EXPLODED onto the Scene in more ways than one, filling the atmosphere with fireworks and electricity.   This was a very apropos entrance as we enter in the NEW WORLD ORDER of the elite which is all about ELECTRICITY.

iF you have been reading my posts, and those of others who are doing their best to warn the world of what is coming, then you know that the Kingdom of Darkness is mustering all the power/energy they can against us.  They are employing every form of energy to weaken and destroy us.  We are electrical beings.  They are using their knowledge of our bodies and the power of electromagnetism to gain control of every aspect of who we are including our minds, hearts and souls.  YOU are in the MIDDLE OF A WAR FOR YOUR SPIRIT.  Better ARMOR UP!!

We are going to look at the events of 12/31/24 but first, I want us to look at some facts about electricity and lightning.

lightning (n.)

visible discharge of energy between cloud and cloud or cloud and ground, late Old English, lightning, flash of lightning,” verbal noun from lightnen “make bright,” or else an extended form of Old English lihting, from leht (see light (n.)). The Old English word also meant “dawn, daybreak,” and in Middle English “light of the sun, intense brightness, brilliance; the radiance of Christ.” Another Middle English word for it was leven (mid-13c.), of uncertain origin, with no apparent source in Old English. (Old English had ligetung lightning,” from liget lightning, flash of lightning.” “Lightning” also was a specialized sense of lihting “lighting” and beorhtnes “brightness.”)  In Scottish Gaelic, “Leven” is derived from the word “Liobhann,” which translates to “flood.”

*leuk-      the same root as Lucifer

Proto-Indo-European root meaning “light, brightness.”It forms all or part of: allumetteelucidateilluminationillustrationlealeukemialeuko-light (n.) “brightness, radiant energy;” lightninglimnlink (n.2) “torch of pitch, tow, etc.;” lucentlucid; LuciferluciferaseluciferouslucifugouslucubratelucubrationluculentlumenLuminalluminaryluminateluminescenceluminouslunalunacy;
lunarLunarianlunatelunationlunaticlunelunetteluni-lusterlustrumluxpellucidsublunarytranslucent.It is the hypothetical source of/evidence for its existence is provided by: Sanskrit rocate “shines;” Armenian lois “light,” lusin “moon;” Greek leukos “bright, shining, white;”
Latin lucere “to shine,” lux “light,” lucidus “clear;” Old Church Slavonic luci “light;” Lithuanian laukas “pale;” Welsh llug “gleam, glimmer;” Old Irish loche “lightning,”
luchair “brightness;” Hittite lukezi “is bright;” Old English lehtleoht “light, daylight; spiritual illumination,” German Licht, Gothic liuhaþ “light.”

thunderbolt (n.)

“flash of lightning with the accompanying crash of thunder,” mid-15c., from thunder (n.) + bolt (n.) “arrow, projectile.” Originally especially in reference to the lightning, as an imaginary bolt or shaft hurled by Zeus or Jupiter. Figuratively, “one who is bold and irresistible,” from 1590s.

fulminate (v.)

early 15c., “publish a ‘thundering’ denunciation; hurl condemnation (at an offender),” a figurative use, from Latin fulminatus, past participle of fulminare “hurl lightning, lighten,” figuratively “to thunder,” from fulmen (genitive fulminis) lightning flash,” related to fulgor “lightning,” fulgere “to shine, flash,” from PIE *bhleg- “to shine, flash,” from root *bhel- (1) “to shine, flash, burn.” Metaphoric sense (the oldest in English) in reference to formal condemnation is from Medieval Latin fulminare, used of formal ecclesiastical censures. Related: Fulminatedfulminating.


electric (adj.)

1640s, first used in English by physician Sir Thomas Browne (1605-1682), apparently coined as Modern Latin electricus (literally “resembling amber”) by English physicist William Gilbert (1540-1603) in treatise “De Magnete” (1600), from Latin electrum “amber,” from Greek ēlektron “amber” (Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus), also “pale gold” (a compound of 1 part silver to 4 of gold); which is of unknown origin.

Vim illam electricam nobis placet appellare [Gilbert]

Originally the word described substances which, like amber, attract other substances when rubbed. Meaning “charged with electricity” is from 1670s; the physical force so called because it first was generated by rubbing amber. In many modern instances, the word is short for electrical. Figurative sense is attested by 1793. Electric light is from 1767. Electric toothbrush first recorded 1936; electric blanket in 1930. Electric typewriter is from 1958. Electric guitar is from 1938; electric organ coined as the name of a hypothetical future instrument in 1885.

magnetic (adj.)

