their exotic and colorful costume to perpetuate the procession in their own city. This hypothesis seduced and still seduced some actors of the Carnival of Binche because this gives them an historical aspect and quite flattering.

Belgian city of Aalst says anti-Semitic parade ‘just fun’

24 February 2020
People wearing fake noses and fur hats intended to depict Orthodox Jews during Aalst carnival, 23rd February 2020Image copyright GETTY IMAGES
Image caption The carnival depicted Orthodox Jews in giant fur hats and fake noses

A Belgian city has defended as “just fun” a carnival featuring caricatures of Orthodox Jews wearing huge fur hats, long fake noses and ant costumes.

Israel, Jewish groups and Belgian Prime Minister Sophie Wilmès were among many who strongly condemned the costumes in Sunday’s parade in Aalst.

Some critics said likening Jews to ants was similar to Nazi anti-Semitism, which persecuted Jews as “vermin”.

The Aalst mayor’s spokesman told the BBC “it’s our humour… just fun”.

Peter Van den Bossche said “there isn’t a movement behind it” and “we don’t wish harm to anyone”.

“It’s our parade, our humour, people can do whatever they want,” he said. “It’s a weekend of freedom of speech.”

Aalst carnival satire of Jews and Western WallImage copyrightAFP
Image captionCritics called this mockery of Orthodox Jews and the Western Wall anti-Semitic

Aalst lies 31km (19 miles) northwest of Brussels – the heart of the EU – and is run by the New Flemish Alliance (N-VA), a nationalist party pushing for Flanders independence.

The city drew much criticism for parading caricature Jews last year – so much so that it was dropped from Unesco’s cultural heritage list in December. After the outcry, Aalst itself had asked to be taken off the list.

Unesco – the UN’s educational and cultural agency – was also satirised in the parade on Sunday.

Other floats mocked UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and Brexit, climate activist Greta Thunberg, and Jesus Christ on the cross.

Auschwitz: Are anti-Semitic attacks rising?

Holocaust Day prompts new anti-Semitism warnings

Ritual beating of Judas effigy ‘was anti-Semitic’

There were also people parading in Nazi SS uniform – despite the fact that, in World War Two, the Nazis deported about 25,000 Jews from occupied Belgium to the Auschwitz death camp, where most were murdered.

Aalst Brexit float, 23 Feb 20Image copyrightREUTERS
Image captionAalst mocks Brexit, with a float featuring Boris Johnson and the Queen

In Sunday’s parade some caricature Jews posed with a mock-up of the Western Wall – often called Jerusalem’s Wailing Wall, a holy site for Jews. It was labelled “the wailing ant”, in Dutch “de klaugmier”. The Dutch for “wailing wall” is “klaagmuur”.

“This doesn’t encourage anti-Semitism; the reaction last year was over the top,” Mr Van den Bossche said. “Two hundred percent it’s not anti-Semitic.”

Mock-Nazis parading in Aalst, 23 Feb 20Image copyrightEVN/RTBF
Image captionMock-Nazis parading in Aalst – in a country that was terrorised by the Nazis

He underlined that the carnival themes were based on news events as seen in Aalst – hence the mockery of Unesco.

When asked about the Nazi characters in Sunday’s carnival, he said: “Those symbols – normally we don’t accept that, we condemn that.

“We say: what can we do about it? Put people in prison? No.”

Israel’s foreign ministry director-general Yuval Rotem tweeted that Aalst had indulged in “despicable anti-Semitic exhibitions”.

Belgian PM Sophie Wilmès said the pretend Jews in the Aalst parade “harm our values and our country’s reputation”.

The use of stereotypes stigmatising communities and groups based on their origins leads to divisions and endangers our togetherness,” she said.

Joël Rubinfeld, head of the Belgian League against anti-Semitism, said: “It is sad, deplorable, shameful that 50 persons are tainting an entire carnival, a popular celebration. It gives a catastrophic image of the city of Aalst and also of our country abroad.”



Like our neighbours, Luxembourgers love to celebrate Carnival. Between Candlemas Day (Liichtmëssdag on 2 February) and Ash Wednesday (Äschermëttwoch, in early March) Luxembourg lives the craziest season of the year.

