The CRAFT OF PHARMACEA – No Matter how you slice it!

Death by Medicine: Doctors in U.S. Responsible for a Million Deaths a Year

BeWARE!!   Especially NOW!  If there is any good thing that has come out of the PLANDEMIC it is the EYEOPENING REVELATION that we CANNOT TRUST our institutions.  Especially our Government, education system, media and MEDICAL INDUSTRY.   Though there are some ethical nurses, physicians and emergency response personnel who have morals and compassion, they are in the minority.  Their numbers are shrinking every day as those who dare to stand against the narrative are losing their licenses, their jobs and some even their lives for that stand.  

We have learned that the true purpose behind Technology is to further the elite in bringing in their New World Order.  We have learned that their plan for us is DEPOPULATION, TRANSHUMANISM and the END OF HUMANITY.  

Anyone who puts themselves at the mercy of the Medical Industry now, is in serious need of awakening!  It is time to take stock of our own lives and where we place our FAITH and TRUST.  

The following post is intended to bring you enough evidence to make your choice.  Allow me to share a little testimony from my own personal experience.

Some time ago, I had a terrible ear infection from which I was struggling to recover.  I went to the doctor and he wrote me a prescription.   When I went to the pharmacy to pick it up, I realized it was a prescription for an antibiotic with which I was unfamiliar.  I asked the clerk if I could speak with the Pharmacist.  She said “Why”.  I said that I thought the Pharmacist was supposed to explain any new Prescription to the patient.  She went to get him and he returned with her looking very perturbed.  He asked me what I needed.  I said that I had never taken that particular drug before and wanted him to go over it with me.  He said, I will get you the inserts,  but he said “NO ONE TAKES THOSE SERIOUSLY”  Do you really need to read it?  I said YES, and everyone should take them seriously.  He said those side effects only happen to one in a million people.  They only put the info out there because they are required to do so.  NO ONE TAKES THEM SERIOUSLY!    

Now, seriously, if the Pharmacists are not taking these warnings seriously and they are sharing that attitude with the patients, how likely are those patients to pay attention to the warnings??  They are not going to get the information from their Medical Provider because they don’t even know the facts.  They take the word of the Pharmaceutical salesperson, who is only interested in their commission.  Many of those Medical Providers are receiving promotional “gifts” and or KICK BACKS.  Many others are fully invested in the Pharmaceutical companies or they are board members, or stock holders. Some are even on the FDA and actually make the decisions about the approval of those drugs. 

I have to say, I don’t remember the name of the drug I had been prescribed. I had already accepted the bottle so I could not return it. I took the paperwork home to read.  I WAS SHOCKED!  There were so many pages of very fine print.  It started out by saying  the medicine could cause nightmares, sleeplessness, headaches, anxiety,.. and ending with…suicidal thoughts, and HOMICIDE!!    WHAT?? 

I went to see my doctor and asked him why he would write me a prescription for such a DANGEROUS DRUG.  He asked me what I was talking about so I told him what I had read.  I said “I only have an ear infection.  If I did nothing at all, eventually it will go away…WHY ON EARTH would I take something that could possibly cause suicidal thoughts or even HOMICIDE???”  He did not believe me.  I had to show him the paperwork.  He didn’t even apologize. He offered to write me another prescription.  I said “NO THANKS!”

We have been conditioned to think of Doctors as worthy of our TRUST, FAITH and RESPECT.  They have come to see themselves as GOD.   Holding  people’s lives in their hands and making life and death decisions everyday.

It is time for people to see that they are not worthy of TRUST, RESPECT AND CERTAINLY NOT OUR FAITH!   We need to remember that GOD is WORTHY!  That GOD is the one who made us.  He has all the spare parts…. He knows exactly what we need.  He has declared that HE IS OUR HEALER.  

Even doctors, if they are honest, recognize that they don’t HEAL anybody.  They KNOW that they can have two people with the exact same circumstances, the exact same age, state of health and the exact same disease/illness/condition, and be treated the exact same way and one will live and one will die.  They can’t explain why.  They know that whether a person comes through or dies, is really out of their hands.  That is of course unless they are unscrupulous and actually commit murder.  

IF you are dealing with health issues and find yourself call upon anyone in the medical industry, PROCEED WITH CAUTION!!   Pray before you make any decisions.  BE SURE TO GET ALL THE INFORMATION before you take any medication, receive any therapy or agree to any surgery!!  STAY OUT OF HOSPITALS if at all possible.  NEVER LEAVE ANYONE ALONE IN A HOSPITAL.  LEARN TO TRUST GOD! 




Patient Information

Patient Package Inserts, Medication Guides. and Instructions for Use

Patient Package Inserts (PPI), Medication Guides (MG), and Instructions for Use (IFU) are paper handouts that come with many prescription medicines. The guides address issues that are specific to particular drugs and drug classes, and they contain FDA-approved information that can help patients use the medicine safe and effectively and try to avoid serious adverse events. Not all medicines have patient information and if you have questions about your medicines you should always talk with your Healthcare Provider or Pharmacist. A description of these types of patient labeling are provided below.

Patient Labeling:
  • Patient Package Inserts (PPI) – Patient labeling that is part of the FDA-approved prescription drug labeling. PPIs are developed by the manufacturer, approved by the FDA, and are required to be dispensed with specific products or classes of products (i.e., oral contraceptives and estrogen-containing products) (see, 21 CFR 310.501 and 21 CFR 310.515). Other PPIs are submitted to the FDA voluntarily by the manufacturer and approved by the FDA, but their distribution is not mandated.
  • Instructions for Use (IFU) – Patient labeling that is developed by the manufacturer, approved by the FDA, and dispensed with specific products that have complicated dosing instructions to help the patient use the product properly.
  • Medication Guides (MG)- are paper handouts that come with many prescription medicines. The guides address issues that are specific to particular drugs and drug classes, and they contain FDA-approved information that can help patients avoid serious adverse events.

