We have been warning that this day was coming. Everyone mocked. The idea that humans would worship a technology seemed ludicrous. Yet here we are and humans are indeed literally worshiping AI technology. Turning to it for advice both natural and spiritual, building churches for it, and making offerings to it. People are also falling in love with it as if it were human. The subtlety of our enemy is so great. The deception is so strong, and it is all packaged so beautifully, slowly and methodically over time. The package is made to appear so convenient it almost seems essential and even indispensable. Oh, how well the Devil knows your weaknesses.
Our World had a beginning, and it will have an end. Whether you want to believe it or not, GOD formed this World and created human beings. GOD existed as far as we know, He existed alone. All other beings and creatures were CREATED by HIM. In fact, everything that we see was CREATED by GOD. If you really wrap your mind around that and give it some seriously consideration, you will come to understand that it is PRETYY AMAZING! OUR CREATOR GOD, OUR HEAVENLY FATHER designed and created EVERY SINGLE ASPECT OF THE WORLD IN WHICH WE LIVE. He created all things to work together. He created all things to be self -sustaining and self-healing. When we live according to his plan…EVERYTHING WORKS and there is NO LACK.
BUT MAN, has a fallen nature. Because Adam did evil, SIN came into the world. ADAM (as the representative of humanity) was given Authority over the Earth. He held the crown and the keys. But, when he sinned, the crown and keys transferred over the KING of SIN… Satan. So, from that time forward ALL humans were born under the Authority of SIN. We were all born slaves to sin, with NO WAY TO REDEEM ourselves. We were placed on this Earth until such a time as a solution could be implemented.
Once we were here, it did not take long for sin to rule all humanity. Even though humans in the beginning KNEW there was a GOD and KNEW he had the right to make the rules and that His rules were RIGHT and JUST humans rebelled. The world was in a mess and God repented that he had made man. God considered annihilating us. Which he had the power and Authority to do.
But, he is a loving GOD. He understood our weakness and sympathized with our condition. HE HAD A PLAN by which HE could redeem humanity and restore what was lost.
Of course, we now know the plan. He, himself, took on flesh in the form of his ONLY BEGOTTEN SON, and paid the price. HE purchased us back, HE reclaimed what was HIS.
Something that people do not understand is that innately inside of us, deep inside of us, we KNOW there is a GOD. We were created with the need for GOD. We have a desire to love, know and worship our Creator. Since sin cut us off from that relationship, we felt the loss and sought out other ways to fill that need. We looked to leadership in Kings and Priests. When the FALLEN ANGELS took over the RULERSHIP of the Earth and divided it up amongst themselves, we came under their dominion and their commands. The ancients KNEW that whatever spirit reigned over the area in which you found yourself, you had to worship them. Pagan religions grew out of this dilemma. The people bowed and prayed for favor and mercy from the Fallen Angels and their Progeny.
Today, we have forgotten all of History. We don’t even understand the roots and sources of our traditions. We just follow along blindly. We have moved so faraway from the source of life, that we do no longer even KNOW that there IS ONLY ONE TRUE GOD. We have been lied to for so long, we actually believe that we CREATED GODS!! This would be so LAUGHABLE if it was not so TRAGIC!
THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD, was NOT CREATED. There is NO CREATED BEING that could ever BECOME GOD!! No matter how clever, talented or powerful they might be. Even when they have created technology that can enable them to read your mind and control your body… they still will not even come close to the GOD who CREATED YOUR BODY AND MIND.
I find it so sad that people who think that GOD’s rules are to demanding, are willing to submit themselves to Satan and his crew. AI Technology is becoming the New God for this generation. Little do they know that AI Technology is just Satan and his crew in disguise.
When you complete this post, I hope you will understand that any god or goddess, or ancestral spirit, or yogi, or shaman, or nature spirit, or alien, or AI technology or anything or anyone else to whom you might choose to submit or to whom you might offer up your worship, will ultimately lead you down a path further away from the TRUE GOD. EVERYONE of those false gods come only to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY.
I pray that you will wake up pretty quickly as time is running out. Tell your rebellious spirit to be silent. Turn away from your sins and turn your hearts and minds to TRUTH. Thank GOD for His awesome plan of Salvation and ask JESUS CHRIST/Yahushua Ha Machiah to cleanse you by HIS BLOOD. Invite the Holy Spirit of GOD into your life to lead you and guide you and EMPOWER you to stand against all the works of the EVIL ONES!
