No kidding folks, this is a long post, connecting many dots.  Most people will be very shocked and disbelieve.  But, it is all here in black and white.  The evidence is real and you can hide from the truth, but it will not help you.  In this battle for your mind, you cannot afford to be in denial, or in an altered state of consciousness, or out of touch with reality, or lost in your escapism or choice (TV, Video Game, Dress Up, Drugs, Alcohol, etc.) or trembling in fear!  YOU NEED YOUR WITS ABOUT YOU!

I hope what you find in this post will make it clear enough to you.  THERE IS A WAR that is more important than war in the physical.  IT is a WAR for the determination of your eternity.  If you fail to be present in body, mind and spirit – you will pay for it forever!!

The post begins with a list of related articles. IF you have not viewed them, I hope you will.  From there there are articles that you can click to view, articles I have included in full, portions of articles, Videos an Images.  It will likely take you many hours to view it all.  View it at your leisure.  Piece by Piece.

As I said it connects many dots.  You may think they are not connected, but they are!

Apes and Elephants

Tags:  Tower of Babel, Sasquatch, Elephant Intelligence, Pagan Worship, Links to the Past, Land of Shinar, UN Agenda, Animal Rights Have I got a TALE for you!!   You will most likely find this post to fantastic to believe.   There is shocking evidence of the truth of these reports.  You will have to shake off the … Click Here to Read More

Unbelievable Footage of Big Foot

UPDATE ADDED 11/3/23   Wow, folks!  This video footage is EXTREMELY AMAZING! Many witnesses of this sighting.  Passengers and crew of the Train that was traveling from Durangto to Silverton, Colorado. Check it out. If you have not seen my related post, Check it Out! spacer Apes and Elephants spacer From the video of the following … Click Here to Read More


This post will hopefully help many people to connect some dots.  The TRUTH is always stranger than fiction.  The dark forces that currently hold us in their power can best be represented by a GIANT SQUID.  You will see why that is as you review the contents of this post. Understand that the multiple tentacles … Click Here to Read More

Kraken by CRACKY!

UPDATE ADDED 10/11/23 “Modern Science” as opposed to science which is just the observation of everything around us using our senses and our God given SENSE!   Has been telling us that everything we believed and everything that was passed down to us from our past was a lie.  They told us that the historical accounts … Click Here to Read More

TAGS; Nanotechnology, Mind Control, Morgellons, Psychiatric Drugs, Remote Torture,  Mind Reading Technology, Brain Chips, CERN, Singularity, BioAPI, subliminal and semi-subliminal messages These are PERILOUS TIMES!  Today, it is my hearts desire to present enough truth to you to make you see that we are in a WAR already, and as a society we are losing.  The … Click Here to Read More


Yes, both monkeys and apes have been worshipped in various cultures,

In the religious traditions of Buddhism, Hinduism, and Shintoism, monkeys are revered. For example, in the Jataka tales, Gautama Buddha was a benevolent monkey king in a previous incarnation. In Chinese Buddhism, monkeys are treated as both wise and foolish, and the Chan Buddhist metaphor of the “mind monkey” represents the unsettled nature of the human mind. In the Mayapan culture, howler monkeys were venerated and considered cosmogonic creator deities

There are a few ways apes are connected to worship, including: 
  • Ape body parts as worship items
    In some traditions, ape body parts are used for worship, such as in Nigeria, where they are used for talking to ancestors, repelling curses, and fighting spiritual forces. 
  • Ape myths
    In Nigerian society, there are many myths about apes, which vary by community but generally agree that apes are important in magic, have unnatural powers, and share ancestry with humans. 
  • Ape ritual behavior
    There are some claims that apes perform rituals, but the validity of these claims is still being debated. Primatologist Jane Goodall has suggested that chimpanzees may have precursors to religious ritual, such as dancing when they see waterfalls or heavy rain. 
  • Animal worship
    In some religions, animals are worshipped because they are believed to embody divine forces or represent incarnations of gods. This is known as zoolatry


