I have to say folks, that there are many watchmen awake and alert today.  They are laboring hard to get the word out as it is revealed to them.  All they can do is warn us.  Anyone who choses to ignore their warning or turn away from it altogether and not hear it, is taking their lives into their own hands.

God promised us that he will warn us of what is coming.  He is keeping His Word, as He always does.  Signs are everywhere, and warnings are coming fast and furious.   Pay attention, before it is too late.

In this post we will cover another warning in the Heavens.  This one very clearly connected to the prophecies of the END as you will see.  We are going to start out with some basic understanding an history, before moving on to the discoveries, interpretations and warnings of the watchmen included in this post.

Thank GOD for the Watchmen and for all who are laboring to share what they have been shown and to stand up for truth in a world that hates the truth and loves the lie.  It is the heart of God that causes us to care so deeply for those who are lost.  Oh, how I wish that I could give to the world what GOD has given to me.  It breaks my heart how few people really know HIM.  He loves us all so much.  Pray for those who are so lost they cannot even recognize their own condition.

As I stated there are too many signs to count presenting themselves in our everyday new and events.  I try to cover as many as I can, but it is not possible for anyone to cover them all.  My favorite signs endtime or otherwise are the ones in the heavens.  The bible says the “HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF THE LORD”.   He put the sun, moon and stars (planets being just moving stars, there are no earthlike formations out in space… at least any that we could see or be affected by.)  and he placed them there to be AS SIGNS for US!   So, we should all be paying attention to what is really going on in the heavens above and not the baloney the NASA and CERN feed us everyday.

