Unbelievable Footage of Big Foot

UPDATE ADDED 11/3/23   Wow, folks!  This video footage is EXTREMELY AMAZING! Many witnesses of this sighting.  Passengers and crew of the Train that was traveling from Durangto to Silverton, Colorado. Check it out. If you have not seen my related post, Check it Out! spacer Apes and Elephants spacer From the video of the following … Click Here to Read More

Present day Dragons – End-time Sign

You may or may not be aware that Dragons are not relegated to the Ancient Past.  They are very much a part of our current society and often in the news. Today we are going to look at some of the different ways and places were Dragons are very relevant.  You may find yourself surprised … Click Here to Read More


From the Beginning.  THE SNAKE was there in the Garden, with his own version of TRUTH.  Cast out of the Garden, humans grew more and more sinful.  In time, they forgot the Garden and GOD.  They followed their own lusts and the enemy of their soul told them lies.  The fallen Angels taught them secret … Click Here to Read More

Weaponized Weather for Population Management

DESTRUCTION and DEVASTATION delivered with precision.  The aftermath clears the land of all the “undesirables” and makes way for their luxurious lifestyles. Over the last 40 years I have watched the world I live in transmogrify before my very eyes.  It has reached the point where I don’t even recognize it any more.  There is … Click Here to Read More

She’s On Top – at what COST?

WOW, what a whirlwind!  She is riding high.  Got billions of devotees – fanatics adoring her and clamoring for more. They are buying her albums like mad and paying through the nose to attend her concerts.  She is their role model, their icon, and with all their hearts they believe she is their friend. But, … Click Here to Read More

The MAGIC of the Season!

It never ceases to amaze me how excited people get about this season.  They look forward to it with great anticipation.  It is growing more and more popular every year.  In fact, it is fast approaching the point where it will surpass CHRISTMAS!!  Which historically has been the most anticipated time of year.   (I don’t … Click Here to Read More


Ever hear of “Sovereign Immunity”? Sovereign immunity, or crown immunity, is a legal doctrine whereby a sovereign or state cannot commit a legal wrong and is immune from civil suit or criminal prosecution, strictly speaking in modern texts in its own courts. State immunity is a similar, stronger doctrine, that applies to foreign courts. We all know that Barry Sortoro aks Barack Hussein Obama is not now … Click Here to Read More

Mt Hermon – They’re Here!

The Hermon mountain range is in Syrian, Lebanese, and Israeli territory. Its highest elevation  in Israeli controlled territory and Israel’s tallest mountain, is 7,335 ft high (civilians can climb to the 6,692 ft mark). The Israeli Mt. Hermon is covered in snow during the winter months. Its summit, currently in Syrian control, reaches 9,232 ft … Click Here to Read More


IT AIN’T OVER, ‘TIl IT’S OVER!! If you are of the opinion that Jade Helm began OR ended in 2015, you are deceived.  It started long before then and it has been with us ever since.  The fullness of its culmination will not be realized for yet a little while.  The entire Exercise was created … Click Here to Read More


There seems to be a lot of people who just can’t imagine what is wrong with celebrating Halloween.  There are a lot of mixed messages about the origin of the holiday and its activities and symbols.  Most people are convinced that there was never any Human Sacrifice involved.  Where is the evidence? Where is the … Click Here to Read More

Why is St Lucia suddenly so popular?

Saint Lucia, Saint Lucia,; Venite all’agile barchetta mia…Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia … You know, my dad used to go around the house singing that chorus.  Naturally, I picked it up.  I guess I have belted it out off and on throughout my life, not even knowing what it really meant or embodied or symbolized, or … Click Here to Read More


With all the amazingly ignorant and blasphemous remarks that flow out of the mouth of the one called “Pope” Francis I am flabbergasted that anyone gives him any credibility.  In fact, I am appalled that he continues to be exalted and adored by the masses.  I can’t for the life of me figure out why … Click Here to Read More


Today is Friday the 13th of October.  Hamas has called for Jihadist violence wherever they are around the world.  Let me tell you, that is EVERYWHERE.  Thanks to all the forced migration we have been dealing with for the past two decades.   There is no where in the world that is safe from RADICAL ISLAMISTS … Click Here to Read More


Pray!!  Stay Alert!!  Avoid Crowds!  Stay off the streets.  Only travel if absolutely necessary.  Get what you need today. TOMORROW has been declared a WORLDWIDE JIHAD!  There are Islamic Terrorists living in your neighborhood.  NO ONE IS SAFE.  They could be attacking ANYWHERE!   As we have seen in Israel this week these TERRORISTS are MERCILESS … Click Here to Read More


Update Added 10/12/23 UPDATE ADDED 10/11/23 2:19 PM THIS IS A WARNING!   A Multifaceted warning!  It is urgent that you stay on High Alert at this time.  Especially due to the risk of Possible Terror Attacks right here in our own neighborhoods. I HATE OCTOBER. This month should be wiped off the Calendar.  It is … Click Here to Read More