Masked balls, parades and cavalcades for both children and adults are organised by Luxembourgish associations, ensuring the proper amusement of everyone who likes to celebrate Carnival. Almost every village in Luxembourg organises at least one ball, transforming Luxembourg’s streets into a giant festive area with food, drinks and fun.

Cavalcades and masked balls everywhere you look!

Over the entire Carnival period, the associations in the Grand Duchy organise  several cavalcades, complete with music, food and drinks, in order to celebrate Carnival properly.

The  best-known cavalcades throughout Luxembourg are  those in:

Diekirch,SchifflangeEsch-sur-Alzette,Remich and Pétange.

Even though all cavalcades are child-friendly, one  especially for children takes place  every year in Kayl.

Masked  balls on the other hand will take place in almost every village, town or city in Luxembourg, from children’s balls in most villages to the bigger parties in, for instance, Echternach, Vianden or Wormeldange, whose notoriety reaches beyond the borders of the country.

About... Festivals and Traditions in Luxembourg
© Jean-Paul Kieffer / SIP

Come for the mood, stay for the food

The several balls, parades and cavalcades throughout Luxembourg do not only offer amusement and the celebration of Carnival, but also include a multitude of typical Luxembourgish Carnival snacks and pastries such as:

Verwurrelt Gedanken (literally: scrambled thoughts) – knots of pastry sprinkled with icing sugar;
Nonnefäscht (literally: nuns’ farts) — doughnuts sprinkled with icing sugar;
Täertelcher— doughnuts,
Maisercher – mouse-shaped donuts, and
Stretzegebäck – small cakes made of pastry that is scalded before being baked.

Hold on to your tie!

Luxembourg’s Carnival period is rife with special days and events to watch out for:

Fat Thursday opens this list. On this Thursday before Carnival Sunday, the rather fatty culinary specialties described above are traditionally served. However, its notoriety comes from the fact that gangs of dressed-up women  will be roaming the streets of  many of Luxembourg’s major carnival towns. If you happen to stumble upon one of them, and you are wearing a tie, chances are that you will have it cut off among cheers and laughter.

On Carnival Sunday (Fuessonndeg) and Carnival Monday (Fuesméindeg), Luxembourg’s calendar  is filled with cavalcades  and masked balls.

It all ends on Äschermëttwoch, when the people in Remich, a town on the Moselle, burn an effigy of winter on  the bridge spanning the river. This straw man (Stréimännchen) is replaced by a straw woman (Stréifrächen) in leap years.

However, contrary to our German neighbours, Luxembourgers don’t take this official ending of the Carnival period too seriously. Indeed, many balls and cavalcades can still take place later during the season.


Carnival traditions, its origins and what Nonnefäscht and Stréimännchen are all about



  • Are you planning to join the Fuesgecken (carnival revellers) this year and don fancy dress, party hard and delight in the excessive consumption of nuns’ farts?

That’s right, of the many varieties of doughnuts, or beignets, on offer during Carnival, the nun’s fart, or Nonnefäscht, is the small knotted one that comes with a dusting of icing sugar.

For the uninitiated, Carnival, or Fuesend, begins on 2 February with Liichtmëssdag, or Candlemas Day, and technically ends on Äschermëttwoch, or Ash Wednesday, which, in Luxembourg, culminates in the burning of a straw man, or Stréimännchen, in the Moselle town of Remich (except in leap years when it’s a straw woman, or Stréifrächen).

Local marching bands provide a musical accompaniment as the procession carries the dummy through the town to the bridge between Luxembourg and Germany, where it is duly set alight, dispersing the evil spirits of winter and celebrating the arrival of spring.

The straw man scapegoat must also atone for the transgressions of the carnival revellers, and, as a symbol of the costly carnival period, he usually carries a wallet and an empty bottle.

History of Carnival

According to the Luxembourg government website, the traditions of Carnival in the Grand Duchy date back to 1870, and the earliest recorded mention of it is in 1884. The celebration is thought to have its roots in pagan times, when winter spirits needed to be driven out so the summer ones could return.

