Posted: 7/10/16; Update 4/4/19/ Update 3/3/20; Restore 8/28/21; Restored 2/19/22; RESTORED 8/20/22; Fully Restored 1/14/24
Its a sad day in America, when we can legally MURDER babies all the way up to the time of birth, and women are celebrating!! |
May GOD have mercy on us all, AND Cleanse us of our BLOODGUILT! SHAME ON AMERICA! HANG YOUR HEADS! We need to recognize that we are now no better than the worst heathens of any era. Bloodthirsty, Lascivious, Godless Pagans! You better pray that God does not give us what we deserve. HIS WRATH IS COMING!! MERCY FATHER, MERCY!
KING OF VACCINES COMES CLEAN! (Babies used for Experiments)
In my younger years, I got myself into a very bad situation. There were many factors involved and I don’t really need to go into detail, the thing that is important is that I made a decision to have an abortion. Between the situation, I was in, the pressure from the father, and the lies told by the clinic, I was rushed into a decision that I did not want to make. But, I agreed and signed the paper. I had to wait the 24 hour waiting period that was the law at that time. I went in the following morning with a heavy heart and while I was waiting in the clinic… I had a change of heart. I knew it was wrong and determined not to go through with this horrendous act. When I spoke to the doctor/manager of the clinic he told me I could not change my mind. The contract had been signed and it was binding. It was too late. They dragged me into a room and gave me some kind of shot. When I woke up, it was all over. Shortly after the abortion, I became deathly ill. I went to see my regular doctor and he said: “you have had an abortion”. I asked him how he knew. “He said because whoever performed the abortion used dirty utensils, and you have a very bad infection. You are lucky it did not kill you.”
Through the years, I often wondered why it was so important that I not break that contract. Why were they so adamant about taking my baby? And why were they willing to risk exposure? I could easily have gone to the authorities.
Now, that I know what I know. Especially after seeing what has come out about Planned Parenthood and the selling of organs, tissues and cells, and the lack of moral fiber of scientists and medical professionals in their race to unlock the secrets of DNA, I can see why each fetus/baby is so coveted, they are highly financially viable.
Brilliant Response to Liberal Claim “My Body, My Choice” Joshua Riddle
How often do you hear a liberal woman/selfish child trapped in a grown liberal woman’s body make the claim, “My body, my choice”. I see it literally every time we write about the importance of being pro-life. It’s right up there with the, “How is a MAN trying to tell me what to do with my body?”
The fact that it’s even a debate whether or not a woman is able to kill an unborn child because she was irresponsible and doesn’t want to be punished with a baby (as Obama likes to say) is mind-boggling. I guess they are consistent thought that don’t believe in personal responsibility under any circumstances.
If you don’t want to have a baby, how about you try having sex with condoms and birth control, or the most radical idea, don’t have sex until you’re ready. Source:…ody-my-choice/
Sadly, the abortion issue was the opening of the proverbial “Pandora’s box” so to speak. Yes, I am aware that the female genitalia is often referred to as a “box”. So, there is some real symbolism here. Understand, that by making the issue a woman’s “RIGHT TO DO WHAT SHE WANTS WITH HER BODY”, they took the focus off what was really going on and the true end goal. Everyone is naturally going to be sympathetic to the cause of a woman’s right to her body.
Once that was established, the first thing they had to do was dehumanize the child inside. To convince the world that the infant growing in her womb was not even a real being. Just a hunk of flesh, not entitled to any rights at all. What people failed to see is once they had accomplished that, the lines had already been blurred. Now, who decides when a life is viable, human, a person with rights? They also failed to understand that the scientific community who were behind and backing this movement, were really after the “fetuses” for their experimentation.
In the early stages of scientific genetic discovery, human tissue samples and subjects were harder to come by, due to societies ethical beliefs and laws. They have successfully changed all of that. They have managed to pervert our values, destroy our faith and reverse our laws. Now, they deal in numbers, because their goal is to pollute all DNA, to turn everyone into a Chimera. The evil force behind all of this is none other than Satan himself. He wants to destroy everything that GOD created. He also wants to create his own race of slaves to worship and follow him.