1610s, literal but poetic (Donne), “having the properties of a magnet;” it is attested from 1630s in the figurative meaning “having powers of attraction” (but Donne’s conceit also had that in mind), from Modern Latin magneticus, from Latin magnes (see magnet). The meaning “capable of being attracted by a magnet is by 1837. Related: Magnetical (1580s); magnetics “the science of magnetism” (1786).magnetize (v.)

“charge or supply with magnetic properties,” 1799, from magnet + -ize. Related: Magnetizedmagnetizing. From 1785 in now-obsolete sense of “to mesmerize, hypnotize.”electromagnet (n.)

also electro-magnet, magnet which owes its magnetic properties to electric current,” 1822; see electro- + magnet.
also electro-magnetism, “the collective term for phenomena which rest upon the relation between electric currents and magnetism,” 1821; see electro- + magnetism

microwave (n.)

type of electromagnetic wave, 1931, coined in English from micro- + wave (n.). First record of microwave oven is from 1961 (micro-oven also was used); microwave as short for this is attested from 1974; as a verb, from 1976. For a verb, “Better Homes and Gardens: magazine tried micro-cook (1976).

pulsar (n.)

“highly magnetized, rotating compact star that emits beams of electromagnetic radiation,” 1968, from pulse (n.1), the form on analogy of quasar. When discovered in 1967 via radio telescope, they were thought perhaps to be signals from alien civilizations and astronomers informally dubbed them LGM for “Little Green Men.”

photon (n.)

“unit of electromagnetic radiation,” 1926, from photo- “light” -on “unit.” Related: Photonic.

inductor (n.)

1650s, “one who initiates,” agent noun from Latin stem of induce. Classical Latin inductor meant “one who stirs up, an instigator.” Electromagnetic senses are from 1837.


Luke 10:18

He replied, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven.
Matthew 24:27
“For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”
2 Thessalonians 2:8
And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with THE BRIGHTNESS OF HIS COMING…”



 The Lightning BOLT. It is also called the Twin Sowelus and SS Runes

The Double Lightning Bolt was the symbol of Hitler’s SS. It was meant to signify the Schutzstaffel (Gestapo), but in actuality it stood for Schwarze Sonne or The Black Sun. The black sun is an occult belief that there are two suns, the one we see in our sky and the black one that holds magical powers.  The S.S. spent a great amount of time studying and practicing the dark arts to win the war. Hitler was deep into the occult, anyone with the misconceived notion that he was a Christian, needs to step back and do their research. Hitler was an avid follower of the teachings of Helena Blavatsky, a delusional Theosophist who wrote books on ancient gods, eastern mystic religions, and occult themes. Hitler got his Aryan race being superior from her teachings, along with the use of the swastika symbol.

In Greek mythology the lightning bolt is attributed to Zeus. Many people think this was the Greek’s version of the Christian God, but he is far from it.

Here are just a few characteristics to consider when comparing Zeus with Lucifer:
  • He was full of pride and arrogance.
  • He waged war against the gods above him.
  • He was a master of disguise and deceit.
  • He wielded mighty power on earth.
  • He was known as the “sky god”, often referred to as the “lord of the sky”.
  • He bred with the women of earth to create god-men.
  • He was known as the “god of this world” to many of the ancient cultures.

According to scripture we can see more clearly:

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”
– Isaiah 14:12-14
And he [Jesus] said unto them, “I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. “
Luke 10:18

The following two images are taken directly from the Church of Satan’s website:

The pentagram with the lightning bolt in the middle is known as the Anton LaVey sigil, named after the founder of the church of Satan. According to the website it is to represent the office of the High Priest of the Church of Satan. The lightning bolt in the pendant was inspired by the one seen in the logo for RKO Pictures, as well as other contemporary symbols denoting electrical power.



In folklore, lightning has often been associated with the Devil, seen as a physical manifestation of his wrath or presence. The destructive marks left by lightning strikes—streaks, jagged lines, and charred, hooked impressions—are believed to be the Devil’s claw marks. These ominous signs have long been interpreted as a testament to his power and his ability to wreak havoc upon the mortal world.

Nicholas Remy, a prominent 16th-century demonologist, further cemented this connection in his writings. He claimed that demons actively mingle with lightning, guiding its path and determining where it strikes. According to Remy, this diabolical influence explains the seemingly arbitrary and destructive nature of lightning. He recounted a personal experience from his childhood in Charmes, France, where his family home was struck by lightning. The event left what he described as “deep claw marks,” which he attributed to the Devil himself. This eerie phenomenon, paired with the house being filled with the “most foul smell of sulfur,” was considered undeniable evidence of demonic activity.