The carnival feast was the last opportunity for common people to eat well, as there was often a food shortage at the end of winter as stores ran out. Until spring produce grew, people were limited to meagre meals during this period of fasting. Livestock were usually slaughtered in November, and meat could only be preserved for a limited period of time. All remaining stocks of lard, butter and meat had to be eaten before they rotted.

Origin of Fasching and Carnival terms

In Germany, the celebration Fasching (which starts 11 November at precisely 11:11 am and ends on Shrove Tuesday) dates back to the 13th century. The word is thought to derive from the modern German word fasten (‘to fast’ in English). However, some historians think the word could also derive from the verb fasen, which means to be silly or foolish. The word Carnival is thought to have originated in Italy in the 17th century and has its roots in the Latin phrase carne levare or ‘away with meat’.  (Since CARNIVAL is all about indulging the FLESH/Carnality, I don’t accept that interpretation.  Here is the etymolgy.  Which clear denotes raising flesh or cutting flesh, not doing away with it.  This is not a pious activity, carnival is about revelry, partying and debaucherie.)

carnival (n.)
1540s, “time of merrymaking before Lent,” from French carnaval, from Italian carnevale “Shrove Tuesday,” from older Italian forms such as Milanese *carnelevale, Old Pisan carnelevare “to remove meat,” literally “raising flesh,” from Latin caro “flesh” (originally “a piece of flesh,” from PIE root *sker- (1) “to cut”) + levare “lighten, raise, remove” (from PIE root *legwh- “not heavy, having little weight”).

Unable to ban this pagan tradition, Christianity (specifically Catholicism) embraced it. (That is what the Roman Catholics did with everything Pagan, accept it and assimilate it) Today’s traditions of masked balls and parades are thought to have begun in Medieval Venice and spread throughout Catholic Europe and eventually overseas during colonial times.

Luxembourgers love a good party, and, unlike their neighbours, carnival festivities do not come to an abrupt end on Ash Wednesday but continue until the fourth Sunday of Lent, or Bretzelsonndeg (Pretzel Sunday). Carnival Sunday, or Fuessonndeg, is traditionally reserved for masked balls and parties, while Carnival Monday (Fuesméindeg) is the day for parades and cavalcades.

Satirising the wealthy and powerful

For more than half a century, there has been a strong tradition of cavalcade parades in Luxembourg, with people creating inventive floats to poke fun at the wealthy and powerful. In 2015, the Diekirch parade included a giant computer surrounded by people dressed as government ministers, a satire of LuxLeaks. For foreign residents, it’s a chance to see Luxembourgers satirising the establishment.

Who takes part in festivities?

In 2017, a survey showed that two out of three residents in Luxembourg joined in the country’s carnival festivities, with 46% consuming doughnuts and 18% taking part in a float, or Char, in the parade. You can find the full research here.

Inventive floats are part of the tradition
Photo: Laurent Blum

You can find out more about the major Carnival parades here, but local communes also hold masked balls and children’s parties. You can find out about kids Carnival events here.

Quirky traditions around the world

Outside Luxembourg, other countries maintain some quirky traditions. In Quebec City, carnival is celebrated with ice sculpting, dog sledding and a snow bath. In Avilés in Spain, a giant effigy of a sardine is paraded through the streets and then burned or buried. In Dunkirk, the procession includes giant umbrellas, and fish are thrown into the sea. And in Binche, in Belgium, the town is overrun with hundreds of ‘Gilles’, an iconic carnival figure who shakes a stick to ward off evil spirits and throws oranges at the crowd as a symbol of the coming spring.

Of course, the best known carnival, in Rio de Janeiro, welcomes more than two million people per day.

For a less busy but as fun-packed Carnival, take part of in one of Luxembourg’s parades.