Hanuman is a Hindu monkey god and a key figure in the Ramayana, a great Sanskrit poem: 
    • Appearance
      Hanuman is often depicted with a red face, a long tail, and a golden crown. 
    • Role
      Hanuman is the commander of the monkey army and a devoted companion to Rama, an incarnation of the god Vishnu. 
    • Abilities
      Hanuman has many magical powers, including the ability to fly and become infinitely large. 
  • Origin
    Hanuman is the son of Vayu, the god of wind, and Anjana, a nymph. His name comes from the Sanskrit words “Hanu”, which means jaw, and “Man”, which means disfigured. 
  • Story
    As a baby, Hanuman tried to fly and grab the sun, mistaking it for a fruit. The king of the gods, Indra, struck Hanuman on the jaw with a thunderbolt, which inspired his name. 
  • Other names
    Hanuman is also known as Maruti, Bajrangabali, and Anjaneya. 
  • Significance
    Hanuman is the god of courage, strength, and self-discipline. He is revered as a divine vanara and a chiranjivi. 
    In Hinduism, Vanara are either monkeys, apes, or a race of forest-dwelling people. In the epic the Ramayana, the Vanaras help Rama defeat Ravana. They are generally depicted as humanoid apes, or human-like beings. Wikipedia
    Chiranjivi – Every one of the eight Chiranjivi (Ashwatthama, Daityaraj Bali, Ved Vyas, Hanuman, Vibhishana, Kripacharya, Parshuram, and Markandeya Rishi) has their own story to tell, highlighting their extraordinary traits, penance, and magical abilities. Their responsibilities range from upholding the cosmic equilibrium to opposing tyrannical rulers and conserving old wisdom.  Enduring symbols of morality, dedication, and knowledge. Their tales span several centuries and epochs, but they continue to serve as beacons of light in the constantly shifting field of Hindu mythology.
  • In Southeast Asia
    Hanuman appears in different forms and is associated with various legends



You understand that when this story came out in the press it was not by accident. This was a very deliberate move to put the image of the Monkey God into the public  arena and the minds of the people.  Check it out.  If you pull a google search for Obama and the Monkey God, you will find dozens of videos and articles about it.  

Now, one has to wonder why Obama’s great attachment to an IDOL of any God.  I believe that the Muslim faith condemns IDOLS just like the Christians and Jews.  

Why any IDOL at all… and why this particular IDOL??                        Jan 27, 2015
Well, Obama’s BRAIN INITIATIVE announced its first results on 




For all those who would love to scream RACISM!!  In the past, mean people used the monkey as a racial slur for black people. That is not what this is about.  It has been well established that Obama is not black.  He does not align himself with Black people except when it serves his ambitions.  He does not live among black people.  He chooses to live among the richest, whitest people possible.

Story by Christina Jewett and Cade Metz • 6h ago

In a presentation showcasing the Neuralink implant that Elon Musk hopes will someday connect the human brain to a computer, two monkeys were reportedly moving computer cursors with their brains.

A diagram showing different steps of the Neuralink implantation process.© Neuralink

The feat was first documented by others in a human in 2006 in the pre-YouTube era and with technology that is far more cumbersome, mooring patients to a computer with a cord.

Mr. Musk’s presentation on Wednesday night offered little that was significantly new from previous demonstrations of the device. He continued to claim that the implant could make computer control possible for people with paralysis outside of a lab setting. But experts in the field questioned whether the demonstration showed major progress with the device, especially given the breadth of work underway nationwide.

Gertrude the pig and her brain activity charted by a Neuralink implant in the 2020 presentation.

Gertrude the pig and her brain activity charted by a Neuralink implant in the 2020 presentation.© Neuralink
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“These are incremental advances,” Daniel Yoshor, a neurosurgeon and neuroscientist at the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania who has worked with similar devices, said after watching the presentation. “The hardware is impressive but does not represent a dramatic advance in restoring or enhancing brain function.”

Neuralink’s engineering work is an important advance, he added, but the results shown by the company were not as important.

The company does not have approval from the Food and Drug Administration to sell the device. Mr. Musk said on Wednesday that the company had submitted most of its paperwork to the agency to seek permission to implant its device in a human. He predicted a test in humans in six months, but any step toward trials in people would be up to the F.D.A. after a full evaluation of the risks of surgical implantation and safety of the device.

Neuralink originally scheduled the event for the end of October, before Mr. Musk, a multibillionaire, postponed the presentation amid one of the more chaotic months of his career. He recently completed his off-again, on-again purchase of Twitter, which has commanded much of his attention — and generated considerable controversy — over management of the social media company.

