Listen to the testimonies.  This is real folks!!  You better recognize that those who rule find YOU not only to be unnecessary, they find you to be a nuisance.   They are done with dealing with the masses.  Ready to wipe us out.

If you don’t believe me… LISTEN TO THE TESTIMONIES!

Just like the did in Harvey, and the Paradise Fire, and probably most of the disasters in the last 20 years.  THEY LIE about the damages and especially about the DEATH TOLL.

Here is what they are reporting about Hurricane Helene:

That is a ridiculously low head count judging by the eye witness testimonies and the damage that has been documented on film.
I lived in Texas when Harvey Hit and there were thousands of people lost. Never located.
What will likely strike you as extremely odd and unexpectable about Hurricane Helene’s aftermath is that they were telling everyone not to HELP their NEIGHBORS!!  They were confiscating donations and refusing to perform search and rescue or even allow others to search.
Now, when Harvey hit Texas, people were reporting the same type of behavior by FEMA.  The same was true when Katrina hit New Orleans.  But, people did not believe.  They thought the stories were fabricated or exaggerated.
The government has NO MONEY to help US Citizens (taxpayers)  while they are giving away thousands of dollars a month to illegal aliens, and sending billions or trillions of dollars in funds, weapons and our military personnel overseas.
Wake up!!!


This video shows you how they created this whole thing with the Doppler Ultrasound weather stationspreplanned mass murder: Hurricane Helene And Frequency Transmissions, 90 Second Alert How to Steer Hurricanes, Flood Homes, and Steal Lithium

Play to 4:44:

819 Subscribers
117 Views – 2 hours ago
Sensitivity – Normal (BBFC 12)
Get Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, and Fenbendazole here: – use coupon code ‘peoplesvoice’ for 15% off. – Become a member of the world’s first ever cyber nation: – Visit to take back control of the Internet Hurricane Helene tore through Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina, unleashing catastrophic winds and relentless rain, leaving behind a trail of suffering. In the wake of this disaster, the Biden-Harris administration was quick to assert that this hurricane settles the debate on man-made climate change. But does it really? Or does the fact that Helene defied nature’s laws and behaved like a finely calibrated weapon suggest there is something deeper and more sinister lurking behind this narrative?

MAJOR Hurricane Helene *MANIPULATION* Caught on Radar! CAT 5 LANDFALL! In 1958, There Was a Hurricane Helene That Hit Category 4 Status On This Exact Date 66 Years Ago, Displaying The Exact Same Satanic Symbolism Biden-Harris Admin Redirects FEMA Funds to Illegal Aliens & Prioritizes “Equity” in Disaster Relief Link:

Wichita, KS –  U.S. Senator Roger Marshall, M.D. joined Mornings with Maria on Fox Business to discuss the Harris-Biden Administration’s disastrous emergency response. Senator Marshall slammed Harris-Biden-Mayorkas’ depletion of FEMA funds that were redirected to illegal migrant housing instead of helping Americans- like those who have been devastated by last week’s hurricane.

Additionally, Senator Marshall discussed the BE GONE Act, legislation he introduced with Senator Joni Ernst (R-IA) that would deport the thousands of illegal immigrants convicted of sex crimes who are currently residing within our borders.

You may click HERE or on the image above to watch Senator Marshall’s full interview.

Highlights from Senator Marshall’s interview include: 

On the Harris-Biden Administration’s disastrous response to Hurricane Helene: 

“Let’s look at things ‘holistically’ today, that this is an incompetent Biden-Harris Administration.”

“What the Democrats do is they create policies, and then they want more government programs, more money to solve the problem. But at the end of the day, they’re not getting the job done in North Carolina.”

On the misuse of emergency disaster relief funding by the Harris-Biden Administration:

“I would argue that the Biden-Harris administration has funneled it in different places. They took money from building the wall to help migrants out, and then they’ve taken money that was meant for FEMA, $1.4 billion as you pointed out as well.”

“At the end of the day, I still think that this is incompetence, that FEMA and or Congress has not prioritized. That’s the challenge I see with so many professional politicians, is they never prioritize where these dollars go to.”

On the BE GONE Act and the Harris-Biden Administration Endangering American Citizens with Open Borders Policies:

“The Democrats don’t want to bring attention that Kamala’s ‘holistic’ approach to securing the border is not working, that her open border policies have led to huge national security threats…the biggest emotional issue going into this election is is your family safe and secure right now? And I can tell you, even in the heartland in Kansas, people don’t feel safe anymore, that there is no responsibility being taken here.

