Tearing Down High Places
High places are seductive (Genesis 11:4). Before the Israelites entered the land of Canaan, the pagan religions built altars on hilltops to worship idols. These man-made shrines honored such gods as Baal, the storm god who allegedly brought rain and wealth, Ashtoreth the fertility goddess, and Molech a detestable god to whom people sacrificed their children. These religions often provided prostitutes as a part of their depraved “worship.” Such hedonistic religion appealed to peoples’ base senses of greed and sensuality.
No wonder God commanded Joshua to obliterate the Canaanites. Yet despite Joshua’s victories, remnants of the pagan peoples stubbornly remained (Joshua 17:12; Judges 1:27). Pagan worship centers continued to blight the nation’s hilltops. Appealing to peoples’ carnal nature, the high places were always popular (Judges 2:12-13, 17; 1 Kings 14:22-24).
Tragically, it was Israel’s leaders who allowed the despicable practices to continue. King Solomon actually built high places for gods such as Ashtoreth, Milcom, and Chemosh (1 Kings 11:6-7). King Jeroboam established high places in Bethel and Dan so the northern tribes would not travel to Jerusalem to worship the true God (1 Kings 12:25-33). Every leader in Israel and Judah had to decide what his approach to the high places would be. Some evil kings like Ahaz and Manasseh fully supported the high places and even made sacrifices to idols (2 Kings 16:4; 2 Kings 21:1-3). Few people matched Elijah’s courage in challenging King Ahab’s false religion on the top of Mount Carmel (1 Kings 18).
Perhaps most disappointing were kings such as Rehoboam (1 Kings 14:22-23), Asa (1 Kings 15:14), Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:43), Jehoash (2 Kings 12:2-3), Jehoahaz (2 Kings 13:6), Amaziah (2 Kings 14:4), Azariah (2 Kings 15:3-4), and Jotham (2 Kings 15:34-35). These monarchs generally sought to do good, but they stopped short of tearing down the high places. However, Judah’s two godliest leaders did have the courage to actively demolish the high places of their land: Hezekiah (2 Kings 18:4), and Josiah (2 Kings 23:4-20).
Ultimately God destroyed the nation of Israel for its debauched worship in the high places and the depravity that ensued (2 Kings 17:9-18). Scripture concludes: “Therefore the Lord was very angry with Israel, and removed them from His sight” (2 Kings 17:18). Likewise, the nation of Judah became so perforated with centers of evil that even the righteous King Josiah could not dissuade God’s wrath and the destruction of his nation (2 Kings 23:26-27).
What are the high places of America today? They are the people, organizations, and centers that promote sinful attitudes and carnal practices. They are the groups that mock God and His word and promote falsehood. Tearing down a nation’s high places is not easy. William Wilberforce recognized that many Christians were unconcerned or ignorant of the depravity their society embraced with the slave trade. After losing a critical vote in the Commons, Wilberforce lamented that there were enough Christian MP’s at the opera that evening to have deposed the slave trade had they cared enough to show up.
As a business leader today, are you satisfied, as were most of the leaders in Israel’s history, to merely mind your own business? Or, will you allow God to use your life and influence to bring the high places of our day crashing down?
· Lord, You created the high places for Your glory. Let not the enemy control the high places.
· I bind the prince of the power of the air (Ephesians 2:2).
· I bind the powers of darkness that would control the airwaves and release filth, violence, and witchcraft through the media in the name of Jesus.
· I take authority over the princes of media in the name of Jesus (Daniel 8:20).
· I bind spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12).
· Lord, destroy the idols in high places (Leviticus 26:30).
· I pluck down the high places of the enemy (Numbers 33:52).
· I am a king, and I break down the high places in the name of Jesus (2 Kings 18:4).
· I remove Nehushtan (previous moves of God that have become idols) from the high places (2 Kings 18:4).
· I remove the religious spirits from the high places (2 Kings 23:8).
· Let the high place of Tophet be removed (Jeremiah 7:31).
· Let Your holy fire burn up the high places.
· Let the high places of witchcraft be destroyed in the name of Jesus (2 Chronicles 28:4).
