RESTORED: 8/12/22
Joker, Jester, jongleur, Baffoon, Clown, practical joker, minstrel, itinerant player; joker, juggler, clown, joculator, Prankster, whatever you want to call him the truth remains, he is a deceiver.

The following information was pulled from my earlier posts on Red Nose Day.  I am certain there are folks who would not look at a post on Red Nose Day and this information is important.  You don’t want to miss it.  So, I am reposting just the portion about Clowns.


n 1. clown - a rude or vulgar foolclown – a rude or vulgar fool

buffoon  foolmugginssapheadtomfoolsap – a person who
lacks good judgment
2. clown - a person who amuses others by ridiculous behaviorclown – a person who amuses others by ridiculous behavior

comediancomic – a professional performer who tells jokes
 and performs comical acts
harlequin – a clown or buffoon (after the Harlequin character
 in the commedia dell’arte)
jestermotley foolfool – a professional clown employed to
entertainking  or nobleman in the Middle Ages
whiteface – a clown whose face is covered with white make-up
zany – a buffoon in one of the old comedies; imitates others for
ludicrous effect
Vb 1. clown - act as or like a clownclown – act as or like a clown

jestjoke – act in a funny or teasing way

clown –   (kloun)


1. comic performer who wears an outlandish costume and makeup and pantomimes common situations in exaggerated fashion, often also juggling, tumbling, etc.

a. buffoon or jester who entertains by jokes, antics, and tricks in a circus, play, or other presentation.
b. One who jokes and plays tricks.
2. coarse, rude, vulgar person; a boor.

3. peasant; a rustic. (archaic)

intr.v. clownedclown·ingclowns

1. To behave like a buffoon or jester.
2. To perform as a buffoon or jester.
3. To krump, especially in clown makeup.


Clown Bluey Clown History

The history of clowns is a vast subject and one could write a book about it if one had time! Luckily, there have been others with the willpower! There have been several good books on the subject, notably “Clowns” by Douglas Newton; “Bring on the Clowns” by Beryl Hugill; “Clowning Through” by Frank Foster and “Clowns & Pantomimes” by M. Willson Disher to mention just a very small selection. I have used several in my research for this article and I acknowledge the authors with gratitude! Please see my Bibliography at the end of this article.   (There is some good information in this article. You can view the entire article by clicking the link above)



an alchemist, a magician.  a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior.

a deceiver; cheat; fraud.
a person who plays tricks.
a supernatural figure appearing in various guises and typically engaging in mischievous activities, important in the folklore and mythology of many primitive peoples and usually conceived as a culture hero.

Pranksternoun   One who causes minor trouble or damage:
devilimpmischiefrascalroguescamp. Informal: cutup.

– Pathological liars, or “mythomaniacs,” may be suffering from histrionic personality disorder or narcissistic personality disorder.

Prankster noun
someone who plays practical jokes on others
cut-uphoaxerpractical  jokertrickertrickster
Type of: bad hatmischief-makertrouble makertroublemakertroubler 
someone who deliberately stirs up trouble


1. practical joker – n -someone who plays practical jokes on others
cut-up, hoaxer, prankster, tricker, trickster bad hat, mischief-maker, troublemaker, troublemaker, troubler – someone who deliberately stirs up trouble
2. practical joke – n –A mischievous trick played on a person, especially one that causes the victim to experience embarrassment, indignity, or discomfort.   Source:


No matter the intent of the liar or nobility of the goal.  A LIE is a LIE!

lie – [ lahy ]


a false statement made with deliberate intent to deceive; an intentional untruth; a falsehood. 

something intended or serving to convey a false impression;
imposture: His flashy car was a lie that deceived no one.
an inaccurate or false statement; a falsehood.
an untrue or inaccurate statement that may or may not be believed true by the speaker or writer

verb (used without object), lied, ly·ing.

to speak falsely or utter untruth knowingly, as with intent to deceive.
to express what is false; convey a false impression.

verb (used with object), lied, ly·ing.

to bring about or affect by lying
(often used reflexively):
to lie oneself out of a difficulty;
accustomed to lying his way out of difficulties.



