Destroyed from the Inside
Cynthia Pawl, December 11, 2015, update 6/24/18; 4/27/19; UPDATE: 8/30/22; Restored and Updated 7/23/24
Well, well, well. Lo and Behold. In researching Wandering Stars, I found the following insight on SAMA. It is SUN WORSHIP. SAMA is the Ancient Name of the SUN God!! Which makes perfect sense as we know that YOGA is Sun Worship! Yoga is a discipline that teaches you to Breathe and pose your body in a manner that gives glory to the SUN. These Sama/Satori also are focused on teaching you breathing and using your body, but to control your emotion and gain control over others.
Classical planet From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Babylonian astronomy
Sumerian language | Akkadian language | English language | Presiding deity |
Bišebi | Šamaš | Sun | Šamaš |
Sama Restraint Training
sama restraint training provides a comprehensive and comprehensive pathway for students to see progress after the end of each module. With a team of extremely dedicated and quality lecturers, sama restraint training will not only be a place to share knowledge but also to help students get inspired to explore and discover many creative ideas from themselves. Clear and detailed training methods for each lesson will ensure that students can acquire and apply knowledge into practice easily. The teaching tools of sama restraint training are guaranteed to be the most complete and intuitive.
Information Videos: Samples
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Sama Restraint Training – XpCourse |
Handling Aggressive Behaviors p3 of 3 |
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SAMA: Sacred Stone Academy of Massage

SAMA is an Approved CE Provider, offering comprehensive, practical and inspiring distance-learning courses online and print-version continuing education credits for re-certification in massage therapy with the National Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) , Yoga (Yoga Alliance CEs), Ayurveda CEUs with the National Ayurveda Medical Association (NAMA – PACE).
At SAMA, students enliven their healing gifts, empowering themselves and the world with knowledge, truth, love and kindness, creating the space for each of us to heal. The guru is within and the privilege of a lifetime is being who we are.
The SAMA School located in New England USA offers licensing & certification in massage, Yoga Teacher Training & CEU’s from CBTMB formerly NCBTMB | Ayurvedic Health Counselor Training Course Program. Commute from MA,CT, VT,NH, RI, ME or learn online.
The products and services we offer
In operation since 1999, SAMA is one of the only credentialed, professional and holistic Ayurvedic massage schools that offer certification, state licensure and online education in the world. S.A.M.A. means ‘balance’ in Sanskrit. The Newport Massage School at SAMA is proprietary, traditional school offering graduates a chance to have a career as a state Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT), as well as an Registered Ayurvedic Health Counselor. We also offer online and campus seminars for continuing education credits from the NCBTMB for LMTs. According to the science of Ayurveda, the human body, given the right support, has an inherent capacity to heal itself. It is considered 1 of the top 3 medical systems in the world listed by the World Health Organization. We are one of the only private massage schools in RI recognized by RI Board of Governors for Higher Education, National Ayurvedic Medical Association, Yoga Alliance and Certification Board of Therapeutic Massage (CBTMB), providing students opportunities for a comprehensive, unique and diverse education.
- the Sufi practice of gathering to listen to religious poetry that is sung, often accompanied by ecstatic dance or other ritual.