· Destroy all false worship in the high places (2 Chronicles 28:25).
· Let the high places be purged through Your anointing (2 Chronicles 34:3).
· Remove every false ministry in high places (1 Kings 12:31).
· Remove all strange gods from the high places (2 Chronicles 14:3).
· Remove every satanic altar erected in the high places (2 Chronicles 14:3).
· Let all high places established by any ungodly ruler be removed in the name of Jesus (2 Kings 23:19).
· Let all the high places of Baal be broken down (Jeremiah 19:5).
· I prophesy to the ancient high places and dispossess the enemy (Ezekiel 36:1�3).
· Let righteous men with Your wisdom sit in the high governmental places of my city and nation (Proverbs 9:3).
· I will walk upon the high places (Habakkuk 3:19).
· Let every high place of wickedness that has not been removed be removed (1 Kings 15:14).
· Let me ride upon the high places of the earth, and let me eat the increase of the fields, and let me suck honey out of the rock and oil out of the flinty rock (Deuteronomy 32:13).
· Let all high places built by my ancestors be removed (2 Kings 18:4).
· Let not the high places our spiritual fathers destroyed be rebuilt (2 Chronicles 33:3).
· Let the high places be desolate (Ezekiel 6:6).
· I tread upon the high places of the wicked (Deuteronomy 33:29).
· I break the power of any sacrifice done in the high places (1 Kings 3:2).
· I walk in the spirit of Josiah to deal with the high places (2 Chronicles 34:3).
· Lord, open rivers in high places (Isaiah 41:18).
Bear with me, these articles all tie in and I get back to Mt. Denali shortly.
Why Google changed its logo: the thinking behind the design
SHWETA SENGAR@shwetasengar|2 September 2015
From 1998 to 2015, the Google logo has gone through various twists and turns. But this latest redesign by the tech giant is decidedly its most significant one.
The change naturally threw netizens into an expected flurry. Social media is now rife with opinions, likes, and dislikes.
Did Google really need it though?
Google will turn 17 this month, and they’ve already thrown a lot of surprises our way. From announcing a new parent company Alphabet to the logo change, Google knows how to keep the market focused on itself.
Commentators find that the new logo is friendlier and more dynamic. The colours have been retained. It’s the font and animation that have had a makeover. The new writing is very clearly aligned to match that of its new holding company Alphabet.(Google has made a new company and called it ALPHABET which is a mockery of the ALEPH BET the Alpha and Omega.)
Why Google Became Alphabet – Investopedia
Alphabet Inc. – Wikipedia
The company on 1 September, not only created a new logo but a new brand identity.
Not just fonts but a giant leap (a salute to the giants who are coming)
Since 1999, Google has stuck to the serif wordmark font. Over time, the company made certain small changes to its logo like removing the shadows & tweaking letter spacing. Nothing else has changed about the iconic logo. (icon, idol, godlike)
Google has now updated the logo with sans serif typeface, which incidentally is Google’s creation. The world got the first peek of it when Google unveiled Alphabet’s logo last month. Undoubtedly, the new logo looks trendier than the previous one.
Why have sans serif typefaces become popular suddenly?
Nothing happens without a reason and choosing the sans serif typeface for the logo also comes with good reason. The streamlined glyphs shrink done to very small sizes offers more legibility than other letters. The new logo reads well not just on a 2.5 inch Android Wear smartwatch, but also on a 50-inch television.
An even more significant change has happened to the favicon – the single-letter icon that appears in your browser tab when you load a website. Google’s default lowercase ‘g’ favicon has been replaced by an uppercase one in the company’s signature four colours. (to represent their GOD?)
Google’s having some fun
The most drastic change that one would notice is that Google is not static anymore. Representing fun, Google has taken a giant leap and introduced an animated logo.
Like many other companies, Google too has shifted to an animated and dynamic logo which is only possible on a screen. The older one was, no doubt, more paper-like and a vegetable. As soon as you call Google to action, the letters in Google transform into a series of four dots that morph and orbit with life.