OCCULT = Hidden/Secret/Covered-Up

disguise – [ dis-gahyz, dih-skahyz ]

verb (used with object), dis·guised, dis·guis·ing.

to change the appearance or guise of so as to conceal identity or mislead, as by means of deceptive garb: The king was disguised as a peasant.
to conceal or cover up the truth or actual character of by a counterfeit form or appearance;
: to disguise one’s intentions


that which disguises; something that serves or is intended for concealment of identity, character, or quality;
a deceptive covering, condition, manner, etc.: Noble words can be the disguise of base intentions.
the makeup, mask, costume, or overall changed appearance of an entertainer: a clown’s disguise.
the act of disguising:to speak without disguise.
the state of being disguised;
masquerade: The gods appeared in disguise.
guiseveilcloakcamouflagetrickeryconceal, beliedeceivehideobscurealterblind, color,  pretensioncostumefacadedresscounterfeit, coloring,

Wake Up America Seminars

The Devil’s Lies excerpts presented here, view the entire article by clicking the link. 

Here is an oxymoron to think about: The devil is an unbelievable liar! The devil is so good at lying that many of God’s glorious angels did not detect his deceit nor understand his manipulative schemes. The devil is a genius and among created beings he has no equal in the universe. When people in positions of trust and respect promote his lies as truth, they especially honor Lucifer. Because Satan’s subtle lies gained the stature of truth in some of the seven churches of Revelation, they are the subject for this month’s study.

Lucifer was the first liar and with his lies he deceived one-third of Heaven’s angels. (Revelation 12:4) This was an incredible accomplishment! The dullest angel is brighter than the smartest human being and yet, Lucifer was able to deceive a minimum of 200 million angels* while living in God’s house!

The Bible also says that Lucifer convinced angels to wage war against Almighty God! (Revelation 12:7-9) It would take a very convincing liar to persuade intelligent angels to rebel against Almighty God! If you think this was an amazing accomplishment, the Bible indicates the devil will again convince created beings – mere mortals this time – to wage war against Jesus at the Second Coming. (Revelation 17:14) So, do not be fooled. The devil’s lies can be so subtle that they are almost impossible to detect.

SSatan as a CLOWN in Pop Culture Illuminati Symbolism

Revolution Season Finale Illuminati Freemason Symbolism.  The Clown is waking up.

Are you beginning to see the picture?  REMEMBER that Satan is not only an Entity he is a SPIRITUAL FORCE!  The spiritual force behind all that is evil.  The spiritual force that is directing and orchestrating what is happening in the world right now, which he views as HIS KINGDOM.  

You only have two choices.  You are either on the GOD/GOOD/LIGHT side or you are on SATAN/BAD/DARK.  There are no other options.  Do you really want to align yourself with what is evil?  

The is currently run by symbols and numbers.  That is the language of the ones who serve the DEVIL.  Pay attention to numbers and symbols if you do not want to be deceived.  DECEPTION IS SATAN’s GREATEST TOOL/WEAPON.cer


devil, demon, satan, evil, temptation

There’s a new Batman movie coming out in March of 2022. In fact, there’s almost a yearly new Batman or Joker movie. Batman (if he really existed) could rightfully call himself one of America’s favorite superheroes. Yet, he’d be wrong if he claimed all the viewers come just to see him. The Joker draws at least as many people. In 2019, The Joker became the top-rated R-movie of all time. Someone who had never heard of Batman might scratch their head.  A movie about a mentally-ill, murderous clown becomes box-office gold? In fact, we all might scratch our heads if we thought about it.

The Joker is popular for many reasons. Principally, I think he is a satanic figure and, therefore, fascinating. He shares at least three traits with the devil. First, the Joker represents the disenfranchised–but not in the way Jesus did! Second, he is a cunning liar. Third, he delights in evil.

The Joker can be seen as a rebel for the disenfranchised in several different ways. Wikipedia writes, “The most common interpretation of the character is that of a man who, while disguised as the criminal Red Hood, is pursued by Batman and falls into a vat of chemicals that bleaches his skin, colors his hair green and his lips red, and drives him insane.“ Thus, the Joker is a physical outcast either by an injury or by purposefully appearing as a clown. In the 2019 film, the Joker is an outcast from society through mental illness and poverty.  Thus, the Joker is an outcast and a rebel; the devil is also an outcast and a rebel for the cause of sinners.