“To your point, don’t forget the two million known gotaways that crossed the border. Who are those people? We have at least 400,000 criminal aliens roaming America…hundreds of known terrorists have been encountered on the border just this year alone. We have no idea where they are. As you pointed out earlier, there’s 13,000 people that have been convicted of murder, illegal aliens convicted of murder. They’re roaming the country right now.”

“When Donald Trump gets in office, he’s going to have a tough job, but he’s the man to do it, and we need to get those folks resources to get those illegal aliens that have committed crimes out of this country.”

This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives–“I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all.”

Chris Martenson, PhD

🚨This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives.


🚨 This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:

Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all. I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government

Me: What the heck…? That’s quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?

Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn’t want the information getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count. They’re not picking up the bodies. They don’t wanna identify the bodies and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Me: I…can’t…even. I’m stunned. This is beyond anything I could have imagined even very recently. You always pick up and bury the dead. It’s what humans do. They are violating every possible custom … on purpose. Thank you for keeping me informed. People need to know about this. Let me know when you’d be comfortable with me posting to our forums in an anonymized fashion, of course.

Them: You can post it the message needs to get out. Something evil is going on in the NC mountains. I just didn’t want to be identified. Just today we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies. All the stores round are empty or locked. In Chandler NC 2000 people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help. I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop but people are dying by the minute. Multiple tuckers have reported having tires slashed. Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs. Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back. Something weird is going on here in NC.

Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help. Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is. People are now starting to die trapped. My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command. They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks. People with big equipment are needed but more than anything the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap. The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down. Every fucking Apache we have should be flying rescue missions. Please amplify the message!!!

Reports are coming out of Appalachia of town hall meetings that it was indeed, a land grab People are being told they no longer own their homes and have to vacate immediately–No more help going in by civilians or they will be arrested

Mimi J
Reports are coming out of Appalachia of town hall meetings that it was indeed, a land grab People are being told they no longer own their homes and have to vacate immediately. No more help going in by civilians or they will be arrested

WOW–American Citizens Affected By Hurricane Helene Being DENIED AID By Kamala Harris’ FEMA “Nobody I know has had immediate assistance” “I went on FEMA, I applied, and I immediately got denied”

Wall Street Apes
WOW 🚨 American Citizens Affected By Hurricane Helene Being DENIED AID By Kamala Harris’ FEMA

“Nobody I know has had immediate assistance” “I went on FEMA, I applied, and I immediately got denied”
“I just saw the video of Kamala Harris in my hometown, Augusta, Georgia, speaking to people like everything’s going to be okay. She’s sitting here telling us that go online, apply. Well, okay, A, hundreds of us still don’t have power, internet services. Sure we can get to it. We can fight. We can apply. We can get on it for immediate assistance. —You’re telling us to go online to FEMA and apply and you’ll get immediate help for $750. Well, okay, I went on FEMA, I applied, and I immediately got denied because apparently I have homeowners insurance. —Thank God we’re all safe and alive. I know it’s just things, it’s a house, but it’s not immediate. And I don’t know, what is she talking about? I have no idea. Nobody I know has had immediate assistance.“

FEMA has ceased all relief operations and is now seizing supplies and donations from citizens trying to assist Hurricane Helene victims across various states, causing growing alarm and unrest

There’s something nefarious going on in the mountains of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, where hurricane victims are being left to die; stories emerge of bodies washing up in rural areas

There’s something nefarious going on in the mountains of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, where hurricane victims are being left to die; stories emerge of bodies washing up in rural areas

FEMA is a fraud. The Federal ‘Emergency’ Management Agency is ‘nowhere to be found’ in hurricane-ravaged areas where decomposing bodies are being discovered amid the rubble and debris.

There is a heart-wrenching story developing in the mountans and hills of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, a story that is not being told in the mainstream corporate media.

Stories of starving, dehydrated people being left to die. And bodies, lots of bodies, washing up in rural areas, many of them unrecognizable.

One such story comes from Nate and Katie Kramer, a husband and wife in Parrotsville, Tennessee (Cocke County), just east of Newport, Tennessee, located roughly midway between Knoxville, Tennessee, and Asheville, North Carolina. This area was inundated with 20-plus inches of rain pouring over a dammed up river compliments of Hurricane Helene.