While doing a voice search, the Google logo will morph from ‘Google’ into the dots and undulate like water in anticipation of a query. As you start speaking, the dots will become like an equalizer, reacting to the sound of vocalizations. Just when you are done talking, the waveform will become dots again and spin as Google looks up for results. As soon as you have an answer from Google, the dots will return back to their normal self- Google.
Not just beautification but the transition
Many may feel that the logo change is a quest for beautification by Google. Well, in plain words it is NOT. Users might, many times, overlook the complicated workflow of Google. The change in logo is not just a superficial one. The animation in the voice search represents movement. It defines Google’s belief that it is not merely a search engine, but a platform that offers a lot more. It is building a self-driving car, and beaming internet through balloons, and it is not just about relatively simple interactions like searching for the meaning of a word.
Google recently went through a rather big phase of transition and keeping up the trend, it unveiled a new logo which is modern, peppy and dynamic in every way.
On the Evening after the name change was announced, the MOUNT OF OLIVES in Israel was vandalized and graves were destroyed….. Another very significant event related to HIGH PLACES. The Mount of Olives is very important to GOD.
On the very same day, September 1, The Pope declared that Priests can forgive women of Abortion/child sacrifice.
Archeology has been experiencing outrageous amounts of new discoveries. Check it out for yourself. Most of these recent discoveries do one of two things… verify the validity of the bible or reveal ancient pagan worship.
There has also been a rise in witchcraft. The Wiccan religion is growing at an amazingly frightful rate!
But, what I want to present here is the Pagan High Places being revisited, renewed, restored, revealed.
Iceland to Build a Pagan Temple—Followers of Odin, Freya, and Thor, Rejoice
Caesarea Philippi
The niches for Pan’s images can still be seen in the rock façade at the site. Of course, Pan was the ancient god of fright, who was half man and half goat and is often pictured as playing the flute.
Holy Land’s Mount Hermon: A United Nation’s Base Built to Deliver the Anti-Christ and Open the Gates of Hell (Shocking Video and Photos)

United Nations has strategically placed their biggest and most important base at the very top of Mt. Hermon in Syria close to the border to Lebanon – exactly where the fallen angels landed.
Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” A 4th-century translator of the Latin Vulgate, Jerome, interpreted Hermon as “anathema.” Mount Hermon was the port of entry for a group of evil angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. “Paris Zero Meridian” Mount Hermon (and the ancient territory of Dan) is located at 33 degrees east of the Paris Zero Meridian (longitude), and 33 degrees north of the Equator (latitude)
What is the U.N. guarding / communicating with at Mount Hermon?
The Book of Enoch speaks of a group of fallen angels who rebelled against God and came down to the earth and shared such ancient knowledge with the human race… according to the book of Enoch these fallen angels were to be once again released after 70 generations.Two-hundred ‘fallen angels’ descended from the heavenly realm on to the summit of Mount Hermon and they were so smitten by the beauty of human women that they took the form of a human and had sex with them. Because of this sin, a race of half-angelic, half-human species sprang up (Genesis 6:4) in the land. A race is known as the Nephilim Giants.
“Bind them [fallen angels] fast for seventy generations in the valleys of the earth, until the day of their judgment and of their consummation, till the judgment that is forever and ever is consummated.” Enoch 10:12
1 year, 10 months ago
CERN Built on the Place dedicated to Appollo
The Greeks who worship the ancient gods
By Matthew Brunwasser
PRI’s The World, Mount Olympus
Rebuilding Ancient Egyptian Temples in 3D
Rebuilding Ancient Egyptian Temples in 3D
Rebuilding Ancient Egyptian Temples in 3D

Ancient peoples liked to decorate their buildings and temples with bright colours. Take the Parthenon, in Athens, for example; nowadays we have this vision of those beautiful columns and fabulously carved marbles showing the bare stone, which appeals to our modern aesthetic. However, in ancient times the bare stone was hidden from view because it was all painted in the most brilliant colours.
Run a search “ancient temple uncovered” see what you can find…. There are so many more.
Now let’s look at the mountain itself:
Mt Mckinley Highest Mountain in US and COLDEST Mountain in the World
If you care to watch this video it is over an hour long, a documentary on Mt McKinley. Interesting, they talk about a mysterious and deadly disease that kills people who try to climb it.
