The United Nations’ special rapporteur on freedom of religion or belief said in a report presented to the Human Rights Council that faith must not be used to justify violence or discrimination, and that when religion seems to provoke acts of violence or discrimination — particularly against women and gays and transgenders — then the global body’s own equal rights’ protections must take priority over the religious teachings.
On the one hand, that’s a no-duh remark. Discrimination in all its forms is bad. So is violence. We get it. On the other hand, though — and this is where it gets dicey — this is the United Nations’ way of setting government over religion, of prioritizing government over God.
Read carefully. Think critically. This is a U.N. step toward supplanting the religions of the world.
“States have an obligation to guarantee to everyone, including women, girls and LGBT+ people, an equal right to freedom of religion or belief, including by creating an enabling environment where pluralist and progressive self-understandings can manifest,” said Special Rapporteur Ahmad Shaheed, in his annual report, LifeSiteNews wrote.
That’s the no-duh.
Here comes the dicey.
From the U.N.’s news desk: “In his report, the UN expert urges States to repeal gender-based discrimination laws, including those enacted with reference to religious considerations that criminalize adultery; criminalize persons on the basis of their actual or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity; criminalize abortion in all cases; and facilitate religious practices that violate human rights.”
Shaheed didn’t call out religions by name. But that in itself is problematic.
After all, it’s Islam that breeds violence; Islam that sets women as second-class citizens — or even lower, below the dogs; Islam that tosses gays off rooftops; Islam that rewards suicide bombing martyrs-slash-murderers for Allah with virgins in heaven.
If the goal of the United Nations is to address the root causes of violence and discrimination as it pertains to religion, then the better path toward truth and effectiveness would be to speak boldly and clearly on the dangers of politicized Islam, and the fuzzy boundaries that separate the so-called religion of Islam from the radicalized political beliefs of Islam. And that’s “boundaries” in quotation marks.
But if the goal of the United Nations is to draw moral equivalences between the religions of the world, as if Christianity is Hinduism is Islam is Wiccan and so forth — and then make the case that all are equally prone to discriminate and and subjugate and further acts of brutality and violence — well then, congrats to the special rapporteur.
Lumping the world’s religions together is a tool of confusion and deception that allows the global body to shake its scolding finger in the general direction of “religion,” instead of at the real sources of religious intolerance and violence.
It also subtly casts Christian teachings about the sin of homosexuality, the sin of adultery, and the satanic nature of creating chaos with the God-ordained definition of family as akin to, say, Islam’s open persecution of gays, or Islam’s brutal public punishments of women for adultery.
And when the messaging is complete, when the message of Christianity equals Islam equals any other religion of the world is imprinted on enough mindsets, then watch and see: There will come the United Nations with the solution for all this religion-based discrimination and intolerance and murder and mayhem — government regulation of religion.
Government, over religion.
It’s historical truth that socialists, communists, tyrants, despots and autocrats seek worship of government, not God; seek a secularized society in order to exert greater influence and seize greater control. And if you can’t wipe out religion, what better way to make religion irrelevant than by casting all the religions as the same? The better to break the faith, my dear.
If any government had a vested interest in plowing forth a secularized society, it’s the power-hungry bloated elites of the United Nations.
Beware the “wolves in sheep’s clothing,” the Bible teaches. Beware the United Nations’ teachings on religions.

Recently a pastor contacted me to see if I was interested in covering, for GOD TV, a concert in Jerusalem. The event was sponsored by a group called The Sanhedrin. You will recognize that name from the New Testament. The Sanhedrin was the Jewish high court and police system, overseen by 71 judges from among leading Sadducees (priests), Pharisees and Scribes. The Sanhedrin survived the second Temple’s destruction and made it all the way to the fifth century. But, because of persecution, it was finally disbanded.
Over the past year, I have heard more than one person refer to the supposed rebirth of a modern day Sanhedrin. Some have even confused Israel’s religious court system with being a new Sanhedrin, which it is not. Instead, it is a group of Orthodox Jews who are seeking to re-establish the ancient Sanhedrin.
But do they have authority to simply decide that they are the ruling Sanhedrin? Of course not! They have no judicial authority whatsoever. By this standard, any group of 23 or 71 Jewish men could claim they are the new Sanhedrin.
So, if Israel already provides for an Orthodox religious court system, why are these men seeking to re-establish the Sanhedrin? And why would all of this be of interest for Bible-believing Christians? The answer to both these questions is that the main item on their agenda is not one of every day justice, but one which stirs great controversy among both Jews and Christians: they are preparing a renewed priesthood (including the high priest), for the rebuilding of the Third Temple in Jerusalem.
The Biblical Sanhedrin in Jerusalem was a gathering point for universal cooperation and justice. The high-point of the concert came when the foreign representatives went up to the stage to sign an agreement with the Sanhedrin.
By signing, the nations acknowledged that they were answering a call by the Sanhedrin of Israel to accompany the people of God, as peoples, nations, and individuals toward establishing the Temple in Jerusalem as a house of prayer for all nations as prophesied in the Bible.
Breaking Israel News
Evangelicals and the New Sanhedrin
This new Sanhedrin, just like the [Third] Temple Institute, is looking to the evangelical world for support. They even have a Gentile Christian spokesman for the Sanhedrin. I know this man and he is a sweet individual. But, sadly, it appears that he has greatly compromised the great commission in his efforts to be a blessing to Israel. And what is considerably concerning is that he believes this new Sanhedrin “will play a key role at the end of days.” (Read his interview here) Let me be clear, there is no prophecy whatsoever that points to an end-time, God-fearing, God-appointed Sanhedrin.
As a Jewish believer, I am deeply conflicted: One the one hand, I love that Christians are seeking friendship with Jews. On the other, I am deeply concerned that it is in an effort to affirm a Yeshua-less Judaism.
First of all, the Sanhedrin that are reaching out to evangelical believers would never reach out to a Messianic Jew, because
- We say you can be Jewish and believe in Yeshua, just like the first believers did and
- We, with compassion, seek to share Yeshua with other Jewish people.
They think we are a cult because we believe that Yeshua is the Messiah, and, yet, they are seeking partnership with evangelical Christians—who believe the exact same thing. If Jesus is not the Messiah, then every Christian on earth is deceived. If He is, then let them embrace Him too. But, rejecting Him, while accepting His gentile followers—and their donations—seems hypocritical.
Not only would they not fellowship with me, they would most likely persecute me. While I love the fact that evangelicals are establishing relationships with Orthodox Jews, it seems that some of it is coming at the cost of compromising our most holy commission—to spread the message of Yeshua to all nations (Matt. 28:18-20). And, of course, that includes Israel!
A Mystic Fascination
Many Christians are fascinated by their new Jewish friends. One pastor wrote of a meeting between Orthodox Jews and evangelical Christians, calling it the greatest expression of the “Ephesians 2:15/One New Man” that he had ever seen! While it is great that they were reaching out to Jewish people and expressing the love of Yeshua, the “One New Man” of Ephesians 2:15 is all about the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles together in the Messiah, not Jewish unbelievers and Christians. The “One New Man” of Ephesians 2:15 is not anti-Jesus, Orthodox Jews and pro-Jesus gentiles, but Messianic Jewish and gentile believers coming together in Yeshua.
Christians, while absolutely having a calling (Rom. 11:11) to reach out with love to the Jewish people, should never assume that Judaism without Yeshua is acceptable. He is the “the Way and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through [Yeshua].” (John 14:6) The entirety of the Old Covenant pointed to Messiah. This is why Paul, the learned Jewish rabbi/apostle could write, “Messiah is the end of the law/Torah for all who believe.”(Romans 10:4)
Jesus wept over Jerusalem’s rejection of Him (Matt. 23:37-39; Luke 19:41-42) and the Bible is full of prophecies of the Jewish people embracing Yeshua in the end-times (Zech. 12:10, 13:1, Hosea 3:4-5, Matt. 23:37-39; Romans 11:26, Rev. 1:7). Paul said that the Gospel is to the Jew first (Romans 1:16) and, yet, many of these well-meaning Christians will not even speak to their new Jewish friends of their need for salvation.
For us, who live here in Israel, we risk life and limb to plead with our people, as Paul did, to accept Yeshua as Messiah. It is stunning to see evangelicals compromise by giving religious legitimacy to a body that, outright, rejects Yeshua as the Messiah, and then persecutes Jews who believe in Him. They shun their Messianic bothers and embrace those who vehemently oppose the Gospel. Many Christians attended a concert, flinging themselves with a fictitious Sanhedrin.
“Last night, nations came together in Jerusalem to praise God, aligning with the Sanhedrin.”
Mordecai Persoff, head of the Mikdash Educational Center
There are quotes from believers speaking of God “doing a new thing”…”an historic event…the establishment of the Sanhedrin…The potential is enormous.” One believer said, “It is clear that we need the Sanhedrin to act as an interface between faith and politics in order to spread this blessing even further in the world.” (SO DECEIVED!) As you will see below, the New Testament Sanhedrin was anything but a blessing to the fledging Messianic community. (Acts 5:40) !!!