Nate Kramer related in a YouTube video his heartbreaking experience of finding a body Tuesday that had washed up near the couple’s small farming homestead.

Fast-forward to the 3:33 mark and listen to this emotional and tragic story.

There’s almost no coverage of the extent of the suffering taking place right now in the mountains of Western North Carolina and Eastern Tennessee, where the victims of Hurricane Helene are still without power one week after the storm hit and dumped a record amount of rain, and now the food and water is running out.

Large swaths of Georgia are also still without power and cell service. People are thirsty, some are beginning to starve to death. They have no cellphones or means of communicating with the outside world.

The federal government has done nothing to help the immediate situation. Literally nothing. Despite what you hear them say in interviews with the corporate media, FEMA has not shown up, as the situation grows more desperate by the day.

But there are private individuals and groups who are trying to rescue these desperate Americans.

On Wednesday night, broadcast journalist Brannon Howse interviewed three private search-and-rescue operators who are affiliated with a nonprofit organization called Aerial Recovery.

The group has been working in Florida as well as in North Carolina doing search and rescue work following the devastation left by Hurricane Helene.Howse was joined Wednesday night by Charlie Tevo, Jonathan Howard and Zev Hadley, three members of Aerial Recovery specializing in helicopter and other types of daring rescues.

Jonathan Howard said he had been working in North Carolina three days and was getting “very upset” about what he was seeing. He and his crew were being denied access from government officials, and the lack of government support he found on the ground was astonishing.

But this is not just a matter of not showing up. It’s even worse than that.

Those government officials who are on the ground are working to prevent private rescues from taking place.

There are stories from eye witnesses of bodies being found washed into gullies, ditches and ravines.

Dozens, if not hundreds, of unidentified bodies are reportedly sitting in a morgue at an Asheville hospital.

If not for Zev Hadley and his helicopters, even more would be dead.

Hadley and his crew, including a pilot identified only as “Mark,” rescued an 11-day-old baby earlier this week in dramatic fashion.

Here’s a clip from Howse’s exclusive interview with the three men. You can watch the full interview here. The men share their story of rescuing the starving and dehydrated infant and flying it to an Asheville hospital to receive life-saving medical treatment.

“If I did not have Zev’s helicopter that baby would have been dead, because we just did not have the government’s assistance,” said Jonathan Howard.

At one point in the interview, the men explained how the federal government is actually impeding the rescue efforts (this conversation begins at roughly the 6:38 mark).

“The federal government, none of them are there. And the county officials, they don’t want us in there. We actually were turned away from Lake Lure and Chimney Rock, and we were turned away by the police. We also had a news crew in there from a national news agency and they were not allowed in. So there’s criminal activity going on.”

It also must be said that this catastrophe is taking place is Trump country. Western North Carolina, Eastern Tennessee, upstate South Carolina and parts of Georgia, the very areas hit hardest by the hurricane, are overwhelmingly voting for Trump in the November 5 presidential election.

But if your house is destroyed and you are literally trying to survive in an atmosphere with little or no food, water and shelter, and your cell service is out, will you be thinking about voting? What if you are fine but you haven’t heard from a family member since the storm hit? You are searching for them, wondering if you will find them dead or alive. Will you be thinking about voting? I don’t think so.

So we have to wonder if this is not only a humanitarian tragedy being left unattended by the federal government but whether it may also be a concentrated voter suppression effort.

The election is now just one month away. And I’m sure more facts will become available in the days and weeks ahead that will shed more light on whether our worst suspicions turn out to be true.

Aerial Recovery is raising money to continue its search and rescue operations in the wake of Hurricane Helene. The best way to donate to this particular effort is to go to Instagram and type in “Aerial Revovery” in the search bar. Their page will pop up with a donate button.

FEMA is now saying it doesn’t have enough money to make it though the hurricane season. The U.S. government is giving away billions of dollars to foreign nations, and to house, feed and educate illegal aliens, but they have nothing for Americans dying in storm-ravaged areas of the Southeast.

While the administration sends billions more to UkraineVice President Kamala Harris has offered a laughable $750 in FEMA relief for hurricane victims. Watch video link below:

Greg Price
Lets check in on our government: Biden announced a new $2.4B aid package to Ukraine last week while Kamala announced today that victims of Hurricane Helene will get a mere $750. Oh, and FEMA doesn’t have enough money to make it through hurricane season yet spent $640M on illegal aliens.