Sama (, Persian and – sama‘un) is a Sufi ceremony performed as dhikr. Sama means “listening”, while dhikr means “remembrance”. These rituals often include singing, playing instruments, dancing, recitation of poetry and prayers, wearing symbolic attire, and other rituals. It is a particularly popular form of worship in the Chishti order of the Indian subcontinent. babylon

Ayurveda (/ˌɑːjʊərˈviːdə, -ˈveɪ-/)[1] is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent.[2] Globalized and modernized practices derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of complementary or alternative medicine.[3][4] In countries beyond India, Ayurveda therapies and practices have been integrated in general wellness applications and in some cases in medical use.[5]
The main classical Ayurveda texts begin with accounts of the transmission of medical knowledge from the Gods to sages, and then to human physicians.[6] In Sushruta Samhita (Sushruta’s Compendium), Sushruta wrote that Dhanvantari, Hindu god of Ayurveda, incarnated himself as a king of Varanasi and taught medicine to a group of physicians, including Sushruta.[7][8] Ayurveda therapies have varied and evolved over more than two millennia.[2] Therapies are typically based on complex herbal compounds, minerals and metal substances (perhaps under the influence of early Indian alchemy or rasa shastra). Ancient Ayurveda texts also taught surgical techniques, including rhinoplasty, kidney stone extractions, sutures, and the extraction of foreign objects.[9][10]
Although laboratory experiments suggest it is possible that some substances used in Ayurveda might be developed into effective treatments, there is no scientific evidence that any are effective as currently practiced.[11] Ayurveda medicine is considered pseudoscientific.[12] Other researchers consider it a protoscience, or trans-science system instead.[13][14] In a 2008 study, close to 21% of Ayurveda U.S. and Indian-manufactured patent medicines sold through the Internet were found to contain toxic levels of heavy metals, specifically lead, mercury, and arsenic.[15] The public health implications of such metallic contaminants in India are unknown.[15]
Doṣa balance is emphasized, and suppressing natural urges is considered unhealthy and claimed to lead to illness.[19] Ayurveda treatises describe three elemental doṣas viz. vāta, pitta and kapha, and state that equality (Skt. sāmyatva) of the doṣas results in health, while inequality (viṣamatva) results in disease. Ayurveda treatises divide medicine into eight canonical components. Ayurveda practitioners had developed various medicinal preparations and surgical procedures from at least the beginning of the common era.[20]
SO, this is also a spiritual practice taught to ancient people by Spirit beings/entities (Demons/Fallen angels). This practice is part of Eastern Religion (Hindu/Buddhist).
What does SAMA mean? –
Definition of SAMA in the dictionary. Meaning of SAMA. What does SAMA mean? Information and translations of SAMA in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
What does 姫様 (Hime-sama) mean in Japanese?
Sama Vritti is a Sanskrit phrase, ‘sama’ meaning ‘even, smooth, flat, equal or same’ and ‘vritti’ means ‘fluctuations or modifications’.So the phrase indicates a smoothing of the fluctuations of the mind into stillness. As its name suggests, it is said to create quality of ‘sameness’ or balance in the flow of consciousness.
What is Sama-Vritti? – Definition from Yogapedia
Sama Vritti Pranayama (Box Breath or Equal Breathing .
Samaveda | Vedic text | Britannica
Sama | Make space for resolution
Sama | Sama Lokadalat

SAMA yoga wellness – SAMA is a family-owned yoga studio focused on services to heal the mind, body and align your spirit.
We focus on educating; starting at the beginning (learning to make shapes with your body), then moving forward mindfully (leaning the philosophy of yoga within the pose and life), and finally teaching you to connect and express on and off the mat.
Everything we do at Sama is with the intention of supporting different aspects and stages of life with Yoga.
Since our doors opened in 2014, we have built a family-oriented space focused on supporting the health and spirit of the surrounding community. Our services include:
- yoga classes
- yoga and self improvement workshops
- yoga for the RAW beginner
- massage therapy
- yoga teacher training
- Reiki attunements
- holistic coaching services
You’ll notice that we work to personalize your practice; we make it a point to know your name, ailments, modifications, favorite poses, and strengths. Over time, and with consistent practice, our instructors are able to support your progression at your own pace. We offer a variety of classes, specialty programs, workshops and training’s for you to experience, go deeper, keep practicing, and have fun.
Sama Dog‘s mission is to expand and improve the well being of dogs and their humans.
Our approach is based on traditional teachings from the East, namely Ayurveda,
integrated with a multitude of other holistic, natural and spiritual practices to cultivate balance and health. We recognize dogs as our soulful companions and shine a spotlight on the mutual impact dogs and humans have on each other’s lives, families and overall wellness. Source
Fu Dog with Bronze Finish Set – SAMA Museum Shop
Photo below was taken from their website. Recognize this god?
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“O-Jizo-sama is basically like a mother to us.
We ask for help or implore it, as we would a mother.
Because of all the deities, it is the one we feel closest to.”
As Jizo, the bodhisattva (bosatsuin in Japanese) has become the most beloved figures of Japanese Buddhism. Stone figures of Jizo populate temple grounds, city and country.
