Ohhh, That Old Devil is a Trickster.   He has people convinced that they are merely exercising their right and free will.  But, people don’t realize the trap he has set.  He is comes but to KILL, STEAL and DESTROY.   Those who hate God, love DEATH because their chosen MASTER IS DEATH!!

It was not enough that you were making the choice to abort your baby…  Now, he has women all over the world committing the MURDER of their unborn (and sometimes already born) child.  They now have become DEATH/MURDERS.

Now, it is not enough that we put our faith in doctors who kill us with surgeries, medications and other
“treastments” rather than trusting GOD.   NOW, he has people all over the world convinced that they can “die with dignity” by choosing for themselves and taking their own life in their own time and fashion.  DEATH BY SUICIDE is DAMNATION.

With this new “suicide pod” there is NO TIME to Change Your Mind.  Once you say yes and the gas is released there is no stopping it or turning back.  There is no medical procedure or chemical that can reverse your actions and save you.  With most other forms of suicide there have been opportunities where you could change your mind and still live… Or where those who love you could save your life by getting you assistance in time.  NOT POSSIBLE with the POD.   One moment of panic, fear, anxiety, or uncertainty could end up being your last.   And, as you make the choice and you put it into action… no one can save you and no one can be blamed but you.

Taking your life into your own hands IS NEVER THE ANSWER.  Whether you believe in the Heavenly Father who created you or not, HE IS GOD.  OUR LIVES are in his hands.  Our days are numbered and determined by HIM.  We do not have the right to take any life, especially our own.

There is NOTHING we cannot face, if GOD is on our side.  Nothing in this world is worth taking your own life and spending eternity in HELL.  Whether you believe in HELL or not… doesn’t change the fact that it is real and you will find yourself in it, if you commit murder.

One can be forgiven even for murder if one truly repents and turns to GOD for redemption.  However, with this new pod there is not even time to whisper a prayer.

As I said, that Devil is very wily.  He is the GREAT DECEIVER.  The Joker/TRICKSTER.  They joke is on you… if you fall for his deception.

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suicide pod/ moden day gas chamber