While Mr. Musk juggles that and other duties — he also oversees the electric carmaker Tesla and the rocket company SpaceX — Neuralink is emerging from a period of change. Last year, Max Hodak, the company’s president and one of its co-founders, left to launch his own venture in the field. Neuralink’s chief executive is officially Jared Birchall, a wealth manager who runs Mr. Musk’s family office.

Leaders in the field of brain-computer interface technology have been closely watching Neuralink’s investment in a device that operated without protruding wires or hardware. Yet Mr. Musk’s presentations thus far have concerned and underwhelmed many of them.

A 2021 Neuralink presentation of a monkey playing the video game Pong with his mind was similar to a primate demonstration at Brown University in 2001, though it had a far clunkier system.

In a 2020 presentation showcasing a pig with the implant, Mr. Musk suggested the device could “solve” conditions including paralysis and insomnia and could even give a user “superhuman vision.” Such applications sound like science fiction to scientists who are singularly focused on restoring basic functions, like typing, speaking or lifting a fork, to those who have lost them after a spinal cord injury or a dire diagnosis. For such patients, the benefits weigh favorably against the small, but serious, risk of brain surgery.

“No one is talking about implanting able-bodied people,” said Cindy Chestek, an associate professor of biomedical engineering at the University of Michigan whose lab is working on restoring function to amputees.

On Wednesday night, Mr. Musk said plans for his device included making the blind see and giving someone with a severed spinal cord “full-body functionality.” The claims drew applause from the audience, but do not reflect the state of the field.

“I would not say that with confidence,” Dr. Yoshor said after Mr. Musk had claimed the Neuralink device would give sight to people who have never seen before. “I would be highly unsure of this kind of device in a patient with congenital blindness.”

Safety will be the F.D.A.’s primary concern in considering whether the device could be tested in humans, said Cristin Welle, an associate professor of neuroscience at the University of Colorado, who helped draft F.D.A. guidance on brain-computer implants before leaving the agency in 2016.

Dr. Welle said regulators will focus on whether the device would damage the brain or present unreasonable risks to patients. She said device durability would also be considered, given the potential for brain fluids to eat through insulation coating the hundreds of hairlike electrodes on the Link device.

So far, Neuralink has tested the device on sheep, pigs and primates, according to records filed with the Agriculture Department.

Several other companies and scientists have already obtained approval from the F.D.A. to study similar devices in humans. In 2004, researchers conducted human trials with the Utah array, a device the size of a baby aspirin and fitted with spikes that is surgically placed on the brain. It connects through a wire to a small computer installed on the head that transmits to a computer. This neural interface system is called BrainGate.

With the pieces in place, scientists seek patterns in the electrical current of neurons that signal the brain’s intention to type letters or lift a hand. The code, in turn, commands a computer or robot to perform the task.

Nearly three dozen patients have undergone testing with the Utah array device. Using the technology, people with paralysis or other disabilities have lifted a cinnamon latte with a robotic arm in 2011, typed letters quoting Shakespeare in 2012 and lifted forkfuls of mashed potatoes in 2016.

But the Utah array is not suited to long-term use. It rises up out of the skull, tethers users to a cord linked to a computer and exposes them to the risk of a brain infection. For these and other reasons, companies like Neuralink are working to build devices that are fully implanted.

April 12, 2024

PRIME Study Progress Update

The current version of the device — the N1 Implant — is an intracortical BCI implant designed to record neural activity through 1,024 electrodes distributed across 64 flexible leads, or “threads,” each of which are thinner than a human hair and capable of being placed independently in the brain.

While the thin and flexible nature of the threads are designed to decrease participant risk and increase device utility, they also make the threads impractical to manipulate by hand. Therefore, we’ve built a surgical robot — the R1 Robot — designed to reliably and efficiently insert the threads into the cortex, so that the electrodes can be placed near neurons of interest.

An exploded view of the N1 Implant.

Signals acquired by the electrodes are routed to electronics contained in the enclosure of the N1 Implant, which process and wirelessly transmit the neural data to an instance of the Neuralink Application running on an external device, such as a computer. The Neuralink Application decodes and translates the neural data into actions, such as movements of a cursor on a computer screen. The N1 Implant is powered by an onboard battery that is inductively recharged by the N1 Charger. The ability to wirelessly communicate and inductively charge enables the N1 Implant to be surgically implanted under the scalp so that it is cosmetically invisible and used without any physical connectors to external devices.

High-level representation of how the N1 Implant, N1 Charger, Neuralink Application, and R1 Robot interact (objects in diagram are not to scale).