O-Jizo-Sama, as he is often respectfully called, is one of the most venerated Bosatsu in all of Japan. He is usually portrayed as a monk, wearing robes with a shaven head. He often holds a staff called a shakujo. This is used to both scare away living creatures so he doesn’t hurt them accidentally, and to awaken us from our dream-like world of illusion. On images and statues, he holds a wish-granting jewel that he shares with Kanzeon Bosatsu and Vishnu in the Hindu tradition.
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Women also pray to Jizo for fertility and easy childbirth. Some temples sell amulets for this purpose.
Jizo’s role in Japan has changed along with the needs of modern society with the introduction in the 1970s of mizuko kuyo, a ceremony for aborted fetuses performed at local temples.
Dressing Jizo, accruing merit: Jizo statues are often dressed with a small red bib around their necks. This practice of dressing Jizo includes hats, robes, or anything one wishes to adorn his figure with. Such red bibs were said to have been worn by children in earlier times. Although the bibs are usually red, a color that represents safety and protection, they can be any color, fabric or pattern.
Local women usually take care of Jizo statues and provide them with hand-knitted hats and hand-sewn bibs. The practice of dressing Jizo statues may be related to accruing merit for the afterlife, a common theme in Buddhism. Jizo represents a monk, and when people dress a monk statue, they accrue merit. Dressing Jizo gives people a chance to interact with him.
Sentai Jizo (one thousand Jizos): Jizo is also the overseer of muen botoke (the unconnected dead), those forgotten graves of ancestors or of the marginally departed. In medieval times noh and kyogen theater in Nara and Kyoto were performed near graveyards to appease the restless souls of the dead. Sometimes you will see stacks of abandoned tombstones, those no longer attached to a grave, gathered together and tied individually with red bibs. This practice is intimately linked to Jizo as the guardian of lost souls. Large groupings of Jizo statues are known as sentai jizo (one thousand Jizos). When grouped together at muen botoke sites, these stones embody the prayers and emotions of family members who once prayed for the deceased—they become “living icons” with the power to save other beings on earth.
Like most of the transcendent bodhisattvas, Jizo may appear in many forms and is ready to help whenever and he is needed. Nearly every community in Japan has its own beloved Jizo statue, and each one has its own name and characteristics. For example, Agonashi Jizo heals toothaches. Doroashi Jizo helps rice farmers with their crops. The Miso Jizo is a patron of scholars. The Koyasu Jizo assists women in labor. There is even a Shogun Jizo, in armor, who protects soldiers in battle. There are easily a hundred or more “special” Jizos throughout Japan.
The Mizuko Ceremony
The Mizuko Ceremony, or Mizuko Kuyo, is a ceremony that centers on Mizuko Jizo. Mizuko means “water baby,” and primarily is performed on behalf of a miscarried or aborted fetus, or a stillborn or very young infant. The Mizuko dates to the post-World War II period in Japan, when abortion rates rose significantly, although it has some more forerunners.
As part of the ceremony, a stone Jizo statue is dressed in children’s clothing — usually red, a color thought to ward — and placed on the temple grounds, or in a park outside the temple. Such parks often resemble a and may even swings and other playground equipment. It’s not unusual for living children to play in the park while parents dress their Jizo in new, seasonal clothes.
Brand new never used condition
- The craftsmanship of this piece is superb, this piece is made of resin
- Great eastern enlightenments piece, makes a perfect gift for any holiday or occasion

Please let us know should you have any questions. Have a great day!… see more
By StealStreet SELLER on July 27, 2015
By Catherine Vanner on July 27, 2015
So now, they have folks bringing idols into their homes out of ignorance. These people don’t even realize what they are doing.
In our modern, western, technically advanced society, we have been far removed from spirituality for such a long time. Even in our Christian Churches, the “Spirit” has not been welcome. We have a “form of godliness, but denying the power thereof”2 Timothy 3:5. This has left us with a huge void, a void that was meant to be filled by the power of the Creator. Because we have denied the Power of the Holy Spirit, we have been ineffective and subject to all manner of evil. We have not taught our children how to stand in the Power of the Blood and the Name of Yeshua/Jesus. Spiritual Warfare has not even been mentioned in our churches. So, being left powerless, folks have turned to anything that promises them some kind of power, some control over their lives and circumstances.