The Joker might attract some sympathy initially as an outcast, but soon his disenfranchisement becomes more existential. Like Satan, he becomes a rebel against the capital “s” system. Indeed, in almost all stories and movies, the Joker strikes back at society by launching a war against it and rallying an army of capitalist-hating clowns behind him. His real ambition seems to lie not in creating a beautiful socialist society but more in plain and simple destruction and chaos. Of course, the Joker’s disenfranchisement is only a reflection of Satan’s as is his desire for the destruction of the system, of any order or goodness.


The Joker is a cunning liar. Lying is his native language, and it is the devil’s language. As Jesus says to his opponents in the Gospel of John 8:44, “You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires”. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.” In many of the films mentioned previously, the Joker lies at key points or, maybe more accurately, twists the truth whether through disguises or outright false information.

I could list actual lies, but I want to talk about the spirit of deceit surrounding the Joker. In a memorable scene from the 2019 film, he acts the part of a happy clown entertaining sick children until a gun falls out of his costume. Nothing more happens in the scene, but the scene impresses on the audience the fact that the Joker’s appearance conceals the truth.

Frequently, the Joker also uses his humor as a way to lie about or distort reality. Christopher Nolan’s Joker is famous for asking “Why so serious?” before committing acts of cruelty. It is hard to explain why this phrase began appearing on so many shirts after the movie, but, perhaps, to many, it invoked the Joker’s vision of reality in which there is no real up-or-down, no real seriousness or hilarity. This brings us to the last point.

One Who Delights in Evil

The Joker delights in evil. His humor is based on laughing at pain, suffering, and destruction. In this way, he often comes across as a daredevil. While his laughter may gain him a following of laughing disenfranchised clowns, ultimately, the Joker’s laughter sows division. Likewise, his daring is more recklessness than virtue. Satan’s name in Greek means “accuser” or “adversary.” The Joker’s name calls to mind a person who makes jokes that are at the expense of others–adversarial jokes that confuse and hurt others. His delight in evil is nihilistic as are his ends. The devil delights in the same things as the joker because he pursues the same nihilism. Likewise, the devil can seem to be a daredevil, and breaking with the Church’s teaching can look like courage. At the end of the day, though, the laughter and the bravery ring hollow.

It’s hardly surprising that in our time as in so many others before a fascination with the devil exists. Milton’s Lucifer was something of a tragic hero  in those days. We see echoes of Milton’s creation in the Joker, but with one important difference. The Joker as he’s been imagined of late seems far more interested in tearing down than creating. I think this reflects the nihilism and hopelessness of the age, a nihilism which hadn’t ripened (or rotted) fully in Milton’s day.



The trickster figure Reynard the Fox as depicted in an 1869 children’s book by Michel Rodange.

Found in the mythologyfolklore, and religion of virtually all world cultures, a trickster is a figure who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules of behavior. The trickster breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously, for example the Norse Loki, but usually the trickster’s impact is unintentional, resulting in positive effects. Often, the rule-breaking takes the form of practical jokes or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often funny even when performing sacred tasks. The Native AmericanLakota sacred Heyoka (clown) is an example. His role is to play tricks and games and so doing, raises awareness and acts as an equalizer.
Some classical examples of Tricksters in various mythologies are Mercurius in Roman mythology, Hermesin Greek mythology, Eshu in Yoruba mythology, Loki in Norse mythology, and Wakdjunga in Winnebago mythology. Today the trickster survives as a character archetype, although not necessarily a supernatural or divine figure. He or she is usually depicted as a clever, mischievous person or creature, who tries to survive the dangers and challenges of the world using trickery and deceit as a defense. Many children’s fairy tales continue to use Tricksters to juxtapose perceived incongruities in the world. Some modern examples of the Trickster are the cartoon character Bugs Bunny and Charlie Chaplin‘s Tramp.


The following article is written from a NewAge/Mordern mindset.  We are going to look at how the world   GLORIFIES/GLAMORIZES THE DEVIL/TRICKSTER AND TURNS HIM INTO A HERO/SAVIOR.  The author is obvisously  a believer of the MODERN/ANCIENT TEACHING that all is GOD and we are makers of our own reality. This is the way of the world these days, so this article should help you understand where their thinking originates.  Following this article, we will delve deep into what is really going on, and who/what is behind the CLOWN. 


The trickster is an alchemist, a magician, creating realities in the duality of time and illusion.