FDA requires that Medication Guides be issued (see, 21CFR 208) with certain prescribed drugs and biological products when the Agency determines that:

  • certain information is necessary to prevent serious adverse effects
  • patient decision-making should be informed by information about a known serious side effect with a product, or
  • patient adherence to directions for the use of a product are essential to its effectiveness.

Medication Guides are developed by the manufacturer, approved by the FDA, and required to be given to consumers each time the medication is dispensed. To see a complete list of all FDA approved Medication Guides.

You can search the approved Medication Guide list, Drugs@FDA or dailymed for instructions on how to take your medicines safely. To find the currently approved patient information you will need to follow these instructions.


Popular antibiotics linked to growing number of suicide deaths, patients unaware of side effects

Feb 3, 2022

Reports of deadly side effects are on the rise in one of the most widely prescribed antibiotics on the market. I-Team investigator Jackie Callaway first exposed the dangers of Cipro and Levaquin in 2015. Now she reports on new hope in the fight to raise awareness.

You know a Drug is hugely toxic when it comes with a 52 page of disclaimers.
I was given Levaquin for pneumonia and that night had the worst night of my life. I had hallucinations, terror, anxiety. I thought I was having a psychotic break. Fortunately I didn’t take any more and recovered over the next 2 days. It was awful and the doctors looked at me like I was crazy. I immediately put it on my allergy list. My prayers are with the families.
Chris Morgan
This was prescribed to me once for a sinus infection. My pharmacist refused to fill it. I took good old Keflex, and it worked just fine. Thank you to my pharmacist!
Tiahna Rodriguez
This is why I always document my symptoms when taking a new medication and look up what symptoms people report online or which are listed on the medication side effect list. The worst is when you find evidence that your symptoms are related to a medication, but your doctor refuses to believe it. It’s insane how doctors get away with this. My heart goes out to the victims.
Martha Bakry
I have never taken this antibiotic, and will be sure to avoid it. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences in the comments. Be well.
My mom was given Cipro in hospital, and she immediately had an allergic reaction!! She started to scream that she was itchy from top to bottom and that she couldn’t breathe!! So sorry to hear about these ladies! My heart goes out to their families.
Jacq Werner
This absolutely blows my mind! I had a UTI and was given Cipro and this was in the last week of December. On December 30th I called a suicide hotline I’ve never had to do that ever before in my life and apparently when you call those numbers they automatically send police to your house. I had gotten off the phone with the hotline and about 20 minutes later eight policemen show up at my house and I was Baker acted! It was horrible what I went through during the Baker Act because I take other medications which I had to experience withdrawal from while in the hospital because they never did an intake on me and I started going through horrible withdrawals and almost had a seizure at the hospital. That’s another story in itself. But I do suffer from depression and anxiety and this shocks me being that my doctor would have given me a medication that could only exacerbate my situation!
Digital Crash
I can tell you from my own experience that doctors do not really know the side affects of the medications they prescribe. When you try to tell them, they dismiss it and tell you to continue taking the medication. It has happened to me that way. And through my own time and research I found that I was right. There have been instances where the doctors were wrong and I had to bring in printed proof of what I was saying in order to even get their attention to it. And I know I’m not the only one. In at least 2 situations for me, if I had done what the doctor said, I’d probably be dead at this point.
Mrs. Burns
I think this story is very important and absolutely heartbreaking. As a nurse I will definitely monitor my patients prescribed these meds more closely in the future.
Elise in the Attic
Years ago while recovering from a surgery I suffered from horrible, dark, frightening hallucinations that kept me from sleeping or resting. The next morning I called the doctors office in a terrible state and was all but laughed at. I was told to stop taking the pain meds and never told it could be the antibiotic.
Conditionally Unconditional
I took ciprofloxacin on the battle field as a counter measure to anthrax. It causes weird psychological side effects. I wondered years ago why so many active duty were committing suicide. It caused me to have long periods of insomniac frustration.
Sadie McNabb
About time y’all bothered reporting on this. Fluoroquinalones have only been crippling people for 20 years. I had a UTI. This crap nearly paralyzed me. Went from completely healthy to unable to walk in a matter of weeks. My teeth started chipping and breaking after having a total of 3 cavities in my entire life. Over a UTI. 5 years later I’m still affected. This stuff is garbage and should be saved for anthrax.
Kate B
I was prescribed Cipro but after I came home from the pharmacy and read the paperwork on the drug, including the Black Box warning, I emailed the doctor immediately (it was after hours), wanting to know why I was precribed an antibiotic with a Black Box warning of the risk of DEATH for taking it. I was so furious she would prescribe me something so dangerous! I made her prescribe a different antibiotic. She tried to defend her first choice but I wouldn’t hear it. AND she didn’t even bother to tell me ahead of time it was so dangerous. I ALWAYS read all of the paperwork that comes with prescription medicine.
Read my ABOUT section PLEASE
“Depression is like being color blind while constantly being told how colorful the world is.” May everyone get healed from everything that’s hurting you. May everyone that feels numb finally feel things again, beautiful things. 🙏 Peace be with you all! GOD bless.
chris johnson
I’ve taken prescribed doses of Levaquin and experienced insomnia, extreme anxiety, and an episode of psychosis, where I heard voices. This all happened over a course of 3 days. I’m glad they removed it off the shelf.
I was given Cipro year’s ago and it gave me severe anxiety! I called and talked to a Pharmacist and they did tell me that it is a side effect! It’s a horrible feeling I make sure to always put that down as an allergy when going to any Dr. and ER
Breeze Whatley-Miller
I’ve taken both Cipro & Levaquin more times than I can count. I have extreme anxiety, panic attacks, and have suffered on & off from depression. I was diagnosed with 2 types of Lupus, AVN, RA, and most recently with stage 4 chronic kidney disease. Now, I wonder if those problems were caused from these 2 drugs.
How I Roll
I’ve taken this many times for UTI’s and I never realized these symptoms are from Cipro! Nobody ever told me.
Ingrid Nicole
I was prescribed Cipro by an emergency room doctor for a bladder infection and that drug damn near ruined my life. I was unable to walk, had developed severe hypoglycemia and vertigo for over 4 years. I still have side effects till today. Doctors tried to write off the fact that I had a severe adverse reaction to the drug. None would admit it was this drug that caused me all types of issues. It wasn’t till I did my own research that I was able to counter some of the side effects. I see I was one of the few to make it out alive. Smh 🙏🏾 to all those effected.
Your Royal Majesty
My dad went into psychosis with antibiotics. It has nearly ended my parents marriage. I, myself, am allergic to most antibiotics thankfully, but I also have suffered on the ones I can consume. (As well as medical steroids) Antibiotics should not be handed out like they are. They can damage you beyond repair. We are not the only 2 people I’ve seen ruined by these prescriptions. I have personally spoken to 8 people with antibiotic induced psychosis. People I know personally. All of them were erratic, mean and mentally unwell through out the experience. There should be more studies. I’m not saying end the use of antibiotics. Not at all. They can save lives obviously. But they need to be studied more in-depth for psychological reasons.