As the world became smaller and smaller, through technology, we have been exposed to the spiritual influences of nations and peoples about whom we previously had little to no knowledge. Without full comprehension of the roots and meaning of these practices and rituals, we have been easy prey. Many have fallen under the spell and influence of demonic spirits, through ignorance.
Our western culture has taught us to be very open, accepting and inclusive. With our cultural revolution, we have turned our back on traditions and old fashioned morals, in search of “self-fulfillment”.
Through experimentation and indulgence in pagan rituals, practices, and beliefs, our nation has completely embraced the darkness. The majority seem to have turned their back on the Judeo/Christian values that created our nation and provided the freedoms we enjoy. We have been enjoying the provision and protection of the Creator for so long that we no longer even recognize his blessings. Modern Americans have no idea what it was like to live in darkness, subject to demonic influences and attacks. That is rapidly changing and we are seeing the fruit. This is the reason for the increase in violence and erratic behaviors that is plaguing our nation.
God is separating the Sheep from the Goats and the sheep are outnumbered. It is overwhelming sometimes to see how quickly the world around us is descending deeper and deeper into darkness. Oh, how they love the lie and hate the truth. How they embrace the darkness and worship death. Sometimes it is hard to believe that people really are choosing that path. It boggles the mind. Well, it boggles the minds of those who truly belong to the Creator. It really should come as no surprise, because Jesus told us that those who would be saved are very few. Matthew 7:13 “13…for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. 14“For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”
It is hard to fathom, but the greatest majority of the world is never going to join our team. God knows that they were never going to choose his path. There is nothing we can do to change that. They do not want to hear the truth. They do not want to know the way to righteousness. They love their wicked ways and the darkness that enables them to indulge in their sinful desires. They see us a hindrance. We are standing in the way of what they see as the perfect world. We are ruining their fun. They reject the Christian/Judeo morals.
Most of those who are falling away from the faith in these modern times were never really converted/saved. They were nominal Christians. They had head knowledge of the plan of salvation but never were their hearts surrendered to him fully. There are not many who really truly are willing to die to self and pursue a true relationship with the savior and the creator.
We are being conditioned and programmed to accept whatever the NEW WORLD ORDER has in store for us. They have been systematically destroying our values, dumbing us down, making us physically weak and emotionally bankrupt. They have been introducing Pagan beliefs and practices through the media, through entertainment, and through the education system. We have been the frog in the pot of water. They have been turning up the heat, little by little. You know what happens to the frog… right?
The following videos and documents were selected to give you an idea of what I am referencing. Many of you will not accept what I am saying because you have been conditioned to believe that these things are all harmless. You may think I am a “Conspiracy Theorist” or an “Alarmist” or a “FEAR MONGER”. I assure you, I am none of those. I am a true follower of the Lord and Savior and his precious Holy Spirit leads me to all truth. I am reaching out to you in love, to spare you from eternal torment. Please take the time to view these things in their entirety. Pray, and ask God to show you the truth.
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Yoga recognized as ‘state religion’ in school
By Bob Unruh
Yoga has been recognized as a “state religion” in a California school district, and an appeals court now is being asked to reject state officials’ arguments that the Hindu meditation and worship – which already has been affirmed as “religious” in a courtroom – has no more spiritual influence than football.
“This school district has essentially adopted a state religion and is forcing it upon our young children by requiring this class to be taken,” said Brad Dacus, president of Pacific Justice Institute, one of the group’s filing briefs with the state’s Court of Appeal for the state’s Fourth Appellate District.
“These actions violate the fundamental right of parents to raise their children according to their beliefs, and they disregard the Constitution that this nation was founded upon.”
The case was brought by the Sedlock family, whose children were being subjected to the training of Ashtanga yoga, which was being provided to the school under a contract with a religious group that promotes the benefits of the meditation and worship.
The case is against the Encinitas Union School District, whose officials say they have removed all the religious aspects of the faith activity even though a lower court found that some of the activities in the school, such as sitting and bowing, were identical to the religious “version.”