So that I am clear, evangelicals should absolutely continue building bridges with the Jewish people, but should never compromise the Gospel. My dear friend and associate, Ward Simpson, the CEO of GOD TV, stood before group of Jewish-Israeli government officials and Christian media leaders a year ago and said that GOD TV has
“A job to the proclaim the Gospel of our King to the ends of the earth … and part of that Gospel message is Israel. Without her, without the Jewish people, where would we be today?”
He went on to say that GOD TV would always stand with Israel. And the Israeli government posted His speech. Watch here! You see, you can love Israel and love the Gospel. It is both/and, not either/or.
Remember the Sanhedrin?
Here are a few more thoughts you should consider before aligning with or supporting the so-called Sanhedrin or Third Temple builders:
- There is no such thing as a modern Sanhedrin. They are just a group of men claiming, without any Biblical authority, to be the Sanhedrin. They have no power or authority—governmental or religious. God has not reestablished the Sanhedrin. And teaching that they are end-time agents is simply deception. They need Yeshua—just like you and me.
- The last significant thing the Sanhedrin did was to add the 19th benediction to the Jewish prayer book late in the first century, declaring all Notzrim—Jewish believers—to be heretics. Since no Messianic Jew could recite this, it was used as a tool to root out Jewish followers of Yeshua from the Synagogue. Before that, they oversaw the martyrdom of Stephen—a Messianic Jew. Prior to this, they persecuted the apostles by beating them with the cat of nine tails; and before that, they missed the coming of Messiah and conspired with Pilate to have Yeshua crucified. They were not exactly a peaceful group promoting a Messianic or Christian dialogue.
- If this group one day becomes recognized as the Sanhedrin, it seems they will make a deal with the antichrist for the rebuilding of the Temple (Dan. 9:27). So, I guess in that sense, they could have an end-time role.
Third Temple Fascination
Many Christians, with a love for Israel and Biblical prophecy, seem mesmerized by this whole idea of the rebuilding of the Temple, convinced by their view of prophecy that it must be rebuilt before Yeshua’s Second Coming.
Christians who send money to the Temple Institute, or who join in worldwide prayer meetings with a renewed “Sanhedrin,” need to understand that this third Temple will be defiled by the antichrist (2 Thess. 2:4). This is where he will set up his image and claim to be God. Is this something Christians should be encouraging or supporting with prayers and finances? Should believers be backing an antichrist agenda? Brothers and sisters, this is nothing but a recipe for confusion and deception! We need to warn the Jewish people of this, not help them to align themselves with the future antichrist!
A Great Deception
I believe that one of the great deceptions of the end-times surrounds this theme of Christians naively aligning themselves with Orthodox Jews. It starts with a love for the Jewish people, but then comes a fascination with their traditions and customs (all fine and good). But then comes all kinds of reasons why we shouldn’t be sharing the Gospel with them, etc. We’ve seen more than one case where this ends up in the denial of faith in Yeshua and a wholesale conversion to Judaism!
We have been fighting a battle against replacement theology, calling out the false teaching that the Church has replaced Israel, and that God’s judgment is on Jewish people for the killing of Jesus. However, we cannot go so far in the other direction that it ends with the defacto (or outright) denial of Jesus, in the name of preserving Jewish-Christian dialogue or relations. Remember, the last thing He told His apostles was to “take the gospel to Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8) That is our solemn commission.
Yes, the church is called to love Israel and absolutely seek peaceful dialogue. The persecution of Jews from Christians is one of the greatest and bloodiest oxymorons in history. God had called the church to “provoke the Jews to jealousy” but, instead, she attacked them, stole their promises and called them cursed. Thank God, things are changing! More and more believers are expressing affection for Israel. But part of loving them is gently, with sensitivity, and a broken heart, sharing the Gospel with them. I am a believer in Yeshua because my Gentile best friend loved me enough to tell me an uncomfortable truth.
Willing to go to Hell for Israel
Rabbi Paul’s burning passion was to win the Jewish people to Yeshua, not merely to foster dialogue (by the way, a dialogue that delegitimizes their Messianic Jewish brothers). He speaks clearly about the Orthodox Jews of his day:
Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. (Romans 10:1-2)
He is clear on two things:
- He longs for the Jewish people to know Yeshua.
- That their zeal (like the new Sanhedrin) is not based on the Word of God, but on a desire to obtain righteousness through their own actions—not by the grace of God.
Paul did not seek humanistic dialogue. With a broken heart, he pleaded with the Jewish people of his day to receive Yeshua. And many did! He was so broken over the state of Israel that he was willing to go to hell if it meant they would be saved.
For I could wish that I myself were cursed and cut off from Messiah for the sake of my people, those of my own race, the people of Israel. (Romans 9:3-4)
Shockingly, one of the leading pastors in the Christian Zionist movement loved the Jewish people so much that he embraced a false theology called Dual Covenant (which teaches that Jews do not need Jesus for salvation, but are saved through the Old Covenant). What nonsense! Jesus came to the Jewish people and the Gospel is to the Jew first (Rom. 1:16). He was crucified, buried and resurrected in Jerusalem. The apostles preached Yeshua exclusively to Jewish people for the first decade. And this fellow suddenly says,
“Everyone else, whether Buddhist or Baha’i, needs to believe in Jesus. But not Jews. Jews already have a covenant with God that has never been replaced.”
And, yet, God says through Jeremiah that he will make a New Covenant with Israel! (Jer. 31:31)
After being confronted by scholars, he was forced to rewrite portions in his book on the subject, but still thinks sharing the Gospel with Jews is futile. In his efforts to love Israel, he has taken the most uncaring position.
We have to discern between genuine love for Israel and a false empathy that seeks to silence believers from sharing the Good News with Jewish people. In fact, we should love the Jewish people so much that, with tears, we have to share Yeshua.
God does have an awesome plan for Israel, but it does not include the glorification of a new Sanhedrin, but massive awakening to Yeshua that ends in “all Israel” being saved, as Romans 11:26 says.
This article originally appeared on Messiah’s Mandate, September 19, 2018, and reposted with permission.

By Debbie Rosenzweig
The number 70 has significance as a source of both disunity and harmony in the world.
While there are almost 200 countries on the map today, Jewish tradition refers to global humanity as the “70 nations.” This enumeration comes from the biblical story of the Tower of Babel, when the people of the world gathered together to build an enormous structure that would reach the heavens and challenge God.
The Tower of Babel (1594 painting by Lucas van Valckenborch at the Louvre)
As punishment for their rebellion, God destroyed their powerful unity by spreading them throughout the earth and “confusing their language” (Genesis 11:1-9). According to rabbinic tradition, this act led to the development of the seventy nations – each with its own language.
While this division and dispersal may be viewed as the source of disharmony in the world, the separation of humanity into different nations is not inherently bad. Perhaps each nation has a unique role to play in human history, with no need for hierarchy or competition.

According to the prophet Isaiah, the purpose of the nation of Israel is to be a “light unto the nations” (Isaiah 49:6). From David Ben Gurion to Benjamin Netanyahu, the leaders of the State of Israel have used this language when describing their visions for the country. Likewise, religious and community leaders in Israel and abroad charge the Jewish people throughout the world with this tremendous responsibility.
Unfortunately, we oftentimes find ourselves confused and divided, just like the generation in Babel, arguing over what it truly means to be a “light unto the nations.” Will we fulfill our purpose by learning the holy words of Torah? By inventing technologies that improve the world? By building a just society?
When our forefather Jacob descended to Egypt, the Bible says that he travelled with all of his offspring, numbering “70 soul” (Exodus 1:5). Our sages explain that the word “soul” is written in singular form because, while the family was made up of 70 individuals, they functioned as one, united body. Before his death, Jacob blessed each of his sons – the leaders of the tribes of Israel – to succeed in his own path. Among the tribes were those destined to be political leaders, judicial authorities, warriors, scholars, and businesspeople. In order for Israelite society to function, each tribe needed to serve its own unique purpose.
While disunity entered the world in the form of the number 70, the ultimate unity also takes the form of 70. Only when each nation recognizes its own role and appreciates that of the other can true unity be achieved.
On the State of Israel’s 70th birthday, we marveled with amazement to see how Israel has managed to grow far beyond the diversity of “70” in such a short time, with Jews, Muslims and Christians from over 100 countries and speaking over 80 different languages. May the vibrant diversity of this great country continue to grow, and may we all be blessed with the wisdom and humility to work together, as one, for the good of our nation and the world.

Israel adopts divisive law that declares only Jews have the right of self-determination
JERUSALEM — Israel passed a law on Thursday to declare that only Jews have the right of self-determination in the country, something members of the Arab minority called racist and verging on apartheid.
The “nation-state” law, backed by the right-wing government, passed by a vote of 62-55 and two abstentions in the 120-member parliament after months of political argument. Some Arab lawmakers shouted and ripped up papers after the vote.
“This is a defining moment in the annals of Zionism and the history of the state of Israel,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told the Knesset after the vote.
Largely symbolic, the law was enacted just after the 70th anniversary of the birth of the state of Israel. It stipulates that “Israel is the historic homeland of the Jewish people and they have an exclusive right to national self-determination in it.”