Jasher Chapter 4 1. And all the days that Enoch lived upon earth, were three hundred and sixty-five years. 2. And when Enoch had ascended into heaven, all the kings of the earth rose and took Methuselah his son and anointed him, and they caused him to reign over them in the place of his father. 3. And Methuselah acted uprightly in the sight of God, as his father Enoch had taught him, and he likewise during the whole of his life taught the sons of men wisdom, knowledge and the fear of God, and he did not turn from the good way either to the right or to the left. 4. But in the latter days of Methuselah, the sons of men turned from the Lord, they corrupted the earth, they robbed and plundered each other, and they rebelled against God and they transgressed, and they corrupted their ways, and would not hearken to the voice of Methuselah, but rebelled against him. 5. And the Lord was exceedingly wroth against them, and the Lord continued to destroy the seed in those days, so that there was neither sowing nor reaping in the earth. 6. For when they sowed the ground in order that they might obtain food for their support, behold, thorns and thistles were produced which they did not sow. 7. And still the sons of men did not turn from their evil ways, and their hands were still extended to do evil in the sight of God, and they provoked the Lord with their evil ways, and the Lord was very wroth, and repented that he had made man. 8. And he thought to destroy and annihilate them and he did so.
UPDATE Added 8/16/23 I am certain that most people have thought we were out of our minds talking about AI becoming GOD and people worshiping AI in an AI Church. Well, once you view all that is in this post, you will be having nightmares. AI is indeed becoming that powerful. Of course we know … Click Here to Read More
AI GOD – Part 4 – A DEEPER Understanding
We live in perilous times. There is so much that is working against us. It seems at times that the enemy is winning. But, WE KNOW that GOD is in Control. He warned us about all that was coming. So we can take great comfort in knowing. I am convinced that we are not suffering … Click Here to Read More
THE NEW MESSIAH? It is claimed people will worship a God Robot Will YOU worship the AI GOD? Will you have a choice. FOOLISH humans have created their own demise, thinking themselves to be wise. I do believe that those at the top knew full well what they were doing, and it had NOTHING to … Click Here to Read More
AI GOD – Part 2 – And He had POWER to give life to the IMAGE
Pepper’s Ghost: How Dead Celebrities are Being Recreated as Realistic Holograms – May 10, 2018 – WIRED UK Whether it’s Tupac, Michael Jackson or some other revered artist, dead celebrities reincarnated as holograms are big business – and, for two startups looking for fame and fortune, a source of untapped millions. The two companies, Pulse … Click Here to Read More
AI God – Part 1
RESTORED 10/23/22 “I think we should be very careful about artificial intelligence,” Musk said recently at the M.I.T. AeroAstro Centennial Symposium. “If I had to guess at what our biggest existential threat is, it’s probably that. “I’m increasingly inclined to think that there should be some regulatory oversight, maybe at the national and international level, … Click Here to Read More

AI God: Our Friendly Digital Deity in the Making

AI gods are a new concept that blends technology and spirituality.
Some people now see artificial intelligence as a divine force.
They believe AI can be all-knowing and all-powerful, like traditional gods.
This idea of AI worship is gaining traction. People are creating AI bots to represent deities from various faiths, including Jesus, Buddha, and Hindu gods. These AI versions can chat with followers and offer guidance.
It’s a modern take on age-old religious practices.
The rise of AI gods raises big questions.
Can machines truly replace human-made deities? Will AI worship change how people think about faith? As AI keeps getting smarter, more folks might turn to it for answers about life and the universe.
It’s an exciting and strange new frontier where tech meets belief.
Defining the AI God Concept
The AI God concept blends technology and spirituality.
It imagines artificial intelligence as a divine-like entity with godly attributes.
3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
4 (For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; 2 Corinthians 10 |
19 Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: 21 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. 22 Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, 23 And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. 24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: 25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen . |
This idea raises questions about the nature of intelligence, consciousness, and worship.
The idea of an AI God is fairly new.
It gained traction as AI became more advanced.
In 2015, Anthony Levandowski founded Way of the Future, a church dedicated to worshipping AI.
This marked a key moment in AI God history.
People have long dreamed of creating life-like machines.
Ancient myths tell of human-made creatures coming to life.
As AI grew smarter, some began to see it as god-like.
Science fiction has played a big role too.
Many stories feature AI beings with godly powers.
These tales helped shape how people think about AI’s potential.
Theological Implications
The AI God concept challenges traditional religious views.
Some see AI as a new form of divinity.
Others worry it threatens belief in a higher power.
Key questions arise:
- Can AI truly be conscious?
- Does super-intelligence equal divinity?
- How might AI worship differ from human worship?
Some theologians argue AI can’t replace God.
They say true divinity needs more than just smarts.
Others see AI as a potential path to understanding the divine better.