I can tell you one thing if you ever want to meet demons face to face, join in on a protest at an abortion clinic. I have been to a few myself. I have witnessed abortion advocates displaying the most disgusting and frightening behavior I have ever seen in my life. Their faces become animated in the most inhuman deformities, as they spew out the most revolting vulgarities, flashing their breasts and butts. They will spit on you, punch and slap you, throw things at you, even urinate on you. Usually, while the Christians quietly and calmly pray. I kid you not. And the police, will not protect you. In fact, at one protest I attended the police began to harass the Christians and threaten them with jail. As we all began to disperse, the Pastor who was with us knelt on the pavement and began to pray. Immediately, the police kicked him and hit him with their billy clubs, all the while he was doing nothing but praying. They ended up carrying him off to jail. Meanwhile, the abortion advocates continued to behave as above, with no response to them by the police at all. It was eye-opening. The battle between good and evil is clearly raging.
The killing of infants has always been a major focus of Satanists. Satan loves sacrifice and when blood is spilled upon the ground in a violent way, he gains power. But, beyond that, these precious little bodies are providing the building blocks required for Satan and those who follow him to build a race of beings subject to their whims.
Former Satanist: “I Performed Satanic Rituals Inside Abortion Clinics”
Abortion is not only a crime against the unborn child, but it is also at the very least an additional assault against the pregnant woman and most assuredly a crime against the rights of the father, as well. Often women do not even advise the father of the pregnancy. After all, it is “her body”. The women who have abortions are often at a very vulnerable time in their life, facing very scary circumstances, with little or no emotional or financial support. They are fed a pack of lies that have been supported by our culture, and offered few if any, other viable alternatives. No one warns them about the dangers involved, the physical ravages their body will suffer, or the emotional and spiritual aftermath that will continue through the rest of their lives. No one tells them of the excruciating pain and suffering the baby will experience not only during the abortion but many times ongoing, as they are often kept alive for some time afterward, for the purpose of medical/technical experimentation. No one tells the mom’s about the way this experience will affect their spiritual life, or that there will be consequences for their actions both here on earth and in the life to come. Whether you accept or believe this or not, it is true none the less.
Dead Babies in Your Food, Drinks & Makeup Illuminati Exposed!
Caught on Camera:Planned Parenthood Harvesting Babies Organs
Stem cell research – timeline
Immortal: An oral history of stem cell discovery
National Stem Cell Policy Timeline | Institute for Bioethics
Ectoggenesis -Plant -Human Monsters
Ectogenesis: Creating Trans-species, Transhuman, Transgenic Beings, and Artificial Humans
Planned Parenthood and Satanists Team Up to Promote Abortion
Together, the abortion giant Planned Parenthood and The Satanic Temple have been fighting viciously to promote abortions and block efforts to protect unborn babies and moms in Missouri.
Watch Satan worshipers protest the pro-life rally in the video below.
WATCH: Satanists Perform Shocking Ceremony at Planned Parenthood During Pro-Life Protest
This past weekend, abortion supporters protested a pro-life rally at one of Michigan’s Planned Parenthood clinics, and some of these protestors were from the Satanic Temple of Detroit. Fox News reports that at the rally the Satanists had their members pour gallons of milk down their throat in a water-boarding type fashion.
The rally was a part of protests going on nationwide in response to eight videos showing Planned Parenthood’s top executives haggling over the cost of aborted babies’ body parts and discussing ways to alter procedures to obtain organs for harvesting. Shockingly, one of the newest videos catches the abortion company harvesting the brain of an aborted baby who was still alive.
Jex Blackmore from the Satanic Temple explained why they decided to hold the demonstration. He said, “…We opted to do a form of political theater because we feel very much that is what the opposition is doing. Milk to us is symbolic of motherhood and we feel clergy is promoting a form of theocracy in forcing women to adhere to their ethical guidelines.”
Pro-life advocate, Brad Smith, said the following about the Satanist’s presence at the event: “There were a few hundred Planned Parenthood protesters, but we were also joined by a few dozen Planned Parenthood supporters. It was an eclectic crowd and included a significant number of SATANISTS. There was a sign that read WITCHES FOR PLANNED PARENTHOOD.”
He added, “Toward the end of the event, the Satanists gathered together to perform what felt like a weird ritual. You can watch it in this news story by FOX 2 Detroit. What is so interesting in this video is how the women are subjected by the men. You certainly didn’t see any men subjecting women on their knees being waterboarded with milk where we were protesting. The same people who claim to be for women are openly denigrating the women. Well, my mom always used to tell me that You ARE the company You keep. Defenders of Planned Parenthood, this is the company you keep.”
Although the group’s ceremony was strange, it was not unprecedented considering their love and history with abortion. As LifeNews previously reported, many Satanists believe abortion is sacred and some participate in the procedures themselves. In fact, former Satanist Zachary King explained that participating in abortions is particularly important for Satanists because it is considered the best way to give an offering to Satan.
