This is an amazing collection of information on the Mind Control Experiments carried out on innocent human beings by people in authority here in these United States. It is frightening to learn how pervasive and massive these projects are and how long they have been practiced. I know it is hard for ordinary citizens to put their head around this issue. It is literally mind-blowing.
The innocent victims of these experiments have suffered horrendously and need our prayers. We need to WAKE UP and do whatever is necessary to STOP THE INSANITY! You must come to the realization that we are in a Spiritual Battle for our minds. The Word of God has told us that from the beginning. When will YOU get that? This battle cannot be one in the natural. The weapon of OUR WARFARE are not carnal, but MIGHTY THROUGH GOD for the PULLING DOWN OF STRONGHOLDS! I know that it seems overwhelming to look at this information. We are taken aback and struck with the seeming hopelessness of the situation. THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT THE ENEMY WANTS!
WE MUST NOT GIVE IN! No matter what! Even if we are tortured and/or killed. Our EVERLASTING HOPE is in the life we will enjoy through eternity with the Heavenly Father who loves us. THIS WORLD is NOT OUR HOME! We must stand against the evil one, through prayer, fasting, praise and worship and most of all through spreading the truth. All the enemy has really is deception. He cannot deceive people if they know the TRUTH. Speak the TRUTH boldly wherever you go. WAKE UP THE PEOPLE, who are hypnotized, blind and deceived.
Just in case you are not aware of the NAZI roots of the CIA and NASA, I have posted the following video. IF you are already one who knows about it, please go on to the rest of the article.
D.C. Hammond on Monarch and MK-ULTRA programming
Serious students of mind control may know of this talk by Dr. D.C. Hammond on artificially induced Multiple Personality Disorder–i.e., the deliberate fracturing of a person’s personality and consciousness coupled with mind “programming”: by means of ritualistic psychosexual abuse as well as drugs and EM/RF signals. These operations are often carried out by “satanic” cults directly linked to intelligence/military covert government agencies for the purpose of creating Monarch-type agents. I am including in this report a portion of some of his comments on this topic. I found it to be one of the most lucid and understandable explanations of the entire system and how (tragically well) it works and has worked, on a truly unbelievable number of people nationwide.
Dr. Hammond has worked closely with a substantial number of victims of government (intelligence)-run mind control operations and has a solid grasp of both the overall extent and scope of the programs and also the impact of these kinds of activities upon the personal lives of those unfortunate enough to have been subjected to them.
“At the end of World War II, before it even ended, Allen Dulles and people from our Intelligence Community were already in Switzerland making contact to get out Nazi scientists. As World War II ends, they not only get out rocket scientists, but they also get out some Nazi doctors who have been doing mind-control research in the camps. They brought them to the United States.
“What they basically do is they will get a child and they will start this, in basic forms, it appears, by about two and a half after the child’s already been made dissociative. They’ll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, “You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.” They start in rudimentary forms at about two and a half and kick into high gear, it appears, around six or six and a half, continue through adolescence with periodic reinforcements in adulthood. Basically in the programming the child will be put typically on a gurney. They will have an IV in one hand or arm. They’ll be strapped down, typically naked.
There’ll be wires attached to their head to monitor electroencephalograph patterns. They will see a pulsing light, most often described as red, occasionally white or blue. They’ll be given, most commonly I believe, Demerol. Sometimes it’ll be other drugs as well depending on the kind of programming. They have it, I think, down to a science where they’ve learned you give so much every twenty-five minutes until the programming is done. They then will describe a pain on one ear, their right ear generally, where it appears a needle has been placed, and they will hear weird, disorienting sounds in that ear while they see photic stimulation to drive the brain into a brainwave pattern with a pulsing light at a certain frequency not unlike the goggles that are now available through Sharper Image and some of those kinds of stores.
Then, after a suitable period when they’re in a certain brainwave state, they will begin programming, programming oriented to self-destruction and debasement of the person. In a patient at this point in time about eight years old who has gone through a great deal early programming took place on a military installation. That’s not uncommon.
“I’ve treated and been involved with cases who are part of this original mind control project as well as having their programming on military reservations in many cases. We find a lot of connections with the CIA. This patient now was in a Cult school, a private Cult school where several of these sessions occurred a week. She would go into a room, get all hooked up. They would do all of these sorts of things. When she was in the proper altered state, now they were no longer having to monitor it with electroencephalographs, she also had already had placed on her electrodes, one in the vagina, for example, four on the head. Sometimes they’ll be on other parts of the body.
They will then begin and they would say to her, “You are angry with someone in the group.” She’d say, “No, I’m not” and they’d violently shock her. They would say the same thing until she complied and didn’t make any negative response. Then they would continue. “And because you are angry with someone in the group,” or “When you are angry with someone in the group, you will hurt yourself. Do you understand?” She said, “No” and they shocked her. They repeated again, “Do you understand?” “Well, yes, but I don’t want to.” Shock her again until they get compliance. Then they keep adding to it. “And you will hurt yourself by cutting yourself. Do you understand?” Maybe she’d say yes, but they might say, “We don’t believe you” and shock her anyway. “Go back and go over it again.” They would continue in this sort of fashion. She said typically it seemed as though they’d go about thirty minutes, take a break for a smoke or something, come back. They may review what they’d done and stopped or they might review what they’d done and go on to new material. She said the sessions might go half an hour, they might go three hours. She estimated three times a week.
“Programming under the influence of drugs in a certain brainwave state and with these noises in one ear and them speaking in the other ear, usually the left ear, associated with right hemisphere non-dominant brain functioning, and with them talking, therefore, and requiring intense concentration, intense focusing. Because often they’ll have to memorize and say certain things back, word-perfect, to avoid punishment, shock, and other kinds of things that are occurring. This is basically how a lot of programming goes on. Some of it’ll also use other typical brainwashing kinds of techniques. There will be very standardized types of hypnotic things done at times. There’ll be sensory deprivation which we know increases suggestibility in anyone. Total sensory deprivation, suggestibility has significantly increased, from the research. It’s not uncommon for them to use a great deal of that, including formal sensory-deprivation chambers before they do certain of these things.
“Now the problem is there are many different layers of alternate personalities with this stuff. What we have up here are innumerable alters…we found out that all of this great work had done nothing but deal with the alters up here and had not touched the mind-control programming. In fact it was not only intact, but we found one who was having her therapy monitored every session by her mother, out-of-state, over the telephone, and that she still had intact suggestions that had been given to her to kill her therapist at a certain future time.
“…I have the very uncomfortable feeling from some past experience that when you look at this you will find the large proportion of ritual-abuse victims in this country are having their ongoing therapy monitored.
“I remember a woman who came in about twenty-four years old, claimed her father was a Satanist. Her parents divorced when she was six. After that it would only when her father had visitation and he would take her to rituals sometimes up until age fifteen. She said, “I haven’t gone to anything since I was fifteen.” Her therapist believed this at face value. We sat in my office. We did a two-hour inquiry using hypnosis. We found the programming present. In addition to that we found that every therapy session was debriefed and in fact they had told her to get sick and not come to the appointment with me.
Another one had been told that I was Cult and that if she came I would know that she’d been told not to come and I would punish her. If anything meaningful comes out in a patient who’s being monitored like that–from what I’ve learned thus far, they’re tortured with electric shocks–my belief is if they’re in that situation you can’t do meaningful therapy other than being supportive and caring and letting them know you care a lot and you’ll be there to support them. But I wouldn’t try to work with any kind of deep material or deprogramming with them because I think it can do nothing but get them tortured and hurt unless they can get into a safe, secure inpatient unit for an extended period of time to do some of the work required. I have a feeling that when you make inquiries you’re going to find that probably greater than fifty percent of these patients, if they’re bloodline, meaning mother or dad or both involved, will be monitored on some ongoing basis. [Pause]
“The way you create Manchurian Candidates is you divide the mind. It’s part of what the Intelligence Community wanted to look at. If you’re going to get an assassin, you’re going to get somebody to go do something, you divide the mind. It fascinates me about cases like the assassination of Robert Kennedy, where Bernard Diamond, on examining Sirhan Sirhan found that he had total amnesia of the killing of Robert Kennedy, but under hypnosis could remember it. But despite suggestions he would be able to consciously remember, Sirhan could not remember a thing after he was out of hypnosis. I’d love to examine Sirhan Sirhan.”
Dr. D.Corydon Hammond
LOS ANGELES — Astronaut Gordon Cooper, one of the original seven Mercury astronauts, has confirmed the existence of a mind control program administered by NASA in the 1950’s and 1960’s involving gifted American schoolchildren.
The astronaut’s revelation was made during a July 19th interview by host Mike Siegel on the popular, late-night radio program, Coast to Coast.
– From “Sue Ellen”, a well-known Mormon singer.
One thing which has been cropping up more and more in the info I’ve been getting is the tremendously extensive use of children in mind control operations and the unbelievable high level of infiltration into the child care and education systems on the part of agencies carrying out these operations.
The following was emailed to me in 1998 by a woman who has lived much of her life immersed in the world of the Church of the Latter Day Saints, as well as government phychosexual-abuse mind control programs linked to military bases and kiddie-porn operations.
“First off, I am one of 13 children. I am also a professional singer. I have three CD’s and 9 cassettes that I have produced for the Mormon (LDS) music market. I am kind of famous in my market and have won what you might call ’grammy’ awards. My albums sell all over the world.
“I was raised by Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Maria (Santa Barbara County), California. My sisters Dawn and Priscilla have worse stories than mine, but let’s just say we’ve all experienced some crazy times. My mother was a religious fanatic. She was third generation incest. My father was secretive and also religiously ’affected’ even though he did not practice what he preached. His mother molested him. We were the ’perfect’ large Mormon family. My dad was a music teacher. My Mom produced babies almost every year that I remember growing up. I was the second mom by the time I was six years old and learned how to cook and do laundry. My Dad was apparently into child pornography and ’sold’ us to the government.
“When my sister Eve was reportedly gang raped when she was 11, she started running away and was put into a Catholic convent in Los Angeles–(this is really, really strange considering how Catholics and Mormons get along). I am sure she was MKULTRA’d there. Her story is very interesting and is picked up in the military where there was a base she was on that served up a lot of drugs. She says that Crystal Gayle and a well dressed man asked her to mule drugs for her ’country’. He spilled a file on my whole family in front of her on the floor. She picked it up and saw every one of us in it! She says we were all sold to the government according to him. She also says that everyone on that base almost is now famous! It was like an entertainment base…training ground for the MK stars. She names a lot of them. She is a multiple personality and a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser. It took me many years to get this all out of her. Now her life makes sense to me.
“Louisa, my other sister had hysterical black out/non breathing spells since the day she was born. I know now that she was a victim of sexual molestation from my dad (her primary caretaker at the time). She remembers it until she was 4 or five. Memories keep coming up for her. She was also molested at age 16, when my dad ’flipped out’ and had full penetration sex with her. He ran away to Hawaii and wrote me on an old garbage bag that he didn’t remember what he did and that he was sorry. I was a very religious girl at the time and thought the world had come to an end and was just ’waking up’ to the possibility of these horrible things happening to people.
“Did I tell you that Louisa (one of my sisters that worked for the Pentagon), just told me about another memory about Vandenberg AFB where she remembers being hooked up to this helmet with wires. She got sick when the memory was coming up. She’s had so many of them, she knows what to expect now and gets through it all better than she used to.
“My family is a nightmare. Anyway, Louisa ended up working for a man that was third from the top at the Pentagon. She worked as his assistant and decoded top secret government files (all in Disney and Alice in Wonderland, etc. language), and made reservations for his regular trips to Santa Rosa where he would meet his buddies at the ’good ole’ boys’ fart club there. You’ve probably heard of Bohemian Grove. She was ’losing’ time on occasion and was eventually raped by this man. When she tried to go through even the proceedings to indict him, she was unsuccessful and bullied. She quit the armed services and has had a family of six children. She is just now waking up to what has happened to her and the memories are surfacing. I am worried for what they may have programmed into her when she wakes up!