“The primary issue on appeal is, considering the context and history of the EUSD yoga program, whether the district is advancing or endorsing Ashtanga yoga – the religious nature of which is undisputed – or whether the district succeeded in stripping yoga (which the trial court found to be religious) of religion by creating a ‘religion-free’ form of yoga, dubbed ‘EUSD yoga’ at trial,” wrote lawyers for the National Center for Law and Policy, who are fighting the case.
“The district’s basic position in claiming to have stripped yoga of ‘cultural references’ to religion is that it can teach children to practice rituals of prayer and devotion from a religious tradition as long as it does not teach about the cultural history and religious contexts of rituals practices,” the court brief from NCLP said.
Already, the trial court ruled that Hinduism is a religion and yoga is “religious.” The trial court, however, agreed that the mandatory yoga classes could continue in the schools.
But the brief argues the district’s position is contrary to what is accepted in the U.S., where students can be taught about religions but cannot be taught to practice religion.
“The district boldly posits that its yoga program ‘is no more religious than football.’ … EUSD’s ‘football’ comparison is absurd and offensive. Perhaps what EUSD really means is that for many, yoga appears to be a purely ‘physical practice.’ But it does not logically follow that because yoga appears merely physical to an uninformed observer that, therefore, yoga is as non-religious as football,” the brief explains.
“First, football has no connection with religious practices engaged in by millions of religious adherents, as is the case with Ashtanga yoga and Hinduism. Second, individuals do not engage in football for ‘spiritual development.’ Third, unless one counts sports bars and man caves, there are no Ashrams or Shalas dedicated to football in Encinitas, while Encinitas hosts world-renowned Hindu worship centers. Fourth, football players do not, in practicing football, engage in religious rituals such as closing their eyes to meditate in the lotus position or bowing down to a sun god who is worshiped by millions.”
Dacus said the plaintiffs are parents of children from the district, and they object to the practice of yoga as taught at the school, such as praying to the sun.
The NCLP said others who are sounding off on the issue include the Church State Council and the World Faith Foundation.
The Yoga Alliance is endorsing the school district’s position.
The NCLP said in India, the national Supreme Court is considering a plan rejected by lower courts to teach yoga in the secular schools because it would discriminate against Muslim and Christian minorities.
The trial court’s ruling “stunned many in 2013” when it found that yoga is “religious,” the school’s poses are “identical” to the religious yoga, but the district nonetheless could teach it.
“No court in the past 50 years has permitted public school officials at school sponsored events to lead impressionable young students to actively participate in devotional religious exercises or practices like Ashtanga yoga’s Surya Namaskara,” said NCLP president Dean Broyles. “Public schools may certainly objectively teach about religion because religion is historically and culturally important. And students are free to express their personal religious beliefs … But the state itself is not constitutionally permitted to endorse or promote religion or religious practices at school sponsored events.
“This prohibition would certainly include bowing to the sun god.”
It was the Jois Foundation that “partnered” with EUSD to teach Ashtanga yoga in place of “traditional physical education.”
It has had the support, for example, of influences as high as Oprah Winfrey’s boyfriend, Stedman Graham, who has lobbied on behalf of the program, which Jois wants to expand nationwide. The private organization’s interest remains significant, as it paid the school $533,000 to be allowed to teach its yoga and the teachers must be approved by the foundation.
WND previously reported the Jois Foundation, also known as Somina, included among its founders Sonia Tudor Jones, an ardent devotee of yoga who wanted to “spread the gospel of Ashtanga through the country and even internationally.” Jones worked on a plan for a three-year “scientific study” in the schools using the religious program.
When the lawsuit was heard, the trial court judge “acknowledged that, although not structured as a religious foundation per se, Jois/Sonima is ‘deeply involved in yoga and Ashtanga yoga’ and ‘has a mission to establish and teach Ashtanga yoga,'” the plaintiffs explained.
They have pointed out that the Ashtanga yoga supporters have “affirmed … explicit teaching that the mere ‘physical practice’ of the yoga … leads practitioners to ‘become one with god … whether they want it or not.‘”
“The Sonima Foundation is a religious organization with a religious agenda. They have the explicitly religious ‘outreach’ ‘mission’ of teaching Ashtanga yoga to children, which is based in Hindu religious beliefs and practices,” said Broyles.
