Wouldn’t that be wonderful…if the whole world came to know the TRUE FAITH and received the wonderful GIFT OF SALVATION!!   Sadly, that is not the RELIGION that POOP FRANCIS TEACHES.  He is after all the POPE OF ROME. He is not looking to HEAL the BODY OF CHRIST, he is looking to heal the deadly … Click Here to Read More

Simple TRUTH makes all the DIFFERENCE

IF THERE WAS OR WILL BE A TIME TO MAKE A STAND FOR LIFE… IT IS NOW!   Very soon we will all stand before the CREATOR and give an answer for what we did and did not do.  We have a small window of time to demonstrate that we stand for LIFE and against the … Click Here to Read More

To Kill With the BEASTS of the Earth

FOLKS, whether you want to believe it or not… WE ARE LIVING in the TIME OF THE END.  The world is about to run into its expiration date.  There is an awful lot of jockeying and wrestling for position as the various forces seek to gain control of whatever they can an hold onto. Man … Click Here to Read More


 Dragons are everywhere!  The fascination with dragons seems to be exploding, by design.  There are pictured everywhere, paraded down the street on floats and dancing through the city on hundreds of human feet.  They are paddled down our rivers, lakes and seas in great throngs.  Major storms are described as dragons.  In fact many things … Click Here to Read More


Ohhh, That Old Devil is a Trickster.   He has people convinced that they are merely exercising their right and free will.  But, people don’t realize the trap he has set.  He is comes but to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY.   Those who hate God, love DEATH because their chosen MASTER IS DEATH!! It was not enough … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 9/18/24 TRUTHERS have been telling us for years that this was the plan.  We have watched it as it was building, and did nothing.  NOW — it is too late to stop it! This was a very well planned, well organized, well financed plot to destroy America, reduce the population, and guarantee no … Click Here to Read More

Taking a Break

Dear Friends, I am taking some time to spend with my lovely grand daughters.  You will not see any posts from probably for the next week. I hope you understand.  Time is short and I want to enjoy my family while I can. There is plenty to see on the site.  Heavens, I forget what … Click Here to Read More

The Beast of the Sea

All over the world and in every culture there are tales of Sea Creatures.  Scientists will tell you that they never existed, that people made them up in their heads out of fear of the unknown. Growing up, I recall being taught that believing in sea monsters was utterly ridiculous and only fools believe. However, … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 9/2/24 Dear Friends, if you have not already decided to tack this stuff seriously, you better do it now.  It is too late to stop it but at least you can prepare yourself for it and not be taken unaware. For a brief time, years ago, I worked in the mortgage industry and … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 9/2/24 Well, what can I say?  Ever sense Bill Gates moved into the field of medicine (without a medical degree or a license) the World has spiraled ever downward. He Loves His Mosquitos.  When he talks about them he salivates!!   GATES – WORKING HIS MOSQUITOS MALARIA IS MALARIA BILL’s NEXT BIG PLANDEMIC? FACEMASKS … Click Here to Read More

Behold One Greater than Jonah is HERE!

Dearly Beloved of GOD!!!  That is YOU!  If you are a human being…GOD LOVES YOU.  He is such a merciful and loving GOD.  In spite of our wickedness and rebellious hearts…GOD OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, LOVES US!! Matthew 16:4 4 A wicked and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given unto … Click Here to Read More

Betelgeuse – Programming of Horror, Monsters and Death

I can’t believe I am posting on Betelgeuse.  I would never watch this movie, let alone give it ANY attention.  However, I knew when the first one came through there was a reason why it was given so much attention and accolades.  When I discovered that there was a real star by the name…it was … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 9/2/24 UPDATE ADDED 9/1/2024   So many questions W.H.O. doesn’t answer. IF you don’t believe by now, you just don’t want to face the truth! Folks, people have been warning about this for YEARS!!  And still the sheeple follow mindlessly.  Trusting those who have never had a word of truth pass through them.  I … Click Here to Read More