Events that are Supposed to Happen Before the Rapture

There are no specific events that are supposed to happen before the rapture takes place. Indeed, Jesus himself said to stay on the alert because we do not know the hour of his coming. He was very adamant about that point in Matthew 24, and further stressed that he would come at an hour when we do not expect it. He did, however, give us signs of the times. But there are no prophetic events that must happen before the rapture occurs. It could quite literally happen at any time.

Many people who believe in the pre-tribulation rapture assume that the 7-year tribulation in Revelation will start immediately after the rapture occurs. However, this does not necessarily have to be true either. There could be a significant gap in time between the rapture of the church and when the tribulation starts.

In fact, an extra period of time there would tie certain prophecies together nicely, especially the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39. That begins when Israel is at peace, living in unwalled cities. Perhaps that peaceful state will be a result of the peace treaty negotiated by the anti-Christ. But there also seems to be a need for a seven year period afterwards before the battle of Armageddon starts, being as the leftover weapons are burned for fuel for seven years. It seems unlikely that they would continue doing that through the battle of Armageddon and into the Millennium after the return of Christ. The only real way that could be reconciled is with an extra time period between the rapture and the tribulation.

Watching the battle of Ezekiel 38 and 39 shape up is in fact one of the fun end-times activities that we Bible-studying Christians enjoy. It is probably the only real enjoyment we get out of watching the news these days. There is no doubt that this is an unfulfilled prophecy set in the last days. This “battle” is actually just an invasion attempt into Israel by a coalition of certain nations which include Russia, Turkey, Iran, certain former soviet block countries, and certain north African nations. Germany may also be involved. The invaders will have spoil as their motivation (like maybe those newly discovered rich oil fields). They will be supernaturally defeated by God himself, in grand Old-Testament style. However we don’t know whether this invasion begins before or after the rapture.

In Matthew 24 and Luke 21 Jesus gave signs of the end times to his disciples. They include:

• Wars, rumors of wars, nation rising against nation

• Earthquakes in various places

• Famines and disease

• Many false prophets rising up, deceiving many

• Lawlessness increasing and love growing cold in people

• Distress of nations

• Sea and waves roaring

Any of that sound familiar? In Luke’s gospel, Jesus tells us that When these things begin to happen, look up, lift your head, because your redemption draws near. I don’t know about you but that really excites me.  Those things have certainly begun to happen. My redemption is drawing near!

Does it excite you as well? What if you heard a great trumpet sound across the sky right……now! Are you ready to go? Is your heart right with the Lord? Or do you have your priorities mixed up, with too many attachments in this world (to things that are going to burn anyway). If you cannot honestly pray “Lord Jesus please come right now,” something isn’t right in your heart. Perhaps a quick prayer will help remedy this condition.  Something like:

Lord Jesus come into my heart right now and bless me with your spirit. Help me to fully surrender to you and not be attached to anything that separates me from God.

Now, if you are a mid-tribulation rapture believer, then the primary thing you are looking for is the arrival of the anti-Christ. Personally I love being a pre-tribber, because we are looking for Jesus. Not the anti-Christ. We are happy people, looking up with hope. The worse the news gets the more we look up with hope.  (That, no doubt, is why the post-tribbers get so frustrated with us.)

2 Thessalonians 2:6-12 gives great insight into the coming of the anti-Christ. Notice how that passage begins by stating He which restrains him must first be removedHe is capitalized (in my New King James Bible), referring to God or the Holy Spirit. We pre-tribbers believe it is the Holy Spirit through the presence of the church here on earth that is restraining him. Jesus sent the Holy Spirit as a helper to the church in the book of Acts. When He is removed, He takes the church with him.

It is more accurate to say the final anti-Christ however, as in 1 John 4:3 John tells us the spirit of the anti-Christ was already in the world, even back in early church history. That evil spirit has apparently manifested itself in possessing certain people throughout history, in individuals like Caesar Nero and Adolf Hitler. The final anti-Christ will actually be two people, a political leader and a false prophet. The political leader will be very successful and amaze the world with his accomplishments at first. So look for that. Me, I don’t plan to be here, so I ain’t looking. Just waiting for that trumpet.





Are you searching for a timeline of end times events? Well, although we can give you a sequence of end time events of prophecy yet to be fulfilled, we cannot provide specific dates for this timeline, because all time prophecies in the Bible have now been fulfilled. The 70 weeks of Daniel has been fulfilled. The 2300 day prophecy of Daniel has been fulfilled. And the 3.5 year prophecy to do with the beast of Revelation 13 and the little horn has been fulfilled. So although we know the sequence of end time events to happen, we cannot set any dates or a specific timeline for them.