So, one week into the worst hurricane to hit America since Katrina in 2005, here’s the running tally showing the federal government’s priorities.

The Biden-Harris administration has approved:

·       $8.7 billion in military aid for Israel

·       $8 billion in military aid for Ukraine

·       $567 million in military support for Taiwan

·       $750 one-time emergency assistance payment for American victims of Hurricane Helene.

Let that sink in. And let it serve as inspiration for your own preparation plans should your area be the next to be hit with a disaster, whether man-made or an act of God in nature.

FEMA is saying they are out of money and volunteers are being turned away in NC & TN


“FEMA is present but they’re in the way! They are interrupting our ability to conduct missions and operations

Juanita Broaddrick
“FEMA is present but they’re in the way! They are interrupting our ability to conduct missions and operations. Rooms aren’t available for victims because Federal Employees taken all of them.” KAMALA’S AMERICA.

Share this video with anyone criticizing victims of Hurricane Helene for not evacuating. A man from North Carolina explains that he only had 17 minutes to leave after receiving the evacuation alertBy then, it was already too late, as fallen trees had blocked his way out

I Meme Therefore I Am 🇺🇸
Share this video with anyone criticizing victims of Hurricane Helene for not evacuating. A man from North Carolina explains that he only had 17 minutes to leave after receiving the evacuation alert. By then, it was already too late, as fallen trees had blocked his way out.

#BREAKING Why is ALEXA telling people that Hurricane Helene was ARTIFICIALLY created??

table style=”border-collapse: collapse; width: 73.9394%;”>

The storm was geo engineered to get people out because of the lithium in the ground there


Why is the local government preventing people from offering aid to the victims of Hurricane Helene?<Some language ^^This is to get the maximum amount of suffering & death accomplished for this preplanned weather warfare event!: This insurance company has been paying a cloud seeding company for 25 years!!!!!! ++


This is another way to prevent aid from getting to them: Since the news seems to be failing more than usual to report on flood damage across eastern states, the biolab fire in GA, and God knows what else, here’s another important piece of news: Truckers are reporting an active tire slasher interrupting their routes in eastern states. Several truckers have confirmed. The Tennessee National Guard is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND in Eastern TN, despite MASSIVE flooding and missing people Why? BECAUSE BIDEN & HARRIS DEPLOYED THEM TO THE MIDDLE EAST TODAY.- ALL BY DESIGN-THE LEFT HATES TENNESSEE The Truth About The White House’s Response To Hurricane Helene: The people of the hurricane-ravaged states are,in large part, enemies of the regime, and so the response is the same as always: punishment. Over one thousand people (<<Comment this # is a joke as there are thousands missing and dead) are reported unaccounted for after Hurricane Helene’s devastation. Many states in the southeastern part of the country have been affected by this once-in-a-lifetime storm.

Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, Virginia, West Virginia, and South Carolina reported severe storm damage Ashville Devastation Part 1

Ashville Devastation Part 2 Flood victims PANIC when power, cell towers, food and water ALL FAIL at the same time Proactive Places

To Donate ++Good people are trying to counter this evil: Americans really do care. If you know anyone needing rescuing in or around the Rutherford county, North Carolina, send their coordinates to 970-978-3866.

They are rescuing by air. They are the true heroes. God bless them. Share this out. #helenehelp Reaching the devastated in North Carolina–Mountain Mule Packer Ranch is gearing up now to be on the move tomorrow with a large team.

Contact them here: 910-885-1402 with info on areas not seeing much aid!

Email: &

Mountain Mules Are Bringing Hope to Appalachia (804) 944-6266 (new number) Mules deliver aid to N.C. as major roads remain impassable after Helene Satellite Phone Options For Those That Can Afford It–POWER GRID DOWN, cell towers down for millions of AmericansEmergency update with Tina from
This gentleman hiked 11 miles to check on his parents— read his story of what all he saw. —- My parents are ok but completely trapped. Yesterday, I hiked up to check on them Random Tennesseans are showing up with trailers filled with water. I’m amazed at the outpouring of love.