“Anyway, to my story. As if my family of origin wasn’t bad enough. My husband’s family is involved, too! My husband’s dad was in the Army (a colonel) and Navy and is now retired. He would take the kids to Disneyland every year for ten years while he learned some ridiculous language school for the army (a language he cannot even speak hardly a word of to this day when asked, so I think this was a cover for what he was really doing). He was a member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and became a Mormon Bishop. Sounds great , huh? The only problem is, I found out he molested a niece in the family and had never ’repented’ before accepting the ’calling from the Lord’ as BISHOP! Red flags started going up all over for me. His family is even worse than mine!
“I could go on. It’s too long.
“Anyway, that’s a start. These are painful memories and I want to see that those bastards that are playing around with people’s emotions get what they karmically deserve AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! I want to however stay out of fear and not give into hate. But let me know how I can help you GET THESE GUYS! THERE’S ONLY A FEW OF THEM AND A WHOLE LOT OF US!!
“I hope that’s enough of an advantage.
“There was a report done by the “Strengthening the Saints Committee” where they asked a sort of high ranking church official to do a study and report. He interviewed 60 victims of satanic ritual abuse. These Satanic Ritual Abuse victims pulled the lid off pandora’s box by all saying pretty much the same thing: “They took me to the church/temple to get baptized. They dunked me. I think they were trying to drown me.
“They asked if I loved Jesus. I said yes. They dunk me again. They ask if Jesus will save me. I say yes, they dunk me again. This goes on and on and Jesus doesn’t save me. Then Satan comes and saves me and he’s the one who really loves me and now I will do anything he says.”
“They have all seen murder. Some have participated and remember it. They all have emerging memories in their 30s and 40s. That is when this stuff comes out. Anyway, a lot of them are under psychiatric care and many were referred by the psychiatric world where split personalities are becoming so common because of these rituals. They are so horrific that the victim simply can’t endure unless they run away into another personality that’s stronger or whatever. It’s the saddest thing in the world. These are sadistic soul murderers.”
“Sue Ellen”
Another connection to organized religion surfaced when Preston Nichols was working with Air Force agents in deprogramming a number of “Montauk Boys” at Sag Harbor, as noted in the section of this report on corroborative evidence. The Pallotine group, by means of various youth related services and facilities, has been tied to the procurement of children for use in the project. Preston Nichols called it a monastic order working with the secret government to help train an elite fighting group of children along the lines of Delta Forces. Strangely, the Pallotines, considered to be a “militant” order by the Roman Catholic Church, are said to have extensive interactions and liaisons as well with many other organized religions.
The unfortunate children are procured for the Project through various youth related services and facilities operated by The Pallotine group, and those deemed suitable for such “service” to their unconstitutional secret government are funneled through the Pallotine network into the Montauk Project. Judging by some photos on the Pallotine web site, These ’fathers’ look like real CIA types. They have a remarkably creepy message on the web site also, which reads in part–“for those that have gone astray… this is where you will find your salvation” and that “Jesus is going to refresh and REMAKE you”. I definitely won’t be planning to worship at these guys’ church!
Though this may sound somewhat hokey and not particularly significant or relevant in the bigger picture, I can say this: Preston Nichols feels that the information he has found out relating to the Pallotines and many of the world’s organized religions is a major aspect of the Phoenix/Montauk Project, which until now has been almost entirely unknown and completely hidden. Due to what he feels is the extreme emotionalism and at times irrational nature of how many relate to religious beliefs in our world, Preston Nichols stated that he is NOT going to publicize the information he has uncovered regarding the Pallotine organization; because it exposes the deep involvement of many organized religions in the mind manipulations perpetrated against humanity by the covert world government, it is severely damaging to these religions, and because it could lead to an extraordinarily volatile and in fact dangerous situation for him personally.
True Story of an Illuminati Hitman- Snatched from the Flames
The Order of the Rosy Cross as well the Knights of Malta, to which George Bush belongs, and also the Skull and Bones Society, to which both Bush and supposed political rival Bill Clinton both belong, have been mentioned as other religious or “philosophical” organizations which have been and are linked to the Montauk Boys operations, and are tied in fundamental ways to the New World Order in general. In addition the various organizations mentioned are linked to Masonic systems.
Substantial and virtually indisputable evidence of direct links between certain military agencies and a number of mind control operations has already been well documented by other writers and researchers, and some new evidence is provided in this report in the preceding material by the Mormon singer “Sue Ellen” regarding child abuse and psychosexual programming at California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara County. Worthy of special note regarding this topic is the body of information relating to the Monarch Project operation at San Francisco’s Presidio Army base, in which hundreds of children at the Child Development Center’s day care facility on the base were subjected to psychosexual mind control programming under the general direction of Army Colonel Michael Aquino.
An intelligence officer with extensive and significant connections to the CIA and other intelligence agencies, Aquino also ran and operated the “Temple of Set”, a Church of Satan offshoot based in San Francisco. Due to major ties to the CIA on the part of Aquino and other principal defendants, and just as in the McMartin Preschool case in Los Angeles County, no one was ever found guilty in the Presidio case despite substantial hard evidence and the testimony of hundreds of youngsters, parents, and mental health care professionals.
From Judith, who provided some very interesting information noted earlier in this report on some unusual occurrences in NYC and Long Island on or around August 12 1983 (a highly significant date in the Philadelphia/Montauk Phoenix saga), comes testimony which corroborates so much other information on the ritualistic abuse of children in programming/mind control operations designed to create “sleeper” agents with thoroughly controlled alternate personalities.
“Thanks so much for the articles and your recent correspondences. I have not gone over the articles in depth, but the info in your letters has me very intrigued. You certainly have done your research.
“I am most interested in the underground info you may have delved into.
“My father an AF colonel, graduated from West Point, 1944. I lived there as an infant in the early 1950s. Yeah–there WERE tunnels at West Point–most notably under the day care center. Children were assaulted there, my sister and I both. Some very sadistic acts going on there. Vampiresque-cults in that area.
“Also, a great deal of extra frequencies in and around West Point and that whole area. Not a question and they continue today. There are particular buildings at West Point which have definite frequency problems. Those of us who seem to be much more attuned to the change in frequency levels (my theory is that all military people have been set-up with implants– possibly mind controlled too–and are thus very sensitive to changes in frequencies in the air in any environment), notice these changes from one city-town-territory to the next. I am sure that Montauk is filled with frequency problems and is hence, quite magnetic and charged.
“Send any other information my way–as you have it. Thanks much…”
Research has shown an extraordinarily high level of involvement on the part of certain families or clans – blood lines, in other words – in a great many interdimensional activities and related operations along the lines of Philadelphia/Montauk; members of which apparently possess specific psychic and genetic characteristics which facilitate certain of these endeavors. Many of these blood lines are German (Teutonic) and/or Celtic.
The primary psychic used in the “heyday” of the Montauk activities up until 1983 was Duncan Cameron, directly related to the truly horrible Ewen Cameron who conducted the well-known experimental mind control research (mostly drug-based with some EM/RF aspects also) at Montreal’s Allan Memorial Institute (mostly in the 1960s and early 1970s.). Duncan’s father was deeply involved with clandestine (and not so clandestine) government agencies which funneled hordes of Nazi officials and scientists into this country; much of this well before the end of WW2.
The Kennedy clan is historically related to the Cameron clan and Joseph Kennedy, in his office as US ambassador to Great Britain, was unabashed in support of Hitler even after WW2 began–in direct conflict with the position and wishes of his president Franklin Roosevelt.
Masterminds of Philadelphia/Montauk and related operations are thoroughly tied to the Nazi/Aryan agenda and even for lower level, non-esoteric, noncritical activities and experiments will often utilize subjects with “Aryan” genetic characteristics and blood lines: these people are often of German or Celtic descent. The reason these groups have been “selected” (let’s not say “chosen”) for such a thoroughly unenviable distinction in connection with such activities is due to what project operators believe are strong psychic, intuitive and mystical/ magical abilities inherent in people of these races.
To whatever extent this may be true, those of Celtic/German descent are most unfortunately being exploited in service of a truly hellish and near-unremittingly evil agenda. It seems more and more evident that cherishers of true human dignity and freedom must all use any powers we do indeed possess; such as positivity of thought and strength of mind, body and spirit, used with compassion and insight, to overturn and counteract the operations of these despoilers of humanity to the greatest extent possible.
Aleister Crowley, a British intelligence agent with strong sympathies for the Nazi movement in addition to (being) a well known “mystic”, was thoroughly in on much of this type of skullduggery earlier in the century, employing his own peculiar mixture of mysticism, Aryan fascism, elements of psychosexual mind (and astral) programming, and cloak-and-dagger weirdness. The Crowleys also reputedly has clan connections to the prominent mystical family Cameron and Aleister himself had strong connections to Montauk.

Dianetics (from Greek dia, meaning “through”, and nous, meaning “mind“) is a set of ideas and practices regarding the metaphysical relationship between the mind and body created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard. Dianetics is practiced by followers of Scientology,[1][2] the Nation of Islam (as of 2010),[3] and independent Dianeticist groups.
Dianetics divides the mind into three parts: the conscious “analytical mind”, the subconscious “reactive mind“, and the somatic mind.[4] The goal of Dianetics is to erase the content of the “reactive mind”, which Scientologists believe interferes with a person’s ethics, awareness, happiness, and sanity. The Dianetics procedure to achieve this erasure is called “auditing“.[5] In auditing, the Dianetic auditor asks a series of questions (or commands) and elicits answers to help a person locate and deal with painful experiences of the past,[6] which Scientologists believe to be the content of the “reactive mind”.[7][8]
Practitioners of Dianetics believe that “the basic principle of existence is to survive”[9] and that the basic personality of humans is sincere, intelligent, and good.[9] The drive for goodness and survival is distorted and inhibited by aberrations[9]“ranging from simple neuroses to different psychotic states to various kinds of sociopathic behavior patterns.” Hubbard developed Dianetics, claiming that it could eradicate these aberrations.[10]
When Hubbard formulated Dianetics, he described it as “a mix of Western technology and Oriental philosophy”.[11] He said that Dianetics “forms a bridge between” cybernetics and general semantics (a set of ideas about education originated by Alfred Korzybski, which received much attention in the science fiction world in the 1940s)[12][13]—a claim denied by scholars of General Semantics,[14] including S. I. Hayakawa, who expressed strong criticism of Dianetics as early as 1951.[15]Hubbard claimed that Dianetics could increase intelligence, eliminate unwanted emotions and alleviate a wide range of illnesses he believed to be psychosomatic. Among the conditions purportedly treated were arthritis, allergies, asthma, some coronary difficulties, eye trouble, ulcers, migraine headaches, “sexual deviation” (which for Hubbard included homosexuality), and even death.[16] Hubbard asserted that “memories of painful physical and emotional experiences accumulate in a specific region of the mind, causing illness and mental problems.” He taught that “once these experiences have been purged through cathartic procedures he developed, a person can achieve superior health and intelligence.”[17] Hubbard also variously defined Dianetics as “a spiritual healing technology” and “an organized science of thought.”[18]
Dianetics predates Hubbard’s classification of Scientology as an “applied religious philosophy”. Early in 1951, he expanded his writings to include teachings related to the soul, or “thetan“.[19] Dianetics is practiced by several independent Dianetics-only groups not connected with Scientology,[clarification needed] and also Free Zoneor Independent Scientologists. The Church of Scientology has prosecuted a number of people in court for unauthorized publication of Scientology and Dianetics copyrighted material.[20]
Another family name which Peter Moon has found crops up in this field with notable frequency is Wilson. One member of the Wilson clan who has been very influential in the modern world and who has been consistently in opposition certainly to some of the agendas of the secret (worldwide) government is L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology. Hubbard is the name of his adoptive parents but he was born a Wilson. Peter Moon was fairly high up in the Scientology network in the 1970s when Hubbard was quite active personally, and has researched this genetic angle exhaustively. Whatever one’s personal views on Scientology, (and by many indications it’s been thoroughly subverted by infiltrators after Hubbard’s death), they did seem to be dedicated to a relatively enlightened agenda, which sought real psychological clarity and freedom from pathological, kneejerk states of mind imprinted onto our subconscious from past traumatic events, even prior to the present lifetime.