In mythology, and in the study of folklore and religion, a trickster is a god, goddess, spirit, man, woman, or anthropomorphic animal who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior. It is suggested by Hansen (2001) that the term “Trickster” was probably first used in this context by Daniel G. Brinton in 1885.

The trickster deity breaks the rules of the gods or nature, sometimes maliciously (for example, Loki) but usually with ultimately positive effects. Often, the rule-breaking takes the form of tricks (eg. Eris) or thievery. Tricksters can be cunning or foolish or both; they are often very funny even when considered sacred or performing important cultural tasks. In many cultures, (as may be seen in Greek, Norse or Slavic folktales, along with Native American/First Nations lore), the trickster and the culture hero are often combined. To illustrate: Prometheus, in Greek mythology, stole fire from the gods to give it to humans.

He is more of a culture hero than a trickster. In many Native American and First Nations mythologies, the coyote (Southwestern United States) or raven (Pacific Northwest and coastal British Columbia) stole fire from the gods (stars or sun) and are more tricksters than culture heroes. This is primarily because of other stories involving these spirits: Prometheus was a Titan, whereas coyote and raven are usually seen as jokesters and pranksters.

Frequently the Trickster figure exhibits gender variability, changing gender roles and engaging in same-sex practices. Such figures appear in Native American and First Nations mythologies, where they are said to have a two-spirit nature. Loki, the Norse trickster, also exhibits gender variability, in one case even becoming pregnant; interestingly, he shares the ability to change genders with Odin, who despite being nominally the chief Norse deity also possesses many characteristics of the Trickster.

The Trickster is an example of a Jungian Archetype. The Fool survives in modern playing cards as the Joker. In modern literature the trickster survivors as a character archetype, not necessarily supernatural or divine, therefore better described as a stock character.

In later folklore, the trickster is incarnated as a clever, mischievous man or creature, who tries to survive the dangers and challenges of the world using trickery and deceit as a defense. For example many typical fairy tales have the King who wants to find the best groom for his daughter by ordering several trials. No brave and valiant prince or knight manages to win them, until a poor and simple peasant comes. With the help of his wits and cleverness, instead of fighting, he evades or fools monsters and villains and dangers with unorthodox manners. Therefore the most unlikely candidate passes the trials receives the reward. More modern and obvious examples of that type are Bugs Bunny and The Tramp (Charlie Chaplin).

The trickster is an important archetype in the history of man. He is a god, yet he is not. He is the wise-fool. It is he, through his creations that destroy, points out the flaws in carefully constructed societies of man. He rebels against authority, pokes fun at the overly serious, creates convoluted schemes, that may or may not work, plays with the Laws of the Universe and is sometimes his own worst enemy. He exists to question, to cause us to question not accept things blindly. He appears when a way of thinking becomes outmoded needs to be torn down built anew. He is the Destroyer of Worlds at the same time the savior of us all.

The Trickster lives inside and outside of Time. He is of our world, yet not of our world, so our laws will not always apply. Other symbols, associated with him include keys, clock, masks, infinity among other mythological images

Trickster is a creator, a joker, a truth teller, a story teller, a transformer linked to the spiritual frequency changes humanity is experiencing at this time.

We seem most accessible to the synchronistic gifts of the Trickster when we ourselves are at or near boundaries or are experiencing transition states, periods of major life transitions seem to be occasioned by an abundance of meaningful coincidence. Personal growth sees not only to facilitate synchronicity, but in turn to be facilitated by it. As an archetype, the Trickster, the boundary dweller, finds expression through human imagination and experience.

The Trickster as an Alchemist

Shamanic aspect that transforms or evolves

We live in a dual reality, opposite polarities, yin /yang, male/female, good/ evil, God/Devil or Trickster. Our reality is created by electromagnetic energy fields, the poles (North and South), positive and negative energy. This is much like a game. In order to win the game you must create balance. You can beat the trickster if you ignore that which he brings as challenges.

Our soul spirals its consciousness into a physical body to experience different roles and emotions. The trickster ‘stirs the pot’ and creates the drama, to that end.

When you abuse someone, that is the trickster in you, showing itself. When you allow yourself to be abused, playing the victim, and remain stagnant in your life, the trickster aspect of you is in control.

The trickster seems to have supernatural powers which help him perform his tricks. He lives, dies, comes back, shape shifts, all sorts of magic as our reality is nothing more than an illusion. It is the mythology of our reality, birth, death, and rebirth from the ashes, the flame of creation.