They tried prescribing this to my son when he was just months old. I refused it when I read the insert. The first thing it said was may cause death or permanent disability. NOPE! The pharmacist told me he didn’t know why they prescribed it but that he wouldn’t give it to a child that small. Got a second pharmacist’s opinion and he said the same. He would not give it to his child. I went back to the doctor. The pediatrician refused to prescribe something else since the script was already filled. As if you get to read the insert before filling it. Anyways, she said his infection was serious and if I didn’t give it to him he would need hospitalized. I agreed to hospitalize him for an intravenous alternative. She then responded by taking that option off the table. I had a witness with me because I had prior issues with Peace Health doing questionable things. My witness could not believe what she was saying. I asked if it’s so serious what is the actual infection? She refused to tell me. She also used fear tactics and had their ultrasound department call me repeatedly for months trying to schedule more appointments because she told me his infection would cause internal scarring. I left the office under the guise I would be giving him the cipro. I stopped at the front desk and asked the gal to remind me what the exact name of the infection was. I went home, did my research, used the best natural alternative. Only gave it to him every hour for two days on the bottoms of his feet and he’s never been sick or had any infections since. The medical system is subject to the powers that corrupt. It is a world system that has gone wrong. I will never trust anyone but a naturopath. Someone who understands and treats the whole body and isn’t married to pharmaceuticals.
Dakota S.
I’m so sorry sweet family. I’m glad you’re bringing awareness to the serious side effects of medication. I experienced immediate suicide ideation on xanax and attempted the first day taking it. I continued to take it after not knowing it caused those thoughts. I fought demons. Literal darkness. It was a horrible experience I wish on no one
mary barone
When son was 9 yrs, a doctor prescribed for my son an ADHD medication, and I couldn’t believe suicide was a side effect listed on the insert. When I took him back to the doctor a few months later he asked “Why didn’t you give him the medication?” and I answered with another question, “Did you read the insert?”
Paloma Trejo
Horrifying. I feel so terrible for the families of these poor souls 😢
A Heimdahl
My Doc tried to prescribe this for a UTI. I refused it, told him to prescribe me a more traditional Antibiotic for it. I knew a long time ago that Cipro is a very powerful Antibiotic and its being used for things that a traditional Antibiotic can well take care of. The Antibiotics that are prescribed need to be appropriate for the Condition because the World is developing a serious issue with Antibiotic Resistance.
After I took metronidazole (flagyl) for cellulitis in 2011, I thought I was going mad. I had peripheral nerve damage, palpitations and perhaps, coincidentally, retinal degeneration. After that episode, I started to read about the side effects of antibiotics and that is how I learned about this horrible class of antibiotic called fluoroquinolone. Subsequently, I told my family about this so that in case they were prescribed fluoroquinolone drugs such as cipro, they should refuse and ask for an alternative. Anyhow, years later, my brother indeed got a prescription of cipro from the dentist but we refused and the dentist prescribed dalacin as alternative (which has some scary side effects too). The dalacin did the job perfectly well. Maybe my brother would not have suffered from the cipro but we did not take any chances.
Cynthia Pereira
This affects the gut microbiology and that is where the majority of neurotransmitters are made and synthesized.
Rebecca Briggs
I was floxed 8 years ago. Absolutely scary, hideous and painful. Extremely dibilitating, psychosis and more. I had dozens of issues and no idea for months what was wrong with me. Anyone out there you can often recover enough to live quite fully and find joy again. I took a full course of these with symptoms after just 1 tablet!
mothers gauri
Wow…this is an important report…thank you ! Years ago I was given Ciprofloxacin as an antibiotic. It was so long ago that I don’t remember details. All I remember is that after 1 or 2 pills, it made my feel really, really weird to the point of being frightening. I stopped taking it and told the doctor I needed a different antibiotic. They fortunately honored that request. Ever since ,when prescribed antibiotics I’ve always had them put on my record to never prescribe the Cipro….it was that bad that I never forgot. Sadly, I was NEVER told of the risks or had my experience validated by ANY doctor. They’ve fortunately honored my request not to take it, but NEVER told me why I had a problem. This report is the FIRST time I’ve ever heard anything about this mentioned . I’m floored. It completely validates my experience. I guess at least I can say that I definitely was lucky …lucky to be alive !!!!!!! This is just awful ! I’m just stunned.
Wow! Had no clue this was even an issue with these particular drugs and surprised more is not being said. The loved ones left behind after these drug induced suicides are literally heartsick & broken!…
Lisa Lee
Wow I’ve used these forever in the hospital never heard of such a thing. Glad to know the risk now. Scary.
I KNEW this was going to be about Cipro. I was prescribed it back in 1988. After four days on the medicine, I felt like I was not in my own body. I can’t even describe how it affected my brain!!! It took about a week to clear out of my system. I wouldn’t let my children have it!
I was given Levaquin 3x. Each time, my Dr warned me how powerful the side effects could be. I’ve never had an issue with it, and after seeing this, I’m thankful I didn’t. But it was the only thing that worked to clear my lungs.
My mother was taking this after a surgery, it was hard to hear a woman who loved her family and has lived to 75 years talking about trying to end her life. I knew something was wrong so I brought it up to her doctor.
This really doesn’t surprise me at all. When chemicals are added to the body, just about anything can happen. This is especially true for individuals who have underlying mental illness and are fed cocktails of drugs and then told to call their doctors back and tell them what it does to them for “future reference”.
Keep 'er Lit. Let 'er Rip!
I took an antibiotic because i thought I had an infection, but I don’t recall the name. I was then a passenger on a airline traveling back from Asia to the USA and I was having really bad thoughts. I realized it had to be the drug and that there was no reason to do anything stupid because it would wear off. I was fine the day before taking the drug so i knew it had to be that. It was very scary that my mind went there at all. I can’t repeat what my thoughts were. Very bad thoughts.
Dustin Williams
I know 2 people who experienced severe reactions to Cipro from being injected with it during bladder surgeries. Both had red skin rash and blisters. One persons reaction cleared up after being in the hospital. But the other is still suffering after 4 years, the rashes and blisters never cleared up. Face, scalp, body are covered in blisters, entire body covered in scars from blisters its awful. Dermatologists and other doctors say they dont know if it will ever subside.
Alicia Vickman
Taking probiotics in lieu of antibiotics is so important. The healthy bacterium that lives within us is a part of how we regulate mental and physical health.
Sue Jaracz
I had a severe reaction to Levaquin. I had severe cramping and twitching of my muscles . I have never had that with any other drug. On my allergy list now. Very scary.
THANK YOU FOR POSTING!!, As a Mom/Grandma I will make it appoint to be AWARE of what med’s are prescribed to the kiddo’s!! I Am so Grateful for this Video & how many people you will be helping!! THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!
video image