It’s an undeniable fact that Hubbard and Scientology were mercilessly and relentlessly hounded and harassed by Federal authorities back when he was alive (and likely since!) way beyond any reasonable degree, and that alone would give one reason to think that he was probably on to something both important and positive.
Though not publicized much in the more popular, “outer” teachings of Dianetics, those in Hubbard’s inner circles were quite aware that some of his non-published, internal material which Hubbard allowed access to addressed very specifically ill-intentioned extraterrestrials or extradimensionals which capture human souls–usually between lifetimes. These beings implant (false) spiritual, psychological even sociopolitical concepts designed to keep souls trapped and enslaved as it were–by continually and endlessly reincarnating into an external reality or world already heavily controlled and manipulated in so many ways; by those who maintain and broadcast the dominant “frequencies” which make up the (quantum/ electromagnetic) matrix of our perceived and experienced reality via such operations as the Montauk project. This fits some vast agenda of human spiritual (and physical!) enslavement and corresponding conditions; a longstanding agenda of the secret, cultic “governments” which support, further and foster this ongoing, mass manipulation of the human race through the indoctrinated and/or enforced political, religious and other social systems.
William Bramley’s exceptional book The Gods Of Eden, one of the more unusual “UFO” books ever written, covers this very angle in tremendous detail and provides ample documentation that the predominant “control group” which attempts to run the show here on Earth, as manifested in the ruling secret brotherhoods/ societies/governments (i.e. the Bilderbergers, CFR and the like), is inextricably tied to specific ET groups.
As per further information on L. Ron Hubbard, he did a stint in Naval Intelligence where he assimilated a lot of the information the government had amassed resulting from their research and experiments into drug-based mind manipulation and narcosynthesis–this in the 30s! Hubbard took the information and techniques and applied them in a methodology supposedly aimed at “empowering” (in pc 90s-speak) and liberating people on very fundamental psychological levels from ingrained, encoded (often deliberately) “engramatic” behavior and states of mind, usually programmed by traumatic means (intentionally or not). It does not seem as though Hubbard wanted to be a cult leader, no matter how the government has tried to portray him, and much of his work comes across as predominantly sane and useful.
Hubbard was vehemently opposed to psychiatry and in particular (interestingly enough!) to the ubiquitous Dr. Ewen Cameron, who at different times has been–incredibly–the president of the American Psychiatric Association, the Canadian Psychiatric Association, and the World Psychiatric Association. In light of that, and given Ewen Cameron’s truly odious, cruel, horrible, and unpardonable activities, any reasonable person would be more than a little suspicious of the motives and agenda of psychiatry in general, as Hubbard most certainly was. Far too often psychiatry is used as a tool of social behavioral control and modification, used to force subjects’ minds to conform to certain concepts, beliefs, structures and mores imposed from without; strictures which again nearly always reinforce the wishes and aims of society’s prevailing rulers and of the status quo.
Montauk Project author Peter Moon was a Scientology member and in fact occasionally worked directly with Hubbard. Moon seems certain that Hubbard in fact was pretty much on the opposite team, certainly in terms of the known objectives of Phoenix/Montauk, regarding “mind control”. Moon believes Hubbard to have been on the whole dedicated to the personal spiritual emancipation of human beings from programming of virtually any kind, and my admittedly skimpy knowledge of Scientology/Dianetics would tend to back that up. I think the movement has suffered from a personality cult syndrome, and that Hubbard may in fact have had a bit of a messiah complex running, but I do find some quite worthwhile elements in the Dianetics material.
Hubbard was of course a participant in the so called “Babalon Working”, some mystical ceremony enacted along with fellow Aleister Crowley adherents Jack (JPL/Cal-Tech/Father of modern rocketry) Parsons and Marjorie Wilson Cameron. This ceremony has been said to have certain esoteric correspondences with the Philadelphia Experiment, and may have (helped) open some dimensional channel enabling negative ET’s easier access to our dimension/reality–a new freeway was put in.
Perhaps to that extent Hubbard was some kind of influence on the more mystical aspects of Montauk/Phoenix operation, but I see any evidence he would have supported the specific goals of the project at all. Perhaps it would be best to note however that there are a substantial number of people who dispute that statement and would even dispute that Hubbard and his organizations ever had any beneficial, humanitarian or positive goals and agendas at all.

Scientology From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Scientology is a body of religious beliefs and practices launched in May 1952 by American author L. Ron Hubbard(1911–86). Hubbard initially developed a program of ideas called Dianetics, which was distributed through the Dianetics Foundation. The foundation soon entered bankruptcy, and Hubbard lost the rights to his seminal publication Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health in 1952. He then recharacterized the subject as a religion and renamed it Scientology,[4] retaining the terminology, doctrines, the E-meter, and the practice of auditing.[5][6] Within a year, he regained the rights to Dianetics and retained both subjects under the umbrella of the Church of Scientology.[7][8][9][10][11][12]
Hubbard describes the etymology of the word “Scientology” as coming from the Latin word scio, meaning know or distinguish, and the Greek word logos, meaning “the word or outward form by which the inward thought is expressed and made known”. Hubbard writes, “thus, Scientology means knowing about knowing, or science of knowledge”.[13]
Hubbard’s groups have encountered considerable opposition and controversy.[14] In January 1951, the New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners brought proceedings against Dianetics Foundation on the charge of teaching medicine without a license.[15] Hubbard’s followers engaged in a program of criminal infiltration of the U.S. government.[16][17]
Hubbard-inspired organizations and their classification are often a point of contention. Germany classifies Scientology groups as an “anti-constitutional sect”.[18][19] In France, they have been classified as a dangerous cult by some parliamentary reports.[20][21]
Interestingly, other information about the connection of certain Scientology members to some of the secret government’s “unusual” experimental research activities comes from premiere mind control researcher and author Alex Constantine, who has authored a wealth of excellent books and articles on the general topic of government sponsored, administered and operated mind control projects, including certain of those based on electromagnetic/radio frequency transmissions.
I quote below a section called “Psychic Spying at the Stanford Research Institute Or CIA Mind Control?” from Constantine’s Virtual Government.
“Concrete evidence that electronic mind control was the true object of study at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) was exposed by the Washington Post in 1977. When the Navy awarded a contract to the Institute, “the scientific assistant to the Secretary of the Navy, Dr. Sam Koslov, received a routine briefing on various research projects, including SRI’s. As the briefer flashed his chart onto the screen and began to speak, Koslov stormily interrupted, ’What the hell is that about?’ Among the glowing words on the projected chart, the section describing SRI’s work was labeled, ’ELF and Mind Control.’
” ’ELF’ stands for ’extremely long frequency’ electromagnetic waves, from the very slow brain frequencies up to about 100 cycles per second…. But the ’Mind Control’ label really upset Koslov. He ordered the SRI investigations for the Navy stopped, and canceled another $35,000 in Navy funds slated for more remote viewing work. Contrary to Koslov’s attempt to kill the research, the Navy quietly continued to fork out $100,000 for a two-year project directed by a bionics specialist. The “remote viewing” team at SRI was really engaged in projecting words and images directly to the cranium. It was not a humanitarian pastime: the project was military and test subjects are subjected to a lifetime of EM torture plied with the same thorough disregard for human rights as the radiation tests conducted at the height of the Cold War. To be sure, the treatment subjects have received at the hands of their own government would be considered atrocities if practiced in wartime.
Mind control was also used in domestic covert operations designed to further the CIA’s heady ambitions, and during the Vietnam War period SRI was a hive of covert political subterfuge. The Symbionese Liberation Army, like the People’s Temple, was a creation of the CIA. The SLA had at its core a clique of black ex-convicts from Vacaville Prison. Donald DeFreeze, otherwise known as “Cinque”, led the SLA. He was formerly an informant for the LAPD’s Criminal Conspiracy Section and the director of Vacaville’s Black Cultural Association (BCA), a covert mind control unit with funding from the CIA channeled through SRI.
The Menlo Park behavior modification specialists experimented with psychoactive drugs administered to members of the BCA. Black prisoners were programmed to murder selected black leaders once on the outside. The CIA/SRI zombie killer hit list included Oakland school superintendent Dr. Marcus Foster, and Panthers Huey Newton and Bobby Seale, among others. DeFreeze stated that at Vacaville in 1971-72, he was the subject of a CIA mind control experiment. He described his incarceration on the prison’s third floor, where he was corralled by CIA agents who drugged him and said he would become the leader of a radical movement and kidnap a wealthy person. After his escape from Vacaville (an exit door was left unlocked for him), that’s exactly what he did.
“EM mind control machines were championed at SRI by Dr. Karl Pribram, director of the Neuropsychology Research Laboratory: “I certainly could educate a child by putting an electrode in the lateral hypothalamus and then selecting the situations at which I stimulate it. In this was I can grossly change his behavior.” Psychology Today touted Pribram as “The Magellan of Brain Science.” He obtained his B.S. and M.D. degrees at the University of Chicago, and at SRI studied how the brain processes and stores sensory imagery. He is credited with discovering that mental imaging bears a close resemblance to hologram projection (the basis for transmitting images to the brains of test subjects under the misnomer “remote viewing”?).
“The SRI/SAIC psi experiments were supervised at Langley by John McMahon, second in command under William Casey, succeeding Bobby Ray Inman, the SAIC director. McMahon has, according to Philip Agee, the CIA whistle-blowing exile, an affinity for “technological exotics for CIA covert actions.” He was recruited by the Agency after his graduation from Holy Cross College. He is a former director of the Technical Services Division, deputy director for Operations, and in 1982 McMahon was appointed deputy director of Central Intelligence. He left the Agency six years later to take the position of president of the Lockheed Missiles and Space Systems Group. In 1994 he moved on the Draper Laboratories. He is a director of the Defense Enterprise Fund and an adviser to congressional committees.
“Many of the SRI “empaths” were mustered from L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of Scientology, Harold Puthoff, the Institute’s senior researcher, is a leading Scientologist. Two “remote viewers” from SRI have also held rank in the Church: Ingo Swann, a Class VII Operating Thetan, a founder of the Scientology Center in Los Angeles, and the late Pat Price. Puthoff and Targ’s lab assistant was a Scientologist married to a minister of the church. When Swann joined SRI, he stated openly that fourteen “Clears” participated in the experiments, “more than I would suspect.” At the time he denied CIA involvement, but now acknowledges, “it was rather common knowledge all along who the sponsor was, although in documents the identity of the Agency was concealed behind the sobriquet of ’an east-coast scientist.’ The Agency’s interest was quite extensive. A number of agents of the CIA came themselves ultimately to SRI to act as subjects in “remote viewing” experiments, as did some members of Congress.”
1996 – Alex Constantine

By Alex Constantine; December 1996
Concrete evidence that electronic mind control was an object of study at SRI was exposed by the Washington Post on August 7, 1977:
In a rare example of a crack in the mass media’s wall of silence and coverup regarding mind control projects in general and electronic mind control in particular, the Sonoma County Independent weekly newspaper, in their July 9 1998 edition, featured a front page article on electronic mind manipulation by the means of surgically implanted microtransceivers.