Imbolc From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Also called Lá Fhéile Bríde(Irish)
Là Fhèill Brìghde(Scottish Gaelic)
Laa’l Breeshey(Manx)
Observed by Historically:Gaels
Today: Irish peopleScottish peopleManx peopleCeltic neopagans and Wiccans
Type Cultural,
Pagan (Celtic polytheismCeltic neopaganismWicca)
Significance beginning of spring
Celebrations feasting, making Brigid’s crosses and Brídeógs, visiting holy wellsdivinationspring cleaning
Date 1 February
(or 1 August for Neopagans in the S. Hemisphere)
Related to Gŵyl Fair y CanhwyllauCandlemasGroundhog Day

Imbolc or Imbolg ([ɪˈmˠɔlˠɡ]), also called (SaintBrigid’s Day (IrishLá Fhéile BrídeScottish GaelicLà Fhèill BrìghdeManxLaa’l Breeshey), is a Gaelic traditional festival marking the beginning of spring. It is held on 1 February, or about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.[1][2] Historically, it was widely observed throughout IrelandScotland and the Isle of Man. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals—along with BeltaneLughnasadh and Samhain.[3] For Christians, especially in Ireland, it is the feast day of Saint Brigid.

Imbolc is mentioned in early Irish literature, and there is evidence suggesting it was also an important date in ancient times. It is believed that Imbolc was originally a pagan festival associated with the goddess Brigid, and that it was Christianized as a festival of Saint Brigid, who is thought to be a Christianization of the goddess.[4] On Imbolc/St Brigid’s Day, Brigid’s crosses (Catholic Hot Cross Buns, cakes for the goddess) were made and a doll-like figure of Brigid (a Brídeóg) would be paraded from house-to-house by girls, sometimes accompanied by ‘strawboys. Brigid was said to visit one’s home at Imbolc. To receive her blessings, people would make a bed for Brigid and leave her food and drink, and items of clothing would be left outside for her to bless. Brigid was also invoked to protect homes and livestock. Special feasts were had, holy wells were visited, and it was a time for divination.

Although many of its customs died out in the 20th century, it is still observed and in some places it has been revived as a cultural event. Since the latter 20th century, Celtic neopagans and Wiccans have observed Imbolc as a religious holiday.[1][2]

Candlemas Day

Blessing of candles on Candlemas at an Episcopal Church in the United States
Also called Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ
Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Observed by Christians
Significance Commemoration of the presentation of Jesus at the Temple
Observances Having candles blessed for the year during a Mass or Service of Worship; removal of Christmas decorations in some localities
Date February 2
Frequency Annual
Related to ChristmastideEpiphanytide

Candlemas (also spelled Candlemass – the origin is form late Old English candelmæsse = candle + mass), also known as the Feast of the Presentation of Jesus Christ and the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary (and IMBOLC), is a Christian Holy Day commemorating the presentation of Jesus at the Temple. It is based upon the account of the presentation of Jesus in Luke2:22–40. In accordance with Leviticus12: a woman was to be purified by presenting lamb as a burnt offering, and either a young pigeon or dove as sin offering, 33 days after a boy’s circumcision. It falls on February 2, which is traditionally the 40th day of and the conclusion of the ChristmasEpiphany season.[1] While it is customary for Christians in some countries to remove their Christmas decorations on Twelfth Night (Epiphany Eve),[2] those in other Christian countries historically remove them on Candlemas.[3][4] On Candlemas, many Christians (especially AnglicansMethodistsLutheransOrthodox and Roman Catholics) also bring their candles to their local church, where they are blessed and then used for the rest of the year;[5][6] for Christians, these blessed candles serve as a symbol of Jesus Christ, who referred to Himself as the Light of the World.[7]




When you eat pancakes at Candlemas, all the candles in the house should be lit, which is easy to understand when considering the etymology of the word: in vulgar Latin festa candelarum “feast of the candles”. Already long before the Roman period, this celebration was devoted to a cult of light; at least since Neolithic times as testified to by an archaeological find in Ireland. At the Tara archaeological site, about 40 km north of Dublin, it is possible to find the Mound of the Hostages”, dating from 2500 BC, which is aligned with the rising son on 1 February and 2 November. Later, these dates corresponded to two of the four major celebrations in the Celtic calendar: Imbolc (1 February) and Samhain (1 November), exported by Irish immigrants to the United States in the middle of the 19th century, it was brought back to Europe several decades later under the name Halloween.