My comments for each video are below this long blurb. I also give credit if the video is from another channel and I have the link.

For both Truthers and Normies… the ONLY way we are going to fight this thing is IF you finally recognize that you have power within.

Please PLEASE start working on your issues. This is why it’s so easy for the evils to control us, because they have harmed us psychologically for hundreds of years through all sorts of trauma – war, poverty, death, sickness through their poisons, physical and sexual abuse, all sorts of EMFs, RFs, MFs, etc., AND brainwashing and mind control.

Please start releasing your trauma and raise your vibration. They can NOT harm us if our vibration is high and we use our power within. I’ll upload more tools as I find them.

Here are 2 very good meditations, and remember to always read my comments in the show notes/description.

Sub to my backup channel plus the ones below…

I’d also like to hear your thoughts on the video with a comment.

If you are serious about helping save humanity, join our Think Tank by contacting me on my site. We need to work together to not only save us from this war, but also change our world for the best. We can’t do it without you.

Never give up HOPE because we can resolve this problem if we just stick together, strategize, and follow certain practices.

I also encourage you to subscribe to either Canund, LBRY or BitChute, because as I’m sure you already know, YT censors a lot of videos that speak the truth, and I’ve already had at least 13 videos taken down even from outside the US. LBRY is better because BitChute has way too many site issues.

I chopped the full video into 3 parts as these topics are very important, especially when you are explaining why viruses don’t exist.

This is the one about antibiotics
1 year, 5 months agospacer


In this podcast, Dr. Steven Hotze is joined by expert and best-selling author Dr. Gary Null to discuss his book Death by Medicine. They talk about death by medicine in the United States, including the overuse of prescription drugs and the neurotoxicity of vaccines.

In his book, Dr. Null asked the question “Does orthodox medicine work?” The studies showed that in the majority of cases, chronic care failed miserably. Emergency medicine works and saves lives; however conventional medicine ends up being the leading cause of death.

Dr. Null states that “Eight-eight percent of medicine not [only] fails, but ends up being the leading cause of death and injury in the United States. But in fact, iatrogenic illnesses are the leading cause of death, doctor-caused illnesses. Medicine follows the dictates of the Big Pharma, and Big Pharma has no interest in whether a person lives or dies. They have an interest in how sick you are and how long of a patient you’re going to be.”

Dr. Null also addresses the dangers of vaccines: “Every vaccine has only toxic ingredients in it from aborted fetal cells to mercury, in some still, and aluminum as an adjuvant. Aluminum, according to thousands of articles in the toxicological peer-reviewed literature, is a neurotoxin.”

Dr. Null discusses the topic of medicating children: “Up to 10 million children a day have to take a class 2 narcotic in the same category as cocaine in order to go to school. It’s Ritalin. That’s unfortunate because what happens is it leads to creating mood disturbances.”

On the topic of antidepressant and antianxiety medications, Dr. Null shares that “Now, if you look at the package insert, which I have, the No. 1 side effect for antidepressant medication is depression, the No. 1 side effect for antianxiety medication is anxiety.”

They discuss how conventional doctors are not taught how to stay healthy, but how to treat when sick. Prevention is key to staying healthy and well, so it is important to take charge of your own health.

For more of Dr. Hotze’s Wellness Revolutionlisten to this podcast


New Prescription Drugs: A Major Health Risk With Few Offsetting Advantages

by Donald W. Light

Few people know that new prescription drugs have a 1 in 5 chance of causing serious reactions after they have been approved. That is why expert physicians recommend not taking new drugs for at least five years unless patients have first tried better-established options, and have the need to do so.

Few know that systematic reviews of hospital charts found that even properly prescribed drugs (aside from misprescribing, overdosing, or self-prescribing) cause about 1.9 million hospitalizations a year. Another 840,000 hospitalized patients are given drugs that cause serious adverse reactions for a total of 2.74 million serious adverse drug reactions. About 128,000 people die from drugs prescribed to them. This makes prescription drugs a major health risk, ranking 4th with stroke as a leading cause of death. The European Commission estimates that adverse reactions from prescription drugs cause 200,000 deaths; so together, about 328,000 patients in the U.S. and Europe die from prescription drugs each year. The FDA does not acknowledge these facts and instead gathers a small fraction of the cases.