The article focuses primarily on the case of a Silicon Valley family; in particular, activities involving their son. Writer J. Douglas Allen-Taylor details a litany of horrors suffered by the Kats family at the hands of “scientists” and “doctors” working at Stanford University Medical Center facilities in the service of government intelligence agencies; pursuing extensive mind control agendas which utilize physical implants for monitoring, tracking and activating pre-encoded psychological “triggers”.
Edward and Claudia Kats, Russian immigrants who left when Russia was still part of the Soviet Union, relate how their son Jay was first implanted during a 1982 tonsillectomy operation at Stanford Medical Center. Edward attests that he himself was then implanted during an operation at Kaiser Hospital in 1991. They suspect that the initial reason for the interest on the part of the CIA was the family’s suspected but nonexistent connection to the KGB. Subsequent experimentation continued even after the agency realized there was no such connection, as son Jay was inducted into a full-on mind control operation. The article mentions the blond haired, blue-eyed appearance of Jay, and this makes me suspicious that perhaps the real reason for the interest on the part of the CIA has to due do with genetic/racial factors.
The Katses describe how the implants affected Jay’s mood, mental acuity, attitudes towards other people…the works. His school performance deteriorated tremendously and he began to get in trouble with the law. They believe he and Edward are the target of transmissions which are intended to induce them to commit any of a wide range of preprogrammed actions–even crimes. Claudia noted in the article that threats, “bad thoughts” and negative, (self)-destructive concepts and attitudes or “feelings” are also transmitted.
Edward Kats feels that large segments of the population, in particular racial minorities, are being subjected to the same kind of programming; for one reason, to instigate continual social/civil unrest and disturbances.
The Katses and their legal representatives have filed formal and well documented complaints and reports with a host of law enforcement, judicial and other governmental agencies on many levels. Predictably, no serious interest has been shown nor any actions taken in response to the charges.
Another Silicon Valley resident mentioned in the article is David Duval, who feels he was implanted because of his suspected links to illegal drug trafficking, and is being used in the expectation that he can help track the whereabouts of certain kingpins in illegal drug operations.
Santa Clara University law professor Alan Scheflin, author of a very hard-to-find 1978 book called The Mind Manipulators, says that clandestine mind control experiments have been going on in the US for many years, and that a good number of these involve implantation with just the kinds of devices referred to in the above allegations.
In late October of 1997, “Investigative Report” on the Arts & Entertainment Network carried a report on the Colin Ferguson murder trial. Ferguson had been found guilty of murdering six and wounding another thirteen during a deadly and inexplicable outburst aboard a Long Island Rail Road commuter train in late 1993.
A brief segment towards the end of the A&E report showed reporters interviewing a “Raoul Diaz”, outside the courthouse where Ferguson’s murder trial was in progress. Diaz, who had appeared to testify in Ferguson’s behalf, described how he had been kidnapped while driving a taxi in the Bronx, and subsequently placed on a Long Island Rail Road train at Penn Station bound for Hicksville. Someone of Oriental appearance sitting directly adjacent to him on the train displayed a small handheld device and commented that he was employed by the CIA. He said to Diaz, “look at that black man over there”, then pressed something on the device and Ferguson immediately fell unconscious. Appearing visibly ill at ease during the interview, Diaz nervously continued with his astonishing account when someone behind him whispered something and the interview was terminated abruptly.
There was no explanation offered by either those conducting the interview at the time or by the producers of the A&E report for the information related by Diaz. The intended inference would seem to be that this was just some screwball, though he certainly didn’t appear so. Diaz came across as coherent, rational and credible, gave no indication of being a wacko.
Diaz was not allowed to testify at the Ferguson trial by Ferguson and/or the judge, and to my knowledge, no other witnesses who had some other peculiar and troubling information to impart about that train ride to hell ever got to testify either. Diaz has literally never been heard from again, certainly not in any public way. Strange as well that Ferguson, a man with some obvious and substantial mental impairment, was allowed by the judicial system in a blatant procedural anomaly to conduct his own defense–which, though technically permitted under the U.S. Constitution, is almost never granted in practice in a mass murder case such as this, with some good reason.
I first heard this information in 1995 from Montauk Project book series coauthor Peter Moon, about the Oriental man who urged Diaz to observe how the small handheld remote control transmitter could make Ferguson nod off. Why Diaz would have been kidnapped and placed on the train to so observe the clandestine technology which apparently activated the terrifying and deadly proceedings is anyone’s guess. How interesting that this took place on Long Island. Notice we are talking about electromagnetic/radio-frequency mind control here–the undeniable specialty of the Montauk Project.
It could be the killings were an attempt to exacerbate racial tensions in the New York area which had already been rather strained for years. Or maybe only one or several of those killed were actually the real intended victims and the mass shooting was to cover up that fact–as it would look like the target(s) died by chance with the others in an indiscriminate mass shooting.
Perhaps this was a preliminary test-run of technology which could subsequently have been used in the astonishing number of mass murders committed by young teen or preteen boys in the past couple of years in the United States–often at schools.
Indications are that tremendous numbers of young people from the streets of America–those millions who for reasons of social disintegration, family conflicts, subliminal entrainment, outright mind manipulation or a combination of these and/or other factors are now filling the streets of American cities and even smaller towns; drifting, homeless and undirected–are being inducted en masse at this period of time and programmed via the technologies perfected at Montauk; computer assisted EM/RF mind control utilizing deliberately caused “multiple personality disorder” syndrome conditions to create thoroughly programmed alternate personalities within targeted subjects. Various combinations of agendas from other projects like Monarch and MK-ULTRA as well as the Montauk Project are being implemented via these operations.
Nearly every major population area in the country has a “Montauk Boys and Girls” project underway at this time. Children programmed through various means, such as having schoolchildren on overnight field trips bunk at “decommissioned” military facilities during which time they are abducted, programmed and returned. Subsequently, triggers and cues embedded in popular mass entertainment (for example, the movie Scream has been cited as inspiring certain of the horrendous, grisly mass murders committed by young adolescents in the U.S. recently) can set these “sleepers” off in predetermined ways.
Parents: more than ever, and in ways you would never have dreamed of, watch out for your children–who they are with, what the influences on them are, where they go, what they are interested in.
The ongoing string of mass murders committed by young boys often right around the age of puberty (considered to be a very significant age by the Montauk Project mind control experiment operators), has finally pushed me over the brink; into confronting head-on the likelihood that this and a veritable blood orgy of similar mass murders by youngsters in the past couple of years–mostly but not only in the southeastern U.S.–are the result of some sort of mind control program.
I have had strong suspicions that the Jonesboro, Arkansas massacre in March 1998, a May 1998 graduation dance massacre in Edinboro, Pennsylvania and a subsequent school shooting rampage in Springfield, Oregon–to name only the some of the more recent incidents–represent the tip of the iceberg of some serious and extensive youth-directed mass-conditioning programs currently underway. Regarding the Arkansas tragedy in particular, there were some very troubling aspects to the mass shooting there by two youngsters, aged 11 and 13, who murdered four schoolmates and a teacher while wounding 11 others. The two were in possession of a number of weapons, camouflage clothing, a van stocked with provisions and “survivalist” gear, among other oddities, and there were reports of ties to a satanic cult of some kind currently popular in the southeastern U.S.
Despite a fairly rigorous childhood and teenagehood in New York City and Long Island, and many years since spent in other major urban areas like L.A. and the Bay Area, I must say I can really recall no precedent for these types of mass slayings perpetrated by teens and preteens, against their peers or elders, often carried out at (usually public) schools.
What in the name of God or any standard or concept of a more evolved, civilized and positive existence and being; what in the name of any decency, reason, compassion, or awareness could possibly be motivating or compelling these young people to manifest such remorseless, shameless and vicious violence in mass murder?
And notice also that this is not happening in New York, L.A., Chicago or other large cities. Its happening mainly in quiet, totally “typical”, rural/suburban Middle American communities, among predominantly white, middle class people.
I think programming is on the scene here in a most major style. Subliminals embedded in popular entertainment could even be the triggers for certain preprogrammed behavior and responses ready to be “activated”.
In fact, in one of Alex Constantine’s articles on the mass ritual sex abuse case involving McMartin Preschool and their outright CIA connections, he notes that many of the CIA’s child oriented MK operations are “administered” by an Indonesian religious cult: one of the leading members of this cult is also a principal officer in a MAJOR computer games software manufacturing/developing business. He doesn’t name names, but I believe it must be either Sega Genesis or Nintendo or some corporation rather close to them in terms of market share, from the way he writes it. The name of the relious cult is “Subud”.
Dr. Hans Utter – “Music, Mind Control, and Psychobiology, Pt. 1” – #232
The use of music as an aid to programming, which forms a significant aspect of the operation experienced first hand by “Mr. Coffee” and described in his account reprinted directly following this section, has been consistently commented on by certain researchers, including Preston Nichols. Music provides access to the deeper, subconscious, emotional, nonlinear/logical portions of the psyche. As shown so clearly by “psychedelic” pioneers Tim Leary and Richard Alpert in their government-sponsored LSD research (some which occurred at Montauk AFS)–“set and setting” are crucial in determining the impact and outcome of an LSD trip…and a mind programming operation. Music, as an especially emotional art form, could be utilized very effectively (albeit diabolically!) to assist in amplifying, intensifying and boosting the impact of certain programming operations and experiences. In addition, certain triggers can be activated by the music previously used during programming.
There is information put forward by people like “Sue Ellen” above and others indicating that certain music stars are being trained/programmed/groomed/mind controlled, so that in their roles as mass entertainers they are fulfilling a certain function in the general mind controlled new world order of things, and that there are very likely entrainment frequencies and subliminal commands and such embedded within the sound tracks: certainly in the case of country music the overall tone of the lyrics of many country songs is undeniably “down” and puts forth an ultimately depressing view of things. So many of these songs are about serious emotional distress, failed relationships and similar topics.
Technically and even artistically, the level of musicianship, proficiency, etc. could be quite high and the music could “sound good” but there could be specific signals/frequencies mixed in later, perhaps unbeknownst to the performing artists, which reinforce an element of the lyric content or even communicate some other “message”. Even subliminal vocal tracks could be used in this way. Much “heavy metal” and rap music overtly exhibit extraordinary levels of negativity, hatred and descriptions of violence in their lyrics, the destructive impact of which could all easily be supplemented with a hefty dose of subliminal images, commands and the like.
My thought is this. One concept which could be getting inserted into country and other pop music by these and various other methods might be this: to abuse (physically, sexually, emotionally) or neglect your children resulting in their lives being under the control the government, or to “turn them over to the government” in any number of other ways, and/or assist the government in gaining access to and control over your children so that the government can (have means and opportunity to) subject them to psychosexually abusive mind control programming, so they can serve certain purposes as agents of the government.
If kids are abused at home, and/or families are in fact being subliminally encouraged in many ways through manipulation of mass media to literally disintegrate, then more and more kids have been and will be ending up either in some sort of government custody or on the streets, where they become fair game for the picking; particularly by organized crime, which as I noted in my first report, is strongly implicated in the procurement of young people by any number of means, for covert government agencies to utilize in their unconscionable, inhuman and unconstitutional operations.
This is the sort of thing that is apparently occurring which at least in part deals with this sort of social engineering–molding and shaping of consciousness and social reality through covert (and evil) manipulation of mass communication such as the press and the news media, television, entertainment. movies, music, and so on. Additionally there are the technologies developed in the Montauk Project by which our very thoughts and even psychic-level experiences can be interfered with, tweaked, twisted and controlled.
I received an email on the subject of music as utilized in mind control operations, which read in part as follows:
“With the advances in technology since Dick Sutphen’s book The Battle For Your Mind first came out, is it still impossible to reduce various frequencies to detect the subliminals when they are psycho-acoustically modified and synthesized so that they are projected in the same chord and frequency as the music?”