7 Bible Prophecy to be Fulfilled

So what are the events in Bible prophecy to be fulfilled? Below you will see a sequence of end time events that are to be fulfilled before the second coming of Jesus and the end of the world. Now although we cannot fix a definative timeline to these end times final events, we believe that ALL of these events prophesied will be fulfilled in our lifetime. Major events are taking place all over the world now and ALL Bible prophecy is soon to be fulfilled. So let’s take a look at the sequence of final events to come.

1. Where We Are Today: – We are in the year 2021.

2. Another Possible Huge Crisis to Come: – We can see the world is in crisis now with economic troubles, uprisings, riots, wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanos erupting, “terrorism”, famine. But there is yet another possible huge crisis to hit the world.

This crisis to come upon the world will be the catalyst for the governments to bring on the mark of the beast. It could be another 9/11 type “terrorist” event, or a big natural disaster. Whatever it is, there is a big crisis coming.

3. The “Kings of the Earth” Give Their Power to Babylon: – Revelation 17 describes the whore of Babylon who deceives the whole world into following and worshipping her. And in Rev.17:12 it says that the kings of the earth receive power with the beast. And who is riding (CONTROLLING) the beast? The whore of Babylon. And there is undeniable PROOF that the whore of Babylon is the Roman Catholic Church.

The world is now uniting under this ‘climate change’ agenda!

So the leaders of this world will unite and give their power and support to the Papacy (Roman Catholic Church), and then the world will be in a position ready to enforce the mark of the beast.

NOTE: The call for world unity and ‘peace’ is growing all the time because of all the troubles in the world, and the pope is being looked to for the solution!

4. The Mark of the Beast Enforced by Law: – Now this is a major Bible prophecy end time event to be fulfilled. Revelation 13 tells us that the mark of the beast will be enforced upon the whole world … Revelation 13:16 …’And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their forehead.’ … Because of all the turmoil in the world, the church leaders (of Babylon) and the governments will unite in convincing the world that the mark of the beast (SEE HERE for information about the mark) will be the “solution” to the world’s problems. They will convince the world (through deception) that all these troubles are the judgments of God because of us not keeping His law. And this is starting to happen already. Leaders in America have started attributing the disasters that are happening as God’s judgments upon the world.

Now although this is partly true, the “remedy” that they propose and enforce will actually go against God’s ten commandments. The sad thing is, while the majority of the world are waiting for a physical mark of the beast to be enforced, like a microchip or tattoo, the REAL mark will be a spiritual one and only God’s true end time saints will be able to identify it, and the majority of the world will be deceived into taking it.

5. The King of the North to take Jerusalem: – We are told in Daniel 11:45 that the king of the north, which is the Turkish power and the [radical] Muslims are going ‘plant the tabernacles of his palace in between the seas and the glorious holy mountain.’ Now we don’t know the exact order regarding the enforcement of the mark of the beast and the fulfillment of Daniel 11:45, but they take place in close proximity and show us that the close of probation is about to happen, as described in Daniel 12:1. Please read our page DANIEL 11:45 AND THE KING OF THE NORTH to see the truth of this prophecy.

6. The Three Angel’s Messages Proclaimed to the World: – Before anyone chooses for or against the mark of the beast, God, through His remnant church on earth will send a final message to the world. This message contained in the three angel’s messages of Revelation 14 is God’s last call of mercy to the world.

Revelation 14:6-12 …’And I saw another angel fly in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people, Saying with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him; for the hour of his judgment is come: and worship him that made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of waters.

… And there followed another angel, saying, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.

… And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.’

Learn the truth about THE THREE ANGEL’S MESSAGES

This “everlasting gospel” is the FULL gospel message that God’s remnant church is proclaiming to the world. God will give power to this final message to the world with His Holy Spirit, and many hearts will be convicted of the truth and will come out of Babylon.

7. The Final Choice for the Seal or Mark: – In this end times timeline of final events, this is the most important for every man, woman and child on earth. We will all at this time have to make one final choice. A choice to take the side of Christ Jesus and receive the seal of God (Revelation 7:1-3; 14:1) or, under ecomonic pressure and fear of persecution from the world, take the mark of the beast (Revelation 13:16). Then we will have a world with only two groups of people. Those with the mark (who will be forever lost) and those with God’s seal (who will inherit eternal life).

8. The Door to Salvation is Closed: – Once everyone have made their decision for the mark of the beast or the seal of God, then the door of mercy will close and everyone will be judged either righteous or filthy … Revelation 22:11 …’He that is unjust, let him be unjust still, and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still, and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still, and he that is holy, let him be holy still.’ … So now at this point, there will be no more opportunities to be saved. If you are lost, you remain lost, and if you are saved, you remain saved. Just as in the days of Noah, when the door to the ark was closed and no one could open it to be saved, so will it be at the end of this world, when God’s mercy will finally come to an end for those who choose not to turn to Him.

Who will receive your allegiance? The beast system (Papacy), or our Heavenly Father?