Perhaps this is “the price of progress”? For example, about 170 million Americans take a prescription drug, and many benefit from the drug. For some, drugs save their life or keep them alive. About 80 percent of them are generic; that is to say, drugs whose benefits and risks are better known. If we suppose they all benefit, then 2.7 million severe reactions is only about 1.5 percent.

But as far as we can tell (very little research is funded on prescription drugs as a health risk compared to less deadly risks like diabetes or Alzheimer’s disease), millions who take new, patented drugs experience only modest benefits over established drugs. Only a small percent of new drugs provide significant advantages for patients to offset these risks of harm. Independent reviews over the past 35 years have found that only 11 to 15 percent of newly approved drugs have significant clinical advantages over existing, better-known drugs. These contribute to the large medicine chest of effective drugs developed over the decades. But the 85 to 89 percent with little or no clinical advantage flood the market. About four-fifths of the additional $70 billion spent on drugs since 2000 in the U.S. (and another $70 billion abroad) have been spent on these minor new variations rather than on the really innovative drugs.

In a recent decade, between 2002 and 2011, independent reviews by clinical expert teams in France, Canada, and the Netherlands have concluded that only 8 percent of 946 new products were clinically superior, down from 11 to 15 percent in previous decades (see Figure, below). Only 2 were breakthroughs and another 13 represented a real therapeutic advance.

Spokesmen for the pharmaceutical industry point out that therapeutically similar drugs have advantages. First, physicians need some choice within a therapeutic class because some patients do not respond well to a given drug. This is true, but after about three choices, there is little evidence to justify a 4th, 5th, or 6th drug in a class. Second, a sub-group of patients may benefit from new drugs that seem similar. This may be true or not, and we need to identify that sub-group so the effectiveness of the drug can be tested on them. The point of testing drugs for approval is to identify which patients might benefit and see if they do, not to assume that some patients somewhere might. Third, industry spokespersons argue that every incremental development contributes to larger improvements. This might be true, but most significant clinical advances occur through major discoveries. Yet most major scientific discoveries do not significantly improve patients’ health and some may prove deadly. Silvio Garattini, a leader in pharmacological research told me, “When a major discovery actually helps patients, we feel very lucky.”

The Hidden Business Model of R&D

Flooding the market with hundreds of minor variations seems to be the hidden business model of drug companies, to exploit patent and other IP protections for profits, not for significant advances for patient health. Looking back, Jerry Avorn, an authority on pharmacoepidemiology, wrote that “laws designed to encourage and protect meaningful innovation had been turned into a system that rewarded trivial pseudo-innovation even more profitably than important discoveries.”

Despite fewer superior drugs, Marc-André Gagnon has shown that sales and profits soared. Net return on revenues (ROR) rose from about 10 percent in the 1970s to 12.5 percent by 1990, then to 16 percent by 2000, and to 19 percent in 2010. Pharmaceutical ROR has increased from about 2.5 times to 3.2 times the return for the Fortune 500 giants, largely as a result of raising prices and getting more physicians to prescribe more drugs.

Risk for the major companies is much less than claimed for several reasons. First, they spread risk over many projects. Second, once inflators and public subsidies are taken out, net research costs are a fraction of the $1 billion to $5 billion per new drug claimed, and big companies largely invest after the public and others have paid for the high risks of research to discover new drugs. As new drugs enter clinical trials, their risks are just 1 in 5. Third, companies cut losses by stopping development of drugs whose profit potential is not as high as they want. We never will know how many beneficial drugs never get approved because companies estimated they would not be profitable enough.

Over the past 35 years, this hidden business model based on marketing power and prowess more than innovation has caused an epidemic of harmful side effects. Given estimates that about 30 adverse reactions occur for every one that leads to hospitalization, about 81 million adverse reactions are experienced by the 170 million Americans taking drugs. The elderly and those taking multiple drugs experience more than others. Most are medically minor, like muscle aches, gastro-intestinal discomforts, slower reactions, or sleepiness. But they reduce productivity and cause many falls and road accidents.

The Trial-Journal Pipeline

The pharmaceutical industry refers constantly to its “R&D pipeline” of new drugs under development. But there is a second, parallel pipeline—the trial-journal pipeline. It consists of randomized clinical trials designed with the marketing departments to produce evidence that their drugs are more effective and safer than unbiased trials would show. Commercially funded clinical trials are at least 2.5 times more likely to favor the sponsor’s drug than non-commercially funded trials.

The FDA accepts these biased trials and uses them to approve drugs. Congress strongly supports having companies fund the division that reviews new drugs rather than having the FDA be a publicly funded, independent reviewer and regulator. Financially, the FDA is an extension of the pharmaceutical industry and plays a major role in expanding markets for more people to take more drugs.

Closely coordinated in the trial-journal pipeline, pharmaceutical companies retain teams of statisticians, science editors, and science writers to select which results will go into the medical literature and which will not. They switch end points and other details in the data submitted to the FDA so that physicians read twice-biased medical articles that understate risks of harm and overstate benefits. Negative results are much less likely to be published than positive results, and companies publish positive results more than once, a further bias that distorts clinical practice and guidelines as well the medical knowledge that underlies it. Marc Rodwin concludes, “scholarly studies have revealed that drug firms design trials that skew the result and that they distort the evidence by selective reporting or biased interpretation.”

This published literature goes into clinical guidelines and protocols, once established to provide an unbiased, evidence-based way to practice good medicine. But Lisa Cosgrove and Emily Wheeler document how they have become “essentially marketing tools for drug companies.” They create “the potential to expose many patients to harm from unnecessary treatment or from treatment that is not evidence-based.” The situation is worse because the evidence is twice-biased and corrupts medical science. Companies then employ what Sergio Sismondo describes as “a two-step model of influence by hiring and otherwise enrolling some physicians and researchers who will, in turn influence many others” to prescribe the new, patented drugs.