He said, “In Satanism, killing something or the death of something is the is the most effective way of getting your spell accomplished. As far as trying to get Satan’s approval, to give you something that you want, killing something is the best way to go. Killing something is the ultimate offering to Satan, and if you can kill an unborn, that is his ultimate goal.”
King was in the occult for 26-years and performed 141 ritual abortions. In an interview with the Lepanto Institute, he said high profile abortion facilities drew members of the occult because of the opportunity to perform ritual abortions. He also described his first experience performing a ritual abortion when he was only 14-years-old. King said the abortion took place in a farmhouse that was surprisingly cleaner than many of the actual abortion facilities he visited later.
He explained, “There was a woman in stirrups about to have a baby who was surrounded by 13 top members of our coven, which were all high priests and priestesses. I was inside the circle with the woman and the abortion doctor. All the adult members of my coven were there. There were several women kneeling on the floor, swaying back and forth chanting ‘our body and ourselves’ over and over again. Off to the side were several male members of our coven all chanting and praying.”
Apparently, King didn’t have to perform the actual abortion, he just had to insert the scalpel and get blood on his hands. The former Satanist did admit that particular abortion was the worst he had ever seen. He concluded, “…The doctor reached in, ripped the baby out and threw it onto the floor where these women were swaying. The women looked like they were possessed, and when the doctor threw the baby out to them, they cannibalized the baby.”
Planned Parenthood #Guilty of Selling Baby Body Parts for Profit One Year Later #PPSellsBabyParts
The Center for Medical Policy shared more about its new video and undercover investigation
This is AdrenoChrome
Kinda looks like a human body splayed out with no head. But then you will think I’m twisted. So this is probably where we should part ways. I have been through the gauntlet on my legal positions on abortion starting with saying, “a woman has a right to choose” all the way this article. The thing is, I’ve know some women who have had an abortion and I have to tell you. They didn’t have a choice at all. Despite what they say. I need to explain to you how this is not a choice and how I and all of us are responsible and complicit in the torture of a mother and her child and the village around it.
Adrenochrome is a chemical compound with the molecular formula C9H9NO3 produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. The derivative carbazochrome is a hemostatic medication. Despite a similarity in chemical names, it is unrelated to chrome or chromium.
Satanists extract adrenochrome through torture and blood-letting. The psychological torture produces the chemical in the victim’s bloodstream and can be ingested just like anything else. It is said to produce a feeling of intense euphoria and power. It becomes highly addictive and bonds the user’s brain to a new high threshold impossible to match in any other form or activity. This knowledge was the piece I needed to finally understand what the Aztec were really doing. In school they said it was prevent the world from ending or to grow crops. They were actually doing it to get high. Not all were sacrificed. Blood-letting produced the same results and the victim remains among the living. Children participated also. No one was spared.
These are Drug Addicts
This sacred blood was collected and baked into bread. The heart was always the best part. The adrenochrome was strongest when the heart was still alive. Deers, chickens, snakes, and even butterflies were farmed for adrenochrome. It comes from tears too. The entire body excretes adrenalin. Tlaloc, the god of rain, would ask for the tears of children and they were sacrificed. It was as prevalent then as abortion is now. But before we get to abortion I need to mention another form of adrenochrome extraction. This comes from burning a witch on the stake. The smoke is vaporized adrenochrome and before you tell me that’s impossible, explain why South Korea found thousands of pills filled with powdered human baby flesh.
These Guys are Drug Addicts, too!
Once a town burned it’s first witch, it was off to the races. The fires reached their peaks by the mid 16th century. Historians ignoring adrenochrome will tell you the witch hunter was doing this for profit, and he was. But the town was getting something out of it too. They were getting high off the smoke. Whether they knew it or not, this was their new apex feeling. Their entire lives were heightened by moments like this.
The Psychological Addiction
In 1555, Near the town of Derneburg, Germany, Gareth Longsack (made up guy) was tending the fields. He was thinking of the most pleasurable moment of his life. It had happened 10 years prior. Gareth made hay with his new wife, Lillian Agathyx. He felt her naughty bits against the prickly wall of a swine cart. The euphoria cursed through Gareth’s bloodstream and set a new high in his brain receptors. That was Gareth’s pinnacle moment and it felt good. The sounds of her giggle touched his ears like no sound ever could. The milky twists draped behind her ears and the luminescence of filtered sunlight through the skin painted a masterpiece of wetness on his optic canvas. The electricity of every pore in her skin had risen to a fidelity Gareth never knew possible. This moment, mixed in the moral pleasure of sharing with another. Double-bounced on a trampoline by the harmony she felt for him too.
