Do You Believe in Magick? Part 27 – A Device Named Lucifer

A Device NAMED

Excepts from: #20

(Photo Credit: Facebook)

Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories,
Including the Newest Named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.?

“Early Masonic magicians like Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton, along with their modern Masonic astro-notcounter-parts like Armstrong, Aldrin, and Collins, hand-in-hand with NASA and world Freemasonry using everything from books, magazines, and television to computer-generated imaging, have succeeded, in the minds of the masses, to pick up the fixed Earth, shape it into a ball, spin it in circles, and throw it around the Sun! In schools where every professor’s desk is adorned with a spinning Earth-globe, we are lectured on the “heliocentric” theory of the universe, shown images of ball-planets and videos of men suspended in space. The illusion created, connivingly convincing, has entranced the world’s population into blindly believing a maleficent myth. (Source)
At the exact era that science was allegedly replacing the Vatican’s teachings that the Earth was the center of the universe and solar system, the Roman Catholic church was planning to build the very first large observatories of the heavens.”
Heliocentrism Condemned: 400 Years Ago on March 3 – Catholic Astronomer

March 3, 2016 Source:

Check out this brief video:…cope__LUCIFER/

The Vatican set up one of the first observatories back in the 16th century and has continued to this day with the recent buildout of its newest observatory called LUCIFER, or LUCI, depending on what you read.

Flat Stuff Earth
Published on Jul 20, 2017

TopVatican Jesuit Astronomer; Earth is Flat, Gravity is Obsolete

Published on Feb 5, 2019

Though not a new phenomenon, flat Earth theory has enjoyed a huge resurgence recently. A YouGov poll indicated that a third of Americans aged 18 to 24 were unsure of the shape of our planet, in spite of scientific proofs from Pythagoras to Nasa. Why has this happened now, and what does it tell us about society today? Subscribe to The Guardian on YouTube ►

“L.U.C.I.F.E.R., which stands for “Large Binocular Telescope Near-infrared Utility with Camera and Integral Field Unit for Extragalactic Research,”
“is a chilled instrument attached to a telescope in Arizona. And yes, it’s named for the Devil, whose name itself means “morning star” [and which] happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson”.
“The LBT observing instruments split into single beam instruments receiving light from one primary mirror only, and instruments combining the beams of the two mirrors while conserving their phase relation (interferometers). Each of the two telescopes is equipped with three single beam instruments: a prime focus camera, an optical spectrograph (MODS), and a near-infrared instrument (LUCI, formerly LUCIFER).
The 1.8 meter Alice P. Lennon Telescope and its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), is a Gregorian telescope observing in the optical and infrared which achieved ‘first light’, the first starlight to pass through the telescope onto a detector, in 1993.”
“VATT is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory situated on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona, and is operated by the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, in partnership with The University of Arizona.”
Check Out: LUCIFER Built On Sacred Indian Burial Grounds Excepts from: #20 Why Is the Vatican the Largest and Longest Owners of Telescope Observatories, Including the Newest Named L.U.C.I.F.E.R.?

Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter

The Submillimeter Telescope (SMT), “formerly known as the Heinrich Hertz Submillimeter Telescope. This is a radio telescope that can receive radio signals from outer space. This radio telescope is also installed on the Vatican observatory site along with the Lucifer telescope.”


The Jesuits are using a telescope named Lucifer and an intergalactic radio, to gather intelligence from outer space. (Are Vatican astronomers using the VATT  LBT’s Lucifer instrument to watch for an alien savior?)