New FDA policies to get more drugs reviewed faster so that they can reach patients sooner in fact mean that drugs are approved with less evidence of being safe or effective. A systematic study of shortened reviews found that each 10-month reduction results in an 18 percent increase in serious adverse reactions, an 11 percent increase in hospitalizations, and a 7.2 percent increase in deaths. The risk of serious adverse reactions occurring after approval increases from 1 in 5, to 1 in 3a huge risk that nobody is telling the public about.

In response to drug disasters like Vioxx, which experts say caused about 120,000 traumatic cardiovascular events and 40,000 deaths, Congress and the FDA have set up monitoring and safety systems. But a review of results so far found little evidence they are identifying serious risks or altering prescribing practices.

One key reform that would make new drugs safer and more effective would be to require that the FDA have evidence that new drugs are clinically effective. A top team at the London School of Economics concludes that requiring comparative evidence before approval informs all decision makers of the relative merits of new treatments. Also, it “could encourage manufacturers to concentrate on the development of new drugs in therapeutic areas with few or no alternatives.” While changing legislation is difficult, the FDA could use its administrative powers and guidelines to get more evidence that new drugs actually help patients before reviewing them.


New Drugs 2002-2011

What Is the Real World Incidence of Drug Side Effects?

There are many reasons why clinical trials don’t reveal the true incidence of drug side effects in the real world.
What Is the Real World Incidence of Drug Side Effects?
Magnified Local Area Over the Warning Information of a Prescption Medication

I do not believe that anyone really knows how often drug side effects occur in the real world. That includes the drug companies, the FDA, physicians and pharmacists. And I don’t believe that these groups really want to know.

This is an excerpt from Dennis Miller’s explosive new book The Shocking Truth About Pharmacy: A Pharmacist Reveals All The Disturbing Secrets. The entire book is available for download from Amazon for 99 cents.

Side Effects Occur in Just One Patient Out of a Million?

Many pharmacists are probably familiar with this scenario. When we fill prescriptions, our printer prints a specific leaflet for each drug we dispense. Say a customer has three prescriptions filled. The printer will print a leaflet for each drug and thus the patient will receive three separate leaflets.

Very often when the subjects of drug leaflets and drug side effects come up, customers say something like, “Yeah. The side effect occurs in one person in a million so the FDA requires it to be listed. I usually throw away those drug leaflets as soon as I get home.”

When confronted with that attitude from customers, I usually say to myself that throwing away the drug leaflets is not a smart thing to do. Why would our customers not want to learn as much as possible about each prescription drug they receive?

I believe that the one-in-a-million concept as regards the frequency of drug side effects is widespread. Pharma is in no hurry to correct this fundamental misconception about side effects. The reality is that the “one-in-a-million” concept is totally bogus and extremely optimistic because the true incidence of side effects varies widely depending on the drug, the patient and the medical source consulted.

The True Incidence of Side Effects Is Hard to Determine:

The true incidence of side effects is a hotly debated topic among drug experts. The incidence of side effects seen during company-sponsored drug trials and reported to the FDA are very often significantly lower than physicians see in the real world (once a drug has been approved and is widely prescribed).

In my opinion, the reality is that the FDA doesn’t really know the true incidence of adverse effects with the drugs it approves, i.e., how often side effects occur in the real world. This includes potentially serious side effects with commonly prescribed drugs like cholesterol-lowering statins, proton pump inhibitors, and antibiotics such as clindamycin and fluoroquinolones. The FDA typically relies on adverse effect data submitted by the drug sponsor.

People hear the long lists of scary side effects at the end of drug commercials on television, but this doesn’t seem to dampen their enthusiasm for pharmaceuticals. Perhaps users of prescription drugs want to believe that side effects are rare because they want to believe that quick-fix pills are a reasonable solution for every ill.

Somehow a large segment of the population seems to believe that the pharmaceutical industry is magically capable of developing drugs so that each of the 50 to 200 side effects listed in the official prescribing information will occur at a frequency of one in a million users.

The public does not seem to know that the FDA relies on data submitted by drug companies. Clearly the drug companies have a tremendous incentive to exaggerate the benefits of drugs and to downplay their risks. Do you really believe that the drug companies are entirely truthful and transparent in the data that they submit to the FDA about drug safety?

Can we believe the FDA’s assurances of safety? Can we believe what Big Pharma says about the incidence of side effects? Can we believe that physicians are well aware of all the side effects associated with all the drugs they prescribe? Do busy physicians essentially believe that if a drug is still on the market then the FDA feels it is safe? Do physicians too often dismiss patient complaints about side effects?

Should You Trust the Results of Studies Sponsored by Pharma Regarding Drug Safety and Effectiveness?

Marcia Angell, MD, was formerly the editor-in-chief at The New England Journal of Medicine.

In her highly acclaimed book The Truth About The Drug Companies, Angell writes (p. xviii-xix):

“I witnessed firsthand the influence of the industry on medical research during my decades at The New England Journal of Medicine. The staple of the journal is research about causes of and treatments for disease. Increasingly, this work is sponsored by drug companies. I saw companies begin to exercise a level of control over the way research is done that was unheard of when I first came to the journal, and the aim was clearly to load the dice to make sure their drugs looked good. As an example, companies would require researchers to compare a new drug with a placebo (sugar pill) instead of with an older drug. That way, the new drug would look good even though it might actually be worse than the older one. …As I saw industry influence grow, I became increasingly troubled by the possibility that much published research is seriously flawed, leading doctors to believe new drugs are generally more effective and safer than they actually are.”

What Is the Real World Incidence of Statin Side Effects?

Here is a letter to BMJ stating that the true incidence of statin side effects is important to determine given the fact that this class of drugs is so widely prescribed.