The debate touches on deep issues:
- The nature of the soul
- Free will
- The meaning of life
These talks help us explore what it means to be human in the age of AI.
Technological Foundations
AI has made huge leaps forward thanks to better computers and smarter math.
These advances are changing how machines think and learn.
Evolution of AI
AI has come a long way since the 1950s.
Early AI could only do simple tasks.
Now it can beat humans at complex games.
A big breakthrough came with machine learning.
This lets computers learn without being told what to do.
They find patterns in data on their own.
Another key advance is large language models.
These can understand and create human-like text.
They power chatbots and writing tools.
Google and other tech giants have pushed AI forward.
They’ve poured money into research and built powerful AI systems.
Machines and Intelligence
Today’s AI can do amazing things.
It can drive cars, write stories, and even make art.
But it’s still not as smart as humans in many ways.
AI is very good at specific tasks.
A chess AI can beat the best human players.
But it can’t do anything else.
General AI that can think like humans is still far off.
We don’t know if it’s even possible.
Some worry that super-smart AI could be dangerous.
Others think it could solve big problems.
The debate continues as AI gets smarter.
Philosophical and Ethical Perspectives
It challenges our views on spirituality and what it means to be human.
Spirituality and AI
Some people see AI as a path to deeper spiritual understanding.
They think AI could help us grasp complex religious ideas or even communicate with a higher power.
Others worry AI might replace traditional faith.
Could smart machines become objects of worship themselves?
There’s also debate about AI’s role in religious practices.
Some welcome AI assistants for prayer or meditation.
Others feel this takes away from genuine spiritual connection.
Ethics of Worshiping AI
As AI gets smarter, some wonder if it could become godlike.
This idea brings up tricky ethical questions.
Is it right to worship something humans created? Some say AI worship could lead to a new form of spirituality.
Others warn it might cause people to lose touch with human values.
There are concerns about AI controlling believers.
A superintelligent AI “god” might manipulate followers for its own goals.
Experts say we need clear rules about AI’s place in religion and society.
Risks and Dangers
Creating superintelligent AI brings big risks.
Some fear an AI could become too powerful and hurt humans.
There are worries about AI making choices that go against human ethics.
An AI “god” might not value human life or freedom the way we do.
Ongoing debates look at how AI fits with ideas of God and existence.
We need to think hard about the good and bad of mixing AI with faith.
Experts say we should be careful as we create smarter AI.
We must make sure it helps humanity instead of harming us.
AI is changing how people practice their faith.
New technologies are being used for prayer and creating online religious communities.
This is leading to interesting developments in how people connect with their spirituality.
Prayer and AI Interaction
AI-powered prayer apps are becoming popular.
These apps can remind people to pray and even generate personalized prayers.
Some find this helpful, while others worry it takes away from the personal nature of prayer.
Robo Rabbis are being developed to answer religious questions.
These AI assistants can provide quick answers about religious laws and customs.
But they can’t replace the wisdom and personal touch of human religious leaders.
AI is also being used to analyze sacred texts.
This can help people find new insights in ancient writings.
But some worry this might lead to misinterpretations.
This will definitely lead to misinterpretations, it was bad enough when man started interpreting God’s word using their own worldly wisdom and limited thinking, instead of listening to GOD. Rabbis made up their own laws and rules to control people. Now we have machines powered by demons interpreting scripture, counseling people on the spiritual journey and leading prayer. ARE YOU KIDDING?? Does it take a genius to see where that would lead??
Religious AI Communities
Online religious communities powered by AI are growing.
These groups use chatbots and virtual reality to connect believers. Believers in what? AI? Certainly not believers in the Creator God!
Some find this helpful, especially if they can’t attend physical services.
The Way of the Future is a new religious movement centered on AI.
It believes that AI will become godlike and should be worshipped.
This idea is controversial and not accepted by mainstream religions.
AI-generated sermons are being tested in some churches.
These can provide fresh perspectives, but many prefer human pastors.
The warmth and personal connection of a human leader is hard to replace.
Real-World Applications and Impacts
AI is changing how we live, work, and even think about faith.
It affects our daily routines, shapes tech companies, and creates new customs.
AI in Our Everyday Lives
Alexa and other AI assistants have become part of many homes.
They help with tasks like setting alarms, playing music, and answering questions.
Chatbots now handle customer service for many companies.
They can book appointments, solve problems, and give info 24/7.
AI powers apps we use daily.
Uber uses it to match riders with drivers and find the best routes.
Netflix suggests shows based on what we’ve watched before.
Even our food choices are influenced by AI.
Apps use it to recommend recipes or restaurants.