Though I’m unfamiliar with the book mentioned above, the topic is certainly intriguing. Here’s my response to the question, based upon my admittedly limited familiarity with the nuts and bolts of such operations.
Certain people connected to the Montauk Project have made repeated references to the way popular entertainment–in particular music–has been and is being utilized as an aid to EM/RF mind control programming, either directed towards a population as a whole or towards smaller groups or individuals.
Preston Nichols has relayed information about some of the more esoteric technologies which utilize music as a medium for dissemination. He referred to what he calls a “quantum” waveform of some kind which is not in either the audio or electromagnetic wave spectrum, and which can transmit extensive amounts of information. This quantum information signal apparently interacts with certain levels of consciousness and awareness: there is no commonly available technology at this time with which the information can be decoded.
One point made by Nichols which I, as a musician, found intriguing is that the equipment used in implementing this quantum information wave is highly dependent upon vacuum tubes, as much of the Montauk Project technology has been in general, although transistors are utilized to some extent. Interesting that many electric musicians, especially guitarists, have adamantly withstood the tidal wave of solid state technology when it comes to instrument amplifiers: as many rock fans know, most electric guitarists, bassists, mixed vocalists and other musicians swear by the vast superiority of the tonal qualities of vacuum tube amps and the ability of such equipment to convey a far greater range of subtle nuances of feeling that transistor amps.
Nichols indicated to me that a substantial amount of popular music during the 1960s, 70s, 80s and of course now has been utilized in service of a covert (of course!) MK agenda using various methods and technologies, and as I’ve pointed out, similar charges have been made by a number of other people, for example Cathy O’Brien. (Nichols worked as a sound recording engineer before going to work at Brookhaven Labs around 1970).
More detailed and technical information was conveyed to me about this entire matter but to be honest the technical part is a bit over my head. I am a bit weak in radio electronics as well as quantum physics, relativity and the unified field theory.
I have been extremely intrigued by the statements made by Nichols and others about music being utilized for mind control purposes but remain somewhat unclear about how this is actually accomplished technically. Then of course questions such as those posed by Mr. Hart above have crossed my mind as well–that is, how can the subliminal psychoacoustic frequencies, quantum information waves and other embedded data be isolated, deciphered, etc.
Silva Method
José Silva was an electrical repairman who developed a great interest for religion, psychology, and parapsychology. He spent much time learning about hypnosis, attempting to increase his children’s IQ. After experimenting and being convinced of his daughter’s sudden clairvoyance, Silva decided to learn more about the development of psychic abilities.
In 1944, Silva began developing his method, formerly known as Silva Mind Control, using it on his family members and friends, before launching it commercially in the 1960s.[1][2]
Silva did research on the brain, based on Roger Sperry’s split-brain theory, to improve his method. However, modern studies have proven most of Silva’s beliefs about the brain to be incorrect.[3][1][2]
The technique aims to reach and sustain a state of mental functioning, called alpha state, where brainwave frequency is seven to fourteen Hz.[4]:p19-20 Daydreaming and the transition to sleeping are alpha states.[4]:p19-20
Silva claimed to have developed a program that trained people to enter certain brain states of enhanced awareness. He also claimed to have developed several systematic mental processes to use while in these states allowing a person to mentally project with a specific intent. According to Silva, once the mind is projected, a person can allegedly view distant objects or locations and connect with higher intelligence for guidance. The information received by the projected mind is then said to be perceived as thoughts, images, feelings, smells, taste and sound by the mind. The information obtained in this manner can be acted upon to solve problems.[4]
You can visit this website for more details on this “therapy”: Silva Mind Control
Certainly one of the most astonishing accounts from a victim/survivor of an intensive mind control programming operation to have ever come my way is this one; emailed to me in late 1997 by an individual who gave me a brief autobiography which described how he had been picked at the age of ten, through the “auspices” of the “Silva Mind Control Program”, to be an unwitting candidate for the “MK-ULTRA/Montauk/Ewen Cameron School of Mind Control” (I think I made that last one up!), which commenced in earnest when he entered college at Rochester NY.
Continually monitored by military agents who had tracked the fellow throughout high school, my contact was given the full complement of Montauk type programming after he entered college, and he subsequently worked for his programmers in an altered state of mind as a slavelike agent. Among other horrors, he has had recalls of assassinating targeted subjects.
Here’s the real grabber–this fellow has pieced together solid evidence (including recovered computer text files detailing this particular MK method) showing that music was used as a major aspect of a CIA covert mind-programming technology/system, as a means of substantially strengthening the emotional components of psyche and personality and “enlisting” these aspects for the programmed “cause”. This translates into a much more intense “commitment” and connection to the program on the part of mind controlled agents. This same music, perhaps with encoded subliminals as well, is used to activate the previously embedded program in the agent.
An incredible and terrifying story–and, the dates of his major involvement which this fellow recalls coincide exactly with information from Preston Nichols regarding a very recent phase of the Montauk project, from 1988-1992.
This man was most recently an operative in the southeastern U.S.; however, that is where his “handler” made some major errors in “handling” my contact, which resulted in substantial and traumatic memory breakthroughs, a breakdown in the mind control program in his case and my contact’s disconnection from the operation. (Naturally though, severe harassment and vicious threats have followed him almost continually since).
Preston Nichols has reported that after the departure of the Montauk Project’s mind control crew from the Montauk underground installation roughly the end of 1992, the Project was somewhat at loose ends for a couple of years but the directors then regrouped and ensconced themselves in the Atlanta Georgia area at Robins Air Force Base.
I had occasion to meet this man, whom I will call “Mr. Coffee” (a pseudonym), in person during my trip to Long Island in the summer of 1998, which has been recounted above in this report. I found him in some degree to be not what I expected; certain elements of the type of programming he has been subjected to–what might be called a fearless, kamikaze-type warrior with total confidence seem to have leaked through in to his everyday personality. Coffee indicated to me and Nichols that he (Coffee) may very well still be utilized while in an alternate state of mind for various covert operations by intelligence/military agencies. He attested to feeling bizarrely affected by the energy particularly at Camp Hero but also in the village of Montauk.
Here is what Coffee had to say.
“Dear Sir:
“I believe that I was/am the subject of some horrific government mind control experiments. I believe that the government “selected” me at a very young age, watched me develop as a young man, and then when the time was right forced me into their “mind control project”. My memories of these events were all but nonexistent until recently, when a single event triggered a massive flood of memories which started to all come back to me. To be honest the whole experience has left me quite shaken as well as quite scared. But mostly confused.
“It all started when I was 10 years old. My mother enrolled me in a mind control course called “the Silva Mind Control Method”. It is sort of a self hypnosis course where you learn to dive down into the different levels of your mind. You learn things like how to heal your body with your mind, relaxation techniques, ways to focus your concentration, and melt spoons with your mind (things like that). You may have heard of it? Anyway, while in the course we learned to go to our “level” (a relaxed state of mind which is the basis of the Silva method). I was extremely good at all of the things we were doing for some reason right from the start. The instructor… was praising me like I was god’s next gift to mankind. Telling me that I was the greatest student he has ever seen etc. etc..
“This is where it all starts: during one of the breaks (about six weeks into the course) the instructor asks me to go outside to meet some of his “friends”. I go outside with him (and let me tell you, when you are 10 years old and you are in a class room for two hours at a time on your Saturdays and Sundays for eight straight weeks you ABSOLUTELY live for your 15 minute breaks) so needless to say I was not very interested in wasting my “break time” talking to whoever these people were.
We go out the double doors and there are two men waiting to talk to me. THEY BOTH WERE WEARING MILITARY UNIFORMS, one was wearing army green, and the other was in blue (possible Air Force but I cant be sure). The instructor states to the men “this is the kid” and they make some small talk. To be honest I really didn’t pay much attention to them ( I was looking at the other kids on the play ground and wondering why the hell I’m over here and not over there).
But here’s the main point; The man in green bends down on one knee and says to me “I hear you have some very special abilities” and I said “I do”? He stands back up and speaks to the instructor some more, then kneels back down and says “It was very nice meeting you, YOU KNOW YOUR GOING TO WORK FOR ME SOME DAY!” As a 10 year old you don’t quite grasp what is really going on and I remember laughing and telling him that I didn’t quite understand, but it was nice meeting him, and I ran off to the play ground. But when I looked back, the three adult were still standing there looking at me, talking about me, and sizing me up.
“That was the only time that I actually spoke to those men for years, but what happens next is very odd. Growing up my parents were fighting all the time and they finally got divorced. So what did I do, I used sports as my escape. All I focused on was sports, I would leave the house and go down to the field or into the backyard and practice, and practice, and practice my soccer skills. As a result of this I became extremely good, so good you would not believe me (I just seemed to have a knack for it). I didn’t think about doing it, I just did it. It was like it was mind over matter.
“It’s funny because honestly I could do things that were so unbelievable on the soccer field. You have to see it to believe it. Here is how; I honestly didn’t know any better. I didn’t know that I wasn’t supposed to be able to do that, just take the ball down the field by yourself and score EVERY TIME! But in my mind, I could do it, so I did it in real life EVERY TIME. When the opposing teams coaches asked how old I was, when I told them the didn’t believe me, after the games were over they would thank me for not running up the score and humiliating “their boys”. That how good I was and I do have video tapes of the games to prove it!
“Here is the thing, and I didn’t put it together at the time. When you go to any children’s sporting event you see all of the parents. They are usually are dressed casually and usually bring a folding chair and sit around and watch the game and gossip with the other parents etc. etc…
I REMEMBER looking around at all the parents. I REMEMBER noticing TWO GUYS IN MILITARY UNIFORMS FREQUENTLY AT MY GAMES. ONE IN GREEN AND ONE IN BLUE. I remember this specially because they stuck out like sore thumbs, and I specifically remember this because I was thinking “I wonder whose fathers are they?” They looked familiar from when I was 10 years old but I just could not put my finger on it.
“I remember seeing the same two guys all through my high school sporting events. Whether it was football, basketball, or track. At the county track meet, during some football games etc. (I can rattle off 5 or 6 different examples).
“Imagine how effective would an assassin or an agent be if in his mind, through hypnosis, he truly had no fear. If in his mind, through hypnosis, he truly believed that he could do superhuman things. Things like jumping off a 3 story roof and land without injury, just as if he was jumping a foot stool. If in his mind, through hypnosis, he truly believes he possesses superhuman strength and can turn his bodes adrenaline glands on and off like a faucet. These are just some of the experiments they conducted on me in an effort to make me the “perfect weapon” or the “perfect killing machine”.
“When it came time for me to go to college is when strange things started happening. I was a “Blue chip” athlete, and was recruited heavily as an A-rated football player by most of the major universities. By the end of my senior year in high school the decision as to what school to attend was narrowed down to 2 or 3 schools.
“Mysteriously, in the mail I received a letter which stated I had an appointment to have my physical taken for admittance to attend West Point. I didn’t think much about it and the physical date came and went. Another letter arrives stating that I was “Rescheduled” FOR ANOTHER physical at West Point. The physical date also comes and goes. Again, I didn’t think too much about it. Then I get a phone call from someone in the military, I don’t remember his name but I think he said he was major something or other. Anyway, he asks me why I didn’t go to the physicals, and I told him that 1st of all I wasn’t the least interested in a military career because my father was in the military and it just wasn’t my “bag”. Secondly my father graduated from Annapolis and if I went to West Point he would disown me. About a week later I get a THIRD letter. This one mysteriously now states that I now have an appointment to have my physical taken to attend Annapolis.
“The thing is I never spoke to anyone about attending either West Point or Annapolis. I never spoke to any football coaches, I never discussed it with my parents, I spoke to NO ONE about applying to ANY military academy!