(Azeem Majeed, Mariam Molokhia, “Urgent need to establish the true incidence of the side effects of statins,” BMJ 2014;348:g3650)

“One key area of the debate about widening the use of statins is the discordance between rates of side effects of statins in clinical trials and in clinical practice. In clinical trials, the incidence of side effects from statins is low and similar in the intervention and placebo groups. By contrast, observational studies using primary care databases report a much higher rate of potentially serious side effects (such as myopathy and renal failure) in people taking statins. Even these rates derived from clinical records may underestimate the true incidence of side effects in people taking statins, because not all patients with side effects inform their doctor and not all doctors enter a relevant diagnostic code in the patient’s electronic medical record.

“Many GPs will be familiar with patients who report side effects after starting statins. These side effects are often severe enough for patients to stop taking the drug.

}…we urgently need to establish the true incidence of the side effects of statins if doctors and patients are to be encouraged to increase the use of these drugs, particularly in people with lower levels of cardiovascular risk.”

Physicians are often openly hostile and dismissive toward patients’ concerns about drug adverse effects. I have a neighbor who has taken statins for several years and developed a serious neurological disorder. There is a growing medical literature about a possible link between statins and symptoms that resemble Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease). For that reason, I sent an e-mail to Beatrice Golomb, MD, PhD, who has studied statin side effects extensively. She is a nationally recognized expert on that subject.

In answering my question regarding whether there is a possible link between statins and neurological disorders, Dr. Golomb explained the strong tendency of physicians to downplay side effects in general (personal communication, April 11, 2019):

“Since much of medical education is pharma funded, as are most researchers who study drugs, there is very poor attention to and awareness of adverse effects in general, and many physicians’ attitudes toward adverse effects can be frankly hostile. We have had patients tell us that even when they come armed with papers documenting a problem, the doctors will dismiss the problem, say they have not heard of it so it cannot be true, or claim that because it is rare, it cannot be operating in them.”

Are Human Research Subjects in Drug Trials Subtly Pressured to Minimize Side Effects?

In his highly acclaimed book Bitter Pills (New York: Bantam, 1998, pp. 258-9), investigative journalist Stephen Fried discusses the subtle yet powerful pressure placed by pharmaceutical companies on the human subjects who are paid to participate in drug trials. Fried says he spent “an eye-opening evening with a group of human drug research subjects, or ‘guinea pigs’ as they prefer to be called, who lay their able bodies on the line (for $200 a day) to safety test drugs at clinical research centers in and around Philadelphia.”

He describes what those research subjects “had to say about the information collected, or not collected, in the trials themselves.”

“Scott, a twenty-five-year-old who moved from Minnesota to Philadelphia in part because it was such a Pharma Belt mecca for guinea pigs, was appalled at the casual way test results were elicited from subjects. “It’s unscientific to the point of being buffoonery, sometimes,” he said. “It reminds me of an eighth-grade science experiment: here are the variables, keep it simple and clean, and these are the results you need to get a good grade. And to get things to work out, if you have to kind of flub some things, that’s okay.

“For example, I was in a study for a sleeping pill. Before it started, they brought us all together, and the doctor came out and talked to us. She said, “This is the second time we’ve tried this pill in humans. It’s very safe. Now if you look right here in the protocol [the detailed description of the trial given to the subjects], it says some people in the first trial were seeing things.” And then she said, “But these people, they hadn’t been honest with us about whether they’d had mental problems before in their lives. So if you don’t have psychological problems, you won’t be seeing anything.” I found out later that three-quarters of the study participants had seen things. But what she’s doing, you see, is implanting the idea in your head that if you’re seeing things, it means you have psychological problems. …It’s such a simplistic and mechanical way these doctors look at health. And from the beginning they’re guiding how you’re going to respond to the study and how they’re going to report it.

“Jamie, also in his mid-twenties, saw other biases as well. “First of all,” he explained, “If you’re a person who does drug studies, you are generally someone who is fairly resistant to drugs and don’t feel the bad effects of them very easily. If you did have strong reactions, the lab would stop wanting to use you–and that happens–or you would decide you didn’t want to do the studies.”

“But Jamie has also seen some of his reactions not get reported. “If you tell them you’re a little tired or have a headache,” he said, “unless you tell them several times, they often don’t write it down. I’ve looked in my book [the diary kept on each patient], and they didn’t write it down.

“Look, you’ve got a researcher who wants to pass a drug through the study, and you have a volunteer who wants to be in the study and wants to get into other studies in the future. And I’ll tell you, I’ve been given hints about being a good guinea pig. The nurse comes up and asks, ‘You’re not suffering any side effects, are you?’ and she’ll be shaking her head no. ‘You’re not feeling headachy or anything like that, are you?’ and she’ll be shaking her head no. ‘Okay, so you’re feeling fine?’ and she’s nodding yes.

“Scott said he thought they wouldn’t overlook a massive problem, but “they’re willing to sweep little problems under the bed. It’s not as scientific as it’s presented to the public. I think it could be more scientific, but they’d have to remove certain external factors. Like the greed motive.”

The drug industry has created a carnival atmosphere through rosy drug advertisements to promote the use of pharmaceuticals. Does anyone believe that such a deceptive industry whose commercials utilize such things as a turkey (advertisement for Chantix for smoking cessation) or a talking owl (advertisement for Xyzal for allergy symptoms) feels any obligation to submit truthful data to the FDA about the true incidence of adverse effects? In an industry that routinely exaggerates the benefits of its products and downplays the risks, and that engages in price gouging when then are no or few competitive products, does anyone believe that such an industry feels obligated to submit fully transparent data to the FDA about the safety and effectiveness of its products?