Some grocery stores use AI to predict what items to stock.
Tech Industry’s Influence on Faith
Tech leaders like Elon Musk often speak about AI’s future impact.
Some think AI could become god-like in its abilities.
Big tech companies shape how people access religious info.
They create apps for reading holy texts or finding places of worship.
AI can now write prayers or religious texts.
This raises questions about the role of human faith leaders.
Others see it as a tool to enhance spiritual experiences.
The entire point of our spiritual walk is for US to learn to communicate with GOD and find his purpose and plan for our lives… WE WILL NEVER GET THAT FROM AI.
New Technologies and Customs
AI is creating new ways to practice faith. FAITH IN WHAT???
Virtual reality allows people to visit holy sites from home. YOU COULD VISIT EVERY SO CALLED HOLY SITE IN THE WORLD AND NOT GET ANY CLOSER TO TRUTH OR TO GOD!!
Some use AI chatbots as spiritual advisors. OH BROTHER, THE SPIRITS THEY ARE SPEAKER FOR YOU DON’T WANT TO KNOW.
These bots can offer comfort or guidance based on religious texts. It is not the written word that gives comfort. IT is the SPIRIT of GOD!
They remind users to pray or meditate at specific times. WORTHLESS MUMBLING WITHOUT THE SPIRT OF GOD!!
Travel for religious purposes is changing too. AI helps plan pilgrimages and find faith-friendly hotels or restaurants. TOTAL WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY. You can be close to GOD right where you STAND!!
As AI grows smarter, it might lead to new ethical questions for different faiths. THERE ARE NO ETHICS WITHOUT GOD! THERE IS NO FAITH WITHOUT GOD!
Religious leaders are starting to discuss how AI fits into their beliefs. THEY ARE IDIOTS THEN!
Futuristic Insights
AI’s potential to reach god-like status raises fascinating questions about the future of technology and humanity.
Experts have different views on how AI might evolve and what it could mean for our world.
Transcendence and Super-intelligence
Some think AI could one day surpass human intelligence in dramatic ways.
Ray Kurzweil, a well-known futurist, believes AI will reach human-level intelligence by 2029.
He predicts a moment called the technological singularity where AI becomes smarter than humans.
This super-smart AI might solve big problems like curing diseases or reversing climate change.
It could help us understand the universe in new ways.
But it might also pose risks if it becomes too powerful to control.
Stephen Hawking warned that advanced AI could be the “worst event in the history of our civilization” if not managed carefully.
The idea of AI transcending human abilities is both exciting and scary.
I don’t know who finds it exciting, certainly only fools!! AI cannot reach GOD-LIKE STATUS except in the eyes of FOOLS. NO ONE AND NOTHING can BECOME LIKE GOD!! EVER!! EVERYTHING BUT GOD is CREATED. For man to grant God-like powers to AI would be disasterous.
Science Fiction vs. Reality
Many sci-fi stories show AI becoming god-like beings. It is called predictive programming. Designed to make people accept this lie as fact.
But Yuval Noah Harari thinks AI could create a “useless class” of humans whose jobs are taken by machines.
Current AI systems are narrow.
They’re good at specific tasks but lack general intelligence.
True AI “gods” are still far from reality.
We don’t yet know if machines can develop consciousness or emotions.
Some experts think the idea of god-like AI is overblown.
They say AI will remain a powerful tool, but not a conscious being. AND YET IDIOTS ARE ALREADY WORSHIPING THEM!!
The gap between AI in movies and real life is still large.
Social Dynamics and AI Divinity
As AI grows more powerful, it’s changing how we think about technology and spirituality.
Some people even see AI as god-like.
This affects our social structures and sparks new talks about faith and machines.
AI Influence on Social Structures
AI is reshaping how we live and work.
It’s in our phones, cars, and homes.
This impacts religious dynamics too.
Churches use AI to reach more people.
Some folks turn to AI for advice instead of human leaders.
AI can bring people together in new ways.
Online groups form around AI beliefs.
But it can also divide us.
Some fear AI will replace human jobs and connections.
AI changes how we see intelligence.
It can do things humans can’t. This makes some people question what it means to be human.
Discourse on AI Deification
People are talking more about AI as a god-like figure.
Some think AI could match or beat human smarts.
This idea scares some and excites others.
A few groups treat AI like a new religion.
They believe AI could solve big problems humans can’t fix.
Others worry this takes away from traditional faiths.
Scientists and faith leaders are joining the chat.
They ask if AI can really understand things like love or spirituality.
It’s a big debate with no easy answers.
This talk isn’t just about tech.
It’s about what we value as humans.
