Please WAKE UP and SMELL THE COFFEE. Shake off the deception and embrace the TRUTH.
March 29th, 2024.
NASA firing three rockets into the solar eclipse and wait til you hear what they call the project.
The Serpent Deity. The satanic lunatics are causing every single disaster as part of their continuous evil cuIt rituals to appease the serpent from the Bible: formerly known as Lucifer The Morningstar, before he fell from the Heavens, trying to be God himself. Now banished from Heaven and still butthurt and vengeful like a petulant child.
Don’t forget that the national guard is being deployed en masse for this utter nonsense.
They also told us to stock up on food and water because grid “failures” are expected somehow.
Never before has an eclipse caused any commotion. But now we’re supposed to fear it.
Well they sure are trying their best to give us something messed up to disable and destroy our lives.
İt’s all so tiresome with these satanic loonies.
Credit: alphaandomega985

NASA has removed a huge space rock from its risk list because scientists think it has almost no chance of hitting Earth in 2068.
Previously, the ‘God of Chaos’ asteroid was given a one in 150,000 of hitting Earth in 47 years — about a third the odds of being struck by lightning.
However, a devastating impact from the space rock hasn’t been ruled out completely, it’s just not expected to happen for over 100 years.
Researchers think if asteroid Apophis, named after the Egyptian god of chaos, hit Earth then it could kill around 10 million people.
If it strikes it could unleash an explosion the equivalent of 1,200million tons of TNT or about 80,000 Hiroshima nuclear bombs.
The asteroid recently shot past Earth and is expected to come fairly close in 2029.

Nasa tweeted: “New data confirm Earth is safe from #asteroid Apophis for next 100+ years.
“Apophis was previously identified as one of the most potentially hazardous asteroids, but new radar observations have ruled that out. Just another day for @NASA #PlanetaryDefense!”
Astronomer Davide Farnocchia of NASA’s Center for Near-Earth Object Studies said: “With the support of recent optical observations and additional radar observations, the uncertainty in Apophis’s orbit has collapsed from hundreds of kilometers to just a handful of kilometers when projected to 2029.
“This greatly improved knowledge of its position in 2029 provides more certainty of its future motion, so we can now remove Apophis from the risk list.”

Nasa removed the asteroid from its Sentry Impact Risk Table and the European Space Agency also took Apophis off its Risk List.
Apophis was discovered in 2004 and used to be third on a Nasa list of collision threats to Earth.
It is about 1,200ft long, which makes it a few feet bigger than the Shard, Britain’s tallest building.
By contrast, the asteroid or comet which smacked into Earth 66million years ago, wiping out 75 per cent of species including the dinosaurs, was up to 50 miles wide.
Astronomers will continue to keep a close eye on Apophis.
There next big chance to study it closely will be in April 2029 when the asteroid is expected to come around 19,600 miles away from Earth.
Farnocchia said: “When I started working with asteroids after college, Apophis was the poster child for hazardous asteroids.
“There’s a certain sense of satisfaction to see it removed from the risk list, and we’re looking forward to the science we might uncover during its close approach in 2029.”
What’s the difference between an asteroid, meteor and comet?
- Asteroid: An asteroid is a small rocky body that orbits the Sun. Most are found in the asteroid belt (between Mars and Jupiter) but they can be found anywhere (including in a path that can impact Earth)
- Meteoroid: When two asteroids hit each other, the small chunks that break off are called meteoroids
- Meteor: If a meteoroid enters the Earth’s atmosphere, it begins to vapourise and then becomes a meteor. On Earth, it’ll look like a streak of light in the sky, because the rock is burning up
- Meteorite: If a meteoroid doesn’t vapourise completely and survives the trip through Earth’s atmosphere, it can land on the Earth. At that point, it becomes a meteorite
- Comet: Like asteroids, a comet orbits the Sun. However rather than being made mostly of rock, a comet contains lots of ice and gas, which can result in amazing tails forming behind them (thanks to the ice and dust vapourising)

Apophis: Egyptian God Of Chaos And Darkness
Apophis: Egyptian God Of Chaos And Darkness
Welcome to a journey through time, where myths echo the essence of creation, and gods play a pivotal role in shaping the cosmos. In the ancient Egyptian pantheon, a plethora of deities each held dominion over aspects of the universe, from the nurturing embrace of the Nile to the unfathomable reaches of the afterlife. Yet, amidst this celestial order, there lurked forces of chaos and unpredictability, personified none more ominously than by the Egyptian god Apophis. This deity, shrouded in the mantle of darkness and chaos, presents a fascinating enigma that has piqued the curiosity of historians, archaeologists, and travelers alike.
What secrets lie beneath the serpentine guise of Apophis? How did this ancient figure influence the beliefs, rituals, and everyday lives of the Egyptians? This blog embarks on an explorative odyssey to unravel the mysteries surrounding Apophis, delving into ancient texts, myths, and archaeological discoveries to shine a light on the darkness he embodies.