9. A Time of Trouble for the World: – This time of trouble, the great tribulation is prophesied in Daniel 12:1 … ‘And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people, and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time, and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.’ … When “Michael” stands up, as described above, the door of mercy is forever closed. At this same time, the Spirit of God will be withdrawn from the earth and the world will be plunged into great spiritual darkness, with Satan using all His evil ways against the saints of God, unleashing his full fury upon them … Revelation 12:17 …’And the dragon was wroth with the woman and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.’

This time is also mentioned in Revelation 13:15 …’and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed.’ … This is a time when many of God’s people who have rejected the mark of the beast will flee into the mountains to escape the persecution placed upon them by the enemy. Satan will seek out God’s people to kill them. But as it says in Daniel above, we need not fear because we SHALL BE DELIVERED! Praise God!

Is it time now to LEAVE THE CITIES?

10. The Seven Last Plagues: – Now that everyone has decided to side with Jesus or the beast, God’s final judgments can begin to fall upon this world, in the form of the seven last plagues. These plagues will be the “wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture.” as mentioned in Revelation 14:10. In other words those who receive the mark of the beast will receive the FULL wrath of God, and there will be no mercy “mixed in” with His judgments (plagues).

Now these plagues ONLY fall upon the lost. They only fall upon those who have disobeyed God’s commandments and received the mark of the beast. They will not come near those who have the seal of God, as God’s people will be fully protected, just like the Israelites were during the 10 plagues in Egypt.

11. The Battle of Armageddon: – When Turkey make their move to Jerusalem, the various nations who support Israel, especially America will come against Turkey and the radical Muslims, and as the prophecy of Daniel 11:45 says, the king of the north (Turkey) will ‘come to his end.’ And with Turkey coming to it’s end, many other nations like Russia, India, Pakistan and China will come into the battle to take control and thus The battle of armageddon will take place. This is the final world battle as described in the 6th plague. Sometime during this great battle, Jesus Christ returns as “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS” to defeat Satan and his hosts and to deliver the saints.

Please Note: If we “could” give a definative timeline for the events above, then we would place the above three end time events of “The Time of Trouble”, “The Seven Last Plagues”, and “The Battle of Armageddon” close together, because all three events are closely connected.

12. The Second Coming of Christ Jesus: – This is THE END TIME EVENT that all the saints will be watching and waiting for. The second coming of Christ will be a glorious, visible, fiery event that will make all other end time events look ordinary! Accompanied by billions of mighty angels, Jesus will return in great glory to deliver His people. There will be no rapture like so many believe, as the Bible clearly states that EVERY EYE will see Jesus return, and that His second coming will be a noisy, fiery event (Matthew 24:27; 1 Thess. 4:16-17; Matthew 24:30-31; Revelation 1:7; 2 Peter 3:10). Click here to learn the truth.

13. The Resurrection of the Saints: – When Jesus Christ returns at the second coming, the graves will burst open and the righteous will rise up with immortal bodies. And together with the saints who have gone through the great tribulation and are still alive, will meet Jesus in the air … 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 …’ For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.’ … The rest of the dead (lost) will not live again until the 1000 years are over … Revelation 20:5 …’But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished.’

14. The 1000 Year Millennium: – After Christ has returned at the second coming and resurrects the saints, He takes us home to the Heavenly Kingdom and the New Jerusalem, and there we dwell for 1000 years, while Satan is bound to this desolate earth with no one to tempt, as all the wicked were killed at the second coming. Contrary to popular belief, we DO NOT spend the 1000 years on earth. Click here to learn the truth about the 1000 year millennium as this is an important issue concerning the last days.

15. The Wicked Destroyed: – After the 1000 years in Heaven, we return to this earth in the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21:2). The wicked are resurrected and Satan gathers them together to fight and take the New Jerusalem … Revelation 20:9-10 …’And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.’ … So the wicked are thrown into the lake of fire, where they are consumed and cease to exist, again contrary to popular belief. Even Satan himself is finally destroyed and will cease to exist. SIN IS FINALLY DESTROYED!!

See the TRUTH about hell HERE

16. Earth Made New and Saints Live FOREVER!!: – The fire that God reigns down upon the wicked has a dual purpose. First it destroys the wicked, included Satan himself. Secondly God uses it to cleanse and renew the earth. In Noah’s day the earth was cleansed and renewed with water. This time the earth is going to be renewed with fire … Revelation 21:1 …’And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away.’ – So the earth is made new and the saints live for eternity with Christ! And sin is no more! Praise God!

These are the end times events. These are the Bible prophecy events to be fulfilled. But as we said in the beginning, we cannot give a definative end times timeline, because we do not know how long these end times events will last. The one thing we CAN say for sure is that once the mark of the beast is enforced, we will know that we are living in the very last days, just before the second coming of Jesus and the end of the world as we know it. I pray that you will study each of the end time events listed and seek the truth with all your heart. Jesus is coming soon. Keep watching, waiting and serving God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

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