Catholics celebrate Candlemas on 2 February, namely 40 days after the birth of Christat Christmas on 25 December. (Christ was not born on Decemeber 25, the Sun god was) Candlemas is also called In purificatione Beatae Mariae Virginis or the “Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary”. The celebration recalls that Mary, as any Jewish woman who had just given birth, was impure and therefore had to be purified.

It was also the day on which Mary had to present Jesus at the temple. This ceremony took place 40 days after the birth of a boy and 80 days if it was a girl. Up until then, the mother was not allowed any contact with a sacred object, nor, of course, a visit to the temple.

In order to purify herself, she had to make an expiatory sacrifice and an offering to buy back her first son that God had given her. Another version refers to two doves or a lamb. The prophet Simeon witnessed this ceremony at the temple in Jerusalem. He had been told by the Holy Spirit that he would not die until he had seen the Lord’s anointed.

Luke the evangelist tells how, when Simeon took part in the presentation of Jesus at the temple, he said: “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word. For my eyes have seen your salvation that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples: a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel.”


In memory of the event, candles are blessed before the start of mass. These lit candles are a symbol of Christ. This also explains the name Candlemas.  Believers used to walk around the church in a procession with a lit candle in their hands. The Flemish author Stijn Streuvels (1871-1969) wrote very aptly in his novel “De Maanden” (The Months, 1941):

“…Candlemas! Candles that must drive back the darkness of winter are lit. Candlemas brings to mind clarity and light.The six dark weeks are past; winter is fading. Candlemas: a prelude of the coming spring to which humans aspire and hope will be a liberation, a new beginning…”

In former times, every house had its blessed candle. It was lit in the bedroom of the dying in order to ward off demons, the spirits of darkness. At the moment of passing, it was placed in the hand of the deceased to indicate that, to the very end, he had kept his faith and the desire to benefit from eternal light. It was commonly believed that the blessed candle would protect the house from lightning.A superstition concerning the beneficial virtues of this object suggested that a piece of blessed candle placed beneath the threshold of the house would ward off witches.

Churching, a ceremony held at the church when a woman was seen for the first time after giving birth in order to be blessed by a priest, comes from the presentation of Jesus at the temple. In the same way as the Holy Virgin, they are offering their child up to God. It was common to see women kneeling down at the church doors holding their newborn in their arms with a lit candle in their free hand, and a priest helping them to rise, sprinkling them with holy water and praying for them. Next, she was led her the church, where she knelt before the altar and the priest prayed for her again while sprinkling her once more with sacred water.


Candlemas also announces the coming of spring. Daylight has already increased by one hour. According to a saying: “Candlemas sunannounces spring, flowers and joy”. This day is also important for bee-keepers because it is believed that a clear and limpid sky on Candlemas foretells a beneficial year for bees.


In our countries, it has always been a tradition to make pancakes at Candlemas. One saying goes: “If you want to avoid infected wheat, pancakes at Candlemas do eat”. This custom dates back to the day when new maids and manservants were hired. To celebrate this and alleviate their sadness about being separated from their family, the mistress of the house took up her frying pan and treated her new staff and the rest of the house to pancakes; a great celebration at the time. This feast was also the opportunity to eat the surplus wheat from early sowing.

There were some strange practices in France. The first pancake was thrown against a cupboard where it remained for the entire year. If it did not turn mouldy it meant that the house would be guaranteed wealth. Also, holding the frying pan in one hand and a gold sovereign in the other. The true art involves tossing the pancake up in the air and catching it in the frying pan in order to be ensured wealth and abundance. The round shape and its yellowish colour are also an allusion to the coming spring.