Our journey will traverse the sands of time, glimpsing into the heart of Egyptian mythology to understand the intricate balance between order and chaos. Through the lens of history enthusiasts, amateur archaeologists, and avid travelers, we aim to reconnect with the past, piecing together the fragments of stories left behind. Join us as we venture into the shadows in search of answers, fueled by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge about the enigmatic Egyptian god Apophis.
Unveiling Apophis: The Primordial Force Of Chaos
In the timeless narratives of Egyptian mythology, Apophis stands as the quintessential embodiment of chaos, an antithesis to the order maintained by the cosmos and the gods who watch over it. This primordial force of darkness and turmoil plays a central role in the cyclic struggles between balance and upheaval, influencing the daily and celestial lives of the Egyptians. But who exactly is Apophis, and what are the origins of this fascinating figure?
Who Is Apophis?
Apophis, also known as Apep, is the ancient Egyptian deity of chaos, darkness, and destruction. His name, evocative of the serpentine form he often inhabits, has become synonymous with the eternal struggle against order and creation. As the archnemesis of the sun god Ra, Apophis’s role in mythology is intrinsically linked to the daily resurrection of the sun and the nightly journey through the underworld.
This dark god’s existence is not marked by temples or widespread worship but rather through the rituals and texts designed to thwart his efforts to plunge the world into chaos. Despite his malevolent nature, Apophis is a vital element of Egyptian mythology, representing the necessary counterbalance to the forces of light and life. The Egyptians believed that without Apophis, there would be no struggle, and without struggle, there would be no triumph or appreciation for order and harmony.
Embrace the concept of struggle and opposition, as they are essential for growth and appreciation of harmony in life.
The Mythological Origins Of Apophis
Tracing back to the earliest depictions in the Pyramid Texts of the Old Kingdom, the mythological origins of Apophis hint at his role as a cosmic adversary predestined to oppose the forces of light. Born from the darkness of Nun, the primordial waters, Apophis was the antithesis of Ma’at, the concept of cosmic harmony and order revered by the Egyptians.
Throughout the ages, from the Middle Kingdom to the New Kingdom and beyond, the myth of Apophis evolved, yet his goal remained unchanged: to engulf the world in perpetual darkness by swallowing the sun god Ra. The legend states that each night, as Ra journeyed through the underworld in his barque, Apophis would confront him in an epic battle that, though resolved by dawn, was destined to resume with the fall of night. This perpetual cycle underscored the Egyptian understanding of the balance between chaos and order, death and rebirth, demonstrating Apophis’s integral role in the cyclical nature of the world and the afterlife.
The Role Of Apophis In Egyptian Mythology
In Egyptian mythology, Apophis plays the critical role of the eternal antagonist to the sun god Ra, embodying the chaos that threatens the cosmic order daily. This elemental struggle reflects the Egyptians’ belief in the necessity of balance between opposing forces within the universe. Apophis, as the principal enemy of light and life, was central to the Egyptians’ understanding of the cycles that govern the cosmos and existence itself.
Apophis: The Eternal Enemy Of Ra
Apophis’s enmity with Ra, the sun god, is one of the most iconic rivalries within Egyptian cosmology. Every night, as Ra descends into the underworld, a perilous journey ensues, with Apophis lying in wait to challenge him. This nightly encounter symbolizes the struggle between light and darkness, order and chaos, a fundamental narrative that underscored Egyptian beliefs about the universe’s precarious balance.
The serpent god wasn’t merely an adversary in the abstract sense; to the Egyptians, he was a tangible manifest of the fears and uncertainties they faced daily. The battle between Apophis and Ra paint a vivid picture of life’s fragility and the constancy of change. Yet, in the resolution of their conflict at each dawn, the Egyptians found hope and reassurance – a reaffirmation of Ma’at and the continuous cycle of rebirth.
Symbolism And Representation In Ancient Texts
Apophis is consistently represented as a gigantic serpent, a symbol that immediately conveys notions of danger, uncertainty, and the primal forces of chaos. This imagery, potent and evocative, underscores the serpent’s role as the antithesis to the divine order presided over by the gods. In various ancient texts, Apophis is depicted in an eternal struggle against Ra, hinting at the underlying cyclical nature of Egyptian mythology – the perpetual conflict between creation and annihilation, order and chaos.