Mt McKinley Highest Mountain in the USA on Dailymotion
Jan 9, 2018

With a summit that reaches 20,320 feet above sea level, this mountain is the highest point in the United Sates and the highest point in all of North America. In fact, when measured base-to-peak, it is the tallest mountain on land anywhere in the world (Everest is only higher because its base is at a higher elevation).
The reserve upon which this mountain sits is simply enormous. The total size of the park is 9,419 sq. miles (24,000 sq. km). If you didn’t know, 9,000 square miles is larger than many states in the U.S. For example, the entire state of Massachusetts is only 8,284 sq. miles (21,455 sq km). Since it is in Alaska, unsurprisingly, 17% of the park is covered by glaciers. The largest of these is on the south side of the Alaska Range and measures 35-45 miles in length.
And of course, wherever you have glaciers you have cold…extreme cold. The average winter temperatures hover around –40 °F (-40 °C). If human skin is exposed to such extreme temperatures, moderate to severe frostbite can be expected within minutes (with the wind chill factor on this mountain, you generally have under 10min. before your skin starts to freeze and die). And the average summer temperature? A searing -10 °F (-23 °C). On December 1, 2003 the temperature station recorded a North American record wind chill of −118 °F (−83 °C).
But life can thrive in even the harshest climes (though maybe not human life). Denali National Park is home to an abundance of wildlife, and the most interesting resident is undoubtedly the wood frog. The wood frog is the only amphibian that lives in the park. Because the park is so frigid, this resilient frog has evolved in some…peculiar ways. Namely, the frogs freeze solid during the winter. Their hearts stop beating, and they don’t breathe again until the spring thaw.
Which is, quite frankly, rather impressive.
Native Species
Denali, 6194 m. The Indian name for Mt. McKinley, Alaska, the highest mountain in North America. Meaning: Home of the Sun. Its summit is lit by the sun long after the lowlands are plunged in twilight.
The Meaning Of The Name Denali
Origin of the name Denali: Chinese
Definition of Denali: great one
Denali in Chinese Characters
If you want to see your name in Chinese below you can find Denali in Chinese letters.
Alaska Chinese Association
The Picture Of The Name Denali
Denali in Arabic Writing
How to say denali in Arabic?
Denali in Egyptian Hieroglyphics
Here you can see the name Denali in Hieroglyphics (ancient Egyptian)
Learn about name meanings, name origins, name popularity, famous namesakes and more on our Denali Meaning & More page.
Looking for something more mystical? Visit the Denali Numerology page.
Learn about nautical flags and see your name or message written in nautical flags, on the Denali in Nautical Flags page
Mount McKinley
Denali, or Mount McKinley, the highest peak in North America, has long been considered the coldest mountain on earth. Dec 10, 2013
The 10 coldest places on Earth – Independent.ie
www.independent.ie/…/the-10-coldest-places-on-earth-29…Irish Independent
Elevation: 20,322′
Prominence: 20,157′
First ascent: June 7, 1913
Mountain range: Alaska Range
First ascenders: Harry Karstens, Robert Tatum, Walter Harper, Hudson Stuck
American Spirit is an album released on American Gramaphone in 2003 (see 2003 in music) as a collaboration between Mannheim Steamroller and country musician C. W. McCall. The album focuses on Americanpatriotic songs, hence the title. McCall contributed to a number of spoken word songs on the album and re-recorded his 1976 hit song “Convoy” for it; this was also the case with another song of his, “Wolf Creek Pass,” which can be found on the album. In fact, the Davis original “Mt. McKinley” is one of the few tracks that feature the signature Mannheimsynthesizer/orchestral sound. Most songs employ a traditional orchestra and choir that perform pleasant but nondescript readings of songs like “America the Beautiful” and Aaron Copland‘s “Fanfare for the Common Man,” both of which could have benefited from an inventive Davis/Mannheimarrangement. Had Davis retained the winning Mannheim formula and applied it to a set of patriotic standards, American Spirit might have been a disc that garnered attention and adoration like the original 1984 Christmas disc. Instead, Davis offers a product that will make a nice addition to any corporate gift basket along with some processed food product, of which neither one is fully consumed and eventually thrown away.