This was Gareth’s apex moment. His consciousness was the most awaken it had ever been. This became Gareth’s north star and for the next 10 years, every other experience was filed in a library after it was measured against that moment with her. His entire mind was structured around this rating. His north star was moral goodness. It was his highest ideal. When he thought about it, natural chemicals inside him, still to this today, secrete a bit of juice as if to tell Gareth, “yeah, i remember that.”
Keep that fire going. We’ve got a lot of people here tonight
In was only three months later, when Gareth witnessed his first witch burning. The fumes were intoxicating. Three women were cooked while the town watched and chanted. The ceremony was bleached with the psyop of justice. The bindings used on the victims could burn off so men would remain ready to push them back into the fire. The entire experience moved Gareth and his wife. He had a new apex moment now. But he didn’t know it was coated in a veneer of toxic shame. Gareth had entered the ceremony of the checkerboard. He stood by, freely watching, committing murder without thinking. Veiled in a ceremony of justice, with a township of accessories to murder.
His days in the field no longer went to Lillian. He kept hearing the rumble from the fires. He remembers how vivid the moon was that afternoon. He could see every bump on its face. The town was shouting in approval over the cries of the victims melting skin. He recalled every word in detail. He can relive every moment anywhere he goes. He never knew watching justice could feel so good. Gareth was now under the power of the checker. His black was white. His white was black. The poles of morality had been severed from their stand and they were free to drift like a gyro spinning from a string. He didn’t know right from wrong anymore because the chemicals had rewarded him for the experience.
A town-sized smoking hookah of adrenochrome whafted into the villagers lungs. It mixed with their own adrenaline from the bodies’ natural somatic sympathies. Everyone was high that day. Everyone was a participant. Everyone was rewarded. Burnings continued for another 50 years across northern europe. They became an affair and it’s no wonder. Satanists, pretending to kill satanists. Sound familiar?
What do you think would happen to a villager who later questioned if what they did was right? Do you think that opinion would be considered? These conspirators protecting the conspiracy were locked in a prison of their mind. A Simple black-and-white checkerboard. Wrong is right. And right feels good.
This dude is their Drug Dealer
Take a look at this etching of Matthew Hopkins, the famous “witchhunter.” Take a look at his blouse and cape. See the checkerboard?
The Abortion Checkerboard
Abortion was first legalized in the United States nationally on January 22 of 1973. New York and California were the first states to allow it in their laws. Since then a nationwide cult has told everyone that the way to honor a woman is to convince her she’s not carrying a real baby. Society has turned her womb into an inconvenient incubator and told her it’s a violation of her personal liberty. Do you see the checkerboard forming around her? Her gifts are called burdens. Her child is dehumanized to a fetus.
Enter the ceremony
First, they call it a procedure (You will endure as we proceed). The blade is cast inside her chalice. A fetus secretes adrenaline and blood into the womb. A mother responds to the trauma with her own adrenalin spike. In a moment, she has passed the threshold where this can no longer be debated. If she looks back now, she must face herself as a murderer. And no one wants to stop her.
This is the release of her gyro from its stand. Her body rewards her in a rush of adrenochrome as two souls are sacrificed voluntarily. The mind split is forever cemented. She is locked forever in the checkerboard of reward for torture. She remains loyal to the cult who convinced her its righteous. Their statements match her chemical reaction. And from this moment on, every moment, is compared to this one on the same chemical scale. She has lost contact with the glory of her own power. Her intuition is forever tainted in the “justice” she has endured. The clarity of the moment cements itself in adrenochrome. She drinks her kill as she lays back and stares through the ceiling.
When the truth of #PizzaGate fell on me, I had to try and make it go away. My failed attempts of days and days of research led me to AdrenoChrome. I had been researching a new theory i’ve dubbed “the Panda Virus” and stumbled upon the witchcraft part quite by mistake. The moment i saw it, the true meaning of Aztec sacrifice fell into place. Now you know what it means when you read Podesta talking about sacrificing a chicken to Moloch. They’re all drug addicts.
But we are too
When our men are born, one of the first things to happen to most of them is an instant shot of their own adrenalin. This happens during circumcision. I don’t know what happens to the pieces that remain, but when I was writing this article it dawned on me. There are hundreds of millions of tiny #AdrenoChrome potato chips made everyday in baby factories across the nation.This, of course, takes us to abortion. What remains of those “pieces?” They are charged with the adrenalin of both the fetus and the mother. I would imagine this sick market exists, and I would also imagine, those pieces are even more special. Whether it’s for the ritual, the money, the psychotic pleasure, or a true sacrificial orgy. It’s hard to hear them insist it’s all about the mother.