There are times the Trickster brings lessons that we came into this experience. Trickster is almost always portrayed as male. In the duality he represents the lower emotions, lower chakras, that which gets us into mischief. This represents the aggressive side that deals with the lower frequency emotions, fate, jealousy, anger, self destruction, rage, depression and goes to mental illness.

Trickster is the emotional body, our Inner Child or wounded soul, who evolves in our lifetimes as it spirals back to higher light.

The concept of the Trickster is as much a part of humanity’s history as the concept of God. All creational myths deal with polarity, good god vs. bad god, the duality of our nature and with each of us. To be emotionally challenged, is to listen to the voice of the trickster and live in a space of drama and negative emotions. To create balance is to live in the so-called ‘god aspect’ of who we are.

Physical reality is a game in which the Trickster challenges us at every turn. That is his role in the duality of this bio-genetic experiment in liner tome and emotion.

Trickster is the teacher, when you attract lessons into one’s life. With his lessons, he awakens us to who we are and allows us to explore the true purpose of our soul’s journey in the holographic experience through which we experience consciously at this level of awareness.

His energy allows us to break out of old stereotypes, whether they’ve been imposed by ourselves, our families, our culture, or circumstance. This is the energy that opens the world of limitless possibilities and it behooves us all to work with it before it destroys us, to touch the Trickster as he touches us.

Trickster is a teacher, survivor, hero, always traveling, outrageous and cunning, foolish and wise, mischievous and often doing good despite himself. He is a metaphor for the evolution of consciousness in the alchemy of time.

NOW that you have heard how those who are deceived perceive the CLOWN/JOKER/TRICKSTER/PRANKSTER (as the HERO/SAVIOR).  Let’s look at what is REALLY BEHIND THE MASK/CLOWN MAKE-UP!!

Masque: Manifesting Hex Death
Image result for Death Mask



I really don’t know if the events of the past week have awakened you to the reality of manifestation with intent. Anymore we are beginning to see that mysteries and riddles are hidden in plain sight. Those with eyes wide open are beginning to see that the world is one big paranormal carnival and that standing there waiting to take your tickets is a fresh-faced devil that will tell you that you have entered a graveyard disguised as a circus with cute ballerinas and cartwheeling clowns.

If you look hard enough, you’ll realize that there are violent concepts that are peddled in video games. Illuminati themes subliminally placed in music videos. There are sigils and imaginary characters with powers that bring about chaos. Music, numerical sequences and movies can now trigger all kinds of strange thoughts.

These strange thoughts manifest in the most peculiar way, and if you take the time to breathe in the strangeness, you begin to understand that no matter what you do in your life you are always trying to be one step ahead of the trickster.

The cosmic trickster at times takes on the same attributes of a demon; however he is often represented as a clown or a feared human figure who wears the mask of death – or death paint.

There are many people today who have some unexplained deep rooted fear of clowns and while clowns in their element are not frightening, a clown outside of his element is a symbol of hex death and chaos.

The clown has always been a ceremonial trigger and psychologically affects everyone who sees it. Lon Chaney, the man known for his thousand faces, had once quipped that there is nothing scarier than a clown after midnight.

In the ancient Gnostic beliefs, the trickster is a god.The god you make a deal with to come to this planet. It is neither man nor woman. It is an androgynous figure with distorted features who plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior. Ancient memes within all of us confuse the trickster with the hero. The trickster and the culture hero are often combined in ancient cultures. It was Carl Jung that gave a very interesting view of the clown-turned-carnival barker who collected young, impressionable souls for food sources. The word carnival itself is taken from the Latin ‘carnus’ (‘flesh’) and ‘levare’ (remove)as in being skinned or shed of meat.

According to Jung, the trickster loves to play malicious pranks on people. His home is the carnival and he manages to achieve through flash and showmanship, what most people can do with their intelligence. He has the personality that appears to be gentle and childlike and yet on the inside, the trickster is dark, conflicted, and threatening. He can convince even the keenest of intellect to play in his world and has the ability to draw upon the innocence in the unconscious to cover up his devilish intent. The trickster is also obsessed with changing his shape and demeanor.

