Did you see the recent eclipse?

I thought it was beautiful. Prior to Jesus’ death on the cross, any solar eclipse was called “the sign of Jonah.” The Great Assyrian Eclipse of 763 B.C. got people’s attention, while prophet Jonah walked through the great city of Nineveh preaching “Repent!”

Assyrian kings had committed such atrocities against Israel that Jonah refused God’s direct order to preach there. Instead he got on a boat going the opposite direction, but wound up in the belly of a great fish God had prepared for the occasion. Once the fish vomited a repentant Jonah onshore, his preaching reached the ears of the king himself who commanded everyone to abstain from food and to repent. As a result, God had mercy and spared Nineveh from destruction.

Regardless of how majestic an eclipse may seem, it can carry prophetic warnings if people have eyes to see. God has been calling Americans to repent – express sincere regret and remorse for one’s actions. Seven years ago he sent an eclipse, which began in Salem, Oregon, and concluded on the east coast in Ft. Sumter, Charleston, South Carolina, where the Civil War began. The path of the Great American Eclipse went through seven towns named Salem, which means “Peace.”

The eclipse April 8, 2024, began in Eagle Pass, Texas, where General Shelby buried the last Confederate flag thus ending the Civil War. Amazingly, it goes through seven towns named “Nineveh” beginning with one named “Jonah.” The paths of these two American eclipses intersect over Illinois, the “Land of Lincoln,” who was president during the Civil War. Since these two eclipses are only seven years apart, one would think their occurrence to be fairly common, but the only other eclipse confined to America occurred in 1776, the birth of American independence.

It’s hard to know whether the current troubles befalling America are of our own making or just natural phenomena. Many blame our toxic weather patterns, floods, forest fires, increase in earthquakes, and more on climate change. All I know is what the Bible says in Proverbs 14:34, “Justice exalts a nation but sin makes nations miserable.”

At the end of March, our representative to the United Nations stood against our ally and God’s chosen people Israel by refusing to veto a resolution demanding a cease-fire in Gaza. Speaking of Israel, God says in Isaiah 60:12, “For the nation and kingdom which will not serve you shall perish, and those nations shall be utterly ruined.” and Zechariah 2:8: “He who touches you, touches the apple of my eye.” On April 5, 2024, an earthquake shook New York measuring 4.8 on the Richter scale. Then on April 8, America’s second solar eclipse in seven years registered darkness along the path of totality lasting 4.28 minutes. The Book of Jonah has only 48 verses, but Jeremiah 4:28 states, “For this reason the earth shall mourn and the heavens above shall become dark because I have spoken, I have decided, and I will not change my mind, nor will I turn back from it.” Exodus 4:8 states, “If they will not believe you or pay attention to the evidence of the first sign, they may believe the evidence of the second sign.”

On the first day of creation God spoke light into existence. On the fourth day, he created lights in the heavens – the sun, moon, and stars – for signs, seasons, days, and years.

Luke 21:25: “Expect to witness amazing and perplexing signs with the sun, moon and stars…and on the earth distress and anguish among nations…”

His signs are all around us. Can we see them?

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