Hope Mill Inc’s Fund ran by the lady Erin that coordinated with us –

We are Hope Mill Inc and we are helping rescue, donate, and make supply drops in the WNC areas that have been impacted by hurricane Helene. We are based out of the greater Charlotte NC area, and have ran further operations out of the Hickory regional airport. Sunday 9/29 we have ran over 400 operations of getting supplies to people, extracting people, as well as other efforts that have been needed. Anything you are able to donate is greatly appreciated. So far today we have been able to get so many supplies to several communities in the WNC area and plan on continuing to get all of our efforts out there.

Support Hope Mill Inc’s Hurricane Relief

Donation protected
We are Hope Mill Inc and we are helping rescue, donate, and make supply drops in the WNC areas that have been impacted by hurricane Helene. We are based out of the greater Charlotte NC area, and have ran further operations out of the Hickory regional airport. Sunday 9/29 we have ran over 400 operations of getting supplies to people, extracting people, as well as other efforts that have been needed. Anything you are able to donate is greatly appreciated. So far today we have been able to get so many supplies to several communities in the WNC area and plan on continuing to get all of our efforts out there.
We have gotten insulin to diabetics that were in desperate need, medication to infants, rescued elderly and others, and we will continue to do so.
Any donations will go towards funds needed for supplies, air fuel, medical, food, and anything else that becomes needed for the community in need. Please share and help us help our communities

Jet Fuel for private helicopters

Fuel Helicopters to Save NC Mountain Communities

**Help Us Airdrop Essential Aid to NC Mountain Communities Affected by Hurricane Helene**
In the wake of Hurricane Helene, the mountain communities of North Carolina have been devastated. Many areas are inaccessible due to severe flooding, landslides, and downed trees, leaving residents cut off from crucial supplies like food, water, and medical aid. We need your help to fund helicopter fuel to airdrop life-saving aid to these remote areas.
Every donation will go directly toward fueling helicopters that will deliver much-needed supplies to the hardest-hit communities. These airdrops are vital for reaching families and individuals who are currently stranded with no other way to access emergency resources.
Your support can make a life-saving difference. Please donate today and help us bring relief to those in need!
Funds will be transferred to Acme Aero’s organization bank account and directed to Catawba County to cover the costs of air operation fuel

**Help Us Airdrop Essential Aid to NC Mountain Communities Affected by Hurricane Helene** Every donation will go directly toward fueling helicopters that will deliver much-needed supplies to the hardest-hit communities. These airdrops are vital for reaching families and individuals who are currently stranded with no other way to access emergency resources. ‘This hits pretty hard.’ Looting–Limited Water–Be Very Careful Where you are giving your donations to–Scams are the norm

++Comment: I had no idea about this Quartz mine–Start around the 4-minute mark: WEATHER WARFARE DEVASTATION! – Hurricane Helene Leaves Countless Dead!The Climate Agenda ‘Modern Economy Rests On Single Road’ In North Carolina Where Hurricane Collapsed Bridges: Expert warns: ‘The road runs to the two mines that are the sole supplier of the quartz required to make the crucibles needed to refine silicon wafers.’

Their NEW WORLD ORDER is Literally Built on Sand

++also on a related note: #BREAKING Hurricane HELENE *UPDATE* Lithium Battery Deposit SIT under the ground of Asheville, North Carolina! If something isn’t done to save this land that has been devastated by Hurricane Helene in North Carolina, they will begin MINING or building Lithium facilities in the devastated areas of North Carolina.

From: pam Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 9:55 PM To: av161177777 <> Subject: What’s going on? Hi Scott,Seeing lots Instagram posts about higher body count, raping of orphaned children by immigrants, total prevention of rescue missions by private citizens, and gov orgs confiscating donations. Can you confirm any of this? Know you’re close by. Praying for you and Taylor and your safety, From: <> Sent: Thursday, October 3, 2024 2:34 AM To: ‘pam Subject: RE: What’s going on in NC? Pam: Yes Taylor is seeing the same thing. Me as well. I have not been able to go through all my information yet but I had not heard about the: “raping of orphaned children by immigrants” but the illegals have definitely been caught looting. I plan on covering this exact thing you are asking about in my next audio. So buried with content & all the chaos. Taylor and I trying to get help to the affected. Working with a good local church. Whatever you see about this you can forward to me. Just saw this: This is a link>>TN residents getting FEMA announcements on their phones telling them to NOT help their neighbors (do not donate their time or resources to those that are affected) and just listen to the government and give your money to the government for disaster relief Scott Johnson’s Comment: I can verify in my area I (and Taylor) have been getting texts on our phones from the wicked government everyday (sometimes 34 times a day)  So I guess they want everyone totally housebound. I have been totaltelling me to NOT get on the roads or even the back roads) as that is for “emergency use only”.  ly ignoring these Satanic edicts and thousands in my area (Hickory/Conover NC) have also been doing that as well. They don’t want us helping anyone!!! They are pure evil!!!
North Carolina airspace shut down in preparation for Joe Biden FLYOVER. Relief efforts halted! FEMA and law enforcement CONFISCATING DONATIONS, and demanding all financial donations go to FEMA! #fema #relief #floods #hurricane #lfa TRUSTED GROUP: Lincoln County Airport, NC 704-7350602 >>  