Through spells, rituals, and magical texts, particularly within funerary texts like the Pyramid Texts and the Book of the Dead, the Egyptians sought to use the power of the written word to protect the deceased from Apophis and ensure their safe passage into the afterlife. These texts serve as a testament to the cultural and religious significance attributed to Apophis, reflecting both the fear and respect he commanded as a deity capable of threatening the cosmic balance. Notably, such representations extend beyond the physicality of texts; they encompass the rituals and protective spells, embodying the Egyptians’ sophisticated understanding of the symbolism and invoking power against the dark forces personified by Apophis. [1]
The Epic Battles Between Apophis And Ra
The legendary encounters between Apophis and Ra during the sun god’s nightly journey through the underworld are among the most dramatic and significant narratives in Egyptian mythology. These epic battles, fought in the depths of darkness, are not mere stories; they were considered real and ongoing conflicts that directly influenced the cosmic balance and the Egyptians’ daily lives.
The Nightly Journey Of The Sun God
The nightly journey of the Sun God, Ra, is an enthralling tale that paints a vivid picture of ancient Egyptian cosmic ideology. As dusk falls, Ra embarks on a perilous voyage through the underworld, which is not just a passage of darkness but a realm teeming with threats, most notably the serpent god of chaos, Apophis. This journey is more than a myth; it’s an allegory of the eternal struggle between order and chaos, between the life-giving sun and the enveloping darkness. [2]
Ra’s mission each night is not only to emerge victorious over darkness but also to ensure the rebirth of the sun at dawn, symbolizing the triumph of order over chaos. The Egyptians saw this recurring cycle as essential not just for the gods but for the balance and continuation of life on Earth. Ancient texts and artifacts from the New Kingdom period, for example, are replete with iconography illustrating Ra’s barque, or solar boat, being guided through the underworld, hinting at the Egyptians’ fascination and reverence for the celestial realms.
The nightly journey of Ra symbolizes the eternal battle between order and chaos, highlighting the importance of overcoming darkness for the rebirth of light and life.
The Rituals To Protect Ra And Overthrow Apophis
Rituals played a crucial role in aiding Ra on his nightly odyssey through the underworld. The Egyptians believed that through religious ceremonies, they could actively participate in ensuring chaos was kept at bay and the sun god emerged victorious. One significant ritual involved the crafting and use of ‘execration texts’, where the name of Apophis was inscribed on clay figurines or pottery, which were then smashed or burned, symbolizing the defeat of Ra’s eternal enemy.
Furthermore, these rituals were not just spiritual exercises but community events that united the Egyptians in a common goal: the maintenance of order in the universe. By assuming an active role in the cosmic ballet, they believed they cemented their part in the delicate balance of the world. Priests and laypeople alike would gather in temples or along the Nile, their chants rising into the night, a testament to their faith and their determination to aid Ra in his endless battle against the forces of chaos.
The Worship And Fear Of Apophis
Fear and reverence for Apophis permeated ancient Egyptian religion, reflecting the dual nature of their world where life and death, order and chaos were in constant flux. Apophis, embodying the antithesis of light and order, was a source of darkness and chaos that required vigilant opposition. This dualistic aspect of Egyptian faith illustrated their understanding that life’s balance depended on the interplay between opposing forces, where Apophis’s attempts to swallow the sun each night necessitated rituals, magic, and the intervention of the gods to ensure order was restored with each new dawn.
Apophis In Ancient Egyptian Religion
In ancient Egyptian religion, Apophis stood as the quintessential embodiment of chaos and evil, a serpent of immense size that sought every night to consume the sun god Ra, thus plunging the world into darkness. This struggle was not merely a story but a fundamental aspect of Egyptian theological worldview, deeply influencing how Egyptians conceptualized the universe and their place within it. Priests would conduct rituals aimed at weakening Apophis, including spells from the Book of the Dead which Egyptians of high status were buried with, believing these texts would protect them in the underworld as Ra was protected during his nightly journey.
Such was the awe and dread that Apophis evoked, temples were erected not in his honor but as fortresses of rituals against him. Statues and amulets depicted the serpent being subdued or slain, reinforcing the goal that through collective will and religious rites, the underworld and death itself could be navigated successfully. The Middle Kingdom texts, for instance, detail these rituals, providing insights into the evolving strategies employed by Egyptians to ensure the stability of the order in the face of unrelenting chaos.
The Influence Of Apophis On Afterlife Beliefs
Apophis’s looming threat over the sun god‘s nightly voyage through the underworld had profound implications on Egyptian concepts of the afterlife. Ancient texts elucidate how the Egyptians viewed the afterlife as a perilous journey, mirroring Ra‘s passage, where the deceased needed protection against chaos and darkness. Amulets bearing the likeness of Ra or inscribed with protective spells were often placed with the deceased, as a means to ward off Apophis and his minions.