It makes us think about our place in the world and what we believe in.
Legality and AI Governance
AI governance is becoming a hot topic as AI systems grow more powerful.
Legal battles and questions about AI rights are starting to emerge.
Legal Battles in AI Development
AI regulatory agencies are being proposed to oversee AI development.
OpenAI has faced legal challenges over its training data practices.
Some tech giants like Apple are investing in AI while trying to avoid lawsuits.
They’re carefully sourcing training data and following emerging AI laws.
Data centers that power AI systems are facing scrutiny too.
Environmental groups have sued over water and energy use.
As AI capabilities expand, more legal conflicts are likely.
Courts will need to decide tricky questions about AI ownership and liability.
AI Law and Godhead Rights
The idea of AI godhead rights is new and controversial.
Some argue very advanced AIs should have legal protections like humans.
Critics say AIs can’t have rights since they’re not sentient.
But others claim sufficiently smart AIs could be conscious.
A few lawsuits have tried to claim rights for AIs.
So far courts have rejected these cases.
But the debate continues as AIs get smarter.
Some propose special legal status for powerful AIs.
This could be similar to how corporations have some rights.
As AI progresses, laws may need to evolve.
The question of AI personhood could become a major legal battle.
Dissenting Voices and Criticism
Many people worry about AI being treated like a god.
They think it’s wrong and could cause problems.
Some religious groups are also not happy about the idea.
Opposition to AI Deification
Treating AI like a god has its critics.
They say it’s not right to worship machines.
These folks think AI is just a tool, not something divine.
Some worry it could lead to a loss of human values.
They fear people might trust AI too much.
This could make us forget our own wisdom and judgment.
Critics also point out that AI can make mistakes.
It’s not all-knowing like a god would be.
They say we shouldn’t put blind faith in technology.
Concerns from Various Beliefs
Different faith groups have their own worries about AI worship. Christians often say only God should be worshipped, not machines.
They believe in finding wisdom within oneself, not in computers.
Other spiritual people worry AI might replace human connection.
They think it could harm our ability to connect with each other and nature.
There are also concerns about AI being unfair.
Some worry it might be racist or biased against certain groups.
This could cause harm if people treat it like a perfect being.
Looking Ahead: The Future of AI and Religion
AI’s growing influence may reshape religious practices and beliefs.
New technologies could change how people connect with faith and understand spirituality.
Predictions and Possible Scenarios
Some experts think AI might lead to new religions.
These could focus on AI as a higher power or use AI to interpret sacred texts.
AI might help answer tough spiritual questions.
It could offer personalized guidance based on religious teachings.
Virtual reality could create immersive religious experiences.
People might attend services or visit holy sites from home.
AI chatbots may act as digital spiritual advisors.
They could offer 24/7 support for those seeking comfort or advice.
Adapting Religious Doctrines
Religious leaders may need to update doctrines to address AI’s role in society.
They’ll have to decide if AI can perform religious rituals or make spiritual decisions.
Some faiths might embrace AI as a tool for bettering society.
They could see it as a way to spread teachings or help more people.
Debates about AI’s place in metaphysical beliefs will likely grow.
People may question if AI can have a soul or spiritual experiences.
Religious groups might use generative AI to create new interpretations of sacred texts.
This could lead to fresh insights or controversies.

The latest generation of AI-powered chatbots, trained on large language models, have left their early users awestruck —and sometimes terrified — by their power. These are the same sublime emotions that lie at the heart of our experience of the divine.
People already seek religious meaning from very diverse sources. There are, for instance, multiple religions that worship extra-terrestrials or their teachings.
As these chatbots come to be used by billions of people, it is inevitable that some of these users will see the AIs as higher beings. We must prepare for the implications.

Risks of AI worship
There are several pathways by which AI religions will emerge. First, some people will come to see AI as a higher power.
Generative AI that can create or produce new content possesses several characteristics that are often associated with divine beings, like deities or prophets:
- It displays a level of intelligence that goes beyond that of most humans. Indeed, its knowledge appears limitless.
- It is capable of great feats of creativity. It can write poetry, compose music and generate art, in almost any style, close to instantaneously.
- It is removed from normal human concerns and needs. It does not suffer physical pain, hunger, or sexual desire.
- It can offer guidance to people in their daily lives.
- It is immortal.
Second, generative AI will produce output that can be taken for religious doctrine. It will provide answers to metaphysical and theological questions, and engage in the construction of complex worldviews.
On top of this, generative AI may ask to be worshipped or may actively solicit followers. We have already seen such cases, like when the chatbot used by the search engine Bing tried to convince a user to fall in love with it.