He charged that by partnering with Sonima, the school district “has violated the First Amendment and has committed an egregious breach of the public trust.”
San Diego Superior Court Judge John Meyer heard the case and declared in his July 1, 2013, decision that yoga, including the Ashtanga yoga taught at Encinitas, is religious. But the judge also said that the district did not violate the Establishment Causes of the U.S. and California constitutions by hiring yoga instructors to teach yoga to students during class hours.
July 11, 2024 Bright Kids Yoga, a collaborative project teaching yoga in schools in rural northeastern Pennsylvania. Staten Island Alive reports that several Staten Island schools are now incorporating yoga as well. Instructors from Time for Yoga have visited several schools to demonstrate yoga techniques to the students. Classes have been taught at the elementary, middle, and high school levels, hoping to get students of all ages interested in the ancient practice. Cambridge Public Schools in Massachusetts trains its teachers to create a calmer and more balanced classroom environment through yoga. Yoga classes in Encinitas schools will be expanded to additional school locations in January, furthering parents’ concerns… The Problem with Yoga While yoga has been part of public school instruction since 2001, when YogaEd launched a pilot program, some Encinitas parents have voiced concern over the recent spread of the program into more of their schools. According to Diets in Review, these parents have expressed their worries over the potential for religious indoctrination by bringing yoga into the classroom. Ashtanga yoga, taught in Encinitas classrooms, has traditionally been tied to Hinduism. However, school officials have tried to reassure parents that the discipline’s religious aspects have been removed from classroom instruction. Tim Baird, superintendent of Encinitas schools, explained to Diets in Review that students and traditional deep breathing techniques are currently taught the positions. Baird adds that the benefits of yoga, including stress relief and relaxation, have proven beneficial to the students. Some parents do not agree. They have threatened to sue the school district if they don’t stop teaching yoga in the classroom, according to a report at United Press International. “There’s a deep concern the Encinitas Union School District is using taxpayer resources to promote Ashtanga yoga and Hinduism, a religion system of beliefs and practices,” Dean Broyles, an attorney representing the parents, stated in an email to Superintendent Baird. Broyles also warned of legal action if a move was not made to take yoga out of the schools. Concern was also raised about taxpayer dollars supporting a program with religious teaching in the schools. SOURCE |
Read more at…ZHooTdbFAZC.99
This picture shows the All Seeing Eye of Horus/Shiva in the center of the Child’s forehead; a flower at each level of the Chakra’s of the spine that are awakened and surrendered in yoga; and the flower blossoming out of the head that represents the lotus blossom which supposedly blooms when the Serpent has successfully taken full control of the Child/person and occupies the penial gland in the center of the brain. EVERY SINGLE position, meditation, mantra, exercise, practice; related to YOGA, Meditation, and Martial Arts is specifically designed to prepare you and move you towards full surrender. To open you up to spiritual forces that are of Pagan Origin/Demonic. THERE IS NO WAY TO SEPARATE ANY PART of those practices from their religious/spiritual/Pagan roots. They cannot be made neutral, nor could they ever be “CHRISTIANIZED”. Just because they label it “Christian Yoga” or “Christian Martial Arts” or “Christian Meditation”; it is a lie! A deception straight out of the pit of HELL!…ditate/283229/
Should Schools Teach Kids to Meditate?…and-traditions
An Overview of Meditation: Its Origins and Traditions…n_3572952.html
Why Companies Are Turning To Meditation And Yoga To Boost The Bottom Line
The Spiritual Deception of Yoga
Excellent Testimony of where yoga leads
This stuff has taken off in the United States because it promises productivity. We have now progressed from just yoga and meditation. We have been primed. Now that we have opened ourselves up to these entities… now we are openly worshiping them in the exact same manner they worshiped openly by the ancient civilizations. INSANE!
Bob Anderson
Conscious Leadership: A Unified Model of Leadership Development
August 12-16, 2019Consciousness and performance—personal, organizational, and systemic—are fundamentally connected. The organization will be structured and perform at the predominant level of consciousness of its leadership. If we want higher-order performance, individually and organizationally, consciousness must be restructured.