“The 1.8 meter Alice P. Lennon Telescope and its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), is a Gregorian telescope observing in the optical and infrared which achieved ‘first light’, the first starlight to pass through the telescope onto a detector, in 1993. VATT is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory situated on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona, and is operated by the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, in partnership with The University of Arizona.” (Source: Wikipedia)
“Lucifer is part of the Large Binocular Telescope, which happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.” (Popular Mechanics)

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Alice P. Lennon Telescope

“The 1.8 meter Alice P. Lennon Telescope and its Thomas J. Bannan Astrophysics Facility, known together as the Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope (VATT), is a Gregorian telescope observing in the optical and infrared which achieved ‘first light’, the first starlight to pass through the telescope onto a detector, in 1993. VATT is part of the Mount Graham International Observatory situated on Mount Graham in southeast Arizona, and is operated by the Vatican Observatory, one of the oldest astronomical research institutions in the world, in partnership with The University of Arizona.” (Source: Wikipedia)
“Lucifer is part of the Large Binocular Telescope, which happens to be right next to the Vatican Observatory on Mt. Graham in Tucson.” (Popular Mechanics)

The Planet X and the “Jesuit Footage” Classified “Secretum
by Luca Scantamburlo

Posted November 9, 2006

“An Italian investigative journalist believes he has found sufficient evidence to confirm the existence of a top secret Vatican organization (Servizio Informazione del Vaticano [SIV]- Vatican Intelligence Service) that allegedly specializes in extra-terrestrial affairs and the return of Planet X.

“The journalist also helped confirm the existence of a Vatican security clearance known as Secretum Omega that governs access to this information. This helps explain why former Vatican insiders such as Monsignor Corrado Balducciappear to be out of the loop when it comes to such information.
This was revealed in a personal conversation I had with him back in October 2005.
The secret Vatican organization, SIV, was first revealed in the research of Cristoforo Barbato who described how he was approached by email in 2000 by a Jesuit member of the SIV, and later personally met him in 2001. The Jesuit, who remains anonymous, confirmed the following: the 1954 Eisenhower Extraterrestrial meeting; that George Adamski did have a secret meeting with the Pope; the return of Planet X; and the existence of the US hyperspeed vehicle, Aurora, capable of space travel.”

“Secretum Omega” the highest secrecy level in S.I.V,
equivalent to the NATO Cosmic Top Secret.”

Cristoforo Barbato speaking about
the Secretum Omega

“Dr. Steven M. Greer (M.D.), in his recent
book “Hidden Truth – Forbidden Knowledge“, revealed in the chapter nr. 16 (passages of it
have been published by Nexus New Times magazine, on the survey “Twilight Zone”, nr 64, October-November 2006) that, during a meeting with some rebel insiders taken place in December 1994 in Phoenix by Wrigley Mansion, one of them confessed to him that determinate Jesuits control technology on UFOs information and contacts with Aliens.”

Vatican and UFO Secretum Omega, by Cristoforo Barbato – Confirmation of the Information Revealed Above


Vatican has Meetings with Aliens – HAARP Connection -2007 Post, but Interesting
“The Siloe probe was constructed in Area 51, has an electromagnetic impulse motor, and it was put in orbit by an Aurora type space plane. The probe did not have any calculations or pre-indications of the trajectory or the precise location of its distant target, because it was tasked to close with the huge approaching planet, while avoiding a collision and to return to our Solar System to a position close enough to transmit the data and images to the SIV radio telescope located in Alaska. The probe was launched as soon as the SIV telescope was operational and the probe was capable of transmitting images in 1995. A Vatican source’s description of the location of these SIV facilities furthermore seems to suggest they are part of HAARP in Alaska. Meaning that the Vatican and the U.S. have joined forces in tackling the alien problem.”



Jul 29, 2017
The LUCIFER telescope isnt looking millions of light years away, It looking into other dimensions so to speak, It can see in a different light spectrum than the human eye or what traditional scopes can see. They are watching the demons that they are Loosing with CERN and other technologies, ie: ITER, DWave etc.
Oct 31, 2017
Just getting started on YT, but 25 years studying evil,- This channel will educate. So help me God,- in Jesus name!


American Voice Radio Network –  Video
EXO-VATICANA, the Vatican’s Plan for the Arrival of an Alien Savior

Nov 3, 3017

Unveiled! The Vatican’s secret plan for the arrival of an alien god Disclosed! Secret files in the Vatican library on the reality of the alien
presence Found!

Do You Believe in Magick continues Part 28 – Aliens and the Vatican