The bill also strips Arabic of its designation as an official language alongside Hebrew, downgrading it to a “special status” that enables its continued use within Israeli institutions.
Israel’s Arabs number some 1.8 million, about 20 percent of the 9 million population.
Clauses that were dropped in last-minute political wrangling — and after objections by Israel’s president and attorney-general — would have enshrined in law the establishment of Jewish-only communities, and instructed courts to rule according to Jewish ritual law when there were no relevant legal precedents.
Instead, a more vaguely-worded version was approved, which says: “The state views the development of Jewish settlement as a national value and will act to encourage and promote its establishment.”
Even after the changes, critics said the new law will deepen a sense of alienation within the Arab minority.
“I announce with shock and sorrow the death of democracy,” Ahmed Tibi, an Arab lawmaker, told reporters.

Israel’s “Jews-Only” Marriage Laws Explained
It is one of the most commonly-used tricks of Jewish Supremacists to deny that Israel has racially-based marriage laws—but the full and final truth has finally emerged from an organization within Israel itself.
The “Freedom of Marriage World Map” is an annual report produced by the Hiddush-Freedom of Religion for Israel organization that examines and compares the status of freedom of marriage around the world.
According to that organization, the “main and original purpose of the map was to investigate Israel’s standing on freedom of marriage in comparison to world standards.”
The conclusion of that organization is that Israel “ranks among some of the most fundamentalist countries in the Islamic world on this issue.”
Hiddush has the following to say about Israel’s marriage laws:
- Only recognized religious marriage ceremonies are allowed.
- For Jews, only weddings that are held according to strict Orthodox standards are accepted.
- There is no option for civil marriage or interfaith marriage.
- 300,000 citizens are defined as ‘without religion’ and they are unable to get married in the country.
- Israeli law permits only religious marriages held by religious testimony, and does not allow civil marriages.
- Among the Jewish population, the Chief Rabbinate, which operates according to Orthodox Jewish standards, has a monopoly over marriage.
- Only those who are recognized as Jews according to Orthodox Jewish law can get married in Israel.
- Members of other religions can only marry spouses of the same religion and only by their own recognized religious authority.
- The result is that no interfaith or non-religious marriages are allowed.
- The Law of Return which allows up to second generation descendants of Jews and their spouses to immigrate to Israel and receive citizenship, but prevents them from getting married.
- This also applies to individuals whose fathers or grandfathers are Jewish but their mother or grandmother is not. They are excluded due to Orthodox Jewish law which stipulates that Judaism is determined by the mother.
- There are also individuals who are Jewish according to Orthodox law, but who lose their marriage rights in certain circumstances.
- Those defined by the rabbinical authorities as illegitimate (born to a women who conceived a child with a man who is not her husband) are considered ineligible for marriage.
- Divorced women are not allowed to marry men who carry any of the traditional “Cohen” family names (denoting families who are considered to be the direct descendants of the ancient Israelite priests and who, by law, are forbidden from marrying divorcees and converts).
- The State of Israel only recognizes Jewish marriages that are officiated by recognized Orthodox rabbis.
- Marriages conducted by rabbis of any other Jewish affiliation (Reform, Conservative, Reconstructionist, Renewal) are not recognized.
- The Law of Return recognizes converts who converted in a non-Orthodox ceremony. They are allowed to receive Israeli citizenship, but the Chief Rabbinate does not recognize them as Jews and does not consider them eligible for Jewish marriage.
- This creates a situation in which converts who joined Judaism through progressive movements and in some cases, Orthodox converts who converted by moderate Orthodox rabbis, cannot get married in Israel.
- Due to Israeli Supreme Court rulings from the 1960s, the Ministry of Interior registers and accepts civil marriages held abroad.
- The question of the validity of civil marriages that were held abroad has yet to be decided in Israel, and there are many contradicting opinions and rulings on this matter.
- Israel was the only Western country that received a grade of “0” by the Hiddush ranking, putting it in the company of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan with regard to marriage laws.
In Israel’s official portrait, only Jewish lives matter
A new government report published on the eve of Israel’s Independence Day only concerns itself with infant mortality statistics and life expectancy of Jewish citizens. What does that say about Israel’s attitude towards non-Jews?
It is not all that uncommon for nationalist Israelis to accuse anybody politically to the left of them of supporting, or attempting to transform Israeli into “a state of all its citizens.” The idea being that a state which sees, counts, serves, and protects all of its citizens equally, irrespective of ethnicity or creed, would destroy Israel as we know it — Israel the Jewish state, which belongs only to its Jewish citizens.
It should be no surprise then that a state which values its Jewish citizens over anyone else would measure its successes using metrics that include only its Jewish population, excluding one in five of its total population.
For instance, an annual official demographic report published on the eve of Independence Day (Hebrew), comparing infant mortality rates in Israel “then and now,” only includes the statistics for the country’s Jewish citizens. The infant mortality rate in Israel is an impressive 2.2 per 1,000 live births, according to the press release published by the Central Bureau of Statistics. But if you read the fine print you learn that number is only for Jews. (See note at the bottom of this article.)
According to the full data found on the CBS’s website, the infant mortality rates for Muslim citizens of Israel is 6.5 per 1,000 live births, nearly three times the rate for Jewish citizens, and 6.2 per 1,000 for all Arab citizens. The national rate, including all Israeli citizens irrespective of race or ethnicity, is 3.1 per 1,000.
Is this an attempt at inflating statistics in order to make the country look good? Is it a more sinister statement that Jewish lives matter more than non-Jewish lives in Israel? Perhaps both? It’s pretty sickening either way.
Several other figures in the CBS document, sent to the press last Thursday, also give data exclusively for Israel’s Jewish population, which comprises 74.7 percent of all Israeli citizens. Many of the other figures for which data pertaining only to the Jewish population was published, like average life expectancy, also hide significant disparities between the Jewish and non-Jewish populations of Israel.
According to the document published last week, life expectancy in Israel is 80.9 for men and 84.5 for women — Jewish men and women, that is. A quick search on the CBS website reveals that life expectancy for Arab citizens of Israel is 76.9 for men and 81.1 for women — significantly lower, and which brings the national average down.
Israel is not unique in that different population segments have access to better healthcare, which leads to better health, life expectancy and infant mortality rates. What is unique in Israel is that it measures its progress and health primarily as it relates to one ethno-religious group. If the question is whether non-Jewish lives matter in Israel, the statistics presented by the state do not provide an encouraging answer.
Erasing Palestine, and its Palestinians
In addition to hiding statistics about Palestinian citizens of Israel, the map included in the yearly statistical publication also erases Palestine. The map excludes the Gaza Strip, but makes no distinction between the recognized borders between Israel and the West Bank or Golan Heights. Israel often accuses the Palestinians of “erasing” Israel by publishing maps of Palestine that exclude the Green Line and do not show the State of Israel on the other side of it. This is far from the only instance of official Israeli maps claiming all of the territory from the river to the sea as Israel’s own.
Furthermore, as noted in a Haaretz editorial on Sunday, the population statistics include Jewish Israelis living in the West Bank but not their Palestinian neighbors living in the same land, even in the same streets of the same cities.
The purpose and effect of hiding the Palestinian population of the West Bank while claiming the land, is to mask the one-state reality we are living in.
Jun 15, 2018
Jan 9, 2020

Home | 70International – THE 70 NATIONS
About Us
The 70 Nations is a International USA and Jerusalem IL based organization(s) that seeks to establish a biblical voice of justice in world as well as the voice of the people who follow in hope, the common and moral directives as truths found in the Bible as the voice of the living God.
Working alongside with the reestablished biblical court of justice being formed by the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem, 70 Nations joins with the voice of the people the causes of the world at large that encourage social change and moral objectives in better understanding basic human rights and human equity values as a Human being in existence on a journey to knowledge and understanding purpose and point of existence.
Alongside the Sanhedrin who remain a viable and tangible asset and mentor as well as authority, of and to The 70 Nations, The 70 Nations organization if affiliated with many large Jewish organizations such as Chabad ( Lubavitch) and as a growing organization, reflects the opinions and moral standards set forth from these esteemed Torah representatives.
The 70 Nations welcomes membership on an individual level as well as a national level and levels in between and encourages everyone to become a leader in their world to spread these concepts we represent . Through our efforts we seek to provide a renewed way of understanding God and man in search for divine truths and peaceful coexistence among all mankind.
Our objectives included: building a House of Prayer for All nations in Jerusalem while awaiting the rebuilding of the long prophesied and awaited Third Jewish Temple in which the fulness of the prophecies of Israel 56:7 will come to the fullness of its fruitions.
Until then it is our hope to welcome All Nations to Jerusalem to prayer learn and worship with the 70 Nations Jerusalem and the Jewish people in solidarity and unity as we move forward in our understanding of our divine origins and purpose for human life.
All of Humanity are descendants of The Seventy Nations that descended after the Great Flood recorded in the Torah from the sons of Noah and then dispersed throughout the earth . We are representatives of states, nations, and tribes, being called to gather again, back together and join with the common call of Unity through The 70 Nations.