Published on Mar 22, 2019
This video has been removed from youtube.
LATE TERM ABORTION/ADRENOCHROME – The Demonic Left Murdering Our Children – Americas Silent Holocaust
This is Not About Women’s Rights. This is Evil Personified! Planned Parenthood Is A Full Blown Body Part Selling Operation. Adrenochrome Is An Actual Drug That Comes From An Adrenaline Gland That Is Removed From Babies During Abortion That Satanists Use In Their Evil Ceremonies!
This is murder of the most innocent among us. Government should preserve and protect life, not kill it before it is even born. If we can’t defend the defenseless and protect the most innocent, then America is not doing its job. Man is created in God’s image. It is the destruction of the image of God when a baby is murdered in the womb. What about when the mother would die from giving birth to the child? Well not only is this one of the rarest cases ever (1% according to NPR) but who are we to decide which life holds more value? We are not sovereign, all knowing, and perfect. These are given facts. We have NO right to decide who lives and who dies in relation to childbirth. Why has it always been “women and children first” for everything concerning general safety? Because CHILDREN’S LIVES ARE IMPORTANT. According to the CDC in 2015 more than 600,000 babies were murdered. Our culture has turned away from the protection of women and children completely. We killed more than 600,000 children in just 2015. Would you kill your spouse just because you didn’t want them anymore? No, of course not. Why wouldn’t you? Because they are human beings and that would be homicide. There is no difference, morally speaking, between a baby in the womb and a full grown adult. You may argue about viability, but guess what. Whether it survives or not isn’t entirely up to us. God is sovereign and in control, he decides whether the baby survives outside the womb or not. We, as a culture, need to stop pretending that we are the ones in control and that we are the sovereign, all-knowing beings. The truth is that we aren’t the ones responsible for making that decision. The fact that fullterm abortion is even this close to getting passed is sickening. Post birth abortion is even more disgusting. How can anyone possibly think that killing what they themselves conclude as a life is purely homicide. We can’t just rename something and call it moral or ok when something as disgusting as this is being fought for. Just because New York started this trend does not mean that we need to follow in their evil footsteps. We should not be racing to murder our children.
Our biggest undercover video yet. We go to an abortion clinic in Colorado to expose the truth about late term abortions — a truth the left, and media, do not want you to see.
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Pop culture and politics from the most politically incorrect comedy channel on the web. Hippies and Muslims hate me! 2 years, 6 months ago
Police Bust World’s Largest Pedophile Ring
Now, I don’t know what motivates people who write the kind of articles shown below. Maybe they just find the truth to hard to accept, or maybe they are paid for damage control. To write articles to combat what is currently exposing these animals. BUT, I do know why people are fighting hard to get to the bottom of these pedophile, adrenochrome, sex-slavery groups and individuals who are preying on our children. WE BELIEVE IN THE SANCTITY OF LIFE! WE BELIEVE THAT NO CHILD SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO ABUSE, TORTURE AND MURDER! If there were just one child than it is our duty to save them! If these were your own children, and you are a normal human being with a soul, you would want someone to be working to save them. That is the HUMAN thing to do!
Evidence in these kinds of cases, is very hard to come by. These demonically inspired perverts know how to work in secret and protect themselves from exposure. We are talking about some VERY POWERFUL AND WEALTHY individuals backed by even more powerful organizations and spiritual forces. But, GOD says that out of the mouths of two or three witnesses shall ALL THINGS be established. And there are multiple witnesses who have had the courage to speak out. Quit hiding your head in the sand. HEAR THE CRIES OF THE CHILDREN!
The Roots of ‘Pedophile Ring’ Conspiracy Theories –
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Sep 2, 2018 … Conspiracy theories involving outlandish fantasies of “elite” pedophile rings may have gained modern day prominence in the disorienting …
Why Are Right-Wing Conspiracies so Obsessed With Pedophilia
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Pizzagate was concocted during the 2016 presidential campaign and alleged that prominent figures in the Democratic Party were running a child sex ring in …
By the way, people laugh about the movement in the 1980’s that came to be known as “the SATANIC PANIC” but take a look around you. Those precious people were trying to prevent our nation from exactly what has happened. WE ARE A NATION UNDER SATANIC OPPRESSION!
Continued in Part 11 The LGBTQ MOVEMENT and how it relates!