© Wikipédia


When I saw the blue diamonds on the Belgian crowns, it brought to mind this article and video I had seen months back about Blue Diamonds being made from dead bodies and the likely relation to Pedophilia.  Check it out.  Be sure and visit the links for much more indepth information.

enchanted path

Former child sex slave sold into Belgian aristocratic paedophile ring where boys and girls were tortured and KILLED reveals the horrors of her five years of abuse

  • Anneke Lucas, 53, was sold into a murderous paedophile ring in Belgium at six

    She was raped 1,700 hours before reaching the age of 12 during horrifying abuse

    Children were scared into silence and members of the network killed those who threatened to go to the police

    At the age of 11, it was decided she was ‘of no use anymore’ and was to be killed

    But she was spared, fled Belgium and now spoken out about sickening ordeal 

A long time ago, I learned about the sick child abuse, torture and murder that goes on in the Netherlands.  Much of the information has been deleted or hidden, but here is enough to make you take notice.

Illuminati Bloodlines

Chateaux Des Amerois (Mothers of Darkness Castle

Chateau Des Amerois – MKULTRA, Illuminati Castle

Mothers Of Darkness Castle (rescued Images)
I guess I have an obsession with this castle, it appears that the owner does everything that they can to keep it invisible. Almost every image of it has been removed from the internet, as soon as a good video appears about it on Youtube it is aken down. The images here have been rescued from Google’s cache, the view of the castle on Google Maps is interesting, it appears as a nondescript blue blob.

I’ve discovered through research that the castle is owned by Solvay, the people who provide us with controversial antidepressant, for example Prozac and Paroxetine. Drugs wh ich have been held responsible for the spurge of mass killings being witnessed in schools and universities around the world. Solvay also provide Children’s camps across the globe and interestingly in Brussels. Would you trust these people to look after your child?

Data for Child Focus, Belgium

  • In 2008, Child Focus’ case managers dealt with 2177 missing persons and sexual abuse files, involving in total 2388 children. Of these cases:
    • 1 041 files concerning runaways (1 053 children); of which 47% concern children between 13 and 15, and 12% concern children below 13;
    • 435 files concerned parental abductions (331 children);
    • 351 files concerned missing unaccompanied migrant minors;
    • 49 files concerned an effective abduction by a third person, of which 3 concerned abductions by total strangers;
    • 21 files concerned lost or otherwise missing children (24 children);
    • 280 files concerned cases of sexual abuse of children (294 children), of which nearly 60% concerned children below 12

Brussels throws out McCann’s appeal for European missing child alert system

This article is interesting because Kate and Gerry McCann’s appeal for an alert system to assist in finding missing children was rejected and instead member states will set up their own systems and work together to alert border officials and foreign police forces more quickly following child abductions.

This is a nonsense, obviously the best system would be a centralized database which authorities could access in the advent of a missing child, thereby having immediate access to the data rather than decentralized systems which do not work together. I find it horrifying to discover that you have more chance of finding a missing car than a missing child. There is something is a bit fishy here isn’t there? Could it be that all these high profile individuals, Royal family members, politicians et al, do not want their perverse pedophilia games to end and they will do anything to enable their activities.

Look up the Detroux affair

A massive pedophile network came to light and was hushed up and 20 key witnesses “Commited Suicide”

Belgium Pedophilia Scandal /Did Authorities Cover Up Its Scope?
Barry James, International Herald Tribune , 16/12/1999

BRUSSELS – In Belgium, the X-Files refer not to the U.S. television series but to a series of horrific witness accounts of an alleged pedophile network.
The five women and the male transvestite who testified anonymously in Belgium under the code-name ”X ” described an underworld of snuff movies and sadomasochist torture
that was almost impossible to believe. And they said that politicians and other highly
placed members of society were involved.

The conventional wisdom is that the witnesses were either deranged or were recounting
fantasies. It was, in the jargon of psychiatrists, a bad case of false-memory syndrome.

• But a new book by three crime reporters, ”The X-Files: What Belgium Was Not
Supposed to Know About the Dutroux Affair,” published in French and Dutch in
November, asserts that the X-witnesses were more credible than the conventional
wisdom suggests.