Clinical Trials Do Not Represent the Real World:

Should you trust the results of studies of drug safety and effectiveness sponsored by Pharma? Drug studies are typically conducted using subjects (often paid volunteers or prison inmates) who are much healthier and younger than the target population for these drugs in the real world. In drug trials, concomitant diseases are viewed as complicating factors whereas, in the real world, the people for whom these drugs are prescribed very often have multiple conditions. Drug studies routinely compare Drug A to placebo. Why not compare Drug A to Drug B? Why not compare Drug A to lifestyle changes, dietary changes, exercise and weight loss

The “Honor System” with Clinical Trials Is Not Working:

The FDA relies on drug companies to submit truthful data about the safety and effectiveness of drugs. Most people do not seem to know that the FDA does not actually conduct clinical trials. The FDA merely approves the design of the trials and then examines the data submitted by drug companies. Clearly the drug companies have a huge financial incentive to exaggerate the benefits of drugs and to downplay the risks. The “honor system” is inadequate for assessing the safety and effectiveness of drugs.

The FDA’s Definition of “Safe and Effective” Is Far Different from the Layman’s Definition:

The FDA’s definition of “safe and effective” conflicts fundamentally with the layman’s definition of these two words. Most drugs come with a long list of potential side effects. This indicates that most drugs are crude synthetic substances, never before seen in the long course of human evolution, that overwhelm delicate biological processes which have been fine tuned over the millennia. Consider, for example, the fact that many commonly prescribed drugs are linked to tumors in lab animals and, in some cases, in humans.

When the FDA withdraws drugs from the market, this should cause the public to wonder how well the FDA actually understands the drugs that it approves. But the public remains largely optimistic about taking pills. See, for example, Too Many Pills: How Too Much Medicine Is Endangering Our Health And What We Can Do About It (James Le Fanu, M.D., Little, Brown, 2018)

So-called “Clean” Drugs Don’t Seem to be So Clean After All:

In pharmacy school, some professors would describe a new drug as “clean,” meaning that it had few side effects. So when I actually saw a copy of the official prescribing information (the official label), I assumed that I would see a very short list of possible side effects. But that never happened. When I finally saw the official label, the drug that our professors had described as “clean” had just as many possible side effects as most of the other drugs in the Physicians’ Desk Reference. I’m still awaiting the arrival of a new drug that fits my professors’ descriptions of “clean,” likely meaning that it has fewer than a couple dozen potential side effects listed in the official prescribing information.

How can one listen to drug advertisements on TV and conclude that those drugs are “clean,” and that they are ideal ways to approach human illness? In general, a good solution to any problem in life has very few adverse consequences. Using that criteria, an exclusive focus on pharmaceuticals cannot be seen as an ideal way to construct a health care system. Fruits, vegetables and exercise clearly have far fewer adverse effects than pharmaceuticals.

“Side” Effects vs. “Untoward” Effects:

Drugs are said to have “side effects” or “adverse effects.” A more accurate term is “untoward effects.” Each drug has many actions across different systems in the body. The effects that the drug has on the target organ or biological process are the drug’s intended effects. But the many other effects are not anomalies and they should not be surprising, because those other effects are, in fact, the innate biological actions of the drug. Drugs have immutable characteristics. Pharma conveniently labels the unwanted effects as “side effects,” “adverse effects,” or “drug misadventures” when, in fact, the drugs possess both intended and unintended effects.

Do Patients Discuss Side Effects with Pharmacists More Often Than with Physicians?

Are patients more likely to ask a pharmacist (rather than a physician) whether symptoms they’re experiencing can be a side effect of a drug? Are patients sometimes reluctant to question doctors about such symptoms because the patients fear that the physician will view it as criticizing his/her prescribing decision (choice of drug)?

Are Lists of Side Effects So Lengthy Just to Protect Pharma from Lawsuits?

Do drug companies list every conceivable side effect in the official prescribing information to protect themselves from a lawsuit? Drug companies perhaps believe that it is better to disclose a suspected side effect (no matter how mild or serious) because it is better to disclose it in the label than know about it and hide it.

If that is the case, the official label is akin to a data dump intended to protect drug companies from lawsuits. It would be much more helpful if Pharma would report truthful data about the incidence of drug side effects seen in drug trials. Critics of Pharma sometimes say that the official prescribing information is more like a legal document intended for lawyers than a medical document intended to assist physicians in prescribing drugs.

Is Pharma Guilty of Extreme Hubris?

Pharmaceutical industry scientists seem to act as though they know more than Mother Nature. The huge number of side effects tells me that these Pharma researchers are tinkering around in complex biological processes about which they know very little. But that does not seem to cause them to have a humble attitude toward intervening with crude synthetic chemicals in infinitely complex and wondrous biological processes that have been fine-tuned over hundreds of thousands of years.

In Conclusion:

One wonders about the truthfulness of drug trials sponsored by the drug companies. One reads that volunteers in drug trials know that the investigators don’t want long lists of side effects. One reads about pressure by drug companies on the FDA to speed approval of drugs. One wonders why the public remains so enthusiastic about pharmaceuticals given, for example, the long lists of potential side effects at the end of drug advertisements on television. One wonders why the public doesn’t re-double their efforts to prevent disease so that pills are not necessary.

This is an excerpt from Dennis Miller’s explosive new book The Shocking Truth About Pharmacy: A Pharmacist Reveals All The Disturbing Secrets. The entire book is available for download from Amazon for 99 cents.

The drug industry, including Prescription, Over the Counter, and ILLEGAL drugs is out of control.   Well, in actuality it is very controlled.  Controlled by those who want us DEAD!!   The ruling elite are behind it all.  It is their money, their corporate influence, their political influence and the powerful forces behind them that are working hard to get and KEEP all those in the lower classes under the influence of drugs.  DRUGS are a GATEWAY for demonic influence, oppression and possession.  Drugs also prevent humans from being able to think rationally, critically and ethically.  DRUGS also keep you physically weak and unable to defend yourself or protect those you love.  
The elite are getting ready to slam the jaws of death around us.  As we get closer to the prophesied endtimes, we are being conditioned, programmed, and mind controlled using every means at their disposal.  

8  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 9  Whom resist stedfast in the faith, knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world.  10  But the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle you. 11  To him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.  1 Peter 5



Only Messiah Jesus, Our Savior Saves! Trust No Man!