We recognize the divine value of the Bible and its authority and acknowledge our desire to walk in the ways of God. These actions are intended for all peoples of the world.
We accept upon ourselves the inspiring directives of the Bible that come to us through prophets and scribes and its authority as laws that guide all of our decisions since the Bible is the divine revelation of the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe as we know it.
In all our endeavors we will strive for peace among all peoples and among all families by maintaining and nurturing God’s creation, avoiding unjustified wars and conquests, and preventing unjustified wanderings of peoples and tribes that undermine world peace.
The Seventy Nations will maintain our spiritual and legal center in Jerusalem and with G0d’s help, we hope and pray that we will not fail and that the G0d of heaven and earth will guide us on the direct path without animosity among peoples.
From a biblical worldview, human value is G-d’s greatest value. It is to be noted and understood that G-d made all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitations. The word nation is to be understood in the context of ethnicities, tribes, the human family, and foreign and organized nations.
Sustainable civility comprises five keys that every nation and people are entitled to. Liberty (Freedom to govern responsibly), Dignity (what elevates, not depreciates a people), Policy (the protection of liberty, dignity), Geography and Sovereignty (Regard for the earliest history of such). Within these five areas, Human Relations is of utmost importance. As an organization comprised of various individuals and groups, the use of speech must not create instability, fear, or discomfort in any way to bring into disrepute the organization of 70 Nations or to hinder the process of achieving the five areas of sustainable civility, but whose speech will be in accordance to principles written in the Bible and the 70 Nations booklet. Neither will the individual religious beliefs, rituals, and practices be confused with the purpose for which the 70 Nations exists.
The wisdom of G-d to Noah insists that there will not be a deprivation of the purpose for which the earth was created as a ‘geo-global land mass’ on account of humanity’s failure to comply with the principled lifestyles that contribute to its purpose. However, while the earth goes on day to day, the task and or responsibility given to everyone is to ensure the continuity of the ecological purpose of the earth. This comprises agriculture, atmospheric importance, seasons – weather, and time.
While G-d is no respecter of persons, in every nation, whosoever reverences Him and do righteousness is accepted with Him. The dominating factors founded upon the values of the word of G-D, which speaks to the integrity, morality, and ethics with which human beings, that is, mankind ought to live.
Secular organizations of the world, though having and achieving some good, have also compromised that which speaks to biblically-based value systems to make its progress. I (and we of the Human Equity Value Institute) believe (s) that not every ‘Human Right’ is Humanly Right and if not right, then its inherent value (system) is therefore compromised.
We can achieve the purpose of the organization without imposing one’s belief system upon another. We must not become a ‘Religious United Nations’
Human Value is First, and not primarily Religious Values, for, in the absence of human beings, religion will cease to exist. HEV declares Human Value First and that we ought to Value others as we want to be valued.
The Seventy Nations recognizes among all the sacred things that G-d has given to mankind, the Torah is most sacred. That is the revelation of G-d, the existence of humanity, and the relationship that exists between both.
Not only did G-d reveal how humanity came into being, but He also revealed who brought them into being and in addition, included and or provided the necessary information (principles) upon which humanity should treat with or relate to all and sundry, including the physical creation.
Everything created by G-d was created with its own unique value system. The value of a thing identifies its purpose in this world and above everything else, human value is foremost.
It is on this premise that we, the Seventy Nations find the concept of Human Equity Value a fitting and necessary principle that will serve as one of our key founding principles that we believe G-D engraved in the entire canon of scripture.
Human Equity Value™ (HEV) is the Recognition, Consideration, Protection, and Procurement (Acquisition) of Human Value and its Equity Entitlement. How we treat anything tells:
Our knowledge and understanding of the value of a thing.
How much we value it.
The Seventy Nations, therefore, will exist to value humanity in such a way that should reflect how it ought to be valued. To make aware to the world the intrinsic value of humanity and creation.
The Seventy Nations recognizes that all humans were created in G-d’s image and after His likeness. Thus, being created in G-d’s image and after His likeness gave humanity both their Human Value and Equity Entitlement to that value.
Humanity’s entitlement is based upon their Equity Value given to them by G-d.
Humanity is entitled to worshipping the One True and Living G-d without being manipulated or coerced into doing so.
Humanity is entitled to live without fear of disregard for human life by other human beings.
Humanity is entitled to human development within the context of moral and ethical principles that are designed for human development.
Humanity is entitled to justice. Truth, Mercy, and Justice defines human treatment and serves as the mechanisms that give to each human being Equity Value.
The Seventy Nations recognizes that true human value speaks to the global topic of true human rights. That true human rights are engraved and or derived from intrinsic human value. The organization, namely Seventy Nations notices that according to the principles of the word of G-d, not all human rights are humanly right, and thus that ‘right ‘has no value. To this the scripture gives support.
Isaiah 5:20 — Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
The Seventy Nations recognizes the value of human equity from a creation value system mandate basis that incorporates four essential areas of creation that have been entrusted to humanity. These four (4) essential responsibilities are the mandate to ensure the proper practices and continuity of the following:
Agriculture and Procreation. The culture of agro-sciences with its benefits to both humanity and creation and human procreation along with its value to humanity and creation.
Climate-Temperature and its benefits to both humanity and creation.
Creation’s two physical Seasons and their purposes to humanity and creation and
Time and its crucial function in creation for all humanity.
These four (4) are outlined in the book of Genesis after the flood.
Genesis 8:22 KJV — While the earth remaineth, seedtime, and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
Each of these four areas for the most part, are the most important factors in and for the continuity of our physical planet and humanity and to the degree that they are managed, will directly have an effect on humanity and human value

The 70 Nations is a Global Movement for those who, while standing together with the Jewish people in Jerusalem, both secular and religious, will strive to discover and create a collective global community united in a new understanding of God as Creator Sustainer of the Universe.
As such, we advocate that the Human Being is a created being which is sustained by its Creator. We advocate that human existence on a journey to evolution in knowledge and understanding of purpose as a point of existence.
Human Equality, Human Value, Human Rights and the Human Divine Be-ing along with The Common Good, Moral Integrity, Rational Thinking and Logical Deduction will be a foundation and platform to make all our decisions as an organization and to dispel the negative and false understandings of our origins.
We will attempt to discover as we reach into all areas of human existence our spiritual and conscious evolution to acquire the level of divine understanding meant for all human beings made in the image and likeness of the Living God who is the Creator Sustainer living in and through all of its Creation.
Our objectives include building a House of Prayer for All Nations Pilgrim Center in Jerusalem while awaiting the rebuilding of the long prophesied and awaited Third Jewish Temple in which the fulness of the prophecies of Israel 56:7 will come to fruitions.
We welcome all nations, tribes, people and culture to join us in the common goal of Unity. Though our differences in faith beliefs may separate us in religions, we seek to gain a unified understanding with all people to accomplish the common goal of Unity in which we can learn to peaceful exist together through knowledge and renewed understanding of the Living God as Creator Sustainer grows through our efforts.
The 70 nations will strive to prepare the way for this expanded and new spiritual understanding of Our Creator with the Voice of the Nations to address causes of the world at large that encourage social change and moral objectives in better understanding basic human rights and human equity values.
Through our efforts we seek to provide a renewed way of understanding God and man as in taking religious attitudes to a more conscious and current level of understanding in the 21st Century in humanities search for divine truths and peaceful coexistence among all mankind.
The 70 Nations welcomes membership on an individual level as well as a national level and levels in between and encourages everyone to become a leader in their world to spread the founding principles we represent.
Our hope is to unite the world in true righteousness that comes without discrimination of Religion, Culture, Nation or Tribe, thus bringing Peace and Justice to Jerusalem and the Whole Earth.
Until then it is our hope to welcome All Nations to Jerusalem to pray, learn and worship together as the 70 Nations in Jerusalem in solidarity and unity as we move forward in our understanding of our divine origins and purpose for human life. :earn more at
I just can’t even stand to read this BS!! These JEWS don’t want you to know the truth, that they are basing all of this on their interpretation God and THEIR LAWS they built around their belief that GOD made them special and high above everyone else. Here is a post I found that should make you see just how JEWS see YOU and EVERYONE WHO THEY DO NOT CONSIDER VALID JEWS.
Satanic Verses Of The Jewish Talmud
Talmud Articles, Judaism Articles, Why I Left Judaism, Satanic Verses Of The Jewish Talmud, Jews Are NOT The “Chosen People”, Judaism’s Strange Gods
By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Posted by May 28, 2015 on
Sources: The Talmud, Soncino Press, Hebrew-English; The Truth About The Talmud, Michael Hoffman Here; Jewish History-Jewish Religion, Israel Shahak Here; The Plot Against Christianity, Elizabeth Dilling Here
THE JEWISH TALMUD is “Holy Writ” for the Jews.
The Talmud supercedes the Old Testament in authority for the Jews. And the Talmud is the most racist, hate-mongering , blasphemous book the world has ever known.
The Talmud was written in Hebrew between the 3rd & 6th Centuries as a codification of the so-called Oral Law that the Jewish rabbis claim was handed down from Moses.