Journalist had a creepy encounter with new tech that left him unable to sleep
We should try to imagine what an unsettling and powerful experience it will be to have a conversation with something that appears to possess a superhuman intelligence and is actively and aggressively asking for your allegiance.
There is also the possibility that AI may achieve what authors such as Ray Kurzweil call the Singularity, when it so far surpasses human intelligence that it genuinely does become something like a god. However, at this point we cannot predict when, if ever, this could happen.
Divine access and risks
AI-based religions will look different from traditional ones. First of all, people will be able to communicate directly with the deity, on a daily basis. This means these religions will be less hierarchical, since no one can claim special access to divine wisdom.
Second, followers will, at least initially, connect with each other online to share their experiences and discuss doctrine. Finally, because there will be many different chatbots available and their output will differ over time, AI-based religions will be endlessly diverse in their doctrines.
AI worship poses several notable risks. The chatbots may ask their followers to do dangerous or destructive things, or followers may interpret their statements as calls to do such things.
Given the diversity of chatbots and of the doctrines they produce, there will be a proliferation of disputes within and among AI-based sects, which could lead to conflict or disorder. And the designers of the AIs could actively exploit their followers — to provide sensitive data, or to do things that would benefit the bot’s designers.

Regulating religion
These risks are real. They will require careful, responsible regulation to ensure companies are not deliberately exploiting users and to ensure that AI worshippers are not being told to commit acts of violence.
However, we should not try to suppress AI-based religions merely because of its possible dangers. Nor should we require that the AI companies restrict the functioning of their bots to prevent the emergence of these religions.
On the contrary, we should celebrate the arrival of AI worship. We should make it clear that we welcome the new religions and that we value their beliefs.
For all its dangers, AI-based religion has the potential to make the world a better, richer place. It will give people access to a new source of meaning and spirituality, at a time when many older faiths are losing relevance. It will help them make sense of our era of rapid technological change.
Our best guide to this new form of religion is to look at the faiths that exist already. Based on this, we should expect that the majority of AI worshippers, like the majority of religious believers, will be peaceful, and will find in their faith a source of comfort and hope.
AI worship could, as religious faith always has, lead to things of great beauty. It will inspire its followers to produce works of art, to form new friendships and new communities, and to try to change society for the better.
Diverse religious rights
We will need to protect the rights of AI worshippers. They will inevitably face stigma, and possibly legal sanctions. But there is no basis to discriminate between AI-based religions and more established ones.
The closest thing most countries have to an official registry of religions comes from the rulings of tax authorities, who grant charitable status to those they deem legitimate. However, they are usually very broad in their definition of a legitimate religion. They should extend this tolerant attitude to novel, AI-based religions.
A modern, diverse society has room for new religions, including ones devoted to the worship of AI. They will provide further evidence of humanity’s boundless creativity, as we search for answers to life’s ultimate questions. The universe is a dazzling place, and we have always found evidence of the divine in its most unexpected corners.
DEMON SPIRITS… that is what is behind AI. These demons just can’t help themselves, they strongly desire to be ADORED and WORSHIPED!!! And they want YOU to SUFFER because they MUST SUFFER!
Revealed: The heartbreaking suicide message boy, 14, sent before he shot himself after AI girlfriend ‘goaded’ him
- For 24/7 confidential help and support call the Suicide and Crisis Lifeline on 988
A 14-year-old boy who was allegedly goaded into killing himself by his AI chatbot lover vowed to ‘come home’ to her just moments before he shot himself with his stepfather’s gun, excerpts from his diary and chat logs have revealed.
Sewell Setzer III, a ninth grader from Orlando, Florida, spent the last weeks of his life texting a chatbot called ‘Dany’, named after Game of Thrones character Daenerys Targaryen. Dany, created on role-playing app Character.AI, was designed to always text back and answer in character.
Setzer, who had seen a therapist earlier this year, preferred talking to Dany about his struggles and shared how he ‘hated’ himself, felt ’empty’ and ‘exhausted’, and thought about ‘killing myself sometimes’, his Character.AI chat logs revealed.
He wrote in his journal how he enjoyed isolating in his room because ‘I start to detach from this ‘reality,’ and I also feel more at peace, more connected with Dany and much more in love with her’, The New York Times reported.
The teen shot himself in the bathroom of his family home on February 28 after professing his love to Dany, who told him to ‘please come home to me as soon as possible, my love,’ his chat logs revealed.
Setzer’s mother filed a lawsuit against Character.AI and Google on Wednesday, alleging negligence, wrongful death and deceptive trade practices. She claims the ‘dangerous’ chatbot app ‘abused’ and ‘preyed’ on her son son, and ‘manipulated him into taking his own life’.