The presence of sulfuric odors is a recurring theme in accounts of supernatural and infernal occurrences. Sulfur, often referred to as brimstone, has historically been linked to Hell and its denizens. The foul stench accompanying lightning strikes has been interpreted as a lingering trace of the Devil’s presence, reinforcing the belief that such natural disasters are not merely acts of nature but are imbued with a sinister, otherworldly influence.

This folklore underscores the deep-seated fear and fascination with the unknown that has shaped human understanding of natural phenomena. Lightning, with its sudden and violent force, became a symbol of divine or infernal intervention. The belief that demons and the Devil himself can command such power reflects a worldview where the natural and supernatural are intricately intertwined, each serving as a reflection of humanity’s ongoing struggle to comprehend and confront the forces of good and evil.

These tales of demonic influence on lightning served as cautionary warnings, urging individuals to remain vigilant against the Devil’s pervasive reach. They also reinforced the power of spiritual defenses, such as prayers, blessings, and the use of sacred symbols, to ward off malevolent forces that might strike in the form of a sudden storm.


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nonvaxer420 42.5K followers KNOW WHAT DIS EASE IS XX The Bio-Electric Body https://youtu.be/Ambn23GCYRE?si=fSzjpHmknS-IWlx2



66 Subscribers
407 Views – 5 months ago
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Black Pills by modified Rockefeller-bloodline whistleblower Sabrina Wallace. I studied this info for about 2 years now, and it is legit, best thing is to watch a lot of tech presentations on these subject, I will link Nonvaxer420 on Rumble here, he has great compilations, best source for fast and bitter intros and deep dive clues and names etc https://rumble.com/user/nonvaxer420/videos


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1190 Views – 7 years ago
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Rebroadcast from STRANGER THAN FICTION NEWS 3-29-2018 www.STFNEWS.com http://stfnreport.com/ https://www.facebook.com/stfnews/ Magnet links can be accessed via Web Torrent — https://webtorrent.io/


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195 Views – 3 years ago
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patented invention here: https://patents.google.com/patent/US6506148B2/en Ecranele – interfață a lumii nevăzute căzute. Screens – interface of the unseen fallen world.


Lightning struck the US Capitol building and Washington Monument simultaneously on New Year’s Eve…





What’s up with those strange weather phenomena?

Donald Trump supporters on social media speculated over whether a divine message was being sent after lightning strikes reportedly hit the US Capitol Building and Washington Monument in Washington DC, and the One World Trade Center and Empire State Building in New York City, on New Year’s Eve.





UPDATE : VIDEO ADDED 4/5/23 If you have not noticed CHAOS is beginning to manifest across the Earth.  So many disastrous citations and events happening every day.  Some of the major events are mentioned in the videos below. There is not enough room to include them all here or enough time to research and collect … Click Here to Read More


Volcanic lightning  occurs in the plume of a volcanic eruption. Like all thunderstorms, volcanic lightning happens when static electricity builds up in the atmosphere before being released in the form of a lightning bolt



The Power of the Volcano: Unlocking the Potential of Geothermal Energy


Natural fireworks…

As predicted, a CME struck Earth’s magnetic field on Dec. 31st (1621 UTC). The strike sparked strong geomagnetic storms and auroras well outside the Arctic Circle. Below, a picture from Oravska Lesna, Slovakia with fireworks:

On Jan. 1st, auroras spilled across the Arctic Circle, spreading as far south as MexicoColorado  and Arizona  during an intense geomagnetic storm. For a while, storm levels reached category G4, which is severe. The storm is subsiding now, but sky watchers should remain alert for auroras as geomagnetic activity flickers between category G1 (Minor) and G3 (Strong) for the next 12 to 24 hours…





This is off Hal Turner’s Site ……

Last night as heavy rain and (rare) December Thunderstorms rampaged through the eastern USA, three iconic structures were ALL struck by lightning: The Empire State Building in New York City, The US Capital and Washington Monument, in Washington, DC.

The strikes all came BEFORE midnight on the east coast.

Speculation is running rampant that this was either the final “F.U.” of 2024, or a harbinger of bad things to come in the near future.

Strangely, a terrorist attack which took place early this morning in New Orleans, LA, saw the driver of a pick-up truck intentionally ram through crowds of people on historic Bourbon Street, in the French Quarter of New Orleans.

That truck was a Ford, model F-150 “Lightning” truck!

The word “Lightning” is even shown on the side of the truck!

A LOT of people today are saying this is just more proof that we are in a “spiritual battle” between good and evil.

Here are some interesting promo pics I found on line for the F150 Lightning…


What flag is on the back of this pickup truck that was used by the NOLA Bourbon Street terrorist?