Moreover, the Book of the Dead – a text filled with spells, rituals, and guidance – served as a manual for the deceased to navigate the threats in the afterlife, with specific incantations dedicated to repelling Apophis. These beliefs underscore the Egyptians’ anticipation of the afterlife as another realm where the forces of order and chaos continued their eternal struggle, and where the deceased needed all the divine assistance they could muster to reach the Fields of Reeds, their final resting place of peace and order. [3]
Apophis In Modern Culture
The ancient Egyptian god Apophis, with his themes of chaos and darkness, has transcended time to find resonance in modern culture. This serpent deity’s metaphorical struggle with the sun god Ra offers a rich tapestry that artists, writers, and filmmakers continue to draw upon, reflecting humanity’s enduring fascination with the balance between light and darkness, order and chaos. References to Apophis, whether direct or subtly ingrained, serve as reminders of the complex relationship our ancestors had with the forces of nature and the unknown, illustrating how ancient myths continue to echo in our collective consciousness.
Apophis In Literature And Media
Across the sprawling expanses of literature and media, Apophis has emerged as a symbol of darkness and chaos, intriguing authors and filmmakers with his timeless struggle against order and the sun god Ra. In literature, Apophis is often depicted as the ultimate enemy, whose annual battles with Ra evoke the cyclic nature of life and death, darkness and light. Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods”, for example, taps into this mythos, presenting gods and mythical creatures in a modern context, where the themes of chaos versus order are played out on an epic scale.
In film and television, Apophis frequently assumes the role of the shadowy antagonist, a metaphor for the obstacles the protagonist must overcome. Science fiction series like “Stargate SG-1” took a more direct approach, naming one of their primary villains after the serpent god, thus acknowledging the character’s role as a bringer of chaos. Through these examples and more, Apophis’s enduring legacy continues to captivate our imagination, demonstrating the power of ancient myths in shaping modern stories and metaphors that explore the fundamental human condition.
Apophis symbolizes the eternal conflict between chaos and order, inspiring authors and filmmakers to explore profound themes of life and death, darkness and light.
The Astronomical Connection: The Asteroid Named Apophis
In an intriguing blend of ancient mysticism and modern science, the asteroid named Apophis encapsulates the fears and fascinations of both worlds. Discovered in 2004, this celestial body, carrying the name of the Egyptian god of chaos, quickly garnered attention not just for its name but for the initial concern that it might one day impact Earth. Thankfully, further calculations have assuaged those fears, revealing that Apophis will pass safely by our planet.
However, the choice of name is far from arbitrary. In selecting Apophis, astronomers linked the dark vastness of space and the unpredictability of asteroids with the ancient god’s associations of darkness and disorder. This connection reminds us that, just as the ancient Egyptians looked up to the heavens with awe and trepidation, so do we, centuries later, ponder the mysteries and potential dangers lurking in the cosmos.
1. How Did The Ancient Egyptians Try To Protect Themselves From Apophis?
To protect themselves from Apophis, the ancient Egyptians performed daily rituals and recited spells, as detailed in texts like the Book of the Dead. These practices were aimed at safeguarding the sun god Ra’s journey through the underworld, ensuring that order prevailed over chaos.
2. What Are Some Of The Symbols Associated With Apophis?
Some symbols associated with Apophis include the serpent, which represents the god’s form, and images of darkness and chaos. In Egyptian art and texts, the serpent is often depicted in battle with the sun god Ra, symbolizing the eternal struggle between order and chaos.
3. How Is Apophis Depicted In Ancient Egyptian Art?
In ancient Egyptian art, Apophis is primarily depicted as a gigantic serpent, embodying the forces of chaos and darkness that threaten the cosmic order. This representation is found in various texts and wall carvings, illustrating the serpent’s attempts to obstruct the sun god’s journey through the night sky.
4. What Is The Significance Of The Asteroid Named After Apophis?
The significance of the asteroid named after Apophis lies in its reflection of human fears and fascination with the cosmos. Just as the ancient Egyptians feared the god’s power to bring chaos, the naming of the asteroid evokes modern concerns about celestial threats to Earth.
Exploring the depths of history, the mysteries of ancient deities like the Egyptian god Apophis continue to enchant and enlighten us. Through the vivid tales of Apophis’s battles with Ra, his embodiment as a serpent, and his influence over the forces of darkness, we learn not just about ancient beliefs, but about the timeless human quest to understand the chaos that surrounds us.
The tale of the Egyptian god Apophis, from ancient texts to a modern asteroid, invites us to reflect on the continuity of human curiosity, fear, and reverence for the forces larger than ourselves. These narratives bridge cultures and epochs, revealing that our fascination with the cosmos and the stories we tell to make sense of it are a fundamental part of the human experience.
So, let us continue to delve into the past, to uncover and cherish the tales of gods, heroes, and monsters that have shaped human culture. Each discovery brings us closer not only to understanding the ancient world but also to appreciating the wealth of knowledge and wisdom it offers for our times. Thank you for joining me on this journey through the enchanting narratives of the Egyptian god Apophis. Together, may we keep the spirit of exploration alive, always eager to learn more about the mysteries of our past.