<<FEMA confiscating donations so they can get the photo op of them looking like the good guys, and avoid the optics of private citizens doing their work for them Along the lines of what you are asking me about, Taylor forwarded me the videos below. So much content it is going to be very hard to get this next study done.

Jack’s 🇺🇲🇮🇱✝️ 🎗
Mr. Ackman is there any available resources that you can provide to Tennessee and North Carolina? They will not launch the helicopters and trucks providing essentials to the victims have had their tires slashed. They are in desperate need of help and Biden and Harris are not doing anything

Aftermath of chimney rock:

Videos about no aid:

Wall Street Apes
Hurricane Helene: Tennessee Resident Says Tennessee/ FEMA Sending Out Text Messages Telling Everyone Do Not Help Neighbors In Need Messages saying “We don’t want you to donate stuff to other people. You need to just donate money and stuff to us and get your instructions from us and listen to us.” “They were like, do not donate your time.” “If you think you’re gonna come here and bark orders at us, and then expect the people just to give you the money and us trust that you’re gonna try to take care of us”

Kelly DNP Functional/Integrative Medicine
We have medical teams trying to access Burnsville (elevation 2,700ft) and Black Mountain. Authorities are threatening arrest. I’m gonna keep this short & simple; something is very wrong here.

From: The Aeroponic Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 9:26 AM To: Subject: Re: Are all of you OK? We are in Marshall NC. 1/3 of the town buildings washed away the rest is gutted except for our church and the court house. We have friends down back roads that are totally cut off. No rescue going in yet. No way in or out by even ATV. DT Asheville and bleeding into Weaverville has become unsafe. People are desperate. They have no water. ________________________________________ wrote: Scott;;;are you okay? Mary and I just lost EVERYTHING…house is GONE...all our possessions are GONE. God is sovereign, he spared our lives, along with our four cats…all else is just ‘stuff’. Prayers for all! Regards, Bruce and Mary Webster Erwin, TN From: 48samson84 <> Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 2:20 PM To: Subject: Re: Reply Scott: we already put together a give send go campaignhere’s the link:
Please feel free to spread it around! . It’s just chaos on my end, but God will see us thru! Regards, Bruce Webster

America will see a MASSIVE Black Swan event before electionHillary Clinton warns Play to 5:41: m_fTXQ&index=4

Related: Hurricane Helene Civilian Rescue Pilot THREATENED With ARREST by Lake Lure Fire Chief! Historic Flood Of America Raises Many Questions  Play to 4:57:   

From: greg gibbs Sent: Wednesday, October 2, 2024 11:00 AM To: Subject: Re: FYI In Lake Lure, a neighborhood was totally washed away. Over 60 bodies were found in the trees when the water recided. That’s how deep it was!!! My son said how the lake is full of cars. Divers swim to cars and count the bodies. They don’t have the abilities to pull them all out of the lake now

Biden-Harris Administration Reforms Disaster Assistance …… Jan 19, 2024 · The payment of $750 for households with serious needs will help cover immediate expenses related to sheltering, evacuation and meeting basic household needs.

Why Hurricane Helene Was Weather Manipulation! King Mountain’s Lithium Deposits

BowTied LowRiderIsland Cultivatoor When I was building my cabin everyone told me not to worry about a 100 year flood event and the cost of raising the cabin 12ft wasn’t worth whatever risk I thought I was seeing. Not 5 years later I had a 1000 year flood event and not a single drop of water got inside my cabin. If it can, it will. Prepare yourself accordingly (Changed siding a couple years ago to UV resistant vinyl)