“I did some research about the process in which one must to go through to enter either academy. Let me tell you that the physical is about the third screen they use to weed out unqualified candidates. These screens include either a presidential or a congressional nomination (I could have gotten one due to the fact that my father attended Annapolis but since neither of us even approached the subject it really makes you wonder what the Hell is going on). In addition to this I was extremely underqualified since neither my grades NOR my SAT scores were EVEN CLOSE to the levels expected by the academies by their applicants.
“So how did I get THREE physicals scheduled to enter the military’s most distinctive schools WITHOUT EVER APPLYING. Someone wanted me to be in the military very badly, and I still have all the letters “requesting” my presence at the academies for my physicals to prove it!
“By a rather odd set of events I end up going to a college I had never heard of before called the University of Rochester located in UPSTATE NEW YORK right between Buffalo and Syracuse. I attended the University from 1988-1992.
This was a “Black Book Operation”, these men were not exactly in the military but some sort of a private group, operating from groups within groups. You see I was so far gone and under their control because for some reason mind adhered to their “suggestions” extremely well, like nothing they had ever seen. Anything they told me to do while I was in this state of mind I could do.
“The experiments were all under hypnosis, and were initially designed to test how far the human could be pushed. Things like the limits of human strength. While under hypnosis they would tell me to imagine that my arm was a hydraulic press with unlimited power, they then would place objects in my hand and tell me to crush them and I could. Another favorite was to test the limits of human pain tolerances. For this experiment they would tell me to “turn off my nerves”; “you are in a warm and safe place, you feel nothing and have NO pain”. As you can imagine they had many different varieties of this test. They controlled me like I was a robot or something, and I remember standing and walking with “tunnel vision”. I had no control of myself at all. I remember having to give demonstrations of my abilities so they could get the funding needed to continue with the project.
“I remember, being in a field, it was dusk, and I demonstrated my abilities and the showed the things I could do. There were 6 to 8 men there one of them dressed in a suit was either a senator or a congressmen and after he saw the things I could do he said “JESUS CHRIST — If I didn’t see that with my own eyes I wouldn’t have believed it possible. ANYTHING YOU NEED YOU GOT IT!”.
“The main focus quickly turned from doing simple tests on me to developing me as a killing machine, a military weapon, and they trained me as an assassin. I have memories of killing several people and executing several “Missions”.
“My code name they called me by was “The Rhino” and I believe I killed several people between 1988 and 1992.
“To be honest with you this letter should have only taken me a day or two to write but I have been working on this for over three weeks now. I am not going into great detail about most of my experiences and the really painful memories. Every time I start thinking about these events my stomach turns and I become nauseous. I must ask you to please forgive me, if any of this is unclear or doesn’t flow smoothly I’m sorry but I’m trying my best, but it is very difficult and painful to remember and write all this down.
“I graduate from college and I move down South. In my apartment complex, this guy introduces himself to me at the pool and we become good friends. At this time I have no memories of all these events so I didn’t put the following together until later. The guys name is Aaron and he is down South to get his masters degree in PSYCHOLOGY. Coincidentally he is also from Rochester NY. He becomes my best friend and about a year goes by. When we would go out drinking or be at parties Aaron would brag about being able to hypnotize people without them even knowing it and how he could just “fuck” with peoples’ minds. I never thought much about it because he was my best friend. I get my first job with a major corporation. Three hundred and sixty resumes for 1 spot and I got the job. So naturally I was very excited and told all my friends. The job involved traveling all around the Southeast every week (being gone Tuesday through Friday, on the road, every week).
The job didn’t start until late August and it was early July so I had some time on my hands. About two weeks after I told Aaron that I had gotten the job he calls me and asks me to come over (as he was my best friend I would go over to his place all the time so I thought absolutely nothing about it). I get to his apartment and we bullshit for about an hour, and he tells me out of the blue that “some people are concerned about your new job” and I said “what the fuck are you talking about” and he said “the fact that we won’t know where you are during the week”; and I was just utterly confused and extremely pissed off (I still had no memory of any of the events mentioned earlier) and I said “What the hell are you talking about? Who is concerned? What business is it of theirs anyway? Who? I don’t understand?” He let it go. What happened next he did not let go.
“I had all this time on my hands and I was very nervous because I had to go to Buffalo for three weeks of training. I was 24 years old and this was my first “real job” with a company car, expense account and everything. Ever since I was very young I stuttered severely when I spoke. The thing is I knew it was all in my mind, because when I was alone I could speak very fluently, but when I had to speak to anyone, read aloud or, heaven forbid, speak to a group of people my entire throat would just “lock up” and I could not speak word one.
This was a serious problem for me and needless to say I was tormented as a child. But anyway I decided that this was my first real job and if I wanted to get anywhere in life that I will not let this stop me and it must be fixed and now is the time. I had never been to a hypnotherapist before but for some reason I really believed in the power of hypnotism, and I really thought that this along with my Silva mind control could really help me. So I open the yellow pages and pick out a hypnotherapist. In the ad the hypnotherapist claimed to be able to cure many different ailments within a few sessions, stuttering was one of them so I called and made an appointment.
“I proceed to go into the appointment talk to the Doctor and explain how I think my problem is all in my mind. He states that my conclusions are “very interesting”, and he puts me under. When I opened my eyes the doctor’s face was white as a ghost and he is sweating bullets, there are now two assistants in the room and they have the same horrific look on their faces. The doctor in a trembling voice asks me “DID YOU KNOW YOU HAVE SOME KIND OF A GOVERNMENT MEMORY CAP IN YOUR MIND”? I said “no, what are you talking about?” He is still sweating profusely, and I ask him what was going on. He would not discuss it but he said wanted to see me tomorrow.
I go to pay for the session in the lobby and I ask the assistant “what happened in there?” At first she would not tell me but I finally got it out of her. She said that I absolutely FREAKED OUT and I was absolutely screaming uncontrollably. She also stated that in her 15 years with this doctor she had never seen anything like it. She said the doctor tried for 15 minutes to put the cap back on and I would not let him, they had to get three other people to hold me down and finally he got control of the situation again. This is on a Tuesday, the doctor wanted to see me the next day but he was booked through Friday, the assistant made room for me to see him on Thursday.
“I leave very confused, still having no clear memories of any of the government experiments. The thing is I go home and what do I do, I go right over to my best friends apartment (Aaron) and tell him the whole story about the hypnotherapist and the memory cap. He starts to FREAK OUT, you went to a hypnotherapist WHEN? And let me tell you he was PISSED! I remember being very confused because I didn’t still didn’t make the connection.
I remember going into his apartment, telling him what happened, he gets very angry, but after that there was “lost time.” It was between 3:00 and 4:00 o’clock in the afternoon when I went over there. I remember this because there were soap operas on the television when I was initially telling him my story; when I left Jeopardy was on and it was becoming dusk. It was about 7:30 on the evening. I leave his apartment and go home, I found myself sort of wondering what happened? At home I empty my pockets on the table (change, keys etc..) and I have the receipt from the hypnotherapist. “Oh yea” I say I’m supposed to see him on Thursday, but I couldn’t remember anything else.
“I go back Thursday AND THE DOCTOR IS NO LONGER THERE! I MEAN HIS NAME IS SCRATCHED OFF THE DOOR HE IS GONE, VANISHED, I MEAN IT WAS LIKE HE HAD NEVER BEEN THERE. There were four or five doctors sharing the same office and there was simply a space where his name had been. I go in and ask the receptionist where is doctor so and so, as hard as I try I just cannot remember his name, but I can find my way back to where his office was. I ASK THE RECEPTIONIST WHAT IS GOING ON AND SHE TELLS ME TO PLEASE LEAVE AND DO NOT COME BACK. I ask about the doctor, she closes the receptionists window turns her back to me and walks away.
“I go home, even more confused, Aaron calls me that night to come over, I go, again not thinking anything about it. This is where all hell breaks loose. I go to his apartment and we are sitting down talking as usual. From the back bedroom six or seven men come out! The same two military officers I had seen all along from my childhood and at the University of Rochester (one in green and one in blue). The other men were dressed in black. The instant I saw these men I began to remember, my instinct tells me to run but I was taken totally by surprise. The men in black leap over the couch, grab and hold me. They pinned me against the back of the couch, I had no leverage to plant my feet and try get up. They start to laugh and say things like “this guy isn’t so tough” and “that was easy”.
“I remember looking at Aaron with a look of betrayal: he could not look at me. The military officer in green says “do you have any idea how much trouble you’ve been, we should have killed you a long time ago”; he asks Aaron “is he going to remember any of this?” Aaron answers no. He proceeds to punch me in the face. I am struggling to get up but I just could not move, Aaron then takes over.
“Aaron then says the “magic word” and instantly I cannot move, he tells me how relaxed I feel how I feel warm and safe I feel, how I am in a “happy place”.
“This is where things start getting a little crazy. What he did to me, I remember, he somehow locked me away in my own mind creating multiple personalities. I remember fighting him for control in my mind. He said that I will do what I tell you to do. He said the walls are closing in and you cannot fight it, in my mind I of course pictured the walls closing in. On his instruction the walls closed in until I was inside a “vacuum sealed steel coffin”, I could not fight it and I could not move. He then said you are being sent to a place in your mind where you will never be found, at this point I start screaming “no no no”. After he sent me to a place where “no one will ever find you”, he instructed that “a steel plate the size of ten football fields and 10 feet thick is crashing down upon you” and he said “here it comes, and there is no escape”. I remember screaming again as he says “boooom“. Here comes another one, “boooom“, and he proceeded to do this five or six more times. I am screaming during all of this.
“The hypnotherapist had pulled me out of it; two days later the hypnotherapist has disappeared and Aaron locks the “monster” away again, with new doors and in a new place. The monster who claims to be the real me who is even now locked away somewhere in my mind? This concept is very scary and confusing but these are my memories.
“This all took place in the summer of 1994. After that I couldn’t remember any of these events, and Aaron continued to be my “best friend”. Over the next two years I would go over to Aaron’s apartment and hang out. I remember a lot of missing time, watching a movie and all of a sudden I would be watching a different movie and it is 2:00 in the morning. Sometime he would get up and lock the door when it is only the two of us and we were both about 6 foot tall and 230 pounds with bodybuilder physiques living in a very quiet and secure apartment complex. So I began to wonder about these events and I would ask him “why do you sometimes lock the door” and he would never answer me.
“There is much more to the story–how I broke free, where I am today, are they still watching me? It’s funny because I play these events over and over again in my mind. Government experiments, multiple personalities, hypnosis. The thought that the United States Government assigned someone to “watch” me for years sounds kind of crazy. The thing is, as I was sitting here typing on my computer and writing this letter, I remembered that Aaron used to come over and use my computer for some of his “theories” and “projects”. When we were “best friends” I never thought much about it.
“But LOOK what I found on my computer. Here is the first page of a 10 page document that is one of his theories on how the human mind operates which he submitted to be published.
“Memory Regression Technique (MRT)
Memory Regression Technique (MRT), involves the process of retrieving past memories, and can assist in the retrieval of repressed material (memories) from the unconscious. MRT understands the process of association in relation to memory and strongly believes that specific memories can be brought to consciousness. Furthermore, MRT assumes to seize (particularly regarding the repressed patient) deep-seated memories and experiences through the aid of association using music.
Recovered-memory therapy (RMT) is a catch-all psychotherapy term for therapy using one or more method or technique for the purpose of recalling memories.[1] It does not refer to a specific, recognized treatment method, but rather several controversial and/or unproven interviewing techniques, such as hypnosis and guided-imagery, and the use of sedative–hypnotic drugs, which are presently rarely used in the responsible treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder and other dissociative disorders. Proponents of recovered memory therapy claim that traumatic memories can be buried in the subconscious and affect current behavior, and that these can be recovered. The term is not listed in DSM-IV nor is it recommended by mainstream ethical and professional mental health associations.[2]
Memory Regression Technique (MRT), involves the process of retrieving past memories. Memories that are either general or specific in nature. What the technique consists of is regressing one’s mind (through age and time). By having individuals retrieve information (memories) from their past using a systematical process, they begin to develop an adaptation to this process. A “familiarity” of retrieving past memories and as this process continues, releasing stored material is made easier by the individual.