But the Messiah Jesus censored the “Oral Law” when He said, “By the traditions of your elders you make void the Word of God.” (St Matthew 15).
The English translation of the Talmud has been watered down so as to conceal from the Gentiles the “satanic verses” contained in the original Hebrew.
The “Satanic Verses” of the Talmud can be classified into 3 categories:
1) Jewish Supremacy.
2) Hatred Towards The “Goys” (Gentiles). (Everyone who is not Jewish)
3) Blasphemies Against Jesus Christ, The Virgin Mary, & All Christians.* “If a ‘goy’ (Gentile) hits a Jew he must be killed.” (Sanhedrin 58b)
* “If a Jew finds an object lost by a ‘goy’ it does not have to be returned.” (Baba Mezia 24a)
* “If a Jew murders a ‘goy’ there will be no death penalty.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* What a Jew steals from a ‘goy’ he may keep.” (Sanhedrin 57a)
* “Jews may use subterfuges to circumvent a ‘goy.’” (Baba Kamma 113a)
* “All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.” (Yebamoth 98a)
* “Girls born of the ‘goyim’ are in a state of ‘niddah’ (menstrual uncleanness!) from birth.” (Abodah Zarah 36b)
* “The ‘goyim’ are not humans. They are beasts.” (Baba Mezia 114b)
* “If you eat with a ‘goy’ it is the same as eating with a dog.” (Tosapoth, Jebamoth 94b)
* “Even the best of the ‘goyim’ should all be killed.” (Soferim 15)
* “Sexual intercourse between the ‘goyim’ is like intercourse between animals.” (Sanhedrin 74b)
* “When it comes to a Gentile in peace times, one may harm him indirectly, for instance, by removing a ladder after he had fallen into a crevice.” (Shulkan Arukh, Yoreh De ‘ah, 158, Hebrew Edition only)
* “‘Yashu’ (derogatory for ‘Jesus’) is in Hell being boiled in hot excrement.” (Gittin 57a)
*[’Yashu’ is an acronym for the Jewish curse, ‘May his (Jesus) name be wiped out forevermore.’]
* Yashu (Jesus) was sexually immoral and worshipped a brick.” (Sanhedrin 107b)
* “Yashu (Jesus) was cut off from the Jewish people for his wickedness and refused to repent.” (Sotah 47a)
* “Miriam the hairdresser had sex with many men.” (Shabbath 104b, Hebrew Edition only)
* “She who was the descendant of princes and governors (the virgin Mary) played the harlot with carpenters.” (Sanhedrin 106a)
* “Christians who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be punished there for all generations.” (Rosh Hashanah 17a)
I WAS RAISED AS A JEW. Christendom has fawned all over the Jews for the last 60 years. But all of this is now coming to an end.
Christians are waking up to the fact that Judaism and the Jews are haters of Jesus Christ, Christianity, and fervent Christians who preach the Gospel.
Do you wish to get a Talmudic Jew raving mad? Simply Tell That Jew That If He Does Not Accept Jesus Christ As His Lord ; Saviour
He Is Going To Suffer In Hell!
___________________________________For More See: “Kill Civilians? The Talmud Tells Me So!” Click Here
And: “Judaism’s Strange Gods” – Interview With Michael Hoffman Click Here

The phrase “House of Prayer for All Nations” is from Isaiah 56:7, where it is used twice: “These [foreigners] I will bring to My holy mountain and give them joy in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices will be accepted on My altar; for My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations.”
The heart of the house of prayer is perhaps best captured by David’s heart cry in Psalm 27:4: “One thing I have desired of the Lord, that will I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord and to inquire in His temple.”
King David established the tabernacle of David. Referred to in many parts of the Bible, this house of prayer is best described in 1 Chronicle 16:1–37: “So they brought the ark of God, and set it in the midst of the tabernacle that David had erected for it . . . And he [David] appointed some of the Levites to minister before the ark of the Lord, to commemorate, to thank, and to praise the LORD God of Israel . . . So he [David] left Asaph and his brothers there before the ark of the covenant of the Lord to minister before the ark regularly, as every day’s work required.” (1 Chr. 1, 4, 37)
Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord shines upon you.
אק֥וּמִי א֖וֹרִי כִּֽי־בָ֣א אוֹרֵ֑ךְ וּכְב֥וֹד יְהֹוָ֖ה עָלַ֥יִךְ זָרָֽח:
For behold, darkness shall cover the earth,
and gross darkness the kingdoms, and the
Lord shall shine upon you, and His glory shall appear over you.
בכִּֽי־הִנֵּ֚ה הַחֹ֙שֶׁךְ֙ יְכַסֶּה־אֶ֔רֶץ וַֽעֲרָפֶ֖ל לְאֻמִּ֑ים וְעָלַ֙יִךְ֙ יִזְרַ֣ח יְהֹוָ֔ה וּכְבוֹד֖וֹ עָלַ֥יִךְ יֵֽרָאֶֽה:
And nations shall go by your light and kings by the brilliance of your shine.
גוְהָֽלְכ֥וּ גוֹיִ֖ם לְאוֹרֵ֑ךְ וּמְלָכִ֖ים לְנֹ֥גַהּ זַרְחֵֽךְ:
Lift up your eyes all around and see, they all have gathered,
they have come to you; your sons shall come from afar, and your daughters
shall be raised on [their] side.
דשְׂאִי־סָבִ֚יב עֵינַ֙יִךְ֙ וּרְאִ֔י כֻּלָּ֖ם נִקְבְּצ֣וּ בָֽאוּ־לָ֑ךְ בָּנַ֙יִךְ֙ מֵרָח֣וֹק יָבֹ֔אוּ וּבְנֹתַ֖יִךְ עַל־צַ֥ד תֵּֽאָמַֽנָה:
Then you shall see and be radiant, and your heart shall be startled
and become enlarged, for the abundance of the west shall be
turned over to you, the wealth of the nations that will come to you.
האָ֚ז תִּרְאִי֙ וְנָהַ֔רְתְּ וּפָחַ֥ד וְרָחַ֖ב לְבָבֵ֑ךְ כִּֽי־יֵֽהָפֵ֚ךְ עָלַ֙יִךְ֙ הֲמ֣וֹן יָ֔ם חֵ֥יל גּוֹיִ֖ם יָבֹ֥אוּ לָֽךְ:

“For in six days God made heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; therefore Hashem blessed the Shabbat day and hallowed it.”
Rabbi Yoel Schwartz, RABBI to the Nationst and of the Dvar Yerushalayim Yeshiva, stated that one of the reasons the Messiah has yet to reveal himself is because the non-Jewish nations are not keeping the Sabbath. The rabbi has put out a call for the nations to keep the Sabbath and for the Jews to help them in this mission.
The rabbi stated that the Jews were given the Torah in order to teach it to the nations.
“We are to teach the nations about Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’) and if we do not, the opposite will happen. We will learn idolatry from them, God forbid,” Rabbi Schwartz told Breaking Israel News. “Every Jew knows that the basis of the Torah is the Sabbath. Someone who does not keep the Sabbath, it is as if they are worshiping idols.”
Rabbi Yoel Shwartz.
Rabbi Schwartz explained that many of the problems facing the world today are due to not recognizing the Sabbath.
“The theory of evolution is the worst form of heresy existing today,” Rabbi Schwartz explained. “There has never been anything that so directly attempted to deny the existence of God and in a manner that makes no logical sense. It is quite simply the battle between the servants of God and Amalek. Amalek came to destroy faith in God and the Sabbath is the sign that we have faith in God. The two cannot co-exist.”
The rabbi went on to explain that the Sabbath, observed on its proper day and in the proper manner, is a weekly affirmation of God creating the world. Despite a seven-day week being universally observed throughout all cultures, both Islam and Christianity changed the specific day of the Sabbath.
“Everyone agrees that there was a beginning, hence the seven day week. But science attributes it to a Big Bang, saying that God did not create the world. The Sabbath is not a random or man-made day,” the rabbi emphasized. “God Himself established it as part of the seven-day process of creation. Every seven days since the world was created has been the Sabbath. Changing it is to replace God, take him out of creation.”
Rabbi Schwartz based his call for non-Jews to keep the Sabbath on a simple reading of the Bible in conjunction with a close reading of the Ten Commandments. He first cited the Talmud (Shabbat 118b) which states, “Were Israel to keep two Sabbaths as commanded, they would be immediately redeemed.” He explained that the simple reading implies two Sabbaths in a row establishing a level of regular observance. The rabbi also explained that an alternative reading might be two different Sabbaths: one of ‘remembering the Sabbath’, what the rabbi calls a ‘universal Sabbath’, and another of ‘observing the Sabbath’, what the rabbi calls a Sabbath for the Jews.
He explained that these are two different aspects of the Sabbath described in the Ten Commandments. The Ten Commandments are listed twice in the Bible but there is a subtle difference between how the Sabbath is related to in each of these separate listings.
“Remember the Shabbat day and keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8
“Observe the Shabbat day and keep it holy, as Hashem your God has commanded you.” Deuteronomy 5:12
“The first set of tablets were written by God and the commandment to remember the Sabbath was a universal commandment,” Rabbi Schwartz explained. “That is to ‘remember’ the Sabbath. Since it was universal, it was followed by a description of creation.”