The clown is an ancient symbol of the shape shifter whose expression bends and molds a visage of death. I always wondered why people feared clowns and, as I grew older, I was able to figure out that not all clowns are evil. However, there are clown faces that represent the death mask and it is those faces that I would like to comment on. I would also like to demonstrate how the electronic medium is most certainly a powerful tool for sending out a meme and having it manifest at will.

Some of the most powerful images come from films and many of the most frightening characters that exist in our nightmares are white faced entities who utilize the death shape, whether masked or unmasked in order to stir primal thoughts and stir up anxiety and hysteria.

In films, the death clown visage appeared in various horror films and it turned out to be an effective tool to terrify audiences all over the world. Characters like Michael Meyers from ‘Halloween’, Captain Howdy from ‘The Exorcist’ and the immortal death image of the Joker portrayed by Heath ledger are all associated with the clown, the trickster, or the shape shifting, transmogrifying devil – all with the power to mesmerize, trick and, in some cases, attack.

Kenneth Anger, a well-known underground filmmaker and member of the Ordo Templi Orientis commented that some movies that are made are invocations or evocations to cast a spell on the audience.

The purpose for some films is to stir the primal forces and are used as magical weapons to stir the soul out of conformity. The flickering image, according to Anger, creates a thought form and even if the image flickers for no one, it is still a causal engine that sends the image into the ether. If someone picks up on the meme and it is successfully implanted in the zeitgeist it is theorized that the very nightmare could easily transpire in the real world.

In 1984, there were worries that perhaps the movie “Nightmare on Elm Street” inspired the real life “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez.

In the 1996 film “The Long Kiss Goodnight,” Samuel Jackson is told in explicit detail by the government official that 4,000 people will be killed in a terrorist event at the World Trade Center in order to “scare some money out of congress“. Of course this event will be “blamed on the Muslims, naturally“.

‘The Matrix’ was released just weeks before the Columbine massacre. Like suspects Dylan Kliebold and Eric Harris, the character of Neo had no friends and was trained to be a killing machine for a group of outcasts that believed the world was a computer construct.

‘The Matrix’ was so effective that it created a mental disorder in people called “Matrix delusion” where people actually thought they are living in a computer program. The movie ‘The Truman Show’ also was effective in creating a disorder where people believed that they are living in a reality TV show.

It is also interesting to point out that the media blamed Marylin Manson and his music for influencing the killers Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris to carry out the Columbine massacre.

Many people are aware that Marylin Manson is a rock star known for wearing corpse paint that resembles a horrific clown. Again, it is the hex death image of the trickster and it is very powerful.

Manson is not the only rock star to use the clown face as a way to mesmerize an audience.

Michael Jackson permanently made his face look like a ghoulish clown. The Insane Clown Posse and KISS play with the demonic clown look, making them ageless and larger than life. Gene Simmons of KISS explained that when KISS eventually took off the makeup, the whole feeling of the band had changed. He was having a hard time adapting to being a pretty boy, or hair band front man.

Eventually, the temptation of the smell of the greasepaint won out and KISS again wore their ghoulish faces for their fans.

Why should you fear a clown?It is simple really:the clown represents death, shape shifting, the deceiver or trickster. The image of the trickster is a powerful one and anything associated with it, any triggering mechanism or meme could spark a backlash or ethereal blowback. The result is chaos. Chaos has no regard for race, creed, color or morality.


During the massive marketing campaign for the second Batman movie franchise the ‘Dark Knight’, images of Heath Ledger as the Joker started popping up everywhere. One of the most disturbing images was Ledger in joker make-up with puffy scars on his lips. While most clowns wear a full white paint, and use colorful accents to their image, Ledger chose to wear “corpse paint” a term coined by death metal bands to invoke an image of death and decay. The colors they use are limited to black white and red.

Ledger’s Joker was the image of the classic “dead clown” and was even more ghoulish when you consider that after playing the Joker Ledger died of a drug overdose.

With Ledger’s death there was a cold feeling that came over Hollywood. There were so many people that felt that it was the part of the Joker that killed Heath Ledger. However, it was the clown that vexed Ledger and there were many instances where he was made to play a clown.

“Clowning Around” was an Australian film produced in 1992. It follows the story of 14-year old Simon Gunner, who has been in and out of foster homes all his life and dreams of becoming a professional circus clown.

The film was shot in Perth and Paris, and was Heath Ledger‘s film debut.