Memory Regression Technique can assist in the retrieval of repressed material (memories) from the individual’s unconscious. Repressed material or pieces of information can be brought to consciousness through the aid of association. It is certainly probable that specific individual experiences / events were recorded in one’s memory through association, particularly with music during a specific “time” or period in one’s life. Accordingly, MRT can assist the individual in locating a desired “time episode” of when certain specific events (memories) transpired, that may have been repressed through time.
Why is MRT so unique? MRT understands the process of association in relation to memory. When memory is stored it is essentially always stored in relation to the attainability of one’s senses via smell, taste, touch, visual, and through auditory processes.
When individuals tend to remember past experiences it is usually retrieved through related associations (whether it was induced by the color red or from a personal meaningful experience). MRT parallels with that of state-dependent memory. State-dependent memory is an extension of context-dependent memory (information that is better retrieved in the “context” in which it was encoded and stored or learned). It sometimes happens that we retrieve information better when we are in a physiological or emotional state that is similar to the one in which we encoded and stored the information. Our moods may also serve as cues that aid in the retrieval of memories. Emotion influences not only what is stored in memory, but also how easily records can be accessed from memory. Individuals can best retrieve emotional memories by reinstating the emotion they were experiencing at the time they originally stored it, especially if the memory is associated with music.
The objective is to increase the process of retrieval. Knowing that music (a specific song) can elicit a past memory for an individual, MRT realizes this principle: more songs may elicit more memories. MRT is an extensive collection of condensed music from past years to the present in chronological order. MRT is designed for availability to most settings: classical, country, jazz, rhythm and blues, pop, rock and roll, rap, gospel, folk, reggae, etc.”
Mr. Coffee
A subsequent email read:
I got your name off the mind control forum web page and sent e-mails to all the people who I thought could help me. I had sent you that mail a while ago and a lot has happened since then. Since then I have regained more of my memory. As It turns out I have incredible telekinetic abilities, I can move, levitate and create objects using only my mind. And yes I was one of the superstars at Montauk from 1988-1992. They since have erased my memory of everything and my abilities but I am slowly getting them back.
“The thing is I have remembered that I have a 8 year old son and his mother is my sole mate and the woman I am supposed to marry, both of which they have and are raising my son for their own purposes. I am going to be forced to make a trade with them in exchange for my silence. As you can imagine I cannot discuss the details for many reasons. I cannot go public as the whole affair goes a lot farther then just a simple trade and if I do they will kill them. I have tried to get him before and they simply erased my memory again, this time I am more prepared.
“I have read your articles and must say that you are correct on many accounts and can tell you only that everything Preston Nichols claims happened in his books is all too true.
“I thank you for your concern and reply to my request for help. I hope you understand that things are in a very critical time for me and even writing this letter is extremely dangerous for me. But I will try and keep in touch with you as best as I can.
Thanks again”
Mr. Coffee
I am currently unaware of Coffee’s intentions regarding matters such as public disclosure of what he has been through and what he knows. He has met with Nichols a few times, and with Peter Moon. Nichols informed me that Coffee is “definitely involved” with some recent phase of the Montauk Project, but given the seriousness and sensitivity of the situation (in regards to Coffee’s wife and child), Nichols would not discuss it further with me on the phone–which is pretty rare for him (even though he openly acknowledges that his phone line is intensively tapped).
As described earlier, I did meet Coffee in person during my trip to eastern Long Island in the summer of 1998. At that time Nichols indicated to me that he felt Coffee may have been used as a breeder and/or as cloning stock by the secret government, probably due certain racial or bloodline factors. Nichols believed that Coffee had without doubt been subjected to “Montauk Project-related” government mind modification programs and that his alternate identities had been extensively programmed to function as a fearless, “invincible” extremely self confident soldier.
In early September 1998, Mr. Coffee was arrested by local police where he currently resides in New Jersey, at the instigation of the FBI and aided by a complaint against him by a suspiciously eager ex-girlfriend. They had a court order to confiscate a Coffee possessed: though he was compliant in every way with the officers, they found some pretext on which to arrest him and he ended up incarcerated in a psychiatric hospital! Several days before, Coffee had appeared on a Long Island TV talk show in which he aired an extensive account of his involvement in government mind control programs, and the day after the broadcast he was the target of a kidnapping/murder attempt.
From “Oscar Laurent” (a pseudonym) comes the following testimony, which describes his own childhood induction into a government-run covert mind control program.
“I have very vivid recollection of an episode (beginning midday, summer) from where I was in a van (mini van or other taller vehicle) sitting in the front passenger seat and pulling over at a gate in the fence where the road (perpendicular to highway, dirt) extended for a long distance (miles? Depth perception in arid western lands with only reference as a distant mountain range is quite confusing) from the highway to the mountains in the distance… I believe I’ve entered within a geomagnetic hot spot. The land around this road is quite arid, plain, no structures rocks or dunes, and only limited plant life (little grass clumps or small bushes) and extremely flat. During this time of transport between the highway and mountains, there is a large missing block of time…
The next memory is entering the wooded area of the mountains, many solid rock faces with steep angles on the sides of the road winding through the forest, and (because I was woke up by the bumpy road) then another lapse of missing time due to sleep…
The next memory is constant till the end.
The arrival (waking now) is to a dirt/gravel parking lot. There in this parking lot was a large house-like structure, wide, typical design of a hotel; large front porch, dumpster and propane tanks outside to right (facing) of building, other cars/small trucks in lot near house, gravel on ground in parking lot, grassy area behind house with wooded area beyond that… all sides of this area are steep hill/mountain sides forming a basin (slightly darker in lighting) where the building was… miscellaneous other little things (trivial)> the interior of this building was house like, we passed by dining and lounge rooms, [boredom eliminated memory of most of the interior, until going downstairs] and finally ended up in the basement of this building…
Stuff in basement was typical of an old building, miscellaneous old junk, whatever, but on the side wall (following a wide path through junk) was a modern and shiny metallic door with digital numeric keypad combination lock on the right side, which the person leading me to it stood in front of and opened <note: perspective is from a 2,3,4 year old looking up at the man; lock at doorknob height, still above head> when door was opened it swung open towards me, and I notice that the side of it is about a foot thick with bolt locks extending from it [similar to bank vault] (might have been the receptacles for locks mounted in the doorframe) all metallic chrome or steel, and a long tunnel extending from it down at a slight angle, and to the right <this in perspective to the building means it was leading beyond the back left corner of the building (facing front) where the rock slope of the mountain extended upwards nearby> this tunnel was well lit at the entrance (white lights as found in office buildings) (similar arrangement of lighting as the interior running lights of an airplane, (long light source in cavity on upper corners of wall, and if I remember correctly, slightly rounded and metal chrome, compliments nicely with the pure white walls and metal flooring (diamond hatch grips on floor))
There was also a chrome handrail extending the length of this hallway, which I would look up at (being what, 3 years old?) and being led by the individual behind me with hand placed on shoulder sometimes for guidance or whatever, but always walking behind… (I do not have recollection of this man’s face, as the driver of the van I was in stayed upstairs in the house, and I went with the “owner” of the house down to the basement, etc.) as we progressed down this hallway, it was obviously intended as a light adjustment area so the eyes could slowly adapt from the bright light of upstairs and outside and the entrance to the tunnel to the darkness where this tunnel met up with others in a spur.
At this spur (probably 100 feet from entrance <perception of small person>) the lighting was rather dark at the lower level… The tunnel was straight, but the atmosphere and the gentle slope of this tunnel told our senses we were now quite a ways under ground… At the spur intersection at the end of this tunnel (very dark) we turned in some direction (no visual reference) to the left <geography of above ground surface say this would be directly under the large mountain (solid rock) and a ways into the center of it, although no where near the exact center of the mountain, other tunnels went that way> as we continued in the left tunnel we came upon a room…
The tunnel ends in a 45` angle to a squarish room to the right, its farthest two walls of unknown distance (black walls, some chrome, but limited lighting from [it] was not enough to make out anything in the room besides [it]): the simple description: a “iridescent purplish pinkish bluish purple cuboid” <pausing for shivers due to recollection of this… quite powerful emotion>
On the right wall, as you enter the room you will notice a semi- circular table (large) extending from that wall, dark, yet reflective coloration of table, and some chromed metal throughout the “device”. I’m having trouble continuing to type… any attempt to describe the thing is practically impossible… (excessively strong emotional response).
I’ve tried numerous times with multitudes of materials and lighting to try to reproduce something that even somewhat resembles the thing, but haven’t been able to even come close to its color, no less its semi-transparent texture and appearance of it… well we will continue to try
Ok… lets start with it. It is a rectangular solid. It is fairly large, probably 2 feet wide, unknown depth. Squarish front face. It is mesmerizing. If you can picture a huge mass of fiber optic material (translucent surface) with infinitive tubules intertwined within it in a rectangular solid shape, with blue, purple, and pink light streaming in high speed bursts throughout this mass, creating a glowing “purplish pinkish bluish purple cuboid” then you are coming close to the reality. You may also define it as similar to the primitive (in comparison), but current attempts to create an optical switching/processing device (computer) by many gov’t and private research institutions.
Ok. At least I got through that…
this cuboid was situated slightly lower than the surface of the table, in what appeared to be a indentation (my height was at the table level, or slightly above, so I could see that it went down below the surface of the table, but no idea what it was seated on.) <this thing also had the most powerful aura or “mental energy” or psyche or whatever you want to call it I have ever encountered (I have tried to recreate this feeling with numerous forms of radiation, magnetic and energy fields, large antenna structures connected to my high power amateur radio equipment, etc., the only thing coming close was accidentally bridging a 30+ amp power supply and the extremely painful shock and high energy level in my body at that, instantly created from the discharge [please don’t attempt, life threatening])>
This aura or whatever it was so intriguing that I was guided by this other individual who led me down there to either stand or sit next to the receptacle (please see drawings) to the thing, and insert my hands and forearms into a rubber like apparatus with metallic contacts for the base of your palm <science knows of a gland in that section of the hand… If you look at the right hand palm up, at the lower left side (top of wrist) is the top of the arm bone or wrist bone, whatever, fairly large… Now go up about a third of the way from this bone to the base of the little finger, there is a large muscle/mushy flesh section on the left 25% of the palm, inside or below this muscle is the gland or nerve endings or whatever was used to interface with the thing.> as I found the metal balls within the rubber interface, I was offered a chair (seen out of corner of eye) by the leading individual, and this scene (vivid mental image of the cuboid to the upper right field of view, the counter to the right, the interface directly in front, some chrome pipes or whatever directly beyond that, darkness in the rest of the room, the front of my body below, and the chair off to my right being placed behind my legs for seating… ) this is the last memory I have of the entire event when a “supernatural” feeling swept all of me and I made contact with both hands to the metal receptacles in the interface unit. (previously only touched by fingers, now by that spot on both hands)
Event happened between 1982 and 1984.
Very commonly, as I travel frequently and tend to find tons of interesting things wherever I go, I have recalled these memories spawned by similarities in the environment where I currently am. HOWEVER these things that I see DO NOT in any effect my vision memory of the experience with the thing. The memory is there, it is unchanging and solid, but the resemblance of other things always bring the experience back. For example, I mention the long remote highway, the distant mountains, etc… When visiting New Mexico and Texas and attending a camp in NM (twice), (including travel between the airports (New Mexico) and the camp) I am commonly looking for the view and dirt road which are so vivid in memory along the entire trips, always hoping to see this same scene, or feel the same sensations as we approached the thing facility… Various sci-fi shows, especially Star Trek with the Borg flash back recollections of the “thing” room, especially the interface, although nothing in Star Trek resembles this arrangement of devices.
