Updates added 12/27/23 It seems it is time to update you on the progress of the NEOM Project in Saudi Arabia.It s interesting that out of this Project may come an awakening.  Many people are learning for the first time about the TRUE MT SINAI where GOD spoke to the PEOPLE OF EARTH and gave … Click Here to Read More


Seriously folks, are you listening to what they are blatantly declaring??  Do you think they are kidding?  I cannot believe they can state their justification for what they are doing with a straight face. You better believe that these people are SERIOUS about the Objectives.  Their completion date is just around the corner.  You should … Click Here to Read More


SO many people have been displaced through not fault of their own over the past 10 years!  The fires, the flooding, the Tornados and the Hurricanes.  That does not even take into consideration all the other causes or people losing their livelihood and their homes. Outsourced, Downsized, Laid Off, Quarantined, Replaced by Automation/Robotics, undercut by … Click Here to Read More


REALITY and TRUTH  VS  IMAGERY AND LIES Even God’s word is a collection of stories.  Because humans learn best through them.  Story telling and story tellers have been with us throughout our history.  Imagery and imagination are valuable tools for conveying thoughts, ideas, history and culture. Vain imaginations, lies, deceit are tools the devil uses … Click Here to Read More

Crazy Delphi gets Crazier all the TIME!

UPDATE ADDED 12/13/23 This is a vey important case for many reasons.  One of those reasons is that there is so obviously a conspiracy to cover up the truth.  It is hard to tell who all is lying, They all seem shady.  There are factors about which we have no information. That is the reason … Click Here to Read More

Corrupt Food Industry / Population Control

I think that just about everyone will find  something in this post that will surprise them.  I know I did. More and more of the pieces are coming together.  The CONSPIRACY runs so deep and wide it makes it hard to detect and harder to believe. The elite have been poisoning us for quite a … Click Here to Read More

What’s in the ALPS?

In this post, we are taking a closer, deeper look at the ALPS.  I believe you will be surprised by some of the things revealed here.  I know that I was really amazed. Now, you know the subject of the Ruling Elite and their meetings wherein the decide the fate of all of us is … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 12/12/23spacer In 2014, the United States government declared a crisis at the border to address the rapid increase in the number of unaccompanied children and, to a lesser extent, women, migrating through border checkpoints and/or unguarded entry points, especially into Texas. For 9 years now, our borders have been overrun with illegal aliens.  … Click Here to Read More


Archaeology is making great discoveries!  There may be many people who have no idea what they have uncovered.  If your busy life keeps you from noticing what is happening in the world, you are not alone.  All of us are finding our lives are so busy and the days pass so quickly.  However, somethings are … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 12/4/23; 12/5/23 at the end of the post; COMMENTS ADDED 12/6/23 My purpose in researching this crime and creating this post is to bring the truth to light.  Whether you realize it or not, what happened in DELPHI affects YOUR LIFE.  This ; not a one person crime, not even a small group … Click Here to Read More


Locked out of your car or locked up in internment camps… more of our rights are being taken away covertly by our own government.  They bury these bill, laws, regulation and rulings inside of unrelated documents that are so long that none of our representatives ever read them.  When we call them on these actions, … Click Here to Read More

IT’s OFFICIAL!! THE USA has turned to BAAL Child Sacrifice

Well, those of us who know GOD have known for a long time that Abortion is Child Sacrifice.  Recently, we saw Abortionists admit that they perform Satanic Rituals at Abortions, and call it a Religious Rite.  But, this my dear friends takes the cake. A leading MAINSTREAM magazine has printed an Article that lays it … Click Here to Read More


Here is all the latest and greatest information on Mosquito Born Diseases, Newest Vaccine approval,  Nanobot Technology, Micro Weapons, and so much more. Without further ado, I will let the material speak for itself. spacer Be sure and check out the following related posts, for more information on the use of insects as weapons: WORLD’S … Click Here to Read More


Bill Gates and the WHO are at it again.  Like their leader Satan/The Devil/The Adversary they don’t even change their tactics.  They know they don’t have to.  People are so gullible. This post will present to you all the information that will help you to recognize the TRUTH and see their tactics for what the … Click Here to Read More

Maui the ashes from which their 50 in 5 will RISE!

I happened to click on the first video below, it is about the Maui/Lahaina Fire.  It is an appeal for all of us to keep their plight in the spotlight and to NEVER FORGET.  This I think is very good advice, because the truth is that what happened in Maui is a serious ALARM and … Click Here to Read More