I included this article because I think he very clearly portrays the arrogance of the current occupant of the Whitehouse and the danger of this unilateral policy.
Joel Pollak, 1996 byJOEL B. POLLAK1 Sep 2015827
Alaskans, and millions who love Alaska, support changing the name of Mt. McKinley to Denali. And that is exactly why President Barack Obama’s unilateral decision to change the name is so wrong.
When we allow leaders to bend the rules for popular policies, we create bad precedents for them to bend the rules for unpopular ones. The name ought to have been changed through a legislative compromise, or a consultative administrative process–not by fiat.
I have personally spent a good deal of time in Alaska, including a journalism internship in Anchorage and thesis research on the North Slope. I have hiked solo in the Denali National Park (in 1996, above), and had the luck to witness wolves hunting caribou by the Toklat River. Never once in my time there did I call the mountain anything other than “Denali.” Nor did I ever meet an Alaskan, Native or otherwise, who referred to the peak as “Mt. McKinley.”
Still, few regarded the name of the mountain as an urgent problem. It was just another one of the ways in which the federal government, with which the state has a love-hate relationship, had interfered in what locals consider their own affairs. (Another, far more significant intervention is the federal government’s habit of locking away large parcels of land from oil and gas development–a trend that Obama has continued during his administration.)
The name “Mt. McKinley” was enshrined in a law passed by Congress in 1917. The Obama administration argues that a clause in the 1947 law creating the U.S. Board of Geographic Names allows it to act on its own if the Board “does not act within a reasonable time,” and that U.S. Representatives from Ohio have tied up the name change for decades after Alaskan political leaders voted to recommend restoring the original Athabascan title (“the high one”).
Athabaskan languages – Wikipedia
The Name “Athabascan” | Alaska Native Language Center
Alaskan Athabaskans – Wikipedia
But it is not clear that the 1947 law trumps the 1917 law, and Obama cannot issue executive orders, or executive memoranda, contrary to an existing statute.
Due deference to Congress–as well as to William McKinley’s home state of Ohio, which has long resisted changes to the name–would suggest that Obama should have urged Congress to resolve the dispute, or at least allowed public comment on the name change, while searching for other ways to honor our 25th president.
Instead, Obama acted out of sheer vanity, timing the name change with his Alaskan visit.
Except for the most offensive names–and there are a few–changing place names and tearing down monuments often does little except offend people for whom those symbols are a valued heritage. Typically, name changes are the unique obsession of failing post-colonial regimes that have run out of ideas to improve the lives of their citizens.
In my native South Africa, where I lived and worked after writing my college thesis on Alaska, the post-apartheid government remains fixated on name changes, even as the country’s economy struggles and crime ravages the population.
Over time, some parts of South Africa–notably the City of Cape Town, which is governed by the opposition–developed a process of consultation that, at least in theory, balances historical values against the country’s new aspirations, and mediates between the competing desires of different constituencies.
We in the U.S. could learn from that. There are “teachable moments” that we are missing–even in dropping symbols like the Confederate flag.
The Denali debacle is a “teachable moment” about tyranny. Two wrongs do not make a right, and the switch from Mt. McKinley to Denali, whatever its substantive merits, is an affront to the Constitution, and an abuse of power.
Update: A follower on Twitter speculates that Obama may have been motivated to dump McKinley as part of his radical Cuba policy. McKinley was the president who helped liberate the island from Spanish rule–a fact that Obama has ignored in his rush to parrot the Castros’ anti-colonial narrative. I doubt Obama had that in mind, any more than he wanted to degrade McKinley for being a Republican or celebrate the anarchist who assassinated him, or revive the antisemitic populism of Democrat William Jennings Bryan, whom McKinley defeated twice.
But Obama’s Cuba shift is relevant because it is another case of a popular policy that Obama is enacting outside of his executive authority. By letting Obama cut constitutional corners for policies the public favors, we create a faulty foundation for the sake of those the public rejects (like the Iran deal, which remains overwhelmingly unpopular).