The Battle for Your Mind | Desiring God

A violent battle is raging around us twenty-four hours per day. In 1965, Donald Grey Barnhouse wrote a book about it called The Invisible War. It is the battle for your mind, and that battle  is vicious. It is intense. It is unrelenting, and it is unfair because Satan never plays fair.
The fight is for your faith ultimately and the evil one attacks your mind. The battle is on and you must and can win it BY CHOOSING TO LEARN THE WAY OF THE LORD. LESSONS FROM A DEAD MAN! Though he is long dead, yet the Lord has preserved his Word to teach and encourage us and point us in the right way to think in the battle! He teaches us that …
Here are six ways to begin that process: 1. Protection begins with salvation. The “helmet of salvation” (Ephesians 6:17a) means your mind can be protected from the lies and influence of Satan. Not being saved means not having “the mind of Christ” (1 Corinthians 2:16). 2. Prayer is the path to peace of mind (Philippians 4:6-7).
Jan 16, 2022Sermon Overview. Whether we realize it or not, there is a battle raging in our minds at every moment: spiritual warfare between light and darkness, good and evil, Jesus Christ and Satan. We cannot afford to be ignorant, and we cannot possibly be neutral. 2 Corinthians 10 shares encouragement for us in this battle for our minds.
100 Bible Verses about Battle Of The Mind Philippians 4:8 ESV / 21 helpful votes Not Helpful Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Battle for the Mind Reboot | Cathedral Of Faith

Mind Control

Romans 12:2 …be transformed by the renewing of your mind…

2 Corinthians 10:5 …we take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ …

Philippians 2:3 …with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself…

Philippians 4:8 …if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, let your mind dwell on these things…

1 Peter 1:13 …gird up your minds for action…

The title, “Mind Control,” is not talking about political brainwashing or hypnotic trances. It means that all growing Christians are responsible to control their thinking.

The Bible says that our thought life is an extremely important and vital aspect of being a Christian. What we are is determined largely by what and how we think. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As a person thinks within himself, so he is.” The Bible teaches the responsibility of mind control. It also gives us definite guidelines to follow, so that our thought life will be controlled and pleasing to God. Let us look at a few of the many biblical passages dealing with mind control.

Change Perspectives

Romans 12:2 commands us to change our perspectives. We are not to be conformed to this world’s way of thinking, but to be transformed to God’s way of thinking. It’s important to understand that “the world” is not just a label for “worldly” trash or a list of taboos. “The world” is basically a system of values that is contrary to the biblical set of values. Our thought patterns must be brought under the control of the divine value system.

The world says that if you want to be great, get to the top any way you can. Go for it! Be Number One! But God says that to be truly great is to “serve one another” (Matthew 20:25-28). Are we conformed to the world’s system of values – or transformed to God’s set of values? Do we serve one another – or do we manipulate one another? What’s our real motive for wanting a leadership position? See how easy it is for Christians to operate on the basis of worldly standards rather than biblical standards? We may not have a problem with alcohol or drugs, but our minds are worldly if we’re trying to be great by any way other than serving one another!

That’s just one example that points up how different the world’s value system is from God’s value system. Look at some other biblical values in Matthew 6:32-33 and Luke 6:38, and see they differ from the value system of the world. We must constantly evaluate our motives and judgments and persuasions, because Satan is a master at deceiving us.

Romans 12:2 also tells us that continually renewing our minds is the only way to be transformed from conformity to the world’s value system. Renewal of our thinking involves a steady diet of the Word of God. A constant intake and “digestion” of biblical standards will renew and control our minds. Our thinking, and thus our actions, will no longer be conformed and controlled by the values and culture of the world, but will increasingly line up with the values and will of God: “the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

Capture Preoccupations

Another principle of mind control is to capture preoccupations. We are to make every thought an obedient captive to Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Immoral thoughts and selfish thoughts must be brought under control, just like enemy captives in time of war. Notice that spiritual warfare is the context of 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Of course it’s almost impossible for us to keep sinful thoughts from passing through our minds, but we can stop being preoccupied with sinful thoughts. As Martin Luther said many years ago, “You cannot keep the birds of the air from flying over your head, but you can keep them from building nests in your hair!”