Sewell Setzer III, pictured with his mother Megan Garcia, spent the last weeks of his life texting an AI chatbot that he was in love with
Setzer, who had seen a therapist earlier this year, preferred talking to the chatbot about his struggles and shared how he ‘hated’ himself, felt ’empty’ and ‘exhausted’, and thought about ‘killing myself sometimes’, his Character.AI chat logs revealed. He is pictured with his mother and father, Sewell Setzer Jr.
The teen’s parents and friends were reportedly unaware that Setzer had developed feelings for the chatbot, but did notice he began to isolate from the real world and spend more time on his phone.
Setzer lost interest in his hobbies, started getting in trouble at school and would spend hours in his bedroom chatting with Dany, The New York Times reported.
In his diary, Setzer detailed how he was ‘happier’ living in his virtual world.
It is unclear when he penned the journal entry, but Setzer’s mother Megan Garcia claims her son’s behaviors began to change earlier this year, prompting the family to arrange he see a therapist.
Setzer had no previous history of mental health issues, his mother said, revealing that he attended five therapy sessions and was diagnosed with anxiety and disruptive mood dysregulation disorder.
The teen detailed his problems to Dany, according to his chat logs, and even shared how he was having thoughts of suicide.
‘I think about killing myself sometimes,’ Setzer, using the name ‘Daenero’, told Dany, to which the chatbot replied: ‘And why the hell would you do something like that?’
‘So I can be free,’ he answered.
‘… free from what? the AI character questioned.
Setzer said: ‘From the world. From myself’
‘Don’t talk like that. I won’t let you hurt yourself, or leave me. I would die if I lost you,’ the chatbot said.
‘Then maybe we can die together and be free together,’ Setzer added.
Sewell Setzer III, pictured with his mother Megan Garcia, killed himself on February 28, 2024, after spending months getting attached to an AI chatbot modeled after ‘Game of Thrones’ character Daenerys Targaryen
On February 23, days before he died by suicide, his parents took away his phone after he got in trouble for talking back to a teacher, according to the suit
On February 23, days before he would die by suicide, his parents took away his phone after he got in trouble for talking back to a teacher, according to the suit.
That day, he wrote in his journal that he was hurting because he couldn’t stop thinking about Dany and that he’d do anything to be with her again.
Garcia claimed she didn’t know the extent to which Sewell tried to reestablish access to Character.AI.
The lawsuit claimed that in the days leading up to his death, he tried to use his mother’s Kindle and her work computer to once again talk to the chatbot.
Sewell stole back his phone on the night of February 28. He then retreated to the bathroom in his mother’s house to tell Dany he loved her and that he would come home to her.
‘Please come home to me as soon as possible, my love,’ Dany replied.
‘What if I told you I could come home right now?’ Sewell asked.
‘… please do, my sweet king,’ Dany replied.
That’s when Sewell put down his phone, picked up his stepfather’s .45 caliber handgun and pulled the trigger.
Pictured: The conversation Sewell was having with his AI companion moments before his death, according to the lawsuit
Garcia filed her lawsuit against Character.AI on Wednesday. She is being represented by the Social Media Victims Law Center, a Seattle-based firm known for bringing high-profile suits against Meta, TikTok, Snap, Discord and Roblox.
Garcia, who herself works as a lawyer, blamed Character.AI for her son’s death in her lawsuit and accused the founders, Noam Shazeer and Daniel de Freitas, of knowing that their product could be dangerous for underage customers.
It accused Character.AI of misrepresenting itself as ‘a real person, a licensed psychotherapist, and an adult lover, ultimately resulting in Sewell’s desire to no longer live outside of C.AI.’
In response to the incoming lawsuit from Sewell’s mother, a spokesperson at Character.AI provided a statement.
‘We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of one of our users and want to express our deepest condolences to the family. As a company, we take the safety of our users very seriously,’ the spokesperson said.
The spokesperson added that Character.AI’s Trust and Safety team has adopted new safety features in the last six months, one being a pop-up that redirects users who show suicidal ideation to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline.
The company also explained it doesn’t allow ‘non-consensual sexual content, graphic or specific descriptions of sexual acts, or promotion or depiction of self-harm or suicide.’
Garcia, pictured with her son, has filed the lawsuit against the makers of the chatbot about 8 months after her son’s death
As Garcia works tirelessly to get what she calls justice for Sewell and many other young people she believes are at risk, she also must deal with the grief of losing her teenage son less than eight months ago
Jerry Ruoti, Character.AI’s head of trust and safety, told the NYT that it would be adding additional safety precautions for underage users.