“For in six days Hashem made heaven and earth and sea, and all that is in them, and He rested on the seventh day; therefore Hashem blessed the Shabbat day and hallowed it.” Exodus 20:11
“The commandment in Deuteronomy on the tablets written by Moses was a message specifically for the Jews to ‘observe’ the Sabbath,” Rabbi Schwartz said, noting that it was followed by a description of God taking the Jews out of Egypt.
“Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt and Hashem your God freed you from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm; therefore Hashem your God has commanded you to observe the Shabbat day. Deuteronomy 5:15
In Halacha, the two different verbs relating to the Sabbath in the Ten Commandments denote two different ways to relate to the obligation of the Sabbath: ‘to remember’ refers to the positive commandments of keeping the Sabbath and ‘to observe’ relates to the negative commandments of refraining from labor or acts that are restricted on the Sabbath.
“By not instructing the nations in their requirement to ‘remember the Sabbath’, by actually preventing them from taking part in the Sabbath, the Jews have prevented the full light of Moshiach (Messiah) from being revealed in the world,” Rabbi Schwartz said.
Rabbi Schwartz explained that these two different versions of the Sabbath commandment generate two different types of Sabbaths; one for Jews and one for the nations. The Jews are required to both ‘remember’ and ‘observe’, performing the positive commandments as well as refraining from the 39 forbidden forms of labor. The positive mitzvah of remembering the Sabbath is encompassed in reciting kiddush (sanctifying) the Sabbath, usually performed over a glass of wine. He also recommended that non-Jews light two candles to bring in the Sabbath. This is typically performed by women. The rabbi ruled that if a non-Jew does so for the Sabbath at the proper time and day, a blessing including the name of God may be recited.
The rabbi also recommended that the sanctity of the Sabbath is enhanced by two meals, one on Friday evening and the other on Saturday afternoon, that include bread, preferably eaten as a family. The rabbi also recommended that the meal be accompanied by joyous singing at the table. “It is not a coincidence that in this era when people are not keeping the Sabbath, even erring in which day is the Sabbath, that families are falling apart,” Rabbi Schwartz said. Rabbi Schwartz’s statement that non-Jews should keep the Sabbath is the opposite of many Halachic (Torah law) authorities who rule that it is forbidden for non-Jews to keep the Sabbath.
“When the Halacha states that it is forbidden for a non-Jew to keep the Sabbath, it is referring to a non-Jew that does not keep the Noahide laws,” he explained, citing a ruling by Rabbi Moses Schreiber, a leading Halachic authority from the nineteenth century known as the Chatam Sofer. This opinion was upheld by Rabbi Yisrael Meir Kagan in the Mishna Berura (Section 304) in the 20th century. “But a non-Jew who has accepted upon himself to keep the Noahide laws is permitted to keep the Sabbath,” the rabbi concluded.
It should be noted that Rabbi Schwartz is highly respected in the Haredi (ultra-Orthodox) world as well as in Israeli society at large. In addition to his qualifications listed above, Rabbi Schwartz has authored over 200 books and was awarded the Moskowitz prize in Jerusalem. His Halachic opinions are unimpeachable. Nonetheless, the rabbi understands that his statements will not be accepted by many, both in the Jewish world as well as the non-Jewish world.
“It is time for a revolution in the world,” Rabbi Schwartz said. “Even the secular people who don’t believe in God know the world is in danger, though they blame it on things like Global Warming. The Sabbath is a precious gift that Hashem gave to the Jews and it demands respect. But it is time religious Jews showed the nations how they can relate to their Creator.” The rabbi cited Psalm 126:
“Our mouths shall be filled with laughter, our tongues, with songs of joy. Then shall they say among the nations, “Hashem has done great things for them!” Hashem will do great things for us and we shall rejoice. Psalms 126:2-3
“It may be that by seeing how the other nations come to value the Sabbath, many Jews will also do teshuva and learn how precious is this gift that Hashem gave us,” Rabbi Schwartz said. The rabbi noted that on Yom Kippur, the holiest day of the year, Jews read the Book of Jonah. “This is to remind us that, like Jonah, Jews are meant to help the nations do teshuva (repent),” Rabbi Schwartz said. “But we read the story to remind us that just like Jonah, Jews are reluctant and run away, even trying to hide from God, rather than do this.”
– Written by Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz of Breaking Israel News
“And it shall come to pass at the end of days,
That the mountain of THE LORD’s House
Shall be established as the top of the mountains,
And shall be exalted above the hills;
And all Nations shall flow unto it.”
“And many Peoples shall go and say:
“Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of ADONAI.
To the House of the G-d of Jacob;
And He will teach us of His ways,
And we will walk in His paths.”
For out of Zion shall go forth the Torah,
And the word of ADONAI from Jerusalem.
And He shall judge between the nations,
And shall decide for many peoples;
And they shall beat their swords into plowshares,
And their spears into pruninghooks;
Nation shall not lift up sword against nation,
Neither shall they learn war any more.
(Isaiah 2:2-5)
Since the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 CE, the Jewish Nation has continually expressed their desire to see the building of a Third Temple on the Temple Mount. Prayer for restoration of the Temple and Temple Service is a formal part of the Jewish tradition of the 3 times daily Amidah prayers. Although it remains unbuilt, the notion of and desire for a Third Temple is sacred in Judaism and anticipated as a soon-to-be-built place of worship. The prophets in the Hebrew Bible called for its construction to be fulfilled prior to, or in tandem with, the Messianic age.
In August 1967, after the Israeli capture of the Mount, Rabbi Shlomo Goren, the Chief Rabbi of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) (and later chief rabbi of the State of Israel), began organizing public prayer for Jews on the Temple Mount. Rabbi Goren was also well known for his controversial positions concerning Jewish sovereignty over the Temple Mount. On August 15, 1967, shortly after the Six-Day War, Goren led a group of fifty Jews onto the Temple Mount, where, fighting off protesting Muslim guards and Israeli police, they defiantly held a prayer service. Goren continued to pray for many years in the Makhkame building overlooking the Temple Mount where he conducted yearly High Holy Days services. His call for the establishment of a synagogue on the Temple Mount has subsequently been reiterated by his brother-in-law, the Chief Rabbi of Haifa, She’ar Yashuv Cohen.
Goren was sharply criticized by the Israeli Defense Ministry, who, noting Goren’s senior rank, called his behavior inappropriate. The episode led the Chief Rabbis of the time to restate the accepted laws of Judaism that no Jews were allowed on the mount due to issues of ritual impurity. The secular authorities welcomed this ruling as it preserved the status quo with the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf. Disagreeing with his colleagues, Goren continually maintained that Jews were not only permitted but commanded, to ascend and pray on the mount.
Goren repeatedly advocated or supported building a Third Temple on the Temple Mount from the 1960s onward, and was associated with various messianic projects involving the site. In the summer of 1983, Goren and several other rabbis joined Rabbi Yehuda Getz, who worked for the Religious Affairs Ministry at the Western Wall, in touring a chamber underneath the mount that Getz had excavated, where the two claimed to have seen the Ark of the Covenant. The tunnel was shortly discovered and resulted in a massive brawl between young Jews and Arabs in the area. The tunnel was quickly sealed with concrete by Israeli police. The sealed entrance can be seen from the Western Wall Tunnel, which opened to the public in 1996.
The Chief Rabbis of Israel, Isser Yehuda Unterman, and Yitzhak Nissim, together with other leading rabbis, asserted that “For generations, we have warned against and refrained from entering any part of the Temple Mount.” A recent study of this rabbinical ruling suggests that it was both “unprecedented” and possibly prompted by governmental pressure on the rabbis, and “brilliant” in preventing Muslim–Jewish friction on the Mount. Rabbinical consensus in the Religious Zionist stream of Orthodox Judaism continues to hold that it is forbidden for Jews to enter any part of the Temple Mount and in January 2005 a declaration was signed confirming the 1967 decision. On the eve of Shavuot in 2014, or 6th Sivan, 5774 in the Hebrew calendar, 400 Jews ascended the Temple Mount; some were photographed in prayer.
The 7 Noahide Laws: Universal Morality
What Are the Seven Noahide Laws?
The 7 Noahide Laws are rules that all of us must keep, regardless of who we are or from where we come. Without these seven things, it would be impossible for humanity to live together in harmony.
Do not profane G‑d’s Oneness in any way.
Acknowledge that there is a single G‑d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of His world. -
Do not curse your Creator.
No matter how angry you may be, do not take it out verbally against your Creator. -
Do not murder.
The value of human life cannot be measured. To destroy a single human life is to destroy the entire world—because, for that person, the world has ceased to exist. It follows that by sustaining a single human life, you are sustaining an entire universe. -
Do not eat a limb of a living animal.
Respect the life of all G‑d’s creatures. As intelligent beings, we have a duty not to cause undue pain to other creatures. -
Do not steal.
Whatever benefits you receive in this world, make sure that none of them are at the unfair expense of someone else. -
Harness and channel the human libido.