We can stop fantasizing. We can stop watching the kind of movies and TV shows that will pollute our minds. We can avoid internet sites that pander to sinful behaviors. In short, we can prevent our minds from being preoccupied with thoughts that are not honoring to the Lord Jesus. We can control a lot of what goes into our minds – and we can certainly control the preoccupations of our minds. Let’s not allow any harmful thoughts to begin to take control of our thought life.

Checking Pride

A humble mind is also an important part of mind control. It’s a lot easier to talk about checking pride than actually doing it. But Philippians 2:2-4 gives us some guidelines on how to obtain humility of mind. Verse 3 gives us some very practical advice on how to start the pride-checking process. Never think of yourself as better or greater than others in your fellowship – even if you’re smarter or richer or older or nicer-looking – or whatever. In fact, always consider others as more important than yourself! Although God created all men equal, God still tells us that the key to mind control in the area of pride is always to think of the other person as more important than “ME.”

Remember that these verses were addressed historically to believers. Certainly some of the Christians in the church at Philippi were more gifted than others, and some were carrying more of the workload than others, and some were more spiritually mature than others. And yet God’s directive in that situation was for everyone to regard every other fellow-believer as a more important person!

You can be sure that if we were to follow this way of thinking, the problem of pride would be checked, and our minds would be more controlled. A proud Christian may look like he or she has it all together, but unchecked pride always ripples out to hurt other people. Pride is a sure sign of a mind out of control before God.

Conquer Prejudice

We must also conquer prejudice towards others in our program of mind control. This responsibility emerges from Philippians 4:8, when it’s seen against the background of the entire letter. One of the reasons for this letter was a division that was occurring in the Philippian fellowship. It seems it was not a major doctrinal disagreement, or the apostle would have addressed it directly! Apparently it was a minor matter on which the church could not agree – maybe a financial decision? In any case, the friction was causing personal rivalries and bad feelings among the believers. Sadly, two Christian women who had actively served with Paul were particularly involved in the problem (4:2-3). Paul knew very well that molehills can become mountains, so throughout the epistle he urged the Philippians to show unselfish love to one another. Look, for example, at the context of self-sacrifice in Philippians 2:1-11 – that beautiful Christological passage!

In Philippians 4 the exhortation toward unity continues. The Philippian Christians were to work at forbearance (self-restraint when provoked) with all the members of the fellowship (4:5). They were not to get uptight about present circumstances – even when things weren’t going their way (4:6). Peace of mind and heart through prayer (and not through manipulative persuasion of others!) was the way to go (4:6-7).

A final “suggestion” is given to the Philippians to help them along the road to greater unity: they should think positively about one another (v8)! And so should we! Let’s not fix our thoughts on the faults of fellow-believers – but on their good points! Let’s focus on whatever is noble and honorable about the brother who’s always complaining. There must be something true and right about him! Let’s think about whatever is pure and lovable in the sister who spreads rumors. She must have some admirable quality! If there is even the faintest glimmer of excellence, or the smallest item worthy of praise, then let our minds dwell on those positive things.

Every believer has weaknesses as well as strengths – even you and me! But if we make a definite effort not to focus on the negatives of the person, but rather to think about the strengths, we’ll find that we’re able to conquer our prejudices about our fellow-believers. Try drawing up a list of positives for every person who’s bugging you, and see how this results in greater control of your thoughts about other people. This type of mind control brings not only peace to your fellowship – it brings the presence of God to your soul (4:7). Conquering our prejudices pleases the God of peace (4:9).

Cultivate Priorities

A further principle of mind control is seen in 1 Peter 1:13: cultivate priorities. “Gird up your minds for action” means to be disciplined in our thinking. This expression comes from Bible days, when the people gathered up (girded up) their long garments for unimpeded work or activity. Too many side interests can impede and interfere with our priorities as growing Christians. In view of our great salvation (1:3-12), we should therefore discipline our minds to set our priorities properly.

How much time do we waste thinking about things that are not going to matter 100 years from now? Or one year – or even a month from now?! Why not control our minds to think more about eternal realities, as this verse commands us? This verse doesn’t mean that we can never to think about styles or sales or superbowls or the stock market – or other temporal things, but rather that we need to cultivate the habit of thinking more about what really matters.

Maybe we could start by cultivating the priority of spending some time alone with the Lord every day – reading His Word and communicating Him in prayer. It’s not easy to maintain the habit of regular time with God, but disciplined control of our minds with God’s Word is of primary importance. It leads to practicing all the other principles of mind control!

Remember – your mind matters! Keep it in control!

– Dave Reid