The cover up was so obvious that 300,000 Belgiums went to the streets to protest against the way the investigation was conducted. At least 3 families of the victims have been convinced there is a massive cover up and at least 20 crucial witness have ‘committed suicide’. It seems to be very hard to get access to these X-files. Maybe that has to do with the fact that many senior officials have been named as participants in the above crimes, including members of the royal family and at least one former European Commissioner (name hasn’t been made public). At the moment, I don’t see how Springmeier or Wheeler could have gained access to these secret hearings, but we’ll see where this story goes in the future. I’ll also check out the place the first time I’m getting near it. The chateau is not named in the usual lists of Belgium castles. Pictures and references are in very short supply. (It’s kept very well hidden, just why is that? unless these people have something to hide!)

Chateau des Amerois The castle was owned by Prince Philipp von Saxe-Coburg-Gotha and later by the Solvay family. The Solvay family is one of the leading industrial families of Europe (producer of medicines, plastics, and chemicals like fluor). In their 1996 book, Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler (very unsure what to think of their information) referred to it as the ‘Mothers of Darkness castle’.

Documentation which indicates that The Solvay family still own the castle. See following Hunting permit:

This obscure castle does indeed exist and has been named in late 1996 and early 1997 by at least one ‘X’ survivor of the Dutroux affair as a place where nasty things happened. Different witnesses who described child torture, child rape, child molestation, child hunting, and child murder have been declared ‘mad’, but only after all the original investigators were suddenly replaced. There were also multiple claims of sex parties that were held in different castles. It didn’t matter that the witness accounts included many verifiable corroborative details and helped solve a couple of previous child murders.

Please do whatever research you can to expose this disgusting group of people, information appears everday about Satanic Ritual Abuse and everyday the information disappears, or get’s buried on the Internet. Set up some Google Alerts about the Mothers of Darkness castle and publish the information on your blog, before it get’s taken down.

Many thanks 🙂

for more information about the chateau amerois go to this page:
Mother of Darkness castle can be seen on Google Maps. The coordinates I have found for it on the net are just alittle off. The “blue blob” actually appears to be a pond on the castle’s grounds (near the entrance). castle’s grounds are extensive and contain several smaller buildings. Here is the exact google coordinates – 49.748374,5.151
January 15, 2010 at 11:05 PM
UK Motorbike Blogs said…
Hi, You are totally correct about your assumptions. It IS the royalty of Europe and the Elite businessmen and Politicians of the world keeping these things quiet as too many times the spotlight has got quite close and theyve had to kill all the witnesses etc.

Look up the “Franklin Cover-Up”, this website;

and I have many more files about these hideous creatures kidnapping, raping, torturing and killing our babies. Children should be given EVERY amount of protection needed to ensure Evil satanists such as these demons never get within a 100 miles of them, yet OUR police, politicians and judges seem to not give a damn what happens to children! WHY would that BE???? ONLY 1 reason makes perfect sense, they want to continue their satanic rituals as it brings them closer to their Evil Lords.

Make as much noise as you can, but never stop telling your friends where this info is on the Net, as without us even more kids will be treated as sex slaves and made to perform sex acts with these hideous evil old men who rule our countries.


ps; also try these websites too:

September 27, 2012 at 4:38 AM
occultologist said…
In the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic language, the word “AMER” — as in AMER-ica, or AMER-ois — indicated “A SACRIFICIAL VICTIM!” This place might be the REAL “Ground Zero”. Witchcraft rules this world; that’s why George Washington was sworn in on “THE WITCHES’ SABBATH” known as Walpurgis Night (April 30th/May 1st). It’s also why George W. Bush (Skull & Bones) was reading “My Pet Goat” during 9/11 — an obvious occult signature! (Divide the Mass of the Sun by the Days in the Solar Year & you get 911! Also, a Nautical Mile divided by 666 gives you 911!)
August 5, 2013 at 4:43 PM

Mothers of Darkness Castle: The Most Evil Place on Earth! Documentary


NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo Holds Coronavirus Briefing | NBC News (Live Stream Recording)

April 2, 2020
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo holds a briefing on the coronavirus pandemi

The JOKE is on them, because GOD IS ULTIMATELY IN CONTROL!   He is using all things to bring about HIS perfect WILL for HIS CREATION!