The ‘Denali’ Word Obama Chose for Mt. McKinley Has a Hidden Meaning That’s Already Spawning Jokes
After roughly zero minutes of national public debate, President Obama announced a change to the name of the tallest mountain in North America – Mt. McKinley. The mountain had been named after former president William McKinley, who was assassinated in 1901.
As was reported by the Associated Press:
In renaming 20,320-foot Mount McKinely as Denali, Obama was instating a moniker Alaskans have informally used for centuries.
But the new name chosen for the mountain, Denali, has a Native American meaning that’s spawning numerous Internet jokes, best captured by The Drudge Report feature story:
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“The High One.”That’s the Athabascan (a Native American) meaning behind Denali, the word for the mountain-formerly-known-as-McKinley.
And if you don’t get why that’s funny or ironic, here is a passage about Barack Obama’s “Choom Gang” to refresh any foggy memories, from Jonathan Karl of ABC News:
In his 1995 memoir “Dreams of My Father,” Obama writes about smoking pot almost like Dr. Seuss wrote about eating green eggs and ham. As a high school kid, Obama wrote, he would smoke “in a white classmate’s sparkling new van,” he would smoke “in the dorm room of some brother” and he would smoke “on the beach with a couple of Hawaiian kids.”
‘The Choom Gang’: 9 juiciest details from Barack Obama’s days as a pothead
Excerpts from an upcoming biography of the president make some interesting allegations about his innovative toking techniques, shady drug dealer, and more
The “audacity of dope“? In his memoir Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama admits having smoked marijuana during high school, but newly released excerpts from David Maraniss’ upcoming biography Barack Obama: The Story paint a picture of a truly committed pothead.The “giggle-worthy” details — many attributed to Obama’s high school buddies collectively known as “the Choom Gang,” after the slang term for smoking marijuana — are “right out of a buddy stoner flick,” says Adam Sorensen at TIME. Here, the most scandalous allegations:
1. The Choom Gang
While in high school at the Punahou School in Honolulu, Obama began associating with a group of boys who “loved basketball and good times,” says Maraniss. The group — “decent students and athletes who went on to become successful and productive lawyers, writers, and businessmen” — dubbed itself the Choom Gang. A favorite hangout was a lush hideaway called Pumping Stations, where they parked their cars, turned up Blue Oyster Cult on their stereos, “lit up some ‘sweet-sticky Hawaiian buds,’ and washed it down with ‘green bottle beer.'” Once stoned, Maraniss alleges, the gang was often seen slipping past the “keep out” signs at the gorgeous Manoa Stream and standing under a rock where water rushed overhead.
2. Bud was everywhere
It’s worth noting that “Hawaii of the early 1970s was something of a pot-smoking Mecca,” says Jonathan Karl at ABC News. “It was sold and smoked right there in front of your nose,” writes Maraniss. Among the choice local strains: Maui Wowie, Kauai Electric, Puna Bud, and Kona Gold.
3. Smoke and study
All the smoking didn’t affect the president’s studies. According to Maraniss, he told the Choom Gang that the key to performing well on tests after lighting up was to put the textbook under your pillow the night before an exam. “No way, dude!” says Karl.
4. His trend-setting techniques
Obama was apparently known for starting pot-smoking trends within the group. He coined the term “total absorption,” or TA. Basically, anyone who exhaled smoke prematurely would be assessed a penalty, and skipped the next time the joint was passed around. His other innovation was the “roof hit,” in which the Choom Gang would roll up the windows of a car and smoke inside. Once all the weed was gone, they would tilt their heads back and suck in the remaining smoke from the car ceiling.
5. Interception
“Barry had a knack for interceptions,” Maraniss alleges. When a joint was being passed around, he would routinely barge in, shout “Intercepted!” and take an out-of-turn hit. If so, Obama was a “a bit of a drag,” says Jon Swaine at the U.K.’s Telegraph.