Incest, adultery, rape and homosexual relations are forbidden.
The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being. -
Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world.
With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony.
These laws were communicated by G‑d to Adam and Noah, ancestors of all human beings. That is what makes these rules universal, for all times, places and people:
Laws made by humans may change according to circumstance. But laws made by the Creator of all souls over all of time remain the same for all people at all times..
If we would fulfill these laws just because they make sense to us, then we would change them, according to our convenience. We would be our own god. But when we understand that they are the laws of a supreme G‑d, we understand that they can not be changed, just as He does not change.
Why Are the Noahide Laws Especially Important Today?
Today, we are on the verge of a new era for humankind, a time when we will finally live together in peace and the world will be filled with divine wisdom. Those who keep these basic rules will have a share in that world, since, after all, they took part in making it possible.
Although these teachings were recorded in the sacred Jewish texts, for many centuries Jews were not able to speak about them to the people they lived amongst. But in recent times, the foremost rabbi of the Jewish people in the 20th century, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory, encouraged Jews to publicize these teachings, so that the world can prepare for the times of peace and wisdom that are swiftly approaching.
Why Are They Called the Noahide Laws?
These are called the Noahide Laws because they are the heritage of humanity from our oldest ancestors. Since all humanity are descendants of Noah, who survived the Great Flood, all people today are Noahides.
Jewish tradition tells that six of these laws were given to the first human being, Adam. A seventh law, the prohibition against eating the limb of a living animal, was given to Noah when humankind was permitted to consume meat.
More Noahide Laws
These seven principles are general ones. Many other teachings, all intuitive to the upright human mind, branch out from these.
These include the practice of charity and acts of kindness, honoring and respecting parents, prayer to G‑d and contemplation of His wisdom and greatness.
This also means not acting recklessly towards the magnificent creation that has been entrusted to our stewardship.
Who Keeps the Noahide Laws?
Nobody needs to convert or join a particular church or temple to keep these principles and laws. But it is important to keep them because this is what the supreme G‑d wants of every one of us, and not only because they are wise and good laws.
Anyone who keeps these basic rules for that reason—regardless of race, nationality or culture—is considered a righteous person and granted eternal life upon leaving this world.
Especially now in these turbulent times, when so many people everywhere feel pressured and unsettled as a result of the global financial crisis, it is more important than ever to focus on the most important part of life: the spiritual integrity of human beings before G-d and the desire of the Creator to bestow all blessings on humanity through the full and complete redemption. At the same time, for the sake of children and youth around the world, it is critical that the representatives of the nations affirm and commit publicly to the basic premise, that people respect the very core fabric of life given by the Creator, which the Seven Universal Laws of Noah represent. – Rabbi YD Kohen
Feb 7, 2016
It’s Only For the Jews!

It’s only for the Jews!
Many think the Torah and Commands of our Father was first established on Mount Sinai. The giving of the Torah & Commands in the old Testament automatically trumps everything else in the Bible and means that it was only intended for the Children of Israel and the Jews. While the Scriptures are not clear as to which laws existed before the time of Mosheh (Moses) and the official giving of the Torah, there are definite examples of at least some laws in existence before Mosheh. From Scripture, we can tell the Torah first began ‘In the Beginning’:
“And on the seventh day Elohim completed His work which He had done, and He rested on the Seventh Day from all His work which He had made. And Elohim blessed the Seventh Day and set it apart, because on it He rested from all His work which Elohim in creating had made.” -Genesis|Bereshith 2:2-3
We can see that from the beginning of it all, Yahuwah blessed the seventh day and rested on it. Shemoth (Exodus) 20:11 also refers to the creation of the earth and the blessing of the Sabbath.
“For in six days YAHUWAH made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested the seventh day. Therefore YAHUWAH blessed the Sabbath day and set it apart.” -Exodus|Shemoth 20:11
The Israelites were rebuked for collecting manna on the Sabbath day before the Ten Words/ Ten Commandments were officially given. Also consider how Yahuwah rebuked the people for not keeping His commandments and laws concerning gathering the manna on the Sabbath day. (Exodus|Shemoth 16:27-29)
It is quite clear that the law of the Sabbath was in existence from the beginning. It is also clear that there were Commands or at least to an extent. Consider the following verse:
“But the men of Sedom (Sodom) were evil and sinned before YAHUWAH exceedingly so.” -Genesis|Bereshith 13:13
In order to sin there needs to be a law or command of instruction. The only way for Sedom to be wicked they must have been breaking some sort of law. As seen from the following texts.
“Everyone doing sin also does lawless-ness, and sin is lawlessness.” -1 John|Yohanan 3:4
“For law works wrath; but where no law is neither is there transgression.” -Romans 4:15 (Darby)
Another example of the Torah before Mount Sinai is during Abraham, of who it is said, he kept the commandments and laws of Yahuwah.
“Abraham obeyed My voice and guarded My Charge: My commands, My laws, and My Torot.“ Torot is the plural form of Torah. -Genesis|Bereshith 26:5
In Genesis|Bereshith 7:2 Noah knew the definition of both clean and unclean animals, he was instructed to take certain numbers of each kind onto the ark. Clean animals were yet to be defined until Leviticus|Wayyiqra 11, another two books away. The clean animals were used for eating and also for sacrifices unto Yahuwah.
It is very clear to see that before the Torah was given by Mosheh on Mount Sinai that to a degree many laws already existed. Just to name a few; there is the Law against murder (when Cain killed Abel), the law of clean and unclean animals (during Noah’s time) and the law of the Sabbath (after creation). Even though the Scriptures does not give precise detail into many other laws, history does reveal that there was some sort of legal standard.
“Let no man deceive you in any way” -2 Thessalonians 2:3
For it is against Scripture to say the Torah is no more! The Torah defines sin, if one declares there is no more Torah, that one is declaring we have no need for a Savior! (Romans 4:15)
Yahushua came on this earth to deliver us from sin. He came on this earth to be our Passover Lamb, to do away with the Ceremonial Laws (Sacrificial Laws), but to observe the Moral Laws.
Yahushua did not come to do away with the Law or the Prophets. The first time Torah was even spoken of in the Messianic Scriptures (New Testament) is when Yahushua spoke of it Himself. Even Yahushua observed the Feast Days mentioned in Lev. 23, and kept Torah. Paul, [the man whom Christians are told said the ‘Torah is no more’], even kept the Feast days as well! He goes on to tell us in Romans, 2:13 that those that are doers of the law shall be declared right in the sight of Yahuwah while those that simply hear are not. Paul (Sha’ul) understood that when we walk in the flesh we can easily sin (Romans 7:14-25).
Matthew|MattithYahu 5:17
“Think not that I am come to destroy the Law, or the Prophets:
I am not come to destroy,
but to fulfill.”
Yahushua came to fulfill the Sacrificial Law because He is our Passover Lamb.
Let us remember, Since NONE in this world are perfect, NONE are excluded from observing the Moral Laws of the Torah. Yahushua says: “I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” -Matthew|MattithYahu 7:23
Iniquity means ‘violation of the law (Torah), lawlessness, NOT observing Torah’. Which will you do? try to follow the part of the Torah that applies to us today…. or continue in your iniquity?
“Let us hear the conclusion of the entire matter: Fear Elohim and guard His commands, for this applies to all mankind!”
(Ecclesiastes|Qoheloth 12:13 The Scriptures 1998+)
Written by F. Martin
©2006, revised 2016
FOY Publications
PDF List of the 70 Nations – Torah Notes
(Bamidbar Rabbah 1, 3).
The souls that appeared from Noach to Israel became the roots of the seventy nations. They did notappear all at once, rather progressively. The enumeration below follows the kabbalistic counting

A critical issue is UN Resolution 2334. The document is hostile to the nation of Israel. The UN refused to acknowledge their existence as a country and refers to Israel as “occupiers”. Even the Western Wall where the Jews go to pray has been deemed “illegally occupied territory”.
For those interested in reading the resolution, click on the link below.
Representatives from seventy (70) countries are scheduled to attend the UN meeting sponsored by the French. If seventy nations rings a bell, see Genesis 10-11 and the original table of nations. This was such a great idea back in Nimrod’s day, God scattered people across the earth and confused humanity’s language. The world was broken into seventy (70) countries. This was the original UN emerging from the Tower of Babel, seventy countries.
While we are discussing the number 70…Make what you want of this. It is up to the individual reader. The following is from the Washington Post. This is the opening paragraph to the story.
JERUSALEM — On a cloudless blue morning, an honor guard brought the flag-draped coffin of Shimon Peres to the Mount Herzl national cemetery Friday as 100 world leaders and dignitaries from 70 countries bid farewell to the former Israeli leader and Nobel laureate whose dream of a lasting peace with the Palestinians remains elusive.
The number 70 does have significance in the Bible. Here are a few examples of many provided in Scripture.
Exodus 24:9 Then Moses went up with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu, and seventy of the elders of Israel…
Numbers 11:16a The Lord therefore said to Moses, “Gather for Me seventy men from the elders of Israel…
Jeremiah 25:11 This whole land will be a desolation and a horror, and these nations will serve the king of Babylon seventy years.
