WELL, they went ahead and did it.  The PACT GIVING THE UNITED NATIONS POWER OVER THE EARTH was signed, sealed and delivered.

This was done in spite of the fact that most of the world’s population and many of the nation’s governmental representatives have been adamantly against it’s implementation.  In fact the world in general is very disillusioned with the UNITED NATIONS.   Many are calling for the UN to be disbanded, in light of the fact that the United Nations has done very little in it’s history to UNITE the NATIONS.  Other than to force pacts, agreements and concordances and burn through the wealth of the Western World with very little to show for it.

We have got to get it in our heads that BIG GOVERNMENT NEVER WORKS FOR THE PEOPLE.  If you are looking to Government to resolve your problems, you are making the biggest mistake of your lives.  POWER CORRUPTS and ULTIMATE POWER CORRUPTS ULTIMATELY!!   Small Government/Local Government, where the people of the community have a voice is the only place where you can address community problems.  We the people, need to go back to banding together with out families and neighbors, helping each other and building each other up.

What has happened with this PACT, is the people have gone back into slavery.  They don’t know it yet…but they will in a minute.

Before I get to the topic of today’s post, I am providing this list of some of my posts related to this topic.  If you have not viewed them yet, you would do well to do so.  They will give you a very clear understanding of the UNITED NATIONS and the future they have planned for you:


GOODNESS GRACIOUS, so many meetings of the minds going on.  Every time you turn around the ELITE and/or the “STAKEHOLDERS” are having some kind of GATHERING.  Plotting and Planning how they are going to reign in the mindless masses.   That is how they see us, I hope you know.  In their opinion, they are the … Click Here to Read More