Whenever I pass a wooden post/wire fence, I think of the trip along the highway and the gate we passed through. When wandering around at family friends house in NM or Texas, I think of the view looking out of the van over the fence across the plain to the mountains… Whenever visiting a rocky and mountainous area here in the northeast, whenever we come upon a tall steep rock side of a mountain on a windy road, I think of the views entering the mountains at the facility. The placement of the dumpster and other tanks and vehicles at the kitchen building of a camp I have frequently attended are quite similar to those on the side of the house/hotel building, but even with the excessive number of times I’ve passed by them, they are never right (the height of the porch is similar, the building construction is similar, but in no way close enough.) Entering well or dimly lit buildings sometimes reminds me of the tunnel, as would a smaller (with same slope) tunnel used to connect the airport to the plane’s portal, same grating on the floor in some cases.
NOTHING HAS EVER RECREATED THE EMOTIONAL FEELING OF THE FACILITY, thus I will soon be traveling to Montauk Point, NY where there are other geomagnetic “hot-spots” as it is the closest place to my current location with similar characteristics.
A therapist from New Orleans named Valerie Wolf presented two of her patients to the President’s Committee on Human Radiation Experiments on March 15, 1995 in Washington D.C. The two patients, both women, gave bloodcurdling accounts of some of their horrific experiences while being subjected to government-run mind control/modification/ manipulation programming, which included, among other “techniques”, use of such tactics as drugs, torture, hypnosis, electroshock, and rape, as well as being exposed to an unspecified or unknown amount of radiation. Much of this was administered by German (ex-Nazi) doctors. Both Wolf and her patients stated they recovered the memories of this CIA program without regression or hypnosis techniques. Incredibly enough, to the best of my knowledge, neither Congress nor any committee thereof nor any element of the “free” press ever followed through and pursued these tremendously serious and well-substantiated allegations to the slightest degree whatsoever.
David E. Rosenbaum, who was at one time employed as an attorney for Atlantic Richfield Co., conducted a nine year investigation (1983-1992) into reports of physical torture and coercive conditioning of numerous employees at an ARCO plant in Monaco, PA. Two of his clients, Jerry L. Dotey and Ann White, though apparently victims of radiation exposure, were also subjected to very severe mind control programming while at the ARCO plant.
Dotey and White were allegedly subjected to torture of many kinds while under drug induced hypnosis as part of this mind control operation, with each one undergoing at least three different “training” programs by plant physicians.
Each victim was trained to enter into a hypnotic state upon the occurrence of specific stimuli, usually involving a “cue” word or phrase and trained to “remember to forget” what transpired in the hypnotic state. They were repeatedly subjected to identical stimulus-response sequences, in order to produce nearly automatic reactions to the particular “trigger”. MK-ULTRA veteran Dr. Bernard Diamond, the ubiquitous and odious Dr. Martin Orne and Dr. Josef Mengele regularly visited the ARCO plant, according to Rosenbaum.
Keep in mind that ARCO’s advanced projects division was heavily involved in the development of HAARP technology prior to 1994, and the clear existence of a substantial mind/mood control agenda within the fundamental documentation on HAARP can not be forgotten.
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Family of Phoenix
Phoenix was a son of Agenor by either Telephassa, Argiope[1] or Damno[2] and brother of Cadmus, Cilix and Europa.[1][3] He was believed to have fathered a number of children with different women. By Cassiopeia, Phoenix had a daughter Carme[4] and three sons, Cilix, Phineus, and Doryclus, as well as a stepson Atymnius whose natural father was Zeus;[5] by Alphesiboea, he had Adonis.[6] He was also credited as the father of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia and husband of another Cassiopeia.[7]
According to the Iliad, Europa was not Phoenix’s sister, but his daughter[8] while Cadmus was identified as his son.[9] Europa is otherwise called one of his two daughters by Perimede, daughter of Oeneus, the other one being Astypalaea;[10] she is also included on the list of his children by Telephe, her siblings in this case being Peirus, Phoenice, and Astypale (apparently identical to the aforementioned Astypalaea).[11] Telephe, daughter of Epimedusa, is probably the same as Telephassa, whom Moschus[12] calls wife and not the mother of Phoenix.
The HAARP Project gives every indication of being the successor to certain aspects of the Montauk Project–particularly the interdimensional and time operations, and to a number of other EM/RF mind control/ manipulation operations as well.
One of the most significant pieces of official, internal covert military documentation regarding HAARP brought to light by Begich and Manning, the authors of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP, specifically and precisely described HAARP’s ability to actually scan and “INTERROGATE” the minds of targeted individuals by means of certain EM/RF technologies /applications. This is just another way of saying that their minds can be read through “artificial telepathy” or “techno-psychic” (psychotronic) systems.
This is from the military’s own internal documents, referring to many years of empirical research and development into these types of “weapons”, (in total and unconstitutional secrecy, of course!) and the validated, verified, tried-and-tested results of all these covert endeavors. Naturally, within many of these same internal documents, the main focus of how these weapons would likely be used focused excessively upon domestic uses; again, a concept which right off the bat by it’s very definition is absolutely unconstitutional!
Begich and Manning’s book makes repeated references to the ubiquitous John Alexander as well; one admittedly small point which kind of made my blood run cold was the fact that this guy is one of the few people in the country (world) who have a doctorate in “thanatology”. That is; study and knowledge of… death. Nice guy.
What jumps out at me from a look at recent history is the fact that the CIA and their spook colleagues in NSA, DIA and other members of the intelligence “alphabet soup” officially farmed out psychic/telekinetic/ telepathic/remote viewing research to the “private sector”, a sure sign that the whole shebang has gone completely underground (in one or more possible ways!), and also has been completely shielded from any possibility of (legitimate) governmental review, oversight, interference and what have you. Once it’s gone private, anything can “go down”.
Which leads to Alexander’s domination of the creation of Psy-Tech, the “institute” made (in)famous by Ed Dames, especially via Art Bell’s radio programs. I have really never trusted Dames nor anything he said, nor anything any of these avowedly ex-spooky characters will ever utter. I have since noted that most of Dames’ utterances have turned out to be hogwash. The cliche “once an agent, always an agent” is in fact very often very true.
Here is the proof, now, that Psy-Tech and other such “private-sector” entities like The Farsight Institute, are in fact creations of the covert intelligence agencies and with certainty are fulfilling certain functions and implementing agendas for said agencies. Such as spewing malicious disinformation and playing on the “New Age” sensibilities of many people by averring that the information being put forth is being received through higher psychic abilities and is literally “infallible” (has Dames considered taking the job of Pope?); guaranteed to be 100 per cent correct (as Dames often referred to his own “predictions” and prognostications–most or all of which have failed to materialize!) What was the agenda for putting out certain concepts and declaring that they are absolutely going to come to pass? An example of this would be Dames’ Number 1 biggie–that a plant pathogen from the comet Hale-Bobb would completely devastate all plant life on earth beginning in Africa, as of last fall? Dames stated that this would lead to massive devastation of humanity on an unprecedented scale. (We should all be very badly off right now in Dames’ scenario). Dames said over and over, via the mouthpiece of ally Art Bell, that this was absolutely, positively going to happen. No way in hell it was not going to occur.
Well, we’re still here, Ed. Personally, I think Dames is full of crap. At this juncture I have to say I’ve become somewhat skeptical of Mr. Bell also.
John Alexander has been closely tied to HAARP ever since the project’s inception under ARCO. Alexander knows the tremendous potential for the technology as a means of global control upon the human race through the major capabilities of HAARP transmissions to very substantially affect and manipulate humanity (and other life forms) physically, emotionally/ psychologically and even psychically/spiritually.
I would recommend that readers familiarize themselves as much as possible with the HAARP Project and its many covert agendas, and petition whatever decent elements remain of our government to unilaterally shut down and disband any and all electromagnetic mind/body/mood altering operations at once.
Watch out for HAARP!! Covert and esoteric HAARP operations (“Tesla” EM transmissions) are now unquestionably being conducted on Long Island at Brookhaven Labs and apparently at Montauk Air Force Station/Camp Hero’s subterranean installation–one of the earth’s primary power points; as well as at a number of other locations worldwide. I think these are significant and unfortunate events and deserve intense scrutiny and investigation. If my gut level hunch is correct, and a linking of HAARP with certain of the Montauk Project technologies and agendas is being contemplated and/or implemented, we of the human race could all be in for a very unpleasant situation.
Keep in mind another very significant factor; the Montauk Project appears to have splintered, with certain aspects such as the interdimensional/time operations and some of the mind manipulation programs being merged or subsumed into HAARP, and other elements of the Project continuing on as shown by the resurgence (indeed, if they ever ceased!) of the hard core, “Montauk Boys”, psychosexual abuse-coupled-with-psychotronic-&-EM/RF mind control activities–which result in dissociative, multiple personality conditions in the targeted subjects, with the alternate personalities being heavily programmed.
There are statements from certain knowledgeable individuals and some outward indications to support same, that such mind control activities–directly linked to the methods and agendas of the Phoenix/Montauk Project–are being implemented in the subterranean installation beneath the grounds of the old Navy submarine base on Fort Pond Bay in Montauk. As I’ve described, my personal experiences at this location and admittedly subjective analyses of these experiences has led me to conclude that there are some very peculiar surface conditions as well as a noticeably strange “vibe” in the area which would tend to give additional credence to such claims.
Claims have also been made that such unwitting agents of the secret “New World Order” government, with thoroughly programmed alternate identities–many of these also implanted with biologically-based micro transceivers for monitoring, programming and triggering/activation of previous programming–may number well over five million in the United States alone, with more being inducted and initiated daily.
If such numbers are anywhere near correct there is in effect a very dangerous, secret, “sleeper” army which theoretically at least can be called upon by the covert government at any time and deployed to do what would very likely be the most horrific and gruesome tasks imaginable.
This doesn’t sound very good to me, and one must hope fervently that one way or another the programming starts to break down and disintegrate for most of these unfortunate people. A more widespread acknowledgement of the actual existence of these wretched operations and certainly a more open and public discussion of the entire topic and its ramifications by our society (media) would be one way to help dissolve the psychological barriers within us that prevent an understanding of the severity of the problem; and most especially those psychological barriers within these “targeted” individuals that prevent conscious awareness on the part of the main, true personality of the means used to shatter their psyches and the resulting alternate, programmed personalities. In other words, overcoming the phenomenon by which any actual concrete, conscious memories of the events surrounding the psychosexual abuse and EM/RF-assisted programming are erased or blanked out of the subjects’ minds.
Members of contemporary society, in particular young people, are subjected to a good deal of overt mind manipulation programming by means of the fluff and mind candy disseminated by the mass entertainment corporations and major news media conglomerates; most certainly many of the video and computer games aimed so heavily at children and teenagers have a significant “programming” impact upon participants as well. In addition to that the entire population is to a degree subject to subliminal transmissions, some coupled to commercial broadcasting and others not.
Perhaps the best way to sum all of this up right now is to say that those who cherish, support and will defend human freedom and the right of humanity to fulfill its most positive, most life-affirming, most inclusive, most expansive, most compassionate and most loving destiny: take heed, and take action now, in any way you can, to counteract the influences of those people who wield the technologies described in this report in pursuit of the aims and agendas noted.
The general global situation–in terms of global economics (oppression), ecology/environment (pollution), quality of life and scarcity of resources issues, and additionally the overall “human predicament” in terms of personal fulfillment, higher awareness, human rights, and in terms of having any worthwhile future at all on this planet to hand our children–in many ways have surely never been more precarious: a massive shift of consciousness, and thus of “reality” itself–as shown by premier quantum mathematician /physicist and Phoenix/Montauk Project principal Jan Von Neumann–has never been more urgently needed.