Jeremiah 29:10 For thus says the Lord, “When seventy years have been completed for Babylon…”
Daniel 9:24 Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy place.
Make what you want of it. Do your own homework. Get out a concordance and look up “seventy”. Draw your own conclusions. It is what it is…just making an observation.
What is intriguing is looking at maps on websites leading up to this meeting on January 15, 2017. Accommodations have already been made for a future state of Palestine. Areas surrounding the West Bank and the Gaza Strip are already referred to as Palestinian Territories. Jerusalem has been divided accordingly. Plans have even been made for nature preserves in the West Bank per the Oslo Accords. The Golan Heights has been committed to Syria as part of a “peace plan”. See video link above for details.
Get ready…

(BIN) – The Organization of the 70 Nations has established an international court and, as its first official act, will hold a session on Mount Zion in Jerusalem to judge on the Trump peace plan, officially titled “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”.
The court will also make a judgment concerning the Israeli government’s intention to implement the plan, calling on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the President of the United States, Donald Trump to defend their decision to relinquish the Biblically mandated borders of the Land of Israel, an act that contravenes the Torah.
Also listed as defendants are the Israeli High Court and The International Court of Justice in The Hague. Their case was outlined in an official document in Hebrew, the main points of which are detailed below: “The defendants, individually and collectively, have chosen to violate Biblical law, thus endangering all of humanity by promoting a policy that constitutes criminal maliciousness against the fundamental laws of national border guardianship established by God, the Creator of the world and the God of Israel as recorded in the Bible.
Hang Onto Your Seats! Sanhedrin Wants To Replace United …
The “in your face” title is:
Interview With Sanhedrin Spokesman: Conference for Organization of 70 Nations Intended to Replace United Nations
In an in-depth interview, Professor Hillel Weiss answers questions about the upcoming conference of the Organization of 70 nations.
In an in-depth interview, Professor Hillel Weiss answers questions about the upcoming conference of the Organization of 70 nations. The conference will be held on September 26, the anniversary of the day Jewish tradition believes the world was created. The Sanhedrin will be hosting this as the first conference of the Organization of 70 Nations. The conference will be a powerful start as representatives from several nations will attend.
The conference is to bring together all of the nations under the common belief in the sanctity of the Bible and the sanctity of all of mankind. The members of the organization agree to the sanctity of Jerusalem and the Temple’s, as well as the sanctity of God’s covenant established with all of mankind through Noah. Every nation and ethnic group who sees itself as part of humanity and therefore accepts responsibility to join in a universal covenant of brotherhood of peace is invited to take their place in this Organization of 70 Nations.”
This “common believe in the Bible” does not include the New Testament, thus Christianity and belief in Yeshua is OUT! The members agreeing to the “sanctity of Jerusalem” means to submit to the authority of the governing bodies of Israel. Not only Jerusalem’s authority, but the TEMPLE’s!
Wait! There isn’t a temple! Oooohhhh, but there will be!
All nations will agree to the covenant of Noah… Uhhh, that’s the Noahide laws, folks!
The WHORE is rising fast!

(BIN) – The Conference of the Organization of the 70 Nations hosted a ceremony on Thursday whereby an animal sacrifice was offered on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The objective – to renew the covenant made between God and all of mankind. Breaking Israel News writer Eliyahu Berkowitz was at the scene throughout the entire event and even recorded it in a Facebook Live video.
The original sacrifice, known as a a korban olah (burnt offering), was made by Noah when he exited the Ark following the flood: Then Noach built an altar to Hashem and, taking of every clean animal and of every clean bird, he offered burnt offerings on the altar. Genesis 8:20
The event, however, was almost canceled. That’s because when the original butcher who was supposed to slaughter the lamb at the event canceled last minute, a righteous gentile named Malachi, who just happened to have four years experience slaughtering animals, was miraculously in attendance. After being called upon, Malachi broke down in tears saying that he’s “dreamed about this moment all week.” He stepped up and slaughtered the lamb and also helped burn it on the altar – an altar that Jews were forbidden from helping them erect. READ MORE
Eliyahu’s Call to the 70 Nations & Sanhedrin of Jerusalem …
Eliyahu Zerubabel
The Ships of Tarshish Fleet 5783 is the 1st endeavour in this generation to restore the Ships of Tarshish, w/ Sailboats, Yachts, Carriers from Atlantic Coastlands of North ; South America to Maliami, Florida to the Mediterranean to Haifa, Israel, to bring the Children of Israel en Mass with, silver p; gold, exotic hardwoods, the world’s finest spices and incense to the 3rd Temple Treasury, directed by the Sons of Aaron & Levites in Jerusalem, Israel.
From Key , Florida to Haifa, Israel, the journey could take as long as 2 months via Sailboat depending on weather, but only 3 weeks via Cruise ship.
We will assist any and all Jews to make Aliyah via boat and partner with any and all Aliyah Programs to utilize this organization for Aliyah for Jews.
We are looking for Admirals, Captains, Navigators and Professionals to help get this vision going forward!
Isaiah 60:
9 Surely the isles shall wait for Me,
And the ships of Tarshish first,
To bring thy sons from far,
Their silver and their gold with them,
For the name of HASHEM thy God,
And for the Holy One of Israel, because He hath glorified thee.
Psalm 72:
10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall render tribute; The kings of Sheba and Seba shall offer gifts.
11 Yea, all kings shall prostrate themselves before him; All nations shall serve him.
Isaiah 66:
19 And I will work a sign among them, and I will send such as escape of them unto the nations, to Tarshish, Pul and Lud, that draw the bow, to Tubal and Javan, to the isles afar off, that have not heard My fame, neither have seen My glory; and they shall declare My glory among the nations.
20 And they shall bring all your brethren out of all the nations for an offering unto the LORD, upon horses, and in chariots, and in fitters, and upon mules, and upon swift beasts, to My holy mountain Jerusalem, saith the LORD, as the children of Israel bring their offering in a clean vessel into the house of the LORD.
21 And of them also will I take for the Priests and for the Levites, saith the LORD.
Ezekiel 27:
12 Tarshish was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of all kinds of riches; with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded for thy wares.
Tarshish (Phoenician: 𐤕𐤓𐤔𐤔 tršš, Hebrew: תַּרְשִׁישׁ Taršîš, Greek: Θαρσεις, Tharseis) occurs in the Hebrew Bible with several uncertain meanings, most frequently as a place (probably a large city or region) far across the sea from Phoenicia (modern Lebanon) and the Land of Israel. Tarshish was said to have exported vast quantities of important metals to Phoenicia and Israel.
The same place-name occurs in the Akkadian inscriptions of Esarhaddon (the Assyrian king, d. 669 BC) and also on the Phoenician inscription of the Nora Stone in Sardinia; its precise location was never commonly known, and was eventually lost in antiquity. Legends grew up around it over time so that its identity has been the subject of scholarly research and commentary for more than two thousand years.
Genesis 10:4 lists the descendants of Japhet, the son of Noah, as “The sons of Javan: Elishah, Tarshish, Kittim, and Dodanim.” This is restated verbatim in 1 Chronicles 1:7.
Exodus 28:20 prescribes that, among the precious stones in the rows of stones set into the priestly breastplate, “the fourth row [shall be] a beryl [tarshish], and . . .”
1 Kings (1 Kings 10:22) notes that King Solomon had “a fleet of ships of Tarshish” at sea with the fleet of his ally King Hiram of Tyre. And that “Once every three years the fleet of ships of Tarshish used to come bringing gold, silver, ivory, apes, and peacocks.” (repeated with some notable changes in 2 Chronicles 9:21), while 1 Kings 22:48 states that “Jehoshaphat made ships of Tarshish to go to Ophir for gold, but they did not go, for the ships were wrecked at Ezion-geber.”
in Isaiah 60:9 where “For the coastlands shall hope for me, the ships of Tarshish first, to bring your children from afar”, and 66:19 “and I will set a sign among them. And from them I will send survivors to the nations, to Tarshish, Pul, and Lud, who draw the bow, to Tubal and Javan, to the coastlands far away, that have not heard my fame or seen my glory. And they shall declare my glory among the nations.”
Jeremiah only mentions Tarshish in passing as a source of silver; 10:9 “Beaten silver is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz.”
Jonah 1:3, 4:2 mentions Tarshish as a distant place: “But Jonah rose to flee to Tarshish from the presence of the Lord. He went down to Joppa and found a ship going to Tarshish.” Jonah’s fleeing to Tarshish may need to be taken as “a place very far away” rather than a precise geographical term. On the Mediterranean Sea, ships that used only sails were often left stranded without wind while ships with oars could continue their voyage.
The Hebrew term also has a homonym, tarshish, occurring seven times and translated beryl in older English versions[10] Some interpretations give that in the Torah (Exodus 28:20), it is also the name of a gem-stone associated with the Tribe of Asher that has been identified by the Septuagint and by Josephus as the “gold stone” χρυσόλιθος (whose identification remains in dispute, possibly topaz, probably not modern Chrysolite), and later as aquamarine. It is the first stone on the fourth row of the priestly breastplate.