DAVOS 2024

This year’s DAVOS Summit was full of surprises, for the invitee, for the leaders, for us poor folk who get the info second hand. I am not really sure what the Elite fear most right now.  AI or rebellious masses who refuse to trust the science. You pesky humans!!  Why don’t you behave?  Every time … Click Here to Read More


Wait a minute… WHAT??  GUNS FOR ILLEGALS??  They are working night and day to devise ways to take GUNS away from law abiding US Citizens…  but they are making it easy for ILLEGAL ALIENS INVADING OUR COUNTRY TO PURCHASE GUNS!!    You can fool some of the people some of the time. WHAT? Now, the … Click Here to Read More


What they show us, what they allow us to see, is such a miniscule portion of what they are doing behind the curtain and what they have already done. I knew when I first learned about Crispr that it was going to play a humungous role in our destruction.  Once the developed CRSPR CAS 9 … Click Here to Read More


Before anyone gets offended, understand that this is reality.  There are JEWS who HATE ALL NON JEWS!  There are also others who are not guilty of the heinous behavior, philosophy, or ritualistic practices of these Pagans. The Jews depicted below are of the Synagogue of Satan.  They are the Pharisees that Jesus/Yahushua confronted while He … Click Here to Read More

We Need to Find Solutions – QUICK!

Updates Added 1/17/24 I am well aware that the country is up in arms about Governor Abbott sending immigrants north, but I think it was the best thing anyone could have done to get this issue addressed.  As long as the southern states were stuck with housing and feeding the hundreds of thousands of illegal … Click Here to Read More

What are they Building at EctoLife?

Watching their promos I found it very interesting that these Scientists/Technologist who see the unborn in the womb of their biological mother as fetal tissue, yet the refer to these creatures they are making as “babies”.  They are not in anyway natural.  They are not living beings created by GOD and endowed with the breath … Click Here to Read More


CHILDREN OF THE SPACE AGE.  Since the 50’s we have been bombarded with visuals of space.  Space travel, space aliens, it is in our music, on our TV’s, in the Movies, on posters and advertising.  Our heads, hearts and spirits have been fed a continuous stream.  Young people today cannot even distinguish truth from fiction.  … Click Here to Read More

Sarasota Starshine

If you are wounded, lost, lonely, sad, searching for fulfillment, looking for peace, poor, homeless, orphaned, rejected, sick in body, mind or spirit; THERE IS ONE WHO CAN PROVIDE ALL THAT YOU ARE SEEKING/NEEDING.  You will NEVER FIND lasting peace or true love in anything or anyone on this Earth or in any other dimension.  … Click Here to Read More


Ok, folks. This Bayside Mall and all the other strange things happening in Miami is important. There is a reason, ya’ll, that this is being covered up.  If you can see that there is a cover up, you don’t want to.  Police have stated they are not “allowed” to talk about it, eye witness videos … Click Here to Read More

Here it is – Clearly Laid Out for YOU

When God first inaugurated my mission and plunged me into this crazy endeavor of uncovering and sharing TRUTH with a lost world, there was not much available information and not many people sharing the truth.  It was difficult to find evidence of all the things that God was revealing to me.  Without evidence to present, … Click Here to Read More


NGOs, 501C3, Large Corporations, Special Interest Groups, Environmentalists, Animal Rights Organizations, Children’s Research Hospitals, Cancer Centers, Heart Association, Emergency Aid Services,  Universities etc.. and all PHILANTHROPIC Organizations; AKA Non-Government Entities should currently be under a very high degree of suspicion and scrutiny.  CHARITY has been HIGHJACKED and given a bad reputation.  The truly altruistic giving … Click Here to Read More

Did Bayside Mall, Miami become a PORTAL?

UPDATE: 1/10/24 Here is a very interesting story.  You may have heard about it, but I just learned of it this morning.  It seemed that God wanted me to share it so I began my spirit lead research.  Apparently, there has been a grand effort to suppress all the testimony and evidence of this incident.  … Click Here to Read More


OH ALL YE PEOPLE, YOU CANNOT AFFORD TO MISS THIS!!   HERE IS COMES.  THE END TIME UNITY, ONE WORLD RELIGION.  READ, WATCH and LISTEN carefully all the way to the END.  Everything that they have been doing has been leading up to this.  ALL their agendas are coming together.  AND IT IS ALL ABOUT TAKING … Click Here to Read More

Ron’s Findings are God’s Gift to US

Will you follow the voice of DECEIT?  Or, will you follow the Voice of TRUTH? For all of you who are familiar with the discoveries of Ron Wyatt, and for all those who are not, there is lots of new and exciting information and visuals in this post.  Ron was a true and honest SERVANT … Click Here to Read More


You may or may not be aware that the Arab Nations are on the Rise.  They are seeking to be at the TOP of the New World Order.  Of course you are aware that these nations have the Wealth that is required to rebuild using the latest technology.  OIL has made them rich with the … Click Here to Read More