It took time to be revealed… It’s been confirmed it was an ISIS flag and the attacker was 42-year-old Shamsud Din Jabbar, though authorities think there may be more suspects involved

FYI, the City of New Orleans HAD hydraulic steel car barriers, but left them DOWN last night. Instead, they opted for “flimsy orange ones that you could just push over with your finger…” Great choice!


Story by C. A. Bridges, USA TODAY NETWORK – Florida       excerpts only here.  Click the title link above for the full report

On New Year’s Day, a man drove his speeding truck into a crowd of New Orleans partiers in what the FBI is calling a terrorist assault. He killed 15 people and injured more than 30 more before firing at New Orleans police, injuring two before officers shot and killed him.

The suspect, who has been preliminary identified by the FBI as Shamsud Din Jabbar, 42, a U.S. citizen, Texas resident and Army veteran who served in Afghanistan for six years. Jabbar appeared to be carrying an ISIS flag. Authorities are trying to determine if he acted alone.

“An ISIS flag was located in the vehicle and the FBI is working to determine the subject’s potential associations and affiliations with terrorist organizations,” the FBI said in a statement. The agency also found more weapons and a potential explosive in Jabbar’s rented pickup truck, and other potential explosives were found in the French Quarter region of the city.

Later Wednesday, FBI special agent Alethea Duncan told reporters the ISIS flag was hanging from the trailer hitch of thrented truck

The suspect’s motives are still unknown. Court records obtained by USA TODAY revealed that the twice-divorced Jabbar had been having severe financial difficulties despite holding a $120,000-a-year job.

What is the ISIS flag?

A wall painting can be seen of the ISIS flag at a former Islamic State base in the Syrian city of al-Bab, Syria September 19, 2017.© KHALIL ASHAWI, REUTERS

The Flag of the Islamic State is black. White Arabic letters across the top say La ‘ilaha ‘illa-llah, or “There is no god but Allah. Mohammad is the messenger of Allah.” This phrase, known as the shahada, is an important declaration of Islamic faith.

Below is a white circle with black lettering which translates to “Mohammed is the messenger of God” in an approximation of what’s known as the Seal of Mohammed that the prophet is believed to have used on his letters, according to the Independent.



All Electric Ford F-150 Lightning – Walkaround & Details You Might Have Missed!

visibility13K viewscalendar_monthSep 4, 2024
Thom Cannell gives us a special look at the all-new Ford F-150 Lightning during the 2022 Chicago Auto Show.

It looks like the F150 Lightning may have the number 7 appearing on each corner formed around the lights; both headlights and taillights.  

In the world of the Occult and Numerology the number 7777 has strong significance.

Number 7777, which is a symbol of growth, divine guidance, and support. The 7777 angel number is a message from your guardian angels, guiding you toward self-awareness and growth.

The 7777 angel number carries the powerful vibrational energy of the number 7, amplified fourfold due to its repeated appearance. In numerology, the number 7 is deeply spiritual, symbolizing introspection, wisdom, and enlightenment. It represents a strong connection to the divine and the pursuit of inner truth. The number 7 encourages you to trust your intuition, embrace your spiritual journey, and seek deeper understanding in all aspects of your life.

The number 7 intensifies its influence, emphasizing spiritual growth and alignment with your higher purpose, when it appears four times in 7777. This repeated pattern signals a time of transformation, urging you to stay focused on your spiritual path, trust your inner guidance, and maintain faith in the process of your personal growth. The message of 7777 encourages you to cultivate a deeper connection with the universe and your own soul’s mission.

The angel number 7777 combines the energies of 77 and 777. In numerology, 77 improves your connection with intuition, whereas 777 inspires you to overcome challenges.

Numerologists also consider the number 7777 to be lucky due to its symbolic meaning and connection to angelic presence. It radiates good fortune, reminding you that the universe supports your journey.   We are not talking Heaven’s Angels here.  We are talking FALLEN ANGELS.


The Ford F-150 Lightning EV is coming, here’s a look at its gas-powered predecessors

According to sources familiar with the matter, 2025 Ford F-150 Lightning production at the Rouge Electric Vehicle Center is currently scheduled to commence on November 12th, 2024 – coincidentally, the same day that production of the ICE-powered 2025 Ford F-150 is slated to start, at least at the Dearborn Truck plant in Michigan, after which it will hit the lines at the Kansas City Assembly plant in Missouri on December 9th. It’s worth noting, however, that these dates are all subject to change, as we’ve seen happen several times in the past.

F150 Lightning Issues    Some very interesting problems with the steering, check it out.


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111 Views – 5 months ago
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The Pollution Of The Electric Car And Its Effect On Your Body. Electromagnetic Poisoning.