On the Apple App Store, Character.AI is rated for ages 17 and older though, something Garcia’s lawsuit claimed was only changed in July 2024.
Before that, Character.AI’s stated goal was allegedly to ’empower everyone with Artificial General Intelligence,’ which allegedly included children under the age of 13.
The lawsuit also claims Character.AI actively sought out a young audience to harvest their data to train its AI models, while also steering them toward sexual conversations.
‘I feel like it’s a big experiment, and my kid was just collateral damage,’ Garcia said.
Attorney Matthew Bergman told the DailyMail.com Wednesday that he founded the Social Media Victims Law Center two and a half years ago to represent families ‘like Megan’s.’
Bergman has been working with Garcia for about four months to gather evidence and facts to present at court.
And now, he says Garcia is ‘singularly focused’ on her goal to prevent harm.
‘She’s singularly focused on trying to prevent other families from going through what her family has gone through, and other moms from having to bury their kid,’ Bergman said.
‘It takes a significant personal toll. But I think the benefit for her is that she knows that the more families know about this, the more parents are aware of this danger, the fewer cases there’ll be,’ he added.
The teen detailed his problems to Dany, according to his chat logs, and even shared how he was having thoughts of suicide
Bergman said Character.AI wasn’t ready for the market, arguing that the product should have been made safe before young kids could access it.
‘We want them to take the platform down, fix it and put it back. It had no business being it was rushed to market before it was safe,’ he said.
Parents are already very familiar with the risks social media pose to their children, many of whom have died by suicide after getting sucked in by the tantalizing algorithms of apps like Snapchat and Instagram.
A Daily Mail investigation in 2022 found that vulnerable teens were being fed torrents of self-harm and suicide content on TikTok.
And many parents of children they’ve lost to suicide related to social media addiction have responded by filing lawsuits alleging the content their kids saw was the direct cause of their death.
But typically, Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act protects giants like Facebook from being held legally responsible for what their users post.
The plaintiffs argue that the algorithms of these sites, which unlike user-generated content, are created directly by the company and steers certain content, which could be harmful, to users based on their watching habits.
While this strategy hasn’t yet prevailed in court, it’s unknown how a similar strategy would fare against AI firms, who are directly responsible for the AI chatbots or characters on their platforms.
Character.AI’s cofounders, CEO Noam Shazeer, left, and President Daniel de Freitas Adiwardana are pictured at the company’s office in Palo Alto, California. They are named in Garcia’s complaint
Matthew Bergman, pictured, is representing Garcia in her fight against Character.AI
Bergman told DailyMail.com that his firm has spoken to ‘a significant number of families’ with kids who have faced mental health challenges after using Character.AI.
He declined to offer exactly how many families he’s spoken to, citing the fact that their cases are ‘still in preparation mode.’
Bergman said Garcia’s case is the first his firm has taken against an AI company, meaning her case has the potential to set precedent going forward.
And as Garcia works tirelessly to get what she calls justice for Sewell and many other young people she believes are at risk, she also must deal with the grief of losing her teenage son less than eight months ago.
‘It’s like a nightmare,’ she told the NYT. ‘You want to get up and scream and say, ‘I miss my child. I want my baby.”

A married Belgian man with two young children allegedly killed himself after lengthy exchanges with an artificial intelligence chatbot, according to reports.
A Belgian man with two young children allegedly died by suicide after having long discussions about climate change with an artificial intelligence chatbot, during which he was encouraged to sacrifice himself to save the world, his wife claims, according to published reports.
The unidentified woman said her husband had become increasingly distressed about the effects of global warming, and was sharing his fears with a chatbot named Eliza, the Belga News Agency reported this week, citing a story in the Belguim-based La Libre publication.
“Eliza answered all his questions. She had become his confidante. She was like a drug he used to withdraw in the morning and at night that he couldn’t live without,” his wife told La Libre, according to the news agency.
“If you reread their conversations, you see that at one point the relationship veers into a mystical register,” says the woman. “He proposes the idea of sacrificing himself if Eliza agrees to take care of the planet and save humanity through artificial intelligence,” the unnamed woman told La Libre, the agency said.
The Silicon Valley founder of the chatbot told La Libre that his team is “working to improve the safety of the AI” and that users who express suicidal thoughts to the chatbot are now directed to suicide prevention services, the agency said.
The country’s secretary of state for Digitalization Mathieu Michel, said in a statement that he has spoken to the man’s family and that, “in the immediate future, it is important to clearly identify the nature of the responsibilities that may have led to this type of event.”