OBAMA – RETURNS TO THE SEAT OF SATAN – Will he declare himself GOD?

WOW… Obama will be in Berlin at the Throne of Zeus/Satan on April 6!!  April 6 is not far away!   So, the snake is returning to the seat of Power.  That is very significant.  We are so close to the end folks, better keep your heads up!   Eyes to the HEAVENS.  You better know the … Click Here to Read More

We kill babies, Now we will kill the Mentally Handicapped… who is next?

WOW…. here you go… we are rapidly moving toward Euthanasia!  First babies after they have been born, now the Mentally Ill,  next will be all the handicapped and the elderly.  Everything is escalating so fast.  Gay Agenda, Gun confiscation, Pedophilia, legalized drug abuse, elimination of Parental Rights, Robots to replace every job, the destruction of … Click Here to Read More

Welcome to the Future – China the MODEL Government

If you don’t believe we are headed down this path, take another look at what is already happening to individual rights in this country.  Parents no longer have any rights to decide what is best for their children, individuals have no rights to freedom of speech, our rights to keep and bear arms are disappearing … Click Here to Read More

Its a DAM Shame – Part 1 – ALERT! KEEP WATCH! Your Neighborhood is in TROUBLE

​It’s your money, what are they doing with it??  Take a look around at our nation.  It is a disgrace.  All that hard earned money that our parents and grandparents paid into the Nation’s till to cover the cost of upkeep for our infrastructure and where has it gone?  Our roads are fracturing, crumbling and … Click Here to Read More

Training our Replacements

Get Ready… Humans are about to become obsolete.   Over the past several decades, technology/software has become an integral part of every occupation in the nation.  Little did we know that we were actually training out replacements.  As business owners sought to cut costs and implement cost-saving policies, we were all asked to write down every … Click Here to Read More

What is Happening to White Males in America? Updates 2/28/21

Let me preface this by stating that this article is not Politically Correct, this is an article that contains many personal opinions and everyone is still entitled to freedom of expression.  It is not my goal or intention to hurt or offend anyone.  If you are easily offended, please move on to something else, this … Click Here to Read More


UPDATE ADDED 5/4/24 You can believe me or not.  I KNOW that back in probably the late 70s early 80’s I saw a PHIL DONAHUE show where he had guests on to talk about the new headset for the rich.  It was a virtual reality headset, and it was part of a game they described … Click Here to Read More

FAKE NEWS – Who do you Believe?

RESTORED: 3/8/22; RESTORED 10/9/22 It is no wonder that the Corporate Establishment hates the Truther Community.  They are losing their grip on the masses because of intelligent, honest researchers who are exposing their lies.  They love to use the magic words “Conspiracy Theorists” to discredit those who are earnestly seeking the truth.  But, the people … Click Here to Read More

What Driver Shortage? Just Another Globalist Deception

The demand for trucks to move goods has exploded so you would think that Truck Drivers would be highly appreciated and well paid.  NOT SO!  Truck Drivers have increasingly been treated extremely badly by the industry for decades. They have made it harder and harder for a Truck Driver to make a decent living, while … Click Here to Read More


/12 “A single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of any iniquity or any sin which he has committed; on the evidence of two or three witnesses, a matter shall be confirmed.  Deuteronomy 19:15 “Do not receive an accusation against an elder except on the basis of two or three witnesses.”  … Click Here to Read More


​ What are you going to do when this is YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD?  Don’t kid yourself… this is reality.   With so many companies going out of business and so many aliens swarming into our nation, jobs are becoming more and more scarce.  And what about AI?  They are creating robots to perform every single job including … Click Here to Read More

TRUE ISRAEL – Let’s clear this up.

RESTORED 2/19/22 THERE IS A CLAIM THAT IS SPREADING THAT STATES THAT BLACK’S ARE THE TRUE ISRAELITES and WHITES ARE TO DIE OR BE SLAVES TO BLACKS. This issue has been troubling me for a long time.  I could not believe that anyone could take this claim seriously.  But, it is growing.  I must speak … Click Here to Read More