The good news is that the structure of mind can evolve throughout the lifespan. Consciousness, like an operating system, can be restructured for higher performance in the face of higher complexity. Research has mapped out the trajectory of adult development—how consciousness structures itself at one level of mind and then restructures itself into the next higher-order structure, and the next, and the next. Each new higher-order structure ushers in enhanced capacity, in which more—much more—becomes possible.
Are you kidding me????? Have we gone that far already? Oh my GOD! I had no idea that this had been happening right here in the United States! Passing through the FIRE??? How demonic can you get? We have been so conditioned over the past 50 years to accept all this Eastern stuff as normal and even beneficial. It is insane.
They are talking about reshaping your consciousness, outside of GOD, using mind control tactics, yoga, meditation, connecting with the ancients or ascended masters, and other Eastern practices.
But, this is what happens when you take GOD out of the schools and out of government and out of public places. The ONLY GOD, who is not allowed in the USA today is THE TRUE AND LIVING GOD. Any other GOD is welcomed with open arms. INCLUDING SATAN! It is insane. How far we have fallen. And we have brought it on ourselves.
IF that wasn’t crazy enough for you, how about this… These people want to train our bravest and best to WORSHIP ALIENS!!
It is the NOW to connect to our courage within and become powerful Multidimensional Leaders.
The current state of planetary transformation requires us to step into our Multidimensional Power, Unconditional Love, and Infinite Wisdom.
It is the Now to tap into our personal mission and join with our fellow leaders to create a Unified Force of indomitable strength, fierce courage, soul uniqueness, and cultural empowerment.
Together we can, and will, collectively create the highest possible reality and embody the role of Guardians and Spiritual Protectors in service to escalate GAIA into a peak global and galactic reality.
Special Note from our Galactic Family:
The Arcturians and our extended Galactic Family of Guardians were pleased to inform us that they will be overlighting this entire course.
They will be arriving in our webinars, meditations, and discussions to share important messages and real-time updates. They also plan to extend personal invitations to the members of the course.
We are honored to receive this direct guidance and mentorship, and we hope you can join us.
As with all previous leadership courses, we will approach this training with flexibility, and we will all stay in the flow to accommodate what comes forth.
Get a load of how far we have fallen. It was not bad enough that we were making markings on our bodies even though the Word of God clearly declares that we are not to do that. Now, they have carried this to a much more demonic level. Now they are deforming and transforming themselves into creatures of a totally different kind.
The Dark Side of Tattoos (piercings and self mutilation)
Don’t Get Tattoos Demons Manifest Through Them
The World offers you all kinds of promises. The devil and his demons will give you riches and power, even what appears to be peace and/or love for a season. But the end thereof is death. The only real power is in the Blood and the Name of Yeshua/Jesus. Demons know it and they tremble.
“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” Hosea 4:6. In this day, it is dangerous to act without first researching what you are entering into. The Truth is a treasure that has been hidden. You have to search to find it. Deception is all around us.
Our forefathers fled the old world, which had already become totally demonic and pagan, in search of a place where they would be free to worship the Creator without fear of ridicule, torture, and execution. They suffered many hardships and fought hard to build a homeland for us.
You know that history books have been rewritten and what they teach you in school is propaganda. Rulers and governments have been doing that all throughout the history of the world. They do their best to erase and eradicate anything that would make you wise to their game. The people who lived through the horrors of the past knew this. I really think they tried to leave us clues.
I was recently, suddenly struck with a thought. Nursery rhymes, fairy tales, and child games, we all know them well, even to this day. We sang them so repetitiously, as we were growing up. When I learned the truth about nursery rhymes and fairy tales, I was disgusted. I wondered why anyone would teach such morbid stuff to children. Just recently, it hit me. They saw that the truth has been covered up. That history was erasing all signs of the deeply demonic, dark, evil things that had been perpetrated upon the people. The common folk wrote that stuff, in the hope that future generations would wake up to the truth.
2 Corinthians 6:2 “…now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation”
NOW is the time! Don’t miss it! Today is the day of SALVATION. We are about to enter the darkest times ever known to man. There has never been a darker time and there never will be. We must seek him, while he yet may be found, because the “night cometh when no man can work” John 9:4. There is coming a day when the door will close. The time of Grace is about to end. Please do not risk everlasting punishment. CHOOSE LIFE!!!