He also played Bob Dylan in the film, “I’m Not There.” Coincidentally, in Don McLean’s hit song “American Pie” he refers to Bob Dylan as the jester.

The Joker was not Ledger’s final role. He appeared in the film ‘The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus’ as Pierrot, the sad clown and fool. Ledger died before the film could finish and so there were other actors that portrayed the role creating a shape shifting theme throughout the film.

Like any powerful archetype that begs to escape from the movie screen into reality, “The Joker” – or death clown – literally leapt from the movie screen into reality as an unstable 24-year-old killer named James Holmes opened fire in a crowded movie theater that was attending the midnight screening of ‘The Dark Knight Rises’, “the final movie in a Batman trilogy, following “The Dark Knight” in which The Joker was the principal villain,” as ABC News reported at the time.

What was it that Lon Chaney said about “clowns at midnight?

The particular comic that inspired Ledger’s portrayal the most was a one-shot Batman comic called, “The Killing Joke” written by comic writer and magic practitioner Alan Moore, who has written comics such as ‘The Watchmen’ and ‘V for Vendetta’ – which are full of Illuminati and satanic symbolism. ‘V for Vendetta’, in particular, not only quotes Satanist Aleister Crowleyin several portions – but mentions him by name.

Agent Codename V wears a ghoulish clown mask that is supposed to represent Guy Fawkes. His character has also leapt from the big screen and comic books and is now the official face of the computer group Anonymous. His clownish mask is also worn by activists and protestors worldwide.

Both times, characters associated with magicians have manifest in our reality either for good or evil. The image of the death clown is the most effective image because it plays on base core shadow archetypes.

Recently, there have been ghostly clown sightings being reported and actually filmed all over the world.

Back in March, people in Staten Island were filing several reports to police of a mysterious clown wandering the borough.

As the Staten Island Advance reported:

While it’s uncertain who the person is, folks have photographed the face-painted individual wearing a yellow clown suit, white puffy collar, and trademark red nose.


This clown is also bald and was spotted holding green and yellow balloons.  (c0lors of plague, and death)

Sightings have been reported by the Grasmere and Richmond Valley train stations.

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — The creepy clown that has been spotted on Staten Island in recent days was indeed the work of a local horror movie production company, the studio confirmed Friday. Fuzz on the Lens Productions confirmed that it was behind the scary clown.  The company also issued a Facebook post saying it hoped everyone understood the clown was just a joke all the time.  Fuzz on the Lens has since posted an assortment of videos featuring the clown – showing him onstage taking a bow at the Monsignor Farrell High School performance of “How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying,” and a dramatized clip showing a group of men attacking the clown with sticks.


Last year, Northampton in the United Kingdom was terrorized by a mysterious clown that was seen there.

There is actually a Facebook page called “Spot Northampton’s Clown” where people can register their sightings.

There is a deep and psychological reason why clowns are feared or are seen as creepy. The base reason is because a clown is literally an exaggerated or cartoonish character of a corpse.

The human corpse becomes pale so many hours after death. Sometimes the lips of the corpse become enlarged and puffy. Some lips become purplish blue and some become engorged bright red and full of blood.

Clowns usually wear huge shoes and even puffy gloves. This also is similar to a corpse as some parts of the body swell after death, hands, fingers, feet and ankles.

There is also the psychological disconnect with a clown. Some people are unable to see emotion or even character buried in the greasepaint. Even though clowns paint on happy faces, there are some things a clown is told not to. Clowns should avoid using black on their eyes, blue is also a corpse paint color, and shapes that are used on the face should be rounded and not pointed.

It is believed that as much as 2 percent of the adult population has a fear of clowns. Oddly it seems that the fear is increasing as clowns are being used more and more as evil entities in movies and books. Adult clown phobics are unsettled by how clowns are able to engage in manic behavior, often without consequences.

There is also a trend that is showing that more and more children no longer fear clowns and that it might be just a generational hang up.

However, with clowns becoming the new villain in horror films, I am sure there will be plenty of clowns to be afraid of in the future.

EVERYBODY DOES NOT LOVE A CLOWN.  There are many people young and old who find them very disconcerting even terrifying.  NOW, you should realize there is good reason to be wary of any Joker, Jester, jongleur, Baffoon, Clown, practical joker, minstrel, itinerant player; joker, juggler, clown, joculator or Prankster!!  If you see someone in a Red Nose… share the truth with them.