6. The Choomwagon
The Choom Gang’s preferred mode of transportation was a Volkswagen bus affectionately known as the “Choomwagon.” According to one anecdote, the Choomwagon and a Toyota in which Obama was riding raced to the top of Mount Tantalus, and the Toyota rolled off the road. The Choomwagon’s passengers found the future president staggering on the road and “laughing so hard he could barely stand up.”
7. The pizza-delivery-man hippie drug dealer
Every pot-smoking gang needs a supplier, and for the Choom Gang, that was Ray the Dealer. Ray was a long-haired hippie who worked at a pizza parlor and lived in a broken-down bus in an abandoned warehouse. In Maraniss’ book, one of Obama’s friends describes Ray as “freaking scary,” yet able to “score quality weed.” (Ray was eventually killed with a ball-peen hammer by a scorned gay lover.) In his senior yearbook, Obama expressed his gratitude: “Thanks Tut, Gramps, Choom Gang, and Ray for all the good times.”
8. Debaucherous dorm antics
While Obama was attending Occidental College in Los Angeles, a freshman drank too much and threw up all over a couch in the future president’s dorm hall. “In the manner of pallbearers hoisting a coffin,” Obama and his dormmates carried the couch outside — drunk freshman asleep on it — to dry. According to Maraniss, Obama’s dorm also sponsored what were called the Annex Olympics; events included wrestling in underwear, lighting farts on fire, and smoking pot from a three-foot crimson bong.
9. The potential political fallout
Obama has since disavowed this kind of behavior, says Sorensen, so it’s not likely to factor politically. And voters already knew about his drug use when they elected him in 2008, says Swaine. Sure, on their own, these stories are “actually kind of funny, even humanizing,” says Andrew Kirell at Mediaite. But they become less humorous when you realize they’re about the President, who routinely dismisses serious discussion of drug policy. Shouldn’t he “offer every American the right to ‘choom’… instead of continuing to lock up marijuana users for hitting three-foot bongs like he did?”
He would smoke it here and there. He would smoke it anywhere.
Of course, this launched the ‘autojokes’ on Twitter:
List Of Celebrities With First Name Denali
We looked for the celebrities whose first name is Denali and the definitions which contains the name Denali or similar to it. You can find the results below.
Mount McKinley: Mount McKinley, [native name Denali (Koyukon Athabaskan for “The High One”, Dghelaayce’e in Ahtna)] is the highest mountain peak in North America, with a summit elevation of above sea level.
Denali National Park and Preserve: Denali National Park and Preserve is a national park and preserve located in Interior Alaska, centered on Denali (Mount McKinley), the highest mountain in North America.
Denali Borough, Alaska: The Denali Borough is a borough located in the U.S. state of Alaska. As of 2010 the population of the borough was 1,826. The borough seat is Healy, and its only incorporated place is Anderson.
Denali Highway: Denali Highway (Alaska Route 8) is a lightly traveled, mostly gravel highway in the U.S. state of Alaska.
Denali (band): Denali was an American indie band formed in April 2000 in Richmond, Virginia. The group disbanded in 2004, but reunited in 2008 for several performances.
Denali Fault: The Denali Fault is a major intracontinental dextral (right lateral) strike-slip fault in western North America, extending from northwestern British Columbia, Canada to the central region of the U.S.
Denali State Park: Denali State Park is a state park in the U.S. state of Alaska. It is located adjacent in the Matanuska-Susitna Borough to the east side of Denali National Park and Preserve, along the Parks Highway.
Denali Software: Denali Software, Inc. is an American software company, based in Sunnyvale, California. The company produces electronic design automation (EDA) software, intellectual property (IP) and design cores and platforms for memory, other standard interfaces and system-on-chip (SoC) design and verification.
Denali–Mount McKinley naming dispute: There is a dispute over the name of the mountain listed by the United States Board on Geographic Names as “Mount McKinley” and by the Alaska Board of Geographic Names as “Denali”, located in Alaska as the centerpiece of Denali National Park and Preserve.
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Big Government, Breitbart California, south africa, Alaska, Denali, Mt. McKinley, name changes
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-tBFLcYfenk Secret Message behind the name change
“Secret Message” Behind Obama Changing Mountain’s Name? (2015)