TRUSTING… Americans have been so trusting of our government for so long we did not even recognize that it had been taken over by those who hate FREEDOM.  Freedom, which has been guaranteed to US citizens for so long it was taken for granted. When computers were introduced, with the internet highway, trusting Americans just … Click Here to Read More

Concord Earthquake – Connections

While I was researching the Etowah Quake, I cam across the story of an Earthquake that occurred in Concord, NH recently.  It  actually happened  while I was working on the Concord/Concordia posts. Naturally, my curiosity was peaked and I was compelled to take a look.  At first, it appeared there was not much to see…but … Click Here to Read More

Earthquake New Madrid

This past week there was an Earthquake near the NEW MADRID Faultline.  It was a very unusual earthquake according to witnesses.  It was a decent size, according to the geologissts.  Details confirmed by U.S. Geological Survey  and according to Arkansas Division of Emergency Management, no one was injured and no damage was reported. Most of us … Click Here to Read More


Warming up the planet to melt the glaciers and flood the earth.  Satan playing God as usual.  Are they removing the CO2 to prepare us to live in the ocean? Satan created Dagon and worship of Marine entities.  He wants to convince humanity that they were created from the Ocean gods and NOT our Heavenly … Click Here to Read More


This is one of the most important posts I have ever done.  It serves to connect a lot of the dots.  Don’t miss it. I understand that historically the average person has had a seriously difficult time believing that a small group of people were conspiring against he rest of us.  Meeting in remote resorts … Click Here to Read More

Concordia – BIZARRE Any way you look at it.

UPDATE ADDED 12/29/23 This post is an indepth look at the baffling tale of the Costa Concordia collision with THE ROCK on FRIDAY 13th of January, 2012  at 9.44 pm near the Isle of Giglio. Yes, this is an old story, and you may think you know all that you care to know about it.  … Click Here to Read More

COP 28 – Charles – 7 years to 2030

KING CHARLES (of the line of CHARLAMAGNE/in the New Caroleon after King Charles the 1st) warns us that we are now only SEVEN YEARS away from 2030. In his speech for the opening of COP28, Charles said some very interesting and disturbing things. Here are a few that I found ringing alarm bells in my … Click Here to Read More

People have uncovered the TRUTH and the Elite are Scared!

They thought they had everything under control.  They owned everything, they made the rules, they decided what we could see and hear, they controlled the money, they controlled the jobs, they even controlled the weather.  They were well on their way to gaining full control of our bodies, minds and even our spirits.  BUT, somehow, … Click Here to Read More

The Outlandish Story of Jonah and Nineveh – Fact or Fiction?

The story of Jonah and the Whale seems to bizarre to take seriously.  “SCIENTISTS” have pounded into our brains repeatedly that it is not humanly possible for a human to be swallowed by a Whale, let alone survive for three days and be rescued. The media scoffs at bible believers.  People are so fearful of … Click Here to Read More

Update on OUR MOVE 12/17/23

Dear Friends, I wanted to let you all know that I will not be able to work on my webpage as normal for a little while.  I have a lot of things I need to do to prepare for what is coming for me and my son in 2024. Many of you are aware that … Click Here to Read More


Updates added 12/27/23 It seems it is time to update you on the progress of the NEOM Project in Saudi Arabia.It s interesting that out of this Project may come an awakening.  Many people are learning for the first time about the TRUE MT SINAI where GOD spoke to the PEOPLE OF EARTH and gave … Click Here to Read More


Seriously folks, are you listening to what they are blatantly declaring??  Do you think they are kidding?  I cannot believe they can state their justification for what they are doing with a straight face. You better believe that these people are SERIOUS about the Objectives.  Their completion date is just around the corner.  You should … Click Here to Read More


SO many people have been displaced through not fault of their own over the past 10 years!  The fires, the flooding, the Tornados and the Hurricanes.  That does not even take into consideration all the other causes or people losing their livelihood and their homes. Outsourced, Downsized, Laid Off, Quarantined, Replaced by Automation/Robotics, undercut by … Click Here to Read More


REALITY and TRUTH  VS  IMAGERY AND LIES Even God’s word is a collection of stories.  Because humans learn best through them.  Story telling and story tellers have been with us throughout our history.  Imagery and imagination are valuable tools for conveying thoughts, ideas, history and culture. Vain imaginations, lies, deceit are tools the devil uses … Click Here to Read More

Crazy Delphi gets Crazier all the TIME!

UPDATE ADDED 12/13/23 This is a vey important case for many reasons.  One of those reasons is that there is so obviously a conspiracy to cover up the truth.  It is hard to tell who all is lying, They all seem shady.  There are factors about which we have no information. That is the reason … Click Here to Read More